Chap 2 Part - 1

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Data Collection

The following steps will be followed by the researcher in gathering relevant data

for this study:

Seeking permission to conduct the study. The researchers will ask for permission to

conduct the research at Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges by sending a formal

letter to Dean of the said institution.

Distribution of Questionnaire. Once the dean of the school has agreed to the study's

conduct, the researchers will then inform will personally distribute the questionnaires to

the students.

3. During the data gathering, since COVID-19 still exists, the researcher will

strictly adhere to COVID health regulations while carrying out the research.

Tallies and Collaboration Data. After data will be collected and analyzed, the data will

be then tabulated, tallied, and then will be encoded in spreadsheet tool instruments.
Statistical Tool

The data that will be gathered will be analyzed and interpreted using the

following descriptive statistical tool:

Mean. This statistical tool will be employed to determine the feedback of

criminology students on online modality in teaching and learning.


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