Symptoms Based Multiple Disease Prediction Model Using Machine Learning Approach

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Symptoms Based Multiple Disease Prediction Model using Machine Learning


Article  in  International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering · August 2021

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I9364.0710921


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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-9, July 2021

Symptoms Based Multiple Disease Prediction

Model using Machine Learning Approach
Talasila Bhanuteja, Kilaru Venkata Narendra Kumar, Kolli Sai Poornachand, Chennupati
Ashish, Poonati Anudeep.

Yet, tragically it isn't examine and mine in a suitable manner.

Abstract: The turn of events and misuse of a few noticeable It is taken care of either in record room as bunches of paper
Data mining strategies in various genuine application regions (for sheet or devouring hard circle space. The experts similarly as
example Trade, Medical management and Natural science) has investigators are hasty stressed over this huge data. In
induced the usage of such methods in Machine Learning (ML)
constrains, to distinct helpful snippets of information of the
government just as in certain associations the information is
predefined information in medical services networks, biomedical handling mostly by analysts at proficient level. The
fields and so forth The exact examination of clinical data set improvement of mechanized structures and their precision
advantages in early illness expectation, patient consideration and will oversee us in future. It will supportive in different
local area administrations. The methodology of Machine illnesses the executives including viability of surgeries,
Learning (ML) has been effectively utilized in grouped clinical trials, drug, and the disclosure of connections among
technologies including Disease forecast. The objective of
generating classifier framework utilizing Machine Learning (ML)
clinical and determination information to utilize Data Mining
models is to massively assist with addressing the well-being related systems [3]. The medical care and clinical area are more
issues by helping the doctors to foresee and analyze illnesses at a needing data mining today. At the point when certain
beginning phase. Sample information of 4920 patient’s records information mining techniques are utilized in a correct
determined to have 41 illnesses was chosen for examination. A manner, significant data can be removed from enormous data
reliant variable was made out of 41 sicknesses. 95 of 132 set and which could guide the clinical professional to draw
autonomous variables (symptoms) firmly identified with infections
were chosen and advanced. This examination work completed
rapid choice and upgrade wellbeing administrations. The soul
shows the illness expectation framework created utilizing point is utilizing the grouping so that it can help doctor.
Machine learning calculations like Random Forest, Decision Tree Illnesses also good fitness associated issues such as intestinal
Classifier and LightGBM. The paper confers the relative sickness, Chickenpox, Migraine, Diabetes, Impetigo,
investigation of the consequences of the above-mentioned Jaundice, dengue and so forth, tend to critical impact on
algorithms are utilized efficiently. person’s wellbeing and at times may likewise prompt passing
Keywords: Decision Tree model algorithm, Data Mining,
whenever disregarded. The medical services industry can
Random Forest model Algorithm, Patient, Illness, LightGBM.
settle on a powerful dynamic by "mining" the vast
I. INTRODUCTION information base they have for example by removing the
secret examples also, connections in the data set. Data mining
models like Random Forest, Decision Tree and LightGBM,
Our medical care area every day gathers an enormous Algorithms or models can give a solution for the present
information worried about patients including clinical circumstance. Subsequently, we have fostered a robotized
assessment, imperative boundaries, examination reports, framework that can find and separate secret information
therapy subsequent meet-ups, and drug choices and so forth related with the infections from a historical (diseases-side
effects) data set by the standard set of the individual
Algorithms and models. The main objective of the paper is
Manuscript received on July 17, 2021. •To characterize the illnesses by utilizing different
Revised Manuscript received on July 21, 2021. calculations like Random Forest, LightGBM and Decision
Manuscript published on July 30, 2021. Tree.
* Correspondence Author •To track down the most affecting danger factors causing
Talasila Bhanuteja*, School of Computer Science And Engineering,
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore (Tamil Nadu), India. Email: these illnesses.
[email protected] •Comparison of different arrangement procedures and
Kilaru Venkata Narendra Kumar, School of Computer Science And tracking down the best characterization strategy for the given
Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore (Tamil Nadu), India.
Email: [email protected] information.
Kolli Sai Poornachand, School of Computer Science And Engineering, •To investigate the impact of change of one danger factor
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore (Tamil Nadu), India. Email: by another during the characterization (e.g., diabetes by
[email protected]
Chennupati Ashish, School of Computer Science And Engineering, hypertension, coronary illness, or smoking).
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore (Tamil Nadu), India. Email:
[email protected]
Poonati Anudeep, School of Computer Science And Engineering,
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore (Tamil Nadu), India. Email:
[email protected]

© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and

Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.I93640710921 Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I9364.0710921 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication
67 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Symptoms Based Multiple Disease Prediction Model using Machine Learning Approach

II. LITERATURE SURVEY revolution, more consideration has been paid to infection
expectation from the viewpoint of enormous information
As per a description by McKinsey [1], half of Americans
examination, distinct investigates have been led by selecting
have at least one of the ongoing illnesses, and 80% of
the attributes naturally from a large number of information to
American clinical consideration charge is exhausted on
improve the precision of hazard classification [18], [19],
persistent illness treatment. With the improvement of
instead of the recently selected attributes. Be that as it may,
expectations for everyday comforts, the rate of persistent
those progress work for the most part seen as organized
sickness is expanding. The United States has spent a normal
information. For unstructured information, for instance,
of 2.7 trillion USD yearly on persistent illness treatment. This
utilizing convolutional neural organization (CNN) to remove
sum involves 18% of the whole yearly GDP of the United
text attributes consequently has effectively drawn in wide
States. The medical services issue of ongoing infections is
consideration and furthermore proficient awesome
additionally very significant in numerous different nations. In
China, persistent sicknesses are the primary driver of death,
as per a Chinese report on sustenance and ongoing infections
in 2015, 86.6% of passing’s are brought about by persistent
sicknesses. In this manner, it is fundamental to perform The dataset we have considered comprises of 132
hazard evaluations for persistent illnesses. With the indications, the blend or stages of which leads to 41 illnesses.
development in clinical information [2], gathering electronic In light of the 4920 documents of various patient samples,
wellbeing records (EHR) is progressively helpful [3]. mainly to point foster a forecast algorithm that considers in
Moreover, [4] first introduced a bio-inspired superior the side effects of various client and forecasts the sickness
heterogeneous vehicular telematics worldview, with the end that the person is bound to be affected.
goal that the assortment of versatile clients' health related
continuous large information can be accomplished with the
arrangement of cutting edge heterogeneous vehicular
organizations. Chen [5]– [7] suggested a clinical
benefits system utilizing smart clothing for acceptable
prosperity noticing. Qiu et al. [8] had inside and out
examined the miscellaneous systems and attained the best
results for cost reduction on tree and primitive path cases for
heterogeneous structures. Patient’s important genuine Data’s,
results of various tests and illness history are securely stored
in the EHR, appealing us to find the more possible data based
driven approach mechanism for decline the costs of clinically
relevant examinations. Qiu et al. [9] described an effective
flow surveying estimation for the tele-wellbeing cloud
structure and arranged a information knowledge show for the
PHR (Personal Health Record)- related spread system. Bates
et al. [10] described six utilizes of huge amount of data in the
field of clinical benefits. Qiu et al. [11] described a flawless
huge information sharing calculation to deal with the muddle
informational index in tele-health with cloud procedures.
Here one of the main approaches is to find most-danger
patients with the help of the information, so that it can be
utilized to minimize the clinical price since most-peril
patient’s routinely need to do have expensive clinical benefits
besides, in the first paper proposing medical services digital
actual framework [12], it inventively presented the idea of
forecast based medical services applications, including
wellbeing hazard evaluation. Figure using standard disorder
danger models customarily incorporates an AI estimation
(e.g., determined backslide and backslide examination, etc),
Fig1. Methodology Flowchart
and mainly an oversaw learning computation by the
utilization of planning information with names to set up the
A. Inputs (Patient Symptoms): When planning the
model [13], [14]. In the test dataset, patients can be broadly
algorithm, we have expected to be the client can has an
differentiated into social events of either more-peril or for the
unmistakable thought regarding the indications he is
most part protected. These models are critical in clinical
encountering. The Prediction created considers 95
conditions and are by and large considered [15], [16].
manifestations in the midst of which the client can permit the
Regardless, these plans have the going with qualities and
indications his preparing as the input.
deformations. The instructive assortment is pretty much
nothing, for patients and ailments with certain conditions
[17], the attributes are picked through knowledge.
Nonetheless, these pre-chosen qualities possibly not fulfill
the progressions in the sickness and its influencing factors.
With the evolution of enormous information examination

Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.I93640710921 Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I9364.0710921 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication
68 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-9, July 2021

Forest, Decision tree classifier and LightGBM. The portrayal

and implementation of the calculations are provided beneath.

A. Decision Tree Model:

The order of the algorithm worked as Decision tree look
like the model of many branches in a tree. So, by analyzing
the arrangement of unequivocal assuming at that point rules
on highlight esteems (manifestations for our situation), it
classifies down the dataset into more modest and more
modest subsets that outcomes in anticipating an objective
Fig2. Normal Input data value (disease). A tree comprises of the mainly a decision
Node and a Leaf Node.
B. Data pre-processing: The mining of the data’s Decision Node: It has a minimum of 2 branches. In our
approaches that changes the crude information or then again analysis we introduced, every one of the manifestations are
encrypts the information to form a structure so that it can be taken as decision node.
effectively deciphered with the help of calculation is known Leaf Node: Constitutes the order which denotes that, the
as information pre-processing. The information decision may of any of the branch. So that the diseases here
pre-processing strategies utilized in the introduced work represent to a leaf node.
which listed as follows: 1. ID3 Technique:
Data Purification: Data is purified using certain measures
The core center calculations are utilized in the project is
like stuffing in lost worth, along these lines settling the
mainly ID3 calculation created by Quinlan J.R. ID3 utilizes
irregularities in the information.
an up down, voracious pursuit based on the provided
Data Reduction: The examination turns out to be hard
sections, where each column (Attributes = Symptoms) at
when managing gigantic information base. Thus, we kill
each hub is tried and finds the variable (symptoms) that is
those autonomous variables (symptoms) which may not
core for grouping of a provided dataset. So, to pick the
affect the objective variables (diseases). So that in the
particular side effect is perfect to construct a Decision tree
progress task, which of around 95 of 132 side effects firmly
model, the technique ID3 utilizes information gain and
identified with the illnesses are chosen.
entropy. In this way, continuing similarly the whole Decision
tree model will be built prompting malaria and dengue at the
result.ID3 adheres to a standard: A division which has
entropy of zero as a leaf hub. A branch that’s entropy is more
prominent than zero necessities parting. So, in the event that
has absurd to expect to accomplish zero entropy, finally the
core Decision is done by the strategy for a basic dominant
Limitation: At the point when every one of the 132
indications was considered from the first dataset rather than
95 side effects, it prompted Overfitting. For example, the tree
appears to remember the dataset given and thus neglects to
characterize the new information. Thus just 95
manifestations were considered picking the upgraded ones
Fig3. Preprocessed Data during information cleaning step.

C. Models: The entire system is designed in such a way to B. LightGBM:

predict the diseases by utilizing the three Algorithms i.e., LightGBM [25] is a rapid, dispersed, higher impulse
Decision Tree model, LightGBM model and Random Forest boosting technique which is dependent on Decision tree
classifier model, so that the predictive analysis study is model output, which is used for pointing the position,
proposed at the end of the study by exploring its speed, arrangement and various other ML techniques. Basically,
efficiency and performance of the various algorithms for the LightGBM is a group technique that consolidates the
input dataset. expectations of different Decision trees (by adding them
D. Output(diseases): While a framework is made with the together) to make the last forecast that sums up well.
preparation set utilizing the validated calculations standard Significantly, LightGBM trains the numerous tree models in
datasets are shaped and whenever the client indications are an added substance way, with each new tree model being
provided as a contribution as input of the algorithm, and the prepared to foresee the residuals (i.e., mistakes) of the earlier
side effects are composed agreeing as the standard dataset models. LightGBM is an execution of slope boosting
created, accordingly creating arrangements and foreseeing Decision tree (GBDT) [26].
the high probable infection.

The Disease forecast framework is executed utilizing the
three information mining calculations for example Random

Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.I93640710921 Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I9364.0710921 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication
69 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Symptoms Based Multiple Disease Prediction Model using Machine Learning Approach

When preparing every individual Decision tree (f) and

parting the information, there are two select procedures
LightGBM utilized: inclination based one-side examining
(GOSS) [25] and leaf-wise development. GOSS intends to
handle the computational intricacy issue of traditional
executions of GBDT, which need to go through each element
of each information moment that figuring the data acquire for
every one of the potential parts. The significant perception
behind GOSS is that information cases with bigger slopes
assume larger parts in data acquire calculation.
Consequently, while assessing the best split, GOSS keeps
information cases with huge angles and arbitrarily tests
information with little inclinations. This technique has been Fig4. Coding Snapshot
demonstrated viable and work quicker than regular ones.
Leaf-wise development is an effective technique for
developing trees. It discovers the leaf with the biggest parting
acquire from every one of the current leaves each time, and
afterward parts the leaf, and circles this interaction. At the
end of the day, it will pick the leaf with max delta misfortune
to develop. Contrasted and level-wise development
methodology, leaf-wise one can decrease more mistakes and
get better exactness under similar dividing times. The
hindrance of leaf-wise technique is that it might develop trees
profoundly and lead to over fitting.
C. Random Forest Classifier: Fig5. Prediction Vs Actual
The Random Forest classifier is an adaptable, simple to
utilize AI calculation that gives remarkable outcomes more V. RESULTS
often than not applied without any hyper tuning. So, as The framework was prepared on clinical record of 4920
validated in the Decision tree model, the notable restriction of patients inclined to 41 illnesses that was due to the of the mix
tree calculation is overfitting. So, it shows up as though the of different indications. We have scrutinized 95 indications
decision tree has remembered core of the information. out of 132 side effects to keep away from overfitting.
This model forestalls this issue: That It’s a form of troupe From these outcomes, we can construe that every one of
investigation. Troupe investigation alludes to utilizing the three Models function admirably on the dataset. Be that as
different calculations or identical calculation on numerous it may that the Random Forest is working somewhat better
occasions. Random Forest model is a group of many decision when contrasted with the other two Models. The Accuracy
trees. Also, more noteworthy the quantity of these trees in score of every model is given below:
this model is the fitter of the speculation.
All the more decisively, the random Forest fills in as Accuracy
listed below: Algorithm used score
1. Fix the k side effects from data (clinical data) the sum Decision Tree 0.973154
of m manifestations arbitrarily (here k << m). At that point, it
LightGBM 0.973154
assembles a Decision tree model with the help of side effects
of k. Random Forest 0.98315
2. Rehashes n number of times with the goal that we have
n number of tree model worked from various Random mixes When the indications are given, the Models are to be
of indications which is denoted as ‘k’ (or an alternate chosen. As the Models are chosen, the indications are
handled, and the infection is looked through dependent on the
irregular example of information, known as bootstrap test).
standard set that has been characterized in the Methodology
3. Consider every one of the various n-constructed trees
and proceeds a variable which is random to foresee the
illness. Here it Store the anticipated illness, so that we can
have a sum of n illness anticipated from n number of the
decision tree model.
4. Computes the decisions in favor of each anticipated
illness and consider the mode (which is most continuous
illness anticipated) as last expectation from the Random
Forest model calculation.

Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.I93640710921 Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I9364.0710921 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication
70 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-9, July 2021

with each of the obtaining accuracy score up to 98 %. Finally,

the paper is investigated with disarray lattice & precision
value. Man-made consciousness will be assumed
significantly more significant part in information
investigation later on because of the accessibility of gigantic
information created and put away by the cutting-edge

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DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I9364.0710921 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication
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Talasila Bhanuteja, pursued his Bachelor of
Technology (B. Tech) in computer science
Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore. He is currently working as Software Engineer
at Bank of America continuum India Pvt. Ltd. He
previously presented a paper at the 3rd International
Conference on Intelligent Computing, Information and
Control Systems (ICICCS 2021) Organized by CARE College of
Engineering, Trichy, India. His area of research lies in the domain of
Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things.

Kilaru Venkata Narendra Kumar, pursued his

Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in computer
science Engineering from Vellore Institute of
Technology, Vellore.

Kolli Sai Poornachand, pursued his Bachelor of

Technology (B. Tech) in computer science
Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore. He is currently working as Android
Developer at Digital Horizons technology and media
services Pvt. Ltd

Chennupati Ashish, pursued his Bachelor of

Technology (B. Tech) in computer science
Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore. He is currently working as Associate
consultant at Ernst & Young LLP. He has wide range
of experience in machine learning, mobile app
development and completed internships in those
fields. Apart from these he also worked on Internet of
things and built prototype models at the time of his graduation.

Poonati Anudeep, pursued his Bachelor of

Technology (B. Tech) in computer science
Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore. He is currently working as Project Engineer
at Wipro Limited

Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.I93640710921 Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I9364.0710921 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication
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