(DND 5E) Aughthai 'S Archive of Items & Artifacts - The Homebrewery

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Aughthai's Archive of Items & Artifacts


about to witness the brilliant, unmatched, Using This Book
wondrous Archibald The Great (me, obviously), Aughthai 's Archive of Items & Artifacts is a homebrew
as I, for the first time in the history of this land sourcebook. As such it provides universally applicable
that I don't know the name of, present my character customization options such as feats, spells, magic
Adventurous Inventions, or as I call them, items, as well as simple and applicable systems for
Adventions! Herbalism and Alchemy.
Sit back, relax, and refrain from touching the pot! Should D&D 5th edition is famous for its relative simplicity and
you feel any tingling, unexplainable pain or other unpleasant applicability, which allows a wide player base to get engaged
sensations., you may want to see a physician immediately!'
in the settings and systems it lays out. This simplicity,
-- Aughthai The Great however, makes it difficult to implement certain systems,

such as the crafting of objects, in a satisfying way. The
Old, demented, and slightly insane as she may be, Aughthai Herbalism and Alchemy systems, presented in this
The Great (a title which she gave herself) is still one of the supplement are held relatively simple and can allow players
most ingenious minds that have ever been. With a good soul, to make better use of their tools.
ever curious intent and a tendency to overestimate the Similarily, while there is a wide variety of usable objects
patience of her interlocuter, she escaped many a danger; be it contained within the Player's Handbook, they do not scale
only because the conversation grew too tedious for anyone and are ineffective when used in higher-level campaigns. This
else involved. book builds upon these basic objects and offers scaling
Aughthai's faithful companion Sir Percival (First of his versions of each, so that they may be used more effectively
Name and Protector of all that is Good), a tiny homunculus and introduce further variety to combat.
alchemy pot on two legs with a pair of mechanical wings, is Although based on the official rules contained within the
never far from her, and Aughthai regards him as important a
friend as an assistant. Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide,

Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Tasha's Cauldron of
Aughthai has spent many years adventuring, creating detailed Everything, this book is not an official supplement and has
records on hitherto unstudied objects, rare professions, and not been approved by Wizards of the Coast. Moreover, most
exceptional talents, and she has compiled them all in this of the contents of this supplement have not been sufficiently
here compendium. Whether you're looking for magic items, a playtested and are subject to change. Feel free to make
beginner's guide to alchemy, or rules on how to put your tools changes to the content presented here as you see fit and as is
to use to create your own fantastic inventions: find them all in appropriate for your game.
Aughthai's Archive of Items & Artifacts! This book offers options to enhance campaigns and refine
character concepts in any world, weather you're adventuring
in Faerûn, Eberron, or in a world of your own creation!

Chapter 1: Herbalism and Alchemy
Herbalism Simple but effective
FURTHERMORE, IT IS IMPERATIVE TO KNOW THE The herbalism and alchemy skill systems in this homebrew
difference between the Primordial Balm and the Chromus supplement are held relatively simple on purpose in order to
Slime, for the one is fantastic in soups and stews, while the remain applicable for most DMs, players and campaigns.
other tastes remarkebly similar to hill giant's earwax. Which
one is which, you ask? And why would I tell you that? All the As complicated as you want it to be
fun lies in finding out yourself! If you don't want to keep track of all the different names of the
-- Archibald The Great ingredients, you don't have to - they are just for flavor. Only
the rarities of the ingredients are what matters if you plan on
The Herbalism Skill using them to perform alchemy.
Herbalism ingredients grow in almost every terrain and
climate, and the trained eye picks them out from among

ordinary weeds with ease. Herbalism Ingredients

Anyone with the necessary equipment can gather
ingredients as part of a short or long rest at the DMs Ingredients Rarity
discretion. Arctic
Herbalism modifier = Wis. or Int. modifier + PB if you are       Frozen Seedlings Common
proficient with the herbalism kit       Arctic Creeper Uncommon
In every terrain type, you can find four species of herbs, each       Frostwood Bark Rare
with a certain rarity: common, uncommon, rare, and very       Silver Hibiskus Very Rare
rare. The terrain types are arctic, forest, grassland, coast,
desert, mountain, swamp and underdark. The DM Forest
determines which terrain type most closely resembles the       Blue Toadshade Common
one you are situated in when you make a herbalism ckeck.       Nightshade Berries Uncommon
You can use the Herbalism Ingredients table for the exact
names of the ingredients and where to find them, or make up       Spineflower Berries Rare
your own, as long as every terrain type has exactly one of       Dragon's Tongue Petals Very Rare
each common, uncommon, rare, and very rare ingredient. If
you want to, you can ignore terrain types and the names of Grassland
herbs altogether and only track the rarities of the ingredients.       Wild Sageroot Common
When you want to gather herbs, make a herbalism check.       Lavender Sprig Uncommon
You must determine which rarity of ingredient you want to
find before you roll. Some herbs are easier to find than       Fennel Silk Rare
others, depending on their rarity. See the Herbalism table       Arrow Root Very Rare
below to determine the difficulty (DC) of the herbalism check. Coast
If you succeed, you find 1d4 units of the ingredient.
      Milkweed Seeds Common
      Harrada Leaf Uncommon
Rarity of Ingredient DC
      Siren's Green Rare
   Common 13
      Hyacinth Nectar Very Rare
   Uncommon 16
   Rare 20
   Very Rare 24


Each potion and poison for which there exists a recipe is
listed in the Potions or Poisons table. Each potion or poison
Herbalism Ingredients, Cont. has a rarity associated with it: common, uncommon, rare, or
Ingredients Rarity
very rare. These rarities correspond to the rarities of the
ingredients listed in the Herbs, Mushrooms and Berries table
Desert under Herbalism. The higher the rarity, the higher the
      Rock Vine Common difficulty (DC) associated with brewing the potion, as shown
in the Alchemy table. You must decide which potion you want
      Cactus Juice Uncommon to brew before you make the alchemy check.
      Devil's Bloodleaf Rare In order to brew a potion of a particular rarity, you need
      Dried Ephedra Very Rare one unit of ingredient of the corresponding rarity. For
example, if you want to brew a Potion of Healing, the rarity of
Mountain which is common, you need one unit of any common
      Verdant Nettle Common ingredient. In which terrain type you found this ingredient is
      Bloodgrass Uncommon
of no relevance. Furthermore, you require a campfire or
another heat source over which you heat the mixture, and a
      Mortflesh Petals Rare solvent (commonly clean water or distilled alcohol of various
      Quicksilver Lichen Very Rare qualities) with which you mix the ingredients. The cost of this
solvent is dependent on the rarity of the potion or poison you
Swamp want to brew, as shown in the Alchemy table.
      Fiends Ivy Common
      Emetic Wax Uncommon
Rarity DC Solvent cost Level Requirement
      Primordial Balm Rare
Common 13 15 gp 1st level or higher
      Chromus Slime Very Rare
Uncommon 16 50 gp 3rd level or higher
Rare 20 150 gp 5th level or higher
      Luminous Cap Dust Common
Very Rare 24 350 gp 9th level or higher
      Amantia Cap Uncommon
      Wrackwort Bulbs Rare If you fail the alchemy check to brew a potion or poison,
you lose the ingredient, but you do not lose the solvent or the
      Voidroot Very Rare gp that solvent would be worth, since you can reuse it for a
different alchemy check. If you succeed on the alchemy
Alchemy check, you use up both the ingredient and the solvent.


simple healing potion. Sir Percival, I require your assistance! Buying Recipes
Firstly, you must grind the seeds to a fine powder, before
stirring them with the alcohol in your favorite alchemy pot. It Potion and poison Recipes can be bought from other
is of great importance that you have a good relationship to alchemists and herbalists. The price depends on the rarity of
your alchemy pot! the recipe.
-- Archibald The Great Repice Cost
Rarity Recipe Cost
The Alchemy Skill Common 200 gp
Collecting and correctly identifying herbs is one thing, but Uncommon 800 gp
there is more to alchemical mastery than merely the
aquisition of ingredients. Rare 1 500 gp
To brew a potion or poison, you must make an alchemy Very Rare 4 000 gp
check as part of a short or long rest. When you do so, you
cannot make a herbalism check as part of the same short or Researching Recipes
long rest, and vice versa. Anybody who has alchemist's
supplies or a poisoner's kit on their person can attempt to Recipes can also be researched if the alchemist spends
perform alchemy, but those proficient with the tools have a enough time experimenting, using their alchemist's supplies
higher chance of success. You must use alchemist's supplies or poisoner's kit. Choose a specific recipe before you start
to craft potions, and a poisoner's kit to craft poisons. researching. The higher the rarity of the recipe, the longer
the research takes.
Alchemy modifier = Wis. or Int. modifier + PB if you are
proficient with alchemist's supplies/poisoner's kit

Recipe Research
Rarity Hours of Work Level Requirement
Common 6 1st level or higher
Uncommon 20 3rd level or higher
Rare 50 5th level or higher
Very Rare 100 9th level or higher

Ingredients aren't everything

To brew a potion correctly, you not only need the herbal
Applying the right temperature for the accurate amount of
time when preparing the potion, as well as mixing the
ingredients with the right solvent, all influence the outcome
of an alchemical operation.
Typically, alchemist's supplies include all the tools you need
to brew potions, while solvents are usually not included and
need to be bought from vendors, or collected.
Increasing applicability
At the DMs dicretion, you don't need to buy the solvent
beforehand, but can simply remove the corresponding
amount of gold from your coin purse as you brew the potion.
Costs are relative
The costs for solvents and potion recipes displayed on this
page are only suggestions. Some campaigns handle funds
differently than others, and a gold piece may not be worth the
same in every world. Your DM will decide which costs make
the most sense in the campaign you're playing.
Knowledge is the greatest treasure
Potion and poison recipes are perfectly suited as loot for your
player Artificers, Rangers or Druids. Consider adding potion
recipes to the loot table in your next campaign to give these
players more agency.

Potion    Effect Rarity
Healing Potions
    Potion of Healing    You regain 2d4 + 2 Hit Points when you drink this potion.  Common
    Potion of Greater Healing    You regain 4d4 + 4 Hit Points when you drink this potion.  Uncommon
    Potion of Superior Healing    You regain 8d4 + 8 Hit Points when you drink this potion.  Rare
    Potion of Supreme Healing    You regain 10d4 + 20 Hit Points when you drink this potion.  Very Rare
Potions of Resistance
    Potion of Lightning Resistance    You gain Resistance to lightning damage for 1 hour.  Common
    Potion of Thunder Resistance    You gain Resistance to thunder damage for 1 hour.  Common
    Potion of Posion Resistance    You gain Resistance to poison damage for 1 hour.  Common
    Potion of Acid Resistance    You gain Resistance to acid damage for 1 hour.  Common
    Potion of Fire Resistance    You gain Resistance to fire damage for 1 hour.  Common
    Potion of Cold Resistance    You gain Resistance to cold damage for 1 hour.  Common
    Potion of Force Resistance    You gain Resistance to force damage for 1 hour.  Uncommon
    Potion of Radiant Resistance    You gain Resistance to radiant damage for 1 hour.  Uncommon
    Potion of Necrotic Resistance    You gain Resistance to necrotic damage for 1 hour.  Uncommon
    Potion of Psychic Resistance    You gain Resistance to psychic damage for 1 hour.  Uncommon
Potions of Giant Strength
    Potion of Hill Giant Strength    Your Strength score becomes 21 for 1 hour.  Uncommon
    Potion of Frost Giant Strength    Your Strength score becomes 23 for 1 hour.  Rare
    Potion of Fire Giant Strength    Your Strength score becomes 25 for 1 hour.  Very Rare

Potions continued
Potion    Effect Rarity
Special Effect Potions
    Potion of Climbing    You gain a cimbing speed equal to you walking speed for 1 hour.
   During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics)

   checks you make to climb.

    Potion of Animal Friendship    You can cast the animal friendship spell (save DC 13)
   for 1 hour at will.
    Potion of Water Breathing    You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this potion.  Uncommon
    Potion of Growth    You gain the "enlarge" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for
   1d4 hours (no concentration required).
    Philter of Love    The creature that drinks this potion will become charmed
   by the next creature it sees within 10 minutes for a duration

   of 1 hour.
    Potion of Fire Breath    You can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target
   within 30 feet. The target must take 4d6 fire damage or

   succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to halve

   the damage. The effect ends after exhaling fire 3 times,

   or after 1 hour.

    Potion of Invulnerability    For 1 minute after you drink this potion, you have resistance
   to all damage.
    Potion of Mind Reading    When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the
   detect thoughts spell (save DC 13).
    Potion of Gaseous Form    You gain the effect of the gaseous form spell for 1 hour
   (no concentration required) or until you end the effect

   as a Bonus Action.

    Potion of Clairvoyance    You gain the effect of the clairvoyance spell.  Rare
    Potion of Diminution    You gain the "reduce" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell
   for 1d4 hours (no Concentration required).
    Potion of Heroism    For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary hit points  Rare
   that last for 1 hour. For the same duration, you are under the

   effect of the bless spell (no concentration required).

    Potion of Invisibility    You become invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry
 Very Rare
   is invisible with you. The effect ends early if you attack

   or cast a spell.

    Potion of Flying    You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for
 Very Rare
   1 hour and can hover. If you're in the air when the potion

   wears off, you fall unless you have some other means of

   staying aloft.
    Potion of Speed    You gain the effect of the haste spell for 1 minute
 Very Rare
   (no concentration required).
    Potion of Vitality    When you drink this potion, it removes any exhaustion
 Very Rare
   you are suffering and cures any disease or poison affecting

   you. For the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number

   of hit points for any Hit Die you spend.

Poisons Poisons
Some poisons can be crafted just like potions with the Item Type Rarity
alchemy skill, while others need very special ingredients that
can only be harvested from certain monsters. Consult the Basic poison Injury Common
Posions table to see what applies to which poison. If a Weak poison Injury Uncommon
poison's rarity is special, the ingredients cannot be aquired by Strong poison Injury Rare
simple herbalism, but rather are gained by carefully
harvesting them from certain creatures. Depending on the Superior poison Injury Very Rare
campaign you're playing, some ingredients may even be Assassin's blood Ingested Uncommon
available for purchase. In this case, consult your DM for the
price. Burnt othur fumes Inhaled Rare
Like potions, poisons require a recipe to be crafted Carrion crawler mucus Contact special
correctly. If a poison's rarity is special, it counts as very rare Drow poison Injury Rare
for the purpose of buying or reseraching the recipe according
to the rules detailed in Chapter 2: Herbalism and Alchemy. Essence of ether Inhaled Very Rare
Details on which poison requires which special ingredients Malice Inhaled Rare
are listed below. When harvesting poison from a creature, the
creature must be incapacitated or dead, and the harvesting Midnight tears Ingested Very Rare
requires 1d6 minutes followed by a DC 20 Intelligence Oil of taggit Contact Very Rare
(Nature) check. Proficiency with the poisoner's kit applies to Pale tincture Ingested Rare
this check if the character doesn't have proficiency in Nature.
On a successful check, a character harvests enough poison Purple worm poison Injury special
for a single dose. On a failed check, the character is unable to Serpent venom Injury special
extract the poison. If the character fails the check by 5 or Torpor Ingested Very Rare
more, the character is subjected to the creature's poison.

Truth serum Ingested Very Rare
Poisons come in the following four types: Wyvern poison Injury special
Contact. Contact poison can be smeared on an object and
remains potent until it is touched or washed off. A creature Basic poison (Injury). As an action, you coat one slashing
that touches contact poison with exposed skin suffers its or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition with
effects. the poison. A creature hit by the posioned weapon or
Ingested. A creature must swallow an entire dose of ammunition must succeed on a DC 10 constitution saving
ingested poison to suffer its effects. The dose can be throw or take 2d4 poison damage. Once applied, the posion
delivered in food or a liquid. Your DM may decide that a retains potency for 1 minute before dyring.
partial dose has a reduced effect, such as allowing advantage Weak poison (Injury). As an action, you coat one slashing
on the saving throw or dealing only half damage on a failed or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition with
save. the poison. A creature hit by the posioned weapon or
Inhaled. These poisons are powders or gases that take ammunition must succeed on a DC 14 constitution saving
effect when inhaled. Blowing the powder or releasing the gas throw or take 4d4 poison damage. Once applied, the posion
subjects creatures in a 5-foot cube to its effect. The resulting retains potency for 1 minute before dyring.
cloud dissipates immediately afterward. Holding one’s breath Strong Poison (Injury). As an action, you coat one
is ineffective against inhaled poisons, as they affect nasal slashing or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of
membranes, tear ducts, and other parts of the body. ammunition with the poison. A creature hit by the posioned
Injury. Injury poison can be applied to weapons, weapon or ammunition must succeed on a DC 16
ammunition, trap components, and other objects that deal constitution saving throw or take 8d4 poison damage. Once
piercing or slashing damage and remains potent until applied, the posion retains potency for 1 minute before
delivered through a wound or washed off, unless stated dyring.
otherwise. A creature that takes piercing or slashing damage
from an object coated with the poison is exposed to its

Superior poison (Injury). As an action, you coat one slashing Purple worm poison (Injury). This poison must be
or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition with harvested from a dead or incapacitated Purple Worm. A
the poison. A creature hit by the posioned weapon or creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 19
ammunition must succeed on a DC 18 constitution saving Constitution saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) poison damage
throw or take 12d4 poison damage. Once applied, the posion on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
retains potency for 1 minute before dyring. Serpent venom (Injury). This poison must be harvested
from a dead or incapacitated Giant Poisonous Snake. A
Assassin’s blood (Ingested). A creature subjected to this creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 12
poison must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on
failed save, it takes 6 (1d12) poison damage and is poisoned a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
for 24 hours. On a successful save, the creature takes half Torpor (Ingested). A creature subjected to this poison
damage and isn’t Poisoned. must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
Burnt othur fumes (Inhaled). A creature subjected to this become poisoned for 4d6 hours. The Poisoned creature is
poison must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw incapacitated.
or take 10 (3d6) poison damage, and must repeat the saving Truth serum (Ingested). A creature subjected to this
throw at the start of each of its turns. On each successive poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw
failed save, the character takes 3 (1d6) poison damage. After or become poisoned for 1 hour. The poisoned creature can’t
three successful saves, the poison ends. knowingly speak a lie, as if under the effect of a Zone of Truth
Carrion crawler mucus (Contact). This poison must be spell.
harvested from a dead or Incapacitated crawler. A creature Wyvern poison (Injury). This poison must be harvested
subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 14 from a dead or incapacitated Wyvern. A creature subjected to
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The this poison must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,
Poisoned creature is paralyzed. The creature can repeat the taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, Ending the Effect much damage on a successful one.
on itself on a success.
Drow poison (Injury). This poison is typically made only
by the drow, in a place far removed from sunlight. A creature
subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 14
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the
saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is also
Unconscious while Poisoned in this way. The creature wakes
up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to
shake it awake.
Essence of ether (Inhaled). A creature subjected to this
poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
or become Poisoned for 8 hours. The poisoned creature is
Unconscious. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if
another creature takes an action to shake it awake.
Malice (Inhaled). A creature subjected to this poison must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned for 1 hour. The poisoned creature is Blinded.
Midnight tears (Ingested). A creature that ingests this
poison suffers no effect until the stroke of midnight. If the
poison has not been neutralized before then, the creature
must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking
31 (9d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
Oil of taggit (Contact). A creature subjected to this poison
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or
become poisoned for 24 hours. The poisoned creature is
unconscious. The creature wakes up if it takes damage.
Pale tincture (Ingested). A creature subjected to this
poison must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw
or take 3 (1d6) poison damage and become poisoned. The
poisoned creature must repeat the saving throw every 24
hours, taking 3 (1d6) poison damage on a failed save. Until
this poison ends, the damage the poison deals can’t be healed
by any means. After seven successful saving Throws, the
Effect ends and the creature can heal normally.

Manual of Adventurous Inventions
Invention Tiers
is kind of what I named this compendium after, I figured I
might as well explain how to actually invent something. It's 1 10 short rest/1 hour up to 5 gp
really not that hard once you figured it out. Some people say 2 15 3 hours 5 - 50 gp
the most important thing is to think about what you want to 3 20 12 hours 50 - 100 gp
invent before you actually start inventing it. These people
obviously have no idea what they're talking about! 4 25 24 hours 100 - 200 gp

The act of creation lies at the heart of artifice. The forge of

invention burns with the ember of genius and is restricted

solely be the mind of the creator. Invention Tier Examples
This section offers guidelines for players who want to put Listed below are a few examples of inventions and their
their tools to use and create something unique and respective tiers to help you get an idea of the rough power
innovative. Such inventions range from simple objects like a level of each tier of inventions, and which type of artisan's
pocket sun dial, to once-in-a-lifetime innovations like powerful tools are required to invent them.
weapons or a pressurized diving suit. Tier Example Inventions Artisan's tools
Presented below are examples for inventions of different
power level and rules on how to make them. 1 Pocket sun Tinker's tools/smith's tools or
dial/door jammer tinker's tools
Invention Theory 2 Underwater Tinker's tools or smith's
lantern/self-coiling tools/tinker's tools
Inventions are divided into four tiers (1-4), which correspond rope
to the difficulty of inventing it, and the invention's potential 3 Inventive weapon: Tinker's tools and smith's
power and practicality. After you decided on the tier of your stake driver/self- tools/carpenter's tools
invention together with your DM, consult the Invention Tier driving cart
table below.
To invent something, you have to have proficiency in one or 4 Pressurized diving Smith's tools and glassblower's
more types of artisan's tools. Which tool proficiencies are suit/hot air balloon tools/Carpenter's tools and
Weaver's tools
required is very individual to your invention. Describe the
invention to your DM, and they will decide on which artisan's
tool is best suited in order to invent it. For example, a simple Inventive Weapons
door jammer may use smith's tools or tinker's tools If your invention is a weapon that you intend to use against
depending on the desired material, while an inventive weapon your enemies in combat, the amount of damage it should be
such as a harpoon canon will most likely require smith's tools able to deal per turn depends on its tier. The Inventive
to be crafted. Sometimes your DM may decide that you need Weapons table below provides suggestions for damage
two or even three drifferent tool proficiencies in order to numbers for each tier. Note that these are not numbers
invent a particular item, depending on the invention's suggested for damage per attack, but damage per turn. If you
complexity. Higher tier inventions are more likely to require are unsure, simply rule that an inventive weapon uses an
multiple tool proficiencies than lower tier inventions. entire action to attack once.
Once you know which artisan's tool to use in order to
invent the item and you have proficiency with that tool, you Inventive Weapons
can begin inventing. After you have spent the full amount of Tier Damage per turn
time required and expended the cost as detailed in the 1 1d6 - 1d8
Invention Tier table, you may roll an Invention check, which
constitutes a straight Intelligence roll that adds only your 2 2d6 - 2d8
Intelligence modifier to the outcome. 3 3d6 - 2d8
On a successful Invention check, you invention succeeds.
On a failed Invention check, your invention does not 4 4d6 - 4d8
succeed, but you may try again using the same rules as
before. If the Invention check fails by no more than 5, the DC
for that particular invention is lowered by 1 each time.

Communication is key
Unsurprisingly, with the sheer unlimited number of possible
inventions, maintaining the balance of the game can be a
If you are a player, make sure to discuss the mechanics of
this section with your DM, and communicate openly about
what you hope to achieve with each and every one of your
If you are a DM, make sure that all your players understand
the systems presented here to ensure that none of them feel
left out, and tell your players what kind of inventions you will
and will not allow at your table. Don't forget that the gold cost
suggested here, as well as the time spent to invent a particular
item and the recommended damage numbers for inventive
weapons are just that: suggestions.
The systems presented in this section are not sufficiently
playtested yet and may not be quite right for your game. Feel
free to adjust as you see fit!

Archibald's Guide to Building your own

Your Automaton is Unique

you some weapons as well? No, I agree, you are a bit too When you build your automaton, think about who was the
young for something like that. Now where was I... ah yes, I fictional character in your world who created or acquired it,
wanted to explain how to construct an Automaton, and, and why. Maybe the automaton was purchased by a
importantly, how to assure that it will not attack its creator... prestigious bounty hunter to track down criminals, or
employed by a mages guild who require additional protection.
-- Archibald The Great Maybe it was constructed by an ambitous artificer who
The magnum opus of many Artificers are the magical wanted to test her own limits of creativity and push the
machines they build, be it for personal defense, as a boundaries of what is possible.
commission from a nobleman, or just for fun. As these All of the above mentioned automatons have a different
Automata often serve as a personal project for their makers, purpose, and will therefore have different tools at their
they are as unique as the geniuses who design them. This disposal to deal with threats and carry out tasks. Each
chapter is more aimed at DMs than players, as it offers a automaton is unique: aside from a multitude of available
handy list of features and how to combine them in order to actions, reactions, passive abilities and tactical templates to
create a unique enemy or ally that can use a giant variety of choose from, your automaton's appearance is for you alone to
abilities in combat. Simply follow the guidelines below, decide. Does it walk on 2 legs or 4, or does it have no legs at
choose a challenge rating you wish to go for, select your all? Is it built from rusty scrap metal, or the finest magically
desired actions, reactions and passive abilities, and then infused materials one can buy? Is it made to look humanoid?
decide on a combat strategy that the Automaton will employ. Maybe its parts arranged in a more practical manner, in order
The better the chosen abilities synergize, the more dangerous to be most efficient.
the result will be. By following the directions layed out in this section, you
Disclaimer: we take no responsibilty for dead party will build your own unique automaton, which can be as small
members, hurt feelings or nightmares caused by your as a kobold, or as large as a giant. Such an automaton offers a
creations. combat experience like no other monster out there, and will
surely push your players to their limits. Let your creativity run
free with this guide to building your own automaton!


Actions. An automaton has access to a number of
different actions it can take in combat. You choose which
actions your automaton has access to (see section Actions
Basic Automaton below), and the total number of different actions an
automaton can have access to depends on its CR. Each
Construct, any size, unaligned automaton has Multiaction, which allows it to take
Armor Class see automaton hit points and AC table
multiple actions per turn. These actions are chosen from
(natural armor)
its available actions, which must be chosen only from the
Hit Points see automaton hit points and AC table Actions section on the following page. How many actions
Speed 30ft. an automaton can take with Multiaction on each of its
turns in combat depends on its CR.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Reactions. An automaton has access to a number of
different reactions depending on its CR, which you must
choose from the options provideed in the section
Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned, Reactions below. As normal, the automaton can take only
Exhausted, Frightened, Paralized, Unconcious one reaction per round.
Damage Immunities poison
Damage Resistances thunder, nonmagical slashing, Passive abilities. An automaton has a number of passive
piercing and bludgeoning damage abilities which always apply. Choose from the options
provided in the section Passive abilities below.
Proficiency bonus. The PB of the automaton is
dependent on its CR and equals the PB of a hero of
Tactical template. The automaton employs one specific
the equivalent level. strategy in battle. Choose from the options provided in the
section Tactical templates below.
Passive abilities
Automaton abilities
The automaton has a number of passive abilities as
CR Actions Reactions Passives Multiaction
detailed in the automaton abilities table.
1-3 3 1 1 2
Actions 4-7 4 1 1 3
Multiaction. see automaton abilities table. The 8-12 5 2 2 4
automaton can take a number of actions per round
13-16 7 2 2 6
as detailed in the automaton abilities table,
choosing only from its available actions. 17-20 9 3 3 8


The automaton has a set of reactions available as

detailed in the automaton abilities table. The Hit points and AC of the automaton are listed in in the table
automaton can take only one reaction per round. below.
Automaton hit points and ac
Tactical template CR Hit points AC
Choose a combat tactic for the automaton from the 1-3 32 (5d10+5) 16
options provided below, or make your own.
4-7 102 (12d10 + 36) 18
8-12 161 (17d10 + 68) 19
Basics 13-16 195 (20d10 + 85) 21
The basic features of any automaton are displayed in the 17-20 310 (28d10 + 156) 23
Basic Automaton stat block. Most of its features and abilities
depend on its Challenge rating (CR).
An automaton has four customizable abilities: Actions,
Reactions, Passive abilities and Tactical templates. How
many of these an automaton has access to depends on is CR
and is detailed in the Automaton abilities table.

The automaton's attributes are listed in the table below. Flamethrower. The automaton expels flames in a 15 foot
cone originating from it. Creatures in the cone must succeed
Automaton attributes on a Dexterity saving throw or take fire damage equal to the
CR STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA automaton's CR. Creatures who succeed on the save take half
1-3 15(+2) 10(+0) 16(+3) 6(-2) 8(-1) 1(-5) as much damage (rounded up).
Multicannon. Ranged attack: Dex. modifier + PB to hit,
4-7 18(+4) 12(+1) 18(+4) 8(-1) 10(+0) 3(-4) range 40/60 ft., 4 targets. Make a seperate ranged attack for
8-12 20(+5) 13(+1) 21(+5) 10(+0) 11(+0) 5(-3) each target. Cannot attack one target multiple times within
13-16 23(+6) 14(+2) 22(+6) 13(+1) 13(+1) 6(-2) the same action. Hit: 2d4 + Dex. modifier pericing damage.
Sonic pulse. A thunderwave spreads out from the
17-20 26(+8) 16(+3) 25(+7) 17(+3) 16(+3) 8(-1) automaton in all directions. All creatures within 15 ft. of the
automaton must make on a Constitution saving throw. A

creature takes thunder damage equal to half the automaton's

CR on a failed save, or half of that on a successful one. On a
If an action, reaction or passive ability of the automaton failed save, a creature is also deafened until the end of its
forces a creature to make a saving throw, the DC equals the next turn.
Automaton save DC detailed in the table below. Paralyzing dart. The automaton shoots a dart that is
Automaton save DC
coated in a paralyzing poison. Ranged attack: Dex. modifier +
PB to hit, one target, range 30/60 ft. Hit: 1d8 + Dex. modifier
CR Save DC poison damage, and the target must succeed on a
1-3 12 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of its
4-7 14 next turn.
Confusion ray. The automaton emits high frequency sound
8-12 15 waves that can cause confusion of the mind. The automaton
13-16 17 targets one creature within 60 ft. of it. The target must make
17-20 19
a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is
affected by the Confusion spell until the end of its next turn.
Barrier. The automaton activates a magical barrier that
Actions envelops its body and grants the automaton temporary hit
points equal to twice its challenge rating.
The automaton has access to a number of different actions as
detailed in the automaton abilities table. Multiattack vs. Multiaction

Stomp. Melee attack: Str. modifier + PB to hit, reach 5 ft. Keep in mind that multiattack is not the same as multiaction.
radius around the automaton. Hit: 1d10 + Str. modifier While multiattack allows a creature to make multiple attacks
bludgeoning damage. Creatures hit must succeed on a per turn, all within the same attack action, multiaction allows
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. the automaton to take a variety of different actions per turn
Slam. Melee attack: Str. modifier + PB to hit, reach 5 ft., that must not all be attacks, but can be disables or buffs. Some
one target. Hit: 2d8 + Str. modifier + half the CR (rounded up)
bludgeoning damage. such buffs, like Dodge and Compaction, have certain use
Catapult. Ranged attack: Dex. modifier + PB to hit, range restrictions in place to maintain balance.
30/60, one target. Hit: 2d6 + Dex. modifier + half the CR
(rounded up) piercing damage. Blinding flash. The automaton flashes with bright light for a
Warning siren. The automaton emits an extremely load, fraction of a second. Each creature within 30 ft. of the
oscillating sound. Creatures within 30 ft. of it must succeed automaton must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
on a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of be blinded until the end of its next turn.
their next turn. Posion gas. The automaton expels a poisonous gas in a 5
Grenade. Ranged attack:
ft. radius around it. The radius grows by 5 ft. each turn, until
The automaton hurls a
it has reached a radius of 15 ft. A creature that starts its turn
grenade at a point it
in the gas cloud must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
can see within 30 ft. of it.
or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
Each creature within
throw at the start of each of its turns. The gas dissipates 1
10 ft. of that point must
turn after reaching 15 ft. radius.
make a Dexterity saving
Net expulsion. The automaton expels a net from its body.
throw. A creature takes
Ranged attack: Dex modifier + PB to hit, range 20/40 ft., one
fire damage equal to
target. Hit: the target is restrained. A creature can make a
twice the automaton's
Strength check, freeing itself or another creature from within
CR on a failed save, or
its reach on a success. Dealing 6 slashing damage to the net
half as much on a
(AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it and
successful one. destroyes the net.

Psychic shock.The automaton focuses its neuronal network
on one creature within 30 ft. of it. The creature must make an
Intelligence saving throw or take psychic damage equal to the
creature's level. On a failed save, the creature can only take
an action, bonus action or move on its next turn.
Acid spittle. A stream of acid emanates from the automaton
in a line 30 ft. long and 5 ft. wide. Each creature in the line
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be covered in
acid. A creature that is covered in acid takes 2d4 acid damage
at the start of each of its turns. A creature can use its action
to scrape or wash the acid off itself or another creature.
Arcane spell (Recharge 5-6). The automaton casts a spell
that has previously been stored within it. The spell can be any
spell that takes one action to cast. Each spell that is stored in
the automaton takes up one of its available actions.
Compaction. The automaton compacts its body and folds
in on itself. It repairs itself and regains hit points equal to
three times its CR. Until the start of its next turn, it remains
in this compacted form, in which it gains a +5 bonus to its
AC. The automaton can take this action only if it has not yet
taken an action this turn. After the automaton has taken this
action, it cannot take any other actions on the same turn.
Dodge. Attacks against the automaton have disadvantage
until the start of its next turn. The automaton can take the
dodge action only if it has not yet taken an action this turn.
After the automaton has taken the dodge action, it cannot
take any other actions on the same turn.
Dash. The automaton doubles its movement speed for the
current turn.
Disengage. The automaton doesn't provoke opportunity
attacks for the rest of the turn.

Passive Abilities
Choose a number of passive abilities for your automaton as
detailed in the automaton abilities table. You can choose any
combination of alternative traversal, offensive abilities, and
defensive abilities.
Alternative traversal
    Jetpack. The automaton has a jet propulsion system
attached to it. It has a flying speed of 30 ft. and must land in
between its turns or fall to the ground. When using its jetpack
to fly, the automaton doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
Drilling. The automaton can transform parts of itself into a
drill. It has a burrowing speed of 30 ft.
Gyrocopter. The automaton has a flying speed of 30 ft. and
doesn't have to land in between turns. When the automaton
falls below half of its maximum hit points, the gyrocopter
breaks and the automaton loses its flying speed. If the
gyrocopter breaks while the automaton is in the air, it falls to
the ground.

Offensive abilities
    Spinning blade carapace. If a creature moves within 5 ft.
of the automaton or starts its turn there, it must succeed on a
Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 slashing damage.
Electrified plating. When a creature hits the automaton
with a melee attack using a weapon made of metal, the
creature takes 1d8 lightning damage.
Offensive drone hangar. The automaton deploys two
smaller automata at the start of battle. Use the Offensive
Drone stat block provided below.
Self-destruct. When the automaton takes lethal damage, it
explodes. Each creature within 15 ft. of the automaton must
make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes fire damage
equal to twice the automaton's CR on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Defensive abilities
    Reinforced plating. Whenever the automaton takes
bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage, it reduces each
singular source of damage by 3.
Arcane barrier. Spell attack rolls against the automaton
have disadvantage, and the automaton has advantage on
saving throws against magic.
Defensive drone hanger. The automaton deploys two
smaller automata at the start of battle. Use the Defensive
Drone stat block provided below.
Defensive teleport. The first time the automaton falls
below half of its hit point maximum during battle, it
immediately teleports up to 60 feet away (no action or
reaction required).

This is playtest material

Most of the content presented in this section has not been
thoroughly playtested yet, so if you feel that some of the
abilities are too weak or too strong, or the suggested hit
points and AC aren't quite right, feel free to make changes as
you see fit. You can also add your own ideas and features, and
change the automaton's condition and damage immunities as
well as its speed as you like.


Offensive Drone Defensive Drone

Small construct, unaligned Small construct, unaligned

Armor Class 14 Armor Class 18

Hit Points equal to twice the automaton's CR Hit Points equal to twice the automaton's CR
Speed walking and flying, 30ft. Speed walking and flying, 30ft.

8 (-1) 15 (+3) 14 (+2) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5)

Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned, Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned,

Exhausted, Frightened, Paralized, Unconcious Exhausted, Frightened, Paralized, Unconcious
Damage Immunities Poison Damage Immunities Poison
Damage Resistances nonmagical slashing, piercing Damage Resistances nonmagical slashing, piercing
and bludgeoning damage and bludgeoning damage

Target Aquired. Attack rolls made by the automaton Protective Field. For each functional defensive drone
against a creature that is marked by the Mark Target that is within 20 ft. of the automaton, the
ability have advantage. automaton gains a +2 bonus to its AC.

Actions Actions
Force Bolt. Ranged Attack: 3 + automaton PB to hit, Distracting Signal. The defensive drone emits a
reach 40ft., one target. Hit: force damage equal to disturbing sound towards a creature of its choice
half the automaton's CR, rounded up. within 30 ft. The creature must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on
Mark Target. The offensive drone places a mark on a attack rolls until the end of its next turn.

creature within 40 ft. The mark lingers on the target The save DC equals the automaton save DC.
until start of the drone's next turn.
The defensive drone can also take the Dodge and
The offensive drone can also take the Dodge and
Disengage actions.
Disengage actions.

    Arcane countermeasure. When a creature casts a spell
within 30 ft. of the automaton, it can can use its reaction to
Tactical Templates
shoot an electrified dart at the caster. The creature must Each automaton employs certain battle tactics. Some are
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 lightning specifically built to fend off mages, while others analyze their
damage and be stunned until the end of its next turn. If the enemies and adapt their strategy according to the target they
creature fails the saving throw, the spell it was casting fails. are fighting. Automatons that are employed by various law
Threat repulsion. When a creature moves within 10 ft. of enforcement parties are usually programmed to use non-
the automaton, it can use its reaction to shoot a wave of lethal force.
compressed air, pushing the creature 10 ft. away from it in a

straight line. Mage slayer. The automaton preferrably targets

Reactive strike. When a creature moves within 5 ft. of the spellcasters.
automaton, it can use its reaction to swing an appendage at Single target elimination. The automaton always attacks
that creature. Melee attack: Str modifier + PB to hit, reach 5 the target with the least hit points and will try to incapacitate
ft., one target. Hit: bludgeoning damage equal to 1d10 + half or eliminate it before attacking another.
the automaton's CR. Weakness exploitation. The automaton analyzes its
Escape prevention. When a creature within 5 ft. of the enemies and identifies their weaknesses. It will use actions
automaton disengages, the automaton can use its reaction to that require a saving throw preferrably against targets that
hurl bolas at that creature's feet. The creature must succeed have the lowest chance of succeeding.
on a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained. Non-lethal force. The automaton will try to knock out or
Circuit overload. When the automaton takes lightning disable its enemies instead of killing them.
damage, it can use its reaction to nullify the damage.
_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND_. The automaton's tactical
The automaton's next melee or ranged attack deals additional template was removed or damaged to a degree that left it
lightning damage equal to the damage nullified. nonfunctional. As a result, the target of the automaton's
Damage nullification. (Recharge 5-6) When the attacks is determined randomly for each action it takes.
automaton takes damage from a singular source, it

can use its reaction to nullify it, taking no damage from

Automatons with a high CR can take up to 8 of actions per
this source. turn (multiaction), which can leave your players feel helpless
Reactive armor. When the automaton takes damage,
or bored when it's the automaton's turn in combat. Consider
it can use its reaction to become immune to this type of splitting up its actions and scattering them throughout each
damage until the start of its next turn. round of combat to keep it spicy.

In your adventures and travels, it's possible to find special In the following table you can see the damage type, which
gems which have been imbued with magic that can be used applies for the damage dealt with weapons and the
to add special benefits to your armor and weapons. The gems resistances for armors.
are divided in levels which determine the power of the gem, Color Damage Type
and you can't use a gem with a higher level than the slot level.
Brown Acid
Socketing Basics Blue Cold
You can add one socket to any armor, shield or weapon and Red Fire
you need to attune to the item with the gem for use its White Force
properties. You can change a gem from an item, but you need
to spend a short rest to attune to the new item with the gem Yellow Lightning
again. Black Necrotic
Green Poison
Adding a Slot
When adding a slot to an object, you need to spend the slot Purple Psychic
cost shown in the following table, then you have to make a Orange Radiant
Dexterity check, adding your proficiency bonus if you have
the jeweler's tools and if are proficient with them. To craft the Gray Thunder
slot and use a gem, the character must meet a level minimum
determined by the slot level, as shown on the following table. For example, a 1st level black gem socketed in a weapon
will add an extra 1d4 necrotic damage, and the same gem
Slot Level Cost DC to create Character lvl socketed on an armor or shield will reduce the necrotic
1st 250 gp 10 1st damage you take by 3.
2nd 500 gp 15 1st
3rd 750 gp 15 5th
4th 1,000 gp 20 10th

If you fail the check, you must finish a long rest to make the
check again, and if you fail the check by 5 or more, the slot is
damaged and the object cannot be socketed again.
You can hire an artisan to make the slot, but in that case
the slot cost will be doubled (this includes the hiring costs).
Gems Properties
Each gem has some special features depending of the object.
For armors and shields, the gem makes you more resistant to
a damage type, and for weapons, you deal the damage type of
the gem. The damage dice and the damage reduction are
determined by the gem level.
1st Level Gems
Armors and shields: Reduce the gem damage type by 3.
Weapons: You deal an extra 1d4 gem damage type.
2nd Level Gems
Armors and shields: Reduce the gem damage type by 4.
Weapons: You deal an extra 1d6 gem damage type.
3rd Level Gems
Armors and shields: Reduce the gem damage type by 5.
Weapons: You deal an extra 1d8 gem damage type.
4th Level Gems
Armors and shields: Reduce the gem damage type by 6.
Weapons: You deal an extra 1d10 gem damage type.

Magical Miscellany
Goliath's Javelin
Biblical Magic Items A-Z Weapon (javelin), rare
Armor of the Leviathan This javelin is exceedingly long and heavy. Any creature
Armor (leather), very rare (requires attunement) Medium or smaller wields it as a spear, while Large and
You gain a +2 bonus to AC while you wear this armor. In larger creatures can use it like normal.
addition, you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this
speed. You also gain advantage on Charisma checks made magic weapon. When you hit with this weapon, if the
to interact with any creature with an innate swimming creature is of a size smaller than you, it deals an extra 2d8
speed. damage.
Bones of Elisha Helm of Babel
Wondrous item, very rare Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Placing these on the body of a recently deceased person can While wearing this helm, you can understand all spoken
bring that person back to life. Once per day, you can use languages.
these bones to cast the spell raise dead using no material Joseph's Coat of Many Colors
components. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Circumcision Dagger This magic cloak has 5 charges. While wearing this item, you
Weapon (dagger), uncommon can use one charge to cast color spray. It regains 1d4 + 1
You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls with this magic charges per day.
weapon. While wearing this magic cloak, you have resistance to
When you score a critical hit with this weapon on a male radiant damage.
human, you remove their genitalia. Joshua's Schofar
David's Harp Wondrous item, rare
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a bard or Once a day, you can use an action to blow this horn. If you
rogue) have taken no damage by the beginning of your next turn,
David the shepherd boy. David the warrior. David the king. you can use your subsequent action to cast earthquake
But David's true passion was his music. He sung songs to using no additional components.
his God and poured out his soul into his music. While Samson's Donkey Jawbone
David has passed on into the next plane, his harp remained Weapon (club), legendary (requires attunement by a
behind, still containing that which overflowed from his barbarian)
deep, passionate soul. Only one who truly understands that You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this
passion can attune to an object of such power. The harp magic weapon. It has the thrown property with a normal
makes no noise when played by a creature that is not range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. Immediately
attuned to it. after the attack, the weapon flies back to your hand.
A creature proficient with harps can attempt to play the harp, When you hit with this weapon, it deals an extra 2d8 damage.
DC 20 Charisma (Performance) check. On a success, they Additionally, when you are wielding this weapon without a
can cast a single spell from the list below to cast. shield or armor, you gain +2 to AC.
Spellcasting. While attuned to the harp, you can cast the If you score a critical hit or reduce a Large or smaller
following spells once per day: calm emotions, confusion, creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, the creature is
create food and water, crown of madness, invisibility, thrown up to 30 feet in any direction you choose and they
protection from evil and good, and suggestion. take 3d6 bludgeoning damage. If you choose a space with
You can also cast charm person at will. another creature occupying it, that creature must make a
Ehud's Sword DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or also take 3d6 bludgeoning
Weapon (shortsword), very rare damage.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this
magic weapon.
This weapon can be hidden on your person much more easily
than others. You have advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth)
and Charisma (Deception) checks to conceal this weapon
while you are wearing it.
If you have an open hand, you can use a bonus action to
switch this weapon to your offhand. Your next attack this
turn has advantage and you can still add your ability
modifier to the attack and damage rolls.

Seal of Solomon Once a day, you can cast the spells control weather and
Ring, artifact (requires attunement) earthquake from the staff using no material components or
A ring of great renown, the Seal of Solomon was given to charges.
King Solomon by the Hebrew God. It is made of brass and Staff of Moses
iron, with the Star of David engraved on its surface. It was Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, or
forged in the heavens themselves, and cannot be destroyed warlock)
but by its creator. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants
Random Properties. Solomon's Seal has the following +2 to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding
random properties: it, you gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class, saving throws, and
1 major beneficial property spell attack rolls.
2 minor beneficial properties The staff has 40 charges for the following properties. The
Wisdom of Solomon. While attuned to this ring, your staff regains 2d6 + 2 charges daily at dawn.
Wisdom score increases by 2, to a maximum of 22. Master of the Serpent. You can use an action to throw the
Master Summoner. Once a day, while attuned to the ring, staff on the ground within ten feet of you. The staff
you can cast one of the following spells with the ring becomes a giant constrictor snake (see Monster Manual for
without using any material components: conjure celestial, statistics) under your control and acts on its own initiative
infernal calling, summon greater demon, or summon count. By using a bonus action, you return the staff to its
lesser demon. Any creatures summoned cannot harm you normal form in a space formerly occupied by the snake.
while you are wearing the ring. Additionally, you know the On your turn, you can mentally command the snake if it is
true name of any fiend summoned in this way. The ring within 60 feet of you and you aren't incapacitated. You
also acts as a devil's talisman for the purposes of the decide what action the snake takes and where it moves
infernal calling spell. during its next turn, or you can issue it a general command,
Otherworldly Protection. While attuned to the ring, you gain such as attack your enemies or guard a location. If the
resistance to fire, necrotic, and radiant damage. snake is reduced to 0 hit points, it dies and reverts to its
Additionally, you always have the effects of the protection staff form.
from evil and good spell on yourself. Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to
Sling of David expend some of its charges to cast one of the following
Weapon (sling), legendary (requires attunement) spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this ability: bestow curse (3 charges), blindness/deafness (2
magic weapon. It has an increased normal range of 60 feet charges), contagion (5 charges), control water (4 charges),
and an increased long range of 180 feet. When you hit with create food and water (3 charges), cure wounds (3rd-level
this weapon, it deals an extra 2d8 damage or, if the target version; 3 charges), dispel evil and good (5 charges), fire
is a giant, 3d8 damage. storm (7 charges), greater restoration (5 charges), ice storm
If you roll a 19 or 20 with this magic weapon, it is a critical (4 charges), insect plague (5 charges), lesser restoration (2
hit. Additionally, if you score a critical hit against a creature charges), remove curse (3 charges), and sleet storm (3
that has fewer than 50 hit points, it must succeed on a DC charges).
15 Constitution saving throw or be slain instantly. A giant You can also use an action to cast one of the following spells
has disadvantage on this saving throw. from the staff without using any charges: bless, detect evil
and good, fog cloud, purify food and drink, or protection
Staff of Elisha from evil and good.
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, or Once a day, you can cast the spells control weather and
warlock) earthquake from the staff using no material components or
This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants charges.
+1 to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding Water From Earth. As an action, you expend one charge by
it, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class, saving throws, and striking a stone, a rock, or the soil. A geyser of clean water
spell attack rolls. gushes forth, lasting for 10 minutes. You can fill up to 50
The staff has 20 charges for the following properties. The gallons of water from this geyser.
staff regains 1d6 + 1 charges daily at dawn.
Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to
expend some of its charges to cast one of the following
spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting
ability: create food and water (3 charges), cure wounds
(3rd-level version; 3 charges), dispel evil and good (5
charges), greater restoration (5 charges), lesser restoration
(2 charges), raise dead (5 charges), and remove curse (3
You can also use an action to cast one of the following spells
from the staff without using any charges: bless, detect evil
and good, purify food and drink, or protection from evil and

Tablets of the Law
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
These tablets of stone are ancient relics. On them are written
the original laws given by God, and thus are imbued with
deep magic. Whenever a non-lawful creature attunes to the
Tablets of the Law, they must make a DC 17 Charisma
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's alignement
changes to lawful good.
Benefits granted by the Tablets of the Law last only as long as
you strive to bring order to the world. If you fail to perform
at least one lawful act within the span of 10 days, or if you
willingly perform a chaotic act, you lose all benefits granted
by the tablets.
Random Properties. The Tablets of the Law has the
following random properties:
2 major beneficial properties
2 minor beneficial properties
Spellcasting. While attuned to these tablets, you can cast the
following spells at will: calm emotions, command, detect
magic, suggestion, and zone of truth. You can also cast the
spell dominate monster once per day. You use your own
spellcasting DC for these spells. Any creature of lawful
alignment has disadvantage on any save to resist a spell
cast with the tablet.
Sign of Law. You are a symbol of order and law while
attuned to these tablets. You gain advantage on Charisma
(Persuasion) checks made to interact with lawful creatures
and Charisma (Intimidation) checks made to interact with
chaotic creatures.
Unflinching Mind. While attuned to this artifact, you cannot
be compelled, magic or otherwise, to act in a manner
contrary to your nature.

Item Ideas
List of more magic item ideas based on characters
and events from the bible.
Daniel's Robe
Isaiah's Robe
Bow made from Noah's Ark


Miscellaneous Items

Aegis of the Moment

Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)

Designed by an archmage tired of being vulnerable to melee

combat, this fine metal buckler glows faintly blue when

touched - striking it produces a brief flash of light.

Blink and You'll Miss Me. When you are hit with an attack

while wielding this shield, you can immediately use your

reaction to activate this magic item. When you do so, you

take no damage from the attack, & you disappear in a flash

of light, only to reappear in an unoccupied square within 5

feet of the spot you disappeared from at the start of your

next turn. The shield can be used this way once per short
or long rest. Amelia's Spellbook
Spellcaster's Friend. A spellcaster can attune to this item to Wondrous item, unique (requires attunement by an
overcome a lack of proficiency with shields, receiving a +1 Intelligence-based caster)
bonus to AC rather than the normal +2 bonus to AC from a This spellbook grants you +1 to all spell attack rolls. In
shield. Additionally, if you cast the Blink spell on yourself addition, the spells mage armor and shield are added to
while attuned to and wielding this shield, you may roll to your spell list and are always prepared for you. They do not
vanish with advantage if you choose. count against your number of prepared spells.
Aged Goodberry Wine Archibald's Workshop Coat
Potion, rare Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
This bottle of thick red wine is miraculously made from This long-sleeved coat made of high quality tanned leather is
magical goodberries and peonies using a closely-kept inconspicious from the outside, but holds a seemingly
family recipe. It tastes fruity and floral, with notes of honey unending array of toolsets and places to store them on the
and the feeling of a fresh breeze, and is deeply inside. Archibald crafted a number of these coats for
rejuvenating. himself, since it happened once or twice that they would
The bottle comes with 1d4 + 3 servings of the syrupy potion. catch fire during an experiment and needed to be replaced.
A serving takes 1 minute to drink. When you drink this Archibald's Workshop Coat grants a +2 bonus to AC, and
wine, you can regain hit points by spending any number of resistance to acid and fire damage.
Hit Dice, as if you'd finished a short rest. When you find this item, it comes with 5 random Artisan's
You regain 1 extra hit point for each Hit Die you spend in this tools (see PHB p. 154), and the inside of this coat can hold
way. The wine provides enough nourishment to sustain a an unlimited number of tools.
creature for one day. In addition, for the next 24 hours, While wearing Archibalds Workshop Coat, you gain a +2
whenever you roll a Wisdom or Charisma ability check or bonus to ability checks you make using a tool.
saving throw, you add 1d4 to the total of the roll.
★ "Genuine Goodberry Wine, aged for 66 months with
flowers in spire wood casks. A favorite among the world's
most esteemed inhabitants."
★ "Bottled by Sayvrin on…"
★ The date and price seem to be smudged.
Argus Amulet
Wondrous Item (necklace), Legendary (requires attunement)
This item is a pure black gem connected to the user's
clothing, the gem glows a dark green when it is active. This
was created by a powerful spellsword archmage known as
Argus, whose martial and magical prowess was
He mainly preferred physical combat, using magic to teleport
from place to place, slashing an enemy before disappearing
the blink of an eye to the position of the next foe. When he
passed, the amulet was lost for years to come, many
seeking it out for its powerful enchantments and all of
them failing. Until now.
While attuned to this item, you gain the following benefits:
• Instead of moving on your turn, you gain a teleport speed
equal to your walking speed, which can be used to
transport yourself and any equipment you are wearing or
carrying to an unoccupied space you can see within range.
• You are able to summon a weapon or set of weapons as an
action. Whenever you take a long rest, you can change their
form as you please, but never any other time. The weapons
count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
The weapon(s) can take the form of any weapon or
alternate version(s) of weapons, with the only difference
being the weapon(s) deal 2d6 additional damage. The
weapon or weapons last until you dismiss them again as an
When you drop to 0 hit points, you can choose to forgo
making death saves to get back up for a final stand. You
regain half your maximum hit points, and are using the
amulet's full power combined with your steel hard will to
live. For the next minute, you have resistance to all damage
and may add an additional 1d6 to any saving throw you
★ Upon enchanting this artifact, Argus poured his burning
determination to push onwards and his adamantine-like
will to live into the magic he used to enchant it, for the
purpose of helping to keep him and anyone worthy enough
to use it from death when the situation calls for it.
Artificiers' Goggles
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
While wearing these goggles, you have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that
rely on sight. You also have darkvision and can see in
magical darkness out to a range of 60 feet. If you already
have darkvision, wearing the goggles increases its range by
60 feet.
While wearing these goggles, you can use an action to
expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following
spell effects from them, using your spell save DC and spell
attack bonus:
• You can spend 1 charge to gain the ability to understand all
written languages for one hour, regardless of whether or
not you speak the language.
• You can spend 3 charges to gain the ability to look at any
single object and determine the mass, dimensions, and
basic material makeup of that object.
• You can spend 6 charges to cast 'True Seeing', with no
material components.
The goggles have 20 charges for the following properties.
The goggles regain 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily at
Arista, Wand of the Spire (Prerequisite: 9th-level wizard) While holding the wand, you
Wand, artifact (requires attunement) can expend 3 of its charges to cast the banishment spell,
This elegant silver and gold wand was crafted by the using your spell save DC. In addition, you are always under
archmages that first arrived in Orostead centuries ago, well the effects of the see invisibility spell.
before the magical fallout of the Upheaval. It has been (Prerequisite: 13th level) While holding the wand, you gain
carefully used by only the extremely powerful or clever for truesight out to a range of 10 feet.
generations. The wand has 7 charges for some of the (Prerequisite: 13th-level wizard) While holding the wand, you
following properties. It regains all expended charges daily can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast
at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge and are not a one of the following spells, using your spell save DC:
wizard, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand vanishes and returns to arcanist's magic aura (1 charge), dimension door (2
a secret vault within The Spire of Aristaeus, the legendary charges), etherealness (5 charges), fog cloud (4 charges; 1
wizarding tower in Orostead. mile-radius sphere that remains for the duration of the
Variant Properties. Some properties of this artifact are spell), guards and wards (4 charges), private sanctum (2
locked behind layers of dormant magic. As you grow charges), teleport (5 charges).
stronger and reach certain milestones, these properties (Prerequisite: 20th-level wizard) You gain the benefits of all of
may become available to you. This wand can have up to 3 this wand's variant properties.
of the following properties active at a time. When you Destroying Arista. The only way to destroy Arista, Wand of
attune to Arista, you can choose to activate up to 3 of its the Spire is to leave it in an antimagic field on the Ethereal
variant properties whose prerequisites you meet. Plane for 100 years, at which point it finally succumbs and
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can replace any of the becomes nonmagical, allowing it to be easily snapped in
activated properties with another one. two.
★ The wizards sat in their twisting tower, rising above the
While holding the wand, you can use an action to cast one of lake. There they surveyed the currents: both of the lake and
the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: of the people in the city below. Amid the seagull cries were
create or destroy water, floating disk, fog cloud, gaseous the whinnies of pegasi and clean lake wind. You could see,
form, identify, or sanctuary. Once the wand has been used hear, and think clearly from above. When you're high up,
to cast a spell, it can't be used to cast that spell again until the problems of everyday minutia seem simple.
the next dawn. The queen had told them they were foolish to think this way
While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 of of course, and that, no, you couldn't feed or house a city
its charges to cast the magic missile spell. When you reach with a wave of your wand. That real problems exist amidst
9th level, this spell is cast at 2nd level instead, and is cast at the nonmagical, too. She was a good leader, to be sure, but
3rd level once you reach 13th. she was wrong about one thing.
(Prerequisite: 5th level) You gain a +1 bonus to spell attack ★ There's always a wand to solve your problems.
rolls and spell save DC. This bonus increases to +2 when
you reach 9th level, and +3 when you reach 17th.
(Prerequisite: 5th-level wizard) While holding the wand, you
can use an action to cast the unseen servant spell.
(Prerequisite: 9th level) While holding the wand, you can use
an action to expend 2 of its charges to create one of the
following effects, using your spell save DC: Drilling Gust.
You harness the ever-present winds of Lake Ils and tighten
them into a magic, twisting spear. The spear flies from the
wand and forms a line 60 feet long and 5 feet wide,
piercing through any creature in the area. Each creature in
the line must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
save, a creature takes 3d6 piercing damage and 3d6 cold
damage and is pushed 15 feet away from you. If a creature
fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also knocked
prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much
damage from the effect and isn't pushed.
Siphoning Vortex. You conjure the strange undercurrents of
Lake Ils and create a magical whirlpool in a 15-foot-radius
circle at a point on the ground you can see within 60 feet of
you. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Strength
saving throw.
On a failed save, a creature takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage
and is pulled up to 10 feet toward the point. If a creature
fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also knocked
prone and spends its action on its next turn coughing and
sputtering water. On a successful save, a creature takes
half as much bludgeoning damage and isn't pulled. The
water spreads out across the ground, extinguishing
unprotected flames in its area, and then it vanishes.

Ashak-Tal, the Crown of Undeath Bangle of Balance
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a spellcaster Wondrous item (bracer), unknown rarity
who knows the Animate Dead and Create Undead spells) This steel bracelet is cursed. As soon as one member puts it
This ancient crown was once worn by the first wizard to on, an identical bracelet appears on the same wrist on
discover the secrets of necromancy. It was forged from everyone else in the party.
black iron by duergar slaves, set with rubies shaped by Any damage taken by a player character is split evenly among
Deep Gnomes and cooled in Drow blood. everyone rounded up. Any status effect put on one of the
The frontal spine is created from the bones of a slain player characters, except unconscious,is now put on all
Dracolich. Wearing the crown has the following benefits: player characters.
When you cast Animate Dead, you can target an extra d8 Any healing given to a player character is split evenly among
corpses or skeletons per casting. When you cast Create everyone rounded down to a minimum of one each. To
Undead, you can create one additional ghoul. remove this bracelet, all players have to receive Remove
The crown has 20 charges, and regains each of them each Curse, not just one.
dawn. You can use an action to choose an appropriate Book-Bag of Holding
corpse, spend one or more of these charges, and create
each of the following: wondrous item (adventuring gear), Uncommon
• 1 charges- specter, warhorse skeleton
This School provided sachel has an interior space
• 3 charges- ogre zombie, minotaur skeleton, ghast, mummy, considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2
will-o-wisp feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can
• 5 charges- wraith, flameskull, beholder zombie hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic
• 7 charges- vampire spawn feet. The bag weighs 5 pounds, regardless of its Contents.
• 15 charges- mummy lord, vampire
Retrieving an item from the bag requires an Action.
These creatures are under your control when raised, and However, a variation on the enchantments for a traditonal
remain so indefinitely. At the start of each of your turns, any Bag Of Holding, make it so this bag will hold only
undead within 120 ft of you that is not already under your textbooks, parchment for classes, and other school
control must pass a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or supplies.
become under your control, following your orders to the If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it ruptures and is
best of its ability. destroyed, and its Contents are scattered in the Astral
You can also use an action to destroy an object within 30 ft of Plane. If the bag is turned inside out, its Contents spill
you that can deal radiant damage. If the chosen object has forth, unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can
a Charisma score, it must make a DC 20 Charisma saving be used again. Breathing Creatures inside the bag can
throw or be destroyed. Artifacts have advantage on this survive up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by
saving throw. the number of Creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which
If the chosen object does not have a Charisma score and is time they begin to suffocate.
being worn or carried by a creature, that creature makes a Placing a bag of holding inside an extradimensional space
DC 20 Charisma saving throw instead; on a failed save, the created by a Handy Haversack, Portable Hole, or similar
chosen object is destroyed. If the chosen object does not item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the
have a Charisma score and isn't being worn or carried by a Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was
creature, the object is destroyed. Once this ability has been placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the
used, it can't be used again until the next dawn. gate is sucked through it to a random Location on the
The crown is a sentient artifact with Int 20, Wis 14 and Cha Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way
18. It desires its wearer to rule the living and undead only and can't be reopened.
across the world, and be the greatest necromancer ever. It
presses its wearer to seek out new dark secrets and
magical treasures.
It hates gods of undeath with a passion, and strives to destroy
such beings as Orcus. It drives its wearer to acts of evil in
order to gain power. It does not wish to rule, but simply to
bask in the power of a global rule of undeath.
• 2 minor beneficial properties
• 1 major beneficial property
• 2 minor detrimental properties
• 1 major detrimental property
Destroying the Ashak-Tal, the Crown of Undeath. The
Crown of Undeath can only be destroyed by being
drenched in the blood of a cleric or paladin of lawful good
alignment on the positive energy plane. This causes the
crown to break, and has the side effect of causing all dead
bodies within a mile to rise as zombies or skeletons.

Black Dragon Heartblade
Weapon (any sword), artifact (requires attunement)
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
his magic weapon, and it deals an additional d6 of acid
damage on a hit. You can also understand and speak
Dragonkin. You have disadvantage on attack rolls against
chromatic dragons and saving throws against their breath
Draconic Ward. You are immune to being blinded, deafened,
frightened, petrified, or stunned while attuned to this
weapon. You are immune to acid damage.
Breath Weapon. As an action, you can deal acidic damage to
your enemies. Each creature in a 5 ft x 30 ft line must
make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 5d6
acid damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
successful one. You cannot use this feature until you finish
a long or short rest.
Hate of the Swamp. Your eyes turn black, and you feel a
draconic brutality in your veins. When make a critical hit
against a creature with this weapon and they have 50 hit
points or less, they are subject to torturous pain until the
end of your next turn. While the target is affected by this
pain, any speed it has can be no higher than 10 feet. The
target also has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks,
and saving throws. Finally, if the target tries to cast a spell,
it must first succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,
or the casting fails and the spell is wasted. If you deal any
damage to this creature on successive turns, the torturous
pain effects are prolonged until the end of your next turn
after dealing the damage.
Cursed. Once you attune to this cursed weapon, you cannot
unattune from it or unequip it unless you are targeted by
the remove curse spell or similar magic.
The essence of the black dragon resides within this artifact.
Whenever a non-evil creature attunes to the Black Dragon
Heartblade, that creature must make a DC 19 Charisma
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's alignment
changes to neutral evil. Every thirty days, the creature can
make this save again. If a creature unattunes from the
artifact and is restored to its original alignment, it cannot
attempt to reattune to this weapon until thirty days have
When unsheathed, this weapon appears to drip with a dark
green acid. The blade is shiny and in some cases, stained
as black as obsidian, with a slightly serrated edge. When a
creature attunes to this artifact, the blade becomes the
wielder's sword of choice.

Black Weapon of Betrayal If the Attuned Wielder allows the Weapon to change his
Weapon (any), very rare (requires attunement) mind, and chooses a different option to the one he chose
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with before, the weapon is satisfied, and returns to the Attuned
this magic weapon, if you have 5 levels in a class, this Wielders side willingly, banishing their body.
bonus increases to +2, and again at 10th to +3, 15th to +4, If not, the weapon attempts to kill the attuned wielder, if the
and +5 at 20th level. Weapon fails to kill its attuned wielder, and is reduced to 0
This weapon is sentient, and its Mental Ability scores are hitpoints, they return to their original form, still attuned.
derived from Its Attuned Wielders Physical Ability scores. If their attuned wielder is slain, they weapon becomes
Str = Char, Dex = Int, Con = Wis, with the weapon able to see Unattuned.
all that its Wielder sees and senses, has its own 60 ft When this Weapon is Unattuned, it vanishes and appears
radius of Truesight, but cannot communicate in any way. elswhere in the world, its memory and History wiped away
It's nature prevents it from communicating through divination to prevent its nature being revealed too early.
cast upon it. At most, it can Hum and glow, but this takes
too much effort to coherently answer yes or no questions.
Additionally, when you reach 7th, 14th and 19th level while
attuned to this weapon, the DM may grant the weapon an
additional magical effect of their own creation or from
another magic item if they deem it appropriate.
Curse: This weapon is cursed with a sinister and subtle
curse, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you,
this curse cannot be detected via Divination magic of a
lower level than 6th.
Additionally, the weapon has no derivable history for the spell
Legend Lore to trace, it appears to be a well crafted
magical weapon, no more, no less.
As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with
the weapon, and have no reason too, keeping it within
reach at all times.
You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons
other than this one, unless no foe is within 60 feet of you
that you can see or hear, only a wish spell or remove curse
cast at 6th level, can release you from this curse, doing so
forcefully unattunes you from the weapon.
Secret Features: Additionally, when it is first attuned to, the
DM must secretly create a hidden character sheet, this
hidden sheet matches the attuned wielder's Ability scores,
Race, Clas,s and level, and is even equiped with the
Wielder's Magical and Non-Magical items, they are a
replica of the Attuned Wielder up until the hidden
character's Choice of ability score increases/Feats, and
Class Archetype, these must be chosen by the DM in a way
that makes this secondary hidden character, a foil to the
Attuned Wielder, to oppose them, a DM might also create
their own Archetype to give to this Hidden character, if one
isn't found to suitably create an Opposing force to the
Attuned Wielder.
Whenever the plot demands an attuned wielder to make a
Moral Decision between Good and Evil, Law or Chaos, or
any combination of the four, they must Roll a d20 and
compare the result to their Class level, if the roll is a 20,
nothing happens.
However, if the roll is Under their total class levels, The
weapon rips itself from the Wielders grasp or container,
and summons the character written into the Hidden
character sheet.
This character looks identical to the Attuned Wielder, the
Weapon is in complete control of the New character, and
seeks to destroy or Sway their attuned wielder to a
different decision, At this point, the Weapon can use its
new body to speak to its attuned wielder, where it could not
Blade of Mortals B̸̨̩̫̌ ḷ̴̨̙̀̓͑̂ á̷̛͔̿ d̸̤̤͛̄͛ ě̴̘̝͑ ̷̟̩̣̇̐̀O̷̧̨̬͚͛̔͊͛ f̸̡̂̑̋̓ ̷̡̛͈̙̺E̵̢̖̺͂̃͗n̷̖̓ d̵̯̦͈͉̈̀̈ į̵̢͍̗̽ n̵̼̈͆̕g̴̳̻̱̎͝ s̸͍̆͛
Weapon (Arming Sword), artifact (Requires Attunement by a Weapon (Broadsword), Legendary (requires attunement by a
humanoid) Great Old One Warlock)
This weapon was forged by a half-orc after his orcish tribe This sword has ornately sculpted runes wrapping around the
was destroyed by an emperian who had deemed them evil, handle, & detailed engravings of suffering and madness on
and his human family he ran to afterwards was the guard. It was forged by the ancient servants of
slaughtered by fiends. It looks like any finely-crafted sword unknown Gods, & appears to be in motion when viewed
until it has been attuned to, at which point the phrase "no from the corner of one's eye.
gods, no devils, only us" appears on one side of the blade in This bizzare & suprisingly light weapon gives a +3 bonus to
Common, and on the other in Orcish. attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, as well as
While wielding this weapon but not attuned to it, it acts as a dealing an additional 1d10 psychic damage on a hit.
+3 weapon. While using this blade, you also gain +20 to ㄗἑŖ̤̤̳̥̟̝̘̖̦̳ Ĉ̷̪̒ ȩ̴̠̲͎̼͆̑ Ṕ‫ﮢ‬Ţ'̸͆̂̏̏̋̾̕iΘท &
‫ﮖ‬tƺalɨ卄 Ĉ̷̪̒ ̩h͍̼ ȩ̴̠̲͎̼͆̑ ck̷͂̏̔̆̑ s̳̥ and ignore resistance to piercing damage,
Strength of Orcs. This weapon lands a critical hit on a 19 or along with resistance and immunity to psychic damage.
20, and if you would have landed a hit without adding your His Likeness. When you attune to this weapon, green
proficiency bonus to the attack roll, you may add your leathery wings sprout from your back, granting you a flying
proficiency bonus to the damage roll. speed of 50 feet if it isn't higher already. You gain a swim
Resolve of Dwarves. Whenever you take piercing, slashing, speed of 20 feet if it isn't already higher, & you can breathe
or bludgeoning damage, you may reduce the amount of underwater. If you have 17 or more levels in the warlock
damage you take by your Constitution modifier. class, you gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Wisdom of Elves. You can use this as a spellcasting focus, Cursed. This sword is cursed and possessed by a eldritch
regardless of your spellcasting class. spirit. When you attune to this magic item, you become
Luck of Halflings. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability cursed until the curse is broken with a remove curse spell
check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use or similar magic. You can’t voluntarily end your attunement
the new roll. to the item unless the curse is broken first. ҉̪̭̺̠͈̀̅̑͌̒̆͂
Cunning of Gnomes. You have advantage on all intelligence, As long as you remain cursed, you are [DᾺTᾺ CŖ̤̤̳̥̟̝̘̖̦̳ ̶̈̈́̚ R̟ ṺۚPTED] ̖̍̾
wisdom, and charisma saves against spells. 卄ḁ̸̞͍̤̖̱̞̝ z̥̞͍̤̖̱̞̝ a[DᾺ̴̧̢̹̗̃̾̑ T҉̪̭̺̠̀̅̑͌̒̆͂ ᾺCỚ̉R̶̳̥̃ R̀̒ ṺۚP ̢̗̲̻͉̬̺̟TȆ̷̟́̚ ̲̭̼D̴ ̘̾]ost. ͂Ḩ̷̧̳̟̟̖͉̱̞̻̪̠̓͂̔̉̈́̑ ä̯̼̲̙̣́̂̽̽͌ [DᾺTᾺ CΘR ̶̄̿̚ RṺۚP̴ ̂
Wrath of Humanity. This sword has 4 charges, and regains ͌Ţ̤̤̳̥́ ED]ve̟̝̘̖̦̳ ̶̈̈́̚ l̪̭̺̠͈̣̟̀̅̑͌̒̆͂ C
1d4 each dawn. When making an attack against a non- Destroying the B̸̨̩̫̌ ḷ̴̨̙̀̓͑̂ á̷̛͔̿ d̸̤̤͛̄͛ ě̴̘̝͑ ̷̟̩̣̇̐̀O̷̧̨̬͚͛̔͊͛ f̸̡̂̑̋̓ ̷̡̛͈̙̺E̵̢̖̺͂̃͗ n̷̖̓ d̵̯̦͈͉̈̀̈ į̵̢͍̗̽ n̵̼̈͆̕g̴̳̻̱̎͝ s̸͍̆͛ . To destroy this weapon, a
humanoid, you may expend one charge to deal 1d6 of every 20th-level Warlock of the Great Old Ones must use it to
damage type they are not immune to. reduce themselves to zero hit points. Doing this causes the
Destroying the Blade of Mortals. This weapon can be weapon to get pulled into a dark vortex, along with the
destroyed by any mortal wizard using a wish spell. Warlock. All creatures in a 1-mile radius take 2d10 psychic
However, no celestial, fiend, fey, or aberration can destroy + 2d10 necrotic damage. If a creature dies as a result of
it. this damage, that creature disintegrates.
Blade of the Moon ★ ̷̑̚ ̴̲̭̼ 卄 ̷̧̧̳̟̟̖͉̱̞̻̪̠͂̓͂̔̉̈́̑ ̧̧̳̟̟̖͉̱͂a̢̺͉̋͊͆̃ve̦̔ ̺f̿e̗͌ a̰̋ r ̪̫̐͡f̑o̙̊ ř,̹̣̓̅ I̾ ̩̯̼̲̙̣̑̈́̂̽̽͌ ̶̄̿̚a̴ۚ̂ ͌ ̥̲͠m̺ ̓ ̸̴̧̢̖̥̞͍̤̖̱̞̝̥̞͍̤̖̱̞̝̹̗̍̾̃̾̑ ̴̧̨̢̻̹̗̝̾̑̍ ͍̲e̔ ̞̘̾ṽ̢̭̌ͅ ê̍͂̎ ̩ ̧͉̘ŗ̳̣̼̞̖̆̄̽͊̉̀y̟̑ ͈͌̆̋̾ ̻̔ ̩̥̹̓w̡̡̝̜̤̯̱̹͍͊̿̃̐̓̕̚̕h̽͡ ͎͍̭̮̙̝̓̉͆̓e̛̚ ̳̟̓ ̡̟̳͇͌́̆̍̂̅̚ͅr̢̧̛̫̟̘̘̺̅̂̅̔̍̏͋͠ ̳̿ ̩e͍̲̘̒̐ ̛̦̹̅͌̋̕ ̗!̶̳̥̃̀̒ ۚ ҉!!
weapon (any sword), Rare (requires attunement) ★ Umm... I don't even know what's up with this.
This sword was created by the paladins of Sahanine
Moonbow, the moon goddess.
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using
this magic weapon.
Also, you deal maximum damage if you make an attack roll
and the target is a Lycanthrope or similar entity.

Bubbles Conspirator's Coat
Weapon (battleaxe), Uncommon (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This silvery blue battleaxe shines with a clean azure light, its This magic longcoat is adorned with raven feathers and
handle etched with tiny runes and wrapped in blue dragon carved jet buttons. While wearing this coat, you have
hide. The pommel has a star sapphire set within. advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. In addition,
Shining Light. When facing insurmountable odds, Bubbles the coat has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended
glows brightly to inspire its wielder and her allies. When charges daily at dusk.
you activate this magical weapon, the blade of Bubbles While wearing the coat, you can use a bonus action to expend
shines brightly, emitting bright light in a 10-foot radius and 1 of its charges to disappear, releasing up to three ravens
dim light in a 20--foot radius beyond that. Any creature from your location under your control that scatter into the
within the bright light radius is treated as if exposed to sun air. Each raven has AC 12, 1 hit point, and can fly up to 40
light. You can activate or dismiss this feature as a bonus feet as part of this bonus action without provoking
action. opportunity attacks.
Stand Your Ground and Fight! On your turn, you may use At the start of your next turn, the ravens vanish, and you
your bonus action to make one additional melee weapon reappear in the space of one of the ravens (your choice). If
attack with Bubbles. You may only use this feature on a all the ravens are reduced to 0 hit points, you reappear
turn when you move 0 feet. early in the same space as the last one that died. When you
★ You had to be a fool to underestimate Elisabeth Kuroyuri, do, any excess damage dealt to the raven carries over to
and few did once they saw what she could do with her your normal form.
battleaxe, Bubbles. Elisabeth's father and brothers were all ★ The king was a proud man; he had gained much in life, his
in the military, and she watched them train and taught wealth preserved and protected against even the craftiest
herself to fight in secret. When her family fell defending of raiders and statesmen alike.
their kingdom, Elisabeth chose to stand up and defend her ★ And so, when he walked into his vault, he was shaken to
home with Bubbles in her hand. discover the blade that stood at its center, an item with a
Cheater's Lenses
storied past and legendary reputation, was gone. In its
place was a letter, unmarked, sealed with the black symbol
Wondrous item, Uncommon (requires attunement) of a single feather. As his trembling hands opened it, he
Crafted by enterprising students to hold knowledge of read,
previous exams, (akin to a magical test bank repository) ★ "To whom it may concern, fondest greetings! I hope
and attached with a chain, these finely crafted bronze this letter finds you as well as may be given the
bifocals can be placed over the eyes. Normally, looking inevitable circumstances of its discovery. Know I truly
through the lenses grants no benefits. wish no ill towards you or, as it may be, who you serve.
As an action, the wearer can select a number of non-magical If it will assuage your fears, view this as a simple
documents that they are touching, and copy the transaction of business in which your preparation was
information within into the lenses as an action. This tome matched against my wit, with the only outcome likely in
can absorb up to 10 documents, and any files, scrolls, or such a scenario having come to pass. Try to find me if
books larger than 2 hours in reading time sizes takes up an you will, but know you do so at your own cost and peril."
additional slot of space, (i.e medium size documents ★ "None but my own, The Ravenheart."
counting as 2 documents, and so on and so forth). ★ As the king rushed through the corridors to inform the
As a bonus action, the wearer may speak a command word to head of his guard, he passed by a member of his court, the
activate the lenses. trusted Baronet Alistair Rook. In his haste he brushed
When activated and looked through, the lenses shows all against the man's black coat, muttering a word of apology
knowledge previously scanned. Furthermore, if it spots a before sprinting off. He missed the man's self-satisfied
question that the lenses currently contain an answer to, it smile as he turned the corner.
highlights the question and provides the answer. ★ And, in a flurry of feathers, the hallway was empty once
This effect lasts for 20 minutes or until the lenses are taken more.
off. The lenses can only be used this way 5 times per day.
Cleaning Cube Coin of Kinship
Wondrous item, Common Wondrous item, common
This Tiny, sentient piece of an enchanted gelatinous cube is These steel coins depicting a human and a dwarven face on
harmlessly soapy, instead of acidic, and enjoys cleaning the their opposite sides are popular at Mirabarren parties. A
surfaces it travels across. Medium humanoid who presses it against its heart while
When found, the cleaning cube is a dehydrated, 2-inch cube. staring up or down for 1 round grows 1 foot taller or
While dehydrated, the cube is inanimate and its weight is shorter respectively for 1 hour. A Small humanoid can use
negligible. You can place the dehydrated cube in 1 or more it in the same way to change size by 6 inches. The
gallons of water as an action, causing it to animate and creature's weight and size-category are unaffected, but its
grow in size to become a 1-foot cube that weighs 6 pounds. clothes and armor adjust to its new proportions.
The rehydrated cube moves slowly while animated in this The coin can be used three times, but a single creature can't
way, methodically cleaning objects and surfaces it comes alter its size more than once in either direction. The coin
into contact with. The cube remains hydrated for up to 8 and regains all uses at dawn.
hours, but can be squeezed as an action (as if it were a Coldfire Anvil
sponge) to dehydrate it again early. The cleaning cube is
considered a magical object and is not a creature. Wondrous item, rare
It has a speed of 1 foot and can climb difficult surfaces, This cold, iron anvil weighs 50 pounds and is 1 and a half feet
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to long. It has three magic runes on its side from the
make an ability check. It has AC 10, 10 hit points, and Everglacier that magically enchant any item sharpened,
resistance to all damage. The cube dehydrates when it forged, or otherwise smithed using this anvil. Over the
drops to 0 hit points, but regains all its hit points when course of a full workday, or half as long if you're proficient
hydrated again. with smith's tools, you can use the anvil to turn a
Sentience. The cleaning cube is a sentient unaligned item nonmagical metal weapon into a coldfire one.
with an Intelligence of 1, a Wisdom of 6, and a Charisma of A coldfire weapon is magical and deals an extra 1d6 cold
1. It has hearing and blindsight out to a range of 60 feet. It damage to any target it hits, but is made fragile like ice.
can't speak or read, but obeys your commands as best as it When you make an attack roll using a coldfire weapon and
can understand them. roll a 1, roll a d20. On a 9 or lower, the weapon shatters and
Personality. The cleaning cube is happiest finding and destroys the weapon, releasing a biting burst of cold that
dissolving dirt and other grime, and enjoys the feeling of deals 2d6 cold damage to all creatures within 10 feet of the
moving across clean, polished surfaces. It doesn't concern weapon.
itself with combat, preferring to continue its cleaning After 7 days, a coldfire weapon loses the enchantment and
instead of involving itself in confrontation. If the cube finds becomes nonmagical again. Once the anvil has been used
a stray coin, gemstone, or other similar small item out of to enchant a weapon in this way, it can't do so again for 1d6
place while it cleans, it will absorb and clean the item until + 1 days.
it's removed by a creature as an action or until it becomes ★ Born from metal and fire, but at home in the ice and cold.
dehydrated once again. Some chills burn worse than fire.
★ Just keep cleanin', just keep cleanin'.

Cinnabar Rapier Dagger of the Ogre Mage
Category: Weapon (rapier), rare Weapon (shortsword), uncommon (requires attunement)
This magic rapier’s blade is alchemically coated in a thin but This blade was once used as a dagger by an ogre, but is
toxic layer of cinnabar. The weapon has 10 charges and nevertheless large enough to be a shortsword. You gain a
regains 1d8+2 expended charges each day at dawn. When +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic
you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend 1 or weapon. This blade’s hilt is hollow and can hold up to 3
more of its charges. The blade’s poison leeches into the cantrip spell scrolls. Cantrip scrolls left within the
blood of the creature you struck to deal an extra 1d4 compartment for 1 minute activate one of the three clear
poison damage for each charge expended in this way. gems adorning its grip. Once activated, you can cast these
★ "Cinnabar is used primarily for the arts, but often at the cantrips at will using your spellcasting modifier. If you don’t
cost of the artists themselves. It can cause convulsions, have a spellcasting modifier, use your Intelligence modifier
insanity, and, ultimately, death. So, naturally, I decided that instead.
a masterfully crafted blade such as this should share those You have proficiency with these cantrips. Cantrips cast from
same effects with everyone else." -Blaine Grimfire, the blade use the weapon as an arcane focus and allow you
Dwarven guild artisan to perform any somatic components with the weapon

instead of requiring a free hand. Scrolls contained within

the sword are not destroyed after using them in this way.

When you cast a cantrip using the sword that deals

damage, the sword’s damage type changes to match the

cantrip’s for 1 minute or until you end it early (no action

★ The hero stood before the tides of war. Of evil. Their

weapons glinted red with the blood they'd already spilled.

They wouldn't go further. They wouldn't harm another

person. The hero wouldn't let them.

★ Despite the hero's determination, the overwhelming force

wore them down. Arrows stuck out from their chest.

Gashes of mortal wounds lay bare and exposed to the

harsh air. The hero fell. Darkness took hold. It was

comforting. Warm. Safe.

★ From the darkness, a face. A white mask wreathed in an

impossibly black dress. A guardian of the mortal coil's

threshold. "Rise, champion. Your fight is not yet over. There

are those that still need saving."

★ The figure leaned in as it whispered. As the voice melted
through the hero's aching muscles, an amulet was draped
around their neck.
★ The soft darkness remained, but the sense of safety was
more fleeting. The hero's consciousness extended outward,
through the darkness to find refuge in another form.
Something not quite alive, but far from dead.
★ From beyond the shadow's refuge, the horde of monsters
saw only the body of the hero become cloaked in a
billowing black vapor. Arrows were brushed harmlessly
away from it, and sword strikes slowed to a gentle touch.
From the shadows came a burst of a dark flame, a rising
★ The shadow was unwilling to fall. It was unwilling to break.
It was unwilling to let evil reign.
★ The hero rose.
Dancing Blade of the Illithid Dark-Spider
Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires attunement) Armor (Chitin Armor), artifact (Requires attunement, Having
You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this the blessing of Poltrique)
magic weapon. On a hit, it deals an additional 1d6 psychic A Pitch Black Chitin Armor, The Dark-Spider is a heavy
damage. armor that was built light enough to accommodate flight.
You can use a bonus action to toss this magic blade into the This Armor can only be given by Poltrique or temporarily
air and speak the command word. When you do so, the by his Great High-priest, if it is in the possession of
sword begins to hover, flies up to 30 feet, and attacks one someone else it will vanish and return to the Domain of
creature of your choice within 5 feet of it. The sword uses Poltrique.
your attack roll and ability score modifier to damage rolls. Random Properties. The Dark-Spider Armor has the
While the sword hovers, you can use a bonus action to cause following random properties:
it to fly up to 30 feet to another spot within 30 feet of you. • 2 minor beneficial properties
As part of the same bonus action, you can cause the sword • 1 major beneficial property
to attack one creature within 5 feet of it. Eyes Of Darkness. While attuned to the armor and wearing
After the hovering sword attacks for the third time, it flies up the Helmet you can perfectly see in the Dark even in
to 30 feet and tries to return to your hand. If you have no Magical Darkness and you can see what is magical, you
hand free, it falls to the ground at your feet. If the sword can see the flow of magic, and you can see if something is
has no unobstructed path to you, it moves as close to you an illusion or not.
as it can & then falls to the ground. It also ceases to hover if Dark Mist Armor. While attuned to the armor and wearing
you grasp it or move more than 30 feet away from it. it, you have an advantage on stealth, your flying speed is
Darkholm's Chalice
increased by 20 ft( if you do not have one your flying speed
is equal to your waking speed) and you can turn you and
Wondrous item, rare the armor into a Black Mist.
This magic item has 5 charges. As an action, you can expend While in the mist form you have blindsight on 30 ft and
1 charge to turn any non-magical liquid placed in the cup cannot use items or weapons nor use spells, and you
into a potion of greater healing. cannot make a single sound.
When you put liquid in this cup, it's instantly purified of any Destroying the Dark-Spider Armor. It can only be
poison, disease, or curses created by a spell 6th level or destroyed by cutting it off from Poltrique then all the Gods
lower. need to make a 100 year ritual to absorb most of the power
of the armor, then you need to throw it in the Elemental
Planes at the same time to de synchronize it to itself, and
finally you can destroy it in Limbo, Easy isn't?
Or you can just give it back to Poltrique so he can destroy it
by smelting it down.
"Dean's Extra Quill"
Wondrous item, Rare (requires attunement)
this pen can be used to sign any document, and will magically
form an exact replica of the signature of the current Dean
at your current place of education.
This can only be detected as a forgery through detect magic.

Death's Shadow Death's Whisper, Quiet in the Howling
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) Void
This black garnet amulet is carved into the shape of a bird's Weapon (longbow), artifact (requires attunement)
skull and is adorned with several dark feathers. At its This bow was once a normal longbow, but when the archer
center is a single phoenix feather that serves as a catalyst wielding it died he asked Death to put it somewhere safe.
for this strange talisman's necrotic magic. While wearing Death did as asked and placed the longbow in the Arrow
this amulet, you are immune to necrotic damage. Shadow Sea in the Void. After many long years, the Void began to
Form. When you are reduced to 0 hit points while wearing change the bow. Death's Whisper, Quiet in the Howling
this amulet, a shadowy version of yourself rises from your Void deals 1D12+1D8 necrotic damage has a range of
unconscious body. You control this form, which has your 200/800 and a + 3 to attack and damage rolls as well as the
equipment and statistics. following effects and features.
It has 100 temporary hit points and resistance to all damage Reaper's Arrow. As a bonus action you may forego up to
that isn't force, psychic, or radiant. The shadow form can't eleven attacks but you may not forego more than four each
move more than 60 feet from your body. The shadow turn. For each attack not made you may add an additional
vanishes after 1 minute or when it falls to 0 temporary hit 1d12+1d8 piercing and necrotic damage respectively. If
points. If the shadow survives for the duration, it returns to you attack while charging at any point you will use Reaper's
your body and causes you to regain a number of hit points Arrow(i.e. you can not charge three shots attack once then
equal to the shadow's remaining number of temporary hit charge three more on your next turn and have that count as
points. six charges.It would be three and three.)
If the shadow is defeated, the amulet is destroyed and you Quiet of the Grave. as an action you may shoot an arrow that
immediately fail 2 death saving throws. While your shadow is infused with the quiet of the grave. chose a place for the
form is defending you, your unconscious body is covered by arrow to hit, any creatures within 50 feet of the arrow are
an impenetrable veil of shadow. While covered in this way, under the effects of the silence spell for 10 minutes or until
you can't be interacted with: you are immune to all damage, the arrow is destroyed. The arrow has an AC of 15 and 5
don't make death saving throws, can’t regain hit points, and hp. you may do this three times per day and regain all uses
can’t be affected by spells or magical effects. A creature can after a long rest.
use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check, moving the All on Black. As an action you may sacrifice hit points to
covered body up to 10 feet on a success. Once this property empower a shot. for every hit point you sacrifice you may
has been used, it can't be used again until 7 days have add +0.1 to your attack and +1 to your damage if the arrow
passed. hits you regain half of the hit points lost rounded down,
★ The runes along the mine's stone walls seemed to glare at and lower your maximum hit points by the amount lost
the travelers: judging them and hiding the nature of their (e.g. you have 100 hp maximum and 52 currently and get
meaning. What was certain, however, was that this was a rid of 51 you now get +5 to attack and +51 to damage if the
place of law: one misstep, and there would be no turning arrow hits you will get back 25 hp making your current hp
back. The dwarves of Direstone were as revered for their 26 and your hit point maximum is now 74) you regain your
craft and affluence as they were for their punitive original hit point maximum at the end of a long rest. if the
measures. arrow misses you do not get any health back but your
maximum hp is not lowered. this can be used with
'Reaper's Arrow'.
Random Properties. The Death's Whisper, Quiet in the
Howling Void has the following random properties:
• 1 minor beneficial property
• 2 major beneficial properties
• 2 minor detrimental properties
• 1 major detrimental property
Destroying the Death's Whisper, Quiet in the Howling
Void. Death's Whisper, Quiet in the Howling Void can only
be destroyed by Death himself or divine intervention.

Decanter of Endless Ale Dowager's Lantern
Wondrous item, Very Rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This stoppered flask sloshes when shaken, as if it contains More for the University faculty than students, the Dowager's
liquid. The decanter weighs 2 pounds. Lantern was originally created for Universities and other
You can use an Action to remove the stopper and speak one scholarly events and was more formally known as the
of three Command words, whereupon an amount of fresh, Novifacta Lumen. The ability for scholar's to collect images
albeit cheap, ale pours out of the flask. The ale stops of creatures that then could be brought back to universities
pouring out at the start of your next turn. Choose from the and museums for lectures and further study was
following options: considered incredibly useful, especially for creatures who
• "Picher." produces 1 gallon of ale. were too dangerous to transport alive, or lived in
• "Cask." produces 5 gallons of ale. environments or locations that made transport to and from
• "Brewery." produces 30 gallons of ale that gushes forth in a there an inconvenience.
geyser 30 feet long and 1 foot wide. As a bonus Action However, this item gained a more seedy reputation when they
while holding the inkwell, you can aim the geyser at a found their way into possession of travelling shows, using
creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must them primarily as exhibits - although everyone was aware
succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or take 1d6 that these shows often carried special lanterns with some
bludgeoning damage and fall prone. Instead of a creature, of the more attractive entertainers of the day on them;
you can target an object that isn't being worn or carried which meant that production and distribution of this item
and that weighs no more than 200 pounds. The object is was heavily regulated.
either knocked over or pushed up to 15 feet away from you. The most infamous story of this item however, is the one that
De-Stressing Pendant
gave it it's more common name. Many years ago, the Lady
Nina Lémery had used the lantern to create a fake
Wondrous item (necklace), rare (requires attunement) husband; while this certainly didn't cause an issue legally it
This stone-beaded pendant emanates a passive aura that created quite a stir when it was uncovered due to many
distresses students while they study for finals. married men and women spending much time at her home
The pendant comes with 10 charges. Every time the DM under the pretense of seeing the good Mr. Lémery.
determines that the character is becoming aggressive or As an action you can shine a bright light on a creature or
extreme in their emotions, the DM can determine that the object to store it's image in the Lantern. You can activate
pendant has cast one of its charges, which forcibly calms the Lantern to retrieve an image of a figure stored in the
the character. lantern as if casting the Major Image spell {Requires
If the character is of the Barbarian class and attempts to Concentration, Spell DC 8 + Proficiency}
enter a rage while the pendant still has charges, the
pendant will expend a charge, wasting a use of the Dress of Many Pockets
character's rage. Armor (cloth), common
Each midnight, the pendant regains 1d4+1 charges. This dress has six pockets that can be magically shown or
hidden. While wearing the dress, you can use a bonus
action to cause any number of its pockets to appear or
vanish from it. The pockets can be located anywhere on the
dress, and needn't be in the same place each time they
Each pocket is large enough for a small parcel, measuring no
more than 4 inches in any dimension and weighing no
more than 2 pounds. While a pocket is hidden, its contents
are magically moved to the inside of the dress and evenly
distributed throughout it so as to not affect its delicate
★ "I like your dress."
★ "Thanks! It has pockets!"


Armor (Breastplate), Rare

You have a +1 bonus to your AC when wearing this magic


Grants its wearer advantage on saving throws against the

breath weapons of creatures that have the 'Dragon'


Never rusts or deteriorates, and magically resizes to fit the


★ Created for a human hero, Tergon of Neverwinter, this

breastplate has a gold dragon motif worked into its design.

Elixer of Focus

Wondrous item (Potion), rare

This deep amber concoction seems to glow with an inner

light. When you drink this potion, you have advantage on

any ability checks you make within the next 5 hours, then
the elixir’s effect ends. Faust
Wondrous Item (Glove), artifact (Requires no attunement)
Eye of the Bookwurm Faust is a magical, yet simple looking pair of black gloves.
Wondrous item, uncommon They were once used by a traveling fist fighter who trained
This small, glass sphere is enchanted with weak divination everyone who asked him kindly enough.
magics to help you find specific words or phrases in One day a wizard approached him and asked him if he could
writing. It has a stylized iris etched into the glass. You can teach his daughter in the martial arts of his, the master
use a bonus action to speak the eye’s command word aloud, accepted. After a few weeks the girl was able to win a duel
followed by the word or phrase you’re searching for. against everyone in the village, because of that the wizard
The word or phrase magically appears and floats within the granted the traveler a wish.
sphere. By holding the eye in a free hand, your vision The wizard was a bit suprised as he said: "Enchant my
becomes magically enhanced to subconsciously highlight gloves. I don't care what it does and please don't tell me. I
the word or phrase you searched for in a green light want to have some fun."
wherever you see it. Once you’ve used the eye’s ability for Bare Fist. Upon performing a unarmed attack, you gain a +2
the first time, you can change the word or phrase as many bonus on the attack roll and add +2 on the damage.
times as you like for the next hour, after which the item Pack A Punch. If you hit with an unarmed attack you can
can’t be used again until the following dawn. unleash Faust's power, which will knock the struck
★ "Now, where was that flavor text?" creature, if it is sized large or smaller, 10ft backwards. You
can do this only once after performing a long rest.
Random Properties. Faust has the following random
• 1 minor beneficial property
• 1 major detrimental property
Destroying Faust. These glove loses their powers after
punching a parent of the wearer while unarmed in the face.
All other attempts to either break, destroy or remove any
magical properties on them will summon a giant fist of
wind to crush that creature. The fist ignores any barriers &
will deal 1d20 force damage.
Fiend's Heirloom Flying Carpet
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, very rare
What appears to be a ruby in the center of this black steel This magic item can change shape as an action. It has two
amulet is actually a vial filled to the last drop with demon sizes:
and devil blood. While wearing this ring, your appearance • Small: Can carry 2 Medium creatures; 60 ft. flying speed
takes on some fiendish traits like horns, tails and/or spines. • Large: Can carry 6 Medium creatures; 30 ft. flying speed
If you are human, some observers might take you for a This item is sentient. It is generally good-natured, sometimes
Tiefling. You also gain resistance to fire and poison mischievous, and loyal until the end. It chooses its master,
damage. usually a neutral good creature, and will protect and serve
If you are a tiefling, the effects are more radical, as they them to the best of its ability. It cannot speak, though it
unlock your dormant fiendish blood. You take on a clearly understands basic commands in all languages.
demonic or devilish form that integrates your tiefling Forecaster's Cloak
features, but otherwise barely resembles your original
body. While in your fiendish form, you are immune to the Wondrous item, common
poisoned condition, as well as fire and poison damage, and This warm, fur-lined cloak creates illusory representations of
you have resistance to cold damage. the impending weather.
While wearing this cloak, you can use an action to open it and
Fiery Gloves of Glamour speak its command word to create a harmless, sensory
Wondrous item, common effect within the cloak that represents what the weather
These thin leather gloves were created by a mage who hoped will be at your location for the next 8 hours.
to gain the favor of the Flaming Fist. This effect persists for 1 minute or until you close the cloak.
A creature who wears a pair and knocks its fists against ★ "Let's make camp here for the night. We'll keep moving in
eachother engulfs them in illusionary flames in a color of the morning."
its choice. Repeating the gesture extinguishes them. ★ Jaret's voice was tired, although he hid it well. They'd been
The flames are animated to dance but are easy to recognize traveling all day through the wood and had several close
as illusions, as they don't shed light or radiate height. calls with the local flora. Or fauna. Whichever a treant or
animated shrub would fall under.
★ As the group quietly gathered their things to set up camp,
Weapon (greatsword), rare Fohlan started to take off his cloak. He held it partly open,
This warm metal sword billows with embers and flames caught in mid-thought, and looked down towards its hem.
along its blade. He uttered a word, as if he were whispering a secret to it.
When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the ★ A billowing, gray cloud swirled around his legs, spewing
target takes an extra 1d6 fire damage. While holding this sheets of illusory rain on his mud-stained boots. It was the
sword, you can use an action to unleash a concentrated flash of lightning from the clouds that caught Jaret's
gout of flames from the blade in a line that is 60 feet long attention.
and 5 feet wide. ★ Jaret's and Fohlan's eyes met after a moment. Their
Each creature within that line must make a DC 15 Dexterity shoulders slumped, and they sighed with quiet
saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 fire damage on a failed disappointment.
save, or half as much damage on a success. ★ Jaret mustered up his courage to address the rest of the
Once this property of the sword has been used, it can’t be group once more. "Pack it up, everyone. Looks like we're in
used again until the next dawn. for a storm. Let's go see if there's a cave with nothing
already inside it."

Freerunner's Armor Handkerchief of The Black Quill
Armor (any light armor), common Wondrous item, Uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing this armor, you feel light on your feet and A silver Handkerchief with a Black Quill design in the corner.
agile. It can be attuned to any quill, and when the quill writes
When you make a long jump onto or alongside a wall or something it appears as a design on the edge of the
similar surface that isn't slippery for the first time on your Handkerchief. Often used by students to cheat in exams; or
turn, you can move along that wall for the length of the attempt to anyway.
jump during the move. While on that surface, you can Headband of Silence
make a second jump, provided you have the movement to
do so. Wondrous Item (headband), Uncommon (Requires
★ Unhindered by his older leathers and plates, he felt free to Attunement)
move. He dashed, he leapt, and his feet were able to carry Very useful for tuning out outside noise, allowing you to study
him in new and exciting ways. It was a new sensation of in peace, the Headband of Silence is a white leather strap
freedom, and while it was dangerous, it was intoxicating. studded with black crystalst. When the Headband is placed
around the head of a Medium or Small humanoid creature,

the creature is rendered deaf thanks to an aura that

surrounds their head. This acts as a casting of Silence,

which the attuned creature can toggle on and off at will.

Glasses of Insight
Wondrous item, Uncommon (requires attunement)
An ornate pair of glasses with 3 different coloured lenses.
Each lens can be attuned to a quill and whatever is written
can only be seen by someone with those lenses. Often used
to pass notes between students in lessons.
Gloves of Healing
Wondrous item, rare
These silken gloves enhance the rejuvenating power of
healers and clerics. While wearing the gloves, whenever
you cast a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to
one creature, the creature regains additional hit points
equal to your proficiency bonus.
Alternatively, a creature can regain these additional hit points
if you use a healer's kit to stabilize or restore hit points to
it. Once a creature regains extra hit points in this way, it
can't do so again until it finishes a short or long rest.
★ "To truly heal, we must mend the spirit along with the
body."—Catherine Carrofield

Hour and Minute Insatiable Tome
Weapon (a dagger & shortsword), very rare (requires Wondrous item, rare
attunement) This large, ragged tome weighs 12 pounds and has up to one
These two magical weapons are bound by a powerful force. thousand blank vellum pages inside it.
Despite there being two weapons, you only need to attune The tome is magical and devours any smaller nonmagical
to one of them to use their properties. While holding one of book or document placed next to it with rows of hidden
the weapons, you can use an action to determine the teeth over the course of 1 minute. After the tome has eaten
distance and direction of the other paired weapon as long a book, you can use an action to speak the tome's
as you're on the same plane of existence. If you attune to command word, followed by the name of a book or
one of the weapons while another creature is attuned to document it's eaten, to cause the previously destroyed
the other, you are each aware of the other creature's contents to appear on the blank pages of the book.
attunement and must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check The contents are magically printed on the tome's pages in the
contested by the other creature's Intelligence (Arcana) same language or cipher they were written in and remain
check. until you speak its command word again to erase or
The creature that wins the contest remains attuned to the replace them with another document's contents.
item, and for the next 24 hours, its attunement cannot be The tome dislikes the taste of magic. Any swallowed pages
broken by another creature attempting to attune to the containing spells, magical sigils, or arcane scrolls are
other weapon. The creature that loses the contest is no harmlessly spat back out by the tome. However, any notes,
longer attuned to the weapon. While holding both weapons spells, or magical sigils that are written in the tome
in either hand, you gain several benefits: You gain a +1 (instead of having been eaten by it) can be recalled if
bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these magic they're either dated, labeled, or titled. Written commentary,
weapons. Your perception of time is slightly quickened: notes, and other such addenda to documents within the
allowing you to dodge attacks that would have normally hit tome are saved by it and appear whenever the document is
you. recalled again.
You gain a +1 bonus to AC. When you roll a 20 on an attack ★ "They say it's like having a library with you all the time. An
roll using Hour (the dagger) against a creature, that unkempt, terrifying, unholy library…but it still sounds like
creature is under the effects of the slow spell until the end not an all-together terrible thing to keep around."
of your next turn. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll

using Minute (the shortsword), you're under the effects of

the haste spell until the start of your next turn.

When the effect ends, you don't suffer the normal effects of

the spell ending. In addition, you can use an action to lay

the two weapons down on the ground. When you do, they

magically point north before spinning around to align and

tell the current time. When they do, 12:00 is always facing


★ Tick, tick, tick. You don't have much time left. What'll be
your final moments?

Keep Candle
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
A favorite among inhabitant of shared dormitories who like to
read in bed. Whispering the command word while holding
this 7-inches-long wooden stick makes its tip shed bright
light in a 2.5 foot radius. This light is magically confined to
that area.
Creature outside of its radius cannot perceive it or benefit
from the illumination it provides. Repeating the command
word ends the effect.
In order to use this property for a given amount of time, the
candle must have been charged by exposing it to bright
light for that long. It can store up to 8 hours worth of light.

Life's Flower Restorative Lightbringer
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Weapon (Mace), Very Rare
This vital branch pulses with life and resembles a crude limb. When you hit a fiend or an undead with this magic weapon,
To attune to this item, you must attach it to the end of your that creature takes an extra 2d6 radiant damage. If the
missing arm or leg, at which point the branch magically target has 25 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, it
forms an elegant copy of the appendage it’s replacing. This must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be
prosthetic is a fully capable part of your body and can't be destroyed. On a successful save, the creature becomes
removed against your will as long as you're attuned to it. frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
The prosthetic branch has 10 flowers and regrows 1d6 + 4 While you hold this weapon, it sheds bright light in a 20-foot
missing flowers daily at dawn. While attached, the branch radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
provides these benefits: When you regain hit points as part ★ With a macehead shaped like a sunburst and made of solid
of a spell or magical effect, you can choose to expend any brass, this mace was made for a cleric of Lathander, the
number of flowers to regain an extra 5 hit points for each god of dawn.]
flower spent. This property can restore you to no more Love's Embrace
than half of your hit point maximum. If you start your turn
with 0 hit points while the prosthetic has 3 or more Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement)
remaining flowers, you can choose to expend 3 flowers to You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
regain 5 hit points. This property can't be used again until this magic weapon. This weapon can be attuned to by two
the next dawn. friendly creatures together over the course of a long rest. If
★ Lin awoke gently. She was sore, and the last thing she the weapon is attuned to by two creatures in this way, the
remembered was falling, the airship above her shrinking to weapon’s attack and damage bonus becomes +2 instead.
a miniscule point in the swirling clouds. She'd known she This greatsword is made of two long scimitars that are
could do nothing, known she was going to die. Then the held together by a powerful, unidentifiable magic.
cold embrace of water struck at extreme speed, and— You can speak the weapon’s command word using a bonus
★ She tried to push herself up as she reached a hand to wipe action to separate it into a pair of scimitars or recombine
the haze from her eyes, before she stopped short. There, them into the greatsword. If you are not already holding it
where the familiar old war scars and weathered skin when you speak the weapon’s command word and are on
should be was beautiful, polished wood in the form of a the same plane of existence as it, you can choose to
smooth, perfect hand. She experimentally tried to move her summon either one or both scimitars to your hand as
hand, and the limb mimicked her intention; it was hers, the individual blades or as the combined greatsword.
small flowers growing on its surface somehow feeling as The scimitars have the thrown property with a normal range
much a part of her as her remaining arm. of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet when separated. The
★ Taking in this discovery, she was shocked when someone scimitars deal piercing damage when thrown. Each
tapped her gently on the shoulder. Soldier's instincts firing, scimitar also has its own elemental effect — either fire or
she spun around to face the unknown person and was met cold — that inflicts an extra 1d6 fire or 1d6 cold damage
with the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. Lin tried to with each strike, depending on which sword you hit with.
ask…anything really, but the dryad before her pressed a When you hit with an attack using the greatsword, the
finger to the fighter's lips and laughed, softly, before gently target takes both fire and cold bonus damage from the
handing her a small stone bowl of clean, clear water. attack. Each attuned creature can cast the fire shield spell
★ She could feel tears welling in her eyes, nobody had shown once at 4th level without expending a spell slot.
her kindness for years; she'd always projected an air of You do not need material or somatic components when
confidence and unapproachability, but here, at her most casting it in this way. Once you cast this spell, you cannot
vulnerable…. Lin always told herself she was just resting cast it again until the following dawn.
until she had regained her strength, but even as the flowers ★ "Love? Love isn't a game: it's a war. And you'd better figure
on her verdant arm grew ever more vibrant she never had out which end of the blade you're on."
the heart to go.
★ Now, years later, she cannot imagine life without the
flowers, the forest, or her love.

Never-ending Coffee Pot Poisoner's Crossbow
Wondrous item, uncommon Wondrous item, uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3)
This glass jug appears to be able to hold 5 gallons of Coffee This crossbow is fitted with a mechanism that automatically
and weighs up to 2 pounds whether full or empty. Sloshing applies poison to bolts. It exists in different models for
sounds can be heard from within the jug when it is shaken, hand, light and heavy crossbows.
even if the jug is empty. You gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this
You can use an action and uncork the jug and pour that liquid weapon depending on its rarity.
out, up to 1 gallon per minute. You can insert a vial of poison into the mechanism as a bonus
Once the jug has produced 5 gallons of Coffee, it can't action, which automatically coats the next 3 bolts that are
produce more until the next dawn. fired in the poison. As normal, a single vial of poison cannot
Neverwinter Elixir
coat more than 3 bolts.
Potion, common Potion of Clairvoyance
This pleasantly warm and sweet potion preserves and Wondrous item (Potion), uncommon
enhances the elemental qualities of Neverwinter River. While experts debate whether this liquid is dangerous
After drinking it, you are unharmed by temperatures as low enough to be considered a poison or benign enough to be
as -50 degrees Fahrenheit. considered a potion, it is nevertheless beneficial for the
Orb of Altitude
The potion takes the consistence, texture, appearance, taste
Wondrous item, common and smell of any liquid it is poured into, as long as the
The Yawning Portal Inn in Baldur's Gate usually has a few of quantity of potion poured is smaller than that of the
these orbs stocked.- original liquid.
While holding one, you can use an action to determine your While this potion can't actually be used for anything
altitude or depth relative to the sea level with an accuracy resmbling Divenation spells, it does give the drinker
of 100 yards. advantage on intelligence checks. So while a different kind
This property functions only on the Material Plane. of clairvoyance, prrofessors still often ban their students

from this particular brew prior to exams.

Outcast's Respite
Wondrous item, uncommon
This flat, polished bronze amulet is striking in it's plainess,
with only a single rune scribed on its back. While a tiefling
wears it around her neck, they take on a human
appearance as if affected by the alter self spell.
It only changes those body traits that distinguish you from a
human, and you remain recognizeable to those familiar
with your face.
If you have the winged racial trait, your wings and fly speed
disappear while your're transformed - an exception from
alter self.
The amulet can sustain this effect for 1d4 hours per day after
which you will gradually transform back over the course of
1 hour. Taking it off instantly ends the transformation. The
amulet fully reacharges at dawn.
This item can have the same or a similiar affect on other
humanoid races at the DM's discretion.

Raynbow (and Rayrrows)
Weapon (any bow), very rare (requires attunement)
Six arrows (rayrrows) sprout from the colored eyes on this magical bow. As an action, you can

withdraw and shoot one of these arrows, which becomes a magical ray as you fire it. If it normally

requires an attack roll when cast as a spell, it uses the attack roll you used to fire it; if it normally only

requires a saving throw(s), you must still hit the target with your attack roll for the magic to take effect,

and if you do the target has disadvantage on the first saving throw forced by the spell. If the spell requires

a saving throw the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your dexterity modifier. Rayrrows do not add

your dexterity modifier to their damage. Each shot uses the raynbow's weapon range instead of the

corresponding spell's range. A withdrawn rayrrow vanishes at the end of the turn it's withdrawn if it

isn't fired.

At each dawn, roll 6d6. Each rayrrow whose number appears in the result at least once reappears.
Ray Color

# per minor uncommon

# Color Ray item parcel *

1 Purple Ray of enfeeblement. 3


2 Blue Ray of frost (as 5th 6

level spellcaster)

3 Green Ray of sickness 9

4 Yellow Guiding bolt 6

5 Orange Chaos bolt 6

6 Red Scorching ray 1,3 3

1- If distributed as a separate item, and are shootable as an

attack, like normal arrows.

2- Requires you to concentrate, as normal.

3- You get all three rays when you shoot this rayrrow, and

can distribute them among multiple targets like normal. Roll

a separate attack roll for each ray.

Raynbow Higher-Rarity Variants

Any of the following alterations increase the raynbow's rarity by one step (each):
• Quick fire: You can shoot rayrrows from the raynbow as an attack, instead of as an action.

• Hourly Recharge: The raynbow recharges rayarrows with the 6d6 roll (as described above) at

the start of each hour, instead of only at dawn.

• Higher-damage rayrrows: The rayrrows are upgraded as follows:

Ray of enfeeblement deals 1d8 necrotic damage on a hit in addition to its other effects.

Ray of frost is cast as an 11th level spellcaster, instead of a 5th.

Ray of sickness, guiding bolt, chaos bolt & scorching ray are cast at one higher slot level than their minimum.
• Antimagic eye: As an action, you may have the raynbow's central eye produce a 30-foot cone of antimagic emanating from

that central eye for up to 1 hour. You must concentrate on maintaining this antimagic as if concentrating on a spell. At the

start of each of your turns during the hour duration, you decide whether the cone is active for that turn or or not. The

antimagic works against the raynbow's own rayrrows. Once this special action is used, it can't be used again until the

next dawn.
Salamander Flame Gauntlets Scroll of Mapping
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item (Scroll), Uncommon or Very Rare (requires
These dark metal gauntlets were forged using fire from the attunement)
heart of a salamander. While wearing them, your unarmed By using an action to read the scroll, you cause the arcane
strikes with your hands deal an extra 1d4 fire damage to script on the page to vanish and become an inked map of
any target they hit. the surrounding area. The map shows the area in a 1-mile
In addition, you can use a bonus action to cast the flame radius centered on the point where you read the scroll &
blade spell (4th-level version, no concentration required) indicates both structures and topography. By touching the
from the gauntlets, using either your spellcasting ability or map, a small light appears to indicate where you are. Using
your choice of Strength or Dexterity for the spellcasting a series of natural gestures when touching the page, you
ability of the spell when you do. can cause the map to change its scale or displayed portion
While holding the fiery blade, you can use an action to make of the area. The scroll isn't destroyed when you read it, but
a ranged spell attack with it instead. When you do, the can't be used to create a different map.
blade becomes a fiery spear with a range of 30 feet. On a The following scroll of mapping is a very rare variant with
hit, the spear deals 4d6 fire damage. Immediately after the additional properties. This map is in color and displays the
attack, the fiery blade reforms in your hand. names of large and small locations, depending on the
★ The flames burned hot in my heart, but hotter in my map's scale, such as the name of the region, street, or
clenched fists. nearby shop. In addition, you can use an action to touch the

map and ask it where a familiar person or place is that you

can name or clearly describe. If the person or place is

somewhere that can be shown on the map, an X appears

on it at the target's location.

If there are multiple targets with the same name or

description within the area, multiple marks appear. If the

target is a creature that's in a different form, such as being

under the effects of a polymorph spell, or can't be detected

by divination magic or scrying sensors, the map doesn't

display its location.

If the target is moving, the X follows its movements for the

duration. The marked target remains shown on the map
Scarlet Scourge for 10 minutes, after which time the X vanishes. Once this
Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement) property of the map has been used, it can't be used again
This whip is made from the severed vertebrae of a slain until 12 hours have passed.
★ *"Alright, map: where's the sunuvabitch who took my
vampire's victims. sword?"
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with ★ *No response
this magic weapon. ★ *"Ugh, fine. Map, where the hell is a tavern?"
The whip siphons blood from creatures that it hits. Whenever ★ *No less than 50 X'es appear on the map, obscuring their
you hit a Small or larger living creature with the whip that various names from view.
is not a construct, plant, or undead, the bone blade at its ★ *"Well, that's something at least."
end absorbs some of its blood and gains 1 charge.
The whip can hold up to 10 charges and loses its charges
whenever you complete a short or long rest. While holding
the whip, you can use a bonus action to speak its command
word to convert these charges into healing energy.
When you do, the whip loses all its charges and you regain 2
hit points for each charge lost. For every 5 charges the
whip has, the muscle fibers that hold it together loosen and
add 5 feet to the weapon's reach.
★ You will never escape my reach, mortal. While my thirst
cannot be put to rest, you can be.

Silver Sword of the Githyanki Singing Blade
Weapon (Greatsword), Very Rare (requires attunement) Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement by a bard or
Requirement: Attunement by a creature that has psionic wizard)
ability You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with magic weapon. You can use this sword as a spellcasting
this magic weapon, focus. While attuned to this item, you can use your
As long as you remain attuned, you gain Resistance to spellcasting ability for attack and damage rolls with this
Psychic Damage as well as Advantage on INT, WIS, & weapon. You also gain proficiency in attacks with this
CHA saving throws. weapon.
If you score a critical hit with it against a creature's astral When you miss a creature with this weapon, you can use a
body (that is, the creature is under the effect of the astral bonus action to let your blade sing. The creature must
projection spell or similar magic), you can cut the silvery make a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting
cord that tethers the target to its material body, instead of ability. On a failure, they are charmed or frightened (your
dealing damage, choice) until the end of your next turn.
★ Make sure to hide this from any Githyanki. They WILL
want it back. Sir Percival's Lost Pestle
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
Singing Stein This granite pestle is inlaid with intricate brass pieces as if
Wondrous item, common the rock had flowed and cooled around them. The name
While this pewter stein holds at least a sip’s worth of potable 'Sir Percival' is carved into the stone in wobbly lettering, as
alcohol, the face adorning it comes alive to sing songs if written by a child.
based on the kind of drink. The stein is not sentient, but The pestle provides a +3 bonus to spell attcks and saving
does have a pleasant singing voice. If there are multiple throw DC. A creature attuned to it automatically succeeds
steins in the same room, they can sing together in harmony on brewing potions and poisons of common rarity, and
if they have the same drinks within them. gains a +3 bonus to alchemy checks made to craft potions
The stein sings songs slightly out of key if the drink inside is and poisons of uncommon rarity or higher.
poisoned, which can be heard following a successful If a creature is subjected to a poison brewed using Sir
Wisdom (Perception) check as determined by the GM. If Percival's Lost Pestle, it has disadvantage on saving throws
there are multiple kinds of alcohol within it, the stein either to resist the poison.
alternates between song types or does its best to combine If a creature drinks any healing potion brewed using Sir
their various lyrics. Example drink Type of song Wine Percival's Lost Pestle, it automatically regains the
Ballad Rum Sea Shanty Ale Drinking song maximum possible number of hit points.
★ The tavern was raucous from outside. While Idelin didn't See Chapter 1: Herbalism and Alchemy for a list of potions
hear music, she did hear the drunken singing of the and poisons, and how to craft them.
patrons within. Seeing as this was the last stop she could Skiff of the Githyanki
make before the long day's journey ahead of her, she strode
up to the Drunken Skull's door. The name itself gave her Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a creature
pause, but she didn't have the luxury of choice for respite with psionics)
tonight. This object appears as a wooden box that measures 6 inches
★ Inside, over a dozen grizzled adventures sang around a long, 3 inches wide, and 3 inches deep. It weighs 2 pounds
single table. At their center sat a single cup of mead, and and floats. It can be opened to store items inside.
while the mead itself was nothing extraordinary, the cup As an action, you can transform this item into a boat 24 feet
that held the drink was. The metal stein had a face friendly long, 8 feet wide, and 6 feet deep. The ship has a deck, an
enough for a cup, she guessed, but its voice was so heartfelt anchor, a deck cabin, and a mast with a sail. The ship can
and full of life that she joined in and sang along. hold 10 Medium creatures comfortably. This boat has a
flying speed of 50 feet, but can only be powered by psionics
(biological or mechanical).
When the box becomes a vessel, its weight becomes that of a
normal vessel its size, and anything that was stored in the
box remains in the boat (and vice versa).

Spellsword Spiderbite Daggers
Weapon (shortsword), rare Weapon (dagger), rare
This item appears to be a shortsword hilt. This pair of daggers were made using the harvested fangs of
While grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to expend a large, venomous spider, each dealing an additonal 1D4
a spell slot of 1st level or higher to activate the sword, Piercing Damage.
causing a blade of pure energy to spring into existence. When you hit the same creature on your turn with both
The sword remains activated for 8 hours, or until you daggers, that creature must succeed on a DC 13
deactivate it early using an action. Constitution saving throw or take an extra 2d4 poison
Once you activate the sword in this way, you can use it as a damage and become poisoned until the end of its next turn.
spellcasting focus, and you are proficient with the ★ The venom the spider carried was agonizing: like daggers
spellsword for the duration. You can use your spellcasting racing within your veins. How fitting then, to materialize
ability, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for your attack and the fangs of the fallen creature in a way such as this.
damage rolls using this weapon, which deals force damage

instead of piercing damage.

If you activate the sword using a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, its

damage die becomes a d8, and you gain a +1 bonus to

attack and damage rolls made with it. If you use a 5th-level

slot or higher, its damage die becomes a d10, and the

bonus increases to +2 instead.

When you deactivate the weapon early using an action, the

remaining magic stored within the blade erupts into a wave

of energy. Each creature in a 10-foot cone must make a DC

15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 force

damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a

successful one.

If the sword was activated using a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot,

the force damage becomes 4d8, or 5d10 if it was activated

with a 5th-level slot or higher. The blade emits bright light

in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet, Sprite in a Bottle
and disappears if the sword is no longer activated or if you Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
let go of the weapon. While holding the activated sword, This item resembles a mason jar holding a Sprite of one of
you can use a bonus action to cause the blade to vanish or the following types: fire, cold, poison, acid or lightning.
reappear. Most Sprites have their own personality and sometimes
★ My magic runs as deep in me as the cuts it leaves behind.
telepathically talk to the creature that is attuned to them.
Some are mischievous and will try to convince the player to
wreak havoc, like the infamous Sprite Cindred, who was
once in the possession of a pyromaniac and has taken on
her personality.
The Sprite in a Bottle has 3 charges. You can use an action to
cause all creatures of your choice within 30 feet to lose
resistance to the element of the Sprite. Creatures that have
immunity against the element are weakened and instead
have resistance, and creatures weakened in this way
cannot be subjected to the Sprite's effects again for 24
hours. The effect lasts for 24 hours, and the Sprite in a
Bottle regains 1d3 charges at dawn. If the last charge is
used up, roll a d10. On a 1, the Sprite escapes, leaving only
the empty jar behind.
A creature attuned to the Sprite in a Bottle deals an
additional 1d6 damage of the Sprite's element with weapon
attacks, but can do so only once per turn.

the Sprite in a Bottle
Spirit Cleaver Starmetal Sliver
Weapon (Cleaver), legendary (requires attunement) Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)
This dark metal blade can slip between a person and their This slim blade was forged using strange, unearthly metals
spirit to sever their connection to one another. You gain a from a meteorite. When you use an action to toss this
+3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic magic dagger into the air, it orbits your body at a distance
weapon, which deals slashing damage instead of piercing of 1d3 feet. Another creature can use an action to grasp the
damage. dagger to separate it from you, either by making a
While holding this weapon, you can use an action to cast the successful attack roll against AC 24 or a successful DC 24
etherealness spell from it with the following changes: Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
• While on the Ethereal Plane, you can attack targets that you You can use an action to seize and either wield or stow the
can see on the plane you originated from with the spirit dagger. When you take the Attack action while the dagger
cleaver. These attacks are made with advantage. is orbiting you, you can use a bonus action to cause the
• If a target has 75 hit points or fewer after taking Sneak dagger to attack a target within 10 feet of you. The dagger
Attack damage in this way and isn't a construct or undead, uses your attack roll & ability score modifier to damage
it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or rolls. After the attack, the dagger returns to orbit you.
die. In addition, the dagger creates a small gravity field that wards
• The spell has a duration of 1 minute, but ends early if you off harm. While the dagger orbits you, when you are hit by
attack a creature on the plane you originated from with the a ranged weapon attack, the damage you take from the
spirit cleaver. attack is reduced by 1d10 + 4. If the damage is reduced to
Once this property of the weapon has been used, it can't be 0, the missile slows to a stop without hitting you & falls to
used again until the next dawn. the ground at your feet.
★ A tisket, a tasket, A fresh head for the basket. ★ With a final, thunderous cry, Corryn hurled the trident
★ A warning for my lover, Should they dare ignore it. downward. It found its mark and buried itself in the great
beast's shell: finding purchase within the gashes left by her
fallen comrades. From above the boat came a flash of light,
followed by a deafening roar, as a pillar of white, hateful
lightning pierced the Dragon Turtle, causing everything but
her steeled resolve to shudder from the impact.
★ The surrounding water hissed and crackled as it vaporized,
and the fearsome creature let out a final, defiant cry. The
water calmed, and the floating carcass of V'resh the Sea
Tyrant now lay resting before her: the glimmer of
gemstones and untold riches now catching in the returning
sun. She waited a long moment before retrieving her
trident with a flick of her mighty wrist. The storm in her
heart had begun to die down, but the soft mist and spark of
her great weapon would always remind her.

Storm Thrower Harpoon

Weapon (trident), legendary (requires attunement)

This weapon has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls

made with this magical weapon.

The trident has a chain attached to its handle that can be

used to retrieve the weapon once it’s been thrown using a

bonus action. When you hit with a ranged attack using this

weapon, it deals an additional 1d8 lightning damage. In

addition, this trident acts as a conduit for the sky’s

ferocious power.

Immediately after hitting a creature with the trident, you can

call down a bolt of lightning upon it, forcing it and all

creatures within 5 feet to make a DC 16 Dexterity saving

throw. On a failed save, creatures take 6d10 lightning

damage, or half as much on a success. Creatures have

disadvantage on the saving throw if they’re submerged in

water or wearing metal armor. You are immune to the

lightning damage caused by this effect.

This ability fails if the creatures are obstructed from the sky.

Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until the

next dawn. Impale. You can use your action to try to impale

and pull a creature toward you. If your target is a creature

that is no more than one size larger than you, you can

make a ranged weapon attack against it using the trident. If

you hit, you can attempt to pull the impaled creature

toward you by making a Strength (Athletics) check

contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) check. If you Sun Blade

succeed, you can pull the creature up to 20 feet toward you. Weapon (any bladed weapon except ranged), Very rare
★ With a final, thunderous cry, Corryn hurled the trident
downward. It found its mark and buried itself in the great (requires attunement)
beast's shell: finding purchase within the gashes left by her This item appears to be an ornate weapon hilt, the blade
fallen comrades. From above the boat came a flash of light, snapped about 3 inches above the crossguard.
followed by a deafening roar, as a pillar of white, hateful While grasping the hilt, you can use a Free Action to cause a
lightning pierced the Dragon Turtle, causing everything but blade of pure radiance to spring into existence, or make the
her steeled resolve to shudder from the impact. blade disappear. While the blade exists, this magic weapon
★ The surrounding water hissed and crackled as it vaporized, has the Finesse property. If you are attuned to it, you are
and the fearsome creature let out a final, defiant cry. The automatically proficient with the sun blade.
water calmed, and the floating carcass of V'resh the Sea While grasping the hilt, you can use a Free Action to cause a
Tyrant now lay resting before her: the glimmer of blade of radiance to spring into existence, or make it
gemstones and untold riches now catching in the returning disappear. When you hit with an attack using this magic
sun. weapon, the target takes 1D8 radiant damage instead of
★ She waited a long moment before retrieving her trident
slashing damage, and when you hit an Undead with it, that
with a flick of her mighty wrist. The storm in her heart had target takes an additional 2d4 radiant damage.
begun to die down, but the soft mist and spark of her great The weapon's luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot
weapon would always remind her. radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet.
The blade is made of the purest sunlight. While the blade
persists, you can use an action to expand or reduce its
radius of bright & dim light by 5 feet each, to a maximum
of 30 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet each.
Once this property of the weapon has been used, it can’t be
used again until the next dawn.

Tea Weird Thoughts & Prayers
Wondrous item, common Weapon (Knuckle dusters), Rare (Requires attunement)
This Tiny, sentient fragment of a charmed water elemental Thoughts: a crystalline knuckle duster. Deals 1d4
has an endless desire to create tea. When given a leaf or bludgeoning damage + 1d6 psychic damage on a hit.
other potential tea ingredient, its watery form gurgles Serves as an arcane focus once attuned.
happily as it begins to steep it, magically heating the water Prayers: a golden knuckle duster. Deals 1d4 bludgeoning
surrounding the ingredient to its ideal brewing damage + 1d6 radiant damage on a hit. Serves as a holy
temperature. It only picks up materials it chooses to and symbol of the user's chosen diety once attuned.
can control whether or not it's wet to the touch. The tea My Thoughts & Prayers go out to you... If a player has both
weird can inhabit up to 1 gallon of water, or as little as 1 Thoughts & Prayers attuned and equpped, every friendly
ounce. creature within 30 feet can cast Healing Word using their
Any water controlled by the tea weird is magical for the existing spellcasting ability, as if they have the spell
duration. The tea weird is considered a magical object and prepared and/or know it by heart. The Healing Word
is not a creature. It has a speed of 5 feet and can hover up granted by Thoughts & Prayers is not considered part of
to 5 feet off the ground. It has AC 10, 10 hit points, and has any spell list, and cannot be transcribed into a spellbook.
resistance to all damage. The tea weird regains all its hit If the wearer has no spellcasting ability, they gain a
points if given at least 1 ounce of water. Drinking the entire spellcasting ability feature with a spellcasting modifier of
tea weird is harmless to you, but destroys the item. +1, and one 1st level spell slot, and learn the spell Healing
Sentience. The tea weird is a sentient chaotic good item with Word. This spellcasting ability feature can only be used to
an Intelligence of 3, a Wisdom of 8, and a Charisma of 6. It cast Healing Word.
has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. It can't

speak or read, but understands Aquan and Common.

Personality. The tea weird is dedicated to making tea. It will

happily collect moisture, steep it with fresh ingredients,

and then separate itself from the freshly brewed tea by

pouring it into a cup or similar vessel. It avoids combat at

all costs and enjoys resting in cups, kettles, or the pockets

of friendly creatures.

★ "Hey, what flavor is this?"

★ "You mean the tea? I think the tea weird found a mint leaf

about a mile back."

★ "No no, not that. I meant the flavor text."

★ "Oh, that's meta flavor. It gets old quick, but it's nice to try

it out again every once in a while."

Weapon (rapier), very rare (requires attunement)
This item appears to be a sword hilt that has a small hole on
either end of it. The hilt is made of clear quartz and
contains an hourglass with sand inside it. Despite the holes
on the hilt, the sand never seems to flow out of the
You can speak the hilt’s command word as a bonus action to
cause it to form a thin blade of sand. The hourglass spills
sand from the bottom of the hilt that circulates up and
around to form the blade and guard of the rapier before
returning to the hourglass again through the hole at the
top. You can speak the hilt’s command word again as a
bonus action to cause all the sand to return to the
While the blade is formed, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and
damage rolls made with this magic weapon. While holding
the hilt, you can use an action to cast either the haste or
slow spell (save DC 16) from it. You have advantage on
Constitution saving throws you make in order to maintain
concentration on a spell cast in this way.
Once a spell has been cast using the hilt, it can’t be used to
cast that spell again until the next dawn. The sands in the
hourglass speed up or slow down while you concentrate on
a haste or slow spell respectively when cast in this way.
★ Time's up. For you, at least.
Utensil of Deliciousness Wane
Very Rare (requires attunement) Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement by a druid)
A bronze-colored Utensil inlayed with many colors, this This shield in the shape of the waning moon is said to be
Utensil make any food taste like the best possible prepared made of volcanic rock from the moon itself, slowly formed
dish of that food (Pasta tastes like a 5 star italian and reformed by the ever incessant tides.
restaurant, but dirt still tastes like dirt) While holding this shield, a creature attuned to it gains a +3
Any food eaten using this Utensil will taste as though affected bonus to AC.
by 'The Dust of Deliciousness'. It will not, however, dull the Wane grants its wearer an aura of faint moonlight as long as
senses of the consumer, instead giving them advantage on they are attuned to it. Dim light shines in a 30-foot radius
constitution-based checks and saves for one hour. sphere around the shield, and you can use a reaction to
you can make the Utensil shift between fork, knife, and spoon blind a creature that starts its turn in the sphere until the
at will. end of the creature's next turn, unless it succeeds on a

Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC.

A druid can use Wane as a spellcasting focus, and is able to

perform the somatic components of spells even when they

are holding something in both hands, as long as they are

holding Wane in one of them.

Special. If you are in possession of both Wax & Wane & are

attuned to both of them, Wane allows you to cast tidal wave

at 5th level once per day without using a spell slot. It

regains its charge at midnight.


Weapon (sickle), legendary (requires attunement by a druid)

This sickle is decorated with carvings that depict the moon's

phases and glow with faint blue light.

Wax gives a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with

this weapon, as well as a +3 bonus to spell attacks and

spell save DC.

If you hit a creature with a melee attack using Wax, the

creature is illuminated by faint moonlight. The next attack

roll made against the creature has advantage, then the
Voltedge moonlight fades away, whether the attack hits or not.
Weapon (any sword), rare A druid can use Wax as a spellcasting focus, and is able to
This split metal sword arcs with electricity between its two perform the somatic components of spells even when they
halves. have weapons or a shield in one or both hands, as long as
When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the they are holding Wax in one of them.
target takes an extra 1d6 lightning damage. While holding Special. If you are in possession of both Wax & Wane and are
this sword, you can use an action to unleash a concentrated attuned to both of them, Wax allows you to cast moonbeam
beam of lightning from the blade in a line that is 60 feet at 5th level once per day without using a spell slot and
long and 5 feet wide. without requiring concentration. It regains its charge at
Each creature within that line must make a DC 15 Dexterity midnight.
saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 lightning damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a success.
Once this property of the sword has been used, it can’t be
used again until the next dawn.
Wyrmling Wristlet Zedomtuc's Monocle of Valuation
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare
This bracelet has 1d6 + 3 colorful, egg-shaped beads hanging This monocle is crafted from gold with a few small gems
from it. Ten types of beads exist. The GM decides the type studding it and was crafted by tinkering-minded gnome
of each bead on the bracelet or determines it randomly. A that was a banker and tasked with valuing fine jewelry and
bracelet can have more than one bead of the same type. other trinkets and items.
You can use an action to detach a bead and throw it into an Whenever you make an Intelligence (Investigation) to check
unoccupied space that you can see up to 30 feet away from to determine the value of gems and other mundane items,
you. When it reaches the end of its trajectory, the bead you gain the following accuracy if you use this monocle:
cracks open, destroying the bead, and summons a dragon • DC 15 for accuracy within 100 gp for items under 1,000 gp
wyrmling in the space. The type of wyrmling is determined worth; within 500 for items under 5,000 gp worth; within
by the bead’s color. 1,500 for items worth more than 5,000 gp
Bead & Wyrmling Bead & Wyrmling • DC 21 for exact appraised worth
d10 Color d10 Color You may only check an individual item or gem once with the
monocle. Repeated attempts cannot reveal a more accurate
1 Black 6 Gold evaluation.
2 Blue 7 Green
Zenith, Halberd of Rhaulbaenn
3 Brass 8 Red Weapon (halberd), Very Rare (requires attunement)
4 Bronze 9 Silver This battle-hardened polearm has an exaggerated spike at its
5 Copper 10 White
bottom end to pierce enemies in combination attacks. The
pole has chinks and minor flaws indicative of the many
fights in which it was featured, but the blade and spike are
A summoned wyrmling disappears after 1 hour, when it made of masterwork iron with intricate decorative lacing.
drops to 0 hit points, or when you summon another The spike end of this magical weapon deals 1d6+ your
wyrmling. The wyrmling shares your initiative count, but it Strength modifier piercing damage (including when used
takes its turn immediately after yours. as part of the Polemaster feat).
It is friendly to you and your companions until you threaten Moment of Success. Rhaulbaenn was a master tactician,
or harm it. The wyrmling obeys any verbal commands that knowing the best moment to take advantage of an
you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue opponent's weakness. Whenever you make a successful
any commands to it, it defends itself from hostile creatures, attack of opportunity while attuned to and wielding this
but otherwise takes no actions. weapon, roll a d6. On a 4-6, you may take one additional
When the last bead has been used, the wristlet becomes reaction before your next turn (only to make another attack
nonmagical. of opportunity). On a 1-3, nothing happens.
Sweeping Strike. When you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack, you can damage another creature with the
same attack. Choose another creature within 5 feet of the
original target and within your reach. If the original attack
roll would hit the second creature, you deal your normal
weapon damage but do not add your Strength modifier.
The damage is of the same type dealt by the original attack.
You can only do this with the primary end of Zenith.

Legendary Artifacts
Because of the book's ordinary appearance, it is possible
The Book with No End for the characters to obtain it from someone who does not
Wonderous Item (requires attunment by a wizard) know its true value. It is equally possible that the characters
might have no idea of what they have. This process of
The Book with No End is a modest-sized tome with covers discovery, either by accident or as a result of the plots and
bound in the hide of a hatchling blu dragon and hinged in schemes of others seeking the book, constitutes an adventure
gold. A golden clasp seals the volume and illuminated sigils in itself. Discovering and deciphering the riddle of the book
emblazon the front and back. The pages are made of thick may also be part of a greater adventure. In this case, there is
parchment, smooth and uniform, and each is edged with gold a greater threat to the player characters (and the world)—
leaf. Despite its curious name, the book has exactly 100 possibly the appearance of an even greater and evil artifact in
pages, weighing about eight pounds. All told, the book is a the wrong hands. The Book then becomes a desperate but
notably mundane-looking artifact. useful means of defeating the foe.
The Book with No End was created by a wizard of little Once the Book has served its purpose, it is best removed
note or reputation known anymore only as Magus. No direct from the campaign. Wise player characters may do this on
records of this wizard, his ambitions, or the means by which their own; otherwise, it may have to be stolen, or worse still,
he created the book exist, but several sages who have spent the curse triggered. Of course, at least one player character
time in the study of this item agree that, based on the will have to die to save the others in this case.
properties of the tome, Magus was striving to make a device All the powers found in the Book with No End, whether
of some considerable power—no doubt for world domination constant or invoked, are found on specific pages therein. The
or a similar unattainable goal. book has only 100 pages (far shorter than the infinity its title
Whatever the ambitions of this Magus, his wizardly skills implies) and is normally found with 2d20 pages containing
were not up to the task. There is little doubt that he created active spells and with 1d20 pages containing drawings of the
an item of considerable power, but his workmanship was books previous owners. Reading any page is only possible
flawed. Tales say that in his greed for power he rushed his with the use of a read magic spell, with one spell needed per
work, taking shortcuts where time and patience would have page. Reading a page to learn its contents requires 8 hours
been better rewarded. Blind to his own mistakes, Magus study time. A suggested listing of pages and powers is given
managed to create a device that consequently devastated the below. The DM can freely rearrange or alter these pages. As
entire countryside the first time he attempted to use it. player characters read pages, it is their responsibility to track
Instead of granting him the power and mastery he desired, page numbers for later use.
The Book with No End pushed the already unstable wizard

over the brink of sanity.

Since Magus's day, the book has appeared several times,
sometimes with beneficial effect and sometimes to the utter
woe of all who find it. It supposedly provided the power
needed for the wizard Vorst Dircson to overthrow the hated
Lich-King of the North. It was also supposed to be the cause
of the madness that seized the wizard-scholars at the College
of Fire in Halverston (a madness that ended in the explosion
of that academy and the devastation of Halverston's port). It is
clear from these and other incidents that the book is intended
for wizards and even they must handle it at their own peril.
The current whereabouts of the book are unknown.
Deceitful rogues have been known to pass fake copies onto
gullible wizards. This is really much simpler than it sounds,
since normal detections and magical checks are known to fail
on items of artifact power.
Campaign Use
The Book with No End is an acceptable item for player
characters to find and use, although prolonged use risks the
death of the entire adventuring party. Because most if its
effects last only as long as a PC has the book, it is possible
for it to be introduced and removed with little longterm
damage to a campaign.

Abilities Possible Abilities
Constant. Wizards in possession of the book have all their d?? Ability Return
spell potencies increased by 1.5 times (range, duration, area 01 Conjure Elemental 1/long
of effect, and damage). In addition, the Wizard is under the rest
effect of an Enhance ability spell any time the they are
touching the book. 02 Shapechange 1/week
Invoked. The invoked powers can only be used when the 03 True Seeing 1/short
wizard opens the book to the correct page and reads it aloud. rest
A read magic spell is not necessary for this second reading. 04 Power Word Stun 1/long
Curse. PCs of classes other than wizard suffer 5dlO points rest
of electrical damage (Constitution save DC 18 for half
damage) upon opening the book. The user also risks artifact 05 Power Word Kill 1/week
possession with each page read. 06 Identify 1/long
Those possessed seek to lead in all things and eventually to rest
rule absolutely. 07 Permenant +1 to all Saving Throws remains
Every time an invoked power of the book is used, roll 1d20. blank
A roll of 1 triggers a monstrous devastation as the animus of
the book drains lOdlO points of damage from every creature 08 Permenant Advantage on Initiative remains
within 300 feet (no save). An owner that is killed by this drain blank
becomes a picture on one of the book's blank pages. 09 Gain the Paladin "Lay on Hands" Ability remains
Tricking the Book 10 Slow 3/long
This book is meant for a wizard to make use of it and as such rest
its power calls out to those who make use of magic through 11 Web 5/long
study and wrote learning. For this purpose, any Arcane caster rest
who uses Intelligence as thier primary casting ability is 12 Spider Climb 5/long
considered "a wizard". rest
Other arcane casters, or clerics of the arcana domain, can
attempt to attune to the book as well. To do so, they must 13 Transport via plants 1/short
spend a short rest attuning as normal, then must make an
arcana check (DC=15 plus 1 for each portrait within the 14 Speak with dead at will if
book) in order to fathom out the wizardly method of the book. touching
Once attuned, when using invoked abilities, these non- artifact
Intelligence based casters trigger an animus on a roll of 1 or 15 Transform the user into an undead creature. 1/long
2. The user retains all original hit points and rest
abilities and gains the immunities of an
Ways to Destroy the Book undead creature. In addition, the user is not
affected by gasses or poisons that would
When all the books blank pages are filled with images of harm a living being. The condition, lasts 1d6
its owners, its power is lost and it becomes a normal, non- turns
magical book.
or 16
The spirits of those trapped by the book must be freed.
Each page must be incinerated in the fiery breath of a red

The Hellfire Gauntlet
Armor (gauntlet), legendary (requires attunement by a
character with a Constitution score of at least 18)

Crafted from metal formed in a world far from this one.

Protective spikes protrude out from behind the wearer's
knuckles. A detailed sculpture of an unknown creature forms
most of the gauntlet's shape. An ever burning fire stems from
this sculpture and rises up to the elbow of whoever wears the
If one who meets the requirements of the gauntlet bears it.
they gain a myriad of new abilities.
• Their strength score increases by 2
• All melee weapon attacks they make deal an additional 2D4
fire damage.
• Any target, of large or smaller size, successfully damaged by
a melee attack must make a Strength saving throw or be
pushed back 5 feet. The DC for this save is equal to 8+
proficiency bonus + user's strength modifier.
• The user's unarmed strikes deal 1d8 damage and they are
considered proficient with unnamed strikes.
• The user gains access to the firebolt cantrip (use creature's
level to determine damage Wisdom is used for calculating
the hit bonus for firebolt.
By spending an action, the following effect activates:
• The user smashes their weapon into the ground, creating a
devastating shock wave of force and fire. All creatures AWAKENED
within 20 feet of the user must make Dexterity saving When a character awakens the Hellfire Gauntlet, apply the
throws or take 2d6 force damage, 2d6 fire damage, and be following changes to the item's traits:
knocked prone, or half as much damage on a save and not
knocked prone. The DC for this effect is equal to 8+ • The amount of fire damage delt increases to 3d4.
proficiency bonus + user's strength modifier. This ability • The knock back effect applies to huge and smaller creatures
can be used a number of times equal to the users strength The user gains access to the fireball spell The spell is cast
modifier per long rest. at its base level Wisdom is used for calculating their hit
bonus. This spell can be used a number of times per long
rest equal to the character's wisdom modifier.
By spending an action, one of the following effects activate.
Multiple effects can be active at once.
• The user smashes their weapon into the ground creating a
devastating shock wave of force and fire. All creatures
within 20 feet of the user must make Dexterity saving
throws or take 4d6 force damage, 4d6 fire damage, and be
knocked prone, or half as much damage on a save and not
knocked prone. The DC for this effect is equal to 8+
proficiency bonus + user's strength modifier. This ability
can be used a number of times equal to the users strength
modifier per long rest.
• An aura of fire washes over you for 1 minute. Any creature
that damages you with a melee weapon or spell attack
takes 3d6 fire damage. Grappled targets take 3d6 fire
damage at the beginning of each of their turns while they
are grappled. This ability can be used once per long rest.

In addition, any time a major power is invoked there is a
The Rod of 7 Parts 5% chance all pieces will teleport away as described above,
except at 7 times the distance. When this happens all effects
(the Rod of Law) caused by the rod immediately cease.
Wonderous Item, legendary The Rod of Law
The Rod of Seven Parts, when whole, is a 5-foot-long pole Further, once the 7 parts have been reformed, it is possible to
which was once known as the Rod of Law. The command re-concecrate the Rod to the high gods of law, reforging it into
words for each piece are "Ruat," "Caelum," "Fiat," "Justitia," the Rod of Law. To do so requires knowledge of the proper
"Ecce," "Lex," and "Rex," which collectively make up a Latin rituals through an Arcana check (DC=40) as well as a history
phrase that translates into "Though heaven fall, let justice be check (DC=40). The rod must then be taken to the place it
done. Behold! Law is king." was broken and a ritual conducted, a process taking 7 hours
per day for 7 days. At the climax of this ritual, the Rod of 7
The Rods Parts Parts will be re-forged into the Rod of Law.
Segment Effect Recast
4" tip Cure wounds 1 per day The Rod of Law
5" segment Slow, 49 rounds 1 per day
While wielding the Rod of Law, you possess magic resistance
and all enemies within 20 feet of you must save vs spell or
6" segment haste, 49 rounds 1 per day flee in panic. You also gain an Aura of Conquest, as if you
8" segment gust of wind, 30 feet by 600 feet 5 per day were a Paladin with the Oath of Conquest of a level equal to
your own level. Extraplanar servants of law (such as formians,
10" segment true seeing, 49 rounds 1 per day modrons, inevitables, etc) will respond to your spoken words
12" segment hold monster, 49 rounds 1 per day as if they were commands issued to a dominated creature.
15" segment heal 1 per day Mortal servants of law (such as clerics or paladins of lawful
dieties) are not affected as strongly, but will still be heavily
For spells or effects which can be cast at multiple levels, inclined to trust your words and follow your commands,
the spell is considered to be cast at a spell level equal to the requiring a insight check (DC=30) to resist that enforced
number of parts you possess, or at the minimum level trust. Additionally, while weilding the rod, you are able to
required to cast the spell, whichever is higher. listen to a statement and know innately the lawfulness (or
unlawfulness) of the statement. This ability does not intuit
Holding Multiple Parts right or wrong, meerly legal or illegal, and is based in the
Segment Effect Recast divine law as set down by the ancient creators of the rod.

2 parts fly at will

3 parts magic resistance always on
4 parts control winds 2 per day
5 parts polymorph 2 per day
6 parts wind walk 1 per day
7 parts restoration 1 per day
7 parts all enemies in 20' must save at will
vs spell or flee in panic

The Rods Curse

The item, as most artifacts, comes with a curse. Having three
or more pieces makes you unwilling to part with the item(s)
(DC=15+1 per piece to resist), and each day you possess the
pieces they attempt to dominate your alignment to utmost
lawfulness (DC=18+2 per piece to resist).
Rejoining the Rod
It is difficult to bring two pieces together without the proper
precautions. An arcana check (DC=30) and 8 hours
meditation and study are required to know and conduct the
proper rituals to bring two pieces to joining. Failing to do so
will cause the pieces to teleport 1d100 miles into a random
direction when pieces are brought together.

The Rod of Law also possesses 49 charges, which can be
used to fuel the below abilities. The Rod of Many Shards
Rod of Law (the Rod of Chaos)
Charges Ability
Wonderous Item, legendary
0 fly
1 cure wounds
The Rod of Many Shards, when whole, is a 5-foot-long pole
which was once known as the Rod of Chaos. The shattered
2 gust of wind rod consists of 9 primary pieces along with almost countless
3 haste, slow fragments.
The command words for each primary piece are shown in
4 polymorph the table below, which collectively make up a R'lyehian
5 control winds, geas, greater restoration, hold phrase that translates into "In his house at R'lyeh, dead
monster Cthulhu waits dreaming."
6 heal, true seeing, wind walk
The Rods Primary Shards
7 Mordenkainen's Sword, sequester, teleport Segment Effect Recast
8 control weather ph Dark Compulsion 1 per
9 gate of law, wish day
'nglui Summon the Traveller 1 per
The rod of law recovers charges in groups of 7 every day at day
dawn. Additionally, the Rod of Law often possesses other mglw Sanity Leech 1 per
unique abilities which may become apparent over time. day
For example, the Rod begins with 49 charges. You cast fly,
cure wounds, and heal from the Rod of Law, using a total of 'nafh The Place of Dead Roads at will
10 charges. At the following dawn, the Rod regains 7 Cthulhu The Stars Align Once
charges, back up to 46 charges. R'lyeh Allows the bearer to speak, read and Always
You then cast wish, and polymorph, 11 charges, bringing understand R'lyehian. Confers on
the rod down to 35 charges. The following dawn the rod disadvantage on all sanity saves.
regains 14 charges, up to 49. wgah Feeblemind 3 per
Gate of Law
'nagl True Seeing, 49 rounds 1 per
9th-level conjuration day
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet fthagn Sharing the Secret Always
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 5,000 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You conjure a portal linking an unoccupied space you can see
For spells or effects which can be cast at multiple levels,
within range to a precise location on a different plane of
the spell is considered to be cast at a spell level equal to the
existence. The portal is a hexagonal opening, which you can number of parts you possess, or at the minimum level
make 7 to 21 feet in diameter. You can orient the portal in
required to cast the spell, whichever is higher.
any direction you choose. The portal lasts for the duration.
The portal has a front and a back on each plane where it Shards of Chaos
appears. Travel through the portal is possible only by Shards of Chaos are the tiny, numberless flecks of broken
moving through its front. Anything that does so is instantly wood which once formed the staff along with the Primary
transported to the other plane, appearing in the unoccupied shards. Each shard is classified as either a Least, a Lesser, or
space nearest to the portal. Deities and other planar rulers a Greater shard. Least shards have only 1 charge. Lesser
can prevent portals created by this spell from opening in shards have 1d3 charges, and Greater shards have 1d6
their presence or anywhere within their domains. charges.
When you cast this spell, you can speak the name of a specific The spell each shard contains is randomly determined by
lawful creature (a pseudonym, title, or nickname doesn’t rolling on the Shards of Chaos table located at the end of this
work) or a type of lawful extraplanar creature (such as "a entry.
Kolyarut Inevitable"). If that creature is on a plane other than
the one you are on, the portal opens in the named creature’s
immediate vicinity and draws the creature through it to the
nearest unoccupied space on your side of the portal. You
gain no special power over the creature, and it is free to act
as the DM deems appropriate. It might leave, attack you, or
help you.

Holding Multiple Parts
Holding a Piece of Chaos
If you possess multiple pieces of the Rod of Many Shards, roll
When you attune to one of the 9 Primary shards, you become 1d200 a number of times equal to the number listed in the
affected by Chaos on a deep and meaningful level as the following chart. Reference the resul on the Shards of Chaos
realisation of the vastness of things you do not understand table (below). You gain the ability to cast the rolled ability 1d3
seeps into the core of your being. You gain a new ability times per long rest.
score, "Sanity". This ability score an the knowledge gained in
the process become a part of you, and remain with you even if Segment Effect
you later give up or lose the fragment of the Rod. 2 parts Roll 3 times
3 parts Roll 4 times
You gain an additional Ability Score, Sanity. Your Sanity score
4 parts Roll 5 times
starts out as per the formula below. 5 parts Roll 7 times
12 + 2d6 - Int Mod - Wis Mod 6 parts Roll 9 times
From time to time you may be asked to make a Sanity check 7 parts Roll 12 times
or save. A Sanity check or save is made in the same way any
7 parts Roll 15 times
standard ability check or save is made. Sanity cannot be
8 parts Roll 19 times
increased when leveling up. Additions or Subtractions to your
sanity score can be awarded at DM discretion.
The Rod's Curse
The item, as most artifacts, comes with a curse. Having three
or more pieces makes you unwilling to part with the item(s)
(DC=15+1 per piece to resist), and each day you possess the
pieces they attempt to dominate your alignment to utmost
chaotic (DC=18+2 per piece to resist).
Rejoining the Rod
It is difficult to bring two pieces together without the proper
precautions. An arcana check (DC=30) and 8 hours
meditation and study are required to know and conduct the
proper rituals to bring two pieces to joining. Failing to do so
will cause the pieces to teleport 1d100 miles into a random
direction when pieces are brought together.
The arcana check DC is reduced by 1 for each 10 splinters
of chaos you lay circled around the joining area during the
In addition, any time a major power is invoked there is a
5% chance all pieces will teleport away as described above,
except at 7 times the distance. When this happens all effects
caused by the rod immediately cease.
The Rod of Chaos
Further, once the 9 parts have been reformed, it is possible to
re-concecrate the Rod to the high gods of Chaos, reforging it
into the Rod of Chaos. To do so requires knowledge of the
proper rituals through an Arcana check (DC=40) as well as a
sanity save (DC=25). The rod must then be taken to the place
it was broken and a ritual conducted, a process taking 1d12
hours per day for 1d12 days. At the climax of this ritual, the
Rod of Many Shards will be re-forged into the Rod of Chaos.

The Rod of Chaos After casting any spell from the Rod of Chaos, roll a sanity
While wielding the Rod of Chaos, you possess magic save (DC=19). On a failed save you must choose to a) lose 1
resistance and all enemies within 20 feet of you must save vs (or 1d4 if you used more than 5 charges) point(s) of Sanity
Sanity or become insane for 1d12 rounds. You also gain an (permanently) or The Rod loses 10x the charges the ability
Aura of Treachery, as if you were a Paladin with the Oath of would normally cost. If this would drain more charges than
Treachery of a level equal to your own level. Extraplanar the Rod possesses, you become permanently insane and the
servants of chaos (such as illithids, ..., etc) will respond to rod statters to the far reaches.
your spoken words as if they were commands issued to a The rod of chaos recovers charges 3d4 every day at dawn.
dominated creature. Mortal servants of chaos (such as clerics Additionally, the Rod of Chaos often possesses other
of chaotic dieties) are not affected as strongly, but will still be unique abilities which may become apparent over time.
heavily inclined to trust your words and follow your
commands, requiring a insight check (DC=30) to resist that Gate of Chaos
enforced trust. 9th-level conjuration
Additionally, while weilding the rod, you are able to listen to Casting Time: 1 action
a statement and know innately the best way to use the Range: 60 feet
statement to further chaos. Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 5,000 gp)
The Rod of Chaos also possesses ((1d6 x 10) + 1d6) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
charges, which can be used to fuel the below abilities. You conjure a portal linking an unoccupied space you can see
within range to a precise location on a different plane of
Rod of Chaos existence. The portal is a swirling, writhing tear, which you
Charges Ability can make up to 31 feet in diameter. You can orient the
0 any Lunamancy Cantrip portal in any direction you choose. The portal lasts for the
1 any Lunamancy 1st level spell duration. The portal has a front and a back on each plane
where it appears. Travel through the portal is possible only
2 any Lunamancy 2nd level spell, any Cantrip from by moving through its front. Anything that does so is
the Wizard spell list instantly transported to the other plane, appearing in the
3 any Lunamancy 3rd level spell, any 1st level spell unoccupied space nearest to the portal. Deities and other
from the Wizard spell list planar rulers can prevent portals created by this spell from
4 any Lunamancy 4th level spell, any 2nd level spell opening in their presence or anywhere within their domains.
from the Wizard spell list When you cast this spell, you can speak the name of a specific
chaotic creature (a pseudonym, title, or nickname doesn’t
5 any Lunamancy 5th level spell, any 3rd level spell work) or a type of chaotic extraplanar creature (such as "a
from the Wizard spell list
gibbering mouther"). If that creature is on a plane other than
6 any Lunamancy 6th level spell, any 4th level spell the one you are on, the portal opens in the named creature’s
from the Wizard spell list immediate vicinity and draws the creature through it to the
7 any Lunamancy 7th level spell, any 5th level spell nearest unoccupied space on your side of the portal.
from the Wizard spell list You gain no special power over the creature, and it is free to
act as the DM deems appropriate. It might leave, attack you,
8 any Lunamancy 8th level spell, any 6th level spell
or help you.
from the Wizard spell list
9 any Lunamancy 9th level spell, any 7th level spell
from the Wizard spell list Shards of Chaos
10 any 8th level spell from the Wizard spell list, Gate Least shards have only 1 charge. Lesser shards have 1d3
of Chaos charges, and Greater shards have 1d6 charges.
11 any 9th level spell from the Wizard spell list To determine which spell a shard contains, roll on the
Shards of Chaos table.
For Least Shards roll 1d100
For Lesser Shards roll 1d200
For Greater Shards roll 1d230

Shards of Chaos Shards of Chaos (cont.)
1d220 Effect 1d220 Effect
1 The Place of Dead Roads 36 Comprehend Languages
2 Blood of my Blood 37 Detect Magic
3 Sharing the Secret 38 Disguise Self
4 Sanity Leech 39 Expeditious Retreat
5 Summon the Traveller 40 False Life
6 Tear the Living Flesh 41 Feather Fall
7 Grasp into Darkness 42 Find Familiar
8 Tendrils of the Broken Mind 43 Fog Cloud
9 The Darkness Feasts 44 Grease
10 The Minds Mansion 45 Identify
11 Sharing the Secret 46 Illusory Script
12 Dark Compulsion 47 Jump
13 Nightmare 48 Longstrider
14 The Stars Align 49 Mage Armor
15 Acid Splash 50 Magic Missile
16 Blade Ward 51 Protection from Evil and Good
17 Chill Touch 52 Ray of Sickness
18 Dancing Lights 53 Shield
19 Fire Bolt 54 Silent Image
20 Friends 55 Sleep
21 Light 56 Tasha's Hideous Laughter
22 Mage Hand 57 Tenser's Floating Disk
23 Mending 58 Thunderwave
24 Message 59 Unseen Servant
25 Minor Illusion 60 Witch Bolt
26 Poison Spray 61 Alter Self
27 Prestidigitation 62 Arcane Lock
28 Ray of Frost 63 Blindness/Deafness
29 Shocking Grasp 64 Blur
30 True Strike 65 Cloud of Daggers
31 Alarm 66 Continual Flame
32 Burning Hands 67 Crown of Madness
33 Charm Person 68 Darkness
34 Chromatic Orb 69 Darkvision
35 Color Spray 70 Detect Thoughts
71 Enlarge/Reduce
72 Flaming Sphere
73 Gentle Repose
74 Gust of Wind
75 Hold Person
76 Invisibility
77 Knock
78 Levitate
79 Locate Object

Shards of Chaos (cont.) Shards of Chaos (cont.)
1d230 Effect 1d220 Effect
80 Magic Mouth 122 Vampiric Touch
81 Magic Weapon 123 Water Breathing
82 Melf's Acid Arrow 124 Arcane Eye
83 Mirror Image 125 Banishment
84 Misty Step 126 Blight
85 Nystul's Magic Aura 127 Confusion
86 Phantasmal Force 128 Conjure Minor Elementals
87 Ray of Enfeeblement 129 Control Water
88 Rope Trick 130 Dimension Door
89 Scorching Ray 131 Evard's Black Tentacles
90 See Invisibility 132 Fabricate
91 Shatter 133 Fire Shield
92 Spider Climb 134 Greater Invisibility
93 Suggestion 135 Hallucinatory Terrain
94 Web 136 Ice Storm
95 Animate Dead 137 Leomund's Secret Chest
96 Bestow Curse 138 Locate Creature
97 Blink 139 Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
98 Clairvoyance 140 Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
99 Counterspell 141 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
100 Dispel Magic 142 Phantasmal Killer
101 Fear 143 Polymorph
102 Feign Death 144 Stone Shape
103 Fireball 145 Stoneskin
104 Fly 146 Wall of Fire
105 Gaseous Form 147 Animate Objects
106 Glyph of Warding 148 Bigby's Hand
107 Haste 149 Cloudkill
108 Hypnotic Pattern 150 Cone of Cold
109 Leomund's Tiny Hut 151 Conjure Elemental
110 Lightning Bolt 152 Contact Other Plane
111 Magic Circle 153 Creation
112 Major Image 154 Dominate Person
113 Nondetection 155 Dream
114 Phantom Steed 156 Geas
115 Protection from Energy 157 Hold Monster
116 Remove Curse 158 Legend Lore
117 Sending 159 Mislead
118 Sleet Storm 160 Modify Memory
119 Slow 161 Passwall
120 Stinking Cloud 162 Planar Binding
121 Tongues 163 Rary's Telepathic Bond

Shards of Chaos (cont.)

1d220 Effect
Shards of Chaos (cont.)
164 Scrying 1d220 Effect
165 Seeming 207 Clone
166 Telekinesis 208 Control Weather
167 Teleportation Circle 209 Demiplane
168 Wall of Force 210 Dominate Monster
169 Wall of Stone 211 Feeblemind
170 Arcane Gate 212 Incendiary Cloud
171 Chain Lightning 213 Maze
172 Circle of Death 214 Mind Blank
173 Contingency 215 Power Word Stun
174 Create Undead 216 Sunburst
175 Disintegrate 217 Telepathy
176 Drawmij's Instant Summons 218 Astral Projection
177 Eyebite 219 Foresight
178 Flesh to Stone 220 Gate
179 Globe of Invulnerability 221 Imprisonment
180 Guards and Wards 222 Meteor Swarm
181 Magic Jar 223 Power Word Kill
182 Mass Suggestion 224 Prismatic Wall
183 Move Earth 225 Shapechange
184 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere 226 Time Stop
185 Otto's Irresistible Dance 227 True Polymorph
186 Programmed Illusion 228 Weird
187 Sunbeam 229 Wish
188 True Seeing 230 Roll 1d3 times and shard contains all spells rolled
189 Wall of Ice
190 Delayed Blast Fireball
191 Etherealness
192 Finger of Death
193 Forcecage
194 Mirage Arcane
195 Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
196 Mordenkainen's Sword
197 Plane Shift
198 Prismatic Spray
199 Project Image
200 Reverse Gravity
201 Sequester
202 Simulacrum
203 Symbol
204 Teleport
205 Antimagic Field
206 Antipathy/Sympathy

The Sword of the Stars
The Sword of the Stars is said to have once hailed from Krynnspace, though it is unclear if this is where the item was first created.
Legend has it that the blade was brought into life by the breath of Gilean himself, at the behest of Paladine. The legend also
states that a dwarf was instructed to deliver the sword to a Knight of the Order of the Rose, but instead stole the blade away, and
eventually made his way offworld with it aboard a gnomish moonship and then further, and eventually out of Krynnspace all
The blade was then said to have vanished for hundreds of years, until it eventually surfaced on the Rock of Bral, and was sold in
a very exclusive magic auction for a price reported to have been enough to buy a fleet of ships.
After the auction the blade disappeared for another 300 years, until less than a decade ago it was seen on the hip of a
spelljammer captain and collector. The collector vanished only weeks later, supposedly on a quest to find and tame the legendary
Spelljammer itself.

Sword of the Stars

Weapon (Greatsword), legendary (must choose to attune itself
to you)
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage roles made with
The Sword of the Stars and the sword deals 3d8 radiant
damage in place of the standard longswords damage. It also
has the following additional properties.
Protected From Identification. The Sword of the Stars
can control how much he allows an Identification spell to
discover. In most cases, Identification will reveal The Sword
of the Stars to be a +3 Radiant Longsword, unless he chooses
to reveal more.
Protected from Legend Lore. Legend Lore will often
reveal much of the history of a great item. In the case of The
Sword of the Stars however, the time of it's creation predates
legends. While Legend Lore may reveal some of the more
recent exploits of heroes carrying the blade, Legend Lore is
useless in determining the origin of this ancient blade.
Sentience. The Sword of the Stars is a sentient lawful
neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 35, a Wisdom of 25,
and a Charisma of 20. It has hearing, darkvision, and true
sight out to a range of 1000 feet. It can choose to confer
these abilities to its wielder if it wishes.
The weapon can speak, read, and understand any language
and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice
is high pitched and often a bit grating.
Personality. The Sword of the Stars speaks with an often
frustrating superiority, often worsened by the fact that is often
well aware that it is much more intelligent than its wielder.
The Sword of the Stars demands that his bearer uphold a
standard of law and a search for knowledge, and will punish
deviations from these causes, depending on their severity.
Secrets. The Sword of the Stars has hidden powers and
talents, which may become apparent over time.

Pop Culture Items
Aodh Blade of Ascalon
Weapon (Battleaxe), Legendary Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement)
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Requirement: Level 15.
this magic weapon. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
★ The battle axe known as Aodh is well known in ancient this razor-sharp magic weapon, dealing a total of 5D8
legends, some of which claim it burns with the blood of the slashing damage.
first demon it slew. As long as you remain attuned, you gain Resistance to
★ Others purport that its fiery nature is due to the volcanic Psychic Damage as well as Advantage on INT, WIS, &
aurum used in its construction. Whatever the reason, the CHA saving throws.
flames surrounding Aodh’s blade deal an additional +3 Fire No creature, entity, deity or being is immune to damage from
Damage. the blade of Ascalon.
Ammo-Belt of Teleportation
Once you have attuned to the Blade of Ascalon, you can't be
disarmed of it unless you reach 0 hit points. If it is on the
Wondrous Item (belt), legendary (required attunement by same plane of existence, you can summon it to you as a
someone insane) bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to
Once made by a drunken wizard who desired to create a your hand.
method to avoid conflict or escape deadly situations (and As an action while wielding Ascalon, you can manifest the
child support), the "Ammo-Belt of Teleportation" grants the mythical Armour of Ascalon across your body. The armour
user, whether a magic-user or not, the ability to travel far increases your AC by 2 (to a minimum of 16) and protects
distances and even other planes of existence. you from the effects of any curse, or aging, while worn. You
The belt is made of silver, with a golden leather strap and on can manifest both sword and armour while transformed,
the center of the ring is a ruby gem embedded in it. The and the sword and armour both scale to your current size.
belt gently hums with energy while not equipped. While ★ You have been deemed worthy to wield the creator of the
you are attuned to this belt, you may use one of it's 20 Matrix Core's previous creation, the infamous sword,
charges to cast the teleportation circle spell on yourself Ascalon. Make sure not to annoy Azmuth too much. He
without needing material components, it instead draws WILL take it back.
magical sigils on the ground.
With two charges, you may instead cast the teleport spell. By
using three charges, you can cast the plane shift spell to
travel across other planes. The ring regains 1d20 charges
at dawn.
Armor of the Bat Knight
Armor, legendary (requires attunement)
You have a +3 bonus to AC while wearing this set of plate
In addition, the armor is made of mithril; it does not impose a
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and does not
have a Strength requirement.
Finally, the armor has resistance against cold and fire

Blade of Grass

Weapon (shortsword), Legendary (requires attunement)

This strange weapon is seemingly made of steel, but looks

and feels like a large amount of grass in the shape of a


You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with

this magic weapon, as well as a +3 bonus to spell attacks

and spell save DC.

On your turn, you can use the Blade of Grass to cast the spell

'Vine Whip' at 5th level as a bonus action. Ouside of

combat, you can choose to hide away the Blade of Grass

and have it reshape itself into a bracer or wrist brace.

Cursed. This sword is cursed and possessed by a vengeful

spirit. When you attune to this magic item, you become

cursed until the curse is broken with a remove curse spell

or similar magic. You can’t voluntarily end your attunement Helmet of the Bat Knight
to the item unless the curse is broken first. Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
As long as you remain cursed, you are incapable of parting While wearing this helm, you have truesight out to a range of
with the sword, try as you might. While attuned to this 60 ft.
weapon, if you attempt to discard the Blade of Grass, it will If you already have truesight, wearing the helmet increases
be wrapped around your wrist the next time you awaken its range by 60 feet.
from a short or long rest, trying to keep itself on your Additionally, you are immune to psychic damage and have
person at all times. advantage on saving throws against being charmed and
Bracers of the Bat Knight
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) Hew
While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus to AC if Weapon (Dwarven Battleaxe), Very Rare
you using no shield. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
Fan’Harel's Tooth
this magic weapon, also dealing maximum damage if you
make an attack roll against is a plant-related enemy or an
Wondrous Item (Necklace), Legendary object made of wood.
You gain a +3 bonus to Dexterity Checks made to detect and ★ It's a little rusty, but DAMN, is it good against dryads and
disarm traps and locks. firewood alike!
If the wearer fails a check to overcome a lock or trap while ★ You may feel uneasy carrying this thing whenever you
wearing the Tooth, the charm no longer provides the bonus travel through a forest.
against that obstacle, but the bonus granted against other
traps and locks rises to +4, continuing to improve by +1
after each such failure, but resetting to +3 after a
successful check.
★ Said to be a tooth from the mouth of the minor elven god
Fan’Harel, this simple charm provides some of the Dread
Wolf’s fickle cunning when worn on a necklace.
Glasses of Nerdicon
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
These magical glasses allow the wearer to become super
smart, but there can be unintended consequences. While
wearing these glasses you gain the following benefits:
• Your intelligence score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
• You have advantage on Intelligence checks and Intelligence
saving throws
Whenever you use the glasses you must succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or take a level of short-term madness
on a failed save. If the wearer succeeds on the saving
throw, they do not need to make a save against madness
again for the next 24 hours.
Meteor Sword
Weapon (Greatsword), Very Rare Quincy's Healing Potions
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Potion, Common
this magic weapon. Quincy's Healing Potions are chaotic, known to either cure
When you attack an object with this magic sword and hit, massive wounds instantly or barely heal a papercut.
maximize your weapon damage dice against the target. You regain 1D4 X 1D6 Hit Points when you drink this
When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on magical and fruity red potion.
the attack roll, that target takes an extra 14 slashing Whatever its potency, the potion’s red liquid glimmers when
damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20, you lop off agitated. Drinking or administering a potion takes an
one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss action.
determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb to sever, Scarlet, the Golden Sword of Battle
you lop off a portion of its body instead. Weapon (longsword), Uncommon
In addition, you can speak a command word to cause the This is simply a regular sword that has been heavily used, in
blade to shed bright emerald light in a 10-foot radius and combat or otherwise.
dim light for an additional 10 feet. Speaking the command Frankly, it's a mess. The blade is dented, chipped, and dirty.
word again or sheathing the sword puts out the light. Its guard is black as night, with some worn leather grip-
★ Forged from strange metal found in a meteorite, this straps, and a red gemstone in the pommel.
perfectly balanced greatsword is light enough to be wielded Most people would just get rid of it, but maybe this sword has
by even the most inexperienced warrior, but it truly shines a nice hilt, or sentimental value.
in the hands of a master. Whatever the reason, because the weapon is so unstable, the
★ Those who wield the Meteor Sword can't help but feel... entire thing has a 10% chance of breaking completely on a
super! hit, rendering the weapon shattered (or on a natural roll of
Oak Branch 1 or 2, whichever the DM prefers).
Weapon (Quarterstaff), Legendary In this state, unless repaired or replaced, Scarlet can only
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with inflict half damage on a successul attack roll.
this magic weapon.

This quarterstaff is very Versatile and can also function as an

Arcane Focus (Wizard Staff).

It allows a mage who holds it the option to add +1 Damage to

spells they cast using the Oak Branch as an Arcane Focus.

★ Said to have been harvested from an ancient treant in the

Brecilian Forest, this quarterstaff feels warm to the touch

and gives its wielder the sense that it’s alive, ever shifting

and moving beneath the fingers.

Precision-Geared Recurve

Magic Item, Weapon (Heavy Crossbow), Very Rare

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with

this magic weapon, as well as dealing an additional 1D10

Piercing Damage. The range of this rare device has been

extended to 100/225 feet.

This weapon possesses the Finesse property.
★ This sylvanwood crossbow is the pinnacle of dwarven
engineering. Its gears have been crafted with such
precision that it is possible to cock the bow using very little
effort, requiring only a minor action.
★ This ease of use does not sacrifice power, as the recurve is
capable of hurtling a bolt well beyond the range of standard
Kee-Oth's Blade
Weapon (greatsword), Very rare
Forged from demonic ichor, and crafted to resemble a Celtic
cross, this blood red sword possesses a sliver of intellect, &
sings with delight as you slaughter its former kin.
This massive Greatsword somehow possesses both the
Heavy and Versatile Properties.
When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, On your
turn, you can use Kee-Oth's blade to cast the spell 'Fire
Bolt' at 5th level as a bonus action.
Once this property of the sword has been used, it can’t be
used again until you complete a long rest.
Weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement)
When you attack an object with this magic sword and hit,
maximize your weapon damage dice against the target.
When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on
the attack roll, that target takes an extra 14 slashing
damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20, you lop off
one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss
determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb to sever,
you lop off a portion of its body instead.
In addition, you can speak the sword's command word to
cause the blade to shed bright blood-red light in a 10-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Speaking the
command word again or sheathing the sword puts out the
When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the
target takes an extra 1d6 fire damage. In addition, while
you hold the sword, you have resistance to Radiant
When you draw this weapon, you can extinguish all
nonmagical light sources within 30 feet of you. This
property can be used no more than once per hour.
★ Neither grim nor valorous, great villains & great heroes
alike have wielded it so that it holds allegiance to neither.
Only great power to be used by the Great.

Evolving Items Item Tiers
This section allows you to create a custom magic item which Whenever an item evolves into a new tier, it gains a number
evolves with the character. The items are divided in five tiers, of special properties. You can only choose a property once.
and each one of the tiers determines the number of Tier 1
properties and the rarity of them, as shown in the table below. Common items without any special property (for armor
Character Level Item State Properties' Rarity and weapons, use the same stats from the Player's
1st-4th Tier 1 Common Handbook).
5th-8th Tier 2 Uncommon Tier 2
9th-12th Tier 3 Rare You can add two uncommon special properties to the
13th-16th Tier 4 Very Rare
17th-20th Tier 5 Legendary Tier 3
You can upgrade the uncommon special properties to rare
The character level determines the recommended levels a special properties.
character should have to gain access to a specific tier. For Tier 4
example, a 3rd level character should have a Tier 1 item, The item gains an extra uncommon special property.
while a 9th level character should have a Tier 3 item. If you You can upgrade one rare special property to a very rare
give the magic item at higher levels, consider to give it special property.
evolved to the adequate tier to fit the character level.
Tier 5
You can upgrade one uncommon special property to a
Evolving Items and Characters rare special property.
When creating an item that will evolve with a You can upgrade one rare special property to a very rare
specific character, make sure you give something special property.
the character is the only one able to use it, such as You can upgrade one very rare special property to a
adding a class prerequisite for attuning to the item. Legendary property.
You can also link it with the character's story and
important events, like being the weapon his father The following table resumes the properties progression
used when he was an adventurer. through each tier.
Properties Rarity per Tier
Tier Property 1 Property 2 Property 3
Evolving Requirements Tier 1 - - -
To evolve an item to a tier, the character must be at least at Tier 2 Uncommon Uncommon -
the minimum level required for each tier to evolve the item.
For example, a 7th level character cannot evolve his or her Tier 3 Rare Rare -
magic item to tier 3 until reaching 9th level. Tier 4 Very Rare Rare Uncommon
Additionally, even if a character has level to evolve the item
to the next tier, it's up to the DM to determine an additional Tier 5 Legendary Very Rare Rare
task or a triggering event to allow the item to evolve. This
requirement gives a bit of background to the item, and also Taking and Replacing Properties
allows the DM to create some special quests to discover the Since this rules are based on evolving the weapon properties
item hidden features. Here're some simple requirements you instead of changing them to other, I don't recommend
can use: replacing one property with another at higher tiers, but it's up
to you if you want to do so. For example, replacing the
The character must slay a number of creatures with the Damage II property with the Vampiric III property when
weapon. evolving to tier 4.
The item must be placed on the altar found in the top of A reason for replacing properties could be related with the
an abandoned wizard tower. item background story or a very particular event, such as
The character must gain a deity's favor. discovering that the item contains the soul of an evil creature,
The character must defeat an old enemy of the weapon replacing the "good-aligned" properties when the soul is
creator. awakened, like replacing the Light I property to a Damage I
The item evolves after saving a group of innocents from property (necrotic) for a weapon.
the claws of a tyrant. Alternatively, you can avoid taking one property at the
The character must execute a light (or dark) ritual. beginning rarity, and then take a rarer property at higher
The item evolves when the character makes a big sacrifice tiers. For example, when creating an armor, you only choose
for a personal cause. the Ability Increase I property and left the second property
empty at tier 2. Then, when the armor evolves to tier 3, you
upgrade the Ability Increase to II and you also pick the Armor
I for the second property.

Special Properties: General

Property Description Rarity Special Properties: Armor and Shields
Increase an Ability Score to 16 Uncommon Property Description
Increase I
Armor I +1 AC Rare
Increase an Ability Score to 18 Rare
Increase II Armor II +2 AC Very Rare
Increase an Ability Score to 20 Very Rare Armor III +3 AC Legendary
Increase III Defense I Damage that you take from
Increase an Ability Score to 22 Legendary one damage type is reduced

Increase IV by 3 (minimum 1)
Awareness +2 bonus on initiative rolls Uncommon Defense II Gain resistance against
Very Rare
one damage type
Compass As an action you learn which Uncommon
way is north Defense III Gain immunity against
one damage type
Delver You know the item's depth Uncommon
below the surface and the
direction to the nearest path Special Properties: Weapons
leading upward Property Description Rarity
Illusion You can alter the item's Uncommon Weapon I +1 on attacks and damage rolls Uncommon
appearance in minor ways, like
the material or color of the Weapon II +2 on attacks and damage rolls Rare
Weapon III +3 on attacks and damage rolls Very Rare
Language You can speak and understand Uncommon
a specific language while Damage I Weapon deals an
attuned extra 1d6 damage

Light I The item shed bright light in a Uncommon Damage II Weapon deals an
10-foot radius and dim light for extra 2d6 damage
an additional 10 feet Damage III Weapon deals an
Very Rare
Light II The item shed bright light in a Rare extra 3d6 damage
40-foot radius and dim light for Damage IV Weapon deals an
an additional 40 feet extra 4d6 damage
Light III The item shed bright light in a Very Rare Slayer I +2d6 damage against a
80-foot radius and dim light for specific creature type
an additional 80 feet
Slayer II +3d6 damage against a
Spell I You can cast a spell at 3rd level Uncommon specific creature type
once per rest (DC 11)
Returning Weapon has the thrown
Spell II You can cast a spell at 6th level Rare property (20/60) and it flies

once per rest (DC 13) to your hand after attacking

Spell III You can cast a spell at 8th level Very Rare Vampiric I On a critical hit, you
once per rest (DC 15) regain 1 hitpoint
Spell IV You can cast a spell at 9th level Legendary Vampiric II On a critical hit, you regain
once per rest (DC 17) hitpoints equal to half the

Sentinel I The item glows faintly when a Uncommon damage dealt (minimum 1)
creature of a specific type is Vampiric III On a hit, you regain
Very Rare
near (120 feet or less) hitpoints equal to half the

Sentinel II The item glows faintly when a Rare damage dealt (minimum 1)
creature of a specific type is
near (240 feet or less)
Temperate You suffer no harm in Uncommon
temperatures as cold as -20
degrees Fahrenheit or as warm
as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Unbreakable This item can't be broken. Uncommon
Special means must be used to
destroy it.

Evolving Weapon Example
Special Properties: Staffs and Wands Aeris (Tier 1)
Property Description Rarity Weapon (longsword), common
Staffs and (1 charge = one spell level) Same stats as the longsword found in the Player's Handbook
Charges I The item has 3 charges (DC 11). Uncommon Aeris (Tier 2)
It regains 1d3 expended Weapon (longsword), uncommon (requires attunement)
charges daily at dawn
When a character evolves Aeris to this tier, apply the
Charges II The item has 5 charges (DC 13). Rare
It regains 1d4 expended
following changes to the item's traits:
charges daily at dawn You gain a +1 on attack and damage rolls made with this
Charges III The item has 7 charges (DC 15). Very Rare weapon. Additionally, when you hit with an attack using
It regains 1d6 expended this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d4 lightning
charges daily at dawn damage.
Charges IV The item has 9 charges (DC 17). Legendary
It regains 1d6+2 expended Aeris (Tier 3)
charges daily at dawn Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
When a character evolves Aeris to this tier, apply the
following changes to the item's traits:
Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to a +2
Triggering Event Example The lightning damage dealt by attacks with this weapon
A 3rd level character is rewarded with Aeris, a longsword increases to 1d6.
used by his family for generations to defend the city against Aeris (Tier 4)
evil. Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)
Since he is a 3rd level character, the weapon is at tier 1, so When a character evolves Aeris to this tier, apply the
it's just a basic longsword with a nice name and a following changes to the item's traits:
background history (for now).
The lightning damage dealt by attacks with this weapon
The character continues its adventures using the increases to 1d8.
longsword, and after some adventures he reaches level 5. In As an action, you can cast the Call Lightning spell at 3rd
this moment, his father tells him that the longsword has level (DC 11). After using this ability, you need to finish a
special abilities, and the character needs to prove himself short or long rest.
worthy to unleash those abilities. For this, he must destroy an
old air elemental that attacked the city years ago. Aeris, Soul of the Wind (Tier 5)
In this case, the character have the first requirement Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)
completed (reach level 5 to evolve the weapon to tier 2), When a character evolves Aeris to this tier, apply the
but the weapon will not evolve until the character kills the following changes to the item's traits:
air elemental mentioned by his father.
Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to a +3
After reaching 6th level, the character decides to enter the The lightning damage dealt by attacks with this weapon
elemental lair and fight with the creature, and at the moment increases to 1d10.
he destroys the elemental, the essence of the creature is As an action, you can now cast the Chain Lightning spell
drained by the longsword, and with that the weapon evolves at 6th level (DC 13). Alternatively, you can cast the Call
to tier 2, giving the weapon a +1 to attack and damage and an Lightning spell at 6th level (DC 13). After using this ability,
extra +1d4 lightning damage on a hit. you need to finish a short or long rest.

Appendix: Collection of Usable Objects

sable objects can add depth and flavor to Smoke Grenade
combat and open up interesting strategies. As an action, you can throw a grenade at a point up to 60 feet
However, the PHB rules on usable objects away.
One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a
become obsolete quite quickly due to a lack of cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in an
effectiveness on higher levels. area, as detailed in the table below. If there is no wind, the
Listed below are usable objects that are smoke disperses after 1 minute.
repriced and rebalanced in order to make A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the
them viable and scaling, so that they may be used effectively smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more miles per
in higher level adventures. hour) disperses it in 1 round.
The crafting cost of every object is half of the purchase cost
and represents the cost of the materials used in the crafting. Quality Area Purchase cost
The necessary tools as well as the time needed to craft these Cheap 10 ft. rad. 10 gp
objects are determined by the DM and should vary based on
the object's quality rating. Standard 15 ft. rad. 20 gp
Excellent 20 ft. rad. 40 gp
If you are looking to use these objects even more effectively,
consider taking the Lobber feat presented in Chapter 1:
Holy Water
Character Options for your character. It gives them proficiency As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a
with all of the usable objects in this Appendix. creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet,
shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack
Alchemist's Fire against a target creature. If the target is a fiend or undead, it
This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an takes radiant damage as detailed in the table below.
action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on Quality Damage Purchase cost
impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object. On Cheap 2d6 20 gp
a hit, the target takes fire damage at the start of each of its
turns as detailed in the table below. A creature can end this Standard 3d6 40 gp
damage by using its action to make a Dexterity check to Excellent 4d6 80 gp
extinguish the flames.
Quality DC Damage Purchase cost Caltrops
Cheap 10 1d4 gp 10 gp
As an action, you can spread a single bag of caltrops to cover
a 5-foot-square area. Any creature that enters the area must
Standard 15 2d4 gp 30 gp succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take
Excellent 20 4d4 gp 60 gp piercing damage as detailed in the table below. Until the
creature regains at least a number of hit points it has lost
through the effect of the Caltrops, its walking speed is
Flask of Acid reduced by 10 feet. A creature moving through the area at
As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a half speed doesn't need to make the saving throw.
creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 30 feet,
shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack Quality Damage Area Purchase cost
against a creature or object. On a hit, the target takes acid Cheap 1 5 ft. sq. 1 gp
damage as detailed in the table below. Standard 3 10 ft. sq. 15 gp
Quality Damage Purchase cost Excellent 6 15 ft. sq. 30 gp
Cheap 2d6 gp 10 gp
Standard 3d6 gp 30 gp
Excellent 4d6 gp 60 gp


Hunting Trap Flask of Oil

When you use your action to set it, this trap forms a saw- As an action, you can splash the oil in this flask onto a
toothed steel ring that snaps shut when a creature steps on a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet,
pressure plate in the center. The trap is affixed by a heavy shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a target
chain to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven creature or object. On a hit, the target is covered in oil. If the
into the ground. A creature that steps on the plate must target takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take piercing damage minute), the target takes additional fire damage from the
as detailed in the table below and stop moving. Thereafter, burning oil as detailed in the table below. You can also pour a
until the creature breaks free of the trap, its movement is flask of oil on the ground to cover a 5-foot-square area,
limited by the length of the chain (typically 3 feet long). A provided that the surface is level. If lit, the oil burns for 2
creature can use its action to make a Strength check, freeing rounds and deals fire damage to any creature that enters the
itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Each area or ends its turn in the area. A creature can take this
failed check deals 1 piercing damage to the trapped creature. damage only once per turn.
Quality Damage Dex/Str DC Purchase cost
Quality Damage Purchase cost
Cheap 1d4 13 10 gp
Cheap 5 20 gp
Standard 3d4 17 30 gp
Standard 10 40 gp
Excellent 6d4 21 60 gp
Excellent 15 80 gp

Ball Bearings

As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their
pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. A This is playtest material
creature moving across the covered area must succeed on a Be sure to discuss the purchase costs of the objects
Dexterity saving throw as detailed in the table below or fall
prone. A creature moving through the area at half speed presented here with your DM to see if they are feasable in the
doesn’t need to make the save. campaign you're playing.
If you're a DM and you feel like an object costs too little or
Quality DC Purchase cost
too much, feel free to change the prices as you see fit.
Cheap 10 1 gp Similarly, the damage numbers and save DCs listed here are
Standard 15 15 gp not fully playtested yet, and might be too high or too low, so
Excellent 20 30 gp feel free to adjust as necessary.
Current version: 5th Draft
Created by Shamelesshero502

Item descriptions are taken directly from the PHB,

p. 148-153.


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