Vehicle Duty Free Directive No. 942 - 2023
Vehicle Duty Free Directive No. 942 - 2023
Vehicle Duty Free Directive No. 942 - 2023
January, 2023
Vehicle Duyt free.Tw/GT
DIRECTIVE No. 942/2023
The Ministry of Finance issued this Directive in accordance with the power vested in it
under Article 129 of the Customs Proclamation No. 859/2014 (as amended) and Article 13
of the Council of Ministers Investment Incentives Regulation No 517/2022
This Directive may be cited as “Directive No. 942/2023 to provide Duty Free
Importation of Vehicles for Development Projects”
In this Directive:
3/ “Minibus” means a vehicle with a capacity of not less than 10 and not more than
16 passenger seats excluding folding seats.
4/ “Midi-bus” means a vehicle with a capacity of not less than 16 and not more
than 29 passenger seat excluding folding seats.
5/ “Delivery Van” means a vehicle with a loading capacity of over 2500 Kilogram
(Two Thousand Five Hundred kilogram).
6/ “Truck” means a vehicle with a loading capacity of more than 3500 Kilogram
(Three Thousand Five Hundred kilogram) including the trailer.
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7/ “Special Purpose Vehicle” means vehicles similar to those under Article 15 of
this Directive designed for use by sectors with special character and does not
include vehicles for ordinary transport purposes.
9/ “Duty” means all taxes and duties payable on importation and domestic
manufacturing of vehicles.
10/ “Hotel” means an establishment offering lodging, food, and beverage and as
may be needed recreational, conference and similar facilities to tourists and
other clients.
14/ “Resort Hotel” means a modern hotel established out of cities for the purpose of
recreation or spending holidays.
15/ “Industry Park” shall have the meaning ascribed to it under the Industry Park
Proclamation No. 886/2015.
16/ “Mining” means any operation or activity directed at extracting minerals from a
mineral deposit on or in the earth and water, any residue depositor residue
stockpile by any method and any operation incidental thereto such as storage,
treatment, processing (excluding smelting and refining), transportation and
disposal and includes geothermal development activities.
18/ “Public Body” means a government entity established by law enacted by the
federal or regional government and administered wholly or partly through a
government budget;
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19/ “Civil Society Organization” shall have the meaning ascribed to it under
Organizations of Civil Societies Proclamation No. 1113/2019.
22/ The phrase duty free importation includes purchase of domestically produced
vehicles free of taxes and duties.
23/ The definition assigned to Words and Phrases in the Investment Proclamation
and Regulations as well as in the Mining Proclamation shall be applicable to this
3. Scope of Application
This Directive shall apply on duty free importation of vehicles as provided under
Article 13 of the Investment Incentives Council of Ministers Regulation, Mining
Proclamation no. 678/2010 (as amended), the Customs Proclamation No. 859/2014
(as amended), and Customs Regulations No. 89/1995 with the exception of double
cabin and station wagon vehicles.
The incentive to import vehicles duty free provided under this Directive shall be
granted only to investors setting up new projects and expanding and upgrading
existing investments in the sectors of manufacturing industry, industry park
development, agriculture, logistics, construction contractors, star ranked hotels
(including Resorts), Motels, Restaurants and Lodges; Railway infrastructure,
Information and Communication Technology; Tour Operators; Electric Power
Generation, Transmission and Distribution; Technical Inspection and Analysis
Services and Commercial Works; Education and Training; Health Services; and
Architecture and Engineering Works.
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1/ An investor who is engaged in one of the sectors listed under Schedule One
attached to this Directive may be allowed to import vehicles listed under the
schedule duty free depending on the area of investment and the business he
engaged in.
a) evidence showing that he has acquired the land (if leased the factory
building or business premise legally executed lease agreement);
b) An evidence issued by the relevant investment office showing that the
project commenced operations such as land preparation, infrastructure,
warehouse, road and similar works are completed;
c) Bill of lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice showing that the
vehicles for use by the project are purchased from abroad and if such
vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
relevant evidences;
d) If the investor operates in a leased factory building, evidence issued by the
investment office in the area where the project is situated showing that
erection of machinery has commenced; and
e) If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the
bank account three months before the date of application for duty free..
3/ Subject to the provisions of sub-letters “a” - “e” of sub article 2 of this Article
an investor can only be allowed to import vehicles other than motorcycles duty
free when submitting an evidence issued by the appropriate investment office to
the authority granting duty free privilege showing that he has started test
production after completing the investment..
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2/ The type and number of vehicles to be imported duty free by an investor
engaged in the agricultural investment shall be determined based on the size of
the agricultural land to be developed, the number of livestock, the number of
beehive, the volume of artificial pond or the size of the land used for the project.
a) An evidence showing that he has acquired the land and if leased, legally
executed lease agreement;
c) Bill of lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice showing that the
vehicles for use by the project are purchased from abroad; or if the
vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
necessary evidences; and
d) If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the
bank account three months before the date of application for duty free.
4/ Subject to the provisions of sub-letters “a” - “d” of sub article 3 of this Article
an investor can only be allowed to import vehicles other than motorcycles duty
free when submitting an evidence issued by the appropriate investment office to
the authority granting duty free privilege showing that he has started test
production after completing the investment.
5/ The investor has the obligation to submit to the authority which approved the
duty free privilege within one month from the commencement date of
production, evidence from the appropriate organ which issued the license
showing that after completing the investment activities and starts production the
size of the agricultural land developed, the number of livestock, the number of
beehive, the volume of artificial pond or the size of the land used for the project
meets the requirement provided under Schedule two attached with this
Directive and if he fails to do so or the volume is less than the required amount
he will be liable to pay taxes and duties on the vehicles imported.
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1/ An investor engaged in the construction sector and who have been issued with
an investment permit may be allowed to import vehicles as provided under
Schedule Three attached with this directive.
a) Bill of lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice showing that the
vehicles necessary to carry out the works are purchased from abroad; or
b) If the vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
necessary evidences; and
c) If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the
bank account three months before the date of application for duty free.
3/ In addition to what stated on sub article 1 and 2 of this Article An investor who
invested in star rated Hotels (including resorts), Motels, Restaurants or Lodges
may import vehicles duty free upon submitting the following evidences to the
authority approving the privilege:
a) Bill of lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice showing that the
vehicles necessary to carry out the works are purchased from abroad; or
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b) If the vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
necessary evidences; and
c) If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the
bank account three months before the date of application for duty free.
a) Bill of Lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice showing that the
vehicles necessary to carry out the business are purchased from abroad; or
b) If the vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
necessary evidences.
c) If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the
bank account three months before the date of application for duty free.
2/ An investor who invested in Tourism Service shall not rent or use for purposes
other than tourism the vehicle imported duty free in accordance with this
a) has invested in the sector by acquiring tour operator license from the
relevant agency after fulfilling the criteria set by the Ministry of Tourism;
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b) Submits evidence from the manufacturer or supplier that the vehicles are
new and signs an undertaking in front of Customs Commission that he will
only use the vehicles for purposes of tour operation.
c) Bill of Lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice showing that the
vehicles necessary to carry out the business are purchased from abroad; or
d) If the vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
necessary evidences, and
e) If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the
bank account three months before the date of application for duty free.
a) Bill of Lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice showing that the
vehicles necessary to carry out the business are purchased from abroad; or
b) If the vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
necessary evidences.
c) If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the
bank account three months before the date of application for duty free.
1/ An investor who invested in logistics sector may import the required quantity of
vehicles duty free in accordance with Schedule Six attached herewith.
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2/ A vehicle may be imported duty free in accordance with sub-article 1 of this
Article if the investor:
a) has invested in the sector by acquiring license from the relevant agency;
b) Submits Bill of Lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice
showing that the vehicles necessary to carry out the business are purchased
from abroad; or
c) If the vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
necessary evidences; and
d) If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the
bank account three months before the date of application for duty free.
1/ An investor who invested in technical inspection and analysis services and trade
in education and training, health services, architecture and engineering may
import vehicles duty free in accordance with Schedule Seven attached with this
a) has invested in the sector by acquiring license from the relevant agency;
b) Submits Bill of Lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice
showing that the vehicles necessary to carry out the business are purchased
from abroad; or
c) If the vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
necessary evidences.
d) If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the
bank account three months before the date of application for duty free.
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2/ Vehicles to transport workers may be imported duty free in accordance with sub
article 1 of this Article if the Investor submits the following;
b) Bill of Lading or airway bill or truck way bill and invoice showing that the
vehicles for use by the project are purchased from abroad; or
c) If the vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract with
necessary evidences;
3/ Any investor engaged in the sectors specified under Article 4 of this Directive
may import free of duties ambulances to transport employees in case of
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1/ Any person who has acquired a license for exploration, small-scale, large-scale
mining operation or a combination of mining exploration and operation or a
mining cooperative established in accordance with the relevant law may import
vehicles specified in schedule nine attached with this Directive duty free.
The type and quantity of vehicles to be imported duty free are determined based on
the type of mining license, type of mines and the total investment on the project and
the details are specified under Schedule Nine attached to this Directive.
An investor engaged in the mining operations may be granted the privilege to import
vehicles duty free upon submission of the following evidences:
1/ A copy of the license issued by the appropriate licensing authority verified with
the original; and in the case of a cooperative the certificate issued by the
appropriate authority and the mining license;
3/ If a mining operation that Bill of Lading or airway bill or truck way bill and
invoice showing that the vehicles for use by the project are purchased from
abroad; or if the vehicles are purchased from local sources the purchase contract
with necessary evidences,
4/ If vehicles are purchased using bank loan the loan agreement and/or if
purchased using own fund a bank statement showing the amount in the bank
account three months before the date of application for duty free, and
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5/ When a request is made to import a vehicle to transport workers duty free, a
payroll incorporating the list of permanent employees of the project and a
document showing that employment tax has been paid to the tax authority.
Public bodies and Civil Society Organizations may for purposes of execution of
projects import or purchase from the domestic market free of taxes and duties the type
of vehicles listed in the schedules attached with this Directive in a quantity specified
in the project document..
1/ Civil Society Organizations may import or purchase from the domestic market
vehicles specified under Article 19 of this directive free of taxes and duties upon
submitting the following documents:
a) an agreement signed with the relevant Public Body showing that the
project to which the vehicle is to be used has been approved by the
relevant federal or regional public body;
b) a project proposal affirming that the project has over six months remaining
to be completed;
d) the bill of lading, airway bill, invoice and packing list of the vehicle
prepared in the name of the Civil Society Organization;
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2/ A vehicle imported duty free in accordance with this directive may only be
transferred to another entity as per Article 46 of Organizations of Civil Society
Proclamation No. 1113/2019 and applicable customs laws.
3/ The Authority for Civil Societies Organizations shall report to the Ministry of
Finance before a vehicle imported duty free is transferred to another entity as
per the decision of the liquidators or itself due to the completion of the project
or dissolution of the organization.
Public Bodies may only import or purchase from the domestic market vehicles listed
in the schedules attached with this directive upon submitting the following
1/ a letter in which the public body applies for duty free status of the vehicle;
2/ the budget allocated to purchase the vehicle;
3/ bill of lading, invoice and packing list of the vehicle;
4/ if donated a donation certificate affirming the donation; and
5/ a project document approved by the relevant organ.
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1/ shall not use such vehicles for purposes other than for which the exemption was
2/ shall be liable to penalties under the Customs laws in addition to paying the
duties and taxes payable on such vehicles if found using the vehicle for purposes
other than for which the exemption was granted.
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9. Effective Date
This Directive shall be effective from the date of its publication on the website
address of the Ministry of Finance.
Ahmed Shide
Minister of Finance
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Schedule One
Investment Place
Addis Ababa and Oromia
Special Zone Surrounding Other Areas
Investment Area Addis Ababa
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Investment Place
Addis Ababa and Oromia
Special Zone Surrounding Other Areas
Investment Area Addis Ababa
1.12 Manufacture of Roasted and Grained One Not permitted One One
Coffee, Instant Coffee and Tea
3.2. Finishing of fabrics, yarn, wrap and One One Two Two
weft apparel and other textile
products by bleaching, Dyeing,
Shrinking, sanforizing, mercerizing
or dressing
Investment Place
Addis Ababa and Oromia
Special Zone Surrounding Other Areas
Investment Area Addis Ababa
4.2. Tanning of hides and skins below Not One Not Two
finished level permitted permitted
8.2. Manufacture of Fertilizers and/or Not The required Not The required
nitrogen compounds permitted amount. permitted amount.
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8.3. Manufacture of plastics and/or synthetic Not Two Not Two
rubber raw materials in primary forms permitted permitted
and rubber products
Investment Place
Addis Ababa and Oromia
Special Zone Surrounding Other Areas
Investment Area Addis Ababa
10.1 Manufacture of Plastic Products Not permitted Not permitted Not Not
excluding Plastic bags permitted permitted
11.1. Manufacture of Glass and/or Glass of Not permitted One Not Two
Ceramic Products permitted
11.2. Manufacture of Cement Not permitted The required Not The required
amount. permitted amount.
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11.3. Manufacture of Clay and Cement Not permitted One Not One
Products permitted
Investment Place
Addis Ababa and Oromia
Special Zone Surrounding Other Areas
Investment Area Addis Ababa
12.3. Casting of iron and non-magnetic and Not One Not Two
produce such items in different shapes permitted permitted
13. Structural Metal Products Industry
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14.4. Manufacture of Medical Equipment and One One One One
Investment Place
Addis Ababa and Oromia
Special Zone Surrounding Other Areas
Investment Area Addis Ababa
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Investment Place
Addis Ababa and Oromia
Special Zone Surrounding Other Areas
Investment Area Addis Ababa
19. Manufacture of arts and gift articles, One One One One
artificial jewelry, musical and sports
20.Integrated manufacturing industry with Two Three Three Four
21. Development and rental of industry park Two Three Three Four
including ICT Park
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Vehicle Duyt free.Tw/GT
Schedule Two
1. Agricultural Development
1.1. Annual Crop Production
1.1.1. Growing of Cereals, From 200-300 One Three One Three
Leguminous Crops or From 300 -1000 Two Four Two Four
sugarcane From 1000-2000 Two Five Three Five
1.1.2. Growing of oil seeds From 2000-3000 Two Six Four Six
1.1.3. Growing of Cereals From 3000-4000 Two Seven Five Seven
Above 5000 Three Eight Six Eight
From 50-100 Not permitted. Two One Two
1.1.4. Growing Vegetables, Fruits,
Herbs as well as Certified Seeds Above 100 Not permitted. Four One Four
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Cultivated Land Addis Ababa and Oromia Special
Other Area
Area (By hectare) Zone Surrounding Addis Ababa
Motor Motor Truck
Bicycles Truck
1.2.Growing of Medium-Term
1.2.1. Growing of Flowers From 10-30 Not permitted. One Not permitted. One
Above 30 Not permitted. One One One
From 50-100 Not permitted. Two One Three
1.2.2. Growing of Pepper and Spices
Above 100 Not permitted. Two One Three
1.3. Growing Permanent Crops
From 200-300 One Three One Three
1.3.1. Coffee and/or tea plantation From 300-1000 One Four Two Four
From 1000-2000 One Five Three Five
1.3.2.Rubber tree, Jatropha and/or
From 2000-3000 One Six Four Six
From 3000-4000 One Seven Five Seven
Above 5000 One Eight Six Eight
2. Animal Production
From 200-500 Not permitted. One Not permitted. One
2.1. Farming domestic and/or wild
animals and Production of their Above 500 Not permitted. One Not permitted. Two
outputs(excluding fattening)
From 2,000- Not permitted. One Not permitted. One
2.2 Farming of chicken and/or birds 10,000
and production of their outputs Not permitted. One Not permitted. Two
From 10,000-
Above 50,000 Not permitted. Two Not permitted. Three
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Cultivated Land Addis Ababa and Oromia Special
Other Area
Area (By hectare) Zone Surrounding Addis Ababa
Motor Motor Truck
Bicycles Truck
2.3. Farming of bees/Producing Above 1,000 Not permitted. One Not permitted. One
honey Beehive
2.4. Production of Silk Above 1 hectare Not permitted. One Not permitted. One
2.5. Fish Farming in artificial Not permitted. One Not permitted. One
1,250 meter cube
ponds(aquaculture) and above
From 200-300 One Three One Three
3. Mixed (Crops and Animal)
From 300 -1000 One Four Two Four
From 1000-2000 Two Five Three Five
From 2000-3000 Two Six Four Six
From 3000-4000 Two Seven Five Seven
Above 5000 Three Eight Six Eight
Above 100 One One Two Two
4. Forestry and related activities hectare
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Schedule Three
Level Level
Construction Level
N 1 2 Level 3 Level
o. 5
1 Construction Contracting
Truck Seven Six Five Four One
Truck fitted with water tanker One One Not Not Not
permitted permitte permitte
d d
Truck fitted with water spray One One Not Not Not
permitted permitte permitte
d d
Grader Three Two One One Not
Excavator Three Two One One Not
Loader Three Two One One Not
Roller Three Two One One Not
2 Water Well Drilling 1 Drilling rig , 1 Crain Truck and 1 Truck
3 Mineral, Petroleum and geothermal 1 Drilling rig, 1 Crain Truck and 1 Truck
Exploration Drilling
Schedule Four
Vehicle Permitted to Imported Duty Free for Star Level
Hotels (Including Resort Hotel), Motel, Restaurant and Loge
Service Investments
Schedule Five
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Vehicles Permitted to be imported Duty Free for
Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Schedule Six
Schedule Seven
Education and Training, Health Services, Architectural and
Engineering Works Technical Testing and Analysis, Import
Trade and Wholesale Trade
Type of Vehicles
Investment Area and amount
1. Education and Training
1.1. Secondary and Higher Education 2 bus, 1 mid-bus
1.2. Kindergarten, Elementary and junior secondary school 2 bus, 1 mid-bus
1.3. Technical and Vocational(including sports) training Services 2 bus, 1 mid-bus
2. Health Services
2.1. Provision of Tertiary specialized Hospitals Services 3 bus, 2 minibus
2.2. Provision of hospital service 2 bus, 1 minibus
2.3. Provision of diagnostic services 2 bus,
2.4. Provision of Clinical Service 1 minibus
3. Architectural and Engineering Works, Technical Testing and Analysis
3.1. Architectural and Engineering Works and related technical 1 minibus
consultancy Services
3.2. Technical Survey and analysis 1 minibus
3.3. Geophysics and laboratory services 1 minibus
4. Import Trade
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4.1 Importation of LPG and Bitumen 1 Truck
5.Wholesale Trade
5.1Supply of Petroleum and Petroleum Products as well as Not permitted
wholesale of own Products
Schedule Eight
Schedule Nine
Type of Vehicles
Amount of Capital (in
Types of License Types of Minerals
ETB Motor Bicycle Truck
From 8 -15 Million One Two
Metal and From 15- 30 Million Two Three
Precious Minerals Above 30 Million Three Four
From 3-15 Million One Two
Industry and
From 15-30 million Three Three
Product Construction
Above 30 Million Four Five
From 3-15 Million One One
Gemstone From 15-30 Million Two Three
Above 30 Million Four Five
From 5-15 Million One Two
Salt From 15-30 Million Two Three
Above 30 Million Three Five
From 5-15 Million One Two
From 15-30 Million Two Three
Above 30 Million Three Five
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From 1-5 Million Two Two
Product (only for For All Minerals
cooperative association Above 5 Million Three Three
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