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Windshear and Turbulence Turbulence is caused by rapid irregular motion of air.

nce is caused by rapid irregular motion of air. It Windshear and turbulence due to hills can vary rapidly with time.
The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) operates a windshear brings about bumps or jolts. In severe cases, the aircraft Some aircraft may experience them while others do not, even
and turbulence alerting service for aircraft using the Hong might go momentarily out of control. though the weather conditions may remain broadly similar.
Kong International Airport (HKIA).

What are 'headwind', 'tailwind' and 'crosswind'?

Headwind is wind blowing towards the aircraft. Because
headwind increases the lift, pilots prefer to land and take off
in headwind.

The red shaded area of the figure below indicates that the
aircraft experienced significant turbulence.

Air streams of high wind speed emerge from mountain gaps with
low-speed air streams lying in between
Tailwind is wind blowing from behind the aircraft. It reduces What is 'microburst'? Based on real time data from detection systems, the broad
the lift and aircraft generally avoid taking off or landing in Microburst refers to an intense and localized descent of cool prevailing meteorological conditions, aircraft reports and
tailwind. Other than this, tailwind is preferred by aircraft in air that spreads onto the ground, causing rapid wind data, the HKO issues windshear and turbulence alerts and
flight because it causes the aircraft to go faster, saving time changes and thus windshear. It is usually associated with
and fuel. warnings. Alerts are relayed by air traffic control personnel to
When an aircraft encounters turbulence, loose objects inside thunderstorms and is hazardous to aircraft landing or taking off. aircraft landing at and departing from the airport. Warnings
Crosswind is wind blowing from the side of aircraft. Large the cabin may dislodge and passengers not having their seat are provided to aircraft on Voice- and Digital-Automatic
changes in crosswind during landing might cause an aircraft belts fastened may sustain injuries. A majority of windshear- Terminal Information Service (ATIS).
to deviate from the runway centreline. and turbulence-related injuries worldwide are related to
What are 'windshear' and 'turbulence'? passengers who have not buckled up.
Windshear refers to a change in headwind or tailwind
sustained for more than a few seconds, resulting in changes What are the typical causes of windshear and
in the lift to the aircraft. A decreased lift will cause the aircraft turbulence at HKIA?
to go below the intended flight path. In the presence of Typical weather conditions under which windshear and
significant windshear, a pilot has to take corrective action to turbulence may occur are: tropical cyclones, thunderstorms,
ensure safety. cold and warm fronts, and jet streams (narrow bands of
strong winds). At low levels near ground, sea breezes, strong
monsoon winds and strong winds climbing over hills and How often are windshear and turbulence
man-made structures are also known to cause windshear experienced at HKIA?
and turbulence. Since the opening of HKIA (July 1998), about 1 in 500
arriving and departing flights have reported significant Precautionary Measures by Passengers
windshear. Over the same period, around 1 in 2500 flights
have reported significant turbulence. A majority of windshear
and turbulence events were reported in the spring months of • Fasten seat-belt at all times.
The figure below shows the headwind profile of an aircraft March and April.
• Make sure your hand baggage is safely
approaching HKIA. The red shaded area represents the
region where the aircraft experienced significant windshear
How does the HKO alert aircraft to windshear stowed away.
of headwind increase. and turbulence?
The transient and sporadic nature of windshear and • Stay calm. Listen to the aircrew and follow
turbulence causes considerable difficulty to the accurate their instructions.
alerting of the phenomena. The HKO uses the state-of-the-
Hong Kong Observatory web site:
art facilities, which include a Terminal Doppler Weather
Radar, the dual LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR)
systems, and a dense network of surface wind sensors Email: [email protected]
Radar display of thunderstorm-induced windshear (red) and inside and around the airport to monitor and detect the © Published by the Hong Kong Observatory 2010
turbulence (brown) affecting the airport occurrence of windshear and turbulence. Copyright reserved
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