A Fourth Annual Report AMU
A Fourth Annual Report AMU
A Fourth Annual Report AMU
Annex 4. Europe, Regional Focus ........................................................................................................ 100
Annex 5. Middle East, Regional Focus ................................................................................................. 105
Annex 6. OIE Template ........................................................................................................................ 106
Annex 7. Guidance for Completing the OIE Template for the Collection of Data on Antimicrobial
Agents Used in Animals ........................................................................................................ 112
Annex 8. Annex to the guidance for completing the OIE template for the collection of data on
antimicrobial agents used in animals ................................................................................... 123
Annex 9. Distribution of Members by OIE Region ............................................................................... 129
Table 1. Number of Countries that Responded to the OIE Survey in the Fourth Round of Data
Collection, by OIE Region ................................................................................................................ 22
Table 2. OIE Template Sections and How Countries Respond Based on Available Data .............................. 25
Table 3. Breakdown of Country Response Types in Fourth Round of Data Collection ................................. 27
Table 4. Reported Period of Time Covered by the Antimicrobial Quantities by OIE Region, 2016 .............. 39
Table 5. Reported Percentage of Antimicrobial Quantities Coverage by OIE Region, 2016 ......................... 41
Table 6. Estimation of Quantitative Data Not Captured Based on Lack of Access to Sources,
as Reported by 36 Countries in 2016 ............................................................................................. 42
Table 7. Reported Quantity of Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals by OIE Region, 2016 ..... 43
Table 8. Antimicrobial Classes with More than 70% of the Total Amount of Antimicrobials Intended
for Use in Animals, by 8 Countries in 2016 ..................................................................................... 45
Table 9. Animal Biomass Covered by Quantitative Data Reported to the OIE for 2016 Obtained by the
Accumulation of Information from all Rounds of Data Collection, Results for 92 Countries ......... 58
Table 10. Antimicrobial Quantities Adjusted by Animal Biomass, by OIE Region, 2016 ................................. 62
World Distribution of OIE Members that Responded to the OIE Survey in the Fourth
Round of Data Collection ................................................................................................................ 23
Contact Person Profile of 152 Members that Submitted the OIE Report in 2018 .......................... 24
Regional Proportion of Contact Person of 152 Members that Submitted the Response
to the OIE Survey in the Fourth Round of Data Collection ............................................................. 24
Number of Countries Participating in All Rounds of the Data Collection ........................................ 26
Number of Countries Participating with Quantitative Data (Reporting Options) in All Rounds
of the Data Collection ..................................................................................................................... 27
Years of Quantitative Data Reported in Fourth Round of Data Collection, from 126 Responses
Provided by 118 Countries ............................................................................................................. 28
Years of Quantitative Data Reported in Fourth Round of Data Collection, from 126 Responses
Provided by 118 Countries by OIE Region ...................................................................................... 28
Number of Countries Participating in All Rounds of the OIE Data Collection with National
Reports Available on the Web ........................................................................................................ 29
Country Barriers to Reporting Quantitative Data on Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in
Animals in 29 Countries in the Fourth Round of Data Collection ................................................... 30
Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters in 153 Countries in 2018 ................................................ 33
Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters by Rounds of Data Collection in 139 Countries ............. 33
Number of Countries Using Antimicrobial Agents for Growth Promotion in Animals in 2018, of
153 Responding Countries, by OIE Region ..................................................................................... 34
Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters by Legislation, in 153 Countries in 2018 ........................ 35
Type of Legislation for Growth Promotion in 35 Countries that Reported the Use of Growth
Promoters in 2018 .......................................................................................................................... 36
Antimicrobial Agents Used for Growth Promotion in Animals in 28 Countries in 2018 ................. 37
Number of Countries Included in the Antimicrobial Quantities Analysis by OIE Region,
from 2014 to 2016 .......................................................................................................................... 38
Validated Data Sources Selected by 75 Countries Reporting Quantitative Data in 2016 ............... 40
‘Other’ Source of Data Described by 10 Countries Reporting Quantitative Data in 2016 .............. 41
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes Reported for Use in Animals by 93 Countries in 2016 .......... 44
Food-Producing Animal Species Included in Quantitative Data Reported by 92 Countries
in 2016 ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Differentiation by Animal Groups Among 93 Countries Reporting Quantitative Data in 2016 ...... 47
Representation of Quantitative Data from 43 Countries Able to Distinguish by Animal
Group in 2016 ................................................................................................................................. 47
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes by Terrestrial Food-producing Animals as Reported
by 18 Countries in 2016 .................................................................................................................. 48
Animals included in Aquaculture covered in the Quantitative Data Reported by 60 Countries
in 2016 ............................................................................................................................................ 49
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes by Aquatic Food-producing Animals as Reported by 9
Countries in 2016............................................................................................................................ 50
Differentiation of Equine Data by Animal Groups Among 11 Countries Reporting Quantitative
Data in 2016 ................................................................................................................................... 51
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes by Companion Animals as Reported by 31 Countries
in 2016 ............................................................................................................................................ 52
Proportion of Antimicrobial Quantities (by antimicrobial class) Reported for Use in Animals
by the oral route, aggregated by 39 countries in 2016 .................................................................. 53
Proportion of Antimicrobial Quantities (by antimicrobial class) Reported for Use in Animals
by the injection route, aggregated by 39 countries in 2016........................................................... 53
Proportion of Antimicrobial Quantities (by antimicrobial class) Reported for Use in Animals
by other routes, aggregated by 39 countries in 2016 .................................................................... 54
Estimated Percentage of Total Regional Biomass Covered by Countries Reporting Quantitative
Data for 2014, 2015 and 2016 ........................................................................................................ 55
Regional Percentages of Estimated Biomass Covered by Countries Reporting Quantitative
Data for 2016 .................................................................................................................................. 56
Countries Including Aquatic Food-Producing Animal Species in Quantitative Data for 2016 ........ 57
Species Composition of Animal Biomass for 92 Countries Included in 2016 Quantitative
Data Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 59
Global Quantities of Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals Based on Data
Reported by 92 Countries for 2016, Adjusted by Animal Biomass(mg/kg) .................................... 60
Quantities of Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals Adjusted by Animal Biomass,
2016 Regional Comparison (mg/kg) ............................................................................................... 61
Global Quantities of Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals Based on Data
Reported by Countries for 2014, 2015 and 2016, Adjusted by Animal Biomass (mg/kg) .............. 64
Director General’s Foreword
During the 87th OIE General Session in May 2019, the World Assembly of
Delegates adopted Resolution No. 14: OIE’s Engagement in the One
Health Global Effort to Control Antimicrobial Resistance, which included
the decision to establish a permanent Working Group on Antimicrobial
Resistance (AMR) to support the implementation of the OIE Global
Strategy on Antimicrobial Resistance and the Prudent Use of
Antimicrobials and the organisation’s capacity to respond to global
challenges according to its mandate. The Working Group on AMR held
its first meeting in October 2019 and will further guide the collection of
data on the use of antimicrobials in animals (AMU).
Dr Monique Eloit
The need for accurate information on the use of antimicrobial agents in
OIE Director General
animals is widely recognised. In September 2019, the OIE together with
its Tripartite partners – FAO and WHO – provided a report for the UN Secretary General to submit for
consideration by Member States at the 74th session of the UN General Assembly. The report was a
follow-up on the implementation of the political declaration of the high-level meeting of the General
Assembly on antimicrobial resistance and included the recommendations of the Inter-Agency
Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance. In his conclusions the Secretary General cited
enhancing the collection, analysis and reporting of comparable high-quality AMU and AMR data as one
of the ways of addressing challenges at the regional and global levels.
The OIE has taken the lead by creating a global database on the use of antimicrobial agents in animals,
in the framework of the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance. As a result of the tremendous
efforts of its Members, the OIE Annual Reports on the Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Animals have
been published every year since December 2016.
The OIE’s partners consider the OIE data collection on the use of antimicrobials in animals and the
progress achieved by the 152 OIE Members that participated in the data collection in the fourth round
to be a major milestone in the global effort to contain antimicrobial resistance. The OIE recognises the
efforts of the OIE Delegates and the National Focal Points for Veterinary Products in assisting in this
extraordinary effort.
Finally, the OIE strongly supports its Members in these efforts through the implementation of its
Strategy on Antimicrobial Resistance and the Prudent Use of Antimicrobials, published in November
2016. In 2019, the OIE initiated the procedures to create an interactive Information Technology (IT)
system for the OIE AMU Data Collection. This system is expected to allow OIE Members to have instant
access to their data to guide decisions at the national level. To further support Members, the OIE
delivered its first Workshops on the OIE Antimicrobial Use Data Collection in the Americas and Africa
to identify suitable data sources, assist in calculating kilograms of active ingredients and get feedback
on their needs for the future IT System for the OIE Data Collection.
I hope that this report will further encourage all Members and non-OIE Members to continue to
participate in this initiative. Your constant support and involvement will increase the precision and
robustness of our understanding of the global use of antimicrobial agents in animals.
Executive Summary
This fourth OIE annual report on the use of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals provides
the global use of antimicrobial agents adjusted for animal biomass for 2016, and interprets the overall
findings of the fourth annual data collection on the use of antimicrobial agents in animals, providing a
global and regional analysis.
The OIE template used to collect data was designed to allow all countries to participate, regardless of
whether a national data collection system currently exists. In 2018, the fourth round of data collection,
completed reports were submitted by 152 Members (152 out of 182; 84%), including data reported by
one non-contiguous territory1 of an OIE Member with its own reporting mechanism. One hundred and
eighteen reports (118 out of 153; 77%) included quantitative data for one or more years between 2016
to 2018.
In the fourth round of data collection, countries were asked to provide information on the barriers
faced in reporting quantities of antimicrobials intended for use in animals. Twenty-nine countries
reported primarily a lack of regulatory framework, human resource constraints and lack of information
technology (IT) tools to collect the data, perform calculations and analyse the antimicrobial quantities.
Ten of these countries (10 out of 29; 34%) confirmed that actions will be undertaken in the near future
to facilitate their reporting of quantities of antimicrobials to the OIE.
For the responses on the use of antimicrobial agents as growth promoters, a total of 118 responding
countries (118 out of 153; 77%) did not use any antimicrobial agents for growth promotion in animals
in their countries as of 2018, either with or without legislation or regulations. The remaining countries
(35 out of 153; 23%) reported use of antimicrobials for growth promotion; of these, 20 countries (20
out of 35; 57%) had a regulatory framework that either provided a list of antimicrobials that can be
used as growth promoters or provided a list of those that should not be used as growth promoters.
The analysis of antimicrobial agents adjusted by animal biomass was performed in 92 countries for the
year 2016. The calculations of animal biomass allowed for an analysis of reported antimicrobial
quantities adjusted by a denominator. Animal biomass is calculated as the total weight of the live
domestic animals in a given population and year, used as a proxy to represent those likely exposed to
the quantities of antimicrobial agents reported. Animal biomass was calculated for food-producing
species of countries reporting quantitative data for the year 2016, primarily using data from the OIE
World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS) and the Food and Agriculture Organization Statistics
(FAOSTAT). 2016 was the target year of this fourth round of data collection.
The global estimate of antimicrobial agents used in animals in 2016 adjusted by animal biomass, as
represented by the quantitative data reported to the OIE from 92 countries, was 144.39 mg/kg. An
approach for an upper-level estimate of 153.02 mg/kg was made adjusting by country-level estimates
of how much data on antimicrobial agents used in animals they covered in 2016. The 2016 analysis
reflects a much stronger global participation in the data collection, with an estimated global biomass
coverage of 74%, increased from 68% in 2015.
For the purpose of the OIE AMU Data Collection, ‘non-contiguous territory’ means: an insular territory separated from
the mainland but affiliated to an OIE Member, with its own AMU monitoring system. For simplicity, the 153 reports
received from 152 Members and one non-contiguous territory are referred to through the remainder of this report as
153 countries reporting to the OIE their antimicrobial usage.
As a result of the many challenges that we now know countries face as they advance towards
quantitative data collection on antimicrobial use in animals, the OIE continues to advise caution in
interpretation and use of quantitative data presented in this report. The report transparently describes
the reasons for uncertainty associated with both the complex and simple estimates presented.
Limitations of this analysis include quantitative data source errors, which may lead to overcounting of
antimicrobial amounts by some countries new to the process of data collection.
The OIE remains strongly committed to supporting our Members in developing robust measurement
and transparent reporting mechanisms for antimicrobial use, but the challenges for many of our
Members must not be under-estimated. Concurrent to engagement with countries to improve these
data, the methodology for calculating animal biomass will be refined. While data collection systems
further develop, this annual report will provide an essential global and regional analysis of antibiotic
use in animals, and changes over time.
The development of a Phase 2 OIE Global Database seeks to deliver a software scenario where OIE
Members are able to complete the data entry requirements, calculate the antimicrobial quantities,
and have their animal biomass estimated through confidential access to a central database. OIE
Members will be provided with functional access to the database to review, analyse, present and use
their own data, in line with the OIE’s responsibility for global data aggregation and analysis.
This report was prepared by Dr Delfy Góchez, Dr Gérard Moulin, Dr Morgan Jeannin, and Dr Elisabeth
The OIE thanks the contributions from its Antimicrobial Resistance and Veterinary Products
Department (Ben Davies, Saija Kalenius, Mduduzi Magongo, Dante Mateo and Jorge Pinto Ferreira),
the OIE Capacity Building Department (Camille Loi and Valentyna Sharandak) and OIE Technical
Officers in the OIE Regional and Sub-regional representations.
The OIE would also like to thank all OIE Members, Delegates, National Focal Points for Veterinary
Products and other governmental officials who contributed to the fourth annual collection on data of
antimicrobial agents used in animals, without which such knowledge and insight could never be gained
on the global use of antimicrobial agents in animals.
The OIE thanks the members of the OIE ad hoc Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (period of 3-5 July
2018 and 16-18 January 2019) for their input in development of the global database and methodology
for calculation of animal biomass for the fourth round of the OIE data collection on antimicrobial
agents intended for use in animals (from September 2018 to May 2019).
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AMR Antimicrobial resistance
OIE Glossary2
Antimicrobial agent: means a naturally occurring, semi-synthetic or synthetic substance that exhibits
antimicrobial activity (kill or inhibit the growth of micro-organisms) at concentrations attainable in
vivo. Anthelmintics and substances classed as disinfectants or antiseptics are excluded from this
Growth promotion, growth promoters: means the administration of antimicrobial agents to animals
only to increase the rate of weight gain or the efficiency of feed utilisation.
Monitoring: means the intermittent performance and analysis of routine measurements and
observations, aimed at detecting changes in the environment or health status of a population.
Surveillance: means the systematic ongoing collection, collation, and analysis of information related
to animal health and the timely dissemination of information so that action can be taken
Veterinary legislation: means laws, regulations and all associated legal instruments that pertain to the
veterinary domain.
Veterinary medicinal product: means any product with approved claims to having a prophylactic,
therapeutic or diagnostic effect or to alter physiological functions when administered or applied to an
Veterinary medical use: Means the administration of an antimicrobial agent to an individual or a group
of animals to treat, control or prevent disease:
Veterinary Services: means the governmental and non-governmental organisations that implement
animal health and welfare measures and other standards and recommendations in the Terrestrial Code
and the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code in the territory. The Veterinary Services are under the overall
control and direction of the Veterinary Authority. Private sector organisations, veterinarians,
veterinary paraprofessionals or aquatic animal health professionals are normally accredited or
approved by the Veterinary Authority to deliver the delegated functions.
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
For two decades, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has engaged in combating
antimicrobial resistance through a One Health approach. On a global level, the mitigation of
antimicrobial resistance is crucial for the protection of human, animal, plant and environmental health.
During the 83rd General Session in May 2015, the OIE Members officially committed to combat AMR
and promote the prudent use of antimicrobials in animals and stated their full support for Global
Action Plan on AMR, developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in close collaboration with
the OIE and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) [2]. One year later, during
the 84th General Session, the World Assembly of Delegates directed OIE to compile and consolidate all
the actions to combat AMR [3], and the resultant OIE Strategy on AMR and the Prudent Use of
Antimicrobials was published in November 2016 [4].
The structure of this OIE Strategy supports the objectives established in the Global Action Plan, and
reflects the mandate of the OIE as described in its Basic Texts and Strategic Plans, through four main
objectives: (1) Improve awareness and understanding; (2) Strengthen knowledge through surveillance
and research; (3) Support good governance and capacity building; and (4) Encourage implementation
of international standards.
Towards development of these objectives, the OIE engages with National Focal Points for Veterinary
Products in OIE Members. During the 76th General Session of the World Assembly of Delegates in May
2008, OIE Delegates were asked to nominate National Focal Points for Veterinary Products, who would
provide technical assistance in improving and harmonising national policies for control of veterinary
products in their countries. The OIE, through its Regions, organises regular seminars for these Focal
Points to support good governance and capacity building of its Members, and harmonised
implementation of OIE standards for responsible and prudent use of antimicrobials.
In many countries, antimicrobial agents remain widely available with virtually no restrictions or
controls on their use. Of the 136 OIE Members assessed through an initial OIE Performance of
Veterinary Services (PVS) Evaluation3 up to December 2019, almost three-quarters could not regulate
veterinary medicinal products (assessed as ‘Level 1’) , or had only some capability to exercise
regulatory and administrative control over the import, manufacture and market authorisation
(registration) of them to ensure their safety and quality. They were unable to ensure their responsible
and prudent use in the field (‘Level 2’). The absence or low levels of control of veterinary medicinal
products leads to the limited control of veterinary products containing antimicrobial agents. These
antimicrobial agents potentially circulate freely in the market and like ordinary goods, they may be
falsified or substandard, and/or may be provided without clinical or laboratory diagnosis. This variable
quality and unrestricted use of antimicrobial products creates conditions of high risk for the
development and spread of resistance.
The 7th edition of the OIE PVS Tool includes a new Critical Competency (CC): CCII-9 Antimicrobial
resistance (AMR) and antimicrobial use (AMU). This CC allows for a more specific understanding on
AMR and AMU surveillance, One Health governance of AMR, AMR specific drug regulation and the
veterinary contribution to National Action Plans (NAP) on AMR. Between August 2018 and September
3 The ‘initial’ PVS Evaluation mission provides a careful evaluation of the current performance of the national Veterinary
Services, and the capacity to undertake ongoing monitoring of performance over time using consistent methods. After
some years, countries may request a PVS Evaluation Follow-Up mission, which serves to update the assessment and
progress made by countries.
2019, 17 countries were assessed through PVS Evaluations based on this new edition of the PVS Tool.
It is worth highlighting that for but one of these countries, this CCII-9 was assessed as:
• ‘Level 1’ (‘The Veterinary Services cannot regulate or control AMR and AMU, and have not
developed or contributed to a NAP on AMR covering the veterinary domain’); or
• ‘Level 2’ (‘The Veterinary Services are contributing or have contributed to a NAP on AMR. The
NAP has initiated some activities to collect AMU/AMR data or control AMR e.g. awareness
campaigns targeting veterinarians or farmers on the prudent use of antimicrobials. The use of
antimicrobials for growth promotion is discouraged’).
This new edition of the OIE PVS Tool is expected to provide key information related to the ability of
Members to control AMU/AMR in the veterinary domain. The status of Members in this regard can be
explored more deeply through the OIE Veterinary Legislation Support Programme and its new specific
focus on AMR currently being developed and tested in collaboration with the Tripartite partners (FAO
and WHO).
Currently, very little information is available worldwide on resistance patterns in animal pathogens.
Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in animal pathogens is important to assess the level and
evolution of antimicrobial resistance in animals.
The OIE international standards published in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code, Chapter 6.8. [5]
‘Harmonisation of national antimicrobial resistance surveillance and monitoring programmes’ includes
examples of target animal species and animal bacterial pathogens that may be included in resistance
surveillance and monitoring programmes; the Aquatic Animal Health Code, Chapter 6.4. [6]
‘Development and harmonisation of national antimicrobial resistance surveillance and monitoring
programmes for aquatic animals’; and the Manual of Diagnostic Test and Vaccines for Terrestrial
Animals, Chapter 2.1.1 ‘Laboratory methodologies for bacterial antimicrobial susceptibility testing’
provide a basis for such surveillance and monitoring [7]; during the 87th General Session in May 2019,
Members adopted the updates of Chapter 2.1.1, which includes guidance for harmonisation of
microbial susceptibility testing in veterinary laboratories.
The results were presented at the first OIE Global Conference on the Responsible and Prudent Use of
Antimicrobial Agents for Animals held in March 2013 in Paris, France. The recommendations resulting
from the conference to OIE Members included:
• To develop and set up an official harmonised national system for collecting data on the
monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in relevant animal pathogens and quantities of
antimicrobial agents used in food producing animals at the national level based on the OIE
• To contribute to the OIE initiative to collect data on the antimicrobial agents used in food
producing animals (including through medicated feed) with the ultimate aim to create a global
database hosted by the OIE.
Following these recommendations, in 2015, the OIE World Assembly unanimously adopted Resolution
No. 26 during the 83rd General Session, officially mandating the OIE to gather data on the use of
antimicrobial agents in animals worldwide [2]. This global database was created in compliance with
Chapters of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code (Monitoring of the quantities and usage patterns of
antimicrobial agents used in food-producing animals) [8] and of the Aquatic Animal Health Code
(Monitoring of the quantities and usage patterns of antimicrobial agents used in aquatic animals) [6].
In the framework of the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance [9], the OIE leads the building
and maintenance of the global database on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals,
supported by FAO and WHO within the tripartite collaboration.
The OIE launched its first annual data collection on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals in
2015. The OIE template and guidance documents were developed by the OIE ad hoc Group on
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), endorsed by the Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases, and
tested by Members through regional training seminars for OIE National Focal Points for Veterinary
During this first round of data collection on antimicrobial agents used in animals, 130 Members (n =
180; 72%) participated. The report resulting from this impressive participation in the first annual data
collection, the OIE annual report on the use of antimicrobial agents in animals: Better understanding
of global situation [10], was published in December 2016. In this fourth round of data collection, 153
countries submitted their reports, an increase of 18% since the data collection started in 2015.
As part of the fourth round, the OIE requested quantitative data on antimicrobials used in animals for
the 2016 calendar year, but also accepted data from the years 2017 and 2018. The wider timespan of
quantitative data collected allows for countries in various stages of development of their antimicrobial
use monitoring systems to contribute to the OIE data collection. However, this request presents a
challenge for data analysis. As the timespan of quantitative data collected from the fourth round of
data collection is broad, it was decided for the fourth report analysis of antimicrobial quantities to
focus on the year 2016. This single year extended analysis will enable a greater level of comparison of
data as well as favouring assessments of trends for future rounds of data collection. Comparison of
quantitative data also requires a denominator with which to interpret the antimicrobial quantities
To address these challenges, this report provides an examination of quantitative data in the context of
relevant animal populations and includes an analysis of antimicrobial quantities adjusted for animal
biomass on a global and regional level by year. The focus year of this additional analysis is 2016, using
quantitative data reported to the OIE by 92 countries during all four rounds of data collection.
In the fifth round of data collection currently underway, the OIE has requested quantitative data for
2017, but will also accept data for 2018 and 2019. Accepting some repeated years of quantitative data
from previous rounds provides an opportunity for countries to correct and enrich the quality of these
data sets where relevant. Over time, and once the reporting of data has become more routine, the OIE
will request data for one specific calendar year. This way, OIE reporting will progress in parallel with
the development of data collection systems from its Members, as global monitoring on the use of
antimicrobial agents becomes more systematic and reliable.
1.2. Scope
This report presents the results of the fourth round of the annual collection of data on antimicrobial
agents intended for use in animals. The data collection highlights the current situation of governance
of veterinary antimicrobials in responding OIE Members and participating non-contiguous territories
and includes submissions of quantitative data where countries are able to provide them to the global
database on the use of antimicrobial agents in animals. The report also highlights the barriers countries
face that impede data collection, analysis and reporting.
In addition to the descriptive analysis of the fourth round of data collection, the report includes a global
and regional analysis of quantitative data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals adjusted
by animal biomass. The focus year of this quantitative analysis is 2016; additionally, 2014 and 2015
data sets are updated in this report based on Members historical updates.
Currently, countries report data mainly from sales or imports of antimicrobial agents from the OIE List
of Antimicrobial Agents of Veterinary Importance, which prioritises antimicrobials crucial to
maintaining the health and welfare of animals worldwide. The data collection template and resulting
report were prepared taking into account the differences between OIE Members in their governance
and surveillance of veterinary antimicrobials.
For countries reporting quantitative data, the amounts of antimicrobial agents intended for use in
animals that were sold, purchased or imported were provided to the OIE in kilograms (kg) of
antimicrobial agent (chemical compound as declared on the product label). These reported figures
were calculated according to the guidance provided in Annex 8.
The country information was provided in confidence to the OIE for the purpose of better
understanding the global and regional situation of the use of antimicrobial agents in animals, and
therefore does not present any data on an individual country level. Nevertheless, Members are
encouraged by the OIE to publish national reports on the use of antimicrobial agents in animals
whenever possible and are requested to indicate if such data are available online in the OIE template.
The list of countries with national reports on veterinary antimicrobial usage that can be accessed
publicly can be found in Section 10 of the report, together with the relevant links.
2. Materials and Methods
Every September the OIE invites its Members to participate in the annual data collection of
antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals. In order to analyse the antimicrobial quantities
reported, the OIE Headquarters developed calculation of an animal biomass. Both materials and
methods are summarised and described in section 2.1 and 2.2 of this report. More information can be
found in the OIE Annual Report on Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals: Methods Used
article published in Frontiers in September 2019 [11].
• The OIE develop a procedure and standards for data quality for collecting data annually from
OIE Member Countries on the use of antimicrobial agents in food-producing animals with the
aim of creating an OIE global database to be managed in parallel with the World Animal Health
Information System (WAHIS).
• OIE Member Countries set up an official harmonised national system, based on OIE standards,
for the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and the collection of data on the use of
antimicrobial agents in food-producing animals, and actively participate in the development
of the OIE global database.
In response to these recommendations, the OIE ad hoc Group on Antimicrobial Resistance developed
a template for harmonised data collection, as well as guidance for its completion. This OIE template
was translated in the three official OIE languages (i.e. English, French and Spanish). Following
experience from all rounds of data collection, the following changes were made to the OIE template
sent during this fourth round:
1. Countries reporting that their antimicrobial quantities covered other commercial poultries
(e.g. turkey, duck, etc.) were asked to specify the animals under this category (Baseline
Information, Question 26)
2. Countries were asked to provide the list of companion animals covered by the antimicrobial
quantities reported (Baseline Information, Question 27 and 28)
An Annex to the guidance was also provided giving more detailed instructions on mathematical
calculations to obtain quantities of active ingredients from veterinary medicinal products containing
antimicrobial agents sold. All antimicrobial agents destined for use in animals and contained in the OIE
List of Antimicrobial Agents of Veterinary Importance [12], in addition to certain antimicrobial agents
used only for growth promotion, were reportable.
The updated OIE template (Annex 6) and accompanying guidance documents (Annexes 7 and 8) were
sent to all 182 OIE Members, 4 non-contiguous territories and 5 non-OIE Members by email in
September 2018. The deadline for submission was the 3 December 2018, but responses were accepted
on a conditional basis until mid-May 2018.
As with previous rounds of data collection, countries responded to the questionnaire through an Excel
document using predefined conditional formulas and analysis tools. This document, referred to as the
‘OIE template’ contains four worksheets labelled ‘Baseline Information’, ‘Reporting Option 1’,
‘Reporting Option 2’, and ‘Reporting Option 3’.
Part A (Contact Person for Antimicrobial Agents Use Data Collection) and Part B (General Information)
of the ‘Baseline Information’ sheet can be answered by any country, and collect information on the
current situation of governance of veterinary antimicrobials, such as the competent authority for
regulation of antimicrobial use in animals, use of growth promoters and barriers to reporting
quantitative data on antimicrobial agents used in animals, if any. For countries able to provide
quantitative data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals, the Baseline Information sheet
also contains questions relevant to data collection in Part C (Data Collection of Antimicrobial Agents
Intended for Use in Animals), such as year covered, data sources and food-producing species included.
Countries providing multiple years of quantitative data are asked to provide a single template for every
year of data, with Part C modified, if necessary, to reflect the reported quantitative data.
Following completion of the Baseline Information, the template either directs countries to submit the
questionnaire if no quantitative data were available, or complete one of the three ‘Reporting Options’
if quantitative data were available. The three reporting options represent increasing levels of detail of
quantitative data on antimicrobial classes used in animals, with the possibility of separating amounts
reported by type of use (Veterinary medical use, which includes use to treat, control or prevent
disease; and Non-veterinary medical use, which includes use for growth promotion), animal groups
(Terrestrial, Aquatic or Companion) and routes of administration.
All responses submitted by the contact person within a Member Country were validated by the
country’s Delegate. Responses were compiled and analysed at OIE Headquarters.
Whenever necessary, staff of OIE Headquarters engaged with respondents for clarification and
validation of responses. These questions were addressed to the contact person listed, most often OIE
National Focal Points for Veterinary Products.
Animal biomass is calculated as the total weight of the live domestic animals in a given population
and year, used as a proxy to represent those likely exposed to the quantities of antimicrobial agents
reported. As data on antimicrobial agents are reported by country, animal biomass for the purpose of
this report is the total weight of that country’s production animals. At this time, due to insufficient
data, it was not possible to incorporate companion animals in the total biomass.
Data Sources and Methodology Development
While several methodologies have been developed for the calculation of animal biomass by other
surveillance groups, none could be directly used for the OIE global database. Particularly, these
methodologies utilise available data on animal populations detailed by production class, estimates of
live animal weights, import/export data, and total annual populations of production groups living less
than one year (i.e. poultry, veal calves, fattening pigs, lambs and kids). On a global level, such detailed
data are not yet available for many countries.
Data collected by global animal surveillance databases (WAHIS4, FAOSTAT5) are point-in-time species-
level census data6 with little-to-no detail relating to production class. Such data are difficult to interpret
given that production classes within a species can have very different average weights, such as beef
cattle and veal calves. Additionally, given that census data are collected at a specific time of the year,
the total annual population is not known for production groups which are slaughtered and repopulated
a certain number of times within one year (this multiplication factor is hereafter referred to as ‘cycle
Development of the methodology for calculation of an annual animal biomass utilised globally
available census data from the OIE WAHIS interface. WAHIS data are reported by National Veterinary
Services through the OIE Delegate, with the active support of OIE Focal Points for Animal Disease
Notification, and the figures are subsequently validated by OIE staff. When an animal population figure
is not reported to WAHIS, the data point is left blank.
FAOSTAT animal population data were used as a complementary dataset. FAOSTAT data are similarly
primarily obtained from national governments, but sources expand beyond National Veterinary
Services to National Statistics Offices and other relevant agencies. When a national government does
not report a figure to FAOSTAT, FAO uses local expert resources to estimate a figure, or their statistical
team to imputate7 a data point. The two datasets are therefore similar but can display significant
Where census data were used, the WAHIS and FAOSTAT figures were first cross-referenced with each
other, and then with national reports or literature when necessary. FAOSTAT data were utilised when
a WAHIS data point was not available or was outside of expected variation without explanation.
In addition to census data, FAOSTAT also reports numbers and tonnes of production animal species
slaughtered by country each year, similarly undifferentiated by production class. As WAHIS does not
collect this information, FAOSTAT slaughter data was used exclusively when these data were needed.
For species living less than one year, it was necessary to use data on number of animals slaughtered
to represent an annual population, as this information cannot be extrapolated from point-in-time
census data without a cycle factor.
The formulas for calculating biomass by species were developed with these considerations in mind
using the two globally available datasets, WAHIS and FAOSTAT, and the results compared to references
from countries where more detailed animal population data by production class were available. These
references include animal biomass figures either directly supplied from Members, or calculated from
animal population data in Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
The formulas chosen for calculation of the OIE denominator reflect the best fit estimations using the
more general global animal population data (WAHIS, FAOSTAT) when compared to these available
reference figures. The derived formulas were then applied to all countries providing quantitative data
for the target year.
The methodology for calculation of animal biomass was developed with the support and validation of
the OIE ad hoc Group on Antimicrobial Resistance, shared with Members in the report of the OIE
Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases meeting of September 2017 and published in Frontiers in
September 2019: OIE Annual Report on Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals: Methods
Used [11]. The potential for inaccuracies in the estimation of animal biomass, in particular from
extrapolating data available for one region of the world to other regions, is further discussed in section
6.3 of the report.
Year of Analysis
2016, the target year of the fourth round of data collection, is the focus of the additional analysis of
antimicrobial quantities adjusted for the animal biomass denominator. Countries providing
quantitative data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals for 2016 during all rounds of data
collection were included in this additional analysis.
Carcass weights were converted to live weights from the animal at time of slaughter using conversion
coefficients (k) as defined by Eurostat [13] . Conversion coefficients represent the difference between
a processed carcass weight and the expected live weight of that animal species before slaughter,
expressed as a fraction.
𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑘𝑔)
𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑘𝑔) =
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝑘)
For the purposes of this report, ‘live weight’ refers to the calculated weight (in kg) of an animal before
slaughter, unless otherwise specified.
Countries were grouped by sub-region as defined by OIE regions and sub-regions and according to
livestock unit classifications (LSU).8 Sub-regional mean live weights were then determined by
calculating the average live weight of a given species for countries within the sub-regional grouping.
8 Livestock units (LSU) [14], used for aggregating the numbers of different categories of livestock, are usually derived in
terms of relative feed requirements. Conversion ratios are generally based on metabolisable energy requirements, with
one unit being considered as the needs for maintenance and production of a typical dairy cow and calf.
Bovine (including cattle and domestic buffalo) biomass was calculated according to the following
1. From the calculated sub-regional mean live weight, the weights of the different bovine
production categories [adults, young (between 1 and 2 years of age), calves (<1 year of age)]
were determined by applying relevant weight proportions standards, originating from
livestock unit ratios as defined by Eurostat [15].
2. Consecutively, the weight of each bovine production category was then multiplied by a
predicted population ratio resulting in a representative weight for bovines for the sub-region.
The applied population ratios were calculated in the reference Eurostat database and consider
an anticipated renewal rate of 30%.
Bovine biomass was calculated by multiplying the representative weight determined for each sub-
region by the census population of bovines for each country within the sub-region, according to
the following formula:
P.popcalves , P.popyoung 1-2yrs , P.popadults represents respectively the proportion (P.pop) of calves (less than
1 year), young (between 1 to 2 years of age) and adults (over 2 years of age) in the total living cattle
population, as calculated from Eurostat animal population data and considering an anticipated
renewal rate of 30%.
LSUcalves, LSU young 1-2yrs, LSU adults represents respectively the livestock unit ratios (LSU) for calves, young
and adults as defined by Eurostat [15].
And, sub regional mean live weight represents the calculated mean live weight for adult cattle at the
sub regional level.
𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 represents the expected biomass of fattening pigs slaughtered
in a country in one year,
And 𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝑠𝑜𝑤 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × 0.09 represents the expected biomass of pigs retained
for breeding purposes, calculated with the following considerations:
o Sow weight: the standard weight of a sow in Europe is 240kg [16]. This weight was adapted
by region using livestock unit ratios (Americas = 240kg, Asia, Far East and Oceania = 240 kg,
Africa = 192kg);
o 0.09 is the expected percentage of sows in a given swine population, as calculated from
Eurostat animal population data.
Poultry biomass was calculated according to the following formula:
The live weight of horses, donkeys, and mules was calculated for sub-regions where equine slaughter
is common and data were available. For sub-regions where equine slaughter is not practiced and/or
where data were unavailable, regional average live weights were applied.
Sheep and goat biomass were calculated according to the following formula:
(𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑)
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑
+ (𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 − ) × 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑡 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
(𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑) represents the expected biomass of sheep and goats
slaughtered in a country in one year,
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑
And (𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 − ) × 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑡 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 represents the expected
biomass of animals retained for breeding purposes, calculated with the following considerations:
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑
(𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑) + (𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 − ) × 4.5 𝑘𝑔
(𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑) represents the expected biomass of rabbits slaughtered in a
country in one year,
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑
And (𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 − 5
) × 4.5 𝑘𝑔 represents the expected biomass of
animals retained for breeding purposes, calculated with the following considerations:
o 5 is the average number of breeding cycles per year;
o The standard weight of a breeding doe is 4.5 kg [18].
Camelid and cervid biomass were calculated according to the following formula:
Farmed fish biomass was included in the total biomass only for countries that included aquaculture in
their reported data on antimicrobials intended for use in animals. Aquaculture data are collected in
WAHIS and FAOSTAT as tonnes produced annually.
Data on farmed crustaceans, molluscs and amphibians were excluded given the relatively small size of
these populations, and inconsistency in their reporting.
Cats and dogs were not included in the calculation of animal biomass at this time due to inconsistency
in reporting of their populations, and lack of information on average weights. For the countries where
companion animal data was available, their contribution to overall animal biomass was found to be
relatively minor (<1%). In the future, an analysis of companion animal data will hopefully become
For a regional and global analysis, country data for both the numerator and denominator, respectively,
were summed according to OIE Region before the rate was calculated.
3. Results of the Fourth Round of Data
3.1. General Information
The OIE maintains Regional offices throughout the world covering Africa, the Americas, Asia, Far East
and Oceania, Europe and the Middle East. The data collection template was sent to all OIE Members
in all OIE Regions. In addition, the OIE template was sent to 4 non-contiguous territories and 5 non-
OIE Members that asked to be part of the survey. The list of all OIE Members is provided in Annex 9.
In this fourth round of data collection, from September 2018 to May 2019, 153 countries submitted
completed reports to the OIE Headquarters: 152 from OIE Members (n = 182; 84%) and 1 non-
contiguous territory of an OIE Member. The proportion of responses received from the different OIE
Regions varies from 50% to 94% (Table 1). The response from the non-contiguous territory was
included in the analysis of the Americas for geographical reasons.
For simplicity when reporting results, this section refers to the 152 OIE Member and 1 non-contiguous
territory as the 153 countries that responded to the questionnaire during the fourth round of data
For specific information for the OIE Region, refer to the Annex for each region (Annexes 1-5).
Number of
Number of Countries that Submitted Proportion of
OIE Region OIE
Reports by OIE Region response (%)
Africa 44 54 81%
OIE Members 29 31 94%
Non-contiguous territories 1 n/a n/a
Asia, Far East and Oceania 25 32 78%
Europe 48 53 91%
Middle East 6 12 50%
* Distribution of countries by OIE Region is done according to the OIE Note de Service 2010/22 – Annex 9
** Due to geographic distribution, non-contiguous territories were included in the Americas
World Distribution of OIE Members that Responded to the OIE Survey
in the Fourth Round of Data Collection
For the fourth round of antimicrobial use data collection, the OIE template was most frequently
completed by the Member’s National Focal Point for Veterinary Products (99 out of 152 Members).
The OIE recognises the efforts of National Focal Points for Veterinary Products, as in most countries,
the National Focal Point for Veterinary Products was responsible for completion of the OIE template
(Figure 2). However, in Europe the Focal Points were less often responsible for responding to the
survey, with another national competent authority supplying the data. This result may be linked to
differing levels of progress in development of data collection systems, where a specific institution may
already be mandated to this responsibility (Figure 3).
Contact Person Profile of 152 Members that Submitted the OIE Report in 2018
OIE Delegate
Regional Proportion of Contact Person of 152 Members that Submitted the Response
to the OIE Survey in the Fourth Round of Data Collection
n = 44 n = 29 n = 25 n = 48 n=6
100% 2
Contact Person in Member Countries
90% 5
80% 21
Submitting the Reports
60% 3
50% 40 20
40% 15
4 3 6
0% 2
Africa Americas Asia, Far East and Europe Middle East
OIE Region
OIE Delegate OIE Focal Point for Veterinary Products Other National Competent Authority
Quantitative data collection (Part C) is further broken down into three sections: ‘Reporting Options’ 1,
2 and 3, where the actual quantities of antimicrobial agents for use in animals are reported with
increasing specificity.
OIE Template Sections and How Countries Respond Based on Available Data
To see the full OIE template for data collection, see Annex 1.
Some countries, where critical errors in the data were identified, were retrospectively removed from
previous rounds. As a result, the antimicrobial quantities of some countries have been removed, but
their responses related to growth promoters and barriers to the collection of data were retained. The
OIE supports these countries to identify possible data points and provides tools to calculate kilograms
of active ingredients of antimicrobial veterinary products.
The ability of a country to provide quantitative information reflects its capacity to collect detailed data
on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals. For the first round of data collection, 89 OIE
Members reported quantities of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals (n = 130; 68%). In
this fourth round, 118 countries (n = 153; 77%) reported quantitative data, demonstrating growing
commitment to development of monitoring systems for veterinary antimicrobial agents (Figure 4).
Number of Countries Participating in All Rounds of the Data Collection
Number of Countries Participating on
the OIE Data Collection of
140 153
120 130
60 116 118
40 89
1st Round 2nd Round 3rd Round 4th Round
(2015) (2016) (2017) (2018)
Reporting Option 1 allows countries to distinguish antimicrobial quantities by antimicrobial classes and
with the possibility to separate by type of use (veterinary medical use or growth promotion [8]) and
this option was chosen most frequently by respondents (56 out of 118 countries). Reporting Option 2
allows countries to distinguish quantities of antimicrobial agents by type of use and animal groups
(food-producing terrestrial and aquatic species and companion animals) and was chosen by 18
countries. Finally, Reporting Option 3, which allows countries to distinguish antimicrobial quantities by
type of use and routes of administration (distinguishing by group of animals is optional), was chosen
by 44 countries (Figure 5).
When differentiated by OIE Region, more Members from Europe provided quantitative data (98%)
than other OIE Regions and chose more advanced Reporting Options to do so. Most countries in the
European Union already have a detailed system in place for data collection on antimicrobial agents
intended for use in animals. These data are reported to the European Surveillance of Veterinary
Antimicrobial Consumption (ESVAC) project that was launched by the European Medicines Agency a
decade ago, in September 2009. OIE Regional analysis can be found in Annexes 1-5.
Number of Countries Participating with Quantitative Data (Reporting Options)
Number of Countries Participating on in All Rounds of the Data Collection
the OIE Data Collection for Use in
Animals with Quantitative Data
41 44
26 18
4 9
55 55 49 56
Most countries providing antimicrobial quantities submitted data for only one year between 2016 and
2018 (111 out of 118 countries; 94%). Seven countries submitted quantitative data for more than one
year within this timeframe. Given these multiple submissions, 126 responses were provided by 118
countries (Table 3) in the fourth round of data collection.
Fifty-two responses (n = 126; 41%) provided data for 2018 during the fourth round of data collection
and not the target year which was 2016 (Figure 6). In previous rounds, the most reported year has
been the round’s target year, but for this fourth round, there were more non-European countries that
reported their antimicrobial quantities, and most of them reported antimicrobial quantities for 2018.
These findings reinforce what was presented in previous OIE Reports that most Members in Africa; the
Americas; Asia, Far East and Oceania have only recently begun to collect this information and therefore
only have access to current information (Figure 7).
Years of Quantitative Data Reported in Fourth Round of Data Collection,
from 126 Responses Provided by 118 Countries
Year 2016
Year 2017
Year 2018
n = 30 n = 18 n = 25 n = 48 n=3
90% 10
80% 7
70% 14 10
19 2
50% 4
30% 28
20% 7 1
10% 6
0% 0
Africa Americas Asia, Far East and Europe Middle East
OIE Region
Year 2016 Year 2017 Year 2018
The OIE encourages all Members to publish their own national reports on the sales or use of
antimicrobial agents in animals, to ensure transparency and to assess trends.
The list of countries with public national reports for the antimicrobial agents intended for use in
animals can be found in section 10 of the report, along with the relevant links.
Number of Countries Participating in All Rounds of the OIE Data Collection
with National Reports Available on the Web
Number of Countries Reporting
116 118
Antimicrobial Quantities
100 89
37 38 37
40 32
20 32 31
1st Round 2nd Round 3rd Round 4th Round
(2015) (2016) (2017) (2018)
OIE Rounds
Total of Countries Providing Antimicrobial Quantities National Reports Available on the Web
Of the countries responding to the fourth round, 35 (n = 153; 23%) provided only Baseline Information
with no antimicrobial quantities. Of these, 29 countries (n = 35; 83%) outlined their barriers to
reporting antimicrobial quantities. The barriers have been grouped into five categories (Figure 9).
Countries tended to report one key barrier, but eight countries reported two. The relative importance
of these categories may change when analysing the results on a regional level (Annexes 1-5).
For a description of the barrier grouping categories, see the following explanatory section for each
Country Barriers to Reporting Quantitative Data on Antimicrobial Agents Intended
for Use in Animals in 29 Countries in the Fourth Round of Data Collection
16 15
14 13
Number of Countries Reporting Barriers
to Submitting Quantitative Data
2 1
Lack of regulatory Lack of Lack of IT tools, funds and Insufficient regulatory Circumstances that
framework coordination/cooperation human resources enforcement prevent monitoring
between national antimicrobial agents
authorities and with
private sector Barrier Categories
Six countries indicated regulatory framework limitations or absence for the manufacture, registration,
distribution, commercialisation and pharmacovigilance of veterinary products. Two of these countries
reported that actions were being taken to address the absence of legislation and will work to provide
import data.
The Antimicrobial Use Team observed that while the fourth round of data collection was taking place,
some countries, that did not provide antimicrobial quantities, participated in the OIE Performance of
Veterinary Services (PVS) Pathway9. The mission reports had identified the country-barriers for
legislation that were reported to the Antimicrobial Use Team.
Lack of coordination/cooperation between national authorities and
with private sector
Within this category, three countries reported that the relevant data were held by a national authority
outside of the Veterinary Authority. For these countries, the OIE requested further information on
which agencies were involved on the data collection. Two countries indicated the quantities of
antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals were under the legal authority of the Ministry of
Health explaining that the Ministry of Health had the legal competency for the authorisation and
importation of veterinary medicinal products, while the Veterinary Authority was in charge of the
responsible use.
Two countries reported a lack of collaboration or coordination with relevant stakeholders, such as the
pharmaceutical companies and veterinarians.
The absence of budget to address the AMU Data collection resourcing requirements was raised by two
countries. One of these countries falls under the classification of a fragile and conflict affected state
the characteristics of which prevents data collection.
Four countries were not able to report antimicrobial quantities due to lack of dedicated staff within
the Veterinary Authority for the collection and analysis of the data. In some cases, it was noted that
other technical staff were potentially available to assist the OIE Focal Point for Veterinary Products for
this task. The OIE provides regional seminars to train and prepare Focal Points engagement in the AMU
Data Collection process, but the possibility exists for an alternative person, designated by the OIE
Delegate or the Focal Point to access OIE training to be equipped to take part in the annual data return.
Summary on barriers
Most respondents who communicated barriers to the OIE, faced compliance and structural barriers
with the application of OIE Standards and weak enforcement of regulatory frameworks for veterinary
products. The development of a robust regulatory framework for importation, manufacture,
registration, distribution, commercialisation and use of veterinary products – and the capability for
effective enforcement – within these countries should be prioritised to facilitate the monitoring the
use of antimicrobial agents in animals. The work of the OIE through the PVS Pathway provides essential
support in helping countries to identify their policy, regulatory and resourcing gaps.
A significant barrier was the lack of IT tools that facilitate the collection and analysis of data. In some
countries the records (mainly imports of veterinary products and the information related to their
authorisation) did not have all the necessary information to obtain kilograms of active ingredients. By
the time this report will be published, the OIE will have already undertaken regional workshops
regarding the AMU Data Collection and explored the countries’ needs related to IT issues in order to
find a solution through the new OIE AMU Data Collection software. It is expected that the future
software will assist participating countries in guiding them through the OIE questionnaire and assist in
the calculations to obtain kilograms of active ingredients.
Finally, it is interesting to highlight that several barriers to providing quantities of antimicrobial agents
in animals are similar to the weaknesses identified in a cross-analysis regarding legislation on
veterinary products, conducted in 2018 by the OIE Regional Activities Department on all OIE Veterinary
Legislation Identification Mission reports existing at that time – i.e. an incomplete legal framework,
weaknesses related to the Competent Authority(ies), and inadequate resources to ensure compliance
and enforcement. It was also highlighted that there is the need of coordination among the different
national authorities that are part of the monitoring of antimicrobial agents.
“OIE Member Countries fulfil their commitment under the Global Action Plan to implement
policies on the use of antimicrobials in terrestrial and aquatic animals, respecting OIE
intergovernmental standards and guidelines on the use of critically important antimicrobial
agents, and the phasing out of the use of antibiotics for growth promotion in the absence of
risk analysis. [3]”
The Baseline Information section of the OIE template includes a question for countries to report any
antimicrobial agent authorised or used in animals as growth promoters. Ionophores were excluded for
reporting as they are mostly used for parasite control and have different regulatory classifications in
different countries; however, 16 countries reported the use of these molecules as growth promoters
and salinomycin and monensin were mentioned by 12 and 11 countries, respectively.
In this fourth round of data collection, a total of 118 (n = 153; 77%) responding countries did not use
any antimicrobial agents for growth promotion in animals in their countries, either with or without
legislation or regulations. For further explanation on the legislation, please refer to the following
explanatory section. The 35 remaining countries (n = 153; 22%) reported use of antimicrobials for
growth promotion. The results of the fourth round show the lowest proportion of countries using
growth promoters (35 out of 153 countries, 23%) since the beginning of the OIE global data collection
Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters in 153 Countries in 2018
During the second round of data collection, where country responses to the question of the
authorisation of antimicrobials as growth promoters had changed from the previous year without
explanation, further clarifications were requested. This follow-up indicated that the question as
phrased in the OIE questionnaire was being interpreted differently by different responding countries,
and from year to year. To improve understanding, from the third round of data collection, this question
was reworded to obtain clearer results on both legislation and use of antimicrobial agents as growth
Because the question to understand the use of antimicrobial growth promoters was changed from the
third round of the data collection, in order to avoid misunderstandings, Figure 11 only shows the
responses of 139 countries that have participated in both the third and fourth round. The results in
Figure 11 indicate a decrease of 14% in the number of countries using antimicrobial growth promoters.
120 107
Number of Countries
3rd Round 4th Round
(2017) (2018)
When differentiated by OIE Region, the Americas and Asia, Far East and Oceania have the highest
proportions of countries using antimicrobial growth promoters (Figure 12). Europe has been working
on this issue for many years and this is reflected in the responses provided, where Europe is one of the
regions with the lowest percentage of use and authorisation of antimicrobial growth promoters.
n = 44 n = 30 n = 25 n = 48 n=6
Number of Countries Informing on the Use of
Antimicrobial Agents as Growth Promoters in
25 36
13 47
5 8 9
0 1
Africa Americas Asia, Far East and Europe Middle East
OIE Region
Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters No Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters
All 70 countries that answered ‘Yes’ to this question were then asked to indicate which type of
legislation/regulations exists in the country. In most of the cases, when legislation/regulations exist in
a country, the regulatory framework bans the use of antimicrobials as growth promoters (Figure 13).
As presented in Figure 13, 50 countries stated no use of antimicrobials as growth promoters even
though no regulatory framework exists. In some cases (n = 6), the countries stated that these molecules
are banned without a regulatory framework; therefore, the OIE asked these countries to provide
further information on how antimicrobial growth promoters are banned in the absence of legislation
or regulations. The following situations were mentioned:
• The country’s legislation is being amended to ban growth promoters. Meanwhile, the
following approaches are being taken to guarantee that these products are not available in the
market: to not allow their import; to monitor the manufacturing companies to only produce
antibiotics for veterinary medical use and; to not allow their registration.
• Alternatives to antibiotics were presented to farmers (poultry and pig farmers) emphasizing
the need for sanitation and hygiene.
Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters by Legislation, in 153 Countries in 2018
Number of Countries Informing on Use of
Antimicrobial Agents as Growth
Promoters in Animals
40 50
Lack of
Lack of
No Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters
(118 Countries) (35 Countries)
Most of the countries reporting the use of antimicrobials as growth promoters do not have a regulatory
framework (20 out of 35 countries; 57%).
For those 15 countries using antimicrobials as growth promoters with a regulatory framework (n = 35;
43%), the legislation either provides a list of molecules that should not be used as growth promoters
(n = 6) or provides a list of antimicrobials that can be used as growth promoters (n = 4) , while in some
cases both types of lists have been established (n = 4). It was found that one country with legislation
that bans growth promoters reported the use of these molecules in the field (Figure 14), indicating
that enforcement of the legislation is needed with feed manufacturers continuing to illegally produce
these types of products.
Among the 15 countries using growth promoters within a regulatory framework, some stated to have
partially or completely banned all growth promoters for certain animals.
For those 20 countries using growth promoters without a regulatory framework, most of them were
found in the Americas (11 out of 17; 65%); followed by Africa (7 out of 8; 88%) and Asia, Far East and
Oceania (2 out of 9; 22%). In the Americas, two these eleven countries mentioned their cooperative
work with pharmaceutical companies for the voluntary removal of growth promotion claims from the
labels of all products that are considered to be Medically Important Antimicrobials in human medicine.
Both countries mentioned their success in this collaborative approach with the private sector. Based
on these results, and compared to the previous round of data collection, the Americas and Asia, Far
East and Oceania have improved their countries’ regulatory framework on antimicrobial growth
For specific information for the OIE Regions, refer to the Annex for each region (Annexes 1-5)
Type of Legislation for Growth Promotion in 35 Countries that Reported the Use of Growth
Promoters in 2018
0 5 10 15 20 25
Lack of legislation 20
Legislation exists 15
Twenty-eight countries (n = 35; 80%) responded with a list of antimicrobial agents used for growth
promotion. The most frequently listed antimicrobial agent was Flavomycin, followed by bacitracin and
tylosin, the two latter are classified as Veterinary Highly Important Antimicrobial Agent and Veterinary
Critically Important Antimicrobial Agent, respectively, according to the OIE List of Antimicrobial Agents
of Veterinary Importance. Colistin was mentioned by 9 countries (Figure 15), less than the 12 countries
that reported colistin in 2017. By the time this report was published, one country will have already
banned tylosin for growth promotion.
Analyses at regional level by antimicrobial class are presented in the annexes by OIE Region (Annexes
1 – 5).
Antimicrobial Agents Used for Growth Promotion in Animals in 28 Countries in 2018
Antimicrobial Agents Used for Growth Promotion
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Twenty-four countries using antimicrobial agents as growth promoters (n = 35; 69%) also provided
quantitative data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals. Thirteen of these countries (n =
24; 54%) could distinguish these quantities by use for growth promotion and veterinary medical
4. 2016 Analysis of Antimicrobial Quantities
This section provides an analysis of globally reported quantitative data on antimicrobial agents
intended for use in animals adjusted by animal biomass, focusing on 2016.
This analysis has been undertaken with the understanding that many countries contributing to the OIE
database are in the first stages of development of their national monitoring systems on antimicrobial
use in animals. Even for those countries able to provide quantitative information, some data resources
may be currently inaccessible, and calculation errors, where present, are still being resolved.
Simultaneously, data collection on animal populations is also progressing on a global level. It is
expected that these first estimates will be refined over time, and therefore, should be interpreted with
For all rounds of data collection (4 rounds) compiled, 93 countries provided validated antimicrobial
quantities intended for use in animals for 2016. The regional distribution of countries included in the
2016 analysis is shown in Figure 16. Due to geographic considerations, quantitative data for 2016 of
two non-contiguous territories were included in the Americas for the 2016 analysis.
100 93
Number of Countries Included
50 40
40 36
30 25
17 19
20 12 12
8 8 5
Africa Americas Asia, Far East and Europe Total
OIE Region
A lack of validated data from the Middle East did not allow for the inclusion of this OIE Region in the
regional 2016 analysis but have been included in the global analysis. Future data submissions from this
OIE Region may permit a 2016 analysis of antimicrobial quantities adjusted by animal biomass in
following reports.
For the 93 countries included in the 2016 analysis, one country from Africa did not report the period
of time covered so was excluded from this analysis. The average time period covered was 352 days for
92 countries; this information shows that most countries are providing quantitative data for most of a
calendar year. Information by the OIE Regions are showed in Table 4.
Reported Period of Time Covered by the Antimicrobial Quantities by OIE Region, 2016
All countries’ data sources were analysed, and all countries where the data duplication was considered
to be a risk were then asked for clarification of their answers and/or data collection systems. Thirty-six
countries’ data sources were considered to present a risk of duplication (n = 93; 39%). Following these
clarifications 18 countries (n = 36; 50%) changed their answers or demonstrated that there was no risk
of duplication or overlapping data sources. The remaining countries (18 out of 36; 50%) that did not
respond with clarification were excluded from the analysis in Figure 17.
In the Guidance for Completing the OIE template for the Collection of Data (Annex 7), countries were
asked to provide data as close to the point of use (i.e., administration) as possible. However, among
the 75 countries that reported validated quantitative data, ‘Antimicrobial use data – Farm records’ –
the category representing on-farm administration of antimicrobials – was only selected as a data
source by one country (Figure 17). All other data sources represent use through what was sold,
imported or manufactured for intended administration to animals.
Sources of quantitative data were most commonly sales data, particularly of wholesalers and
Marketing Authorisation Holders, which were selected by 26 and 20 countries respectively. Following
sales data, import data as declared by custom authorities was the next most common source of
reported quantities of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals.
For a full explanation of quantitative data sources, see the Guidance for Completing the OIE template
for the Collection of Data (Annex 7).
Wholesalers 26
Retailers 2
Marketing Authorisation Holders 20
Sales Data
Registration Authorities 4
Feed Mills 5
Pharmacies 2
Farm shops/Agricultural suppliers 0
Data Sources
Feed Mills 2
Pharmacies 0
Agricultural Cooperatives 3
Producer Organisations 0
Import Data
Sales 6
Prescription 1
Use Data
Farm records 1
Other 10
Other sources of quantitative data most commonly reported were from other levels of import control
outside of customs declarations, particularly from permits authorising importation of antimicrobials as
issued by registration authorities (Figure 18). In some countries where the importation of a product is
not confirmed after issue of a permit, these quantities may not represent antimicrobial agents actually
entering the country and used in the animal population.
‘Other’ Source of Data Described by 10 Countries Reporting Quantitative Data in 2016
Government 1
Importer's report 3
Government 1
Manufacturer's report 2
Data Coverage
In the OIE template for quantitative data collection (Annex 6), countries are asked to estimate the
extent to which their data represented overall sales of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals,
as a percentage of the total estimated sales in their country. For example, a hypothetical country may
report that the quantitative data reported covers only 80% of all estimated national sales of
antimicrobial agents used in animals based on known sources of lacking data. This question was
responded by all 75 countries that provided quantitative data with validated data.
As a global average, quantitative data coverage achieved was 90% (Table 5). This average quantitative
data coverage shows that in a number of countries, surveillance systems do not capture the totality of
antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals. However, this figure should be interpreted with
caution, as data coverage estimations are made subjectively by each country. By definition, this
question aims to identify quantitative data that is inaccessible, and therefore the responses can vary
in accuracy.
Africa 14 73 80 30 5 100
Americas 8 91 97 10 70 100
Asia, Far 90 100 14 54
East and 16
Oceania 100
Europe 36 96 100 10 55 100
Total 75 90 99 19 5 100
Forty-two countries (n = 47, 89%) responded with an explanation on uncaptured data sources.
Responses were grouped by category. All countries’ uncaptured data sources were analysed and, if
needed, further questions were asked on their data collection systems. After the analysis, the
uncaptured data sources were validated for 36 countries (n = 47; 77%). The remaining countries (11
out of 47, 23%) were excluded from this analysis. Countries could have reported more than one
uncaptured data sources.
Most of the uncaptured data sources derive from sales data not provided, particularly those of industry
stakeholders that did not respond to government requests for information. Lack of import data was
also a significant contributor, reported by 12 countries.
Table 6 describes the quantitative data coverage lost due to lack of access to data sources, as estimated
by 36 countries. This question allows countries to self-report which type of data they were unable to
access, and what percentage of total possible available data was estimated to be lost due to this
inaccessibility. For countries naming an uncaptured data source, the mean, minimum and maximum
reported estimates of related coverage lost are shown. The information in Table 6 highlights which
data sources countries consider necessary in order to provide complete coverage. However, these
categories may not be relevant in all countries.
* For the purpose of this report, 'Veterinary products with special license' means: veterinary products for self-supply,
donation or with special permission from the government
Antimicrobial Quantities Reported In 2016
Table 7 shows the total tonnage of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals for 2016, as
reported to the OIE during the first four rounds of data collection.
When the antimicrobial quantities reported were adjusted for these coverage estimates, the quantities
shown in Table 7 were obtained. These coverage-adjusted figures should be interpreted with caution,
as data coverage estimations are made subjectively by each country. By definition, this question aims
to identify quantitative data that is inaccessible, and therefore the responses can vary in accuracy.
However, these coverage-adjusted quantities can be considered an upper level estimate of
antimicrobial use in animals.
In order to properly interpret tonnage of antimicrobials reported, the size and composition of each
country’s animal populations must be considered. For this reason, we refer the reader to Section 4.3,
Antimicrobial Quantities Adjusted for Animal Biomass, to interpret differences in regional quantities
of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals.
These regional totals are only representative of the quantities of antimicrobial agents intended for use
in the animals for the animal biomass covered in each OIE Region (shown below in %). They should not
be considered representative of the total amounts of antimicrobials consumed in any OIE Region, or in
any particular country.
Reported Quantity of Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals by OIE Region, 2016
Among the 93 countries that provided quantitative data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in
animals, tetracyclines were the most commonly reported antimicrobial class (Figure 19).
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes Reported for Use in Animals by 93 Countries in 2016
Since the third round of the data collection, countries reporting more than 70% of their amounts for
one antimicrobial class were further asked to explain any known reason for the high levels of use for a
single antimicrobial class. For the 2016 analysis, most of the countries reported these data during the
second round (six out of eight countries), and therefore they were not asked to provide explanations.
For the two countries providing explanations, one country mentioned that tetracyclines were available
over-the-counter and were freely-available throughout the country. Another country with high levels
of penicillins, explained that it was mainly due to the medicinal policy of the veterinarian’s association
in the country that states that penicillin is the first choice when selecting antimicrobials.
Antimicrobial Classes with More than 70% of the Total Amount of Antimicrobials
Intended for Use in Animals, by 8 Countries in 2016
For descriptive purposes, species from the list of options provided in the OIE template were grouped
according to the following categories:
a. Layers – commercial production for eggs
b. Broilers – commercial productions for meat
c. Other commercial poultry
d. Poultry – backyard
a. Cattle
b. Buffaloes (not Syncerus caffer)
a. Pigs – commercial
b. Pigs – backyard
a. Sheep
b. Goats
c. Sheep and goats (mixed flocks)
a. Fish – aquaculture production
b. Crustaceans – aquaculture production
c. Mollusc – aquaculture production
d. Amphibians
In 2016, poultry was mentioned by 91 of the countries reporting quantitative data for food-producing
species. Bovines, sheep and goats, and pigs were also included by most countries (Figure 20).
Food-Producing Animal Species Included in Quantitative Data Reported
by 92 Countries in 2016
100 91 89 86
Number of Countries that Reported
90 81
Quantities of Antimicrobial Agents
Intended for Use in Animals
70 63 62 60
50 43
40 27
30 23
10 2
For 2016, 43 countries (n = 93; 46%) provided data differentiated by group of animals Figure 21), this
corresponds to the number of countries reporting their antimicrobial quantities through Reporting
Option 2 and 3.
Figure 22 shows that more countries were able to report data distinguished by food-producing animals.
Usually, countries used more than one animal group to report their antimicrobial quantities.
Most of the data come from sales and imports, and the attribution of antimicrobial quantities by
animal group is based on species types represented on product labels, where this is available and
specified. For countries where product labels cover a wide variety of species, it would be more difficult
to report quantitative data differentiated by animal group.
Differentiation by Animal Groups Among 93 Countries Reporting Quantitative Data in 2016
46% No Differentiation by
Animal Groups
Differentiation by animal
Quantitative Data by Animal Groups
Number of Countries Differentiating
Companion animals Food-producing Food-producing Terrestrial food- Aquatic food-
in total animals in total animals combined producing animals producing animals
(terrestrial and only only
Animal Groups Proposed by the OIE Template
Fifty countries of those reporting quantitative data (n = 93; 54%) were not able to distinguish amounts
of antimicrobial agents by groups of animals. Of these, most (41 out of 51; 80%) reported antimicrobial
quantities through Reporting Option 1, which allows reporting for all animal species, and distinguishes
quantities only by purpose of use (veterinary medical use or growth promotion [8]). Nine of these
countries (n = 51; 18%) used Reporting Option 3, which allows for distinction by type of use, animal
groups and route of administration, but provided data only separated by type of use and/or route of
administration. This suggests that the labelling of veterinary products in these countries clearly
separates out the routes of administration but may cover a wide variety of species.
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes by Terrestrial Food-producing Animals
as Reported by 18 Countries in 2016
When aquatic food-producing animals are covered, in most cases, quantitative data for aquaculture
represents farmed fish. For the 60 countries that provided amounts of antimicrobial agents for ‘Aquatic
food-producing animals’, quantities for ‘Crustaceans – aquaculture production’, ‘Molluscs –
aquaculture production’ and ‘Amphibians’ are reported mainly when data for ‘Fish – aquaculture
production’ were also available. Figure 24 highlights the animals included in aquaculture covered by
countries reporting quantitative data for aquatic food producing animals, separated by capacity to
distinguish data for terrestrial and aquatic food-producing animals.
Animals included in Aquaculture covered in the Quantitative Data Reported
by 60 Countries in 2016
60 52
Number of Countries Reporting
Agents Intended for Uses in
Quantities of Anitmicrobial
30 23
Aquatic Animals
20 12
10 3 3 2
Fish - aquaculture Crustaceans - Molluscs - aquaculture Amphibians
production aquaculture production production
Aquatic Food-Producing Animal Species Covered
From the 60 countries providing antimicrobial quantities that covered aquatic animals, nine countries
were able to report quantitative data for ‘Aquatic food-producing animals’ separately from other
animal groups using mainly Reporting Option 3 (9 out of 60; 15%); four of these nine countries were
from Europe. From the nine countries, Amphenicols were most commonly reported (Figure 25).
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes by Aquatic Food-producing Animals as Reported
by 9 Countries in 2016
During the fourth round of the data collection the OIE Antimicrobial Use Team observed that some
countries with aquaculture production communicated through WAHIS, did not report antimicrobial
quantities to the OIE AMU Team. Consequently, some of these countries were asked to clarify if
antibiotics were not used in the country’s aquaculture sector. The following situations were outlined
by six countries:
• The country’s aquatic production was reported to be insignificant compared to the terrestrial
food-producing animals and most often for rudimentary subsistence level. Therefore, the
country does not import or distribute veterinary medicinal products for aquatic species.
• The veterinary medicinal products for aquatic animals were under the legal authority of
another registration agency in the country.
• The country does not use antimicrobials for aquatic food-producing animals.
The OIE will continue to work in understanding the barriers that imped the countries data collection
provision for aquatic food-producing animals.
The first year of the OIE AMU data collection, Members were asked to provide antimicrobial quantities
only for food-producing animals. However, some countries additionally reported their data for
companion animals. In response to this, the OIE modified its questionnaire to include this group. In the
fourth round of data collection, Members were asked to specify the animals considered companions.
From the 93 countries who provided quantitative data in 2016, 81 countries stated that products label
targeted companion animals (n= 93, 87%). All 81 countries considered canines and felines as pets; of
these, 30 countries declared additional species; being the most cited equines (8 countries) followed by
ornamental birds (6 countries).
The countries reporting equines as companion animals, also reported them as food-producing animals,
therefore the OIE further asked where equine’s antimicrobial quantities were allocated. Most of the
countries reported the equine quantities under terrestrial food-producing animals (Figure 26).
As previously mentioned, countries provided mostly sales and import data, and when differentiating
these quantities by animals, they do so based on the target species declared on the product label.
Usually the horses will be grouped together with other major food producing species, even if not
destined for human consumption.
Companion Animals
Terrestrial Food-producing
Some countries reported quantities of antimicrobial agents differentiated by group of animals using
Reporting Options 2 or 3. Among these countries, penicillins were more commonly reported for
companion animals (Figure 27).
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes by Companion Animals as Reported
by 31 Countries in 2016
Reporting Option 3 allows for distinction of the data by type of use (veterinary medical use vs growth
promotion [8]) and animal groups in addition to route of administration. However, 9 countries (n = 39;
23%) using this option distinguished data only by type of use and route of administration, indicating
that they were not able to identify which animal groups the agents were being used in. Of the 30
countries (n = 39; 77%) able to distinguish quantitative data by animal groups using Reporting Option
3, injection administration was most commonly reported for use in terrestrial food-producing animals.
In aquatic food-producing animals and companion animals, oral administration was reported more
Proportion of Antimicrobial Quantities (by antimicrobial class) Reported for Use in Animals
by the oral route, aggregated by 39 countries in 2016
Sulfonamides (including
Proportion of Antimicrobial Quantities (by antimicrobial class) Reported for Use in Animals
by the injection route, aggregated by 39 countries in 2016
Sulfonamides (including
7% Penicillins
Proportion of Antimicrobial Quantities (by antimicrobial class) Reported for Use in Animals
by other routes, aggregated by 39 countries in 2016
The following figures represent only those countries participating in reporting of quantitative data on
antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals and should not be considered representative of global
animal populations or biomass, or for any particular OIE Region.
Globally, the estimated biomass coverage of the responding countries has increased from 35% in 2014
to 75% in 2016. Asia, Far East and Oceania and Europe had particularly high animal population
coverage for 2016, with responding countries representing approximately 81% and 82% of the regions’
total animal biomass respectively. Coverage in Africa and Americas also increased to 51% and 65%
Estimated Percentage of Total Regional Biomass Covered by Countries
Reporting Quantitative Data for 2014, 2015 and 2016
34% 49% 51% 55% 57% 65% 5% 76% 81% 70% 77% 82% 35% 68% 74%
100% [12] [25] [21] [8] [8] [12] [5] [17] [19] [31] [36] [40] [1] [2] [1]
Estimated % of Total Regional Biomass
2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016
Africa Americas Asia, Far East and Europe Total
% of Estimated Coverage % Not Covered
Figure 32 shows the regional distribution of the estimated percentages of regional biomass covered
by the 92 countries included in the analysis of antimicrobial quantities for 2016, in comparison to the
global biomass estimate. Asia, Far East and Oceania and Americas regions represent a particularly high
proportion of the global biomass estimate.
Regional Percentages of Estimated Biomass Covered by Countries
Reporting Quantitative Data for 2016
As shown in Figure 33, the highest proportion of countries including aquatic food-producing animals
in the reported quantitative data on antimicrobial agents was in Europe (78%; 32 of 40 countries). 58%
of countries in Asia, Far East and Oceania (13/19), 55% of countries in the Americas (6/11), and 33% of
countries in Africa (8/21) reported quantitative data that included aquatic food-producing animals.
Countries Including Aquatic Food-Producing Animal Species in Quantitative Data for 2016
Africa 8 13 33%
Americas 6 5 55%
OIE Region
Europe 32 8 78%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Number of Countries
The figures reported in this table reflect the number of countries providing quantitative data, the
relative size and average weights of their animal populations in 2016.
Animal Biomass Covered by Quantitative Data Reported to the OIE for 2016 Obtained by
the Accumulation of Information from all Rounds of Data Collection, Results for 92 Countries
Farmed Fish (in 1,000 tonnes) 393 1,326 29,516 810 32,045
Biomass (relative proportion) 0.5% 0.8% 11.6% 0.6% 5.0%
All Species (in 1,000 tonnes) 78,638 174,083 254,270 131,496 639,036
Biomass (relative proportion) 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Figure 34 shows the global species composition of animals potentially exposed to the antimicrobial
quantities reported to the OIE for 2016. These percentages are a function of animal populations in the
reporting countries, as well as their average weights.
Across the four OIE Regions covered by the analysis, bovines (38%) make up the largest contribution
to animal biomass for the quantitative data reported. Swine (23%) and poultry (18%) also play a
significant role, with sheep (8%), farmed fish (5%), equines (4%), and goats (3%) playing relatively
minor roles in this analysis. The contributions of rabbits (0.3%), camelids (0.7%), and cervids (0.03%)
are negligible for the covered countries.
These percentages may change significantly over time if the numbers or composition of countries in
the OIE Regions providing quantitative data changed. This is expected to occur as data reporting
capacity of countries increases.
Species Composition of Animal Biomass for 92 Countries
Included in 2016 Quantitative Data Analysis
Poultry 18%
Goats 3%
13% Rabbits <1%
Camelids 1%
Cervids <1%
Farmed Fish 5%
Bovine 38%
These results should be interpreted with caution for all species for which slaughter data predominantly
contributed to the calculation of biomass (swine, poultry, sheep and goats and rabbits). These
percentages may underestimate the significance of species that are often slaughtered outside of
slaughterhouses for personal consumption. The amount of slaughter undertaken outside
slaughterhouses and the extent to which this population is captured in slaughter data is expected to
vary significantly between countries and regions.
Data on farmed crustaceans, molluscs and amphibians were excluded from the animal biomass
analysis given the relatively small size of these populations, and inconsistency in their reporting.
Percentages of farmed fish should also be interpreted with caution as fish biomass was only included
where countries either reported that their data on antimicrobial agents covered aquaculture, or that
they could not distinguish between animal groups. Therefore, the effect of farmed fish on biomass is
skewed by the number of countries in that OIE Region for which antimicrobials used in aquaculture
were included. These percentages should not be considered representative of the global aquaculture
For the purposes of the 2016 analysis of quantitative data, aquaculture was most significant in Asia,
Far East and Oceania, where farmed fish made up 12% of the covered animal biomass. In Africa, the
Americas, and Europe, farmed fish made up between 0.5% to 0.8% of the covered animal biomass.
Populations represented in the animal biomass analysis reflect the number, size and animal population
dynamics of the countries reporting data to the OIE during the given year of analysis. In Africa, Asia
and Europe, the estimated percentage of total regional biomass covered remained relatively stable
from 2015 to 2016 (Figure 31), with respective increases of +2%, +5% and +6% and the species
composition of the animal biomass also remained relatively unchanged (between 1% to 2% of changes
between animal groups). Americas had the greatest increase in estimated percentage of total regional
biomass covered, from 57% in the up to date 2015 analysis to 65% in the 2016 analysis. This increased
regional coverage resulted in a more significant change in species composition relative to the other
regions, notably a relative decrease in representation of bovines (-6%), and relative increase in swine
Using this rate (antimicrobial agents reported (mg)/animal biomass (kg)) provides an indicator that
remains relevant for the purposes of comparisons (e.g. over time, and between regions). The first
estimate of 144.39 mg/kg represents a global estimate of antimicrobial agents used in animals
adjusted by animal biomass, as represented by the quantitative data reported to the OIE from 92
countries during all rounds of data collection. The second estimate of 153.02 mg/kg represents the
same quantitative data, additionally adjusted by country-level estimates of how much data on
antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals they covered in 2016. These coverage estimates are
subjective to each reporting country, but can provide an upper level estimate of global antimicrobial
use in animals. For more detail of coverage estimates, see 4.2 Animal Population Covered by 2016 Data
(page 52).
mg antimicrobial agents / kg animal
160.00 153.02
Global (not adjusted by reported coverage) Global (adjusted by reported coverage)
2016 Antimicrobial Quantities Adjusted by Animal Biomass, Regional
Figure 36 provides a regional view of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals adjusted by
animal biomass of countries within that region. Both estimates for each OIE Region incorporate the
data of 92 countries providing data in all rounds of data collection for 2016.
The lower estimate for each OIE Region represents the quantitative data reported to the OIE from that
region during the first four rounds of data collection for 2016, adjusted by animal biomass. The high
estimate for each OIE region represents the same quantitative data, additionally adjusted by country-
level estimates of how much data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals they covered in
2016. These coverage estimates are subjective to each reporting country, but can provide an upper
level approach of global antimicrobial use, including unregulated sources.
Estimates of data coverage were lowest in the Americas, leading to the widest variation between
antimicrobial quantities reported and those adjusted by country’s estimates of data coverage.
Countries in Europe, Asia, Far East and Oceania were the most confident of their data coverage.
mg antimicrobial agents / kg animal biomass
150.00 138.07
66.91 68.55
50.00 39.17 45.25
Africa (21) Americas (11) Asia, Far East and Oceania Europe (40)
OIE Region (Number of Countries Providing Quantitative Data)
Regional (not adjusted by reported coverage) Regional (adjusted by reported coverage)
Table 10 displays the same regional figures of antimicrobial quantities adjusted by animal biomass
(with the upper level estimates adjusted by country estimates of data coverage in parentheses).
Additionally, some characteristics of the data distribution by OIE Region are provided, including the
median, standard deviation and range.
These results show that in 2016, Asia, Far East and Oceania reported the most antimicrobial agents
intended for use in animals among the four regions. However, this region also displayed the most
variation between individual countries.
Antimicrobial Quantities Adjusted by Animal Biomass, by OIE Region, 2016
Furthermore, since antimicrobial usage differs for different species (as a result of disease burden and
husbandry practices), the species composition of regional animal biomass (Table 9) is an additional
factor to be taken into account when considering the differences between regions.
Overall, while noting the need for caution in comparison of 2014, 2015 and 2016 results at global and
regional level due to the differences in the contributing countries, the trends between regions have
been maintained. In 2015, Europe’s reported antimicrobial quantities adjusted by animal biomass
reduced from 92 mg/kg in 2014 to 67 mg/kg in 2016. These reductions are in line with the results
reported by ESVAC for the same years, for those countries that participate. For Africa, the 2016 results
are quite similar to those for 2014 and 2015, despite the new contributions from countries in Africa.
The most notable changes compared to the 2015 and 2016 analysis is for the Americas, where mg/kg
results increased. This is unlikely to reflect a dramatically increasing trend in consumption of
antimicrobials in this region, but rather is the resulting effect of an increase in the number of countries
reporting data and corrections made to historical data submissions.
5. Updates of Historical Data
The 2014 and 2015 data were updated based on new information and corrections reported by
Members in the fourth round, and therefore may differ from the results of the previous report.
Previously, due to the unavailability of the ‘indigenous’ slaughter dataset10, slaughter data not adjusted
for trade were used for the 2015 analysis and recalculated for the 2014 analysis. However, in the 2016
analysis the FAOSTAT ‘trade of live animals’ dataset was included permitting to offset the effect of
trade of live bovines on the biomass. The results of the 2014 and 2015 analysis shown in this report
have been recalculated using the ‘trade of live animals’ dataset to support comparison. Globally, the
percentage of variation of the recalculated animal biomass for 2014 and 2015 compared to the
previous report is respectively +1% and -3%.
The 2014 and 2015 analysis of antimicrobial quantities adjusted by animal biomass were updated to
reflect new information reported by countries in the fourth round of data collection. Some figures
were corrected, added or retrospectively removed from the analysis when countries described
previous errors in their calculations.
10 ‘Indigenous slaughter’ refers to data on slaughter of animals of native origin. Exported animals are added to the reported
figures, and slaughtered animals of foreign origin are excluded. (FAO Statistics, Livestock statistics; Concepts, definitions
and classifications, January 2011).
Global Quantities of Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals Based on Data
Reported by Countries for 2014, 2015 and 2016, Adjusted by Animal Biomass (mg/kg)
mg antimicrobial agents / kg animal biomass
160.00 153.02
82.16 85.44
2014 (57 countries) 2015 (88 countries) 2016 (92 countries)
6. Discussion
6.1. Progress Made by Member Countries
During the fourth round of data collection, an increased number of Members were engaged in data
reporting compared to the previous rounds.
Of the 152 Members that submitted reports, 139 had also participated during the third rounds of data
collection. Among these 139 Members, the following progress was noted:
• Eight Members (n = 37; 22%) graduated from reporting only Baseline Information to reporting
quantitative data on antimicrobial agents used in the animals for the first time. Most of these
used Reporting Option 1 (five Member Countries), which allows for distinction of the
quantitative data by antimicrobial class and by type of use (veterinary medical use or growth
promotion). Two Members used Reporting Option 2, which allows for a distinction by animal
group (terrestrial food-producing, aquatic food-producing and companion animals) in addition
to type of use. One Member Country reported their quantitative data using Option 3, which
allows for distinction of quantitative data by type of use, animal groups and routes of
• Eleven Members (n = 76; 15%) who had previously reported quantitative data through
Reporting Option 1 or 2 progressed to more detailed reporting in this round. Ten Members
moved from reporting quantities through Reporting Option 1 to one of the two higher level
options: five were found to have switched to Reporting Option 2, and five switched to
Reporting Option 3. One Member Country that had previously reported through Option 2 now
used Reporting Option 3.
It is important to note that for this fourth round, Africa and the Americas, showed the highest number
of countries progressing to more detailed reporting of their quantitative data.
The barriers described by the 29 Members unable to provide quantitative data on antimicrobials used
in animals in the fourth round of data collection have been described in Section 3.5 of this report.
Among this group, 10 Members (n = 29; 34%) confirmed that action will be taken in the near future to
facilitate their reporting of quantities of antimicrobials to the OIE.
Data sources
During the fourth round of data collection, 51 countries (n = 118; 43%) reported data sources indicating
a possibility for over-estimated, duplicated or overlapping data (see examples below).
Data duplication or over-estimation was considered to be a risk where the following situations were
reported in a country’s data sources:
• Import data of active ingredients or manufacturing data reported without taking into account
the potential for re-exports;
• Import data of veterinary products reported by a country also providing data on sales of
veterinary products (domestic and imported);
• Import, sales or purchase data of veterinary products reported in addition to usage data at a
farm level;
• Data from wholesalers or Marketing Authorisation Holders in addition to data from retailers,
prescriptions, pharmacies or farm records.
Countries where these possible situations were identified were present in all the OIE Regions,
however, they were predominant in Africa (n = 17), followed by the Americas (n = 12) and Asia, Far
East and Oceania (n = 11).
The OIE engages with countries where these situations are noted to highlight and clarify possible areas
of data duplication or over-estimation. As most of these countries are in early stages of development
of their data collection systems, it is expected that it will take time to implement official processes and
to provide accurate data. The OIE is working closely with these countries to understand their systems
and to support them to address limitations in their data.
During the fourth round, this analysis could be conducted for 110 countries where data from previous
years were available for comparison. In 40 countries (n= 110; 36%), the data varied more than 25%
from one year to another, and in some countries reached 100-200% variation; in some cases, an even
higher change was observed. Such changes were considered unlikely to reflect the true situation.
In the countries with high percentages of unexplained change (>25%), the OIE inquired how the
calculations to obtain kg of antimicrobial agents were carried out. Through this process, errors in the
calculations were discovered where countries did not follow or misinterpreted the procedure in Annex
8. Errors in the calculations occurred in all OIE Regions. However, Africa and Asia presented the highest
number of Members experiencing challenges (n = 11; n =11, respectively), and this is consistent with
the fact that these regions represent the most recent countries to participate in data collection.
The OIE will continue to work on strengthening data quality with its Members through dedicated
Workshops on the OIE Antimicrobial Use Data Collection, including testing a tool to assist in data
calculations, and as a forum to share experiences with the OIE and peers.
In the fourth round of data collection, 8 countries (n = 100; 8%) made amendments to the quantitative
data they had reported in previous rounds. These amendments corresponded to errors noted in the
calculations, or availability of new data, including data from additional months in the year, or data
from wholesalers or pharmacists newly participating in the data collection. In two specific cases, the
data were found to not follow the guidelines to calculate kilograms of active ingredients, and the data
were retrospectively deleted from these countries data sets. The OIE, during the OIE AMU Workshops,
has responded to country data calculation errors by developing a tool to assist in the calculations.
Taking into account that most countries worldwide are just beginning to report quantitative data on
antimicrobials intended for use in animals and that errors in data sources have already been noted
that may result in some instances of data duplication, caution is necessary in the interpretation of the
results. As stated in the annual European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption
(ESVAC) report:
It is generally agreed that it usually takes at least three to four years to establish a valid baseline
for the data on sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents. Consequently, the data from countries
that have collected such data for the first or even second time should be interpreted with due
For the purposes of this report, it was determined that the latter approach, using estimates of live
average weight without focus on time of treatment, would be most appropriate. Antimicrobial
compounds used and their labelling, including target species and production class, vary widely on a
global scale, with data on these differences unavailable at global scale. Given these variations, it is not
feasible to estimate weights at time of treatment for all countries reporting data to the OIE. Instead,
average weights were calculated using globally available slaughter data as reported by FAOSTAT, for
all species and regions where these data were available.
The average weights calculated for this report are therefore larger than estimated weights at time of
treatment, resulting in a larger denominator and a decreased relative mg/kg estimate of antimicrobial
agents used intended for use in animals. Therefore, the results reported in OIE analyses of
antimicrobial quantities adjusted by animal biomass are not directly comparable to those of ESVAC or
the CIPARS estimates, which are based on treatment weights.
Specificity of data
As described in the methodology, the globally available data sources on animal population, FAOSTAT
and WAHIS, are not reported by production class for the year 2016. However, it is necessary to stratify
species population by production class to better assign average weights, for example, to separate veal
calves from adult cattle. The methodology for calculation of biomass therefore utilises some necessary
standard animal reproduction rates to extract a best estimate of the population breakdown by
production class. These rates will vary between species, countries and production systems, and
therefore, are not fully representative of any one country’s or region’s animal populations.
Reproduction rates and weights: Data on reproduction rates were not collected at the time of
reporting, nor was slaughter data for cervids, camelids, and equids in some regions. Therefore, this
information was taken from literature where necessary, or extrapolated from regions where data is
available (such as in the case of live weights of equines). The extent to which these literature and
extrapolated weights and reproduction rates represent the true situation in any country is expected
to vary.
For the countries where cat and dog populations were available, it was seen that their contribution to
overall biomass was minor (<1%). However, as some countries do include antimicrobials used in
companion animals in their reported quantitative data, there is expected to be a small effect on results
by excluding these species. As excluding them decreases this denominator, this effect, if any, would be
a minor increase in antimicrobial quantities adjusted for animal biomass.
In the future, a goal would be to provide a separate analysis for antimicrobial agents used in companion
animals, as more countries are able to report these population data, and distinguish antimicrobial
quantities by animal group.
Many countries have described processes underway to facilitate future collection and reporting of
antimicrobial use data in animals. Similarly, in line with their commitments made to the Global Action
Plan, countries are also in the process of developing and implementing National Action Plans to
advance regulations on veterinary antimicrobials and facilitate interactions between sectors. Given
these developments, it is expected that the reported barriers will be reduced over time, increasing the
availability of global antimicrobial use data in animals.
7. Future Developments for the Antimicro-
bial Use Survey
The OIE will continue working closely with Members to support them in calculating kilograms of active
ingredients of antimicrobials. The OIE is also in the process of developing an interactive automated
system in which Members will report the use of antimicrobial agents (AMU) in animals and receive
support for calculating kilograms of active ingredients. This AMU IT system will be accessible online
and will help Members with their calculations, reduce errors and improve the quality of data. The AMU
IT system will also simplify the reporting process, enable faster reporting and analysis and encourage
Members to use their own data to get valuable insights and visualise important information. In October
2019, the OIE started dedicated workshops to the OIE AMU Data Collection, and as part of the AMU IT
system development process, specific working sessions were organised during these workshops to
understand user requirements. In 2020 additional workshops will take place in order to cover the
expectation of all OIE Members for the future OIE AMU IT System.
The OIE will continue to refine its methodology for the calculation of animal biomass, based on globally
available data, and communication with its Members through its regional offices.
An important step in this process will be achieved through interface with the OIE World Animal Health
Information and Analysis System (WAHIS). In consultation with the OIE ad hoc Group on Antimicrobial
Resistance, new species and animal sub-categories have been added to the OIE WAHIS data collection
guidelines. These new population sub-categories are now being implemented in the OIE WAHIS and
will allow to refine the data on animal biomass over time.
OIE-WAHIS, the next generation of the WAHIS data collection interface, is currently in development
and will incorporate further updates to the collection of global animal population data. In addition to
more sub-categories representing detailed production data where Members are able to supply it, the
interface will also include free text boxes allowing for description of the reported data. OIE-WAHIS will
also additionally support the reporting of data on average live weights and number of animals
slaughtered in the countries.
Aside from collection of more detailed global animal population data, more work is needed to validate
some of the conversion factors used in the methodology, which have been frequently extrapolated
from European data. Particularly, better understanding potential regional variation in carcass
conversion factors (for estimating live weights) and annual multiplication rates of species living less
than one year (i.e., ‘cycle factor’) are necessary to refine the current methodology. The OIE is currently
working with its Regional Offices to obtain better estimates on these variables across regions.
8. Conclusions
This report is the result of a significant commitment by OIE Members to the development of data
collection systems on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals. This global OIE programme, the
first of its kind, highlights not only reported quantitative data where countries are currently able to
provide it, but also reflects the current situation of governance of veterinary antimicrobials worldwide,
and barriers to quantitative data collection. This information is critical to the global effort to promote
the responsible and prudent use of antimicrobial agents in animals, and the capacity to measure trends
over time. Additionally, this report provides core global level indicator data for the Monitoring and
Evaluation Framework of the Global Action Plan (GAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance [23], and at country
level the data can be used to frame indicators under antimicrobial resistance National Action Plans
(NAPs) Monitoring and Evaluation systems.
Contributions to the database have continued to grow, with increasing engagement from countries.
The OIE also commends the participating non-contiguous territories for their invaluable efforts, and
will continue to support their engagement with the data collection. The results from the fourth round
of data collection have demonstrated a growing capacity worldwide for collection of higher quality
Simultaneously, as more data on animal populations becomes globally available, it is expected that the
methodology for calculation of animal biomass will be further refined. With the concurrent
development of quantitative data collection and calculation of animal biomass, this annual report will
allow for comparison of global and regional trends on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals
over time.
9. References
1. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2018). – Terrestrial Animal Health Code. Available at:
2. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2015). – RESOLUTION No. 26: Combating
Antimicrobial Resistance and Promoting the Prudent Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Animals. 83
GS. Available at:
3. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2016). – RESOLUTION No. 36 Combating Antimicrobial
Resistance through a One Health Approach: Actions and OIE Strategy. 84 GS. Available at:
4. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2016). – The OIE Strategy on Antimicrobial Resistance
and the Prudent Use of Antimicrobials. Available at:
5. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2018). – Terrestrial Animal Health Code. Chapter 6.8.
Harmonisation of national antimicrobial resistance surveillance and monitoring programmes.
Available at:
6. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2018). – Aquatic Animal Health Code. Chapter 6.4.
Development and harmonisation of national antimicrobial resistance surveillance and monitoring
programmes for aquatic animals. Available at:
7. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2012). – Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for
Terrestrial Animals. Chapter 2.1.1. Laboratory methodologies for bacterial antimicrobial
susceptibility testing. Available at:
8. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2018). – Terrestrial Animal Health Code. Chapter 6.9.
Monitoring of the quantities and usage patterns of antimicrobial agents used in food-producing
animals. Available at:
9. World Health Organization (WHO) (2015). – Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance.
Available at:
10. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2016). – OIE Annual report on the use of antimicrobial
agents in animals. Available at:
11. Góchez D., Raicek M., Pinto Ferreira J., Jeannin M., Moulin G. & Erlacher-Vindel E. (2019). – OIE
Annual Report on Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals: Methods Used. Front. Vet.
Sci., 6. doi:10.3389/fvets.2019.00317.
12. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2018). – OIE List of antimicrobial agents of veterinary
importance. Available at:
13. Europe Commission E. (2009). – Manual for the compilation of supply balance sheets for meat.
Available at:
14. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2011). – Guidelines for the
Preparation of Livestock Sector Reviews. Available at:
15. European Commission, Eurostat (2013). – Statistics Explained. Glossary. Available at:
16. European Medicines Agency E.S. of V.A.C. (ESVAC) (2017). – Sales of veterinary antimicrobial
agents in 30 European countries in 2015: Seventh ESVAC report. Available at:
17. Galal S. (2005). – Biodiversity in goats. Small Ruminant Research, 60 (1–2), 75–81.
18. Lebas F. (1997). – The Rabbit: husbandry, health, and production. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
19. Porter V., Alderson L., Hall S.J.G. & Sponenberg D.P. (2016). – Mason’s World Encyclopedia of
Livestock Breeds and Breeding, 2 Volume Pack. CABI.
20. The Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) (2017). –
2015 Annual Report. Available at:
21. Japan (2016). – National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) 2016-2020. Available at:
22. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) U.S. (2017). – FDA’s Proposed Method for Adjusting Data on
Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals, Using a Biomass
Denominator. Available at:
23. World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) & Health (OIE) (2019). – Monitoring and
Evaluation of the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance Framework and recommended
indicators. Available at:
10. Country Information Available on the
Belgian Veterinary Surveillance of Antibacterial Consumption, National consumption report (2007 to 2018).
Retrieved from: http://www.fagg-afmps.be/fr/rapports_belvet_sac
Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) Annual Reports (2008 to
2016). Retrieved from: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/cipars-picra/pubs-eng.php
Danish Integrated Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring and Research Programme (DANMAP) Reports (1996 to
2018). Retrieved from: http://www.danmap.org/Downloads/Reports.aspx
Ülevaade antibiootikumide kasutamisest veterinaarsel otstarbel aastatel 2006–2016 (2006 to 2016). Retrieved
from: http://ravimiamet.ee/sites/default/files/antibiootikumide_kasutamine_loomadel_2006-2016.pdf
Finnish Veterinary Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring and Consumption of Antimicrobial Agents (1999 to
2018) Retrieved from: https://www.ruokavirasto.fi/en/farmers/animal-husbandry/animal-
Sýklalyfjanotkun og sýklalyfjanæmi baktería í mönnum og dýrum á Íslandi 2017 (2017). Retrieved from:
Medicinali veterinari: nel 2016 in calo le vendite di antimicrobici in Italia (2016). Retrieved from:
Annual Report of Sales Amount and Sales Volume of Veterinary drugs, Quasi-drugs and Medical Devices
(therapeutic use). (2005 to 2017) Retrieved from:
Results of Official Testing of Specified Feed Additives (growth promotion) (2016) Retrieved from:
Usage of Antibiotics in Agricultural Livestock in the Netherlands (2012 to 2017). Retrieved from:
Usage of Antimicrobial Agents and Occurrence of Antimicrobial Resistance in Norway (1999 to 2018). Retrieved
from: http://www.vetinst.no/overvaking/antibiotikaresistens-norm-vet
Raport privind consumul de produse medicinale veterinare antimicrobiene in Romania (2014 to 2016).
Retrieved from: http://www.icbmv.ro/ro/informatii-utile/raport-privind-consumul-de-produse-medicinale-
Informe JIACRA España. Primer análisis integrado del consumo de antibióticos en personas y animales y su
relación con la aparición de resistencia (2011 to 2016). Retrieved from:
Bericht über den Vertrieb von Antibiotika in der Veterinärmedizin und das Antibiotikaresistenzmonitoring bei
Nutztieren in der Schweiz (2017). Retrieved from:
UK Veterinary Antibiotic Resistance and Sales Surveillance (2013 to 2018). Retrieved from:
Animal Drug User Fee Act (UDUFA) Reports. (2009 to 2017). Retrieved from:
European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption (ESVAC). (2005 to 2017). Retrieved from:
Annex 1 Africa, Regional Focus
Annex 2 Americas, Regional Focus
Annex 3 Asia, Far East and Oceania, Regional Focus
Annex 4 Europe, Regional Focus
Annex 5 Middle East, Regional Focus
Annex 1 OIE Template
Annex 7 Guidance for Completing the OIE Template for the Collection of
Data on Antimicrobial Agents Used in Animals
Annex 8 Annex to the Guidance for Completing the OIE Template for the
Collection of Data on Antimicrobial Agents Used in Animals
Annex 9 Distribution of Countries by OIE Region
Annex 1. Africa, Regional Focus
General Information for Africa During the Fourth Round of Data Collection
More than half of the responses from Africa (8 out of 13; 62%) mentioned that the main impediment
to reporting antimicrobial quantities was the lack of a regulatory framework. Of these, 4 countries (n
= 8; 50%) describe the absence of regulatory framework for the manufacture, registration, distribution,
commercialization and use of veterinary products; one of these countries had just started to supervise
the border points, distributors and veterinarians for the imports and sales of veterinary products. Four
Members mentioned that it was not mandatory to collect such data in their countries; with one that
had previously provided antimicrobial quantities, stating the lack of an official mechanism to collect
the data had prevented the collection and report of the antimicrobial quantities during this fourth
Four Members described a lack of coordination/cooperation with the Ministry of Health. One country
expected to provide antimicrobial quantities in the future with the Veterinary Authority already having
established a mechanism with the Ministry of Health.
Two Members reported insufficient funds for collecting the antimicrobial quantities with one country
explaining that available funds would be used to develop and implement the National Action Plan
(NAP) on AMR.
One African Member explained its main challenge in data collection was that import records were only
available as hardcopies and that staff availability was insufficient to digitalise the data, perform the
calculations and analyse the results. Another country reported that the software used to collect the
import records does not capture the necessary information to calculate kilograms of active ingredients
for the veterinary products.
One country explained that even if funds were available for hiring staff to collect, collate and analyse
the data, the country’s current situation prevented the allocation of funds for such activity.
Country Barriers to Reporting Quantitative Data on Antimicrobial Agents Intended
for Use in Animals in 13 Countries in Africa During the Fourth Round of Data Collection
Barriers to Submitting Quantitative Data
Number of Countries in Africa Reporting
4 4
Lack of regulatory Lack of Lack of IT tools, funds and Insufficient regulatory Circumstances that
framework coordination/cooperation human resources enforcement prevent monitoring
between national antimicrobial agents
authorities and with
private sector
Barrier Categories
After the fourth round of data collection, to facilitate addressing the barriers to providing quantities of
antimicrobial agents in animals, the OIE conducted a regional workshop on the OIE data collection
database in Eastern and Southern Africa, in Mombasa, Kenya on the 29th to the 31st of October 2019.
As outlined in section 7 of this report, in the future, the OIE will have developed a software solution
for the annual data collection. This workshop included a working group session dedicated to the future
of the OIE Data Collection and provided the opportunity to take into consideration the needs of
stakeholders in designing and developing the future AMU IT System.
The OIE Focal Points for Veterinary Products and the AMR focal point from the animal sector (if
different from the OIE Focal Point for Veterinary Products) with a representative of the national drug
regulatory authority from each country were present in the workshop. This should allow enhanced
collaboration and support inclusion of AMU as an important component of countries NAP on AMR.
Overall, the participants confirmed the need to integrate calculations and error detection mechanism
to ensure better data quality. Readily accessible data and a dynamic data analysis tool were also
considered crucial by participants to inform key decisions and their NAPs on AMR. This will improve
accessibility and visibility of data for stakeholder’s use.
Antimicrobial Growth Promoters Used in Animals in 5 Countries in Africa in 2018
Antimicrobial Class Used for Growth
0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of Member Countries in Africa Reporting Use of Antimicrobial Class for Growth
Promotion in 2018
All African countries’ data sources were analysed, and all countries where data duplication was
considered to be a risk were asked for clarification of their answers and/or data collection systems.
Fourteen countries’ data source were considered to present a risk of duplication (n = 21, 67%); after
clarifications, 7 countries (n = 14; 50%) changed their answers or proved there was no duplication or
overlapping of data sources. The remaining countries (7 out of 14; 50%) that did not provide
clarification were excluded only from the analysis in Figure A3. For a full explanation of quantitative
data sources, see the Guidance for Completing the OIE template for the Collection of Data (Annex 7).
From the list of data source options provided in the OIE template, import data for veterinary products
as declared by custom authorities was most commonly chosen, with four Members (n = 16; 25%)
selecting this option. In addition, four Members described other data source not provided in the OIE
List, relating to Import data as well (Figure A4).
Data Sources Selected by 16 African OIE Members Reporting Quantitative Information for 2016
Import Data
Sales Data
Permits issued by
registration authorities
Other Data Sources
Import data
Importer's report 1
Government 0
Manufacturer's report 1
For 2016, 21 African countries provided validated antimicrobial quantities intended for use in animals.
From the 21 countries, four stated to cover 100% of the data source used to report the data. The 17
countries that did not cover 100% of available antimicrobial quantities were asked to provide further
information on uncaptured data sources. For the 21 countries, the data coverage achieved was 73%.
More information for the data coverage for Africa is available in Table 5 of this report.
In Africa, the largest proportion of all reported antimicrobial classes was tetracyclines, followed by
penicillins and macrolides (Figure A5). Under the group of others most of the countries reported
fosfomycin and salinomycin. The aggregated class data category is used for confidentiality purposes
at national level; under this category, data were submitted mainly for glycopeptides,
glycophospholipids and quinoxalines.
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes Reported for Use in Animals by 21 African Members in 2016
Other quinolones 0.0%
Orthosomycins 0.1%
Nitrofurans 0.0%
Macrolides 10.3%
Lincosamides 0.1%
Glycophospholipids 0.0%
Glycopeptides 0.0%
Fluoroquinolones 2.1%
3-4 gen cephalosporins 0.0%
1-2 gen. cephalosporins 0.0%
Cephalosporins (all generations) 0.6%
Arsenicals 0.0%
Amphenicols 0.3%
Aminoglycosides 8.6%
0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0%
% of Reported Quantities of Antimicrobial Agents Used in Animals by 21 Countries
Irrespective of whether the data could be differentiated by animal groups, all 21 countries were asked
to pick the food producing animal species covered by their data from a supplied list in the OIE template
and according to the products target species label. For descriptive purposes some animals were
grouped in categories, for more information on the grouping of animals see page 45 of this report.
In the 21 African Members that reported quantitative data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in
animals for 2016, the food-producing species most frequently covered by the data were poultry, sheep
and goats and bovines (Figure A6). Among the poultry production types, ‘layers - commercial
production for eggs’ were named by all African countries (n = 21; 100%). Within the 4 regions analysed,
Africa is one of the regions were Camelidae were more commonly named by Members.
Food-Producing Animal Species Included in Quantitative Data Reported
by 21 African Members in 2016
21 21
Number of Countries that Reported
Quantities of Antimicrobial Agents
20 17
Intended for Use in Animals
11 10
10 7
5 3 2
Most of the quantitative data from the African Members cannot be differentiated by animal group.
This result corresponds with the African Region’s predominant use of Reporting Option 1, which does
not allow for differentiation by animal group (Figure A7). For the two African countries (n = 21; 10%)
that were able to distinguish antimicrobial quantities by animal groups, data were mainly provided for
terrestrial food-producing animals.
No Differentiation by Animal
Differentiation by animal
In Africa, sheep, goat and equine biomass are relatively more significant, compared to the other
regions, contributing respectively 19%, 10% and 10% to the total biomass. In contrast, the proportions
of swine and poultry, respectively 1% and 6%, are the lowest among all regions. It can be underlined
that camelids are also proportionally more significant in Africa than in other regions.
Goats 10%
Sheep 19%
Poultry 6%
13% Rabbits <1%
Camelids 5%
Cervids <1%
Farmed Fish 1%
Bovine 48%
In Africa, the mg/kg estimate for 2016 for 21 countries is 39.17 mg/kg, with an upper level estimate of
45.25 mg/kg when adjusted by estimated coverage. From all OIE Regions, Africa has the lowest mg/kg
The updated mg/kg estimate for 2015 for 25 African countries is 38.21 mg/kg, with an upper level
estimate of 45.45 mg/kg when adjusted by estimate coverage.
Annex 2. Americas, Regional Focus
General Information for the Americas During the Fourth Round of Data Collection
In the Americas, 30 countries (n = 31; 94%) submitted completed reports to OIE Headquarters: 29 from
OIE Members and one non-contiguous territory. The response from the non-contiguous territory was
included in the analysis of the Americas for geographical reasons (Table A2).
Half of the responses in the Americas (6 out of 11 countries; 55%) mentioned that the main
impediment to reporting antimicrobial quantities was the lack of regulatory frameworks. Two
countries explained that there was no legislation for the veterinary medicinal products, one of these
countries said that importers do not register and import veterinary products as the market is too small
and falls below the minimum quantities for bulk purchase, and therefore, human medicines are used
for animals. This country also mentioned that veterinarians import small quantities exclusively for use
in livestock and poultry that are difficult to track. Four countries explained that the main barrier was
that their legislations/regulations do not require the monitoring of antimicrobial use, so there are no
regulations or guidelines on data collection procedure or stakeholder obligations. Two out of these
four countries are planning to provide antimicrobial quantities in the upcoming rounds.
The other half of the responses were grouped in the category of lack of IT tools, funds and human
resources. In this category, five countries explained that even if IT tools for the registration and
importation of veterinary products already existed, the following reasons impeded the reporting of
• There was no integration between the registration and the importation system;
• The registration system only partially records the necessary data to perform the calculations
(e.g. active ingredients, strength of each active ingredient and package size/presentation);
• The import customs system does not record the package size/presentation of the veterinary
products, but the system records the weight of the shipment (in tonnes or kilograms). This
created confusion in certain countries that reported the shipment weights to the OIE rather
than the calculated weights of active ingredients.
Two out of the five countries stated that they will amend their IT situation in order to report import
data in the future.
One country that already had an IT tool for the registration of veterinary products integrated with
import data, reported that the main barrier was the lack of dedicated staff to perform the calculations
and analyse the data.
One country that had previously reported sales of antimicrobial quantities, explained that for the
fourth round, the Veterinary Authority could not get the data from the wholesalers, but will attempt
to reinforce this collaboration with the private sector in the future.
Figure A9. Country Barriers to Reporting Quantitative Data on Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use
in Animals in 11 Countries in the Americas During the Fourth Round of Data Collection
6 6
Americas Reporting Barriers to
Submitting Quantitative Data
Number of Countries in the
0 0
Lack of regulatory Lack of Lack of IT tools, funds and Insufficient regulatory Circumstances that
framework coordination/cooperation human resources enforcement prevent monitoring
between national antimicrobial agents
authorities and with
private sector
Barrier Categories
As part of addressing the barriers in providing quantities of Antimicrobial Agents in Animals, the
Regional Office in the Americas conducted a survey of 17 countries in the region at the end of the
fourth round of data collection (first semester of 2019) to understand countries’ barriers related to IT
system or tools. Ten countries (n = 17; 59%) replied to the survey where multiple selections were
possible. The results are shown in Figure A10.
Eight countries reported that the main barrier was the absence of a tool that facilitates the calculations
of kilograms of active ingredients. Seven reported issues related to the registration of the veterinary
medicinal products, mainly the absence of an IT system for the registration of these goods. Two
countries explained that their IT systems where not built to monitor antimicrobial quantities. These IT
challenges combined with staffing constraints impeded the calculations and analysis of the data.
In September 2019, the OIE conducted a Workshop in the Americas where a tool was tested and
presented to the Members to support them in the calculations of kilograms of active ingredients. The
tool was well received by the Members and several stated their willingness to use the tool for the 5th
data collection round that started in September 2019. The methodology of this tool was based on
instructions provided in Annex 8 of this report, and will be one of the key components of the future IT
System of the AMU Data Collection.
Survey results about the availability of various systems in 10 countries in the Americas
of Antimicrobials in 10 countries
Barriers to Providing Quantities
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ionophores were excluded for reporting as they are mostly used for parasite control and have different
regulatory classifications in different countries; however, 11 countries in the Americas reported the
use of these molecules as growth promoters, where monensin was mentioned by 8 countries and
salinomycin and halquinol by 7 and 4 countries, respectively.
Antimicrobial Growth Promoters Used in 16 Countries in the Americas in 2018
Antimicrobial Class Used for Growth Promotion
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Number of Countries in the Americas Reporting Use of Antimicrobial Class for Growth
Promotion in 2018
As mentioned in previous reports, the Americas is the OIE Region with most countries reporting a lack
of legislation or regulation for antimicrobials used as growth promoters (6 out of 17 countries, 35%).
However, the following cases were noted:
• Some countries are working in cooperation with pharmaceutical companies for a voluntary
removal of growth promotion claims from the labels of all products that are considered to be
Medically Important Antimicrobials in human medicine.
• Partial ban of growth promoters: for specific animals (e.g. cattle and aquatic animals) or for
colistin only.
All countries’ data sources in the Americas were analysed, and all countries where data duplication
was considered to be a risk were asked for clarification of their answers and/or data collection systems.
Five countries’ data source (n = 12, 42%) were considered to present a risk of duplication; after the
clarifications, one country (n = 5; 20%) changed its original data source. The remaining countries (4 out
of 5; 80%) that did not provide clarification were excluded only from the analysis in Figure A12. For a
full explanation of quantitative data sources, see the Guidance for Completing the OIE template for
the Collection of Data (Annex 7).
From the list of data source options provided in the OIE template, import and sales data were the only
data sources use by the countries in the Americas (Figure A12).
Import Data
Sales Data
For 2016, 12 countries in the Americas provided validated antimicrobial quantities intended for use in
animals. From the 12 countries, three stated to cover 100% of the data source used to report the data.
The nine countries that did not cover 100% of available antimicrobial quantities were asked to provide
further information on uncaptured data sources. For the 12 countries, the data coverage achieved was
91%. More information for the data coverage for the Americas is available in Table 5 of this report.
In the Americas, the largest proportion of all reported antimicrobial classes were tetracyclines,
followed by penicillins and macrolides (Figure A13). Under the group of others most of the countries
reported fosfomycin.
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes Reported for Use in Animals
by 12 Countries in the Americas 2016
Irrespective of whether the data could be differentiated by animal groups, all 12 countries were asked
to pick the food producing animal species covered by their data from a supplied list in the OIE template
and according to the products target species label. For descriptive purposes some animals were
grouped in categories, for more information on the grouping of animals see page 45 of this report.
One country reported data only for companion animals, and it was excluded from this analysis. In the
11 countries from the Americas that reported antimicrobial quantities for 2016, the food-producing
species most frequently covered by the data were poultry, bovines, pigs and sheep and goats (Figure
Food-Producing Animal Species Included in Quantitative Data Reported
by 11 Countries in the Americas in 2016
12 11 11 11 11
Number of Countries that Reported
Quantities of Antimicrobial Agents
10 9
Intended for Use in Animals
6 6
2 1
0 0
Most of the quantitative data from the Americas can be differentiated by animal group (Figure A15).
For the countries that were able to distinguish antimicrobial quantities by animal groups, data were
equally provided for terrestrial food-producing animals and companion animals.
The bovine species make an important contribution (55%) to the total biomass of Americas. Small
ruminants, sheep and goats, in comparison to other regions have a relatively lower impact on the
region’s biomass.
Species Composition of Animal Biomass for the 11 Countries in Americas
Included in 2016 Quantitative Data Analysis
Equine 4%
7% Goats <1%
Sheep 2%
Rabbits <1%
Camelids <1%
Cervids <1%
Farmed Fish 1%
Bovine 55%
In the Americas, the mg/kg estimate for 2016 for 11 countries is 114.54mg/kg, with an upper level
estimate of 138.07 mg/kg when adjusted by estimated coverage.
The updated mg/kg estimate for 2015 for 8 countries in the Americas is 96.82 mg/kg, with an upper
level estimate of 99.80 mg/kg when adjusted by estimate coverage.
Annex 3. Asia, Far East and Oceania, Regional
General Information for Asia During the Fourth Round of Data Collection
For the fourth round, two countries in Asia did not report antimicrobial quantities. One country
reported the barrier to be agricultural suppliers not reporting sales data to the Veterinary Authority
and not keeping records of the veterinary products dispensed.
Antimicrobial Growth Promotors Used in Animals in Asia, Far East and Oceania in 2018
as reported by 7 Members
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of Member Countries in Asia and the Pacific Reporting Use of Antimicrobial
Class for Growth Promotion in 2018
All countries’ data sources in Asia, Far East and Oceania were analysed, and all countries where data
duplication was considered a risk were asked for clarification of their answers and/or data collection
systems. Ten countries’ data sources (n = 19, 53%) were considered to present a risk of duplication;
after the clarifications, seven countries (n = 10; 70%) changed their answers or proved there was no
duplication or overlapping of data sources. The remaining countries (3 out of 10; 30%) that did not
provide clarification were excluded only from the analysis of data sources in Figure A18. For a full
explanation of quantitative data sources, see the Guidance for Completing the OIE template for the
Collection of Data (Annex 7).
From the list of data source options provided in the OIE template, sales data for veterinary products
declared by Marketing Authorisation Holders was most commonly chosen, with four Members (n = 16;
25%) selecting this option (Figure A18).
Data Sources Selected by 16 Countries in Asia, Far East and Oceania
Reporting Quantitative Information for 2016
Import Data
Production Data
Use Data
Sales Data
For 2016, 19 countries in Asia, Far East and Oceania provided validated antimicrobial quantities
intended for use in animals. From the 19 countries, eight stated to cover 100% of the data source used
to report the data. The 11 countries that did not cover 100% of available antimicrobial quantities were
asked to provide further information on uncaptured data sources. For the 19 countries, the data
coverage achieved was 90%. More information for the data coverage for Asia, Far East and Oceania, is
available in Table 5 of this report.
In the Asia, Far East and Oceania, the largest proportion of all reported antimicrobial classes were
tetracyclines, followed by penicillins and polypeptides (Figure A19).
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes Reported for Use in Animals
by 19 Members in Asia, Far East and Oceania in 2016
Irrespective of whether the data could be differentiated by animal groups, all 19 countries were asked
to pick the food producing animal species covered by their data from a supplied list in the OIE template
and according to the products target species label. For descriptive purposes some animals were
grouped in categories, for more information on the grouping of animals see page 45 of this report.
Of the 19 countries from Asia, Far East and Oceania that reported antimicrobial quantities for 2016,
the food-producing species most frequently covered by the data were poultry, bovines and pigs (Figure
A20). Asia, Far East and Oceania is the second OIE region that is providing data that cover aquaculture.
Food-Producing Animal Species Included in Quantitative Data Reported
by 19 Countries in Asia, Far East and Oceania in 2016
20 18
Number of Countries that Reported Quantities
18 17
of Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in
16 15
14 13
12 11
10 9
8 6
6 4
4 3 3
2 1
Most of the quantitative data from Asia, Far East and Oceania can be differentiated by animal group
(Figure A21). For the countries that were able to distinguish antimicrobial quantities by animal groups,
data were mainly provided for terrestrial food-producing animals.
No Differentiation by Animal
In contrast to the three other regions, the species contributing the most to the total biomass in Asia
are swine, totalising 35% of the biomass followed by 21% for bovines. Moreover, the relative
importance of farmed fish, reaching 12% of the animal biomass, exceeds the other regions. However,
as detailed previously, percentages of farmed fish should be interpreted with caution as fish biomass
was only included where countries reported that their data on antimicrobial agents covered
aquaculture. Therefore, the effect of farmed fish on biomass is skewed by the number of countries in
that OIE Region for which antimicrobials used in aquaculture were included.
Equine 2%
Rabbits 1%
Camelids <1%
Bovine 21% Cervids <1%
Swine 35%
In Asia, Far East and Oceania, the mg/kg estimate for 2016 of 19 countries is 237.72mg/kg, with an
upper level estimate of 240.57 mg/kg when adjusted by estimated coverage.
The updated mg/kg estimate for 2015 for 17 Asian countries is 321.49 mg/kg, with an upper level
estimate of 323.14 mg/kg when adjusted by estimate coverage.
Annex 4. Europe, Regional Focus
General Information for Europe During the Fourth Round of Data Collection
For the fourth round of data collection, only one contributing country in Europe did not report
antimicrobial quantities. This country explained that relevant legislation was being harmonised with
that of the European Union, and once concluded the country expected to report antimicrobial
quantities for the fifth round of data collection.
It was noted that one country that previously reported the use of growth promoters, banned all
antimicrobials for growth promotion purposes in 2018.
All countries’ data sources in Europe were analysed, and all countries where the data duplication was
considered to be a risk were asked for clarification of their answers and/or data collection systems.
Seven countries’ data source (n = 40, 18%) were considered to present a risk of duplication; after
clarifications, three countries (n = 7; 43%) changed their answers or proved there was no duplication
or overlapping of data sources. The remaining countries (4 out of 7; 57%) that did not provide
clarification to the OIE were excluded only from the analysis in Figure A23. For a full explanation of
quantitative data sources, see the Guidance for Completing the OIE template for the Collection of Data
(Annex 7).
From the list of data source options provided in the OIE template, sales data for veterinary products
as declared by wholesalers was most commonly chosen, with 21 Members (n= 36, 58%) selecting this
option (Figure A23).
Import Data
Sales Data
90% Purchase Data
For 2016, 40 countries in Europe provided validated antimicrobial quantities intended for use in
animals. From the 40 countries, 28 stated to cover 100% of the data source used to report the data.
The 12 countries that did not cover 100% of available antimicrobial quantities were asked to provide
further information on uncaptured data sources. For the 40 countries, the data coverage achieved was
96%. If you would like to have more information for the data coverage for Europe, please refer to Table
5 of this report.
In Europe, the largest proportion of all reported antimicrobial classes were tetracyclines, followed by
penicillins and sulfonamides (Figure A24).
Proportion of Antimicrobial Classes Reported for Use in Animals
by 40 European Members in 2016
Irrespective of whether the data could be differentiated by animal groups, all 40 countries were asked
to pick the food producing animal species covered by their data from a supplied list in the OIE template
and according to the products target species label. For descriptive purposes some animals were
grouped in categories, for more information on the grouping of animals see page 45 of this report.
In the 40 countries from Europe that reported antimicrobial quantities for 2016, the food-producing
species most frequently covered by the data were poultry, bovines, sheep and goats (Figure A25).
Europe is the OIE region that is providing the most data covering aquaculture.
Food-Producing Animal Species Included in Quantitative Data Reported
by 40 Countries in Europe in 2016
45 40 40 40
Quantities of Antimicrobial Agents Intended
40 38
Number of Countries that Reported
35 31
30 27
for Use in Animals
15 11
5 2
Most of the quantitative data from Europe can be differentiated by animal group (Figure A26). For the
countries that were able to distinguish antimicrobial quantities by animal groups, data were mainly
provided for terrestrial food-producing animals.
No Differentiation by Animal
45% Groups
Differentiation by animal
55% groups
The relative species composition of the animal biomass in Europe is very similar to the global
composition of animal biomass, with the four main species, bovine, swine, poultry and sheep,
representing more than 95% of the total biomass of the region.
Species Composition of Animal Biomass for the 40 Countries in Europe
Included in 2016 Quantitative Data Analysis
Poultry 21%
Sheep 9%
Swine 27%
Equine 3%
5% Goats 1%
Rabbits <1%
Camelids <1%
Cervids <1%
In Europe, the mg/kg estimate for 2016 for 40 countries is 66.91 mg/kg, with an upper level estimate
of 68.55 mg/kg when adjusted by estimated coverage.
The updated mg/kg estimate for 2015 for 36 European countries is 77.38 mg/kg, with an upper level
estimate of 81.29 mg/kg when adjusted by estimate coverage.
Annex 5. Middle East, Regional Focus
General Information for the Middle East During the Fourth Round of Data Collection
Due to confidentiality concerns, most variables included in the survey cannot be published in this
report for the Middle East as the data represents only a small number of countries (Table A5). Higher
participation in the Middle East Region in the future would allow a more in-depth study of the data.
One country explained that despite legislation having been approved during the fourth round, few staff
were allocated to the office for the registration of veterinary medicines. Another country, that had
previously reported antimicrobial quantities, mentioned that they were having problems with their IT
System and that prevented their ability to calculate the kilograms of active ingredients. A third country
explained that the country security situation effected their ability to obtain sales data for veterinary
medicinal products (Figure A28).
Number of Countries in the Middle East
Reporting Barriers to Submitting
Quantitative Data
1 1
0 0
Lack of regulatory Lack of Lack of IT tools, funds and Insufficient regulatory Circumstances that
framework coordination/cooperation human resources enforcement prevent monitoring
between national antimicrobial agents
authorities and with
private sector
Barrier Categories
Annex 6. OIE Template
OIE template for the collection of data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals
Reporting option 1 - Overall amount sold for/used in animals by antimicrobial class; with the possibility to separate by type of use
If 'Aggregated class data' are <free text field> List all classes for which the amounts were combined, using whenever
reported , please list the classes possible the 'Antimicrobial class' terms or the terminology of the OIE list
of antimicrobial agents of veterinary importance. Substances included in
combined the data aggregation that are not part of the recommended terminology
should also be listed. If one class was reported that needs to remain
confidential, please enter 'Confidential'.
If 'Others' are reported under <free text field> Describe the class or classes reported as 'Others', using whenever
'Antimicrobial class', please list the possible the terminology of the OIE list of antimicrobial agents of
classes reported veterinary importance.
Please report any additional <free text field> Please describe the calculations carried out in addition to the ones
calculations applied recommended by the OIE in sections 1 and 2 of the annex to the
instructions for the completion of the OIE template.
OIE template for the collection of data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals
Reporting option 2 - Overall amount sold for/used in animals by antimicrobial class; with the possibility to separate by type of use and species group
If 'Aggregated class data' are reported , <free text field> List all classes for which the amounts were combined, using whenever possible the 'Antimicrobial class'
please list the classes combined terms or the terminology of the OIE list of antimicrobial agents of veterinary importance. Substances
included in the data aggregation that are not part of the recommended terminology should also be
listed. If one class was reported that needs to remain confidential, please enter 'Confidential'.
If 'Others' are reported under <free text field> Describe the class or classes reported as 'Others', using whenever possible the terminology of the OIE
'Antimicrobial class', please list the list of antimicrobial agents of veterinary importance.
classes reported
Please report any additional calculations <free text field> Please describe the calculations carried out in addition to the ones recommended by the OIE in sections
applied 1 and 2 of the annex to the instructions for the completion of the OIE template.
OIE template for the collection of data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals
Reporting option 3 - Overall amount sold for/used in animals by antimicrobial class; with the possibility to separate by type of
All routes Oral route Injection route Other routes Oral route Injection route Other routes Oral route Injection route Other routes Oral route Injection route Other routes Oral route Injection route Other routes All routes
Antimicrobial Class
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Aminoglycosides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 From
Amphenicols 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.9. (
Arsenicals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PATTERNS OF ANTIMICROBIAL A
Cephalosporins (all generations) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOOD
1-2 gen. cephalosporins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3-4 gen cephalosporins
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the administration of an antimicr
Fluoroquinolones 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 individual or a group of animals to
Glycopeptides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 prevent disease:
Glycophospholipids 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Lincosamides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to an individual or a group of ani
Macrolides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 signs of an infectious disease;
Nitrofurans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Orthosomycins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 agent to a group of animals contai
Other quinolones healthy animals (presumed to be i
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
or resolve clinical signs and to pre
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of the disease;
Pleuromutilins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Polypeptides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 agent to an individual or a group o
Quinoxalines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 acquiring a specific infection or in
Streptogramins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 where infectious disease is likely t
Sulfonamides (including 0 0 0 0 not administered.
trimethoprim) 0 0 0
Tetracyclines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Growth Promotion
Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 antimicrobial agents to animals o
Aggregated class data 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rate of weight gain or the efficien
Total kg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
If 'Aggregated class data' are <free text field> List all classes for which the amounts were combined, using whenever possible the 'Antimicrobial class' terms or the terminology of the OIE list of
reported , please list the classes antimicrobial agents of veterinary importance. Substances included in the data aggregation that are not part of the recommended terminology should also be
combined listed. If one class was reported that needs to remain confidential, please enter 'Confidential'.
If 'Others' are reported under <free text field> Describe the class or classes reported as 'Others', using whenever possible the terminology of the OIE list of antimicrobial agents of veterinary importance.
'Antimicrobial class', please list the
classes reported
Please report any additional <free text field> Please describehere calculations carried out in addition to the ones recommended by the OIE in sections 1 and 2 of the annex to the instructions for the
calculations applied compilation of the OIE template.
Annex 7. Guidance for Completing the OIE
Template for the Collection of Data on
Antimicrobial Agents Used in Animals
The OIE proposes to collect data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals from OIE
Member Countries implementing Chapter 6.8, “Monitoring of the quantities and usage patterns
of antimicrobial agents used in food-producing animals” of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health
Code and Chapter 6.3 “Monitoring of the quantities and usage patterns of antimicrobial agents
used in aquatic animals” of the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code, and to contribute to the global
effort against antimicrobial resistance.
Member Countries differ in the degree to which they collect, collate and publish data on
antimicrobial sales or use in animals and also in the degree to which they can stratify the
quantities of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals or for use in different animal
Through this initiative, by means of a specific template (hereafter “OIE template”), the OIE
seeks to collect data on antimicrobial agent intended for use in animals from all OIE Member
Countries in a harmonised way. Using a phased approach, the OIE will initially focus on sales11
of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals as an indicator of actual use. All
antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals and listed in the OIE List of antimicrobial
agents of veterinary importance12, plus certain antimicrobial agents only used for growth
promotion should be reported. The exceptions are ionophores, which are mostly used for parasite
control and therefore need not be reported as antimicrobial agents. The OIE places highest
priority on food-producing animals; however, data on all animals, including companion animals,
may be reported. Reporting will occur at antimicrobial class level and, on one occasion, at sub-
class level.
For the purpose of reporting data on antimicrobial quantities (amounts sold or imported for use
in animals expressed in kilograms (kg) of antimicrobial agent, i.e., chemical compound as
declared on the product label, that is to be calculated from the available information as
explained in the Annex to this Guidance document), animals are grouped into ‘all animal
species’, ‘companion animals’, ‘all food-producing animals’, ‘terrestrial food-producing
animals’, and ‘aquatic food-producing animals’.
Further refinement of the OIE collection of data on antimicrobial agent sales or use in animals
is anticipated in light of the experience gained with the utilisation of the OIE template and
additional changes might be necessary as Member Countries capabilities of reporting stratified
data develop.
Please contact [email protected] for any question on the OIE template.
11 ‘Sales’, in the context of the OIE data collection on antimicrobial agents used in animals, should be interpreted to include
data on import of antimicrobial agents for use in animals.
12 http://www.oie.int/fileadmin/Home/eng/Our_scientific_expertise/docs/pdf/AMR/A_OIE_List_antimicrobials_May2018.pdf
Reporting Options are proposed, using different individual sheets of the OIE template: ‘Baseline
Information’, ‘Reporting Option 1’, ‘Reporting Option 2’, and ‘Reporting Option 3’.
The Baseline Information sheet allows participation of all Member Countries: and should be
completed by all. On this sheet, some fields are formatted in italics and grey; these fields are
optional, but Member Countries are encouraged to provide information to the greatest extent
possible. Subsequently, and in accordance with the level of detail of data on antimicrobial
agents used in animals available in the reporting country, either the sheet labelled Reporting
Option 1, or the sheet labelled Reporting Option 2 or the sheet labelled Reporting Option 3
should be completed – only one of the three Reporting Options should be selected.
̶Baseline Information
This sheet collects administrative information relevant to the data collected with this template.
It should be completed by all OIE Member Countries.
Based on the answers provided by the countries, the table at the bottom of the sheet is provided
to help OIE Member Countries to decide which Reporting Option is the most adapted to their
data available.
B. General Information
Questions 9 to 14 are related to the current situation in your country. Responses should not be linked
to the year of antimicrobial quantities reported.
9 Are data on the Please indicate whether quantitative data (i.e., data on the amount) on
amount of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals are available, by choosing ‘Yes’
antimicrobial agents or ‘No’.
intended for use in If quantitative data is available for part of your country, choose ‘Yes’.
animals available?
10 Please indicate why Please indicate the reason why the data are not available in this moment in your
the data are not country. If the answer to the previous question is ‘No’.
available at this time
in your country, if the
answer to Question 9
is ‘No’
11 Are antimicrobial Please indicate if antimicrobial agents as growth promoters are being used in
agents used for your country, by choosing ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘Unknown’.
growth promotion
purposes in animals
in your country?
12 Does your country Please respond by ticking either ‘Legislation/regulation exists - Yes’ or
have ‘Legislation/regulation does not exist - No’.
ns on antimicrobial
agents as growth
promoters in
13 If your country has Please respond by ticking either ‘All antimicrobial agents banned for use as
legislation/regulatio growth promoters’, ‘Some antimicrobial agents banned for use as growth
n on antimicrobial promoters’ or ‘One or more antimicrobial growth promoters are authorised’.
agents as growth
promoters in
animals, could you
please indicate the
appropriate case that
applies in your
14 Please provide a list If any antimicrobial growth promoters are authorised for use in animals, please
of antimicrobial list the antimicrobial agents (active ingredient name, not product name)
agents used or authorised for use as growth promoters in animals.
authorised as growth
promoters, if any
If data on the amount of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals are not available in your country, the
completion of the OIE template is terminated after completing Question 14
of the Baseline Information sheet.
C. Data Collection of Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals
(Reserved to the Countries where data are available)
15 Year for which data Please provide data for 2016. If you have data for another year, please select
apply (Please select the year from the list. We will accept data for other years, but not from before
only one year per 2016. If you would like to provide data for additional years, please fill out one
template) template per year of data.
If you have found calculation errors in data already submitted to the OIE for
previous years, we ask that you please send an updated data template to the
Antimicrobial Use Team.
16 Time period for Please provide further information regarding the reporting year, especially if the
which data are data only covers a portion of the calendar year.
provided (e.g., 1
January to 31
December 2016)
17 Data source Please describe the origin of the data on antimicrobial sales for use in animals,
the preferred data at this stage. The template provides options for data sources,
and you are asked to report all data sources that apply. Chapter 6.8 of the OIE
Terrestrial Code and Chapter 6.3 of the OIE Aquatic Code provide more detail
on potential sources of such information. Possible data sources include:
• Sales data - complete data on antimicrobials agents sold to / bought from
• Purchase data - data based on sampling of a limited number of
wholesalers and requiring extrapolation to estimate the full amount of
antimicrobials purchased, but should be used with care.
• Import data - complete import data from customs.
• Veterinary data - complete or representative sample information obtained
from veterinarians; if representative sample information is obtained
extrapolation to the estimated full use may be possible.
• Antimicrobial use data - complete or representative sample information
obtained from farm records; if representative sample information is
obtained extrapolation to the estimated full use may be possible.
• Other data - all other ways of delivering antimicrobial agents to the
animals, including distribution through state veterinary services.
It is suggested to develop an overview of the drug distribution system in your
country. Mapping out the distribution pathways in your country will help you
identify the most appropriate source of information on antimicrobial agents for
use in animals. Great care is necessary to avoid duplicate or multiple reporting
of quantities; mapping out the distribution will also help you devise measures
aimed at avoiding multiple reporting. Ideally, the source of information should
be as close to the point of use as possible. Experience has shown that whenever
possible, sales data at the package level should be collected, keeping in mind
that the data will be measured in kg of antimicrobial agent (please refer to the
annex of this document for details on the necessary conversions). Good
communication between all parties involved in the data collection is critical to
obtain good data sets.
18 Clarification of the If under Data source the option ‘Other’ is selected, please explain here which
data source, if your source of information was used.
response to Question
17 is ‘Other’
19 Estimated coverage Please provide an estimate of the extent to which the quantitative data you
of accessible data on report are representative of the overall antimicrobial sales for use in animals
total amount (in %) (percentage of the total sales in your country in relation to overall use).
20 Explanation of Please explain in this field which data were not captured on the antimicrobial
estimated coverage agents used in animals reported for your country in the OIE template.
Data coverage may vary by geographical aspects; examples include but are not
limited to situations that use may be well known for urban but not rural areas,
or that use in certain representative regions is well known but not actually
measured throughout the whole country. Incomplete data coverage may include
situations where importation is not covered, or partial statistical sampling of
relevant establishments (farms, veterinary practices, etc.) is carried out.
Another source of incomplete data may lie in market segment coverage, where
incomplete data is available from certain market segments (e.g., some
production systems are not covered, such as extensive versus intensive farming
systems or certain wholesalers who do not report their data).
21 Is the information Please indicate whether the data provided in your report have been extrapolated
extrapolated from from representative samples.
22 Explanation of Please explain in this field the nature of any extrapolations that were carried
extrapolations carried out in order to provide the data recorded in the OIE template.
out, if your response
to Question 21 is ‘Yes’
23 Can data be Please respond by ticking ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
differentiated by For the purposes of the database, animal group means: ‘Terrestrial food-
animal group? producing animals’, ‘Aquatic food-producing animals’ or ‘Companion animals’.
If your data is differentiated by any of these groups, please select ‘Yes’.
24 Animal groups Please indicate here which animal groups are covered by the data provided, by
covered by the data selecting the appropriate category or categories from the list. The choices are:
‘Data with no differentiation (all animals combined)’, ‘Data with no
differentiation between terrestrial and aquatic animals excluding companion
animals’, ‘Data for terrestrial food-producing animals and companion animals
(combined)’, ‘Data for terrestrial food-producing species’, ‘Aquatic food-
producing animals’, ‘Data for aquatic food-producing animals’ and ‘Data for
companion animals’. Multiple selections are possible.
25 Food-producing Animal species considered to be food-producing animals vary between
animal species countries. The OIE needs to gain an understanding of how this difference
covered by the impacts the antimicrobial quantities reported to the OIE and future reporting of
information on summary quantities by the OIE. Please indicate which animals are considered
antimicrobial to be food-producing animals covered by the quantities. Multiple selections are
quantities possible.
26 Clarification of other Please provide any explanations you may feel necessary to explain which animal
species considered to species covered by the data are raised for the purpose of providing food for
be food-producing, if humans.
your response to
Question 25 is ‘Other
commercial poultry’
or ‘Other’
27 Companion animal The OIE needs to gain an understanding of how this difference could impacts
species covered by the antimicrobial quantities reported to the OIE and future reporting of summary
the information on quantities by the OIE. Please indicate which animals are considered to be
antimicrobial companion animals covered by the quantities. Multiple selections are possible.
28 Clarification of other Please provide any explanations you may feel necessary to explain which animal
species considered to species covered by the data are considered companion animals (e.g. horses).
be companion
animals, if your
response to Question
27 is ‘Other’
29 Can data be differen- Please respond by ticking either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
tiated per route of
30 National report(s) on Please respond by ticking either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
sales/use of
antimicrobial agents
in animals available
on the web?
31 Please provide the If answer is ‘Yes’ to Question 30, please insert the link to the site where the
link to the report, if report is available on the internet.
your response to
Question 30 is ‘Yes’
Antimicrobial class Guidance
Arsenicals Includes nitarsone, roxarsone and others.
Cephalosporins May be reported as Cephalosporins (all generations) or in relevant category
groupings (1-2 generation cephalosporins and 3-4 generation cephalosporins).
Fluoroquinolones Includes danofloxacin, difloxacin, enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin and other
fluoroquinolones, but not other quinolones (e.g., flumequine, oxolinic acid,
nalidixic acid), which are reported separately.
Glycopeptides Includes avoparcin and others.
Glycophospholipids Includes bambermycin (i.e., flavomycin).
Lincosamides Includes lincomycin, pirlimycin and others.
Macrolides Includes substances with all macrolide structures, such as erythromycin,
spiramycin, tylosin, tylvalosin, gamithromycin, tildipirosin, tulathromycin and
Nitrofurans Includes furazolidone, nitrofurantoin, nitrofurazone and others.
Orthosomycins Includes avilamycin and others.
Other quinolones Includes flumequine, nalidixic acid, oxolinic acid and others.
Penicillins Includes all penicillins (e.g., natural penicillins, aminopenicillins and others),
but excludes other beta lactam antimicrobials like cephalosporins.
Pleuromutilins Includes tiamulin, valnemulin and others.
Polypeptides Includes bacitracin, colistin, polymyxin B and others.
Quinoxalines Includes carbadox, olaquindox and others.
Streptogramins Includes virginiamycin, pristinamycin, and others.
Sulfonamides (includ- Includes all sulfonamides, as well as trimethoprim and similar compounds.
ing trimethoprim)
Tetracyclines Includes chlortetracycline, doxycycline, tetracycline, and oxytetracycline.
Others All others not covered, including coumarin antimicrobials, e.g., novobiocin,
fusidic acid, kirromycins, phosphonic acids like fosfomycin, rifamycins,
Aggregated class data It may not be possible to individually report sales by class name for one or
more antimicrobial classes for animal use (e.g., to protect confidential
(proprietary) information or as required by legislation). Such amounts may be
reported in this line.
Report here the individual or cumulative amounts of antimicrobial classes
used in animals that cannot be reported independently for confidentiality /
proprietary reasons. If more than one data aggregation exists in your country,
please sum them up for the OIE template.
In cases where the amounts sold for more than one class are reported as
aggregated data, please enter <AGG> in the table for those substances for
which sales quantities have been included in the aggregated amount, and list
the names of the classes of antimicrobial agents that cannot be reported
individually in the free-text field called ‘If 'Aggregated class data' are reported,
please list here the classes combined’ located underneath the table collecting
the antimicrobial quantities.
Explanatory notes on the free-text fields below the tables Reporting Options 1, 2 and 3 are
Field name Information to be provided
If 'Aggregated class If for your country there are Aggregated class data, please list the names of the
data' are reported, classes of antimicrobial agents that cannot be reported individually.
please list the If sales for only one antimicrobial class that needs to remain confidential are
classes combined reported as Aggregated class data, please enter the word ‘Confidential’ in this
free-text field.
Whenever possible, use the 'Antimicrobial class' terms explained above or the
terminology of the OIE List of antimicrobial agents of veterinary importance.
Field name Information to be provided
Aggregated data may include substances that are not mentioned in the
definition of ‘Antimicrobial classes for use in animals’. In such cases, please
specify any additional classes of antimicrobials which are included in the
reported amount for Aggregated class data that are not listed in the table.
If 'Others' are Please describe the class or classes reported as 'Others', using whenever
reported under possible the terminology of the OIE List of antimicrobial agents of veterinary
'Antimicrobial class', importance.
list the classes
Please report any Please describe calculations carried out in addition to the ones recommended
additional by the OIE in Sections 1 and 2 of the Annex to the Guidance for completing
calculations applied the OIE template.
The amount of the antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals in kilograms (kg) should be
reported. Where data are available in the form of
• number of packages of a given pharmaceutical preparation sold
• international units
• % weight per volume (% w/v)
mathematical conversion will be necessary, which is explained in the Annex to this document.
In cases where the amount sold for the listed class is part of a data aggregation reported under
‘Aggregated class data’, please enter the three letters <AGG> in the table for all classes, for
which quantities sold have been summarised.
Ideally, the OIE is interested in the amount of active ingredient (moiety), that is, the substance
as listed in the OIE List of antimicrobial agents of veterinary importance (e.g., benzylpenicillin),
not the total weight of the actual chemical compound (salt, ester or other, for example: sodium
or potassium benzylpenicillin) contained in a veterinary medicinal product or traded as bulk
material. At this stage of the project, the precision gained by the refined reporting of amounts
of active ingredient, achieved by mathematical conversion of amounts of chemical compound
as declared on the product label, is not justified. Therefore, the OIE template will accept the
amounts of chemical compound as declared on the product label. Data on amounts of active
ingredients will also be accepted, but the additional calculations carried out should be described
in the corresponding free-text field on the Reporting Option 1, 2 or 3 sheets in the OIE template.
For data sourced from customs, import or other bulk trading, information will likely come as
tons of chemical compound. Please convert into kg for reporting in the OIE template; the Annex
provides conversion factors from different weight units to kg.
For veterinary medicinal products, the content of the antimicrobial agent(s) may be stated in
one of several ways, including strength in
milligram (mg) or gram (g) of the active ingredient per volume or weight or other unit,
for example millilitre (ml), or kilogram (kg) or tablet,
• International Units (IU) per weight, volume or other unit, or
• in percentage (%) weight per weight (w/w) or weight per volume (w/v).
The Annex provides details on the necessary conversions.
For veterinary medicinal products containing more than one antimicrobial agent, the amounts
of each should be added to the respective class columns.
If there are no quantities to report for a class or route of administration, please enter a zero (0)
in the corresponding field of the table.
Please refer to the Annex of this document for detailed examples and the calculations necessary
to report kg of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals. As explained above, in most
cases the amount of the chemical compound as declared on the product label can be reported,
though OIE Member Countries wishing to provide more refined data on amounts of active
ingredients are welcome to do so, on the condition that they describe the calculations used.
̶Reporting Option 1
Overall amount sold for use / used in animals by antimicrobial class, with the possibility to
separate by type of use.
The sheet Reporting Option 1 is designed for the reporting of data on amount or type of
antimicrobial agents used in all animals. Data may be reported overall for all animal species,
but can be separated by antimicrobial class and possibly by type of use (veterinary medical
including prevention of clinical signs, or growth promotion; see definitions below).
For this Reporting Option 1, complete the columns “Veterinary Medical” (including prevention
of clinical signs) and “Growth Promotion”. The sum of sales for “Veterinary Medical” and
“Growth Promotion” should equal the amount entered in the column “Overall Amount (Growth
Promotion + Veterinary Medical)” for each class.
̶Reporting Option 2
Overall amount sold for use / used in animals by antimicrobial class, with the possibility to
separate by type of use and animal groups.
If the data can be differentiated by use in all food-producing animals, companion animals and
/ or by use in terrestrial and aquatic food-producing animals, Reporting Option 2 is the
appropriate choice. Further differentiation by antimicrobial class, Veterinary Medical, including
prevention of clinical signs, or growth promotion is possible.
If sales of antimicrobial agents for use in animals can be differentiated into sales for therapeutic
purposes, for growth promotion and additionally by animal group, please complete under the
heading “Veterinary Medical (including prevention of clinical signs)” the columns for “All
Animal Species”, “Companion Animals”, “All Food-producing Animals (terrestrial and
aquatic)”, “Terrestrial Food-producing Animals”, and “Aquatic Food-producing Animals”.
These animal groups include all age groups and life stages of the relevant group. The first
column of the table “Overall Amount (Growth Promotion + Veterinary Medical)” allows reporting
of the total amount for all uses and animal categories per antimicrobial class. The last column
labelled “Growth Promotion” captures the amounts sold for growth promotion purposes in
terrestrial and aquatic food-producing animals.
For Reporting Option 2, “Growth Promotion” can be reported jointly for terrestrial and aquatic
food-producing animals.
̶Reporting Option 3
Overall amount sold for use / used in animals by antimicrobial class, with the possibility to
separate by type of use, species group and route of administration.
If the data can be differentiated by route of administration, Reporting Option 3 is the
appropriate choice. Further differentiation by antimicrobial class, by use in companion animals,
food-producing species and, where possible, by use in terrestrial and aquatic food-producing
species as well as veterinary medical, including prevention of clinical signs, or growth
promotion, is possible.
In the category of “Veterinary Medical (including prevention of clinical signs)”, the OIE is
interested in differentiating the proportion of sales by route of administration for mass treatment
(e.g., via feed) versus those more suited for treatment of individual animals (e.g., injection
route, other routes). If sales for veterinary medical can be sub-divided by route of administration,
please report the quantities used for each route of administration. If further differentiation by
animal group is possible, then it should be reported if the data are available.
For Reporting Option 3, “Growth Promotion” can be reported jointly for terrestrial and aquatic
food-producing animals.
Glossary of Terms
For the purpose of this database, a number of terms require clarification, in order to ensure a
harmonised approach to data collection.
• Active ingredient
Antimicrobial agents are chemical compounds that can come in various forms. In order to
render an antimicrobial agent suitable for use in a veterinary medicine, or to achieve desirable
pharmacokinetic or organoleptic properties, antimicrobial agents can exist as different salts
or esters or other chemical compounds. The active ingredient is the part of the chemical
compound responsible for the antimicrobial action. The name used to refer to an antimicrobial
agent listed on the OIE List of antimicrobial agents of veterinary importance is generally
identical to the active ingredient of that agent.
• Antimicrobial agent
As defined in the glossaries of the OIE Terrestrial Code and the OIE Aquatic Code, this means
a naturally occurring, semi-synthetic or synthetic substance that exhibits antimicrobial activity
(kill or inhibit the growth of micro-organisms) at concentrations attainable in vivo.
Anthelmintics and substances classed as disinfectants or antiseptics are excluded from this
definition. In the context of the OIE template, this term is being used as a general reference
to substances with antimicrobial activity.
• Chemical compound as declared on the product label
As explained for active ingredient, an antimicrobial agent may exist in the form of various
chemical compounds. For example, benzylpenicillin (the active ingredient) the sodium,
potassium, procaine, benzathine or benethamine salts, and the prodrug penethamine
hydroiodide are used in veterinary medicine. In consequence they may be traded as bulk
products or be included in veterinary medicinal products containing antimicrobial agents (see
explanation below). The term chemical compound as declared on the product label refers to the
substance as it is reported on the label of a veterinary medicinal product or a bulk container
or in the information provided to customs. This may be either the active ingredient (e.g.
benzylpenicillin) or the complete chemical compound (e.g. sodium benzylpenicillin).
• Extrapolation
An approach by which the total amount of antimicrobial agents used in animals was derived
from a limited, but representative dataset. Details on the approach should be provided.
Caution should be exercised in situations where the data sources are not representative of the
whole. For example, extrapolation from a limited number of wholesalers may not adequately
represent the entire antimicrobial sales market.
• Food-producing species
The animal species that are managed by people for the purpose of producing food for humans.
The relevant species may differ between countries.
• Growth promotion, growth promoters (according to the new version of Chapter 6.9 of the
Terrestrial Code, adopted during the 86th OIE General Session)
means the administration of antimicrobial agents to animals only to increase the rate of weight
gain or the efficiency of feed utilisation.
• Quantitative data
The term ‘quantitative’ refers to a type of information based in quantities or else quantifiable
data (objective properties) — as opposed to ‘qualitative’ information which deals with apparent
qualities (subjective properties). Quantitative data may also refer to mass, time, or
productivity. In the context of this template, quantitative data means that the amount of
antimicrobial agents used in animals can be determined, for example through information on
amount of antimicrobials imported, or number of packages of specific antimicrobial products
used in animals, and is reportable in the metric ‘kg antimicrobial agent’.
• Veterinary Medical use (according to the new version of Chapter 6.9 of the Terrestrial Code,
adopted during the 86th OIE General Session)
Means the administration of an antimicrobial agent to an individual or a group of animals to
treat, control or prevent disease:
− to treat means to administer an antimicrobial agent to an individual or a group of
animals showing clinical signs of an infectious disease;
− to control means to administer an antimicrobial agent to a group of animals
containing sick animals and healthy animals (presumed to be infected), to minimise
or resolve clinical signs and to prevent further spread of the disease;
− to prevent means to administer an antimicrobial agent to an individual or a group of
animals at risk of acquiring a specific infection or in a specific situation where
infectious disease is likely to occur if the drug is not administered.
Annex 8. Annex to the guidance for completing the
OIE template for the collection of data on
antimicrobial agents used in animals
Considerations on converting content of antimicrobial active ingredients
in veterinary medicines into kilograms
Table 1: Converting weight units into kg
Unit reported (unit Z) Conversion factor to kg (for multiplication)
Metric ton 1000
Imperial ton (long) 1016
Imperial ton (short) 907.18
Stone (Imperial) 6.35
Imperial Pound 0.4536
Ounce 0.0283
The most common ways to indicate the content of the antimicrobial agent(s) of a veterinary
medicinal product are:
(i) Strength in mg or g of the active ingredient per volume or weight or other unit, (for
example: ml, l, kg, tablet),
(ii) Strength in International Units (IU) per weight, volume or other unit,
(iii) Strength in per cent (%) weight per weight (w/w) or weight per volume (w/v).
2. (i) – content of antimicrobial active ingredient (antimicrobial agent) stated in milligram per
volume or weight or other unit (for example millilitre, litre, kilogram, tablet) of content
Step 1: Calculation of the content of antimicrobial agent per package
Example B:
Tetracycline intrauterine tablet containing 2000 mg tetracycline hydrochloride per
tablet; package sizes: (a) carton with 1 blister of 5 intrauterine tablets, (b) carton with
4 blisters of 5 intrauterine tablets each (20 tablets), (c) carton with 20 blisters of 5
intrauterine tablets each (100 tablets).
Calculation of content of antimicrobial agent, tetracycline, per package:
(a) Pack content = 2000 mg x 5 =2gx 5 = 10 g
(b) Pack content = 2000 mg x 20 = 2 g x 20 = 40 g
(c) Pack content = 2000 mg x 100 = 2 g x 100 = 200 g
Example C:
Tilmicosin 300 mg/ml solution for injection for cattle; package sizes: containers of
100 ml and 250 ml; packs of (a) 6, (b) 10 and (c) 12 units of 100 ml and 250 ml.
Calculation of content of antimicrobial agent, tilmicosin, per package:
(a) Container content = 300 mg/ml x 100 ml = 30000 mg = 30 g
Pack content: (a) 6 x 30 g = 180 g,
(b) 10 x 30 g = 300 g
(c) 12 x 30 g = 360 g
(b) Container content = 300 mg/ml x 250 ml = 75000 mg = 75 g
Pack content: (a) 6 x 75 g = 450 g,
(b) 10 x 75 g = 750 g
(c) 12 x 75 g = 900 g
Step 2: Sum up the antimicrobial agent contained in all presentations and packages sold
Convert all contents of antimicrobial agent calculated under step 1 to the same weight
unit and add up the total
Step 3: If necessary: convert the total sum of antimicrobial agent contained in all packages of
all presentations sold to kg
Multiply the result from step 2 with an appropriate conversion factor to achieve the
result in kg
2. (ii) – content of antimicrobial agent (chemical compound as declared on the product label)
in International Units (IU) per weight, volume or other unit (for example millilitre, litre, kilogram,
tablet) of content
Where the strength of the antimicrobial agent in the veterinary medicinal product is stated
International Units (IU) per unit of finished product, an additional conversion step is necessary
to obtain results in mg, g, or kg. Table 2 is used to convert content of antimicrobial agents
declared in IU on the product label into mg for reporting to the OIE: either divide the total
number of IUs of an antimicrobial agent by the value in the column ‘International Units (IU)
per mg’ for this agent in table 2, or, if multiplication is preferred, multiply the total number of
IUs with the conversion factor listed for the agent. To convert mg values into kg, please multiply
the result of the conversion with 1 x 10-6 equalling 0.000001.
For some antimicrobial agents in veterinary medicinal products, the IU content or strength may
be stated in respect to the active entity rather than to the chemical compound actually included;
for example: a product may contain penethamate hydroiodide, or procaine benzylpenicillin, but
the stated strength in IU refers to benzylpenicillin (product X containing penethamate
hydroiodide, equivalent to xx IU benzylpenicillin, or, product Y containing procaine
benzylpenicillin, equivalent to yy IU benzylpenicillin). For such cases, use the conversion factor
for the relevant active entity listed in table 2 (in the examples used: benzylpenicillin). To convert
mg values into kg, please multiply the result of the conversion with 1 x 10-6 equalling
If additional conversion factors are needed or have been used, please contact the OIE at
[email protected].
Step 1: Calculating the content of antimicrobial agent per package in IU
Multiply the amount of IU antimicrobial agent per unit of content with the total number
of units contained in the package
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐼𝑈
= 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ (𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝐼𝑈 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡) 𝑥 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑎𝑔𝑒
Table 2: Conversion of International Units (IUs) of certain antimicrobial agents into mg and relevant
active entities, based on the ESVAC conversion factors13
Antimicrobial agent in the veterinary Antimicrobial active entity International Conversion factor to mg
medicine for reporting to OIE Units per mg for multiplication
Bacitracin Bacitracin 74 0.013514
Benzylpenicillin (penicillin G) Benzylpenicillin 1666.67 0.0006
Chlortetracycline Chlortetracycline 900 0.001111
Colistin methane sulfonate sodium Colistin 12700 0.000079
(colistimethate sodium INN)
Colistin sulfate Colistin 20500 0.000049
Dihydrostreptomycin Dihydrostreptomycin 820 0.00122
Erythromycin Erythromycin 920 0.001087
Gentamicin Gentamicin 620 0.001613
Kanamycin Kanamycin 796 0.001256
Neomycin Neomycin 755 0.001325
Neomycin B (Framycetin) Neomycin B (Framycetin) 670 0.001492
Oxytetracycline Oxytetracycline 870 0.001149
Paromomycin Paromomycin 675 0.001481
Polymyxin B Polymyxin B 8403 0.000119
Rifamycin Rifamycin 887 0.001127
Spiramycin Spiramycin 3200 0.000313
Streptomycin Streptomycin 785 0.001274
Tobramycin Tobramycin 875 0.001143
Tylosin Tylosin 1000 0.001
Tetracycline Tetracycline 950 0.001
2. (iii) – content of antimicrobial agent (chemical compound as declared on the product label)
in per cent (%) weight per weight (w/w) or weight per volume (w/v) of content
The amount of antimicrobial agent contained in a veterinary medicine concerned may be stated
in per cent weight per weight (% w/w) (example 1: product X contains tylosin 100% w/w or,
example 2, product Y contains amoxicillin 22.2 % w/w) or in per cent weight per volume (%
w/v) (example: product Z contains procaine benzylpenicillin 30% w/v). Such figures first need
to be converted into mg/g, g/g, or mg/ml, followed by the calculations described under (i).
13 http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/pages/includes/document/open_document.jsp?webContentId=WC500189269
Example 1: Product X containing 100% w/w tylosin will contain 100/100 x g = 1 g tylosin
per g finished product.
Example 2: Product Y containing 22.2% w/w amoxicillin will contain 22.2/100 = 0.222 g
amoxicillin per g finished product.
Continue with Steps 1-3 of (i)
Converting % w/v: Conversion is based on the assumption that 1 ml of the products weighs
1000 mg. Multiply the percentage value with 10 to obtain the content in mg/ml.
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 (%)𝑥 10 𝑥 𝑚𝑔
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑔 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑙 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡 =
1 𝑚𝑙 (𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡)
Example: Product Z containing 30% w/v benzylpenicillin will contain (30 x 10 x mg)/1ml,
equal to 300 mg/ml benzylpencicillin.
Continue with Steps 1-3 of (i)
For pragmatic reasons the OIE accepts the reporting of antimicrobial agents in amounts of
chemical compound as declared on the product label of the veterinary medicinal product.
However, OIE Member Countries may wish to carry out further calculations to report amounts
of active entity. If such further calculations are carried out, please describe them in the OIE
(i) Calculating the total amount expressed in weight of chemical compound as declared on the
product label of a veterinary medicinal product into antimicrobial active entity (e.g. salt into
This step may be carried out once the steps described in section 1 or section 2. (i) have been
As an example, for the antimicrobial agent tiamulin that is often available in the form of tiamulin
hydrogen fumarate (the chemical compound as declared on the product label), the conversion
formula to tiamulin (the active entity) would be:
Multiply the final result in kg obtained by following steps 1 to 3 with the appropriate
conversion factor
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑘𝑔)
= 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙 (𝑘𝑔)
𝑥 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
benzathine equivalent to 500 mg cloxacillin activity) the conversion using a prodrug conversion
factor described below is not necessary.
Taking the prodrug conversion factors used by the European Surveillance of Veterinary
Antimicrobial Consumption (ESVAC) program managed by the European Medicines Agency, as
a starting point, table 3 lists the suggested conversion factors for relevant long-acting salts and
prodrugs. The amount of the actual chemical compound as declared on the product label
(example: benzylpenicillin benzathine) needs to be multiplied with the prodrug conversion
factor to obtain the corresponding amount of the active entity (example: benzylpenicillin.
If additional conversion factors are needed or have been used, please contact the OIE at
[email protected].
Table 3: Conversion of content stated in mg, g or kg of long-acting salts and prodrugs of antimicrobial
agents in the veterinary product into corresponding mg, g or kg antimicrobial active entity for reporting
to the OIE, based on the ESVAC conversion factors14
Step 4: Multiply the final result in kg obtained by following steps 1 to 3 with the appropriate
conversion factor listed in table 3
𝐴𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦)(𝑘𝑔)
= 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑠 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡 𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙)(𝑘𝑔)
𝑥 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑟𝑢𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
For bulk quantities of antimicrobial agents in form of prodrugs, the additional step 2 described
below should be applied after the calculations described in section 1.
Step 2: If the antimicrobial agent is a long-acting salt or prodrug listed in table 3 above,
additionally multiply with the corresponding conversion factor.
𝐴𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦)(𝑘𝑔)
= 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑝 1 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑠 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡 𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙) 𝑘𝑔
𝑥 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑟𝑢𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
14 http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/pages/includes/document/open_document.jsp?webContentId=WC500189269
Annex 9. Distribution of Members by OIE Region
10. CHAD 10. CUBA 10. IRAN 10. CROATIA