Code Study
Code Study
Code Study
Section 1207. Stairs, APPLICATION OF BARRIER-
Exits and Occupant
(b) Courts, yards, and light wells shall be (a) General This measure will
measured clear of all projections from give building occupants the
the walls enclosing not exceeding 1.20 flexibility and opportunity to
meters in width. use natural ventilation for
free cooling and fresh air in
Section 803. Percentage of Site regularly occupied spaces.
Occupancy. This measure will limit the
tendency to create glass-
All inner courts shall be connected to a sealed box type buildings.
street or yard, either by a passageway Size of each room and space
with a minimum width of 1.20 meters or shall be consistent with the
by a door through a room or rooms. occupancy load of the NBC.
i. Window
ii. Light shelf
iii. Clerestory
iv. Skylight
v. Light monitor /
light scoop
vi. Other devices
that can allow
daylight inside
The IIEE Manual on the
Practice of Efficient Lighting
System can be a reference
for the design of building
lighting systems.
2010 PSVARE Standards
HEIGHTS Section 805.
(a) Habitable rooms provided with
artificial ventilation ≥ 2.40 meters
measured from the floor to the ceiling;
Buildings of more than one-storey,
- first storey ≥ 2.70 meters
- second storey ≥ 2.40 meters
- succeeding storeys ≥ 2.10 meters
G. Number of
Means of Egress
Section 1207. Stairs, Exits and Occupant
The number of
means of egress
from any balcony,
Number of Exits.
mezzanine, storey,
Every building or usable portion = one
or portion thereof
(1) exit.
≥ two 2;
EXITS Floors above the first storey having an
When the
occupant load of more than 10 ≥ two (2)
occupant load
more than five
Every storey having an occupant load of
hundred (500) but
500 to 999 ≥ three (3) exits.
not more than one
Every storey or portion thereof having an
thousand (1000) ≥
occupant load of 1000 or more ≥ four (4)
three (3);
in excess thereof, ≥
four (4).
Section 1207. Stairs, Exits and Occupant H. Arrangement of
Loads. Exit
Swing. Exit door shall swing in the C. INSIDE BUILDINGS AND K. Access to Exits
direction of exit travel serving an STRUCTURES
occupant load of 50 or more. A door from a
Double acting doors shall not be used as All doors ≥ 0.80 m in width; room to an exit or
exits nor shall they be used as a part of to a way of exit
fire assembly, nor equipped with public A minimum clear level access shall be of
hardware. space of 1.50 m x 1.50 m the side-hinged,
A double acting door shall be provided shall be provided before swinging type
with a view panel ≥ 1,300 sq. cm and extending beyond a towards exit travel
Section 1207. Stairs, Exits and Occupant
Stairways > 50 occupant load ≥ 1.10
mtrs. Stairways ≤ 50 ≥ 0.90 mtrs
SUPPLY SECTION 13. Other Section 11.1 WATER
Protective FIXTURES
(a) General Efficient water
To protect drinking fixtures include faucets,
water from showerheads and water
contamination, the closets that use less water in
following measures order to perform the same
shall be observed: function of cleaning as
effectively as standard
b. No artesians, deep models. Water efficiency is
or shallow well shall an important aspect,
be constructed especially as fresh water
within 25 meters resources start getting
from any source of depleted at a rate faster
pollution. than they are replenished.
Use of efficient plumbing
c. No radioactive fixtures, sensors, auto
sources or materials control valves, aerators, flow
shall be stored within control and pressure-
a radius of 25 meters reducing devices, wherever
from any well or possible, can result in
source of drinking significant reduction in water
water unless the consumption.
radioactive source is
adequately and Section 11.2.1 Rainwater
safely enclosed by Harvesting
proper shielding.
(a) General Rainwater is one
e. The installation of of the purest sources of
booster pump to water available. Rainwater
boost water direct from roofs and hardscape
from the water must be collected and
reused for non-potable
(c) Requirements