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488. Industrial Pharmacy: A Comprehensive Approach Infrared (IR) radiant heat tunnel contains resistancein-glass heaters as the source of heat. The heaters are placed above and below the rotating belt. The air is allowed to pass through prefilter and HEPA filter. Air is supplied into the cooling zone mainly to maintain air pressure and cooling. This air flows in direction opposite to that of the load and ‘throughout entire tunnel. A simplified diagram of a typical tunnel IR sterilizer is shown in. Fig. 13.4, Distrbution chamber PU {a) Schematic diagram of a typical tunnel IR sterilizer ig. 1 {b) Diagram of a small tunnel IRsterilizer ‘Typical tunnel IR sterilizers In hot-air laminar flow (LF) tunnel hot filtered air is blown anto the material (load). ‘There is a circulation fan to withdraw the air from the load. The load remains on the hot bars present below the rotating belt, The air is again recirculated inside the tunnel after passing through HEPA in filter to operate at high temperature. The entire system should be air-tight to prevent particulate contamination. Compared to IR radiant tunnel the air flow system in hot-air LF tunnel is complex. Even though, the hot-air LF tunnel is preferred for its efficacy. The sterilization process is faster. ‘Comparison between batch oven and continuous tunnel Dry heat Tunnels 1. Advantageous for continuous process. Diy heat Batch sterilizer Suitable for batch process. Not suitable for ‘antinuous process Batch workis necessary. Suitable for small batches ‘No bateh work is required) "3. Most suitable for large manufacturing “Steady ai flow from sterile area to the tunnel through connection s require. Separate alr flow in separate area will be required. 5. Air pressure in stelle area needs to be Kept litte more than that in the tunnel area Ait pressure should be maintained separately in diferent area as per need. Table Contd.

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