Student ANS Dr.a Q
Student ANS Dr.a Q
Student ANS Dr.a Q
• Spinal
The Sympathetic Plexuses
Usually mixed plexuses with parasympathetic fibres
The internal & external carotid, receive fibres from the carotid
nerve & are distributed with the branches
Cardiac & pulmonary plexuses receive cervical & thoracic cardiac
The oesophageal receives fibres from the thoracic SN
The coeliac, renal, superior & inferior mesenteric receive fibres
from the thoracic splanchnic through the prevertebral ganglia
(same names)
The aortic & superior hypogastric are extensions of the coeliac &
The inferior hypogastric receive from the lumbar SN
• The parasympathetic nervous system that relaxes
the individual once the emergency has passed (eg.
slows the heart rate down and reduces blood
pressure) and conserves the body’s natural
activity by decreasing activity/maintaining it.
• The parasympathetic nervous system is associated
with returning the body to resting state functions.
This makes the parasympathetic nervous system
important in supporting homeostasis.
• Therefore, it is important for ensuring we return
to normal after a stressful situation.
• Parasympathetic nerve fibers from the brain will pass to the
target organs along with the cranial nerves (III, VII, IX, and
X) (1973), but the main parasympathetic cranial nerve is
the vagus nerve(X), which carries about70-80% of the
parasympathetic activity. The vagus nerve will supply the
thoracic, abdominal viscera, while the terminal part of the
large intestine and the pelvic sex organs will be supplied by
the sacral parasympathetic fibers. The oculomotor (III),
facial (VII), and glossopharyngeal (IX) will supply the head
and neck by parasympathetic nerve fibers.
Parasympathetic Nervous System
• Anatomically, the preganglionic parasympathetic
nerve fibers originate mainly from the brain, few
fibers originate from the terminal part of the spinal
cord (S2-S4). These fibers synapse with the
parasympathetic ganglia which are present near the
target organs. Therefore, the preganglionic fibers
will be long and the postganglionic fibers will be
short. The pre and post parasympathetic nerve
fibers secrete acetylcholine.
Parasympathetic Cranial Outflow (brain stem)
• Preganglionic fibers run via
– Oculomotor nerve (III).
– Facial nerve (VII)
– Vagus nerve (X)
– Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)
Outflow via the Oculomotor Nerve (III)
• Parasympathetic fibers
– Stimulate secretion of glands in the head
Outflow via the Vagus Nerve (X)
• Fibers innervate visceral organs of the thorax and
most of the abdomen
• Stimulates
– Digestion, reduction in heart rate and reduction in blood
Sacral Outflow
The ciliary receives PGFs from the occulomotor & the postg. pass
to the constrictor pupilae & the ciliary muscles
Origin (Location) From spinal cord Brain & few from sacrum
(thoracolumbar) (craniosacral)
Nerves Spinal nerves Cranial nerves
• 1. Sympathetic receptors:
• Alpha (α 1, α 2 ), & Beta receptors (β1, β2, β3)
• 2. Parasympathetic receptors:
• Muscarinic (M1, M2, M3)
• and Nicotinic Receptors
Types of sympathetic receptors
They are called adrenoceptors: α1, α2, β1, β2, β3
• α1: present in blood vessels, sphincters of GI and
urinary tracts, penis and seminal vesicles, radial
muscle of the iris.
• α2: found in the intestine and pancreas (β-cells),
presynaptically to control release
• β1: in the heart and juxtaglumerulous apparatus
• β2: in the ciliary muscle in the eyes, bronchial
muscles, GI, skeletal muscles
• β3: fat cells
α- adrenoceptors
There are 2 types of α receptors:
• α1: • α2 :
causes: causes:
1. Vasoconstriction 1. Decrease release of
Ach and NA (pre-
2. Relax GIT muscles
synaptic inhibition)
3. Increase salivary
2. Platelet aggregation
3. Vasoconstriction
4. Increases
4. Inhibit insulin release
β- adrenoceptors
There are 3 types:
• β1: found in the heart
1. + ve inotropic effect
2. Choronotropic effect by CAT
• β2: found in smooth muscles
Causes: relaxation
• β3: found in fat or adipose tissue
Causes: lipolysis
• Positive inotropes make your heart muscle
contractions stronger, raising your cardiac
• Chronotropic effects are those that change the
heart rate.
Beta (β) Receptors
• β1 Receptors have approximately equal affinities for
epinephrine and norepinephrine (mainly found in
the heart)
• β2 receptors have a higher affinity for epinephrine
than for norepinephrine (mainly found in the
• β3 receptors are involved in lipolysis.
Distribution of receptors
• Tissues such as the vasculature to skeletal
muscle have both β1 and β2 receptors, but the
β2 receptors predominate.
• The heart contains predominantly β1
Effects mediated by the
• Stimulation of β1 receptors characteristically
causes cardiac stimulation,
• Stimulation of β2 receptors produces
vasodilatation (in skeletal & vascular beds)
and bronchiolar relaxation.
Types of Parasympathetic receptors
1. Muscarinic
2. Nicotinic
Synthesis of acetylcholine
• Choline acetyltransferase catalyzes the
reaction of choline with acetyl coenzyme A
(CoA) to form acetylcholine.
N Post-
Pre- NE α/β Effector
PSNS N organ
Autonomic ganglia
Pre-sym Adrenal
SNS Ach N medulla
B- Muscarinic receptors
• It has 7 subtypes
• Only 4 have been distinguished functionally
and pharmacologically
1. M1
2. M2
3. M3
4. M4: under investigation
A. M1:
found in the CNS, PNS and gastric parietal
-1- Ach binds to its receptors, increases
conduction, depolarization, excitation.
Deficiency will cause dementia.
-2- increase gastric parietal cell secretion HCL
following vagal stimulation
B. M2:
found in the: heart (atria), pre-synaptic
terminals of the CNS and PNS.
-1- They mediate pre-synaptic inhibition
in CNS and PNS.
-2-Vagal inhibition of the heart.
C. M3:
found in the: exocrine glands, smooth
muscles and blood vessels endothelium.
-1- stimulate glandular secretion of (salivary
and bronchial)
-2- contraction of smooth muscles in the
eyes (accommodation)
-3- Vasodilatation (VD) mediated by NO
(Nitrous oxide).
Enteric Nervous System
A system that is independent anatomically & physiologically