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Grouted Anchors
Applications .......................................................................4

Methods .............................................................................8

Project ..............................................................................20

Pumping station in Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany

A sheet pile wall with grouted anchors, was created for the
new main pumping station in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Since its invention in 1958, the
grouted anchor has provided
an unobtrusive, cost-effective
and time-saving solution.
Excavation pits can be
constructed without obstructive
struts; piling walls and sheet pile
walls can be anchored without
problems. Grouted anchors can
also be used to secure steep
slopes, retaining walls and quay

Excavation pit, Germany

Anchor drilling works were carried out using
a KLEMM KR 806 for a water-impermeable
and 12 m deep retaining structure, for a new
residential and office building.
Excavation Pit Slope Stabilization
A retaining structure is used in situations where a sloped In places where transport routes run through narrow valleys,
excavation pit is not possible due to space restrictions. In over mountains or hilly terrain, or where commercial spaces
addition to the various retaining structures, the focus is on are extended along slopes, cutting into the natural slope is
the grouted anchor: by absorbing the forces generated by necessary. Due to the limitation in terms of space, securing
the earth pressure, the grouted anchor prevents excavation the slope often can’t be achieved, without a retaining
pit walls from caving in, and consequently stops soil from structure. In these cases, the terrain is secured by means
shifting. As excavation pits are temporary construction of a retaining structure, which are further tied-back with
measures, temporary anchors are used for a maximum life permanent anchors to improve safety.
cycle of two years.

UpperNord Tower, Düsseldorf, Germany Mainz Ring Road, Mainz, Germany

To protect the vast excavation pit of the UpperNord In the course of the A60 freeway expansion of the Mainz
Tower in Düsseldorf, around 5,300 m of anchors, with Ring Road at Mainz-Hechtsheim, the freeway was lowered
three to six strands and a drilling length of up to 24 m, by 14 m and partly tunnelled whilst the traffic was still
were constructed. An anchor drilling rig type KR 806 from running. 26,000 temporary and 20,000 permanent anchors
KLEMM Bohrtechnik GmbH was used for the anchor were installed as tie backs for the piling walls.
works, and a second layer of anchors was put in place to
protect against pressing groundwater.

6 Grouted Anchors
Foundation Tie Back Bank Reinforcement
Building loads are generally applied to the construction soil In harbors and piers on waterways, a sufficient water
as compressive forces on foundations. Tension anchors depth is required to enable ships to dock. In these areas,
present an alternative for discharging tensile forces into quay and bank walls are often tied-back with single bar
the construction soil. These tensile forces are created permanent anchors. The required installation of grouted
in structures such as suspension bridges or tent-roof anchors from the water side presents a particular
constructions of buildings, e.g. the Olympic Stadium in challenge in these situations. In these cases, the anchors
Munich. If foundations are tied-back by means of grouted are often created from work pontoons.
anchors to discharge the tensile forces, the grouted
anchors become a permanent part of the structure.

Small Olympic Hall, Munich, Germany Zerben Lock, Elbe-Havel Canal, Germany
For the new Small Olympic Hall building, an excavation In parallel with the existing Zerben lock between
pit with 1,300 m² of tied-back MIP walls, 750 m² of king Magdeburg and Berlin, a new and larger lock basin was
pile walls, and 820 m² of secant pile walls were created. created, designed to accommodate the dimensions
The foundation had to be secured with 29 m long of modern European push barges. Bauer installed
permanent strand anchors as part of the roof foundations over 20,000 m² of partly tied-back sheet pile walls and
of the adjacent indoor swimming pool protruded into the 10,000 m² of excavated, reinforced diaphragm walls, as
excavation pit. During the works, impeccable permanent well as 930 uplift piles.
anchors from Bauer, dating back to 1971, were excaveted.

Grouted Anchors 7
Different methods can be used
in the manufacture of grouted
anchors, depending on the
requirement. As an option,
grouted anchors can also
be engineered as temporary
or permanent anchors and
as removable or staggered
anchors. As required, grouted
anchors can also be installed
above groundwater or against
pressing groundwater. The Bauer
grouted anchor can also be
used in all types of soil and rock.

Q6/Q7, Mannheim, Germany

For the Q6/Q7 inner-city shopping mall, 33,000 m
of temporary anchors were constructed, including
27,700 m against pressing groundwater.
Anchor Drilling Works
The choice of the anchor drilling method needs to mortar is pressed into the area of the grout body directly
be aligned with the existing construction soil and the afterwards. The drill rods are pulled out of the bore hole
conditions of the respective site, such as neighboring during this primary grouting process. The grout body is
buildings, groundwater or cramped spaces. Anchor drilling then cracked and multiple grouting is performed, via the
works are generally executed with rotary drilling, rotary post-grouting pipes attached to the anchoring tendon as
percussive or inner and outer drill rods in double-head necessary. After hardening of the grout body, the anchor
method. Auger or down-the-hole hammer drillings are head is installed, and the anchors are then subjected
possible in stable grounds. After completition of the bore, to a standard acceptance test and set to the necessary
the anchoring tendon is installed in the bore hole and structural prestress loads.


The bearing capacity of grouted anchors is determined by the geological conditions in the area of the grout
bodies. In the case of non-cohesive soils – such as sand or gravel – primary grouting is usually sufficient.
If the grout body is located in cohesive soils, such as silt or clay, the anchor is additionally post-grouted,
which increases its load-bearing capacity by up to 30%.

Agnes-Pockels-Bogen, Munich, Germany

Works for a MIP wall with 8,000 m² and tie backs up
to a depth of 20 m, were carried out for a new office
complex on the fields of the former gas works, near
the headquarters of the Munich City Utilities.

10 Grouted Anchors
Embankment remediation, Vilseck, Germany
Around 42,000 m² of Mixed-in-Place ground
improvement elements were created as individual
barettes, for the remediation of a total of three
railway embankments. To monitor displacements
of the embankment, inclinometer pipes were
fitted by using an anchor drilling rig.


Anchor drilling works can be carried

out using the following methods:

• Rotary percussive drilling

• Double-head system
• Auger drilling
• Down-the-hole hammer drilling

Factory reconstruction, Germany

During the reconstruction of an operational factory,
additional buildings were transferred into the
construction soil via micropiles, with a length of up
to 30 m. The works were completed over several
stages using a small drilling rig.

Railway line route, Diez, Germany

Near Diez in Rhineland-Palatinate, the adjacent
railway line was expanded during operational
breaks at Deutsche Bahn, and the necessary
drilling levels were adjusted. Over a total of ten
weekends, foundation piles, secant pile walls and
tie backs were installed.

Grouted Anchors 11
Rotary Percussive Drilling
The rotary percussive method is a highly productive drilling additionally transported to the initial drilling location, aided
method which can be used in sand and gravel. In this case, by the water-flush. Upon reaching the final depth, and
the drill rod is locked with a drill bit at the lower end before prior to dismantling the drill rod, the drill bit is lost. The
start of drilling. The drill rod rotates and water is pumped rotary method is used for low drilling resistance and, with
through the interior of the drill rod to the drill bit, via the increasing drilling resistance, the hammer mechanism of
rotary swivel of the anchor drilling rig. At the same time, the hydraulic hammer will be switched on. Anchor drilling
the hydraulic hammer strikes the top end of the drill rod, rigs with drill rod magazines could be used for rotary
thereby supporting the action of breaking up the ground percussive drilling.
at the drill bit. The loosened soil is moved to the side and



• Productive and cost-effective

• Use of single drill rods
• Hammer action supports drilling

Dreiländergalerie, Weil am Rhein, Germany

Together with the Environment division of Bauer
Resources, Bauer Spezialtiefbau created an
excavation pit with a depth of up to 18 m, for the
planned Dreiländergalerie shopping mall in Weil
am Rhein. In addition to a Mixed-in-Place ground
improvement wall and a secant pile wall, approx.
400 anchors were installed and around 220,000 t
of excavation soil were moved.

12 Grouted Anchors
Double-Head System
Overburden drilling with double-head system is suitable of a rotary drive, while the inner drill rod is driven in the
for all soils and rock. During the drilling process, an inner opposite direction by a hydraulic hammer. The air or
and outer drill rod with a drill bit fixed at the lower end of water flushing is done via the inner drill rod, resulting in a
each rod is screwed into the ground. For rock drillings, controlled discharge of the drill spoil in the annular space
a down-the-hole hammer is alternatively mounted to between inner and outer drill rod. The inner drill rod must
the inner drill rod. The outer drill rod is rotated by means be removed before installing the anchoring tendon.

The double-head
The d system
is suitable for all types of
ground, including rock, due
to its two independent drill
Christian Lorenz
Head of the Product
Group Anchors

Ferdinand-Happ-Straße, Frankfurt am Main

To secure the up to 13 m deep excavation pit, the
cut-off wall, with a depth of up to 20 m, was tied-
back with around 470 stranded grouted anchors,
in up to four layers. Two KR 806 from KLEMM
Bohrtechnik GmbH were used to build the structure
of around 8,000 linear meters.

Grouted Anchors 13
Auger Drilling
Auger drilling uses a hydraulically powered rotary motor to reduce wear of the auger rods. After removal of the auger
rotate the auger rod. This loosens the soil with the drill bit rod, the bore hole must be filled with mortar as quickly
and transports it to the mouth of the bore, via the auger. as possible, to prevent the bore hole from loosening or
If a hollow stem auger is used, the soil discharge can be softening. The bore hole is filled using a grouting lance.
supported by air flushing. Depending on the strength and Because the anchors are installed independently from the
abrasiveness of the ground to be drilled, different drill bits creation of the bore hole, auger drilling is a method that
are used, e.g. a 3-wing stage drill bit or a drill bit with round achieves a rapid construction progress.
shank bit function. The drill bits create a clearance to

With tthe auger drilling

method, anchors can be
installed independently of
the drilling process –
an important
aspect for thee
success of
the project.
Arnim Schleeh
Site Managerr

Logistics Center, Dettingen/Erms, Germany

A secant pile wall was created for the construction
of a new logistics center. Permanent anchors, with
anchor lengths of up to 13.5 m, were installed as tie

14 Grouted Anchors
Down-the-hole Hammer Drilling
Bores in bedrock can be drilled very efficiently using energy transferred to the drill bit acts directly on the rock to
a wear-resistant and carbide-covered down-the-hole be loosened. The harder the rock, the greater the benefit of
hammer drill bit. Compressed air is directed to the down- this process. The down-the-hole hammer can be combined
the-hole hammer through the rotating drill rod. The air with various drilling systems, such as the auger or double-
serves as a driver, as well as a flushing agent to discharge head system. Alternatively, a water-driven down-the-hole
drilling debris. The down-the-hole hammer always works at hammer can be used and can offer additional benefits
the deepest point of the drilling, which means the impact under certain conditions.


Drill bits

Various drill bit designs are available to suit the characteristics of the respective rock stone – such as
strength, composition and abrasiveness. These can be combined with the down-the-hole hammer.

Excavation pit, Weilheim/Teck, Germany

For the new railroad between Wendlingen and
Ulm, an excavation pit with soldier pile wall was
constructed, in the area between Weilheim/Teck
and Aichelberg along the new route. The retaining
structure was secured with 499 temporary

Grouted Anchors 15
Temporary Anchors
Temporary anchors serve to secure construction projects bore hole, using an unwinding unit. Installation of the
over a lifetime of a maximum of two years. They are anchor heads and inspection of the anchors is done by
generally constructed as stranded anchors, but can also in-company teams. Based on the installation situation, the
be installed as single bar anchors. Prestressing strands respective anchor head structure is mounted on concrete
with seven wires are employed. For quality reasons, abutments or connected to the wall as a welded structure.
these are exclusively factory-made. To protect against The load-bearing capacity of each anchor is determined
corrosion, the sections of the single strands are covered by means of a standard load test – the anchor acceptance
with PE sheaths and are factory-fitted with post-grouting test – and recorded in a log. The yellow anchor cap
pipes. The stranded anchors are supplied on rolls, stored identifies a finished anchor.
in a space-saving manner on the site and installed in the

PE anchor cap

wedge plate
basket spacer / centralizer prestressing strands sheathing

centralizer post-grouting pipe

bearing plate



Possible prestressing strands

• St1570/1770, 0.6“
• St1570/1770, 0.62“
• St1660/1860 0.6“
• St1660/1860 0.62“

Automobile manufacturer, Germany

An excavation pit with 23 m high retaining walls,
was constructed for the new plant of an automobile
manufacturer. Temporary anchors with individual
lengths of up to 33 m were installed in the area of the
secant pile wall. The anchors were constructed with
the double-head system and an air flushing system.

16 Grouted Anchors
Permanent Anchors
Permanent anchors are grouted anchors for permanent created using an adapted drilling technique. The anchor
use from two years and beyond and they become part head of the permanent anchor is also protected against
of the structure. Prestressing strands or thread rods corrosion and designed to allow re-inspection or re-
are used as base elements. Permanent anchors differ tightening of the anchor at any stage. All cavities are filled
from temporary anchors by offering additional corrosion with plastic corrosion protection compound. The anchoring
protection. For this purpose, the prestressing strands are tendon is filled with premium cement mortar inside the
greased with a plastic corrosion protection compound in corrugated tube, and the load-bearing capacity of every
the area of the free tendon lengths. The strand bundles anchor is determined by means of an anchor acceptance
are additionally protected over their entire length, with a test. Permanent anchors are also subjected to a suitability
common corrugated tube. These additional protective test. Permanent strand anchors offer the same logistical
corrosion barriers result in larger drilling diameters that are benefits as Temporary strand anchors.

steel anchor cap

wedge plate
cement mortar post-grouting pipe

basket spacer / centralizer tubular sleeve sheathing with anchor head seal
corrosion protective compound

bearing plate
with pipe socket



Plastic corrosion protection compound “Nontribos MP2” is pumped in below the wedge plate. Above the
wedge plate and under the anchor cap, “Denso-Jet mixture” is filled. A special tool, such as a pipe cutter, a
pump for the corrosion protection compound or a Denso boiler is required for installing the anchor head.

Boardinghouse Neuperlach, Munich, Germany

Bauer constructed an approx. 6,500 m² large
building pit for a boardinghouse hotel in the Munich
neighborhood of Neuperlach. A total of 65 bored piles
were constructed and then tied-back with approx. 40 up
to 11-strand anchors. In addition, the soldier piles,
with wooden laggings and a MIP wall, were secured
using 160 anchors, 40 of which were constructed as
permanent strand anchors.

Grouted Anchors 17
Removable Anchors
In some instances it may not be possible to have anchors is dismantled, and fully removable anchors, where
prestressing strands remaining in the neighboring the whole steel tendon is dismantled. With removable
construction soil. In these cases, grouted anchors can be anchors, it is important to design the heights of the
constructed as removable anchors, which can be removed anchors’ initial drilling positions in the retaining structure,
at the end of their lifetime. Installation and dismantling of to match the heights of the building within the excavation
these anchors is, however, associated with increased time pit. Ideally, the anchors’ initial drilling positions are located
and expenditure. Two different construction options are above the ceiling of the building and can then be removed
available, depending on the requirement: partly removable from this level.
anchors, where only the free anchor length of the ground

PE anchor cap

wedge plate
basket spacer / centralizer prestressing strands sheathing

centralizer predetermined breaking point post-grouting pipe

bearing plate


Depending on the client’s requirements, partly removable and fully
removable anchors are available. These can be removed depending on
the planned lifetime.
Moritz Hahn
Project Manager

UpperNord Tower, Düsseldorf, Germany

In order to secure the impressive excavation pit
of the UpperNord Tower, about a further 5,300 m
of anchors with three to six strands and a drilling
length of up to 24 m were constructed.

18 Grouted Anchors
Staggered Anchors
In the case of bond type grouted anchors, an increase in in accordance with DIN standards, with both part anchors
the grout body length to more than 7 m, will only result being tested at the same time, but independent of one
in a slight increase of the anchor forces. With the Bauer another by means of two independently controllable
staggered anchor, the anchor capacity can be significantly hydraulic cylinders. Additionally, the displacements of the
increased by installing two optimized part anchors in a two part anchors are determined using two independent
bore. Dividing the anchor force over two grout bodies precision dial gauges. Staggered anchors can be used
results in a very efficient power transmission of the anchor effectively in soils with a low load-bearing capacity.
load into the ground. Bauer staggered anchors are tested

PE anchor cap

wedge plate
prestressing strands sheathing

post-grouting pipe
centralizer bearing plate




In the acceptance test, the shorter part anchor of the staggered anchor is always loaded up first to the test
load. The longer part anchor is tested thereafter.

Underground car park, Ingelheim, Germany

For a two-story basement construction for an
underground car park, a 3,200 m² MIP retaining
structure, was installed. The retaining structure with
a depth of approx. 9 m was secured with two anchor
layers of 210 anchors, including 100 staggered anchors.

Grouted Anchors 19
A wealth of experience and
qualified employees form the
basis of our extensive range of
construction services. We offer
tailor-made solutions for every
project and each individual

Multi-story car park, Munich, Germany

A multi-story car park was integrated into
the road space around the Thomas-Wimmer-
Ring in Munich. To secure the excavation pit,
6,500 m of temporary anchors were installed,
in double-head method.
Excavation Pit, Germany
Several buildings with up to eight stories, are being to very highly water-permeable gravel in the area, an
developed for a new urban quarter with residential watertight retaining structure was required. Engineering
and office spaces. To provide the infrastructure for included sheet pile retaining walls, with tie backs for
the buildings and for technical facilities and ancillary the greatest part of the pit, while a retaining structure
buildings, a three-story underground car park with around consisting of MIP walls was envisaged along the adjacent
800 parking spaces is being built. For this purpose, BAUER train tracks. To secure the excavation pit, several layers
Spezialtiefbau GmbH was tasked with the construction of anchors were created with a KLEMM KR 806, and piles
of an excavation pit to a depth of 12 m. Due to the highly against uplift were constructed using the CFA method.

A special
spe feature of the
construction site was its
narrowness in parts. More-
over, the anchor works
were carried
out below
ter level.
Christian Lorenz
Head of the Product Group p

Anchor drilling works were done with a KLEMM

KR 806 in double-head method.

22 Grouted Anchors
Once the anchor drilling
rig was set up at the start
position, the actual drilling
could begin.

The inner drill rod was removed from the bore hole
with an excavator and placed in the drill rod box.


The double-head method

Because this method uses two drill

rods for the drilling process, the annular
space between inner and outer drill rod is
flushed out, which eliminates the risk of
uncontrolled soil discharge.

The anchor heads are installed after the

finished anchor has hardened.

Individual anchors are

constructed with several
strands and in three layers.

Grouted Anchors 23
BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH
BAUER - Strasse 1
86529 Schrobenhausen, Germany
Tel.: + 49 8252 97- 0
[email protected]


Specification and technical data are intended for

information purposes only. Errors and misprints are excepted.

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