Final Manuscript Zambas
Final Manuscript Zambas
Final Manuscript Zambas
JUNE 2022
The researcher, Ms. Kaira Mae D. Zambas was born on July 25, 2000
at Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon. She is the youngest daughter of Mr.
Alexander V. Zambas and Mrs. Helen D. Zambas. She had her older brother
Kenneth (deceased), and her twin sisters Kathleen and Karleen.
In December 2017, she took and passed the CMUCAT, which led her
to Central Mindanao University, the academic paradise of the south, earning
her a spot as a proud member of the League of Political science student
(LPSS), as she pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, which
prepared her to survive and mold her into the person she is now. From 2020-
to 2022 she joined the CMU Supreme Student Council (SSC) where she was
guided and made substantial involvement with Activities that added years to
her leadership skills. Throughout the pandemic, her resolve to serve never
waiver as she then runs for Social Manager in the University Senior Student
Council (USSCO) and was also part of the (Blazco) Blazer-USSCO staffers.
She is a consistent Dean’s list student, maintaining her grades to qualify as
College Scholar throughout college.
To her cherished grandparents in heaven Tatay Leo and Nanay Anita
Demetrio, Lolo Cenon, and Juliana Zambas, to whom she dedicates her
achievement and hard work, they are her guardian angels and invisible helper.
To Rt. Rev. Romar Delos Reyes “Papa Romar”: the A.C.C of Kibatang
bishop and the author’s spiritual adviser for the support, words of wisdom, and
To her Tito’s, Tita’s, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins from both her
Demetrio and Zambas families; for your unconditional support, prayers, words
of encouragement, affection, and motivation to the author; She thanks you all.
To her beautiful friends who were there from day 1: Jazzy (Jusica) and
Xixi (Caryl) who were there for her from the start and with whom she shared
all her life stories with her team Walkway Rica, Carl James, Emil, John and
Issa who made her elementary and high school worthwhile. She hopes to still
get to hang out with the gang in the future.
To Her Best friend Quenie, with whom she shared many memories,
who was her human diary, her soul sister, and her roommate, You and Telay
will always have a part of her soul and her future and to whom the author
always tells: she can’t lose, knowing that they know too much. To Tomodatchi
(Asis), to Geng (Leny) whom she shares her stories and adventures. The
author thanks you for being true to her since senior high.
To Ellysa, whom she shared vast themed conversations with, an
unprecedented friendship found in the most surprising of ways, you have
encouraged her and she valued every topic you both impart with. May your
growth spur and may the meeting you planned with the author come true in
the future. To Ase, whom the author still has too much to say but does not
know where to start, she would like to offer her cheers as a start and an end
message for you. To Ma’am Siti, whom the author found she shares
unforeseen hobbies with, she is truly glad for the precious encounter, XZ
To her one and only A’Zhan Gege, you bought the author inspiration
beyond Human cognition, she aspires to see you in the near future and hopes
that you stay as the bright start she looks upon.
To her good friends Hannah and Andrea vwhom she found unexpected
friendship and whom she spilled all the tea with. To team Sinovac Tibang
(Christelle) and hazel her thesis buddies, to whom she was very grateful, their
ideas and cooperation in doing this research are brilliant. To the Sekretong
Organisasyon, Airah, Mahaal (Regine) and the people mentioned above. To
VVVZ, Loyd, and Shyra to whom she shared most of her days in face-to-face
college days, most of her alphabetical reports and groupings. To her first
friends in college, 200q Jennica, Ariel. To her classmates, with whom she
shared all the maayung bungkag mornings and Kagidlay days.
To her SSC and USSCO and Blazco family, which whom she shared
activities after activities and events, To Vince, she is genuinely happy and
thankful for your time and chats. To Hon (John) whom she had shared many
useless and nonchalant ideas and calls, to her no filter needed friend which is
a diamond she unexpectedly found in the rough. She is grateful and hopes
that they can still be part of her next journey.
To all the people in OSA, Sir Ebuña, Ma’am Mimi, Ma’am Rea, Ma’am
Amanda, Ma’am Jez, and Ma’am Mj, she is appreciative for all the
conversations and accompaniment that made her grow as a person. To her
Ma’am Grace Pacatang, whom she treats as a mentor and guidance
counselor, she is grateful for the advice and the wisdom you imparted to her
and for all the knowledge she will gain in the future.
Most of all, Her thesis adviser, Prof. Marjorie T. Sobradil, for her
support, for her patience, guidance, and her precious time. For the knowledge
and wisdom, she imparted, the author wishes her fourth fold of the kindness
she gives, to be returned to her. Thank you for correcting the ideas and for
making this book possible.
To Her Thesis Panelist, Prof Hermie P. Pava, for his advice and the
knowledge conveyed through needed corrections, and alterations and for
inspiring the author to strive more, And to Prof May Ailinie Postrano – Butalid,
the author is grateful for all the lessons and insights they shared. The author
appreciates both their time and dedication in teaching her everything she
needed to learn from day one. To her instructors, Ma’am G, Ma’am Jorn, and
Ma’am Rhy, who shared knowledge and taught the author many life lessons.
Thank you.
To her Alma mater CMU, you are indeed the academic paradise of the
south. As the song goes, may your future students strive to uphold your honor
and bring you boundless fame. Mabuhay!
To the Registered voters of Kibatang, the respondents of this study, the
author is grateful statistic service for facilitating the results of her studies. She
appreciates everyone.
To her Doggos, who become her “bilar buddies” and source of her
laughter Mommy Win, Kuya Cookie, Zea mays, and vivor and beloved wacky
who made her time during pandemic fun. To her Cats, Toey, Meow, Oreo, for
your kind words, cooperation, and support. To CMU
Chunky, ingka, bebeb, and ming ming from manila, you saved her
more than she saved you.
And to YOU, whoever you are and wherever you may be, thank you for
lending this book your time, for reading the fruits of hard labor and meticulous
efforts of the author. I hope this research helps you with insights and
references as you take good care of this arduous thesis the author poured her
time into.
And to everyone, the author failed to special mention, that she is
grateful for the encounter and conversation, without all of you, she will not be
where she is and who she becomes, you made this all possible.
This is just part of the goal; she is still a work in progress.
Copyright @ 2022 by Kaira Mae Demetrio Zambas
1.1 Statement of Problem 4
1.2 Objectives of the Study 5
1.3 Significance of the Study 6
1.4 Scope and Delimitation 7
1.5 Conceptual Framework of the Study 8
1.6 Definition of Terms 10
3.1 Research Design 26
3.2 Research Method 26
3.3 Research Instrument 26
3.4 Respondent of the study 27
3.5 Research Tool 29
3.6 Locale of The Study 30
3.7 Statistical Tool 32
6.5 Presentation of Causal variable/ Television Main Stream 52
Media Factor. Mean and Descriptive Rating and Ranking.
1 Conceptual Framework 8
A Survey Questionnaire 77
C Letter to COMELEC 85
E Letter to Respondents 87
F IERC Permit 88
H Documentation 90
Voting can be challenging, and selecting the best candidate for office is
always tricky. Many elements play a significant role in this, including election
campaigns, political exposure, voter education, political expertise, family
influence, and popularity. Due to various variables, registered voters had
difficulty assessing and considering their options as candidates lay down their
materials and candidature propaganda. Candidates with no experience in
campaigning can have one of two effects: they can encourage voters to
evaluate candidates using campaign cues, or they can encourage people to
vote without ever being conscious of the information benefits of campaigns
(Gherghina and Rusu, 2021).
perspectives on the day's topics, and the media cover and spread these
messages throughout election campaigns. Nadeau et al., 2008). The majority
of registered voters genuinely interested in the election carry their inquiry on
the internet, where they rely on news materials, social media, television, and
radio. Those who do not conduct their research and instead rely on candidate
advertisements or miting de avance.
Batara, et. al 2021. However, the researchers claim that several studies have
been undertaken in the past. Candidate-centered factors were found to be
drivers of voting preferences in a study describing Filipino voting tendencies
and a survey of the literature in the Philippines; however, the context of the
study is based on a different aspect. The current electoral environment in the
Philippines is marked by the existence of important and necessary subjects;
pro-administration and opposition parties have clear roles, and the media has
always been a lookout for the pre-election polls and are widely reported
around the country. As a result, it's also crucial to investigate the
aforementioned probable impact on voters' voting preferences (Batara, et. al
“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are
prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is
― Franklin D. Roosevelt
1. What are the factors that influenced the voting preferences of the registered
voters in Barangay in Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon in the 2022
Presidential Election?
A. Candidate’s Identity
B. Candidate's Credentials
D. Election Campaigns
A. Family
B. Religion
C. Peers
D. Media
1. Identify the factors that influenced the voting preferences of the registered
voters in Barangay in Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon in the 2022
Presidential Election?
A. Candidate’s Identity
B. Candidate's Credentials
D. Election Campaigns
2. Identify the causal variables that influenced the voting preferences of the
registered voters in Barangay in Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon for the 2022
Presidential election. In terms of;
A. Family
B. Religion
C. Peers
D. Media
Conceptual Framework
yet they are all interconnected. Complex interactions occur between them.
They frequently encourage one another. They do, however, occasionally
function paradoxically. What matters most is how people interpret these
elements in their minds. Subjective perceptions and self-definitions are
extremely useful in determining who to vote for. Party strategists are well
aware of all of this. The significance of image manipulation during the
electoral campaign cannot be overstated. Winning campaigns discover
methods to get into voters' deeply ingrained self-images. The election-day
choice is determined by what is in a voter's thinking, which is the
consequence of both her life experiences and her comprehension of those life
experiences. To anticipate how anyone individuals vote, we must know all of
these things and more.
Definitions of Terms
To further understand the proposed study, the following terms were defined:
Age - refers to the respondent’s years of living from birth up to the time of the
Election- refers to a formal and organized event that is held in the Philippines
(usually held in May) that changes or retains a political candidate in their
Peer groups- refers to a type of social group that is made up of people who
share similar interests, social status, and are in the same age group as the
Printed Material - refers to all printed reading materials that appeal to the
visual sense of the respondents
Radio - refers to the electronic medium that appeals to the auditory senses of
the respondents.
Respondents- refers to the registered voters who are the target audience of
the study.
Social Media- refers to a collective term for websites and applications that
focus on communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing,
and collaboration that are used by political candidates to gain the attention of
the respondents
Television - refers to the electronic medium that appeals to the auditory and
visual senses of the respondents.
There are many political frameworks and changes in the study of voting
preferences and participation. When studying voting, the focus is on how and
why people come to particular voting preferences and election decisions
added Said (2020) to his political participation work. The diversity varies the
impact of the voting element and voting decisions throughout time and places.
It could be the candidate that represents them in this term, a change of
political ideology for the next term, or the new candidate's family affiliation or
educational background.
9, 2022. This research was done to look into the reasons for choosing or
changing the candidate preferences of voters. The investigation had been
conducted through a cluster random sampling survey, which looks into the
candidate's character, identity, family affiliation, and educational background,
Causal variables and socio-demographic influences were to be scrutinized by
the questionnaire that is specially designed to produce reliable results.
History of Voting
change the course of a country's future. The necessity to expand the number
of potential voters and promote political engagement necessitates the
development of voter education. The formulation of programs, continuous
execution, and outcome monitoring of voter education initiatives must be
carefully considered. Implementing a voter education program is intended to
upsurge the number of potential voters and boost political involvement. Voters
may check voter lists to verify they have been appropriately included, what
sorts of elections are who is qualified to vote, where and how to register to
vote, and how to cast a ballot held, Voter education covers topics such as to
whom, at what, as well as how to vote, whoever the candidates are, and how
to file complaints. One thing to consider too is that in politics, the need to use
a variety of communication tactics is a well-known truth, especially as the
electorate grows more. As a result, the socioeconomic and political landscape
is becoming varied explained by MacManus, 2003.
battleground with many political clans and intimidating characters fighting for
control. If the person lacks political determination, it resolves to be best to get
out of the way or expect to be battered and bruised. "In the Philippines,
elections are dominated by personalities, akin to a national soap opera in
which the lines between infamy and celebrity blur over time." (Harden, 2010,
Velmonte, 2020) in his Washington post.
Candidate background
Voters may not need to infer a candidate's policy positions from their
background characteristics in most elections because political candidates
readily provide information on policy positions, both through their party label
and by taking explicit positions on policy issues Pedersen, Dahlgaard, and Citi
(2019) on Candidate Background Characteristics Influence Voter Reactions,
as Do Candidate Policy Positions. When voters evaluate candidates, it is
common in the candidate characteristics literature that such information can
overwhelm and attenuate the effects of personal background characteristics.
Voters may infer a candidate's policy positions from his or her family
history for similar reasons. Voters will be much more likely to deduce qualities
and policy positions from a candidate's career for a variety of reasons. First,
while applicants are generally assigned gender and parents with specific
occupations at birth, they do have some control over their occupation. As a
result, voters may perceive a candidate's occupation as a rather significant
indicator of his or her talents and dispositions. Second, other background
characteristics, such as a candidate's level of education and income, can be
inferred from their occupation. This is significant because, while a candidate's
professional background has no direct bearing on voter perceptions of his or
her qualifications for office, education does. The electoral significance of the
second method of inference, which goes from candidate attributes to
candidate policy positions, is self-evident. According to the Downsian model
of electoral competition, voters prefer the candidate whose policy beliefs are
the most similar to their own (Downs 1957; Pedersen, Dahlgaard, & Citizen)
Election campaigns
Since then, it has been more than half a century. The theory of
campaign minimal effects was developed (Campbell et al., 1960). Electoral
behavior is often debated in political debates, focusing on factors that
influence voters' ultimate decisions, which is critical for any political party
contesting in the election process (Danaj & Lami, 2014). Voters who trust
politicians identify with the candidate, resonate with their personality, and
believe what is said in the campaign (McGregor, 2018). Candidates have
used a range of strategies to capture the attention of voters. An informative
election campaign provides people with a persuasive stimulant to think about
(Ferrín, Fraile, and García-Albacete, 2019; Riker, 1989; Gherghina & Rusu,
2021). The problematic aspect now is catching the attention of the technically
inclined and politically aware voters. Ranging from [1] Printed media, [2]
Social Media exposure, and [3] Television Commercials, Radio BroadCast.
According to extensive research, many people base their voting decisions on
the subject matter of election campaigns (Peterson, 2015).
Printed media- It is all about getting the design right when it comes to
creating effective campaign leaflets — to attract the electorate's attention. The
politicians, parties, or viewpoints promoted in any flyers published should be
thoughtful and informative. The best advertiser's most incredible tool is still
words, not graphics. Newspapers and magazines provide the flexibility and
space needed to develop a message fully.
Family- The family is the first socializing agent. Children are taught
what they need to know by their mothers and fathers, siblings and
grandparents, and extended family members. They illustrate how to use
commodities (such as clothing, computers, eating utensils, books, and
bicycles) as well as how to interact with others (some as "family," others as
"friends," still others as "strangers," instructors, or "neighbors") (what is "real"
and what is "imagined"). As individuals are informed from their own
experience as a child or from their involvement in helping to raise one,
socialization entails teaching and learning about an infinite variety of items
and ideas.
The family plays a critical role in transmitting political values from generation
to generation. During the first ten to fifteen years of a child's life in the home,
the majority of his political personality is formed. The youngster is deeply
affected by his parent’s and family's mentality, which has a long-term impact
on his thinking. Through his or her family, the child learns about political ideals.
Political messaging may be accepted, rejected, or ignored.
Peer Group- Peer groups consist of people who are similar in age,
social status, and interests. Peer group socialization begins at a young age,
such as when older children teach younger children how to take turns, follow
game rules, and shoot a basketball on the playground. As children grow into
teenagers, this process continues.
As they begin to form their own identities separate from their parents
and assert their independence, adolescents place a different value on peer
groups. Peer groups also provide opportunities for socialization because
children engage in various activities with their peers than with their families
Peer groups provide adolescents with their first significant socializing
expertise outside of their families. Surprisingly, while friendships are high on
adolescents' priority lists, researchers have discovered that parental influence
mitigates this.
socialization/ as seen on this website, Television, newspapers, radio, and the
Internet are all examples of mass media that broadcast impersonal
information to a large audience. The media has a huge impact on social
norms. People learn about nonmaterial culture—what is true (beliefs), critical
(values), and expected—as well as material culture objects (such as new
technology and transportation options) (norms).
Socio-Demographic Factor
Age- According to Gherghina and Rusu (2021), those who had more
political knowledge and more interest in voting according to their pre-
The following were the methodology used in the study. This chapter
contains the flow and methods of data gathering and discusses how the data
was gathered, interpreted, and analyzed. It includes the research design and
method that was utilized, the research instrument, respondents of the study
research tool, and the locale and the locale map.
A. Research Design
A quantitative research design is utilized in this study. The quantitative
approach applies to the study; Voting preferences of the registered voters for
the 2022 Presidential Election as it establishes the cause-and-effect
relationships between the respondents and candidates. The data was
gathered and collected through the structured research questionnaires and
would be interpreted with the use of frequencies and percentages to come up
with a descriptive analysis.
B. Research Method
The researchers engaged in a descriptive quantitative research method.
Quantitative research methods emphasize objective measurements and the
statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through
questionnaires and surveys. The survey questionnaires were composed of
partial close-ended and close-ended questions.
C. Research Instrument
The researcher gathered the data through a survey using a semi-
structured questionnaire designed for the study. The finding of the study offers
relevant information on the voting preferences of registered voters of
Barangay Kibatang.
a closed and open-ended format using the Likert Style Scale. The first part of
the questionnaire is the demographic profile composed of name (optional),
age, gender, civil status, religious affiliation, and occupation. The second part
is the question proper which comprises questions that are directly aligned to
the research objectives. The questions include the following: the factors that
influence the voting preferences of registered voters for the 2022 Presidential
Election: Candidate’s identity, Candidates credentials, Candidate’s character
qualities, and Election campaign, and the causal variable that influences the
voting preferences of the respondents such as family, religion, peers, Ethnicity,
and media
Slovin’s Formula:= 1 +�(�)2
N= population size
e= allowable error (in this study, the researcher has chosen 0.1 for 10%
allowable error)
1 + �(�)2
1 + 1,613(0.1)2
1 + 1,613(0.01)
1 + 16.13
� = 94.16 ~ 95
E. Research Tool
TABLE 2. Likert Scale Used for The Interpretation of Data on The Factors That Influence
the Voting Behavior of Registered Voters
Figure 2.
The map of the municipality of Don Carlos, Bukidnon showing the locale of the study.
Statistical Tool
As per the result of the data collected, the researcher used the
frequency counts and their corresponding percentages for the response to
each question. The researcher also used a weighted mean (average) for each
item with its corresponding descriptive rating. Pearson Product Moment
Correlation was used to determine the relationships between the dependent
and independent variables and a definite correlation matrix.
Table 3.
Total 1,613 95
Presentation of Socio-Demographic profile of Registered voters of
Kibatang Don Carlos, Bukidnon.
Table 4.
Presentation of the overall data, frequency, and percentage of Gender cluster, Age
cluster, civil status cluster, religious affiliation cluster, Work status cluster, and
Educational Attainment cluster.
Female 49 51.58 %
Male 46 48.42 %
Civil Status
Married 49 51.58 %
Single 31 32.63 %
Widow/Widower 15 15.79 %
Religious affiliation
Pentecostal 14 14.74%
Baptist 13 13.68%
Student 30 31.58%
Employed 27 28.42%
Self-employed 22 23.16%
Unemployed 9 9.47%
Retired 7 7.37%
Cebuano 41 42.55%
Bukidnon 23 24.47%
Umayamnon 15 15.96%
Talaandig 5 5.32%
Higa-onon 5 5.32%
Matigsalug 2 2.13%
Manobo 2 2.13%
Tigwahanon 2 2.13%
Educational Attainment
Total 95 100%
The tables herein present the factors that affect the voting preference
of the registered voters of Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon. It shows the mean,
Descriptive quality, and rank distribution of the respondents with their
corresponding answers in Candidate-oriented Factors namely; Candidate
identity, Candidate Credentials Candidate Character Qualities, and Election
Campaigns. The mean is the ratio of the respondents who answered with the
descriptive quality which in return is ranked from the highest to the lowest to
identify which factor affects the voting preferences of Kibatang more.
Q1. What are the factors that influenced the voting preferences of the
registered voters in Barangay in Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon in the 2022
Presidential Election?
Table 5.1
Presentation of Factors that influence the voting preference/ Candidate’s
Identity Factors. Mean and Descriptive Rating and Ranking
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
The findings are neither completely contrary nor completely agree with
the study of Oliver Woshinsky (1995) where he stated “The number of
influences on our attitude toward life could be large. It turns out that a handful
of factors have distinct effects on the way people understand politics. These
influences can be summarized in the keywords: culture, class, religion, race,
ethnicity, gender, region, and age.” The data gathered shows that only the
Ethnicity aspect of the Presidential Candidate’s Identity is deemed
imperative towards the factors that influence the preferences of the registered
voters of Kibatang Don Carlos, Bukidnon.
Table 5.2
Presentation of Factors that influence the voting preference/ Candidate’s
Credentials Factors. Mean and Descriptive Rating and Ranking
Factors that influence the voting preference Mean Descriptive Ranking
I consider the public service experience of a 4.12 Agree 1st
political candidate.
I consider the ability of the candidate to 4.09 Agree 2nd
provide strong leadership when I vote.
The educational background of the candidate 3.88 Agree 3rd
The educational attainment of the candidate 3.73 Agree 4th
influenced my vote choice.
The marital status of candidates matters when 3.14 Undecided 5th
making my voting decisions.
Overall 3.16 Agree
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
Table 5.3
Presentation of Factors that influence the voting preference/ Candidate’s
Character Quality Factor. Mean and Descriptive Rating and Ranking.
Factors that influence the voting preference Mean Descriptive Rank
I vote for an intellectual and informative 4.29 Strongly 1st
leader. Agree
I consider myself an honest political 4.13 Agree 2nd
A candidate who is hardworking, dutiful, and 3.96 Agree 3rd
self-disciplined influences my voting choice.
A candidate should be reliable and trustworthy. 3.89 Agree 4th
A candidate who is outgoing, sociable, and 3.71 Agree 5th
talkative influences my voting choice
overall 3.91 Agree
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
Big Five.”
Table 5.4
Presentation of Factors that influence the voting preference/ Candidate’s
Election Campaign Factors, Mean and Descriptive Rating and Ranking
Factors that influence the voting preference Mean Descriptive Ranking
Candidates with health care policies 3.69 Agree 1st
influence my voting choice.
Candidates with educational policies 3.67 Agree 2nd
influence my voting choice.
Candidates with urbanization policies 3.58 Agree 3rd
influence my voting choice.
Candidates with energy and petroleum policies 3.35 Undecided 4th
influence my voting decisions.
The Party manifesto and campaign promises 3.18 Undecided 5th
influence my voting choice.
Overall 3.50 Agree
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
wins, the voter has an idea of what their preferred candidate should be
accounted for. 3rd place “Candidates with educational policies influence my
voting choice.” or (3.68) is the last aspect with a descriptive quality agree.
Education has always been a top priority of the registered voters of Kibatang,
and candidates who offered it had surely had their attention. “Candidates with
urbanization policies influence my voting choice.” Or (3.58) is ranked 4th and
is entailed with undecided, the only urbanization policy residents of Kibatang
wanted is a farm to the market road at best, as big manufacturing factories
might disrupt the farming land in Kibatang. and the last rank, 5th “Candidates
with energy and petroleum policies influence my voting decisions.” (3.35) with
the lowest score was also voted undecided, in a farming community,
respondents of barangay Kibatang, therefore, prioritize policies who are in
aligning with their livelihood
An aggregate mean of 3.50 indicates that the respondent's presidential
candidate preferences favor the Candidate’s Election Campaign Factor,
based on the Open Election Data Initiative (2022) Democratic elections
necessitate an informed as well as a free vote, as well as a fair chance for
candidates to gather support and excite supporters to assist them in gaining
office. Election campaigns are critical to attaining those objectives. Truly
competitive elections provide equal opportunities for candidates to
communicate their viewpoints to residents and compete for votes. Election
campaigns allow candidates and political parties to deliver their message to
residents, assisting voters in making educated and informed decisions on
election day.
The tables herein present the factors that affect the voting preference
of the registered voters of Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon. It shows the mean,
Descriptive quality, and rank distribution of the respondents with their
corresponding answers in causal variables namely; Family, Religion, Peers
Mainstream media Radio, Television, newspapers, and social media. The
mean is the ratio of the respondents who answered with the descriptive
quality which in return is ranked from the highest to the lowest to identify
which factor affects the voting preferences of Kibatang more.
Q2. What causal variables influenced the voting preferences of the registered
voters in Barangay in Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon for the 2022
Presidential election. In terms of; A. Family B. Religion C. Peers D. Media
Table 6.1
Presentation of Causal variable / Family Factor, Mean and Descriptive Rating,
and Ranking
Factors that influence the voting preference Mean Descriptive Ranking
Family influences my voting behavior the 3.70 Agree 1st
My family’s values and perspectives are 3.67 Agree 2nd
important to me.
Eligible family members must always 3.38 Undecided 3rd
practice suffrage in any election.
Family discussions on political matters are 3.35 Undecided 4th
Young members of the family must follow their 2.93 Undecided 5th
adults on their political orientation.
Overall 3.41 Agree
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
Table 6.1 shows that the above reveals the significance of the Family
Factor for the Causal variables that will influence the voting preferences of the
registered voters of Kibatang. Based on the figures, the respondents voted
Agree to two (2) aspects and one (3) undecided aspect presented. To further
discuss this, the 1st rank is “My family’s values and perspectives are important
to me.” Or (3. 7) . this aspect was voted the most as it is most likely a variety
of factors influence political engagement. Education, gender, age, and family
are a few examples. The family element has been a significant factor in the
individual's life since birth (Turan & Tıraş, 2017). and together with the 2nd
rank “Family influences my voting behavior the most.” or (3.70) are Agreed
aspects for voting preferences, this data shows that what family members
inculcate starting from a very young age of a child, such as this, for example,
will stay inculcated and will influence the mind of the family member (Turan &
Tıraş, 2017) this result is also supported by Roberts, Ulla, & Rideout (2005)
study survey Parents, Children, and Media: A Kaiser Family Foundation
The 3rd place is “Eligible family members must always practice suffrage
in any election.” Or (3.38). Suffrage is a right given by a democratic state to its
populaces (Vernooy, 2009). Whoever, there are instances when family
members are away and cannot exercise their rights. The 4th place is “Family
discussions on political matters are necessary.” or 3.35, Discussions with
family members regarding politics is necessary however, the convincing
family member who to vote and prefer is another matter completely. as well
as the 5th and last “Young members of the family must follow their adults on
their political orientation.” Or (2.9) is the Undecided aspect. Residents of
barangay Kibatang are undecided as the family may be a large factor in
voting preferences but family members should not dictate who their younger
generation should vote for.
attitudes, values, conventions, and beliefs. What youngsters learn from their
families, on the other hand, may have political implications (Turan & Tıraş,
Table 6.2
Presentation of Causal variable/ Religion Factor Mean and Descriptive Rating
and Ranking.
Factors that influence the voting preference Mean Descriptive Ranking
I consider religious sermons as a guide in my 2.60 Disagree 1st
daily decisions.
The beliefs, morals, and practices of my 2.40 Disagree 2nd
religion are crucial determinants of my
political decisions.
My Religion influence how I think, how I act, 2.37 Disagree 3rd
and how I choose political candidates
Religion influences my voting behavior the most. 2.28 Disagree 4th
I must vote according to the values of my 2.09 Disagree 5th
Overall 2.35 Disagree
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
Table 16 displays that the above reveals the implication of the Religion
Factor for the Causal variables that will influence the voting preferences of the
registered voters of Kibatang. Based on the figures, all five (5) aspects
presented, the respondents voted Disagree on the Religion aspect. To
further discuss this, “I consider religious sermons as a guide in my daily
decisions” or (2.60) is ranked 1st rank among all others. Regardless of religion,
respondents of barangay Kibatang listens to religious sermons and embody
most of them however, this does not mean that the respondents depend on
their voting preferences entirely on the sermons. 2nd place was “The beliefs,
morals, and practices of my religion are crucial determinants of my political
decisions” (2.40). Beliefs, morals, and practices of religion are separate what
the respondent’s voting preferences.
3rd place was “My Religion influence how I think, how I act, and how I
choose political candidates” or (2.37), Registered voters of Kibatang, who are
influenced to vote by a number of things but they are not dictated, second to
last 4th place is “Religion influences my voting behavior the most” (2.28) this
means that religion is not the only influence a voter has for their voting
preference and the 5th and last rank is “I must vote according to the values of
my religion.” (2.09) are all voted disagree, in barangay Kibatang, the church
does not force its member to follow who to vote but follow their belief.
The overall result also appears to disagree that religion can dictate the
respondent’s voting preferences and this is unusual as religion post as one of
3 determinants of politics next to class and gender, however, Rui (2010)
suggests that with variable degrees of involvement in a process akin to what
happens when individuals connect to religion, displayed in ways as diverse as
shifting from non-religious to intensely religious. Many may believe that
religion is a big factor but not everyone may believe so.
Table 6.3
Presentation of Causal variable/ Peer Factor. Mean and Descriptive Quality
and Rank.
Factors that influence the voting preference Mean Descriptive Ranking
The opinions of my friends about the political 2.36 Disagree 1st
candidates influence my voting choice.
The political discussions with my peers about 2.33 Disagree 2nd
the candidates for elections help me to decide
whom to vote for.
Spending time with my friends and colleagues 2.29 Disagree 3rd
influences my voting behavior
My relations with my peers influence my voting 2.28 Disagree 4th
I vote for the candidate preferred by my friends 1.78 Disagree 5th
Overall 2.67 Undecided
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree 50
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
Table 6.3 exhibits that the above reveals the implication of the Peers
Factor for the Causal variables that will influence the voting preferences of the
registered voters of Kibatang. Based on the figures, the respondents voted to
disagree on the Peer’s aspect. To further discuss this, the Five (5) Disagree
aspects are ranked,
undecided notion
Table 6.4
Presentation of Causal variable/ Radio Main Stream Media factor. Mean and
Descriptive Rating and Ranking.
Factors that influence the voting preference Mean Descriptive Ranking
Radio discourse of certain radio stations 2.53 Disagree 1st
helps me to evaluate presidential candidates.
I might be influenced to vote for a particular 2.40 Disagree 2nd
politician based on the content I heard about
him on radio
The radio provides up to date content that 2.35 Disagree 3rd
influences my voting choice
Listening to radio programs about the running 2.20 Disagree 4th
candidates in presidential elections influence my
decision to vote
Radio advertisements of the Presidential 2.12 Disagree 5th
candidates influence my voting choice
Overall 2.82 Undecided
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
Table 6.4 reveals that the above exposes the implication of the
Mainstream Media- Radio Factor for the Causal variables that will influence
the voting preferences of the registered voters of Kibatang. Based on the
figures, the respondents voted Undecided on the overall aggregate of
mainstream media; Radio but all other aspects point to disagree. The
findings of Intyaswati and Maryani et al. (2021) revealed that social media
platforms that engage with television, radio, and newspapers had a huge
impact on voting decisions, but that may not be the case in barangay
Table 6.5 data reveals that the above discloses the implication of the
Mainstream Media- Television Factor for the Causal variables that will
influence the voting preferences of the registered voters of Kibatang. Based
on the figures, the respondents voted undecided on the Television-based
aspect. One (1) agree aspect is voted, three (3) aspects were voted
undecided and one (1) disagree aspect is presented. To further discuss this,
an evaluation of ranks should commence. 1st rank is the only agree aspect is
“I often watch presidential television interviews because I know I can gather
any information about the candidates there or (3.52) A survey of Indonesian
television viewers, particularly those who watch Metro T.V. as well as
television One study found that information on the 2014 presidential election
was primarily accessed through these channels. (Sulistiyo and Suwartiningsih,
2016; Intyaswati and Maryani et al., 2021).
Table 6.6
Presentation of Causal variable/ Newspaper Main Stream Media Factor.
Mean and Descriptive Rating and Ranking.
Factors that influence the voting preference Mean Descriptive Ranking
The newspaper helps me to find out about 1st
political news than other platforms do
3.13 Undecided
I enjoy reading newspaper content about the 3rd
presidential candidates because it helps me
to decide whom to vote 3.01 Undecided
Reading newspapers daily influenced my 2nd
decision to vote Undecided
The information I read in newspapers is more 4th
reliable than the information I get from radio and
television 2.78 Undecided
I might be influenced to vote for a particular 5th
politician based on the content I read about him
in newspaper 2.75 Undecided
2.94 Undecided
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
Table 6.6 reveals that the above exposes the implication of the
Mainstream Media- Newspaper Factor for the Causal variables that will
influence the voting preferences of the registered voters of Kibatang. Based
on the figures, the respondents voted Undecided on the Newspaper based
aspect. All five (5) aspects are Undecided written with also an Undecided for
its overall mean. To further discuss this, the 1st rank “The newspaper helps
me to find out about political news than other platforms do” or (3.13), there is
a limitation in the accessibility of newspapers in barangay Kibatang which
makes the voting preferences not influenced by this mainstream media. 2nd to
the ranking” Reading newspapers daily influenced my decision to vote” or
(3.02), 3rd to the list “I enjoy reading newspaper content about the presidential
candidates because it helps me to decide whom to vote” or (3.01), 4th rank
“The information I read in newspapers is more reliable than the information I
get from radio and television” or (2.78) last and 5th place “I might be
influenced to vote for a particular politician based on the content I read about
him on newspaper” (2.75), seldom are newspapers found in barangay
Kibatang that are up to date containing candidate information sections. The
overall aggregate is 2.94 and is ruled undecided.
Previous studies conclude that newspapers have a significant positive
impact on political engagement (Gentzkow, Shapiro & Sinkinson 2011)
however as newspapers are not usually found in the vicinity of Kibatang, this
is not the case. The study is to assess the interacting effect of traditional
(newspaper, radio, and television) and social media on voting decisions
(Intyaswati and Maryani et al. (2021) and their team found out that newspaper
media is slowly disappearing from the streets especially in provinces, with this
being said, the access to the newspaper has reduced significantly according
to Gentzkow, Shapiro & Sinkinson (2011)
Table 6.7
Presentation of Causal variable/ social media Factor. Mean and Descriptive
Rating and Ranking.
Factors that influence the voting preference Mean Descriptive Ranking
Social media provides a platform to get connected 1st
to the political party which I favor. 2.79 Undecided
I might be influenced to vote for a particular 2nd
politician based on content I read about him on
Twitter or Facebook and watched on the television 2.73 Undecided
YouTube videos are an important source of 3rd
information to me and affect my decision to vote 2.71 Undecided
I actively engage in political discussion by expressing 4th
my opinion on Facebook and Twitter
2.56 Disagree
Online banner ads and other forms of advertising 5th
influence my voting preference 2.55 Disagree
I follow political candidates on Twitter and Facebook. 6th
2.52 Disagree
Online polls influence my decision to vote 7th
2.49 Disagree
The conversation in online and television forums 8th
influences my decision to vote
2.29 Disagree
Overall Undecided
4.21-4.50 Strongly Agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree
The data gathered in the analysis as shown in table 6.7 presents the
social media Factor for the Causal variables that influenced the voting
preferences of the registered voters of Kibatang. Result reveals that all the
factors entail a three (3) undecided and Five (5) aspect are voted disagree.
The overall is also Undecided for its 2.66 overall means.
Table 7.
Correlation matrix between causal variables and candidate-centered factors
that influences the voting preferences of the registered voters of Barangay
Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon.
Candidates Candidate
Identity/Personality Candidate Character Election
VARIABLES Credentials Qualities Campaign
Family .037 .056 .149 .305
Religion .257* .023 .174* .390*
Peers .196 -.001 .082 .315*
Radio .176* .028 .109 .080
Television .036 .412* .133 .211
News Paper .414* .216* .169 .345*
Media .033 .265* .136 .316*
*Signified at 0.05 level (two-tailed)
Table 7.1
Correlation matrix between causal variables family and candidate-centered
factors. Value and Significance
Causal variable FAMILY Value Significance
Table 7.1 presents the correlation matrix between the causal and the
factors that influence the voting preferences of the registered voters of
Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos Bukidnon. As shown in the table above, there
is a low correlation between the Family factor and the Election Campaign
factor (r= .305, p<0.05) and between family Factors and the Candidate’s
Character Qualities (r=. 149, p<0.05). This means that the Family’s perception
plays a constructive and significant role in the Election Campaign and the
Family’s awareness plays a significant role in the Candidate’s Character
Qualities as well.
The family has always been the foundation of an individual's beliefs,
and especially in politics, research shows (Turan & Traş, 2017) that the most
influential one has tended to come from their family. Candidate character
qualities such as approachability and talkativeness encourage respondents
in Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos, and Bukidnon to reach out to the
candidate by participating in their election campaigns and rallies.
Respondents of barangay Kibatang, like candidates that exert efforts in going
to the barangay during campaign periods.
Table 7.2
Correlation matrix between causal variables Religion and candidate-centered
factors. Value and Significance
Causal variable RELIGION Value Significance
Table 7.2 presents the correlation matrix between the causal and the
factors that influence the voting preferences of the registered voters of
Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos Bukidnon. Amongst the data above, the
respondent’s morals and religious beliefs correlate with the Election campaign
of candidates (r= .390*, p<0.05) and candidate Identity (r=.257*, p<0.05).
This means that religious values have a significant impact on how
Election campaigns are done, as well as how religion shapes people's and
Candidates’ Identity/Personality. The findings of this study show that
religion has little influence on the voting preferences of respondents in
Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon, but that religion's influence can be
seen in the values and decorum of election campaigns, as well as how
religion shapes people's and candidates' identities, as shown in the
correlation between the independent variable Voting preferences and our
causal variable and the dependent variable.
Table 7.3
Correlation matrix between causal variables Peers and candidate-centered
factors. Value and Significance
Causal variable PEERS Value Significance
Table 7.3 presents the correlation matrix between the causal and the
factors that influence the voting preferences of the registered voters of
Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos Bukidnon. The above table shows that the
respondent’s Peer factor correlates with the Election Campaign of Candidates
(r= .315*, p<0.05). This means that the peer factor has a significant impact on
candidate election campaigns.
In the election campaign, the respondents of Kibatang, Don Carlos,
Bukidnon are influenced by their peers and friends since they can discuss
their political choices and values. Barangay Kibatang preferred election
campaigns in which they could identify more with the candidates and were
confronted by them.
Table 7.4
Correlation matrix between causal variables Radio and candidate-centered
factors. Value and Significance
Causal variable Radio Value Significance
Table 7.4 presents the correlation matrix between the causal and the
factors that influence the voting preferences of the registered voters of
Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos Bukidnon. The above table shows that the
Table 7.5 presents the correlation matrix between the causal and the
factors that influence the voting preferences of the registered voters of
Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos Bukidnon. The above table shows that the
respondent’s Mainstream media television factor correlates with the
Candidates credentials (r= .412*, p<0.05).
Table 7.6
Correlation matrix between causal variables Newspaper and candidate-
centered factors Value and Significance
Causal variable Newspaper Value Significance
Table 7.6 presents the correlation matrix between the causal and the
factors that influence the voting preferences of the registered voters of
Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos Bukidnon. The above table shows that the
respondent’s Mainstream media television factor correlates with the
Candidate’s Identity/Personality (r= .414*, p<0.05) as well as the Election
campaign of the candidate (r= .345*, p<0.05).
Table 7.7
Correlation matrix between causal variables social media and candidate-
centered factors Value and Significance
Causal variable social media Value Significance
Election campaign .316* Significant
Candidates credential .265* Significant
Candidates Character Qualities .136 Not Significant
Candidates Identity/Personality .033 Not Significant
*Signified at 0.05 level (two-tailed)
Table 7.7 presents the correlation matrix between the causal and the
factors that influence the voting preferences of the registered voters of
Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos Bukidnon. As shown in the table above, there
is a low correlation between the Family factor and the Candidate credential
(r= .265*, p<0.05) and between family Factors and the Candidate’s Character
Qualities (r= .316*, p<0.05).
This means that social media in the mainstream media is linked to
Candidate credentials and Candidate’s Character Qualities. During the
pandemic, most residents of Barangay Kibatang purchased WIFI for their
students, and some purchased it for global access even if they were at home;
as a result, social media accessibility has never been easier. As the election
nears, more candidates are posting political propaganda and campaigns on
social media, which the younger generation of voters in Barangay Kibatang,
Don Carlos, Bukidnon can fully access. Candidate credentials and character
qualities can be found anywhere and are accessible to anyone, social media
correlates with these factors.
The overall result of the Causal variable factor data revealed that
the family factor has the greatest influence on the voting preferences of
registered voters in Barangay Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon. According to
statistics, voters prioritize family values and perspectives the most. Family
discussions about politics are also deemed necessary, as this has influenced
the perceptions of registered voters. In places like Barangay Kibatang, the
results show that young family members tend to follow their parents' political
views. The voting preferences in barangay Kibatang are mostly based on
family; there are candidates who have had the support of a particular family
for generations. Family members also encourage their children and
Based on the data gathered, the following conclusions are drawn: presented
and explain:
From the findings, and conclusions that have been gathered, the
following recommendations were made.
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Note: The sole aim of this survey is to assess the Voting Preferences of The
Registered Voters for the 2022 Presidential Election in Barangay Kibatang,
Don Carlos, Bukidnon. Please answer the following questions honestly. Rest
assured that the result of this survey questionnaire will be kept confidential
and will be used exclusively for the sole purpose of the researcher.
Direction: Kindly provide the needed information by filling the blanks and
putting a check mark (/) in the space provided.
Questionnaire #:_______
Age: [ ]18-24 years old [ ] 25-34 years old [ ] 35-54 years old [ ] 55 and
Causal Variables that influence the voting ASA A U DA SDA
11 A.I consider
FAMILY an honest political candidate.
(Giisip nako ang usa ka matinud-anon nga
1 kandidato
My family’s
sa values
politika)and perspectives are important
12 to me.
A candidate who is outgoing, sociable, and
talkative influences my voting choice.
(Ang usa ka kandidato nga outgoing, sociable ug
talkative nag-impluwensya sa akong pagpili sa
13 A candidate who is hardworking, dutiful, and self-
disciplined influences my voting choice.
(Ang kandidato nga kugihan, matinahuron ug
disiplinado sa kaugalingon nag-impluwensya sa
akong pagpili sa pagboto)
14 A candidate should be reliable and trustworthy.
(Ang kandidato kinahanglang kasaligan ug
15 I vote for an intellectual and informative leader.
(Giboto ko ang usa ka intelektwal ug informative
nga lider)
16 Party manifesto and campaign promises influence
my voting choice.
(Manifesto sa partido ug mga saad sa kampanya
ang maka implwensya sa akoang pagboto)
17 Candidates with educational policy platforms
influence my voting choice.
(Kandidato nga nay mga palisiya sa edukasyon
ang maka implwensya sa akoang pagboto)
18 Candidates with health care policy platforms
influence my voting choice.
(Kandidato nga nay mga palisiya para sa Maayung
panglawas ang maka implwensya sa akoang
19 Candidates with urbanization policy platforms
influence my voting choice.
(Kandidato nga nay mga palisiya para sa pang
urbanisasyon ang maka implwensya sa akoang
20 Candidates with energy and petroleum policy
platforms influence my voting decisions.
(Kandidato nga nay mga mga palisiya sa enerhiya
ug petrolyo ang maka implwensya sa akoang
(Ang mga mithi ug mga panglantaw sa akong
pamilya importante kanako)
2 Family discussions on political matters are
(Ang panaghisgot sa pamilya bahin sa
politikanhong mga butang gikinahanglan)
3 Young members of the family must follow their
adults on their political orientation.
(Ang mga batan-ong miyembro sa pamilya
kinahanglang mosunod sa ilang mga hamtong sa
ilang politikanhong oryentasyon)
4 Eligible family members must always practice
suffrage in any election.
(Ang mga kwalipikado nga mga miyembro sa
pamilya kinahanglan kanunay nga magpraktis sa
pagboto sa bisan unsang eleksyon)
5 Family influences my voting behavior the most.
(Ang pamilya labing nakaimpluwensya sa akong
pamatasan sa pagboto)
6 My Religion influence how I think, how I act, and
how I choose political candidates
(Ang akong relihiyon nag-impluwensya sa akong
hunahuna, giunsa nako paglihok ug giunsa nako
pagpili ang mga kandidato sa politika)
7 The beliefs, morals, and practices of my religion
are a crucial determinant of my political decisions.
(Ang mga pagtuo, moral ug mga binuhatan sa
akong relihiyon usa ka hinungdanon nga
determinasyon sa akong mga desisyon sa
8 I must vote according to the values of my religion.
(Importante nga mobotar ko sumala sa mga mithi
sa akong relihiyon)
9 I consider religious sermons as a guide in my
daily decisions.
(Akong gikonsiderar ang relihiyoso nga mga
sermon isip giya sa akong inadlaw-adlaw nga
mga desisyon)
10 Religion influences my voting behavior the most.
(Ang relihiyon labing nakaimpluwensya sa akong
pamatasan sa pagboto)
Good day!
In line with this, she would like to ask for your permission in conducting the
said survey, Rest assured that all answers gathered from the respondents will
be kept confidential and will be used solely for research purposes.
Hoping for your positive response for the success of the study.
Thank you very much!
Respectfully yours,
Kaira Mae Demetrio Zambas
Noted By:
Marjorie T. Sobradil
Thesis Adviser
Good day!
In line with this, she would like to request for your permission in gathering the
number of registered voters of Kibatang, Rest assured that the gathered
population of the respondents will be kept confidential and will be used solely
for research purposes.
Hoping for your positive response for the success of the study.
Thank you very much!
Respectfully yours,
Kaira Mae Demetrio Zambas
Noted By:
Marjorie T. Sobradil
Thesis Adviser
Good day!
In line with this, she would like to ask for your permission in conducting the
said survey, Rest assured that all answers gathered from the respondents will
be kept confidential and will be used solely for research purposes.
Hoping for your positive response for the success of the study.
Thank you very much!
Respectfully yours,
Kaira Mae Demetrio Zambas
Noted By:
Marjorie T. Sobradil
Thesis Adviser
Respondent: ____
Dear Respondents,
Good day!
In line with this, she would like to ask for your participation and cooperation on
the said survey, Rest assured that all answers and your identity will be kept
confidential and will be used solely for research purposes.
She is hoping for your positive response and cooperation for the success of
the study.
Thank you very much!
Respectfully yours,
Kaira Mae Demetrio Zambas
Noted By:
Marjorie T. Sobradil
Thesis Adviser
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Name: _____________________________________________________