Project Planning and Analysis

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Project Planning and Analysis

Course Title Project Planning and Analysis

Course code AgEc3106
Program BSc in Animal and Range Sciences
Module title Livestock economics and farm business management
Module Code ARSc-M3131
Module CP 19
Instructor name
Instructor’s Office:
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Office hrs:
Course Year III, Semester II
information Meeting day:
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Course ECTS 3
Students’ work Lecture Project Private/home study Assignmen Total
load work t
32 15 28 6 81
Course The course emphasizes financial and economic efficiency; other
description important issues in assessing project design and impact are presented.
Planning and management techniques for the project cycle are covered;
including project identification and logical framework analysis.
Approaches for social and environmental appraisal of projects are also
reviewed. Finally a guide to project and programmer monitoring and
evaluation is provided.
Course objectives At the end of this course, students should have learned the followings:
- Ability to use tools for project identification and design, including
logical framework analysis;
- Capacity to apply key concepts in project analysis, including
investment criteria and the valuation of costs and benefits over time
- Knowledge and use of core techniques of project appraisal,
including the calculation of:
o farm budgets, discounted cash flows, net present worth of
projects, and internal rates of return
- Ability to compare the investment opportunities of different projects
- Recognition of critical project-related social and environmental
issues, as well as knowledge of approaches for their appraisal and
- A grasp of key aspects of monitoring and evaluation, as an intrinsic
part of project design and management.
Teaching learning - Interactive Lecture, discussion/debate/questions and answer, and
methods demonstrations
- Text reading assignments
- Collaborative class projects
- Assignments
Assessment  Written exams
methods  Collaborative projects
 Assignments

Status of the Compulsory

Assessment Type of assessment Allotted points Week
Individual assignment 10% 5
First examination 10% 9
second examination 10 % 12
Project writing 20 % 13
Final examination 50 % 16
Week Topics and Sub Topics
Unit One: The concept of project and Plans
1 -Talking about the project and why a project is
-Talking about the project format and limitation of project format
Aspects of project preparation and analysis
-Technical, Social, Commercial financial and Economic aspects will be discussed

The Project Cycle
-Identification, preparation and Analysis, appraisal, implementation and evaluation will
be covered
-Why agricultural projects prove wrong

3&4 Unit 2-Identifying project costs and Benefits

-Objectives, costs and benefits
-With and without comparison
-Costs of agricultural projects

Unit 3-Financial aspects of project analysis
Talking about:
Pricing project costs and benefits
-Predicting future prices
-Financial import and export parity prices
-Elements of farm investment analysis, farm resource us

7&8 Unit 4-farm Investment Analysis

-Objectives of financial analysis
-Preparing the farm investment analysis
-Farm production
-Valuation of farm production will be discussed in the class and complemented by field
-The farm budget

10&11 Unit 5-Economic Aspects of Project Analysis

-Determining economic values
-Determining the premium on foreign exchange
Economic export and import parity values
Unit 6-measure of project worth
-Undiscounted measure of project worth
-Discounted measure of project worth
-Applying project discounted measure of project worth
1. Prasannana Chandra (2001). Projects: Planning, Analysis, Selection, implementation and
Review. Fourth edition; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited; New Delhi.
(Available in ACA library)
2. Gittinger, J. Price (James Price), 1928. Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projects. Second
Edition. Published for the economic development institute of the World Bank; The Johns
Hopkins University Press; Baltmore and London (Available in ACA library)
3. Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld, 1993. Microeconomics, Second edition (Available
in ACA library)
4. Trevor Young, 1992. Planning projects, 20 steps to effective project planning; the industrial
society (Available in ACA library)
Approval section
Prepared by:
Instructor Name ___________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________
Approved by:
Department head_____________________

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