Cold Water Soluble PVA
Cold Water Soluble PVA
Cold Water Soluble PVA
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the appended claims. It is
cations act as the solubilizing groups are those in which matter contained in the foregoing intended, therefore, that all
the solubilizing action depends on amino or ammonium interpreted description shall be
groups. Cetyl pyridinium chloride is a typical example invention. as illustrative only and not as limitative of the
of a cationic surface-active agent, the aqueous disper We claim:
sions of which are positively charged. The non-ionic 1. A cold-water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol which com
Surface agents do not form salts with acids of bases, and, prises an intimate admixture of 100 parts by weight of
under normal conditions, their dispersions do not carry a partially saponified polyvinyl alcohol having a hydrol
electrical or ionic charges. Solubilization of this class ysis of 75 to 90 percent and a particle size not exceed
of agents is achieved by a series of hydroxyl ether groups, 0. ing 100 mesh, 0.5 to 5 parts by weight of 4,4'-diamino
and the hydroxyl polyethylene ether of diamylphenol, is stilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid sodium salt, and 1 to 3 parts
a commercial example of another non-ionic surface-active by weight of a Surface active agent.
agent. As other suitable surface-active agents, refer 2. The process of producing a polyvinyl alcohol hav
ence may also be made to anionic surface-active agents ing improved cold-water-solubility which comprises com
of the alkylaryl sulfonate type such as Nacconol. NRFS 5 bining 100 parts by weight of a partially saponified poly
and Santomerse D, and alcohol sulfates such as sodium vinyl alcohol having a hydrolysis of 75 to 90 percent
lauryl sulfate and triethanolamine lauryl sulfate. The and a particle size not exceeding 50 mesh with 0.5 to 5
alkyl phosphate salts are also suitable anionic surface parts by weight of 4,4'-diaminostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic
active agents for the purposes of this invention. Included acid sodium salt and 1 to 3 parts by weight of surface
among cationic surface-agents are the sulfosuccinamates 20 active agent.
Such as n-octadecyl disodium sulfosuccinamate and the 3. A cold-water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol which com
corresponding tetrasodium sulfosuccinamate. These ma prises an intimate admixture of 100 parts by weight of a
terials are marketed by The American Cyanamid Co. partially saponified polyvinyl alcohol having a hydroly
under the trade-name Aerosol. Other suitable surface sis of 75 to 90 percent and a particle size not exceeding
active agents include the fatty amines of the type repre 50 mesh, 0.5 to 5 parts by weight of 4,4'-diaminostilbene
sented by Alkamine S.J. (marketed by Amalgamated 2,2'-disulfonic acid sodium salt, and 1 to 3 parts by weight
Chemical Company), and the hexitol oleates, such as an
hydrohexitol partial oleate marketed under the name of 4.a surface A active agent.
process of producing a polyvinyl alcohol having
Ariacel A (Atlas Powder Company). Most advanta cold-water-solubility
geously, however, and preferred over all other surface 30 parts by weight of awhich comprises combining 100
partially saponified polyvinyl al
active agents, are compounds of the polyoxyethylene cohol having a hydrolysis of 75 to 90 percent and a par
type, Such as polyoxyethylene esters and ethers as exem ticle size not exceeding 50 mesh, 0.5 to 5 parts by Weight
plified by polyoxyethylene monostearate, polyoxyethyl of a diaminostilbene disulfonic acid sodium Salt, and 1 to
ene sorbitan mono-oleate known under the names "poly 3 parts by weight of a surface active agent.
oxy 40 stearate' and "polysorbate 80,' respectively, as 35 5. A cold-water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol which com
well as the surface-active agents sold under the trade prises an intimate admixture of 100 parts by Weight of a
name "Tween,' some of which are described on page partially saponified polyvinyl alcohol having a hydrolysis
450 of Zimmerman and Lavine, "Handbook of Material of 75 to 90 percent and a particle size not exceeding 50
Trade Names.'
In the embodiment of the process of the invention 40 mesh, 0.5 to 5 parts by weight of a diaminostilbene di
sulfonic acid sodium salt, and 1 to 3 parts by Weight of
wherein the several components are mixed in Solution, a surface active agent.
any inert solvent for all of the components may be em 6. A cold-water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol which com
ployed but lower-alkyl alcohols, such as methanol, are prises an intimate admixture of 100 parts by weight of
suitably employed. When the components are mixed a partially
prior to saponification of polyvinyl ester to form poly 45 ysis 75 to saponified polyvinyl alcohol having a hydrol
vinyl alcohol, any conventional saponification procedure mesh, 0.5 to90% and a particle size not exceeding 100
5 parts by weight of 4,4'-diaminostilbene
may be employed to form the polyvinyl alcohol. In addi 2,2'-disulfonic acid sodium salt, and 1 to 3 parts by
tion to the Scott et al. and Bryant et al. patents men
tioned above, typical suitable saponification methods are 50 weight of a non-ionic surface-active agent selected from
described, for example, in Bristol U.S. Patent 2,700,035, the group consisting of polyoxyethylene ethers and poly
oxyethylene esters.
Waugh et al. U.S. Patent 2,642,419 and Germain U.S. 7. A process of producing a polyvinyl alcohol having
Patent 2,643,994, saponification being stopped in con improved cold-water-solubility which comprises combin
ventional manner, e.g. by neutralizing the catalyst, when
the desired partial degree of saponification or hydrolysis 55 ing
100 parts by weight of a partially saponified poly
alcohol having a hydrolysis of 75 to 90% and a
has been reached.
Thus, the conditions and the relative relationships set by weightsizeofnot
particle exceeding 100 mesh with 0.5 to 5 parts
4,4'-diaminostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid so
forth in the examples are those preferred in carrying out dium salt, and 1 to 3 parts by weight of a surface-active
the process of this invention, but it will be understood agent.
that other conditions and relationships may be used with 60
in the scope of the invention. In general, unless other References Cited in the file of this patent
wise indicated, conventional operations and techniques UNITED STATES PATENTS
are suitably employed.
It will also be understood that various changes and 1971,662 Schmidt -------------- Aug. 28, 1934
modifications in addition to those indicated above may 65 2,362,026 Quist ------------------ Nov. 7, 1944
be made in the embodiments herein described without
departing from the scope of the invention as defined in