Advance Genetics
Advance Genetics
Advance Genetics
BIO 608
2nd Semester A.Y. 2018-2019
Mission of CTU : The University shall provide advanced professional and technical instruction for special purposes , advanced studies in
industrial trade, teacher education, agriculture, fishery, forestry, engineering, aeronautics and land-based programs, arts
and sciences, health and sciences, information technology and other relevant fields of study. It shall also undertake
research, production and extension services, and provide progressive leadership across the areas of specialization for
global empowerment.
Mission of the Graduate School : The Graduate School develops technology and value-oriented executive leaders in education, agri-industrial, and related
Sectors through research and community services toward shared productivity in their chosen fields.
Goals of the College : 1. Provide complementation and continuity of the undergraduate programs.
2. Cater the needs of the value-oriented educational leaders/technologist who are and would be occupying managerial
position in higher educational institutions, technical-vocational institutions, industry, agriculture, fishery and related
3. Contribute to the attainment of regional and national goals through the promotion of educational and applied
researches towards quality life;
4. Accelerate high level professionalism and globally competitive technology culture
Program Outcomes : PO 1 Conduct of publishable quantitative or qualitative research towards authentic educational services, public
governance, technology transfer and productivity
PO 2 Development of decision-making abilities through the use of quantitative analysis
PO 3 Validation of theories towards exemplification of models, programs and practices
PO 4 Recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibilities
PO 5 Ability to solve current problems that deal with complex issues related to the discipline
PO 6 Innovation of teaching approaches and resources
PO 7 Undertaking specialized trainings to enrich knowledge and skills
PO 8 Contribution to the continued improvement of teaching and learning in the classroom
PO 9 Use of developmentally appropriate methods to design and deliver instruction in science
PO 10 Planning and implementing appropriate scientific investigations to develop problem solving and critical thinking
skills in science
PO 11 Establishment of procedures that enhance the organization and management of the science classroom
PO 12 Creation of appropriate evaluative measure to improve science instruction
PO 13 Development of strategies to address science topics that are controversial to diverse groups
Course Description : The course is an advanced discussion about the mechanisms of heredity and variation. In here, students will appreciate
the diversity among human as well as plant population through gene interaction. New trends in technology will be
introduced such as karyotyping and genetic engineering to better appreciate the uniqueness of life in all its full splendour.
Course Learning Outcomes : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. illustrate chromosomal behaviour during mitosis and meiosis in somatic and germ cells;
2. explain the basic concepts underlying heredity and variation in Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance;
3. connect the structures of DNA to its functions and mechanisms by which it fulfils them;
4. compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression;
5. describe the sources of variation among individuals ;
6. appraise the mechanism of inheritance , use of pedigree, distinguish genetic control of certain genetic disorders and evolutionary influences that govern
both plants and animals.
Course Content:
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Teaching – Contents Learning Reference Time Remarks
Tasks Learning Resources Allocation
At the end of the course, the
students are able to: CTU student
manual CTU 1 hour
Relate the course to CTU Vision, Group Lecture- Mission, Vision, Goals of CTU student’s
Mission and Goals and to the Sharing of discussion College manual
Objectives of the Graduate School Aspirations bulletin
VMG and Objectives in one’s life
Umaly, R.C.
At the end of the lesson, students 1986.
are able to: Written task Lecture Lecture 2 hours
discussion LCD Notes on
Define and appraise the fields Definition of Genetics projector Modern
and methods of genetic study o Fields of Genetics Genetics.
o Methods of Genetic 2nd ed.
Study Vol.1. Vibal
House, Inc.,
Enumerate, describe and Written task Lecture- Chromosome and Cell Cycle LCD 6 hours
discuss the functions of the discussion o Cell: its organelle and projector Starr, C,
Evers, C. &
different parts of the cell functions Starr. L. 2016.
o Types and structural Biology: Today
Discuss the cell cycle, mitosis features of and Tomorrow.
and meiosis chromosomes 5th ed.
o Cell Cycle Learning Asia
o Mitosis Pte
o Meiosis Ltd,Singapore
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Teaching – Contents Learning Reference Time Remarks
Tasks Learning Resource Allocation
Chromosomal basis of sex Umaly, R.C.
determination 1986.
Differentiate the various bases Written task Lecture- o The sex chromosomes Lecture
in chromosomal determination and oral discussion o Sex ratios Notes on
in both plants and animals reporting o Nuclear sex Modern
o Sex chromosomal Genetics. 3 hours
aberrations LCD 2nd ed.
o Post genetic sex in projector Vol.1. Vibal
House, Inc.,
o Sex determination in
other animals
o Sex determination in
Intended Learning Outcome Assessment Teaching Contents Learning References Time Remarks
Tasks Learning Resources Allocation
Mendelian Inheritance Umaly, R.C.
Explain the concepts of heredity Written task Lecture- o Monohybrid 1986.
and variation in Mendelian and oral discussion Experiments Lecture
inheritance reporting o Present interpretation of Notes on
monohybrid crosses Modern 6 hours
o Testing genotypes LCD Genetics.
o Examples of simple projector 2nd ed.
Mendelian traits Vol.1. Vibal
o Dihybrid crosses Publishing
House, Inc.,
o Tri and Polyhybrid
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Teaching Contents Learning References Time Remarks
Tasks Learning Resources Allocation
Dominance Relations and Umaly, R.C.
Multiple Alleles 1986.
Discuss by giving sample Written task Lecture- o Incomplete dominance Lecture
problems on genetic and oral discussion or Intermediateness Notes on
dominance and role of multiple reporting o Codominance Modern
alleles in the transmission of o Medico-Legal Genetics. 3 hours
genes implications of Genetics LCD 2nd ed.
Assignment: of blood typing projector Vol.1. Vibal
Pedigree o The RH factor Publishing
analysis o Other blood groups House, Inc.,
of one’s Metro
o Histocompatibility of
family Manila.
o Multiple allelism in other
Polygenic Inheritance Umaly, R.C.
Differentiate inheritance of Written task Lecture- o Polygenes and 1986.
polygenic genes in humans and oral discussion continuous traits Lecture
reporting o Skin color inheritance in Notes on
humans LCD Modern 3 hours
o Multiple genes in plants projector Genetics.
o Modifications of the 2nd ed.
additive effects Vol.1. Vibal
o Discontinuous traits Publishing
House, Inc.,
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Teaching- Contents Learning References Time Remarks
Tasks Learning Resources Allocation
Gene Interactions, Lethality, Umaly, R.C.
Environmental Effects and 1986.
Predict gene interactions and Written task Lecture- Heritability Lecture
influence of the environment in and oral discussion o Epistasis Notes on
changing gene pool reporting o Suppressors and other Modern
modifiers Genetics.
o Penetrance and 2nd ed.
expressivity LCD Vol.1. Vibal 3 hours
Assignment: o Lethal and sublethal projector Publishing
Effects of genes House, Inc.,
cell o Environmental effects Metro
phones on Manila.
o Heritability
o Twin studies
o Adoption studies
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Teaching- Contents Learning References Time Remarks
Tasks Learning Resources Allocation
Linkage and Chromosome Umaly, R.C.
Mapping 1986.
Comprehend by differentiating Written task Lecture- o Linkage Lecture
chromosome mapping among and oral discussion o Detection of linkage Notes on
diploid organisms reporting o Arrangement of Linked LCD Modern 3 hours
Genes projector Genetics.
o Crossing over 2nd ed.
o Gene mapping in diploids Vol.1. Vibal
House, Inc,
Extrachromosomal Inheritance Umaly, R.C.
o Nomenclature 1986.
Recognize the role of Written task Lecture- o Physical continuity of Lecture
chromosomes in inheritance and oral discussion extrachromosomal Notes on
reporting hereditary factors Modern
o Genetic continuity of Genetics.
extrachromosomal 2nd ed.
structures Vol.1. Vibal 3 hours
o Maternal inheritance LCD Publishing
o Extrachromosomal projector House, Inc,
change and mutation
o Extrachromosomal
o Chromosomal gene and
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Teaching- Contents Learning References Time Remarks
Tasks Learning Resources Allocation
Hardy-Weinberg Law of Umaly, R.C.
Genetic Equilibrium 1986.
Scrutinize Hardy-Weinberg law Written task Lecture- o Mendelian genetic Lecture
of genetic equilibrium and oral discussion population Notes on
reporting o Gene frequencies Modern
o Hardy – Weinberg Law Genetics. 3 hours
o Case of complete LCD 2nd ed.
dominance projector Vol.1. Vibal
o Case of di- and multi- Publishing
House, Inc,
o Multiple alleles
o X-linked genes
o Sex influenced traits
o Linked genes
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Teaching- Contents Learning References Time Remarks
Tasks Learning Resources Allocation
Genetics, Evolution and Umaly, R.C.
Interpret and predict heredity of Written task Lecture- Eugenics 1986.
organisms and the ability to and oral demonstration o “Best Fit” Lecture
evolve through time given the reporting o Natural selection, Notes on
quality of life situation at its change in gene LCD Modern 3 hours
optimum frequency and evolution projector Genetics.
o Race formation 2nd ed.
o Speciation Vol.1. Vibal
o Eugenics Publishing
House, Inc,
Oral presentation - 30 %
Written tasks - 30 %
100 %