Lipid Technology - 2014 - Karmee - Lipids From Food Waste As Feedstock For Biodiesel Production Case Hong Kong
Lipid Technology - 2014 - Karmee - Lipids From Food Waste As Feedstock For Biodiesel Production Case Hong Kong
Lipid Technology - 2014 - Karmee - Lipids From Food Waste As Feedstock For Biodiesel Production Case Hong Kong
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206 September 2014, Vol. 26, No. 9 Lipid Technology
DOI 10.1002/lite.201400044
Lipids from food waste as feedstock for biodiesel
production: Case Hong Kong
Sanjib Kumar Karmee and Carol Sze Ki Lin
S.K.K. is Postdoctoral Fellow and C.S.K.L. is Assistant Professor School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong,
Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong. E-mail: [email protected]
Research on different alternative liquid fuels is rapidly growing because of the environmental concerns and depletion of fossil fuels. As the
world confronts a reported food shortage and rising fuel prices, researchers are engaged in developing biofuels that would not convert food
crops into energy. In addition, it is apparent that the demand for biodiesel is expected to rise over the coming years. To date, many edible oils
are used for biodiesel production. Thus, increasing demand of biodiesel will have a direct impact on food shortage. This underlines the need
to use waste materials for biodiesel preparation. In this regard, lipid fraction which can be obtained after hydrolysis of food waste with an
enzyme system accumulated in the solid state fungal culture is considered inedible and can be used as a potential source to produce biodie-
mori and Aspergillus oryzae for the recovery of nutrients from food
waste [11, 12]. In detail, fungal species of Aspergilli, generally re-
cognized as safe (GRAS) and traditionally used in the food industry
of South-East Asia, which are known to efficiently produce highly Figure 3. Routes for the conversion of food waste to biodiesel
active amylolytic, proteolytic enzymes and phosphatases, were in- and bioethanol [11, 12, 14–16].
itially grown at 30°C for 5–7 days on the solid medium containing
bakery food waste rich in starch and protein, to accumulate corre-
sponding digestive enzymes. The accumulated enzymes, without other research groups are also engaged in the production of bioetha-
separation of the fungal mycelium and the residual nutritive med- nol from food hydrolysate via fermentation route (Figure 2) [14–
ium, were utilised for the 24 h hydrolysis of the blended food waste 16]. The conversion of food waste to biofuels demonstrates a sus-
at 55°C until the maximal production of glucose, free amino nitro- tainable waste valorisation process, where a zero-cost material is
gen, and phosphate was reached. For this purpose three different converted to high value-added products.
cases were studied: i) only when the enzyme system of Aspergillus The first step for the production of the biodiesel process is the
awamori or Aspergillus oryzae was added, ii) when the solid fun- choice of an appropriate feedstock. This choice mainly depends on
gal mashes of both fungi were added simultaneously to the bioreac- the following factors:
tor; and iii) by successive addition of the solid mashes of both fungi • chemistry of the process
to the bioreactor [11, 12]. Bakery waste and mixed food waste • economics of the process and
comprised of rice, noodles, meat and vegetables were used for the • oil content in the starting material [4].
enzymatic hydrolysis (Figure 2). After hydrolysis, the liquid hydro-
lysate fraction and fungal biomass were obtained. Hydrolysate frac- The oil content is an important factor that affects the cost of the
tion containing glucose, free amino nitrogen and phosphate was biodiesel. Industrially, biodiesel is predominantly produced from
used for the production of microscopic algae, whereas the fungal edible oils. Leaving aside the hot debates around the topic “food
biomass absorbed lipids and free fatty acids [11, 12]. versus fuel”, biodiesel derived from edible oils is not economically
The lipid-rich fungal biomass could be heated to 100°C and the competitive with the petroleum- based diesel fuel yet. Therefore,
lipid could be then separated by simple decanting. Preliminary re- researchers are engaged in utilisation of low cost, inedible and read-
sults show that approximately 26 g of lipids can be obtained from ily available feedstock for the production of biodiesel like fats and
100 g of fungal biomass. However, this is highly dependent on the oils from domestic, commercial, and industrial processing wastes
source and nature of food wastes. This lipid fraction can be used [4, 5]. Nevertheless, conversion of the food waste to hydrolysate
for biodiesel preparation. In general, base-catalyzed transesterifica- and lipids is not commercialized yet. There are still many unan-
tion is used for the synthesis of biodiesel, although the presence of swered questions and challenges with regard to the large scale pro-
free fatty acids and residual moisture may complicate this techni- duction of lipids from food waste. However, given the imminent
que. Following transesterification, neutralization and separation of nature of Hong Kong’s food waste problem, an efficient waste va-
the glycerol, the obtained biodiesel should be washed with water to lorisation technology leading to the production of biofuels is vital.
separate the saponified products. Alternatively, lipases can be used Future research direction will primarily focus on the development
for the production of biodiesel. Enzymatic transesterification is, in of a large-scale process for production of lipids from food waste
turn, not hindered by the presence of free fatty acids and moisture, and their utlization to produce biofuel.
although the biocatalyst is substantially more expensive compared One potential employer of this relatively simple and cheap tech-
with corresponding base catalysts and the biocatalytic process is nique at an appropriate scale might be a consortium of neighbor-
slower. Novozym-435 is known to be an effective biocatalyst for hood restaurants and/or supermarkets or food markets. In contrast
the biodiesel production [13]. to the food industry, which usually has a developed system for food
As shown in Figure 2, the current research of our group is fo- waste utilization, restaurants and supermarkets produce neither
cused on the conversion of food waste to (i) biodiesel from the ex- standardised food wastes nor their constant total. This strongly
tracted lipid fraction, and (ii) hydrolysate as a feedstock for ethanol complicates development of an universal technique for waste valor-
production by fermentation of ethanologenic organisms. Many isation. Using the technique described here the consortium partici-
pants might benefit in both waste disposal and the biofuel supply [4] Karmakar, A. et al., Bioresour. Technol. 2010, 101, 7201–
for their own needs. 7210.
[5] Gui, M.M. et al., Energy 2008, 33, 1646–1653.
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Conclusion, ac-
Inedible feedstocks are highly desirable for the preparation of bio- cessed on 08.05.2014.
diesel. Given Hong Kong’s imminent food waste problem, lipid [7] Arancon, R.A.D. et al., Energy Sci. Eng. 2013, 1, 53–71.
fraction derived from food waste is an ideal alternative to the edible [8] United States Environmental Protection Agency,
oils. Using the existing technologies, lipids from food waste can be gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/gases/ch4.html, accessed on
utilized for biodiesel production. This research will provide an in- 20.05.2014.
novative food waste valorisation strategy, which could contribute [9] Lin, C.S.K. et al., Energy Environ. Sci. 2013, 6(2), 426–464.
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