The Origin and Early Evolution of Plants On Land
The Origin and Early Evolution of Plants On Land
The Origin and Early Evolution of Plants On Land
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The origin and early evolution of land plants in the mid-Palaeozoic era, between about 480 and 360 million years ago,
was an important event in the history of life, with far-reaching consequences for the evolution of terrestrial organisms
and global environments. A recent surge of interest, catalysed by palaeobotanical discoveries and advances in the
systematics of living plants, provides a revised perspective on the evolution of early land plants and suggests new
directions for future research.
The origin and early diversification of land plants marks an interval Eoembryophytic (mid-Ordovician [early Llanvirn: !476 Myr] to
of unparalleled innovation in the history of plant life. From a simple Early Silurian [late Llandovery: !432 Myr])3. Spore tetrads (com-
plant body consisting of only a few cells, land plants (liverworts, prising four membrane-bound spores; Fig. 2d) appear over a broad
hornworts, mosses and vascular plants) evolved an elaborate two- geographic area in the mid-Ordovician and provide the first good
phase life cycle and an extraordinary array of complex organs and evidence of land plants3,26,29. The combination of a decay-resistant
tissue systems. Specialized sexual organs (gametangia), stems with wall (implying the presence of sporopollenin) and tetrahedral
an intricate fluid transport mechanism (vascular tissue), structural configuration (implying haploid meiotic products) is diagnostic
tissues (such as wood), epidermal structures for respiratory gas of land plants. The precise relationships of the spore producers
exchange (stomates), leaves and roots of various kinds, diverse within land plants are controversial, but evidence of tetrads and
spore-bearing organs (sporangia), seeds and the tree habit had all other spore types (such as dyads) in Late Silurian and Devonian
evolved by the end of the Devonian period. These and other megafossils16,30, as well as data on spore wall ultrastructure25 and the
innovations led to the initial assembly of plant-dominated terres- structure of fossil cuticles31, support previous suggestions of a land
trial ecosystems, and had a great effect on the global environment. flora of liverwort-like plants (Fig. 1c)3. Some early spores and
Early ideas on the origin of land plants were based on living cuticles may also represent extinct transitional lineages between
groups, but since the discovery of exceptionally well-preserved fossil charophycean algae (Fig. 1a, b) and liverworts (Box 1), but precise
plants in the Early Devonian Rhynie Chert, research has focused understanding of their affinities is hindered by the dearth of
almost exclusively on the fossil record of vascular plants1,2. During associated megafossils.
the 1970s, syntheses of palaeobotanical and stratigraphic data Eotracheophytic (Early Silurian [latest Llandovery: !432 Myr] to
emphasized the Late Silurian and Devonian periods as the critical Early Devonian [mid Lochkovian: !402 Myr])3. The early Silurian
interval during which the initial diversification of vascular plants (latest Llandovery) marks the beginning of a decline in diversity of
occurred1,2, and identified a group of simple fossils (rhyniophytes, tetrads and a rise to dominance of individually dispersed, simple
such as Cooksonia and Rhynia) as the likely ancestral forms2. They spores, which are found in several basal land plant groups (such as
also supported earlier hypotheses of two main lines of evolution: hornworts, some mosses, and early vascular plants)3. Although
one comprising clubmosses (Fig. 1f) and extinct relatives, the other tetrads remain dominant in some Early Devonian localities from
including all other living vascular plants (ferns, horsetails and seed northwestern Europe32, the elaboration of simple spores and turn-
plants; Fig. 1g–j) and related fossils1,2. During the past two decades, over of spore ‘species’3 provide evidence of increasing land plant
the discovery of fossil spores from as far back as the mid-Ordovician diversity and vegetational change. Although spores have been
period3, improved knowledge of living green algae4,5, renewed observed in Silurian megafossils, the affinities of most dispersed
interest in the phylogenetic position of other relevant groups such forms remain unknown, indicating that substantial land plant
as mosses and liverworts5, and advances in molecular systema- diversity is currently undetected in the megafossil record30.
tics5–14, together with unexpected new data on the structure and The earliest unequivocal land plant megafossils are from the mid-
biology of Silurian and Devonian fossils15–25, have provided a Silurian of northern Europe33, and lowermost Upper Silurian of
broader perspective on the origin of a land flora26. These new data Bolivia34 and Australia35, and the uppermost Silurian of north-
indicate that the early diversification of land plants substantially western China36. Early assemblages include clubmosses (such as
pre-dates the Late Silurian to Early Devonian, and suggest that the Baragwanathia) and related early fossils (such as zosterophylls,
main basal lineages originated over a period of more than 100 some species of Cooksonia), and various other plants of uncertain
million years (Myr). affinity (such as Salopella and Hedeia; Fig. 3). These data document
an influx into land plant communities of diverse but generally small
Patterns in the early fossil record (usually less than 10 cm tall) organisms related to vascular plants
Evidence on the origin and diversification of land plants has come (Fig. 3). Exceptions to the generally small size include the clubmoss
mainly from dispersed spores and megafossils. Gray recognized Baragwanathia37 and the large and much-branched Pinnatiramosus
three new plant-based epochs (Eoembryophytic, Eotracheophytic from the early Silurian of China38. The habit and branching of
and Eutracheophytic) spanning the origin and early establishment Pinnatiramosus is similar to that of green algae in the Caulerpales,
of land plants: each is characterized by the relative abundance of but the presence of tracheid-like tubes is inconsistent with this
spore types and megafossils3. This synthesis highlights diversifica- interpretation39. Additional details, including conclusive data on
tion and floral change in the Ordovician and Silurian3,27,28, and reproductive structures, are needed to clarify the relationships of
emphasizes a major discrepancy between evidence from spores and this enigmatic plant.
megafossils: unequivocal land plant megafossils are first recognized Data from northern Europe, Siberia, Podolia (southwestern
in the fossil record roughly 50 Myr after the appearance of land plant Ukraine), Libya, Vietnam, Bolivia, Australia and Xinjiang and
spores. Yunnan (China) document increasing land plant diversity into
Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1997
NATURE | VOL 389 | 4 SEPTEMBER 1997 33
review article
the base of the Devonian33–36,40. These fossils, together with the among land plants, including the capacity to produce sporo-
relative chronology implicit in current hypotheses of relationship, pollenin, cutin, phenolic compounds and the glycolate oxidase
imply a minimum mid-Silurian origin for several important vas- pathway4,48. However, the absence of well-developed sporophytes,
cular plant groups (Box 1; Fig. 4). gametophytes with sexual organs of land plant type, cuticle and
Eutracheophytic (Early Devonian [late Lochkovian: !398 Myr] to non-motile, airborne, sporopollenin-walled spores suggests that
mid-Permian [!256 Myr])3. In the Early Devonian (late Lochko- these innovations evolved during the transition to the land4,18. In
vian) the diversity of spores and megafossils increased contrast to animal groups, the entire multicellular diploid phase of
dramatically29,40–42. Early assemblages include the classic floras the plant life cycle probably evolved in a terrestrial setting.
from the Rhynie Chert20,43,44, the Gaspé Peninsula of eastern The transition from an aqueous to a gaseous medium exposed
Canada43,44, New York State43,44, the Rhine Valley of Germany45, plants to new physical conditions that resulted in key physiological
Belgium46, Australia35 and Yunnan Province (China)33, which docu- and structural changes. Important metabolic pathways leading to
ment a substantial increase in vascular plant diversity, including the lignins, flavenoids, cutins and plant hormones in vascular plants
appearance and early diversification of many important living probably arose from pre-existing elements of primary metabolism
groups. in charophycean algae and bryophytes4. Although the evolution of
these pathways is poorly understood, possible phenolic precursors
Building a land plant have been detected in charophycean algae4,31, and elements of auxin
Phylogenetic studies favour a single origin of land plants from metabolism have been recognized in mosses and hornworts49.
charophycean green algae (Box 1). Based on the ecology of living Phylogenetic studies predict that early land plants were small and
species, a freshwater origin of land plants seems likely, but direct morphologically simple, and this hypothesis is borne out by fossil
evidence from the fossil record is inconclusive as mid-Palaeozoic evidence (Fig. 3). Early fossils bear a strong resemblance to the
charophytes are found in both freshwater and, more commonly, simple spore-producing phase of living mosses and liverworts (Fig.
marine facies47. Living charophycean algae (Fig. 1a, b) possess 1d, e and 5)16,26,50,51, and these similarities extend to the anatomical
several biosynthetic attributes that are expressed more fully details of the spore-bearing organs and the vascular system19. The
plants26 or an origin from within basal vascular plants14,76,78. Anthocerotopsida (hornworts) ‘Bryophytes’
Among vascular plants, living ferns (Fig. 1g), horsetails (Fig. 1i) and seed Marchantiopsida (liverworts)
plants (Fig. 1j) (euphyllophytes) are the sister group to clubmosses
(Fig.1f) . Euphyllophyte monophyly is strongly supported by compara-
tive morphology26 and a unique 30-kb inversion in the chloroplast genome8, as
13 14
well as sequence data from 18S rRNA and mitochondrial DNA (cox III) .
These data also provide evidence that the enigmatic Psilotaceae (Fig. 1h) (a
group of simple plants once thought to be living relicts of the earliest vascular
plants) are more closely related to the fern–seed plant lineage than to basal
vascular plants (clubmosses or the extinct rhyniophytes). Within vascular extinct Cooksonia and similar early fossils (such as Tortilicaulis, Uskiella,
plants, molecular and morphological assessments of phylogeny at the level Caia15–17,81) (Fig. 3) suggests that simple early land plants (once grouped as
of orders and below give similar results11, but at deeper levels (for example, rhyniophytes1) are an unnatural assemblage26. Some Cooksonia species may
the divergence of major groups of ferns, horsetails and seed plants) phylo- be among the precursors to vascular plants (protracheophytes), whereas
genetic resolution is poor. These difficulties highlight the problems of others are vascular plants apparently allied to the clubmoss lineage26.
approaches based solely on living species . Combined analyses of mole- Clubmosses emerge from a poorly resolved grade of extinct
cular sequences from multiple loci, and large-scale structural characteristics Zosterophyllum-like plants (Fig. 4), although most zosterophylls form a
of the genome (such as introns and inversions), may be more useful in monophyletic group26. Within clubmosses, early leafy herbaceous fossils
assessing deep phylogenetic patterns. such as Baragwanathia and Asteroxylon are basal26,82, and living Lycopodia-
Megafossils fill some of the substantial morphological ‘gaps’ among living ceae are resolved as sister group to a calde that comprises the extinct
groups. Phylogenetic analyses19,26 interpolate two Early Devonian Rhynie herbaceous Protolepidodendrales, living Selaginella and the predominantly
Chert plants, Aglaophyton and Horneophyton, between bryophytes and arborescent carboniferous lepidodendrids, including living Isoetes26,82 (Fig. 4).
basal vascular plants as they possess some features unique to vascular Euphyliophytes make up more than 99% of living vascular plants and
plants (a branched, nutritionally independent sporophyte) but also retain exhibit much greater diversity than lycophytes. Relationships among basal
bryophyte-like characteristics (terminal sporangia, columella in euphyllophytes are still poorly understood26. Further progress requires a
Horneophyton, and the absence of leaves, roots and tracheids with well- better understanding of the relationships of several fossil groups of uncertain
defined thickenings). The discovery of previously unrecognized diversity in status (such as Trimerophytina, Cladoxylales and Zygopteridales)26,79.
Figure 1 Morphological diversity among basal living land plants and potential sule); magnification × 4.5 (photograph courtesy of W. Burger). f, Huperzia
land-plant sister groups. a, Coleochaete orbicularis (Charophyceae) gameto- (clubmoss) sporophyte with leaves showing sessile yellow sporangia; magnifi-
phyte; magnification × 75 (photograph courtesy of L. E. Graham). b, Chara cation × 0.8. g, Dicranopteris (fern) sporophyte showing leaves with circinate
(Charophyoceae) gametophyte; magnification × 1.5 (photograph courtesy of M. vernation; magnification × 0.08. h, Psilotum (whisk fern) sporophyte with reduced
Feist). c, Riccia (liverwort) gametophyte showing sporangia (black) embedded in leaves and spherical synangia (three fused sporangia); magnification × 0.4. i,
the thallus; magnification × 5 (photograph courtesy of A. N. Drinnan). d, Equisetum (horsetail) sporophyte with whorled branches, reduced leaves, and a
Anthoceros (hornwort) gametophyte showing unbranched sporophytes; magni- terminal cone; magnification × 0.4. j, Cycas (seed plant) sporophyte showing
fication × 2.5 (photograph courtesy of A. N. Drinnan). e, Mnium (moss) leaves and terminal cone with seeds; magnification × 0.05 (photograph courtesy
gametophyte showing unbranched sporophytes with terminal sporangia (cap- of W. Burger).
Figure 2 a, Longitudinal section of part of a silicified early fossil gametophyte are from the Remy Collection (slides 200, 90 and 330), Abteilung Paläobotanik,
(Kidstonophyton discoides from the Rhynie Chert). Antheridia (male sexual Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany (photographs courtesy of
organs) are located on the upper surface of the branch; magnification × 3.4. b, H. Hass and H. Kerp). d, Scanning electron micrograph of Tetrahedraletes
Longitudinal section of antheridium of Lyonophyton rhyniensis from the Rhynie medinensis showing a spore tetrad of possible liverwort affinity from the Late
Chert; magnification × 40. c, Longitudinal section of archegonium (female sexual Ordovician (photograph courtesy of W. A. Taylor); magnification × 670.
organ) of Langiophyton mackiei from the Rhynie Chert; magnification × 80. a–c
Figure 3 Sporophyte diversity in Early Devonian rhyniophyte fossils. a, Cooksonia nification × 30. d, Transverse section of sporangium showing thick wall and
pertonii apiculispora: sporophyte (incomplete proximally) with terminal central spore mass; magnification × 70. e, Details of epidermis at rim of spor-
sporangium15; magnification × 15. b, Tortilicaulis offaeus: sporophyte (incomplete angium; magnification × 45. f, Stomate with two reniform guard cells (stippled);
proximally) with terminal sporangium81; magnification × 40. c. Tortilicaulis offaeus: magnification × 120.
sporophyte (incomplete proximally) with terminal bifurcating sporangium81; mag-
Figure 4 Simplified phylogenetic tree showing the minimum stratigraphic ranges remain to be confirmed44. Note that megafossil evidence for vascular plants
of selected groups based on megafossils (thick bars) and their minimum implied precedes megafossil evidence of bryophytes and charophycean algae. Confir-
range extensions (thin lines). Also illustrated alongside time scale are minimum mation that the Early Devonian Sporogonites is a plant at the bryophyte grade
age estimates for the appearance of certain important land-plant features (from could help to reduce this discrepancy. Tre, Tremadoc; Arg, Arenig; Lln, Llanvirn;
the bottom: spore tetrads, cuticles, single trilete spores, megafossils and Llo, Llandeilo; Crd, Caradoc; Ash, Ashgill; Lly, Llandovery; Wen, Wenlock; Lud,
stomates). The first unequivocal record of charophycean algae is based on Ludlow; Pri, Pridoli; Lok, Lochkovian (Gedinnian); Prg, Pragian (Siegenian); Ems,
calcified charalean oogonia (female sexual organs) from the Late Silurian (Pridoli, Emsian; Eif, Eifelian; Giv, Givetian; Frs, Frasnian; Fam, Famennian; Tou, Tournai-
!410 Myr)83 and distinctive gametophytes from the Early Devonian Rhynie Chert44. sian; Vis, Visean; Spk, Serpukhovian; Bsh, Bashkirian; Mos, Moscovian; Kas,
Proposed similarities between living Coleochaete and Early Devonian Parka Kasimovian; Gze, Gzelian.