Beadwork June July 2011
Beadwork June July 2011
Beadwork June July 2011
l$rgs {rFl
${sxffiakffix{x paa*{:*$gi*
with colorful
beads, p.40
Textiles inspire
3 new designs, p. 59
beautiful iewelry
{ cnvsrAl RtN G s
Melinda eylinder beads, tiny erystal -: decorative picots give silky :: and glamorcus flair Use the s= elernents to enhance your s--- - ^
earringsr and m0re.
e !f using "lapanese or Czech seed
beads in place of cylinder beads, you may have to ad"iust the number of beads used for Rounds '1 and 2. Be sure an even number of beads surrounds the pearl (including the anehor beads).
1) BEADED BEAD. Ernbellish a Pearl using tubular peyote stitch: .Anchor bcads: Leaving a 4" tail, use 3' of thread to string the pearl and 1B; pass back through the pearl. String 1B, pass through the peari and the first B. and pass back through the pearl. Tie a knot with the tail and working threads
(Fig. t
a 't -:
" : "'
pearl, string 168, and pass through the first anchor B exited (rig. z) ,\o:-:, Make sure your tension is not too tight; this circle of beads slc:- j': =
When stringing a cornpnent, pass yout'needle or wire between the beads of Rounds 1-3 before and after passing through the hole of the pearl.
Work IB in ea;l-- =--:: - :. l Round4: Work lC in eaci. :::::---'i: :1 i through beads to esir Rou:- i - -: ' Round 5: Work lC in each srirch ::-- :i-=
Round 3:
in Round
I s-g-s
tubular peyote stitch picot
See p. 94
r oj ect- I ev el i nf o r m ati
MELINDA BARTA is senior editor of B;a; ': '' magazine. She is the author of the besr-se - . books Custom Cool Jewelry (lnterweave, 2CC S
and Hip to Stitch (lnterweave, 2005) and coauthor of Mixed Metals (lnterweave, 2009
Fig. 5: Embel[ishing
., ."
34 (per component) 2mm crystal rounds (C) Large-hole 14mm crystal pearl 6 lb braided beading thread
Scissors Size 12 beading needle
(888) 781 -3559. FireLine braided beading threac Delica cylinder beads, Swarovski rounds, and all
beadworkmagazine com
*i {!i* Year
r Work the rings on the tight side so they hold their shape well. lf you're a light stitcher, the trick is to tighten each stitch as you go; then, instead of letting the
thread drop while you pick up the next bead, tuck the thread behind the forefinger ofyour holding hand whi!e you pick up the next bead,
Ring6: l,A,C,O
RingTr K,B,D,S
Ring 8:
i" E, D, R
Ring16: M,A,B,S
Ring 17: l- G, E O Ring'18: N,H,B,O Ring 19: l, E, C, R
Ring12: L,D,Da
Ring 1 3: Ring 14:
K, A, A, P
G, G, R
Ring 9: M, A, A, O
Ring 1O: N,
[, R
\. B, B, R iC C,R
regffi&. rurs$
the art of beading for eighteen years. Her focus is the use of offloom weaving to create jewelry
of her art, transporting the viewer of her work to the world of fourteenth- to eighteenth-century Europe and the Mediterranean. She teaches around the United States and
internationally, her goal being to keep the art form of beading alive and well. Please visit Cynthia,s website at ww w. cy nth i ar utl e d ge. n et.
tl ,L !
Round 6:
String 3A,
3 g bronze
- ,orm
' -: " needle to the tail thread. , : :he beadwork around your ::: pass the tail into the first
other end of Row I : "-blue thread), and pass the ' :'i:ng thread through the first - . is at the other end of Row 3 : -:m a tubular band (rig. r-red ' ::i ), "\6le: You'Il nowbe work. -r rounds. lr( . . :5 4 and S: Workpeyote stitch : . iM in each stitch to add a .- of28M in the round; step
next M ofRound 5; repeat thirteen times for a total of 14 picots. Push the picots up at a right angle to the band as you work. -Weave through beads to exit an M of Row l, rnaking sure the M aligns with an M that begins a picot in Round 5 (rig. z-blu"
thread). Round?: Repeat Round 6. Step up
seed beads (B) 3 g bronze-lined aqua size 15. seed beads (C) 3 g olivine/raspberry metallic AB size 15" seed beads (D) 3 g deep raspberry metallic size 15. seed beads (E)
3 g amber/green luster size '15. seed beads (F) 3 g black/green metallic size 15. seed beads (G) 3 g deep teal/green metallic AB size 15. seed beads (H) 8 g deep yellow/gold metallic size 1.1. cylinder beads (l)
f i.cylinder beads
beads (K)
at the
through the second A added in this round (Fig. z-red threaa). Set
the beadwork aside.
Fearl ring: Slide a needle
to the center of3' oflight beige thread, wax the doubled thread, and
teal/green metallic AB size 11. seed beads (O) bronze-lined aqua size 1 1' seed beads (p)
1 g deep raspberry metallic size 11. seed beads (S) 1 g ambey'green luster size 11. seed beads (T)
vermeil 24mm S-hook with 6mm soldered rings Dark beige and light beige nylon beading thread
Microcrystalline wax
Size'12 beading needles Small sharp scissors
9,1: Zippingthe
a ring
anC 7
. j..
Round 8: Use
the working thread from Round 7 to string 38' iS, and 3B; then pass through the rniddle A of the
5 /,- ( '/-\^
Y't x
next Round 7 Picot; rePeat thirteen times for a total of 14 nets. SteP uP
S added (ris'
_.,: 1.-t t
String 38 and pass through the next middle A of the nearest picot in Round 6, then string 38 and Pass
rhrough the next S added in Round 8; repeat thirteen times to connect all
the nets and picots (Fig. l-red thread)' Secure the thread and trim. Set the
the beadwork around an end ring of the center chain plus one loose ring' Pass the tail into the first 3 beads at the other end of Row 1 and Pass the
ring aside.
Repeat this step six tirnes for a total
of - individual rings,changing the color combination of each ring and using one
or trgo different colors ofsize l5os in Round 6-9 and one color of size 1los Round 8. Set 6 rings aside.
working thread through the first 3 beads at the other end ofRow 3 to tubular band (rig. t ). btet You will now be working in rounds' forrn
a Rounds 4 and 5:
tubular band (rig. r). bte, Yo" will nowbe working in rounds. Rounds 4 and 5: Work peyote stitch with form
in the round; steP uP through the first I added in this round. RePeat to add
a second
To form the center ofthe necklace, repeat Rows l-3 and Rounds 4-9' but 'cefore zipping the beadwork after Row
3. .r'rap the strip around the seventh :ingjust forrned to connect the rings'
and trirn.
Rnund 6:
in the round; step up through the firs: I added in this round. RePeat to add a second round. Secure the tail threai
WorkPeyote stitch with lL in each stitch to add a total of 22L in the round. Repeat the thread path
Round 6:
Continue making and connecting rings --n rhe same tnnner to form a chain of -3 rings. Once again, change the color -ombinat ion ol each ring. 2) BAN DS. Peyote-stitch bands to connect the loose rings: R ows 1 and 3: Use 3' of waxed dark beige thread to string 45I, leaving a 6" tail'
Row 3: Pass
to reinforce. Weave through beads to exit from Row 1. Round 7: Repeat Round 6 (rig' +)' Secure the thread and trirn'
Repeat this entire steP twice, this time
Work peyote stitch with lL in each stitch to add a total of 15L in the round. Repeat the thread Path
to reinforce. Weave through beads to exi.t from Row 1. Round 7: Repeat Row 6. Secure the thread and trim' Repeat this step on the other end ring' 4) ATTACHING THE CLASP. Use I'of .tared darkbeige thread to string 15S and i soldered ring; pass through a clasp band and tie a knot to form a tight circie, Pass through the 15S and jurnp ring
agarn to form a loop; repeat the thread
ringjust placed.
Repeat this entire steP to add 3 rings to
back through the third-to-W-ork peyote stitch just strung. last I rr.ith lI in each stitch to add a total of
3) CLA.SP BAND5. Workbands to connect to the clasP: R.oqrs'! and 2: lJse 2' of waxed dark berqe thread to string 3lI, leaving a 6" taii
Row 3: Pass back
waxed thread l-rslEls th beads in pla{ bettr and helpr ts create a bit more etrr"tctur within the beadwork' The wax alsp lubricates the thread 5 it remain in better eondition as it's being used'
last I just strung. Work peyote strtch with 1I in each stitch to add a total o;
:r: ',hread and trirn. Repeat at the other .:ri :i:he necklace using the remaining . - j:rei nng. Attach the S-hook to the s--j.:ei rings. +
tlttt2i' \\ rar
i:3 - iC eS Check your local bead shop or .c--.:c:: ): ca ry inder beads and all other
the beadwork around an end ring the tail into the first 3 beads at the other end of Row I and Pass the working thread through the first 3
beads at the other end ofRow 3 to
,, one-G nylon thread color -:: : - 1! :'d kits: CYnthia Rutledge, www
:. _: ^t
offer a grat insPiration for picking egtrtrs. Use the color wheel and the
bead finishes to Your advantagel
T'{.t{;}{l{t{"}{ I!iti
brick stitch peyote stitch
tlFt{}.1 }:l{l'*'
See p. 94
p r oj
i, t0C
ect-l ev el i nf o r m ati o n.
Kellr \\ iese
: rall brick-stitched ovals are linked together and .,ctly embellished with crystals to form this gracet'ul,
been beading
often makes
beaded components that are then connected together for the flnal piece. Kelly likes using round
ttomporary bracelet.
elements and circular thread paths to construct many of her designs. For her, going in circles is a good thing. Visit
Kel ly's w eb site : www.b
adp arl o r.
Connect: Pass
through the
up through the inner B of the right side's Row 15 and down through the inner B of the left side's Row 15 (Fig. 3-blue thread). Secure the
"$'&r, &t
l r{
byside (rig. t-greenthread). Brick-stitch across the row for a .- ol 38 (rig. t-btue thread).
tail thread and trim. Row 16: Use the working thread to brickstitch across the rowwith 38.
Row 17:
11' cylinder beads (B) 3 g silver-lined crystal size '11' cylinder beads (C)
String 28,
2B (rig.3-redthread). Secure the thread and trim. Set the oval link aside. Repeat the entire step eleven times to
12 components with B. Repeat the entire step seven tirnes using white thread and C.
12 clear AB 4mm crystal bicones Black and white size D nylon beading
Thread conditioner (optional)
pass back
Size 12 beading needles Scissors
total of 12 more
$r I h:')
: 71/4,
end B of Row 3. String 2B, -::der the next loop ofthe previ: - ..,. and pass back through the
Fig. 1: Eric*tltching
..-i B just added; repeat eleven -, :: add a total of12 rows. Exit
.-- :-rough the inner B of Row 15.
an 17
l : fferent
- K rows
2) T06Lf BAR. Peyote-stitch a toggle bar: strip: IJse 3' ofblack thread to work a strip of peyote stitch l2B wide and
6 rows long.
Zip the first and last rows together to forrn a tube. Exit from a B along
the tube's edge.
thread loop at the end of the tube, and pass through the bicone and lB; repeat to secure and center the crystal, passing under neighboring thread
loops with each pass. Weave through beads to exit the other end of the tube and repeat (rig. +). Repeat the thread path to reinforce; secure the thread and
right C in Row I of the previous link, and through the beads added to the
center of the previous link. Weave through beads to exit down through the center C in Row 16 of the linkjust added (rig.6). Repeat four times to connect all of the silver links. but on the final link, dont add the beads to the center (this is the toggle ring). 'Weave through beads to exit down through the left C in Row 1 of the
Fig.7: Addingthe
picot to the toggle ring
3) CENEk. Stitch together and embellish the center ofthe bracelet: Toggle: Start 2' of newwhite thread that
exits up through the left C in Row
final link.
Picot! String I iet 4mm bicone and 3A;
pass back
right C in Row
through 28 at the rniddle of the toggle bar, string 8C, and pass down through the right C in Row 17 of the
force. Wave through beads to exit down through the center C in Row 16
(rie. s).
5lnCS. Connect and embellish the blacklinks, then connect them to the center strip:
outer strip nd outer edging: Start 2' of new thread that exits down through the left end B in Row 14 of a black
pass through the next up bead; repeat four times. 'Weave through beads to exit down
34, I jet 3mm bicone, lA, I jet 4rnrn bicone, 14, l jet 3rnrn bicone, and 34. Pass through the center C of Row 2 and the left C in Row 1
of the same link. String I jet 4rnrn bicone, pass down through the left C
initial link.
through beads to exit down through the left end bead in Row 14 of the link just added (rig. e). Repeat four times
to connect 6 black links.-Weave through beads to exit down through the left end B in Row I of the final
in Row
through the left 18 of Row 1. String 1 clear bicone and pass through the
Ieft lB of Row 17 of another black link. Pass up through the right 18 ofRorv 17,
through the right C ofRow 17, back through the biconejust added. the
link added.
Kelly Wiese
String lA, jet 4mrn bicone, and 1A; pass down through the left end C in Row 6 of the silver toggle-ring link. String lA and pass down through the left end C in
Row 4 of the sarne silver
blue thread). IMeave
* *
String lA and
up through the
Fig.8: Connecting
black linhs ta fornt n outer strip
next up bead on the silver toggle-ring link; repeat once. *Pass up through the right end B in Row 4 ofthe nearest black link, pass up through the left end C in Row 14 of the nearest silver link, and up through the right end B in Row 6 of the nearest black link. String 1A and pass up through the next up bead along the edge ofthe black link; repeat twice. Pass up through the left end C in Row 4 of the next silver link, up through the right end B in Row 14 of the nearest black link, and up through the left end C in
t tt
For chandelier-
style earrings, stitch four links and cnneet thern as you would for the bracelet, then add <{rop beads.
Row 6 of the nearest silver link. String 1A and pass through the next up bead of the silver link; repeat twice (Fig.9-redthread). Repeat frorn * to cornpletely connect the black strip
to the left side of the center strip. Finish the connection by exiting up
-. I
through the left end B in Row 17 of the first black link added, then stringing 14, I jet 4rnm bicone, and 1A; pass up through the left end C in
Row 12 of the silver toggle-bar link. String lA and pass up through the
next up bead on the silver link (rig. ro). Secure the thread and trirn. Repeat the entire step to forrn another black strip and connect it to the other side of the center strip. *"
RfsUR*f.$ Check with your local bead shop or
contact: Delica cylinder beads, Swarovski bicones, and all other beads: Beyond Beadery, (800)
840-5548, Kits: Kel y Wiese,
BEADWORI( june/july
ffi h S{ffi Pc il
tr *f t 4; ':'*'cr'
backstitch embroidery
peyote stitch
brick-stitch edging
pr oj e ct-
I ev
written articles for several well-known magazines, and her work has been featured on the covers oftrade magazines and catalogs. Sherry
(Kalmbach, 2007) with artist Heidi Kumml| Beading Across America with Amy Katz and Paulette
Baron (Kal m ba ch, 2011 ), and Sen sation al Bead
art is owned and worn by Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, Fergie, and Grammy-winner Melissa Etheridge, to
a few.
5 g dark gold metallic size 15' seed beads (A)
silver-lined lime green size 15' seed beads (B) matte purple metallic size 15'seed beads (C) 5 g purple metallic size 15'seed beads (D) 5 g matte black size 1 1' seed beads (E)
5g 5g
10 g dark gold metallic size 11 " seed beads (F) 3 g heather matte gold iris metallic size 1'l " cylinder beads (G)
centerline vertically and ' : -:::ally on the beading foundation. : ::-a! on your wrist and subtract the : = :; rhe clasp plus 72". Measure and -:r ::rt length on the beading foundation, : : - :1q it at the crossed lines, but don't -'. - se the craft adhesive to glue the cabo-. .: the beading foundation where the i ::oss. Let dryfor 15 to 20 rninutes.
1 bar clasp
E. \,{easure a
Make the cuff lok chunkier by usirrg 6mnr or Smrn nound beads instead q{ the 4mrn pearls.
Ultrasuede 2 x 7" beading foundation 2 x 7" piece of Ultrasuede in coordinating color Clear craft adhesive White tacky glue
Size 11'beading needle Scissors
Fine-line permanent marker
r:; 'ounds I and 2: Tie a strong knot at the : i cf 3' ofbraided beading thread and
the needle at the other end. Pass ':-::ugh the foundation frorn back to front
r 7 1/2"
BEA_DWORK june/july
near the cabochon. String 4G, slide them to the foundation, and lay them alongside the cabochon. Pass down
through the foundation next to the last bead added. Pass up through the foundation between the second and third beads just added, then pass through the third and fourth beads. String 2G, lay them alongside the cabochon, pass down through the foundation next to the last bead stmng, and pass up through the beads just added; repeat, working backstitch
around the cabochon.
r When determining whieh seed beads to use, it's best to lay thern next t on another outside the
tube. The beads alu/ays
round will create the first two rounds of the bezel. Make sure the round contains an even number ofbeads. Bezel round 3: fMork tubular peyote stitch
offthe backstitched
beads, using
lG in
following rounds by passing through the first bead ofthe current round
-green thread). Bezel rounds 4 and 5: Repeat Bezel round 3
twice or as many times as necessary so that the beadwork "hugs" the cabochon (rig. 1 -btue thread). Bezel round 6: Work tubular peyote stitch with 1A in each stitch (rig. r -red thread). \Meave through beads to exit down through the foundation, then weave up through the foundation to exit at the base of Round l. bta If the thread is frayed orworn, start a new thread. 3) 5UR RtL,lNDING RlNcS. Backstitch I round ofpearls around the bezeled cabochon. Exit up through the founda-
with half circles of seed beads. Depending on your bracelet's length, it rnay be necessary to alter the rounds around the final pearls
tion between 2 pearls and the bezel. String 6A and pass down through the foundation between the sarne 2 pearls,
except on the other side of the pearl cira loop of 6A between (rig. z). Backstitch 1 round of each pearl 3rnrn glass rounds around the 4mrn cle; repeat to add pearls. Pass up through the foundation to exit outside a 3mm glass round that
sits on a center horizontal line.
in the center and side iines by not forming complete rings. Secure
the thread and trirn. line: Start 3' of new thread that exits up through the foundation in a corner between the first circle along the centerline and the 3mrn glass rounds. Backstitch 1 pearl, then backstitch the same sequence of seed bead rings around the pearl as you did along the centerline. Repeat to add 6 pearls
Fig. 3: Enc,kstlrching
the bc.nd
S F rq::=-s,
and the beading foundation I bead,s width from the last point exited, then pass back through the F just added (rig. +); repeat to brick stitch an edge around the entire cuff, connecting the Ultrasuede and the beadwork at the same time. Connect the edging
ends by passing down through the
first bead added. then passing up through the last. Secure the thread
Fig.6: Attaching
the clasp
and knot the ends. Secure the thread the edge ofthe bracelet and exit up
embellished with quarter circles of seed beads along the edge ofthe centerline's embroidery. Repeat down the other side ofthe centerline. Secure the thread and trim. Oqtline: Start 3' ofnewthread that exits up through the foundation at the end
of one of the side lines. Backstitch lE and lF; repeat around the entire design, avoiding the bracelet ends.
Secure the thread and trim. Repeat the entire step to embroider
brick-stitched F. String 1A, pass down through the next F along the edge and up through the following one (rig.5); repeat around the entire bracelet. Secure the thread and trim. Clasp: Center a needle on 3' of thread
and knot the ends. Secure the thread at one end ofthe bracelet. Place one
half of the clasp along one end of the beadwork to determine the proper placement.'Weave through beads to
exit up through
a brick-stitched F that coincides with the clasp's top loop.
5) FINISHING. Stitch the backing to the beadwork and add a clasp: Glue: Trim the excess beading foundation close to the beadwork, taking care to avoid cutring stitches. Add a thin,
even layer oftacky glue to the back
StringlF, I pearl, and 3F; pass through the top loop ofthe clasp. String 3F and pass back through the
pearl, the first F added, and the last edge F exited. ,fofer These numbers maybe adjusted to make the cuff Iooser or tighter.'Weave through
the foundation and beads to exit up through the brick-stitched edge F that coincides with the clasp's center loop; repeat the connection as above, then repeat for the final clasp loop (rig. e). Secure the thread and
the beadwork and press it onto the IJltrasuede. Don't let the glue seep out around the edges. Let dry for 20 minutes. Trim the excess ljltrasuede close to the beadwork.
trim. Repeat
Start 3'ofnewthread that exits up through the edge ofthe foundation, outside the beadwork. String 2F, sew up through the edge of the Ultrasuede and the beading foundation
2 beads'
this entire section to add the other clasp half to the other end of the
exited, then pass back through the second !) zde ^Stt:21 )f sev 4n
RESOURCES Check your local bead shop or contact: Cabochon: Seed beads: Knot Just Beads, (414) 771-8360, www Ultrasuede, Lacy,s Stiff Stuff beading foundation, and clasp: Fire Muntain
tubular peyote stitch right-angle weave chevron chain
'.t.'l' *,$,,\'
el i nfo r m ati o n.
You may short*n the bracelet to 57s" by reducing the lattice to four diamonds and the serPentine chain lo
See p. 94
pr oj ect-
I ev
will also have an ef,{eet on the length rf the bracelet, espeeially the size f the B beads.
{ ,;r *"sp*
',/eave serpentine chevron chain through - "'gle-weave strips interspersed
a lattice of right-
Book,2002) are
among the top sell-
world Carol has also compiled two other books on bead artists, 500 Beaded Objects: New Dimensions in
(Lark Bo oks,
*sing nylon thread, use white for the : goid for the chain, clasp, and toggle.
2008). Her work has been collected and exhibited internationally and has been featured in numerous publications. Carol
lives in Hot Springs, North Carolin4
where she is currently pursuing her creative spirit. See her hits atwww.schoolof
thread to
ft,f ,4'&'}rt{ ,{
,,..trg {lC and lD} four times, leaving i : tail. Tie a knot to form a tight :::ile and pass through the first D
3: String lC, skip the next ofthe previous round, and pass =.d :-:cugh the following bead; repeat :,:ee times to add a total of 4c. Step -: .hrough the first C added in this
1, Round
3 g white-lined amber size 15. seed beads (B) 2 g matte chartreuse size 11. seed beads (C) 5 g white,lined clear size 11 . seed beads (D)
Bezel 1, Stone:
String one 4rnm round, pass through the C on the opposite side ofRound 3, passbackthrough the 4mm round just strung, and into
(rig. t ).
the original C exited (rig. z). T, Round4: String 2C and pass through the next C ofRound 3; repeat three times to add a total of 8C. Step up through the first 2C added in
Scissors Size 12 and 13 beading needles
F'l 3
this round
3-blue thread).
Bezel 1, Round 5:
i::: ''
1: Srlrching
9Xl{"1": 7 1/c"
the bezel, rein{orcing each unit as it's
{armed. E*tl
blue thread)-
r; ./\'I: ,dfmh
l, ',{ i
t. \-
9 /-,
Fig. 4: Addingthe lirst sttip and warhing the sttaod hczcl s {itst two routtds
g) ,'{l \J
/\ -"\--y
I Sn'ip
,.,:r..,, . qi*y
, i..
Bezel 2, Rounds 1
and:: String {lC and iD} three tirnes, then string lC and pass through the last D exited on the strip;
repeat the thread path again to reinforce. Exit from lD (rig.+-redthread).
Bezel 2, Rounds 3*5: Repeat Bezel I, Round 3, Bezel 1 Stone, and Bezel
Fig.7: ConPletingri:t
lartice base
D in Round I next to the C where the first strip connects' srrip 2: Repeat Strip 1 (rig. s).
to exit frorn
a Bezl 3 and
sion bead, leaving a 6" tail. String 3E, 38, and 2E; pass back through the
Fig.8: Worlring
Stitches 1-3 the chain
triangle (rig' a-
Strip 2, forrning the fourth side of a square. Connect the final right-angleweave unit to the nearest D on Round I of Bezel 1. Weave through beads on Bezel I to exit the D in Round 1 that's
opposite the one to which the strip was connected (rig. o). Repeat this step, connecting to the nearest bezel frorn the previous square to
stitch 2: String 7E; pass back through the third B added in Stitch 1 (rig' a-btu"
stitch 16: String 7E; pass back through the secondbead added in Stitch 15. Stitch'17: String 3B and 2E; pass back
stiteh 3: String 38 and 2E; Pass back through the fifth bead added in Stitch 2
a-red thread).
a second
rnore tirnes to form a total of5 squares. Secure the working thread and trim (ris. z). Dottt trirn the tail thread.
Set the lattice aside.
through the third bead added in the previous stitch, then string 38 and 2E and pass back through the fourth bead added in the 6E stitchjust made' Repeat four times to add a total
of l0 stitches.
st*th 14: String 7E; pass back through the third bead added in Stitch 13'
Stite h'!5: String 2B and 2E; Pass back through the fifth bead added in
through the fourth bead added in stitch 18. stitsh 2t: String 5E; pass back through the fourth bead added in Stitch 19. Stiteh 2't: String 5B and 2E; Pass back through the thirdbead added in
Stitch 20. $titch 22: String 2E and 4B; Pass back through the fifth bead added in
continuous U-shaped serpentine chevron chain to weave through the lattice: Stith'!: Use 8' of thread to string a ten-
Stitch 14.
The bach view oJ
the bracelet.
- -'+ +i*4
the third bead added in Stitch 22. S*iteh 24: String 5B and 2E; Pass back
"l:..t- *
S"* r
fifth bead added in Stitch 24. stitch 26: String 48 and2B; Pass back through the third bead added in
stitch 25.
stitrh 27: String 6E; pass back through the fourth bead added in Stitch 26. stitch 38: String 38 and 2E; pass back
,r't-i?; '-;.*{.!:11.,-.;
..,.:'i.:.,*j 6. ' : ;, '' };;rt:1i ,i. '4.- ;' ' *:'- . ^. :'. \-5 .';+]-, \ | '/"1 r+ j\1 J '
z '' -
through the fifth bead added in Stitch 29. sritch 3t: String 7E; pass back through
ihe third bead added in Stitch 30. 5:itch 32r String 38 and 2E; pass back :hrough the fifth bead added in Srirch 31.
tch 33:
String 6E;
pass back
Stiteh 9: String 28 and 2E; pass back
third bead added in Stitch 32. i: :ch 34: String48 and 2E; pass back
:rrough the fourth bead added in
S:rtch 33.
String 5E; pass back through fourth bead added in Stitch 34. .; :rh 36: String 58 and 2E; pass back
:ch 35:
Stitch 91; String 7E; pass back through the second bead in Stitch 90. Stitstr 92: String 3B and 2E; pass back
through the fifth bead in Stitch 91. stiteh 93: String 6E; pass back through the third bead in Stitch 92.
$titch 94: String 38 and 2E; pass back through the fourth bead in Stitch 93.
Stithes gS*1OZ:
I :_ -arl
: : - es
38-82: Repeat Stitches 2g_37 .-.::e more times for a total of four -.r es (Fig. 9). T,r.n the work over for :: -: new repeat so that the direction
String 6E, pass back through the third bead added in the previous stitch, then string 38 and 2E, and pass back through the fourth bead added in the 6E stitch just made.
Repeat three times to add a total
B stitches.
$titch'!oB: String 7E; pass back through the third bead in Stitch 102.
: .:ird
String 28 and 2E; pass back through the fifth bead in Stitch 103. $titch"tOS: String 7E; pass back through
$tieh 184:
' '
String 58 and 2E; pass back :Jh the third bead in Stitch 83.
-itring 5E; pass back through : ,:-:h bead in Stitch 84. '' , " 3: i1ri1g 48 and 2E; pass back '.- , -.ii rhe third bead in Stitch g5.
- E 7: -irring 6E; pass back through - . : _.:rrh bead in Stitch 86. , - i 3: 38 and 2E; pass back -i:r11g
' : - 8 5,
the second bead in Stitch 104. stiteh'!o6: String 38 and 2E; pass back through the fifth bead in Stitch 105. stitch '!07: String 6E; pass back through the third bead in stitch 106. $titeh 1o8: String48 and 2E; pass back
Stitch'!09: String 5E; pass back through the fourth bead in Stitch 108.
Stiteh 1x8: String 58 and 2E; pass back through the third bead in Stitch l0g. Stiteh 11: String 2E and 48; pass back
-i jr :he fourth bead in Stitch 87. - I e S:ring 7E; pass back through r
-? .'
Fig. 12: Stltchnrg the chain together (the lattice has been remo'ted from this figure lor clarity)
{ine of the oval chain end (the latttce has been re.noved
String 2E and pass back through the fourth bead added in Stitch 176 (Fig. 12-blue thread). String 4E and pass back through the first 3E and lB in Stitch I (rig. tz-redthread). Tighten to form a smooth join. Don't cut the
thread. Rernove the tension bead from the tail; secure the tail thread, avoiding knots within the B, and trim.
through the fifth bead in Stitch 4. Stitch 6: String 7E; pass back through
the second bead in Stitch 5.
Stitclr z: String 38 and 2E; pass back
chain, following
Fig. 11:
stitch't74: String 5E; pass back through the fifth bead in Stitch 173. Stitch'!?5: String 48 and 2E; pass back through the third bead in Stitch 174.
Stiteh't?6: String 6E; pass back through the fourth bead in Stitch 175 (rig. r r ).
$j 1l{hJil{a -S{fi. Pass the chain'sworking thread through the nearest B on the inside of the chain. String 1B and pass through the next 28 (an edge set) along the inside of the chain; repeat twice (rig. r a). Pass through the top C in Round I of the lattice's end bezel (rig. r +). Continue adding 18 between each edge set along the inside of the chain, connecting the other end bezel in the same
through the third bead in the previous stitch, then string 3B and 2E, and pass back through the fourth bead in the 6E just added. Repeat four tirnes
to add a total of10 stitches. stitch 18: String 7E; pass back through the third bead in Stitch 17.
Stitch 19: String 28 and 2E; pass back
through the fifth bead in Stitch lB. stitch 20: String 7E; pass back through
the second bead added in Stitch 19.
Stiteh 21: String 38 and 2E; pass back
S5tr&ll#i".Y" Braid, then connect
the first. bte: Some edge sets be 2B, others will be 38; the point
through the fifth bead in Stitch 20. stitch 22: String 6E; pass back through
the lattice and chain: Eraid: Lay the lattice, bezels side up, on the work surface. Place the looped end
the chain.
in stitch 21. Stitch 23: String 48 and2E; pass back through the fourth bead in Stttch 22.
the third bead
ofthe chain
one end ofthe lattice. IMeave one side ofthe chain through the lattice so it
goes over, then under the strips
sirnilar to the oval end of the chain: Stiteh 1: Use 4' of thread to string a tension bead, leaving a12" tail. String 3E, 58, and 2E; pass backthrough
the first E.
Stiteh 2: String 6E; pass back through
crosses. Do the sarne with the other side ofthe chain to forrn a braidFinl el'rain
Iike look. rtitch: Remove the tension from the working thread and bead string 28. Pass back through the nearest B in Stitch I (Fig.12-gteen thread).
fifth B in Stitch l.
Fig. 14: Attaching the lttice
ta the chain
stitch 3: String 3E and 28; pass back through the fourth bead in Stitch 2.
Stitch 4: String 7E; pass back through
in Stitch
\f i $c:*r \tt*:{ls
String 2E and pass back through the fourth bead in Stitch 23 (ng.1S-btue
thread). Don't
Fig. 16:
Working the toggle
tension bead from the tail and repeat Stitch 24 on the left side of the end bezel's Round I (rig. rsred thread). Don't trim the thread. i.,-se the working thread to string 38; :ass through the nearest B on the other .ide of the chain (Stitch l) and the nea".st 2E (Fig. 1S-bluethread). W.urr. through .:eads to exit up through the nearest 3E ,f Stitch 23 and the nearest B. Repeat
.ili T!
itl 'n
the tail thread, moving in the op:osite directio.r (rig. tS-redthread). Exit
. , ;-i:.., ,1.:Y,l
e] T**ffitfi. Stitch the toggle and attach it to the bracelet with right-angle weave:
nd: IJse
Bandr IJse E to
work 3 right-angle-weave
exit from
chain-end oval. Securely sew the clasp ro the chain; repeat on the other side of the clasp ringwith the tail thread.
Secure the threads and
4' of thread to string the l0mm round, lE, one 4mm round, and 3E, leaving a 6" tail. Pass back through the 4rnm round, lE, and the l0mm round. String lE, one 4mm round, and 3E; pass backthrough the 4mm round and lE just added and continue through the l0mm round, next lE, and 4mm round. Repeat the thread path several times to reinforce (rig. t e-
units across
the bracelet needs to be shortened or lengthened, reduce or add rightangle-weave rows here. Attach:
so each is back side
orange thread).
String l3E or an odd number that fits snugly around the side of the lOmm round. Pass through the 10mm round to forrn a loop around the
lOrnm round's side; repeat the thread path several tirnes to reinforce. Repeat to add a second l3E loop (or an odd nurnber tht fits snugly around the
side of the lOrnm round) around the
the bezel at the opposite end ofthe clasp ring; string lE, and pass through the bottom bead ofthe previous row's second unit. IJse E to work a
third right-angle
weave unit.'W-ork a
through the seventh E of the first loop, then string lE, and pass through the seventh E ofthe second loop to form a
the loops. Weave through beads to exit the fifth E added in the second loop
(Fig. t
o-green thread).
fs { Fv {f'ei src
Suzanne Branca
o sp{.u slt
for a fun and easy project? Use a Japanese braiding technique known as kumihimo to make a colorful bracelet with a button closure and a
playful tassel.
) CLASP L*OP" Set up the kumihimo disk and work a braided section without beads to form a clasp loop: set-up: Cut eight 60" strands ofcord. Gather them so the cords are parallel and knot them together temporarily at
the center. Feed one end ofthe cords through the kumihimo disk so the
fit around
& %.
your clasp button the cords from the disk and undo the temporarY knot. Fold the braided section in halfto form a loop, feed the loop through the center of the kurnihirno disk, and arrange the
cords around the disk
before, but
this tirne use a pair ofcords in each slot. Attach the weight to the loop. :.) tsR.,qlA \i/lTFl tsEADS. Prepare the cords, string the beads, and braid the
onto each Pair of cords, stiffen and seal the ends with seam sealant or glue. Let dry. String 30 size 6o seed
beads onto each pair of cords and secure the beads
with a temPorarY
the cord ends. Follow the kumihirno braiding pattern as established. Before
you reposition a pair ofcords, bring the next bead on those cords to the hole in the center of the disk. Slide the bead under any cords that cross over the pair you're holding, so the bead
rnoves into place on the braid. Once
the bracelet is the desired length and all beads are woven into the braid, remove the cords from the disk. Tie the cords together close to the end of the braid using an overhand knot.
kumihimo braiding T3[t{.}.}
l']{l't' {,Ti\'
SUZ,4Nh{ BR.ANeA of
$l,A'g'ti{ t;{},$
25 g Picasso-finish size 6'fire-polished
'" :
Undo the ternporary knot ---= :rd of one pair of cords. String 'i : -:ion on one cord about 1/2" lrorn " - -:-j of the braid, go through the
dabbling in jewelry design '3 " .rears. She enjoys finding new things to incluce : ier,,vork and to
- :-; 3 or 4 seed beads and 1 or -:1r beads, each separated by - - :.. \Iake the rest of the tassel " . ,-- i s rhe sarne way but without the - : -:r. using the cords as singles or
:r -: :
,_MiHttu4t BRAtntrs#
--:old the disk parallel to the floor ::- nurnber 32 held away from you.
- ,:ibute the cords around the disk , .: ihrough the center hole (rig. r ). -. :'-rng a weight or alligator clip to the . , :s below the disk helps with the -. -.:a1 tension. The braid will forrn at - : :enter hole, extendingbelow the -.,. as you work. - I.fove the cord between notches : .nd 17 to the notch between 30 and
the cord between notches 14 and 15 (rig. z). Rotate the disk one-qurter turn clockwise so nurnber 24 is now at the far edge (shown at the top of rig. :). 3) Move the cord between notches 8 and 9 to the notch between 22 and 23. Move the cord between notches 24 ar'd 25 to the notch between 6 and 7 (rig. r). Rotate the disk one-quarter
31. Move
turn clockwise.
cords. The dotted green line shows the cord's movement fron irJ startirg paiitt to its new pasitionr marhed by the red arrow.
Fig. 3: Repositior ing the secan two cords. After the next quarter-turn, ntLmber 15 vill
elspeth's collar
Nancy Peterson 6*.
The picot edge of this regal-looking necklace is reminiscent of classic Edwardian lace. Even though it looks complex, it is relatively simple to make with ladder and netting stitches and affordable fire-polished beads. .;
ladder stitch
22 g sparkle metallic gold-lined crystal size o 1 1 seed beads (A) 131 champagne 4mm fire-polished rounds (B) 45 tanzanite with gold speckle 6mm firepolished rounds (C)
2 gold 5mm
5 E.
' ::d netting to establish the base: ,'., " ' Using 9' of thread, string lC and
-. : ass through the lC again, leaving
combination of ladder
2) EMBELLTSHMENT AND CLASP. Use fire-polished rounds and seed beads in netting stitch to embellish the
Row 1
jump rings
2 gold 6mm split rings 1 gold-plated 25mm round toggle clasp Crystal 6 lb braided beadlng thread
, rr- :
t-blue thread).
-itring 7A; pass through the lC - : -,:e first SAjust added (rig. r-rea
3 and
(bottoml: String 2A; pass through the next 1A. String 1A, 1B. and 1A;
Size 10 or 12 beading needle Scissors
previous Stitch 2. Repeat across the bottom edge (rig. +). bte: You will end by stringing 2A, then passing through the next 7A to exit near the top of the
first C.
R.ow 2
String lA; pass through the next 1A. String 1A, 18, and 1A; pass through the first lA of the next stitch 2. Repeat across the
(top) and loop;
To help the pieots hold their shape on the bottom edge of
: -. ihe clasp. Repeat Stitch 2, this " -. : assing through the TAjust added.
top edge (rig. s). For the last stitch, string lA and pass through 5A; string 4A, I split ring, and 5A. Pass through the last 3A exited and repeat the thread path to reinforce. fe: During this step, the necklace will begin to
gently curve.
the necklace, use a cotton s\Mab to dab the beads with a small amount of Future floor polish. l-et dry for a few hours to overnight.
Stitches 3 and 4
Fig.4:Stitc&ing Row 1
Fig. 5: Forming Row 2
BEADWORK june/july
! ,
Row 3 (bottorn):'Weave
picot and through the next 9A. Repeat across the bottorn edge (rig. za
below the first C. String 7A; pass through the 2Abelow the next C of Row l. Repeat across the bottorn edge.
green thread).
through 5A at the end ofthe base; string 4A, the rernaining split ring,
and 54. Repeat the thread path to
through beads to exit toward the beadwork frorn the lA above the final C. String 7A; pass through 1A from Row 2. Repeat across the top edge (rig. 6-red thread). Row 5 (bottom): IMeave through beads to exit the fourth lA in Row 3. String 3A; pass through the lAjust exited to
Row 4 (top): IMeave
through beads to exit the fifth lA of Row 4. String lA, 18, and 1A; skip 5Aand pass through the next 3AofRow 4. Repeat across the top edge (rig. z-blue thread). Row 7 (top): Weave through beads to exit the second-to-last lA of Row 6. String 2A; pass through the A.i B/A of Row 6. Repeat across the top edge. Secure the threads and trim (Fig. z-red thread).
Row 6 (top): Weave
NANCY PETERSON enjoys the challenge of exploring all types of beadweaving. She teaches regularly at the Garden of Beadin' in Bartonsville, Pennsylvania. Visit beaddesign and; contact Nancy at [email protected].
contact: Miyuki seed beads: Fox Den Designs, (262) 634-2323,
Fire'polished rounds and clasp: Shipwreck Beads,
(800) 950-4232, FireLine braided beading thread: Fire Mountain Gems and Beads, (800) 355-2137, Kits: A Beadaful World by Lanai
Kinsky, (503) 686-8974,
Clasp: lJse
herringbone stitch ladder stitch
rru ,
strip lC high and 13C long, -r:g a 6" tail. String I pearl, then
:'::-stitch 6C with lC in each stitch - - . ;a i nst the pearl just strung; ' '": =": rtice. String I pearl, then lad.iich 1lC with lC in each stitch t i 1 . .\bte: Don't use tension that is . : --;'ht: the correct tension will ,. : ' subsequent rows ofbeads to : :.. -. in typical herringbone-stitch :r :l:rn. Work a turnaround to exit up
herringbone stitches with 2C in each stitch (rig. z). Repeat frorn * three times. Continue working 2C in each heningbone stitch for the entire row. Work a turnaround to exit the last C. Row 3: Work 6 stitches p'ith 2C in each stitch. Exit up through the last C
: String 2C, pass down through the :-.: C of the previous row, and exit ,: ::rough the following C; repeat : -: :imes for a total of 5 herringbone
down through the next C over the pearl and up through the following C. Work 2 herringbone stitches with 2C in each stitch (Fig.:). Repeat from * three times. Continue working 2C in each herringbone stitch for the entire row. Work a turnaround to exit the last C. Row 4: Repeat Row 2, decreasing the 58 to 38. Row 5: Repeat Row 3, decreasing the 4B to 28.
Scissors Size 10 beading needles
C. *String lC, 18, and lC; pass down through the next C over the pearl and
Fig.2: Worhing
Raw 2
lnstead of Srnm parls, you can adapt this design using faceted crystals/ fire-polished rounds, gemstones/ or lampwork beads.
lf you work with smaller seed beds, add another set of accent beads"
Fig.3:, Adding
Row 3
Fig. 4t Warhing
Rows 6* 10
up through the following C. String 2C; pass down through the next C of the previous row. String 18; pass up
Pass up through the next C of Row 10, ladder-stitch the next 6C ofRow10, and string I Pearl
string I pearl.
through the next C.IMork I herringbone stitch with C. Repeat from * three tirnes (Fig.4-*"roon thread). Continue working 2C in each herringbone stitch for the entire row. Work a turnaround to exit the last C. Ros' v: Work 4 herringbone stitches with 2C in each. *String 2C, pass down through the next C, string 28, and pass up through the next C. Work 2 herringbone stitches with 2C in each. Repeat frorn * three times (Fig.4green thread). Continue working 2C in each herringbone stitch for the entire row. lMork a turnaround to exit the
last C.
Row 8: Repeat Row 7,
Ladder-stitch the remaining beads in Row 10. Secure the thread and trim. 2) FlNlSHlNG. Attach the clasp and ernbellish the top and bottorn edges: lasp: Secure 3' of newthread and exit down through the C at the end of Row 8. String 44, the first loop of the clasp, and 4A; pass back through the
String lB; pass uP through the second colurnn ofbeads to exit on the other edge ofthe bracelet. String 18; pass down through the next column of beads (rig. s-red
thread). Repeat across the bracelet,
Row 9: Repeat
4R (i" 4-outo\ettrread.\
Row 7, increasing 28 to
(rtg. +-otue thread).
CSILLA CSIRMAZ has been making beaded lewelry {or {our years. Her {avorite beads inctude
to fearn to make herown fampwork :i:.- rilrtl day.By nationalityHungarian,sheno,,, {rr r'
London. Visit her website, www.beaC-! and emai( her at shiht>[email protected],
Final pearls:
Following a ladder-stitch
thread path, weave through beads to exit the fourteenth bead of Row l0;
your local bead shop or contact: Pearls: Buffy's Beads London, www Seed beads: JBS Beads, www and Beadworks Bead Shop, www FireLine braided beading thread and similar materials (U.S. source): Fire Mountain Gems and Beads, (800) 355-2137,
Riana orckers
A collage of interesting geometric components, this distinctive bracelet has colors inspired by the beautiful landscapes of Damaraland, Nambia.
' &:,{l$X&${}1,$riF4
j'T' g.*.'l\t*:.*,
herringbone stitch
See p. 94
hoose a different gemstone coin and adapt your colors accordingly to achieve a very different look.
For example, try turquoise coins with silver-lined silver, teal, and matte teal cylinder beads.
, ' "'
- nd z: Use 8' of thread to string --. lD, and 13E) three times.
zip:Zip the end of ile .rrip to the side of a triangle with rrrnrred threads (rig.:).
Repeat the entire step t\!'ice for a total
2 g silver-lined silver size 15o seed beads (A) 2 g white-lined topaz size 15' seed beads (B)
-- :::e first D strung. : i *Srring lD, lA, and lD; skip 1A , ::ss through the next iD. Work ; .' -:e stitches using lE, lF, lE, lF, and lE with
beads (D)
7 g silver-lined gold size 1'1' cylinder beads (E) 3 g gunmetal size 11o cylinder beads (F) 4 g matte bronze size 11' seed beads (G)
gles opposite the connecting srrrps. Tck firrnly in place. Stitch i coin
, : - '. ,
bead in each
third double
Scissors Size 10 and'12 needles
1-pink thread).
Fig. 1: Stiiching
r -,1ss through the next lD. Work : -, ,:e stitches using lF, 0E' , and lF
-, - 'eead
ap ",
: s *String lD, 1A, and 1D; skip lA : : ass through the next 1D. Work ': .', rte stitches using 2E, lF, lE, lF,
r.' ,v
tYa, '
'' i :11.i
; \4.!
rr.:: :,:,.i
- -:. and 2E with I bead in each . ,:. Repeat frorn * twice. Step up - rsh the first D added in this
, --d (rig. I -btue thread). *String 1D, 1A, and " : sr
iD; skip lA
- i :ass through the next lD. Work -.\'ote stitches using 2F, 6E, and - .. rrh 1 bead in each stitch. Repeat ' ::: * twice (rig. t-redthread). . =.: entire step five tirnes for a total - :::angles. Secure the threads; only - :ie threads on 3 triangles.
i.l l..r i-,
:-; .{
,.1., a , \.i; :.v
T{iN1-ilS" Connectthe '... -i 2 triangles with a strip of flat :: to cteate a double-triangle -' : lnent: , * " , Using the working thread of 1 tri,:-,.ie, step up through the last lD, lA,
- :i:i-il
:r Vdy
peyote stitches
tE, lF, lE, lF, and 3E ..h 1 bead in each stitch (rig. z). i : ns 2-14: Using lE in each stitch, work
ng 3E, lF,
t5: lMork
1E, lF,
::'- each
BEADWORK june/julv
;il iltuiSf t.T-Ttil*i*{ii4 " Start I' of new thread that exits the middle double trifirst E of Row 3. String lB; pass through the next lE of Row 3 (rig.5). Continue topstitching iB between each peyote stitch in Rows 3-13. Secure the thread and trirn. te: The
angle's strip frorn the
Leaving a 6" tail, use 4' ofthread and one-drop, odd-count flat peyote to form a base 9G wide and 35 rows long. Repeat for a total of 2 strips; set I strip aside. *Center one end of I strip inside one of the center triangles, under the side with the coin. lJse the working thread to zip the strip to the triangle (rig. o). Repeat the thread path to reinforce. Exit from lG on the
edge of the strip. String 1A, pass down
*{ti*fi{}#l'i* STil!f5.
Adding a
bachground strtp
To lengthcet the braeelet, add a few extra rews wher working the strips in Step 2 {always keep ta an uneven number of rows)
Do not Nengthe n the center strip, only the outside double-triangl {rnlprnent$.
:.i l"ll'*Ll.
to bezel a coin:
R.ounds'! a*d 2: Use
32E, leaving a I' tail; pass through the first 2E strung (rig. s-green thread).
Round 3; IMork
tubular peyote stitch with lE in each stitch for a total of 16E. Step up after this and subsequent rounds by passing through the first
I a*d 9: Insert a faceted coin and continue with the tail thread. Work
bead added (rig. a-pint< thread). 4;'Work tubular peyote stitch with
tubular peyote stitch with lC in each stitch for a total ofl6C in each ofthe
2 rounds.
Roarnd 1o:
lC in
8-orange thread).
is a beadweaving artist from Randfontein, South Africa. She teaches from her home studio, has created more than seventy
Alli i}:-a"iilil!
coauthor of
total of 8C. A.ttcr!: Exit frorn lC of Round l0; string . 2D and pass through lD, 1A, and lD at the tip of an end triangle. String 2D and pass through lC opposite the C just exited. Reinforce the thread path. Secure the threads and trim. *
Create this bracelet quickly and easily by weaving wheel-medallion units in one continuous bracelet. Matte metallic cubes and bugle beads make the seed beads glow, and the crystal margaritas add a sparkling center to each wheel.
Smadar Grossman
circular peyote stitch fringe
square stitch
$i{i'g' !,i\'*i g.
&3'!'Xi3r{ ,Fi
3 g metallic forest-green size 15' Japanese seed beads (A)
CtPSh! ni\tT'1. Stitch the first .heel component: ; : rnds 1 and 2: Use 3' of thread to strin{.
16A, leaving a 9" tail. Pass through all the beads again and tie a square knot
the next C of Round 4. String lF and 2C; pass through the firsr F added, the last C exited, and the last F added' String 18 and pass through the top C in the next fringe (rig.3). Repeat seven tirnes to connect each Round 5 fringe.
20 g metallic forest-green size 8o Japanese seed beads (C) 15 g matte raku green vine iris 3mm cube beads (D) 20 g matte raku green vine iris 4mm cube beads (E)
15 g matte olive 9mm bugle beads (F)
to form
Round B:
String 18, skip 1A frorn the previous round, and pass through the
in this round
Round 4:'Work
lC in
through beads to exit from the first B added in this round. Rosnd 7: String lA, pass through the next C of Round 6, string 18, pass through the following C of Round 6, string lA, and pass through the next B/C/B
vitrail medium 6mm crystal flower margaritas 2 gold 5mm jump rings 1 gold 9mm ball-and-socket clasp Smoke 6 lb braided beading thread
5 crystal
Round 5:
String lD, lC, lE, and lC; pass back through the E/C/D and through the next C ofRound 4. Repeat seven times to add a total of B fringes. Step up through the second C added in this round (rig. z).
top of the next fringe (rig. +); repeat seven tirnes. \Meave through beads to exit up through the first B
at the
Fig. 1: Stitchiirg
Fig.2: Adding
fnnge in
R.ound 5
Raund 7
Love textifes?
designs taken
rightfrarn the warld af f abrics. Notice the resemblance to batitzs in these porcelain .pendants, the diagonal stripes of
e mn's tie in this euff, and the geametric sha.pes af a.pteeed quilt in this bracelet.
INSPIRED BY Laura McCabe's beautiful Harlequin Cuff (June/uly 2010, page 38), I designed the diagonal striPes on the base of this bracelet to resemble the fabric of a
silk necktie. The tailored edging keeps with the masculine theme, but the embellishments lend a feminine touch.
'15' seed 3 g 24k gold electroplated size
11'cylinder beads in seafoamlined clear AB (B), pearl (C), and matte metallic bronze (D)
I t
2 g gold galvanized size 11" cylinder beads (E) 4 g gold permanent-finish size 11" seed beads (F)
20 Pacific opal 4mm crystal bicones 21 smoked top az 4mm crystal bicones
12 sand opal 4mm crystal bicones
9 light Colorado topaz 4mm crystal bicones 2 Pacific opal 8x6mm crystal rondelles
giKs $
'; ::
lil) SlZli:
Accentuate the striped motif by placing the crystal embellishments on their matching color stripes; soften it by placing crystals of contrasting colors on the stripes as shown here"
1) BASE. Use cylinder beads to work flat odd-count peyote stitch, forrning the cuff's base' Rows 1 and 2: Add a tension bead to 10' of
waxed thread, leaving a 4' tall. String
2) CLASP RONDELLES. Weave the working thread through beads to exit the second base bead in the last row. String lA, 28, l rondelle, and 3A; Pass
back through the rondelle, 28, and
98, 2E, and 6C. Rows 3-36: Following Fig. 1 for bead color placement, use B, C, D, and E to work
odd-count peyote stitch with 1 bead in each stitch. Rows 37-'185: Repeat the pattern established in Rows 1-36 five tirnes; repeat Rows 1-5 or until 72" short of the
desired length. bte: If lengthening, add 12 rows ('/n") ut a tirne so n
Repeat to add another rondelle between the seventh and eighth beads in the last
row. fMeave back across the row and into the rondelles to reinforce (rig. z).
*ilHEHSEHEH * -rGHngr
!lr: |
beadworkrnagazine. com
::,: rartial wide stripe (and the sev:: L-:nrh wide stripe) will have only
r:::':ellishment; all others will have 4. i .:::rq lF, 14, 1 smoked topaz bicone, -!-. a:od lF; skip 3 diagonal base beads .,: i :ass through the fourth (or count + :':b's up and 3 beads to the left)
:,E 3-blue thread). mo'rxr \\ave
, :- -
Fig,2: Adding the rondelles Fig.3:
Embellishing the stripes
-: :ie last row. String 3A; skip 1E :::gonally (in Ro* 184), pass through
:-: next E (in Row 183). Repeat, addpicot over every other E (rig. s.ce thread). Nofa The first and last i:npes of picot embellishrnent will - ate only 5 picots; the rest will have
Fig. 5: Securing the side
I picots.
rr through
r't,.dr'.ork from the edge bead that is -::iered top to bottom in the next wide
CALLIE MITCHELL beads at her home studio in Houston, Texas, when not traveling with her family. Her jewelry pieces are primarily designed
as "souvenirs"
String 6F;
r::oe. Continue adding crystal ernbel:.irnents down the center of each wide
nd picot ernbellishments between rride stripes. IJse sand opal for the
thread loop between the edge E and the next edge bead (between Rows ll and 13) on the side of the base. Pull the thread snug to align the Fs along the outside
edge. Pass back through the 2 nearest Fs
,.;:ond, eighth, and fourteenth wide .:dpes; Pacific opal for the third, sixth, -:nth, twelth, and fifteenth wide i:ripes; smoked topaz for the fourth,
i.eventh, tenth,
and pass under the nearest thread loop on the edge; repeat twice. Pass through
beads: Michaels, (800) 642-4235, www.michaels .com. Swarovski bicones and rondelles: FusionBeads .com, (888) 781 -3559. Size 11' seed beads: Beadie's
:.enth wide stripes; Colorado topaz for ::e fifth, eleventh, and seventeenth
-ide stripes.
4) CLASP LOOPS. Work lE in each .ritch off Row 1. Weave through beads to
exit the second-to-last E just added. String l7F; pass through the last lE exited to form
the 6F (rig. s). Continue adding beads along the length of the base, using 6F (or 7F as needed to fill anygaps) and adding 3F for the lst stitch. Making sure both clasp rondelles are on top of the base, work lE in each stitch long the
end of the base. Repeat the entire step along the second side of the band.
Secure the threads and
Beadwor (44O) 263- 5283, www.beadiesbead Size 15' seed beads: Beyond Beadery, (800) 840-5548,
trirn. +
lf the clasp loops are too tight at first, insert a pencil into the loops and gently apply pressure to loosen them. The nylon beading thread will stretch slightly to accommodate the rondelles.
and exit the first F of the loop. String 3A, skip lF, and pass through the next
F; repeat around to add a total
picots (rig. +-red thread). Repeat the entire step to add a second loop to the second E ofthe edge row. Secure the thread and trirn.
BEADWORI( june,/july2011
TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS AGO, Sue made a quilt for her daughter featuring the tumbling block Pattern. ln this charming bracelet, she has adapted that pattern using a triangle shape she learned in Julia S. Pretl's book Llttle Beading Boxes. Notice how the triangles form six-pointed stars as well as 3-D blocks'
/IATERlALS 5 g light olive matte size 1'l' cylinder
beads (A) 5 g mauve matte size 11' cylinder beads (B) 5 g light teal matte size 11' cylinder beads (C) 5 g mauve-lined crystal size 11" cylinder beads (D)
Scissors Size 10 beading needle
circular peyote stitch herringbone stitch PRCIJECT LVEL
See p. 94 for helpful technique and p roj ect-l ev el i nlor m ati on.
Fig. 1: Sutching
R.ound 2
String lC; pass through the nearest C in the previous round. Step up through the first C added in this round
String 1A, lB, and 1C; pass through all again to forrn a circle, leaving a 4" tall. Exit from the C. Round 2: String lC and lA; pass through theAin Round l. String lAand lB; pass through the B in Round 1. String lB and lC; pass through the C in Round 1. Step up for the next round bypassing through the first C added in this round (rig. r). Round 3: String 1C and 1A; pass through the nearest A in the previous round. String 1A; pass through the nearestA in the previous round. String lA and lB; pass through the nearest B in Round 2. String lB; pass through the nerest B in the previous round. String 18 and 1C; pass through the rrerest C in the previous round.
but work 2 peyote stitches between each of the triangle's herringbone-stitched corners in Round 4, 3 peyote stitches in Round 5, and 4 peyote stitches in
Round 6
Round 7:
z-red thread).
Fig.2: Ad.ding
the nearest bead in the previous round to form a corner, thenwork 5 peyote stitches with lD in each stitch to forrn the side; repeat twice. JMeave through beads to exit frorn the first
D added in this round (rig.3). Don't trim the thread; set the triangle aside.
Repeat the entire step seven times to
total of 8 embellished triangles. Repeat Rounds l-G of the triangle twenty-two times to lotrrt22 unembellished triangles.
Fig. 3: Strtching
Round 7
: RCLE 1 " Join the triangles together : -: following order by zipping the :r::s. forrning a circle: " i:gles 1 and 2: Use the thread of . :nembellished triangle (triangle r) to ::: ro the side ofan ernbellished tri::-gle (Triangle z), rnaking sure the side - -iors match. Use lD to add an inside - - rner to Triangle 2 (ng. c). - angles 2 and 3, Zip t}'e next side of Trilgle 1 to an embellished triangle (Tri::gle 3), again rnaking sure the side - -,lors match. Add lD to the nearest -rtside corner ofTriangle l, add lD ::i each stitch to the outside edge of Triangle l, add 1D to the nearest out.rde corner of tiangle 1, then weave -hrough beads to exit frorn the open
:dge of Triangle 2 (rig. 5-orange thread). " :ngles2 and4:Zip to the side of an
The triangles work equally well using size "l "5o or 11o seed beds.
'rnembellished triangle (rriangle +), add lD to the nearest outside corner ,rf Triangle 4, add 1D in each stitch to the outside edge of Triangle 4, and add lD to the nearest outside corner
Fig.6: Adding
half circle
Tiiangle 4
(rig. s-pinkthread).
embellished triangle (Triangle s), add lD to the nerest inside corner of Triangle 4, andweave throughbeads to exit frorn the open edge of Triangle 5
previous circle (rig.6). Repeat to add a total of7 conjoined circles. Secure the thread and trim.
(Fig. 5-green
4) CLASP. Stitch a button/loop clasp: guttonr Start I' ofnewthread that exits
rriangles 6 and
6 (rig. s-utue threaa). l: Zip to the open side of Tiiangle 3, add 1D to the nearest outside corner of Triangle 6, add lD in each stitch to the outside edge of Tiiangle 6, and add lD to the nearest outside corner ofTriangle 6. \Meave through beads to exit frorn the open
side of Triangle 5 (rig. 5-red thread).
let. String the button and 3D; pass down through the next hole in the button and into the beadwork. Repeat the thread path several times to reinforce. Secure the thread and trim. Loop: Start I' ofnew thread that exits from a D at the outside corner ofone of the triangles at the other end of the bracelet. String 28D; pass through the
nearest outside coner ofthe adjacent
trirn. +
5U MAGUIR. considers herself an unashamed beadaholic, who came to beadwork via patchwork and embroidery. She
aTrustee ofThe
through the
3) CIRCLES 2-6. Use the same zipping technique as in Circle I to form a half circle that includes I ernbellished and 2 unembellished triangles and butts up against the nearest 2 triangles in the
nearest outside corner of the next triangle, and exit through the first 2D added in this section (rig. z-utu" thread). String lD, skip 1D, and pass
contact: Delica beads at www.Charisma Beads, Unit 2[, 80/81, Walsworth Rd., Hitchin,
Herts., SG4 9SX. Similar beads: Beyond Beadery
through the following lD; repeat to add a total of t3D (ris. 7-red thread).
{7'"#tr####p? #edrys
Heather Kahn
Stitch a bracelet using twohole beads to reflect the geometric mosaic patterns of Moroccan tile designs.
lffi-';]; q:*:!'rs-!.
T*'i{l$gR &{}{ iibi
peyote stitch square stitch 3m$"T
See p. 94
p i
, *4*
roject- I ev el i nf o r m ati o n.
i ,\'{'{r
I i l Work modified and ernbeli pevote and square stitch to form
Row*: String
l'{ .'{ fi ,S
- =se
ofthe bracelet:
-ugh the left hole of lD, then ::rg 18, lC, and 1B; pass up through = right hole of the same D. String _ iC, arru lB; pass down through 1v, and ru, Pa uvwtr trrruuBrr --. ieft hole of the sarne D, the nearest - tl B, and up through the right hole
lA, 18, lC 1B. 1A, and ID; down through the right hole of the top D added in Ror'' 3. String the left hole oflD and pass dorvn through the right hole ofthe bottom D added inRow3. StringlD, 1A, 18. lC, 18, and lA; pass up through the left hole of the bottorn D added in Rov-3
beads (D)
7 shiny metallic tealf bronze beads (E)
flat 2-hole
lD and pass
hole of the bottorn D added in this row (rig.3-bluethread). String 18, lC,
-: through the right hole of the last - exited; repeat the thread path to
:=inforce and exit down through the ,=it hoie of the D just added (rig. r'ed thread).
i : d 3:
:ass up through the right hole of the f added in Row 2 (rig. z-blue thread).
Srring iD,
:ass down through the left hole of the D added in Row 2, the nearestA/B/C/
3/4, and up through the left hole of .he first D added in this row, the right
hole of the next D, and the left hole -,he top D (rig. z-red thread).
and lB; pass up through the right hole ofthe last D exited (rig.3-redthread). Row 5: String lD and pass up through the right hole of the nearest D in Row 4; repeat once. String lB, lC, and lB; pass down through the left hole of the last D exited. IMeave throughbeads to exit up through the right hole ofthe top D in Row 4 (rig. +-blue thread). Row d: String 1A, 18, lC, IB, and lA; pass down through the right hole of the nearest D added in Row 5. String lD; pass down through the right hole ofthe next D added in Row 5. String lA, 1B, 1C, lB, and lA; pass up
I ;.
through the right hole ofthe nearest D in Row 4.-Weave through beads to exit down through the right hole of the first D added in Row 5 (rig. a-
StringlA, 18, lC, lB, and lA; pass up through the right hole of the D added in this row. String 1A, lB, lC, 1B, and lA; pass down
through the right hole of the nearest D in Row 5.'Weave through beads to exit up through the right hole of the D added in this row (rig. s).
Fig. 1: Stitcfiing
Rows 1 nnd 2
Wl"ren working on the center embeNlishment, leave the thread
tension a little !ooser than usuai sr the two-hole beads will pull toward the center and distort the shape of the diamond.
Rorls 5 nnd 6
BEADWORK june/.jul,v20li
. Because two-hole beads are so thin, they are more likely to chip than
other seed beads. Take extra care with their storage and handling.
ofthe center D in the next Row 4 repeat. Repeat the entire step to ernbellish the center of each diamond.
sired length, always attaching the D in the Row I repeat to the D added in the Row 6 repeat. IMeave through beads to exit up through the right hole ofthe center D in the final Row 4 repeat.
3) (LA$F. Securely sew one half of the clasp to the D at each end ofthe bracelet. *
up through the right hole ofthe last D exited and down through the right hole of the E just added. String 18, lC, and 1B; pass up through the left hole of the E just added, down through the left hole of the last D exited, and up through the left hole of the E just added (rig. o-blu" thread). String 18, 1C, and lB; pass down through the right hole of the E just
bead business, Caravan Beads. She recently launched her own line of costume-inspired jewelry with her business partner, Jeff Witkavitch. Visit Chrononaut Mercantile at www.chrononaut
RSOURC.5 Check your local bead shop or contact: Tila two-hole beads, Miyuki seed beads, C-Lon nylon beading thread and all other materials: Caravan Beads, (800) 230-8941, www
beadworkmagazine. com
2 g metallic mix of size 11" seed beads
irlrf:::ons for your loom, use the nylon Ll'i :? \arp the loom so there are f ,ua:Fs spaced at l0 warps per inch.
thin fibers
your weft.
subtle blending technique, start with one pair of colors and gradually replace one of the colors with a new one.
nu :racelet:
ilurye Cut
;:: lrarp
='g t
For exarnple, cut your weft fibers into 8" and 4" Iengths. When a shorter piece runs out, replace it with a longer one.
Various yarns including silk, pearl cotton, linen, rayon floss, and novelty fibers
2 x 8" piece of Ultrasuede
threads for 1/a", forming a r,e--der that you'll turn under later
IJse one of the following tech-:1ues to weave the bracelet band for -- or long enough to cover your brass
.'eft fiber
at the edge
ofthe bracelet.
S:art in the body of the piece and push ie tails through to the back of the; you'll
To transfer seed beads onto your weft fiber, center abeadingneedle on 10" ofthread and knot the ends. Put the end ofyour weft through the thread loop. String 14 size 8os and slide thern down the beading thread onto the weft fiber (rig. z). Ifyou're using 2 strands of fiber as the weft, thread the beads onto just one of them. Position the beads in the
shed, spacing the beads evenly across the warp threads (rig. s). Wrap the weft fiber around the outside warp thread once.
trim and hide those -,ails when you finish the piece.
lCLlD COLOR -::rg I or 2 strands of fiber as your ,={. weave as rnany rows as desired.
Then, change the shed and continue weaving the weft fiber as before. Add rows ofbeads as desired as you weave the
length ofthe bracelet.
The size of your individual weft threads, whether silk, cotton, or novelty yarn, should not be any
:rperiment with different yarns to r.: a feel for how each yarn looks.
weft is thicker than the warp cords, it may not cover them completely.
Fig, 1: Weaving cords
through the warp
Fig. 2: Striirging
beads onta the cord
weaving terms
warp: The fixed vertical threads added to the loorn. you'll weave
The space between the raised and lowered warp threads. Any rnechanism that raises and lowers every other warp thread to create a shed.
BEADWORK june/july
piece of nylon cord to weave for aV+" footet as at the start. Lightly glue the edge of the header
a 1'
and footer so the weaving doesrit ravel when you remove it from the loom. Cut the piece off the loom, leaving at
3) ASSEMBtY. Finish the bracelet: Ultrasuede: Trace the woven piece onto the back of the Ultrasuede and cut out the bracelet backing. Gluinge IJse a toothpick to spread a thin, even layer of adhesive onto the back
of the woven piece and the Ultrasuede. Place the brass cuff blank between the two and sandwich thern together. Smooth and align the woven piece and the Ultrasuede. Tiim the Ultrasuede if it extends past the edge
Sdging: Place
Fig. 4: Whipstitching
the cuff's edge
end. Tie overhand knots with warp pairs close to the edges and trirn the warp ends to 72". Turn the header and footer toward the back of the band, adjusting the length as needed to cover the brass cuff, and glue them
least 5" of warp threads on each
into place.
abeadingneedle on 3'of beading thread and tie a knot at one end. Pass through the weaving, hiding the knot, and exit at one corner close to the edge. String 3 size llos and pass through both layers. Repeat, stitching
one bead's width frorn the last spot
fulake sure you don't pull the weft too tightly when you wrap areund the edges; you $/ant t rnak sure yur edges remain straight.
exited around the entire edge (rig. +). Secure the thread and trim. *
* The woven beads will help keep your piece at an even width, s add a row of, beads at least every 1/2" tQ 3/q".
Tapestry and Bead Looms. When she is not on the road showing off her looms and/or teaching, she
can be found in southern New Hampshire
You can use any tapestry techniques in this cuff, but I suggest that beginners start with simple lines and weft blending.
writing in her blog and running Mirrix. your local bead shop or
contact: C-Lon beading cord and thread, loom, and all other supplies: MirrixTapestry and Bead Looms, (603) 547 -627 8,
beadworkmagazine. com
My peyote-stitched eal'ring design references the ancient mosaics found in the floors of Ponrpei i and Herculaneum.
) BOTTOM DISK. Work circular peyote stitch to form the front of the disk that hangs at the bottom of the earring: Round 't: IJse 2' of tlread to string 4A; pass through the beads again to form a tight circle, leavilg a 4" tail to weave in later.
Round 7:
Round 2r
String lB and pass through the next A of Round I ; repeat three times to add a total of 48. Step up through the first B added in this round (rig. rString 2B and pass through the next B of Round 2; repeat three tirnes to add a total of BB. Step up through the first B added in this round (rig. tblue thread).
green thread).
Rsund 3:
circular peyote stitch with I bead in each stitch, repeating this bead order four tirnes: lB, 1A, lC, 1A. The round will contain BA, 4B, and 4C. Step up through the first B added in this round (rig. z-blue thread). Rounds I and 9: Work circular peyote stitch with lA in each stitch for a total of 16A in eac-h of 2 rounds, always stepping up through the firstAadded in the round (rig. 2-red thread). The work will cup. Secure the thread and trim; set
the disk aside.
Repeat the entire step to
Fig. 1: Stitching
2-4 of the
a second
frant bottom
circular peyote stitch
right-angle weave
See p. 94
Round 4r
matte black size'1'1'cylinder beads (B) 3 g metallic antique gold size 11' cylinder
beads (C) 2 spinel
7x9mm briolettes
2mm rounds
'12 spinel
String lB, pass through the next B of Round 3, string lC, and pass through the following B of Round 3; repeat three times to add a total of 48 and 4C. Step up through the first B added in this round (rig. 1-red thread). Round i: String lC and pass through the next bead added in Round 4; repeat seven tirnes to add a total of 8C. Step up through the first C added in this
disk, but this tirne use all As and don't trirn the thread. Zip: Arrange the two disks so their edge beads interlock like a zipper. Use the working t-hread to weave the beads of each disk togedrer, lonming a coin shape (rig. 3). Don't trirn the thread.
Round 6:
Scissors Size'10 or 12 beading needle
String 28, pass through the next C added in Round 5, string 2C, and pass through the following C added in Round 5; repeat to add a total ofSB and 8C. Step up through the first B added in this round (rig. z-green
Round 2:
cirde, leaving a 4" tail to weave in later. String lC and pass through the next C of Round l; repeat twice to add
.'r; - -: :--,-ni
-t .-i--rirrS 1C and pass through iri i ::::: ,] of dre prewious round; - .:e:: =-een tirnes to add a total of , ;, =ach of 4 rounds (rig. +-r- r e3d.i
-a :; C fig.4-green thread) ; !-:--: -C ald pass through the r-:r;: - :, i.:u:]ti1: repeatfivetimes . " : - ": :: j of 12C (rig. 1-btuethread).
3) ASSEMBLY. Attach the post disk and the bottom disk with right-angle-weave strips:
strip I : String 3C; pass through the last C exited and the first 2C just added; repeat three tirnes to form a rightangle-weave strip 4C long (rig. z-green thread). connction r : String
Addng the
Nsnu.: 10:
Strrlg lC,
through the
1 1
lC; pass through an Round 9 of the bottorn disk's front side. String IC; pass through the Iast C exited, the first C just added, and the A in Round 9 to forrn a rightangle-weave
:, nr thread).
:-xt C of Round l0; repeat five times :' add a total of 6C (Fig. 6-green thread).
roqnd 12: String
Fig.8: Enbellishtng
the post
Repeat Strip
lC, pass through the next C ofRound 11, the nearest C of Round 10, and the following C of
then repeat Connection 2, this tirne attaching to a C on the post disk one
bead away frorn the starting C
Round 1l; repeat five tirnes to add a rotal of 3C (rig. 6-btue thread). Round i3: String lC and pass through the nert C of Round 12; repeat twice to add a total of 3C (rig. 6-red thread). \feave throughbeads to exit frorn Round 7.
Strip l.-W.eave through beads to exit from the starting C exited on the post
disk (rig. 7-red thread).
Fost-disk embellishrnent:
String one 2rnm through the next C in Round 7 of the post disk; then string lC and pass through the following C in Round 7 of the post disk; repeat to add a total of six 2rnm rounds and 6C (rig. a-blue thread). Secure this thread
round and
and trim.
Bottom-disk embellishment: Weave the
working thread of t.he bottom disk trough beads to exit from the bottorn center A in Round 9. String 4C, I briolette, and 2C; pass back through the second C originally added. String lC and pass through the last A exited
8-red thread). Repeat the thread path to reinforce. Secure the thread and trim.
Fig. 4: Worhing Rc-the post dish
MAGGIE MEISTER is a beadwork artist who is inspired by jewelry, mosaics, andfrescoes found in antiquity. She translates her passion for ancient
history into jewelry using seed beads and semiprecious stones. Maggie teaches both nationally and internationally, and her book, Classical Elegance, part of Lark's Masters Beadweaving
Series, will be available in August 20.11. RESOURCES Checkyour local bead shop or contact: Similar materials:, (ggS)
781 -3559.
earring. +
d {s,s-sss
This sinuous herringbone-stitched necklace takes its sculptural shape from metallic seed beads surrounding brilliant crystal stones.
'r ;!4
a- t5"
",' Tt{ :*
''F"{lg{N f *t,&r,Fi
herringbone stitch ladder stitch square stitch
lllt{}.1t.{.& t t
I l.g. '
ati o n.
3 rounds using C. String 104 and through the C opposite the C just
i,: rnds l and 2: IJse 6' of thread to work a
-"ider-stitched srrip 2 beads high and * beads long; stitch the first and sec' rd stacks with A and the third and :: rrth stacks with c. stitch the first =ld last stacks together to form a circle. Erit up through the first stack of C. rund 3: Begin working in herringbone siitch. String 2C; pass down through --he next top C and up through the rlearest top A in Round 1 (rig. t ). String 2A; pass down through the next top A, then pass up through the nearest C ofthe previous round and rhe first C added in this round.
exited. Reinforce the thread path. Secure the thread and trirn. claspr Repeat the loop instructions on the other end of the rope. String 64, the clasp, and 6A in place of 10A. 2) CABOCHCINS. Add a round of square stitch around the settings ofthe
beads (A) 6 g galvanized rose gold permanent-finish size 11o seed beads (B) 15 g galvanized rose gold permanent-finish size 8o seed beads (C) 15 foil-backed rose satin 8mm pointed-back crystal cabochons in 4-hole gold settings
Stitch'i: Secure 2' of thread to 1 prong on a crystal setting. Exiting one of the holes, string 48; pass through the next hole, exiting the hole across frorn
the one enter.d
(rig. 3-orange thread).
Scissors Size 11 beading needles
stitch 2: String 48; pass through the next hole, exiting the opposite hole (rig. sgreen thread).
IS H li
D SIT;;,
Round 3, using C in place ofAandAinplace ofC (ris.z). -\bte: Switching the beads will cause the rope to arc the opposite way. R.ounds 18-32: Repeat Round 17. Repeat, switchingAfor C, and C forA every 16 stitches for a total of15 arcs. toop:'Work l0 rounds of herringbone stitch using C, l0 rounds usingA, and
Round 17: Repeat
through 48, string lB to hole, pass through 58, and string 1B; repet to add a total of 4B to
l-red thread).
Fig.2: Worhing
first two
BEA-DWORK june/july
lf y*u
r*se $ettings witl"r two holes instead of four and need tc adjust
your thread path in Step 2 to aeconnwrndate them, be sure the base round has 228 befsre beginnlng the square-$titch round.
Fig. 4: 5qurire-stitchrirg
araunrJ. a cabachatt
Square stitah: B
String lB; pass through the just exited and the next B in the base round (ris. +). Contimre squarestitching, adding lB in each stitch for atotal of 22B. Pass through the22B just added twice to reinforce. Do not
These beads
round next to a prong on the setting, string 28, I light rose satin pendant, lB, the fuchsia pendant, 18, the other light rose satin pendant, and 2B; pass through the 58 just skipped on the
bottom edge of the cabochon, forming a fringe (rig. s). Repeat the thread path to reinforce. Set aside. 3) 5SEMBLY" Using the thread frorn I cabochon, square-stitch the top round of beads to the As on the inside of one
YASM!f.l .IACOB SARFAII has been beading for ten years and owns a bead store, She lives in lsrael.
your local bead shop or contact: Toho One-G nylon thread and all other
materials: Beading with Beads, Settings for Swarovski 1028 cabochons: Similar Swarovski'17704 chaton
to the center 8A or 9A of the center arc. Secure the threads and trim. *
monte cabochons (U.S. source): Gerri's Crystals,, and, (866) 715-2323. Swarovski 1028 cabochons and similar pendants and seed beads:,
Adapt the pattern
beadworkrnagazine. corn