Presentation 34

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Unit 1 : Music of Southeast Asia

• The term Southeast Asia refers to a

group of countries in Asia located
geographically south of China, east
of India, west of New Guinea and
North of Australia. It is composed
of Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos,
Singapore, East Timor, Philippines,
Brunei, Myanmar, and Christmas
The name Southeast Asia was created a er World War II and changed
the terms referring to Asia such as ” Further India”, ”East Indies”, ” Indo-
China”, and ” The Malay Peninsula ”. These countries are largely
in uenced by Chinese and Indian culture. Great civilizations such as the
Khmer and Mom prospered in this region until the approaching of the
In this unit, the students will understand the common musical
characteristics of the region as well as the unique characteristics of a
particular Southeast Asian country. The students in this unit also perform
Southeast Asian songs with an appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression,
and style.

Lesson 1 : Music of
Indonesian culture has been shaped by long interaction between t
indigenous customs and multiple foreign in uences. Indonesian cul greatly
in uenced by Western and Eastern traditions like Shamanis Islam, and
Hinduism. Indonesians came into contact with Indians, Portuguese,
Mongols, Dutch, and English traders, colonizers, and e trade and con icts.
These interactions with other cultures brought a of musical styles in
Indonesian music.
Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world consisting of mo islands
that stretches across more than 3,200 miles of the ocean alo Indonesia is
composed of the island groups of Sumatra, Java, Sulaw Nusa, Tenggara,
and Irian Barat.

It has the most ethnically diverse population in the world
with around 300 ethnic groups speaking more than 250
languages. Despite the diversity, Indonesians are brought
together by their languages called ” Bahasa Indonesia ”,
religion, and a common passion for Gamelan music.
Most of the people in Indonesia are Muslims, Indonesia is
one of the
world’s largest Muslim populated countries.

Indonesian musical culture dates back to 1000 A.D. when numerous Hindu-
Indonesian kingdoms developed. During this period, Indian music,
literature, and systems of government were infused in the Indonesian culture.
Some archeological ndings in the Buddhist stupa (player hall) showed the
Indonesian way of life including Javanese indigenous instruments.
For Indonesian people, music is used to facilitate their rites and rituals, to
communicate, and to accompany songs, dances, as well as theatrical
performances like the ”Wayang Kulit”. It is mostly connected with the
ceremonies of death, birth, marriage, and religious beliefs. It is to lessen the
boredom of everyday life as people tend to ock to places where Gamelan is
played or featured. Music is the means of expression for Indonesian artists.
They create in their music their feelings, thoughts, idea, ideals, society, God,
and their world.

Elements of Indonesian Music

Indonesian music has two kinds of scale patterns, Slendro and Pelog.
1. Slendro - It is commonly referred to as the ”male” tonal system that
has ve-
tones that makes up the pentatonic scale.
2. Pelog - It is also commonly referred to as” female” Indonesian
tonal system which has seven tones.

The intervals used in these patterns are not similar

to the Western scale that we know. Indonesian
scale use in the ”cipher notation system ” as
shown in the illustration of Slendro and Pelog.
Indonesian scale patterns also have modes that are called ”pathet
Slendro Pathets
1. Slendro pathet nem - it is the lowest mode in slendro.
2. Slendro pathet sanga - it is the medium mode in slendro.
3. Slendro pathet manyura - it is the highest pathet or mode in sle
Pelog Pathets
1. Pelog pathet lima - it is the lowest pathet or mode in Pelog. 2.
Pelog pathet nem - the medium high pathet / mode in pelog. 3.
Pelog pathet barang - the highest pathet or mode of pelog.

Irama is another important element of Indonesian music. Irama is

a musical concept that pertains to melodic tempo. It is determined
through the number of repetitions made into the ”balungan or
core melody which is sometimes played at ” Saron Panerus”.
Vocal Music of Indonesia
Indonesian vocal music is used to
enhance gamelan music. The tones
produced by a female soloist called ”
Pesindhen” are more o en
compared to the sound of suling or a
ribbon ute. Wherein the male
chorus is known as ” Gerong” and
the mixed chorus ” gerong
bandayan” work as ornamentals of
the melody emanating from the two-
stringed instrument called ”Rebab”.

Musical Instruments of Indonesia

Gamelan is the most famous instrumental ensemble in Indonesia. It is
commonly referred to as Indonesia’s orchestra. It is composed of gong-
chimes, the bronze going, drums, utes, and metallophones. It is o en
performed in Indonesian courts and temples.
There are over 17,000 gamelan all over Indonesia and they come in
di erent sizes and combinations. But despite their di erences in
composition and combinations, they are played in the same manner.
Basically, there is two famous gamelan in Indonesia, the Balinese
Gamelan and Javanese Gamelan.



Balinese Gamelan
It is composed of mostly gongs and metallophones. The manner of playing the
Balinese Gamelan is characterized by the sudden change of tempo and
dynamics. The Metallophones of Balinese Gamelan produced very bright
sounds that make it di erent from Javanese gamelan. In addition to the
distinctive character of the Balinese gamelan is the use of fast rattling cymbals.

Javanese Gamelan
Javanese Gamelan ensemble is dominated by
percussion instruments which is sometimes
referred to as Going-chime musical ensemble. The
Gong Ageng is believed to be the main spirit of the
Javanese Gamelan. There are two styles of playing
Javanese Gamelan; the loud style emphasizing the
bronze instruments and so style which is played
using ute, rehab, and the celempung.

Basically, Gamelan music is polyphonic with a

nuclear theme, punctuation, a counter melody,
and a rhythm.


1. Gong Ageng - this

Instrument is the most
prominent knobbed
gongs in the ensemble. It
hangs at the back of the
ensemble where it
2. Bonang - these are knobbed gongs placed
on ropes that are attached to a wooden
frame. Bonang is struck with two padded
sticks. It is used to mark the time in gamelan.
3. Slenthem - this
instrument is made
from thin bronze keys
of a ne alloy that are
hung by a string over a
tube resonator.
4. Gender - it is made of thin bronze keys of a ne
alloy that are hung by a string over a tube resonator.

5. Gambang
is a xylophone-like
instrument used among
peoples of Indonesia in
gamelan and kulintang,
with wooden bars as
opposed to the metallic
ones of the more typical
metallophones in a

6. Sarong Panerus
The saron panerus is the
smallest and highest pitched
instrument of the gamelan
ensemble. It is played with a
wooden or horn mallet. This
example is tuned to the
pentatonic scale known as
slendro, one of two scales used
in gamelan performances.

There are some

instruments that
ornament the music
of the gamelan, these
are rebab a two-string
lute, the ute, and
celempung enhances
the melody and give
another degree to the
Checking Your Learning
Activity A. M tch the description in
COLUMN A with the term
Write the nswer before the number.

______1. This is the most prominent A. S ron
knobbed gongs in the ensembles. B. G mel n
______2. It is pl yed by only one stick. C. Slenthem D. Gender
______3. It is pl yed with bone m llet E. G mb ng k F. Gong Ageng G.
c lled t buh. Belinese
______4. It is m de of thin bronze keys of H. J v nese
ine lloy th t re hung by string over
tube reson tor.
______5. It is xylophone m de of wood.





B. Answer the following;

1. Di erentiate Balinese Gamelan from Javanese
2. What is the importance of Gamelan music in
Indonesian culture.
3. What do you called on Indonesian tempo?
Describe it.

Activity 3

Direction : Draw a Gamelan musical ensemble your devices .

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