Wow 51-53
Wow 51-53
Wow 51-53
The archdruid thrust the idol toward one of the nearest of the
gathered. The other night elf instinctively backed up a step. “But in
giving back so much, Teldrassil left itself open to illness! It now
needs us again! In return … it will then surely show us the path to
finding our shan’do!”
He put his hand to his chest, then drew the outline of a circle in
which he then added two vertical, curving streaks. The streaks
represented the antlers of Cenarius. The full symbol itself
represented the Cenarion Circle.
The World Tree was more than merely the home of the night
elves. It was linked to the very health of Azeroth. Ill, it affected not
merely its immediate surroundings, but those lands beyond the
island. Even the very air or the rushing seas were not immune. At
the very least, a Teldrassil that was not well could not maintain the
balance between nature and decay.
The ground shook, but neither Broll nor any of the others felt any
fear, not even when what first appeared to be tentacles burst
underneath them.
But these were not tentacles. Rather, they were the very roots
of Teldrassil. Toward each of the druids a root moved, snaking up
to them as if about to strike. Yet none moved away. They knew that
Teldrassil did not seek to harm them, but instead asked for their
help …