Semana 03 O - Aggregates For Concrete - PCA Chapter 6
Semana 03 O - Aggregates For Concrete - PCA Chapter 6
Semana 03 O - Aggregates For Concrete - PCA Chapter 6
Aggregates for Concrete
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Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures • EB001
Table 6-1. Rock and Mineral Constituents in Aggregates Lightweight aggregates of expanded shale, clay, slate,
minerals igneous rocks metamorphic rocks
and slag (Figure 6-3) are used to produce structural light
weight concrete with a freshly mixed density ranging from
silica granite marble
about 1350 kg/m3 to 1850 kg/m3 (90 lb/ft3 to 120 lb/ft3).
Quartz Syenite metaquartzite Other lightweight materials such as pumice, scoria, perlite,
opal Diorite slate
vermiculite, and diatomite are used to produce insulating
Chalcedony gabbro Phyllite lightweight concretes ranging in density from about 250
Tridymite peridotite schist
kg/m3 to 1450 kg/m3 (15 lb/ft3 to 90 lb/ft3). See Bohan
Cristobalite pegmatite Amphibolites and Ries (2008) and Chapter 20 for more information on
silicates volcanic glass hornfels
lightweight aggregates.
feldspars obsidian gneiss
ferromagnesian pumice serpentinite Heavyweight materials such as barite, limonite,
hornblende tuff magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, iron, and steel punchings
augite scum or shot are used to produce heavyweight concrete and
clay perlite radiation shielding concrete (ASTM C637, Standard
illites pitchstone Specification for Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding
kaolins Felsite Concrete, and ASTM C638, Standard Descriptive
Chlorites Basalt Nonmenclature of Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation-
Montmorillonites Shielding Concrete). Heavyweight aggregates produce
sedimentary rocks
Mica concretes ranging in density from 2900 kg/m3 to 6100 kg/m3 (180 lb/ft3 to
Zeolite conglomerate
carbonated Sandstone This chapter focuses on normal weight aggregates.
calcite quartzite Normalweight aggregates for use in concrete include
dolomite graywacke
natural aggregate, manufactured aggregate, recycled
sulfate subgraywacke
concrete aggregate, and marine-dredged aggregate.
gypsum arkose
Anhydrite Claystone, siltstone,
iron sulfide argillite, and shale
Pyrite carbonates
marcasite limestone
pyrrhotite dolomite
iron oxide Marl
Magnetite Chalk
hematite chert
limonite Figure 6-3. Lightweight aggregate. Expanded clay (left) and expanded
shale (right).
For brief descriptions, see Standard Descriptive Nomenclature for
Constituents of Concrete Aggregates (ASTM C294).
Natural Aggregate
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Chapter 6 • Aggregates for Concrete
Because rock located high in an ice sheet has been carried procedure involves demolishing and removing the existing
from higher, more mountainous areas, which tend to con concrete, crushing the material in primary and secondary
sist of hard, sound rocks. Sand and gravel that have been crushers (Figure 6-4), removing reinforcing steel and other
smoothed by prolonged agitation in water are usually embedded items, grading and washing, and stockpiling
considered higher quality because they are harder and have the resulting coarse and fine aggregate (Figure 6-5 ) (ACI
a more rounded shape than less abraded sand and gravel. 555R-01). Dirt, gypsum board, wood, and other foreign
However, the smooth surface of natural gravels can reduce materials should be prevented from contaminating the final
the bond strength with the cement paste and reduce overall product.
concrete strength.
Recycled concrete is simply old concrete that has been
Manufactured Aggregate crushed to produce aggregate. Recycled-concrete
Manufactured aggregate (including manufactured sand) is aggregate gate (RCA) is primarily used in pavement reconstruction.
produced by crushing sound parent rock (igneous, It has been satisfactorily used as aggregate in granular
subbases, lean-concrete subbases, soil-cement, and in new
sedimentary, or metamorphic) at stone crushing plants.
Crushed air-cooled blast-furnace slag is also used as fine concrete as the primary source of aggregate or as a partial
or coarse aggregate. replacement of new aggregate.
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Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures • EB001
fraction of the recycled concrete aggregate is treated as
mortar for the new mixture, as opposed to aggregate.
Values for shrinkage, creep, and other concrete properties
for concrete made using this method are similar to those for
concrete made with virgin aggregates (Fathifazl and others
2010). The EMV method requires additional testing of the
0 2.36 mm to 4.75 mm to 2.36 mm to 2.36 mm to RCA to accurately determine the amount of mortar that is
150 µm to
4.75 mm 9.5 mm 19 mm 9.5 mm 9.5 mm present.
(No. 100 to (No. 8 to (No. 4 to (No. 8 to (No. 8 to
No. 4) 3/8 in.) 3/4 in.) 3/8 in.) 3/8 in.)
Concrete trial mixtures should be made with recycled
recycled Natural lightweight concrete aggregates to determine the proper mixture
Aggregate size proportions. The variability in the properties of the old
Figure 6-6. Comparison of water absorption of three different recycled
concrete may in turn affect the properties of the new concrete.
aggregate particle sizes and one size of natural and lightweight coarse This can partially be avoided by frequent monitoring of the
aggregate. (Kerkhoff and Siebel 2001) properties of the old concrete that is being recycled.
Adjustments in the mixture proportions may be needed.
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Chapter 6 • Aggregates for Concrete
The presence of chlorides may affect the concrete by: Characteristics of Aggregates
(1) altering the time of set, (2) increasing drying shrinkage,
(3) significantly increasing the risk of corrosion of steel The important characteristics of aggregates for concrete are
reinforcement, and (4) causing efflorescence. Generally, listed in Table 6-2. Normal-weight aggregates should meet
marine aggregates containing large amounts of chloride the requirements of ASTM C33, Standard Specification for
should not be used in reinforced concrete. To reduce the
Concrete Aggregates, or AASHTO M 6, Standard Specification
chloride content, marine-dredged aggregates can be washed for Fine Aggregate for Hydraulic Cement Concrete or
with fresh water.
AASHTO M 80, Standard Specification for Coarse Aggregate
Resistance to abrasion Index of aggregate quality; ASTM C131 (AASHTO T 96) Maximum percentage of weight
and degradation wear resistance of floors and ASTM C535 loss. Depth of wear and time
pavements ASTM C779
Resistance to freezing Surface scaling, roughness, ASTM C666 (AASHTO T 161) Maximum number of cycles loss of section,
and thawing and ASTM C672 (AASHTO T 103) or period of frost immunity; aesthetics
durability factor
Resistance to disintegration Soundness against by ASTM C88 (AASHTO T 104) Weight loss, particles
sulfates weathering action exhibiting distress
Particle shape and Workability of fresh ASTM C295 Maximum percentage of flat
surface texture concrete ASTM D3398 and elongated particles
grading Workability of fresh concrete; ASTM C117 (AASHTO T 11) Minimum and maximum per
economy ASTM C136 (AASHTO T 27) centage passing standard sieves
Fine aggregate degradation Index of aggregate quality; ASTM C1137 Change in grading
Resistance to degradation
during mixing
Uncompacted void content Workability of fresh concrete ASTM C1252 (AASHTO T 304) Uncompacted voids and specific gravity values
of fine aggregate
Bulk density Mix design calculations; ASTM C29 (AASHTO T 19) Compact weight and loose weight
(unit weight) classification
ASTM C127 (AASHTO T 85) fine —
Relative density Mix design calculations
(specific gravity) aggregate
coarse aggregate
ASTM C70 —
Absorption and surface Control of concrete quality
moisture (water-cement ratio) ASTM C127 (AASHTO T 85)
ASTM C566 (AASHTO T 255)
Compressive and flexural Acceptability of fine aggregate ASTM C39 (AASHTO T 22) Strength to exceed 95% of strength
strength gate failing other tests ASTM C78 (AASHTO T 97) achieved with purified sand
Definitions of constituents ASTM C125 —
Clear understanding and
communication ASTM C294
Aggregate constituents Determine amount of ASTM C40 (AASHTO T 21) Maximum percentage allowed
deleterious and organic ASTM C87 (AASHTO T 71) of individual constituents
materials ASTM C117 (AASHTO T 11)
ASTM C123 (AASHTO T 113)
ASTM C142 (AASHTO T 112)
Resistance to alkali Soundness against volume ASTM C227 Maximum length change, consti
reactivity and volume change ASTM C289 tuents and amount of silica, and
change ASTM C295 alkalinity
ASTM C1260 (AASHTO T 303)
ASTM C1293
ASTM C1567
* The majority of the tests and characteristics listed are referenced in ASTM C33 (AASHTO M 6/M 80). ACI 221R-96 presents additional test
methods and properties of concrete influenced by aggregate characteristics.
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Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures • EB001
Grading is the particle-size distribution of an aggregate as
determined by a sieve analysis (ASTM C136 or AASHTO T
27). The range of particle sizes in aggregate is illustrated in
Figure 6-8. The aggregate particle size is determined using
wire-mesh sieves with square openings. The seven standard
ASTM C33 (AASHTO M 6/M 80) sieves for fine aggregate
have openings ranging from 150 µm to 9.5 mm (No. 100 Figure 6-9. Making a sieve analysis test of coarse aggregate in a
sieve to 3ÿ8 in.). The 13 standard sieves for coarse laboratory.
aggregate have openings ranging from 1.18 mm to 100 mm
(0.046 in. to 4 in.). Tolerances for the dimensions of open
ings in sieves are listed in ASTM E11 (AASHTO M 92).
seven sizes
Figure 6-10. Curves indicate the limits specified in ASTM C33 for fine
aggregate and for one commonly used size number (grading size) of
coarse aggregate.
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Chapter 6 • Aggregates for Concrete
In general, aggregates that do not have a large deficiency Other requirements of ASTM C33 (AASHTO M 6) for fine
or excess of any size and give a smooth grading curve will aggregates include: 1. The fine aggregate must not have
produce the most satisfactory results. ASTM C33 allows for more than 45% retained between any two consecutive
the use of aggregates with gradings falling outside the standard sieves.
specification limits provided it can be shown that good quality
concrete can be produced from those aggregates.
2. The fineness modulus (FM) must be not less than
Fine-Aggregate Grading. Requirements of ASTM C33 or 2.3 or more than 3.1, and not vary more than 0.2
AASHTO M 6/M 43 permit a relatively wide range in fine from the average value of the aggregate source being
aggregate gradation, but specifications by other organizations tested. If this value is outside the required 2.3 to 3.1
are sometimes more restrictive. The most desirable fine- range, the fine aggregate should be rejected unless
aggregate grading depends on the type of application, the suitable adjustments are made in proportions of fine
paste content, and the maximum size of coarse aggregate and coarse aggregate. If the FM varies by more than
gate. In leaner mixtures, or when small-size coarse aggregate 0.2 adjustments may need to be made with regard to
gates are used, a grading that approaches the maximum coarse and fine aggregate proportions as well as the
recommended percentage passing each sieve is desirable water requirements for the concrete mixture.
for workability. In general, if the water-cement ratio is kept 3. The amounts of fine aggregate passing the 300 µm
constant and the ratio of fine-to-coarse aggregate is suitable, (No. 50) and 150 µm (No. 100) sieves affect work
a wide range in grading can be used without measurable ability, surface texture, air content, and bleeding of
effect on strength. However, the best economy will some concrete. Most specifications allow 5% to 30% to pass
times be achieved by adjusting the concrete mixture the 300 µm (No. 50) sieve. The lower limit may be
proportions to suit the gradation of the local aggregates. sufficient for easy placing conditions or where concrete
is mechanically finished, such as in pavements.
Fine-aggregate grading within the limits of ASTM C33
However, for hand-finished concrete floors, or where a
(AASHTO M 6) is generally satisfactory for most concretes.
smooth surface texture is desired, fine aggregate with
The ASTM C33 (AASHTO M 6) limits with respect to sieve
size are shown in Table 6-3. at least 15% passing the 300 µm (No. 50) sieve and 3%
or more passing the 150 µm (No. 100) sieve should be
Table 6-3. Fine-Aggregate Grading Limits (ASTM C33/AASHTO M 6)
snow size
Coarse Aggregate Grading. The coarse aggregate grading
Percent passing by mass
requirements of ASTM C33 (AASHTO M 80) allow a wide
9.5 mm (3ÿ8 in.) 100 4.75 mm
range in grading and a variety of grading sizes (see Table
(No. 4) 95 to 100 2.36 mm (No.
8) 80 to
6-4). The grading for a given maximum-size coarse aggregate
100 1.18 mm (No. 16) 50 to 85
can be varied over a moderate range without appreciable
25 to 60 300 µm (No. 50) 5 toµm
effect on cement and water requirement of a mixture if the
100) 0 to 10 proportion of fine aggregate to total aggregate gate produces
(AASHTO 10 to 30)
concrete of good workability. Mixture proportions should be
(AASHTO 2 to 10)
changed to produce workable concrete if wide variations
occur in the coarse-aggregate grading. Since variations are
As shown in Table 6-3, AASHTO grading limits for 300 difficult to anticipate, it is often more economical to maintain
mm (No. 50) and 150 mm (No. 100) vary slightly from the uniformity in manu invoicing and handling coarse aggregate
ASTM C33 limits. The AASHTO specifications permit the than to reduce variations in gradation.
minimum percentages (by mass) of material passing the
300 µm (No. 50) and 150 µm (No. 100) sieves to be reduced
The maximum size of coarse aggregate used in concrete
to 5% and 0% respectively (thereby matching ASTM C33
has a direct bearing on the economy of concrete. Usually
requirements), provided :
more water and cement is required for small-size aggregate
1. The aggregate is used in air-entrained concrete gates than for large sizes, due to an increase in total
containing more than 237 kg/m3 of cement (400 aggregate gate surface area. The water and cement
lb/yd3) and having an air content of more than 3%. required for a slump of approximately 75 mm (3 in.) is
2. The aggregate is used in concrete containing more shown in Figure 6-11 for a wide range of coarse-aggregate
than 297 kg/m3 of cement (500 lb/yd3) when the sizes. Figure 6-11 shows that, for a given water-cement
concrete is not air-entrained. ratio, the amount of cement (or water) required decreases
as the maximum size of coarse aggregate increases.
3. An approved supplementary cementitious material is
Aggregates of different max imum sizes may give slightly different concrete
used to supply the deficiency in material passing these
two sieves.
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C ixture
ign 01 Table 6-4. Grading Requirements for Coarse Aggregates (ASTM C33 and AASHTO M 80)
Nominal size,
sieves with
square openings
90 to 37.5 mm (31ÿ2
to 11ÿ2 in.)
63 to 37.5mm
(21ÿ2 to 11ÿ2 in.)
90 mm
(31ÿ2 in.)
90 to 100
25 to 60
90 to 100
Amounts finer than each laboratory sieve, mass percent passing
35 to 70
37.5 mm
(11ÿ2 in.)
0 to 15
0 to 15
3ÿ4 in.
(19 mm)
0 to 5
0 to 5
(No. 4)
3 50 to 25 mm (2 — — — 100 90 to 100 35 to 70 0 to 15 — 0 to 5 — — — —
to 1 in.)
(2 in. to No. 4)
to 3ÿ4 in.)
10 467 37.5 to 4.75mm — — — — 100 95 to 100 — 35 to 70 — 10 to 30 0 to 5 — —
1ÿ2 in.)
(1 to 3ÿ8 in.)
to No. 4)
in. to No. 4)
for the same water-cement ratio: typically concrete with a applies to the collective amount of aggregate that passes
smaller maximum-size aggregate will have a higher through an assortment of sieves. As shown in Table 6-4, the
compressive strength. This is especially true for high-strength amount of aggregate passing the respective sieves is given
concrete. The optimum maximum size of coarse aggregate for in percentages; it is called a sieve analysis.
higher strength depends on factors such as relative strength
of the cement paste, paste-aggregate bond, and strength of Maximum Size vs. Nominal Maximum Size Aggregate.
the aggregate particles. Often there is confusion surrounding the term “maximum size”
of aggregate. ASTM C125, Standard Terminology Relating to
Maximum nominal size of aggregate, in. 3/8
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates, defines this term and
3/16 3/4 1 11/2
1/2 2 3 43 /8 distinguishes it from “nominal maximum size” of aggregate.
300 500 The maximum size of an aggregate is the smallest sieve that
all of a particular aggregate must pass through (100% passing).
The nominal maximum size of an aggregate is the smallest
Non-air-entrained concrete 400
sieve size through which the major portion of the aggregate
must pass (typically 85% to 95% passing). The nominal
maximum-size sieve may retain 5% to 15% of the aggregate
depending on the size number. For example, aggregate size
kg/ Water,
steel (Figure 6-12). Requirements for limits on nominal
maximum size of aggregate particles are covered by ACI 318
(ACI 318-08). The nominal maximum size of aggregate should
Non-air-entrained concrete not exceed:
350 1. One-fifth the narrowest dimension of a vertical
kg/ Cement,
concrete member: Dmax = 1ÿ5 B
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Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures • EB001
Figure 6-13. For equal absolute volumes when different sizes are combined, the void-content decreases, thus the necessary paste content
*This effect is independent of aggregate size. The voids are smaller, but the volume of voids is nearly the same (and high) when a single-size fine
aggregate is used compared to a coarse aggregate. For the idealized case of spheres, the void volume is about 36% regardless of the size of particles.
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Chapter 6 • Aggregates for Concrete
Figure 6-15 illustrates a theoretical ideal uniform gradation Studies by the NRMCA (2007) have indicated that some
(well-graded aggregate). Well-graded aggregate, having grading distributions that are not well graded can actually
a balanced variety of sizes, maximizes the aggregate outperform well-graded aggregate blends. Particle shape
gate volume to the greatest extent. Sometimes mid-sized and texture can impact concrete performance. If problems
aggregate, around 9.5 mm (3ÿ8 in.) in size, is lacking in an develop due to a poor gradation, alternative aggregates,
aggregate supply, resulting in a concrete with higher sand blending, or special screening of existing aggregates should
be considered.
and paste requirements. The higher sand and paste
requirements may cause higher water demand; resulting in
Gap-Graded Aggregates. In gap-graded aggregates
poor workability, and possibly higher shrinkage. Strength
certain particle sizes are intentionally omitted. Typical
and durability may also be affected. Finer aggregates require
gap-graded aggregates consist of only one size of coarse
more paste because they have higher surface-to volume
aggregate with all the particles of fine aggregate able to
ratios. Concrete mixtures that are well graded generally will
pass through the voids in the compacted coarse aggregate.
have less shrinkage and permeability, and be more
economical. Gap-graded mixtures are used in architectural concrete
to obtain uniform textures in exposed-aggregate finishes.
They are also used in pervious concrete mixtures to im
prove storm water management. They can also be used
in normal structural concrete to improve other concrete
twenty properties and to permit the use of local aggregate
gradations (Houston 1962 and Litvin and Pfeifer 1965).
For an aggregate of 19-mm (3ÿ4-in.) maximum size, the
4.75 mm to 9.5 mm (No. 4 to 3ÿ8 in.) particles can be
omitted without making the concrete unduly harsh or
subject to segregation. In the case of 37.5 mm (11ÿ2
in.) aggregate, usually the 4.75 mm to 19 mm (No. 4 to 3ÿ4
5 in.) sizes are omitted.
Care must be taken in choosing the percentage of fine
9.5 2.36 aggregate in a gap-graded mixture. A poor choice can
1.18 0.045
result in concrete that is likely to segregate or honeycomb
sieve size in mm because of an excess of coarse aggregate. Also, concrete
with an excess of fine aggregate could have a high water
Figure 6-15. An ideal combined aggregate grading for concrete. demand resulting in higher shrinkage. Fine aggregate is
usually 25% to 35% by volume of the total aggregate.
(Lower percentages are typically used with rounded ag
The combined gradation can be used to better control
aggregates and higher with crushed material.) For a smooth
workability, pumpability, shrinkage, and other properties of
off-the-form finish, a somewhat higher percentage of fine
concrete. Abrams (1918) and Shilstone (1990) demonstrate
aggregate to total aggregate may be used than for an
the benefits of a combined aggregate analysis:
exposed-aggregate finish, but both use a lower fine ag
• With constant cement content and constant consistency
aggregate content than continuously graded mixtures. Fine
Tency, there is an optimum for every combination of aggregate content also depends upon cement content, type
aggregates that will produce the most effective water of aggregate, and workability.
to cement ratio and highest strength.
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Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures • EB001
Air entrainment is usually required for workability since Particle Shape and Surface
low-slump, gap-graded mixtures use a low fine aggregate Texture The particle shape and surface texture of
percentage and produce harsh mixes without entrained air. aggregate influence the fresh concrete properties more
Segregation of gap-graded mixtures must be prevented by than the proper ties of hardened concrete. Rough-textured,
restricting the slump to the lowest value consistent with good angular, elongated particles require more water to produce
consolidation. This may vary from zero to 75 mm (3 in.) workable concrete than do smooth, rounded, compact
depending on the thickness of the section, amount of aggregate gates. In turn, aggregate particles that are
reinforcement, and height of placement. However, even low angular require more cement to maintain the same water-
slump concrete has been known to segregate when exposed cementing materials ratio. Angular or poorly graded
to vibration, such as in a dump truck during delivery. Close aggregates may also be more difficult to pump.
control of grading and water content is also required because
Void contents of compacted fine or coarse aggregate can
variations might cause segregation.
be used as an index of differences in the shape and texture
If a stiff mixture is required, gap-graded aggregates may
of aggregates of the same grading. The mixing water and
produce higher strengths than normal aggregates used
cement requirement tends to increase as aggregate void
with comparable cement contents. Because of their low
fine-aggregate volumes and low water-cement ratios, gap content increases. Voids between aggregate particles
graded mixtures might be considered unworkable for some increase with aggregate angularity.
cast-in-place construction. When properly proportioned,
The bond between cement paste and a given aggregate
however, these concretes are readily consolidated with
vibration. generally increases as particles change from smooth and
rounded to rough and angular. This increase in bond is a
Fineness Modulus. The fineness modulus (FM) of either consideration in selecting aggregates for concrete where
fine, coarse, or combined aggregate according to ASTM flexural strength is important or where high compressive
C125 is calculated by adding the cumulative percentages strength is needed.
by mass retained on each of a specified series of sieves
Flat and elongated aggregate particles should be avoided
and dividing the sum by 100. The specified sieves for
or at least limited to about 15% by mass of the total ag
determining FM are: 150 µm (No. 100), 300 µm (No. 50),
600 µm (No. 30), 1.18 mm (No. 16), 2.36 mm (No. 8), 4.75 aggregate. A particle is called flat and elongated when the
mm (No. 4), 9.5 mm (3ÿ8 in.), 19.0 mm (3ÿ4 in.), 37.5 mm ratio of length to thickness exceeds a specified value. See
(11ÿ2 in.), 75 mm (3 in.) and, 150 mm (6 in.). ASTM D4791, Standard Test Method for Flat Particles,
Elon gated Particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles in
Fineness modulus is an index of the fineness of an Coarse Aggregate, for determination of flat, and/or
aggregate gate. In general, the higher the FM, the coarser elongated particles. ASTM D3398, Standard Test Method
the aggre gate. However, different aggregate gradations for Index of Aggregate Particle Shape and Texture, provides
may have the same FM. The FM of fine aggregate is useful an indirect method of establishing a particle index as an
in mix ture design calculations estimating the proportions overall measure of particle shape or texture, while ASTM
of fine and coarse aggregates. An example of how the FM C295, Standard Guide for Petrographic Examination of
of a fine aggregate is determined (with an assumed sieve Aggregates for Concrete, provides procedures for the
analysis) is shown in Table 6-5. petrographic examination of aggregate which includes
evaluation of particle shape and texture.
Table 6-5. Determination of Fineness Modulus of Fine Aggregates
A number of automated test machines are available for
of individual Cumulative rapid determination of the particle size distribution of
fraction Percentage percentage aggregate. These machines were designed to provide a
retained, passing, retained, faster alternative to the standard sieve analysis test. They
snow size by mass by mass by mass can capture and analyze digital images of the aggregate
9.5 mm (3ÿ8 in.) 4.75 0 100 0 particles to determine gradation. Figure 6-16 shows a
mm (No. 4) 2.36 mm 2 98 2 videograder that measures size and shape of an aggregate
(No. 8) 1.18 mm (No. 13 85 fifteen
gate by using line-scan cameras where in two-dimensional
16) 600 µm (No. 30) twenty 65 35 images are constructed from a series of line images. Other
300 µm (No. 50) 150 twenty Four. Five 55 machines use matrix-scan cameras to capture two-
µm (No. 100 ) 24 twenty-one 79 dimensional snapshots of the falling aggre gate. Maerz and
18 3 97 Lusher (2001) developed a dynamic prototype imaging
Bread 3 0 — system that provides particle size and shape information by
using a miniconveyor system to parade individual fragments
Total 100 283
past two orthogonally oriented, synchronized cameras.
Fineness modulus
= 283 / 100 = 2.83
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Chapter 6 • Aggregates for Concrete
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Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures • EB001
Coarse and fine aggregate will generally have absorption
levels (moisture contents at SSD) in the range of 0.2% to 0
4% and 0.2% to 2%, respectively. Free-water contents will
usually range from 0.5% to 2% for coarse aggregate and
2% to 6% for fine aggregate.
damp condition, even though it may have been fully 1880
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Chapter 6 • Aggregates for Concrete
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Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures • EB001
(AASTHO T 161). Deterioration is measured by (1) the Abrasion and Skid Resistance
reduction in the dynamic modulus of elasticity, (2) linear The abrasion resistance of an aggregate is often used as a
expansion, and (3) weight loss of the specimens. Failure general index of its quality. Abrasion resistance is essential
criterion of 0.035% expansion in 350 freeze-thaw cycles or when the aggregate is to be used in concrete subject to
less is used by a number of state highway departments to abrasion, as in heavy-duty floors or pavements. Low abrasion
help indicate whether an aggregate is susceptible to D resistance of an aggregate may increase the quantity of fines
cracking. Different aggregate types may influence the criteria in the concrete during mixing. Consequently, this may increase
levels and empirical correlations between laboratory freeze- the water requirement and require an adjustment in the water-
thaw tests. Field service records should be kept to select cement ratio.
the proper criteria (Vogler and Grove 1989).
The most common test for abrasion resistance is the Los
Specifications may require that the aggregates resistance to Angeles abrasion test (rattler method) performed in
weathering be demonstrated by exposure to a sodium sulfate accordance dance with ASTM C131, Standard Test Method
or magnesium sulfate solution ASTM C88, Standard Test for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate
Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine (AASHTO
or Magnesium Sulfate or AASHTO T 104. The test consists of T 96) or ASTM C535, Standard Test Method for Resistance to
a number of immersion cycles (wetting and drying) for a sample Degradation of Large-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and
of the aggregate in a sulfate solution; This cycling creates a Impact in the Los Angeles Machine. In this test a specified
quantity of aggregate gate is placed in a steel drum containing
pressure through salt-crystal growth in the aggregate pores
steel balls, the drum is rotated, and the percentage of material
similar to that produced by freez ing water. Upon completion of
worn away is measured. Specifications often set an upper limit
the cycling, the sample is then oven dried and the percentage
on this mass loss. However, a comparison of the results of
of weight loss calculated. Unfortunately, this test is sometimes
aggregate gate abrasion tests with the abrasion resistance of
concrete made with the same aggregate do not generally show
Aggregates behaving satisfactorily in the test might produce
a clear correlation. Mass loss due to impact on the rattler is
concrete with low freeze-thaw resistance; Conversely, often as much as the mass loss caused by abrasion. The wear
aggregates performing poorly might produce concrete with resistance of concrete is determined more accurately by
adequate resistance. This is attributed, at least in part, to the abrasion tests of the concrete itself (see Chapter 9).
fact that the aggregates in the test are not confined by cement
paste (as they would be in concrete) and the mechanisms of To provide good skid resistance on pavements, the sili
attack are not the same as in freezing and thawing. The test is ceous particle content of the fine aggregate should be at
most reliable for strati fied rocks with porous layers or weak least 25%. For specification purposes, the siliceous particle
bedding plans. content is considered equal to the insoluble residue with tent
after treatment in hydrochloric acid under standardized
An additional test that can be used to evaluate aggregates for conditions (ASTM D3042, Standard Test Method for Insoluble
potential D-cracking is the rapid pressure release method. An Residue in Carbonate Aggregates). Certain manu factured
aggregate is placed in a pressurized chamber and the pressure sands produce slippery pavement surfaces and should be
is rapidly released causing the aggregate with a questionable investigated for acceptance before use.
pore system to fracture (Janssen and Snyder 1994). The
Strength and Shrinkage
amount of fracturing relates to the potential for D-cracking.
The strength of an aggregate is rarely tested and generally
does not influence the strength of conventional concrete as
Wetting and Drying Properties much as the strength of the paste and the paste-aggregate
Weathering due to wetting and drying can also affect the bond. However, aggregate strength does become important
durability of aggregates. The expansion and contraction in high-strength concrete. Aggregate stress levels in concrete
are often much higher than the average stress over the entire
coefficients of rocks vary with temperature and moisture
cross section of the concrete. Aggregate tensile strengths
content. If alternate wetting and drying occurs, severe strain
range from 2 MPa to 15 MPa (300 psi to 2300 psi) and
can develop in some aggregates. With certain types of rock
compressive strengths from 65 MPa to 270 MPa (10,000 psi
this can cause a permanent increase in the volume of the
to 40,000 psi). Strength can be tested according to ASTM C170.
concrete and eventual concrete deterioration. Clay lumps and
other friable particles can degrade rapidly with repeated wetting Different aggregate types have different compressibility,
and drying. Popouts can also develop due to the moisture- modulus of elasticity, and moisture-related shrinkage
swelling characteristics of certain aggregates, especially clay characteristics that influence the same properties in
balls and shales. An experienced petrographer can assist in concrete. Aggregates with high absorption may have high
determining the potential for this distress. shrinkage on drying. Quartz and feldspar aggregates, along
with limestone, dolomite, and granite, are considered low
shrinkage aggregates; while aggregates with sandstone, shale,
slate, hornblende, and graywacke are often associated with
high shrinkage in concrete (Figure 6-23).
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Chapter 6 • Aggregates for Concrete
Potentially Harmful Materials
Fire Resistance and Thermal Clay lumps Affects work ASTM C142 (AASHTO T 112)
and friable ability and
Properties The fire resistance and thermal properties of particles durability, may
concrete (with conductivity, diffusivity, and coefficient of cause popouts
thermal expansion) depend to some extent on the mineral Chert of less Affects ASTM C123 (AASHTO T 113)
constituents of the aggregates used. Manufactured and than 2.40 durability, ASTM C295
some naturally occurring ring lightweight aggregates are relative density may cause popouts
more fire resistant than normal-weight aggregates due to their
insulating properties and high-temperature stability. In general, Alkali Causes ASTM C227
concrete containing a calcareous coarse aggregate performs reactive abnormal ASTM C289
better under fire exposure than a concrete containing quartz aggregates expansion, map ASTM C295
or siliceous aggregate such as granite or quartzite. At about cracking, and ASTM C342
popouts ASTM C586
590°C (1060°F), quartz expands 0.85% causing disruption to
ASTM C1260 (AASHTO T303)
the concrete structure (ACI Committee 216 1989 and ACI ASTM C1293
Committee 221 1996). The coefficient of thermal expansion ASTM C1567
of aggregates ranges from 0.55 x 10-6 per °C to 5 x 10-6 per °C
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Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures • EB001
Table 6-7. Some Potentially Harmful Reactive Minerals, Rock, and near the surface, they might disintegrate, pop out, or
Synthetic Materials cause stains. Potentially harmful chert in coarse aggregate
Alkali-carbonate can be identified using ASTM C123, Standard Test Method
Alkali-silica reactive substances* reactive substances** for Lightweight Particles in Aggregate (AASHTO T 113).
andesites opal calcitic dolomites
argillites opaline shales dolomitic limestones Soft particles in coarse aggregate are especially
Certain siliceous phylites fine-grained objectionable because they cause popouts and can affect
limestones and quartzoses dolomites the durability and wear resistance of concrete. If friable,
dolomites Cherts they could break up during mixing and therefore increase
Chalcedonic Cherts Rhyolites the amount of water required. Where abrasion resistance
Chalcedony schists
Cristobalite Siliceous shales is critical, such as in heavy-duty industrial floors, testing
Dacites Strained quartz may indicate that further investigation or another aggregate
Glassy and certain gate source is warranted.
or cryptocrystalline other forms
volcanics of quartz Clay lumps present in concrete may absorb some of the
granite gneiss Synthetic and mixing water, cause popouts in hardened concrete, and
graywackes natural silicon
affect durability and wear resistance. They can also break
metagraywackes glass
Tridymite up during mixing and therefore increase the mixing-water
* Several of the rocks listed (granite gneiss and certain quartz for
mations for example) react very slowly and may not show evidence Mica is composed of flat plates that can either act as
of any harmful degree of reactivity until the concrete is over 20
cleavage planes in coarse aggregate or as severely
years old.
** Only certain sources of these materials have shown reactivity.
flat particles in fine aggregate. Either particle size can result
in a decrease in concrete strength. The test for mica content
Aggregates are potentially harmful if they contain com uses hazardous materials and is not commonly performed.
pounds known to react chemically with portland cement Previous local experience with aggregate containing mica
paste and produce any of the following: (1) significant can determine if the material can be used successfully.
volume changes of the paste, aggregates, or both; (2)
Aggregates can occasionally contain particles of iron oxide
interference with the normal hydration of cement; and (3)
and iron sulfide that result in unsightly stains on exposed
otherwise harmful by-products.
concrete surfaces (Figure 6-24). The aggregate should meet
Organic impurities may: delay setting and hardening of the staining requirements of ASTM C330, Standard
concrete, interfere with interaction of chemical admixtures, Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural
reduce strength gain, and in unusual cases, cause Concrete (AASHTO M 195) when tested according to ASTM
deterioration. Organic impurities such as peat, humus, C641, Standard Test Method for Iron Staining Materials in
and organic loam may not be as detrimental but should Light weight Concrete Aggregates; the quarry face and
be avoided. aggregate stockpiles should not show evidence of staining.
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Chapter 6 • Aggregates for Concrete
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Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures • EB001
acceptable and harmful particles have distinguishable Crushed aggregates segregate less than rounded (gravel)
relative densities. aggregates and larger-size aggregates segregate more
than smaller sizes. To avoid segregation of coarse
Jigging separates particles with small differences in aggregate gates, size fractions can be stockpiled and
density by pulsating current water. Upward pulsations of batched sepa rately. Proper stockpiling procedures,
water through a jig (a box with a perforated bottom) move however, should eliminate this requirement. Specifications
the lighter material into a layer on top of the heavier provide a range in the amount of material permitted in any
material; the top layer is then removed. size fraction partly to accommodate some minor segregation
in stock piling and batching operations.
Rising-current classification separates particles with large
differences in density. Light materials, such as wood and Washed aggregates should be stockpiled well before use
lignite, are floated away in a rapidly upward moving stream so that they can drain to a uniform moisture content.
of water.
Damp fine material has less tendency to segregate than
dry material. When dry fine aggregate is dropped from
Crushing is also used to remove soft and friable particles
buckets or conveyors, wind can blow away the fines; this
from coarse aggregates. This process is sometimes the
should be avoided if possible.
only means of making material suitable for use.
Unfortunately, with any process some acceptable material
is always lost and removal of all harmful particles may be
difficult or expensive.
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Chapter 6 • Aggregates for Concrete
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