I-Likha Progress Monitoring Report
I-Likha Progress Monitoring Report
I-Likha Progress Monitoring Report
Department of Education
Schools Division of Province of Cavite
Municipality of General Mariano Alvarez
Projcet O.R.I.G Continuous It is not everytime Lack of enough The teachers were Maximized the
utilization of that the teachers printed materials to able to use use of printer
Optimization of On-Going contextualized could print -out and be used in contextualized and ICT for
Learning Resources materials available create the learning classroom. materials that printing the
to Ignite Learning in the school as materials in all Some teachers could enhance the learning
Goals reflected in DLL and learning areas. were not learning progress resources.
DLP. Overlapping technologgy- and interest of the Planned INSET
5 teachers crafted schedule of the equipped in students. on making
Learning Activity knowledgeable crafting learning The imparting of contextualized
Sheets evaluated speaker in crafting resources. knowledge from learning
by the School LR learning resources Limited time to the speaker could resources.
Commitees and Failure to attend attend or join a boost interest and Scheduled
Evalautors. meeting due to training or skills for teachers meeting for
3 Story Write schedule. workshop. who have involved-
ups/piece were potentials in teachers after
submitted in the crafting learning classes.
district level. resources.
1 wordless story
was evaluated in
the division level.
Retooling of
Teachers on the
preparation of
materials through
training and