MANUAL DE USUARIO Kenwood vr6050
MANUAL DE USUARIO Kenwood vr6050
MANUAL DE USUARIO Kenwood vr6050
This instruction manual is for some models. Model availability and features
(functions) may differ depending on the country and sales area.
1. The mains plug contains a fuse. For replacement, use only a 13-
Amp ASTA-approved (BSI 3621 fuse.
2. The fuse cover must be refttted when replacing the fuse II- the
moulded plug.
3 Do not cut off the mains plug from thus equrpment. If the plug fitted
IS not suitable for the power pornts rn your home or the cable IS too Note:
short to reach a power point, then obtatn an appropriate safety Our warranty does not cover damage caused by excessive lrne
approved extensron lead or adapter, or consult your dealer. voltage due to rmproper settrng of the AC voltage selector swatch
If nonetheless the marns plug IS cut off, remove the fuse and
dispose of the plug immedrately, to avoid a possible shock hazard
by Inadvertent connectron to the marns supply
Blue : Neutral
Brown Love
Safety precautions
2 EN
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Before applying the power
Caution : Read the pages marked A carefully to ensure
safe operation.
4 EN
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Before aoolvino the oower
True home theater sound DSP surround modes
Thrs receiver lrvcorporates a wide varrety of surround modes to brrng you The DSP (Drgrtal Srgnal Processor) used for thus recerver incorporates
~max~niumwpyment from your video software Select a surround mode a variety of high qualtty adjustable sound fields, llke “ARENA”, “JAZZ
accordrng to yotrl eqirrprnent or the software you are going to play and CLUB”, “THEATER”, “STADIUM” and “DISCO” It rscompatrble wrth
et1p/ -2 almost any krnd of program source.
DTS (Digital Theater System) IS a 5 1 channel drgrtal audio format that RDS (Radio Data System) tuner (For the UK. only)
chat?nei for rrt?precedented clarrty, optrmum chat?nel separation and a The receiver IS equrpped wrth an RDS tuner that provrdes several
(wide) dynamc ianye convenrent tunrng functrons RDS Auto Memory, to automatrcally
In the DTS rnode, the 5 1 charvlel drgrtal Input from a DTS CD, LD or preset up to 40 RDS statrons broadcasttng different programs; station
DVD drcc lc~rry~ng the “DTS” markrng) can be played in DIgItal SUI- name display, to show you the name of the current broadcast station;
round and PTY search to let you tune stations by program type
When <r DTS rlrsc is played on a CD, LD 01 DVD player, rnorse may be PTY (Program Type) search (For the U.K. only)
oiltput from the analog output It is recommended that you connect the Tune the statrons by specrfyrng the type of program you want to hear.
drgltal output of the player to the drgrtal Input of tills unit
AUTO indrcator
MEMORY indicator
STEREO rndrcator
Standby mode
While the standby rndrcator IS lit, a small amount of power IS supplIed The power II?thus eqLirpment wrll not be completely ctrt off frown the AC
to the system to back up the memory. This IS called standby mode wall outlet wher? the main swatch IS turned OFF
Under the condrtron, the system can be turned ON by remote control
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Names and functions of parts
the receiver and on the remote control,
the name of the remote control key m
this manual is indicated in parentheses.
REMOTE MODE keys (DVD, CBL, DSSI @ TUNING 44/b, keys -EC @ VOLUME +I- keys -a
SAT, VCR, TV, OTHERS) -22 Use to operate the tuner mode Use to adjust the receiver volume.
Use to select the components reglstered at If CD, MD or TAPE IS selected as the Input Q, MENU key
the respective Input source, these keys function as search keys Use to operate other components.
Numeric keys -&X @ DISC SKIP key SOUND key -Eg
Provide functions ldentlcal to those of the If CD IS selected as the Input source. this key Use to adjust the sound quality and the ambl-
orIgInal relnote control supplied with the com- functions as the multi-CD player disc skip ence effects
ponent you are controlling kev @ RETURN key
INPUT MODE key -& A/B key Use to operate other components
Use to switch between the full auto, dIgItal If TAPE 1sselected as the Input source, this IS @ 4 key
and analog Inputs A and B deck of a double cassette deck. Use to operate other components.
STEREO key -A 0 DISC SEL key FLIP key
Use to switch the Itsten mode to STEREO Use to operate other components. Use to operate other components.
CH +/- keys INPUT SEL key @ b/II key
Use to select the channels Use to operate other components If CD IS selected as the Input source, this key
))I DVD 144 keys 8 INPUT SELECTOR keys [DVDIGCH, CD/ functions as the play/pause key.
When In DVD player operations, these keys DVD, AUX or PHONO (for RC-I30725 only). If MDorTAPE keylsselectedaslnputsource,
functlon as skip keys TUNER, VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, MD/ this key functions as the play key.
Use when In TV operatlol? Use to select the Input sources. -E Use to select the broadcast band.
TOP MENU key @ LOUDNESS key -E @ n key
Use to operate the DVD component Use to switch the status of LOUDNESS If CD, MD, or TAPE IS selected as the Input
SET UP key -& Q1 SOURCE (0 I key source, this key functions as the stop key.
IJse to select the speakers’ settings etc Use to turn the other components ON/OFF AUTO key -a
0 Joystick 0 POWER (0 1 key -L& Use to select the auto or manual tuning
ENTER Use to turn the receiver ON/OFF mode.
Use to operate other components 0 RECEIVER key @J DIMMER key -@2I
MULTI CONTROL A/r -A Use to return to the operation of the receiver. Use io adjust the brightness of the display.
Use to control a variety of settings 0 LISTEN MODE n/o keys -E II key
Use to operate other components Use to select the llstenlng mode Use to operate other components
P.CALL 144 /DOWN 4 and P.CALL/UP ttl @ ACTIVE ECI key -22 @I BASS BOOST key -lx
. -& Use to select ACTIVE EQ’s setting Use to select the maximum adjustment set-
Usefol selectlonad~ustmentsdunngSOUND, @ SPEAKER EQ key -& ting for the low frequency range
SET UP and PRESET channel functions Use to select SPEAKER EQ’s setting. @ TONE key 422
Q PAGE n/o keys @ DSP MODE key -*& Use to switch the status of TONE control.
Use to operate the DVD component Use to select any of the DSP MODE
0 OSD key @ MUTE key -22
Use to operate the DVD component Use to temporarrly mute the sound
VCR, TV, OTHERS1 -.s Use to operate the DVD component Use to temporarrly mute the sound
Use to select the components reglstered at 0 OSD key @ VOLUME +I- keys -;?‘.
the respective Input Use to operate the DVD component Use to adjust the recerver volume
Q Numeric keys -33 @ TUNING 44/t) keys - 24 @ MENU key
Provrde functrons rdentrcal to those of the Use to operate the tuner mode Use to operate other components
origrnal remote control supplredwrth the com- If CD, MD or TAPE IS selected as the Input SOUND key - 20
ponent you are controllrng. source, these keys function as search keys Use to adjust the sound quailty and the ambr-
0 INPUT MODE key 0 DISC SKIP key ence effects
Use to swatch between the full auto, drgrtal If CD IS selected as the Input source, this key @ RETURN key
and analog Inputs functrons as the mtlltl-CD player drsc skip Use to operate other components
0 STEREO key --- kev @ 4 key
Use to swatch the lrsten mode to STEREO A/B key Use to operate other components
0 CH +I- keys If TAPE IS selected as the Input source, this IS FLIP key
Use to select the channels A and B deck of a double cassette deck Use to operate other components
,H DVD 1~ keys 8 DISC SEL key @ F/II key
When rn DVD player operatrons, these keys Use to operate other components If CD IS selected as the Input source, thus key
functron as skrp keys. INPUT SEL key functrons as the play/pause key
0 TV CONTROL keys Use to operate other components If MDorTAPEkey~sselectedasrnputsource,
Use when rn TV operatron. @ INPUT SEL. keys IDVD/GCH, CD/DVD, thus key functrons as the play key
0 TOP MENU key PHONO, TUNER, VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, BAND key - -?4;.
Use to operate the DVD component VJDEO 3, MD/TAPE, AV AUXI Use to select the broadcast band
SET UP key -LX Use to select the Input sources -a @ n key
Use to select the speakers’ settings etc @ LOUDNESS key -22 If CD, MD, or TAPE IS selected as the Input
0 $s;;k Use to switch the status of LOUDNESS. source, this key functions as the stop key
@ SOURCE I (!I ) key AUTO key -_2E
Use to operate other components. Use to turn the other components ON/OFF Use to select the ailto or Imanual tuning
MULTI CONTROL A/r - lx 0 POWER (0 I key mode
Use to control a variety of settings Use to turn the receiver ON/OFF @ DIMMER key -3’
Use to operate other components. 0 RECEIVER key Use to adjust tlhe brrghtness of the drsplay
P.CALL w /DOWN 4 and P.CALL/UP +bl Use to return to the operation of the receiver II key
b --a 0 LISTEN MODE A/V keys -gi Use to operate other components
Useforselectronadfustmentsdurrng SOUND, Use to select the lrstenrng mode @ BASS BOOST key -21
SET UP and PRESET channel functrons @ ACTIVE EQ key --9& Use to select the maxrmum adfustment set-
0 RDS DISP key -425 Use to select ACTIVE EQ’s setting ting for the low freqllency range.
Use for RDS function. @ SPEAKER EQ key -2’ @ TONE key -22_
PAGE DOWN key Use to select SPEAKER EQ’s setting Use to switch the status of TONE control
Use to operate the DVD component @ DSP MODE key - _2
PTY key -25 Use to select any of the DSP MODE
Use for PTY search
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Seffing up fhe sysfem
Make connections as shown in the following pages.
When connecting the related system components, be sure Input mode settings
to refer to the instruction manuals supplied with the compo- CD/DVD, VIDEO 2 and DVD/GCH Inputs each Include jacks for dIgItal
nents you are connecting. audio Input and analog audio Input.
Do not connect the power cord to a wall outlet until all You must select beforehand which type of Input ISto be used for each
connections are completed. connected component.
The initial factory settings for audio signal playback for CWDVD.
DVD/GCH and VIDEO 2 are full auto.
Notes To use the analog audio Input for playback Instead (If, for example, you
1 Be sure to ltisert all connectIon cords securely if their connections are have connected a VCR to the VIDEO2 Input), you must set the Input
Imperfect, socrrndn?ay not be produced or there WIII be no/se inference mode for the corresponding Input to the analog mode.
2 Be sure to remove the power cord from the AC outlet before plugging After completing connections and turning on the receiver, follow the
or unplugging any connectIon cords Plugginglunplugglng connection steps below.
cords without dlsconnectlng the power cord can cause malfunctions
and (may darnage the unit INPUT,MODE
3 Do not connect power cords from components whose power con-
sumptlon 1s larger than what IS indicated on the AC outlet at the rear
of this unit
Analog connections
Audio connectIons are tmade using RCA pin cords These cables transfer
stereo audio siglnal in an “analog” form. This means the audio slgnal
corresponds to the actual audio of two channels These cables usually
have 2 plugs on each end, one red for the right channel and one white for Input Selector
the left channel. These cables are usually packed together with the
source tInIt, or are available at your local electronics retailer
0 Use the Input Selector keys to select CD/DVD, VIDEO 2 or
blocked causing damage or fire hazard. In CD/DVD, VIDEO 2, DVD/GCH play mode
l Do not place any objects Impairing heat radlatlon onto the top of the 3, FULL AUTO (dIgItal Input, analog Input)
unit T DIGITAL MANUAL (digital Input)
l Leave solve space around the unit (from rhe largest outsIde 3 6CH INPUT (DVD/GCH Input)
dlmenslon lncludll?g plolectlon) equal to or greater than, shown 3 ANALOG (analog input)
Top panel : 50 cm Side panel : 10 cm Back panel : 10 cm
Digital input:
Select this setllng to play digital signals from a DVD, CD, or LD
Analog input:
Select this setting to play analog signals from a cassette deck, VCR,
or record player
Auto detect:
In “FULL AUTO” mode (AUTO DETECT lndlcator light up). the
receiver detects the dIgItal or analog Input signals automatically.
Pnonty IS given to dIgItal slgnal during Input mode selectton. The
receiver WIII select the Input mode and llstenlng mode automatlcally
during playback to match the type of Input slgnal (Dolby DIgItal.
PCM, DTS) and the speaker setting. The OPTICAL and COAXIAL
Indicator on the display will light up when digltal signal IS detected.
If the Input slgnal IS analog, the ANALOG Indicator WIII light up.
To keep the receiver set to the currently selected listening mode,
use the INPUT MODE key to select “DIGITAL MANUAL” (manual
sound) However, even when this setting IS selected, there may be
cases I” which the listening mode IS selected automatically to
match a Dolby DIgItal source slgnal depending on the comblnatlon
of listening mode and source slgnal
If the INPUT MODE key IS pressed quickly, sound may not be
produced. Press the INPUT MODE key agaIn
1 Othercountrles / ,a /
jacks -‘ii-
To AC wall outlet
Record player
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Connecting video components
S Video jacks
Monitor TV
Video Audio
Video Inputs
(Yellow RCA pin cords)
Video deck
Video Inputs and outputs Audio Inputs
(Yellow RCA pin cords) and outputs
I . DVD player or LD player
DVD player or LD player
A video component with digital audio outputs should be connected to the VIDEO 2 jacks.
Digital connections
The dIgItal in jacks can accept DTS, Dolby Dtgltal, or PCM signals. Connect components capable of outputtlng DTS, Dolby DIgItal, 01 standard PCM (CD)
format dIgItal signals
If you have connected any digital components to the receiver, be sure to read the “Input mode settings” sectIon careftllly - P
CD or DVD player
To connect an LD player with a DIGITAL RF OUT, connect the LD player to the KENWOOD RF digital demodulator (DEM-9991Dl.
Next, connect the DIGITAL OUT jacks of the demodulator to the DIGITAL IN jacks of the receiver.
Connect the video signal and analog audio signals to the VIDEO 2 jack. (See “Connecting video components”.)
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Setting up the system
DVD player
L =r(
S VIDEO cord
Front Speakers A
Right Left
O@ @O Center
00 0
0 0 0
Surround Speakers
(Be sure to connect both
surround speakers)
Center srxaker \
Q Insert. ,, 0 Secure.
Front speakers Place at the front left and right of the lrstenrng
posItIon Front speakers are required for all surround modes.
Center speaker Place front and center Thus speaker stabrlrzes the
sound Image and helps recreate sound motion Required for surround
Surround speakers Place at the direct left and right, or slrghtly
0 Insert the cord. 0 Return the lever. behind, the listenrng posrtron at even heights, approxrmately 1 meter
above the ears of the listeners These speakers recreate sound
tnotron and atmosphere. Required for surround playback.
Subwoofer Reproduces powerful deep bass sounds.
Surround backspeaker Place the speaker directly at the rear of the
Ilstenrng posrtion The optrmum posrtron depends mainly on the room
Turn the power OFF by presstng the POWER key before movrng the
switch level Move swatch lever to match your area wrth a small
screwdrlver or other pornted tool, then turn the power on again
FM indoor antenna
The supplied Indoor antenna IS for temporary ose only For stable signal
reception we recommend using an outdoor antenna Disconnect the
lndool at?tenna when you connect one outdoors
S VIDEO cord
FM outdoor antenna
Lead the 750 coaxial cable connected to the FM outdoor allrenrla Into the
room ancl connect It to the FM 75Q tern?~nal
FM outdoor ,?ntenna
Use an antenna [ JI
- To select the source connected to the AV AUX jacks press AV adaptor
AUX key. -21; (Commercially
* When you connect the audio source such as the MD player, you
do not need to connect the video cable.
- When you connect the unit and the component with the S
VIDEO cord, you can get better picture quality.
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Setting up the system
This unit is compatible only with the [SL-161 mode. The system
control operation is not available if the unit is connected in the
[XS81, [XSI, or [XRI connection mode.
If your component has the mode select switch, set the connected
components to the [SL161 mode.
l Youmaycoi?nectthesystemcontrolcordtoeithertheupordown]ack
1 ISL161 eqtrlpment cannot be combined with [Xi?], IXSI, and IXSSI
equipment for systeln operations. If your equipment consists of
this kind of combination, please do not connect any system con-
trol cords Even wlthout system control cords, normal operations
can be carried out without effecting performance.
2 Do not connect system control cords to any components other
than those spectfled by KENWOOD It may cause a malfunction
and damage your equipment l When pressing more than one remote control key successively, press
3 Be sure the system control plugs are Inserted all the way in to the the keys securely by leaving an Interval of 1 second or more between
system control tertnlnals keys.
1. The supplied batteries may have shorter lives than ordinary batteries
Remote Control due to use during operation checks.
Lets you operate this ul?lt with the system remote supplled with the 2 When the remote-controllable distance gets shorter than before, re-
receiver place both batteries with new ones
3 Placlng the remote sensor in direct sunlIght, or in direct light from a
Automatic Operation high frequency fluorescent lamp may cause a malfunction.
When you start playback from a source component, the Input selector In such a case, change the location of the system installation to pre-
on this unit switches to that component automatlcally.
vent malfunction
Synchronized Recording
Lets you synchrorxze recording with the start of playback when
recording from CD, MD or analog discs
Large front speakers are connected
to the receIveI
Averageslreflont speaketsaiecoi?-
netted to the lecelvel
a Press the SETUPkey to enter the SETUP mode and press 0 Press the r\ key or Joystick (w) to accept the setting.
l The center speaker setting lndvzatlon “CNTR” appears
A/V keys or Joystick (r/w) for the following displays.
i SPSETUP 0 Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A/V) to select
52’ TEST TONE the appropriate center speaker setting.
\C SP DISTANCE If you selected “LARGE” as the front speakers setting,
L s, EXIT 1 CNTR LARGE A large center speaker IS connected
to the receive,
The flow of the SET UP IS as follows 2 CNTR NORMAL An average size center speaker IS
connected to the receiver
L 3 CNTR OFF Center speaker setting tmode to the
t receiver IS OFF
4 i 4
T.TONE T TONE If you selected “NORMAL” as the front speakers setting,
% I CNTR ON : Center speaker setting mode to the re-
cerver IS ON
S”rro”nd c 2 CNTR OFF : Center speaker setting niooe to the re-
% cerver IS OFF
0 Press the A keys or Joystick (b) again to accept the setting.
*The surround speaker setting lndlcatlon “SURR” appears
0 Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A/V) to select
the appropriate surround speaker setting.
If you selected “LARGE” as the center speaker setting,
a Select a speaker system. 1 SURR LARGE Large surround speakers are con-
0 Select the SP SETUP and press the SETUP key again so nected to the lecelver
that the subwoofer setting indication “SUBW ON” appears. 2 SURR NORMAL Average size su~~ouncl speakers are
connected to the receIveI
3 SURROFF Surround speaker setting mode to
the receIveI IS OFF
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Preparing for surround sound
If you selected other than “LARGE” as the center speaker q Adjust the speaker volume level.
From your usual listenrng posrtion, adjust the volume levels. The
P I SURR ON : Surround soeaker settina mode to the re- volume levels from each speaker should be the same.
carver IS ON
t. 2 SURR OFF : Surround speaker settrng mode to the ie- 0 Press the A/V keys or Joystick I+/,) to select TEST TONE.
cerver.s OFF 0 Press the SETUP key for the following displays:
l Wherl the setting “SURR OFF” IS selected, the procedure skips 1 T.TONE AUTO
to step 0 c 2 T.TONE MANUAL
0 The selection of AUTO/MANUAL TEST TONE is done by the
0 Press the A key or Joystick (~1 again to accept the setting.
MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (r/V).
l The surround speaker settrng rndrcatron “SB” appears
Press the SETUP key again to begin TEST TONE.
@ Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A/V) to select Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A/VI to adjust
appropriate surround back speaker setting. the volume level of the test tone output from the speaker
channel to be adjusted.
If you selected “LARGE” as the surround speaker setting,
For AUTO selection, the first test tone is heard from the front
1 SB NORMAL : Average size surround back speaker IS left speaker for 2.5 seconds. The next test tone is heard from
connected to the recerver the speakers in the following sequence for 2 seconds each.
: Largesurround backspeakerrsconnected
to the receiver
: Surround back speaker setting mode to
the recerver IS OFF
+ LEFT -
The channel rndrcatron blinks while the test tone IS being output.
l If you change the volume level settrngs for the speakers whrle
If you selected “NORMAL” as the surround speaker setting,
listenrng to musrc. the settings referred to on thus page are also
1 SB ON : Surround back speaker setting {node to the changed -m
receiver IS ON l IfthespeakersettrngselectsareOFF, thespeakerlevelsettrngs
c 2 SB OFF : Surround back speaker settrr?g rmode to the are reset.
receiver IS OFF
For MANUAL selection, press the A/V keys or Joystick (4~)
Q Press the A key or Joystick (b) again to accept the setting each time to select the speaker channel.
and “SURR:MIX” appears. 0 Press the SETUP key again.
l Surr rmx IS when the SL and SR speakers srgnals are mixed to l The test tone ISturned off and return to the marn setup drsplays.
0 Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A./V) to select The soeaker Indicator to be adrusted blanks
the appropriate subwoofer re-mix setting.
I SW RE-MIX ON : Subwoofer remmix settrng mode to
the recerver IS ON
c 2 SW RE-MIX OFF : Subwoofer re-mrx setting mode to
the iecelver IS OFF ‘/I I \\’
0 If subwoofer IS turned OFF, subwoofer remmIx settrng IS not lndrcatron I” feet lndrcatron I” meters
*The allowable settrng range 6 1 to 30 feet (0.3 to 9.0 m),
adjustable in 1 foot (0.3 m) increments
@ Press the SETUP key again to return to the main setup
displays. 0 RepeatstepsOtoinputthedistanceforeachofthespeakers.
0 The recerve! erlter s the speaker volutne level adjustment mode
0 111steps q and q , ~rld~catrons appear 0171~fat the selected
cl~annels of tile speakers that reqiirre adfustrng Continued to next page
0 Press the SETUP key again to return to main setup displays. Input level adjustment (analog sources only)
*The speakers you have selected should appear on the display
Confirm that all the speakers have been correctly selected If the Input level of an analog source slgnal IS too l~~gl?,the CLIP indicator
~111blink to ir?dlcate the source sIgnal AdjLlst the lnpilt level
q Select the display mode.
0 Press the A/V keys or Joystick (r/w) to select the DISP
MODE. tl mu
0 Press the SETUP key for the following displays:
0 Use the Input Selector keys to select the source of which the
sx DISP SELECTOR : Displays the current input selector input level you want to adjust.
c ‘5- DISP LISTEN : Displays the current listen mode
0 You can store a separate Input level for each InpM solf~ce
Q Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A/V) to select
the display mode. 0 Press the SOUND and A/V keys or Joystick i-1,) repeatedly
until the “INPUT” indication appears.
20 EN
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Normal playback
Selecting the input mode 0 Use the /nput Selector and AVAUX keys to select the
source you want to listen to.
If you have selected a component connected to the CD/DVD, VIDEO 2
oi DVD/GCH jacks, make sure that the input mode setting IS correct fol Selecting a source using each key.
the type of audio sIgnal to be used -;$
Selecting MD/TAPE 2 “CDIDVD”
3 “AUX” or “PHONO” (for KRF-V7060D only)
Select the source name corresponding to the component connected to
the MDflAPE lacks The lnltial factory setting IS “TAPE” To change the 4 “TUNER”
source to “MD”, follow the steps below. 5 “VIDEO 1”
6 “VIDEO 2”
Hold down the MD/TAPE key for more than 2 seconds. i “VIDEO 3”
l The so~irce Indlcatlon changes to “MD”
9 “AV AUX”
l To return to the orIgInal Indlcatlon, repeat the above procedure
KRF-V6060D (for the U.K. only)
Selecting the speaker system 1 “DVD/GCH”
Press the A SPEAKERS B key to select the speaker system to be 2 “CDIDVD”
used. 3 “PHONO”
AON : Sound ftom the speakers connected to the SPEAKERS A 5 “VIDEO 1”
tennlnals on the rear panel 6 “VIDEO 2”
BON : Sound from the speakers connected to the SPEAKERS B 7 “VIDEO 3”
telmmals on the rear panel No sound WIII be heard from 8 “MD/TAPE”
ihe subwoofer 9 “AV AUX”
A+B ON : Sound from both the speakers connected to the
SPEAKERS A and B terminals on the rear panel
A+B OFF : No sound from the speakers Use this setting when
q Start playback from the selected source.
IIstenlng witi? headphones for stereo sound in all playback
Imodes. The display segments are different depending 01~ B Use the VOLUME CONTROL knob or VOLUME +/- keys to
rhe type of input signal adjust the volume.
The lndlcator for the speakers
yowlwaist to use should be Ilt.
CONTROL To cancel
Press the MUTE key again so that the “MUTE” indicator goes off.
l MUTE ON can also be deactivated by turning the VOLUME
7 EQ
CONTROL knob or pressfng VOLUME +/- keys
SPEAKER EQ’s function vvlil automatically detect the vanol~s featiires of
0 When inTONEONselection,presstheTONE keyforthefollowing each speaker and effectively creates a stereoscopic sound effect
Press the SPEAKER EQ key to switch the following setting;
BASS : Select this to adlust the low frequency range.
TREBLE: Select this to adjust the htgh frequency range 1 SPEAKER EQ SMALL : To select a small xe speaker
(TheSPEAKER EQlnd~catorllghts~~p I
0 Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (r/Y) to adjust the 2 SPEAKER EQ NORMAL : To select an average size speaker
sound quality. (The SPEAKER EQ Indicator lights up.!
3 SPEAKER EQ LARGE : To select a large size speaker.
(TheSPEAKER EQ~ndlcatorllghtsup 1
: 4 SPEAKER EQ OFF : The SPEAKER EQ functlot? IS turned
(The SPEAKER EQ Indlcatol goes off 1
l “SPEAKER EQ” WI/I scroll from right to left
lThe bass and treble levels are adjustable from -10 to +I0 I” 2 step l SPEAKER EQ cannot be turned OFF when ACTIVE EQ IS turned ON
Increments. l SPEAKER EQ functlon WIII not be avallable when REC MODE, AUTO
*The adjustment Item IS displayed for approximately 8 seconds TUNlNGorPRESETMEMORY1sON,anddurlng96kHzLPCMplayback
Once-touch low frequency emphasis (BASS BOOST)
(remote control only) Listening with headphones
0 Press the A and B Speaker keys so that the speaker indicator
You can adlust the sound qualtty when the receiver IS in the PCM stereo
goes off.
and analog stereo modes
Make sure the SPEAKERS
Press the BASS BOOST key. mdicators are turned off.
l Press the key once to select the maxlmum (+lO) low frequency
emphasis setting.
l This key does not function when the receiver IS II- the sound quality
or ambience effects adjustment mode 0 808
Switching back to the previous setting I ~~ ~~ .~ ~ ~._ ~~ ~~
l If you turn off all of the speakers when in surround imode, the surround
Press the BASS BOOST key again. [mode will be canceled as well, resulting II?stereo playback
0 Connect headphones to the PHONES jack.
Adjusting the LOUDNESS mode
You can adjust the Loudness function which controls the low volume
settings to malntaln the music’s richness The adjustment can be made
when the receiver IS in the PCM stereo and analog stereo mode
Press the LOUDNESS key to turn the LOUDNESS setting ON.
To cancel
Press the LOUDNESS key again so that the “LOUDNESS” 0 Use the VOLUME CONTROL knob or VOLUME .+/-keys to
indicator goes off. adjust the volume.
22 EN
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0 Press and hold the DIMMER key for more than 2 seconds to
select the AUTO REC or MANUAL REC mode.
Recording video
0 Use the Input Selector keys to select the video source (other than
“VIDEO 1”) you want to record.
0 Set the video deck connected to VIDEO 1 to record. For MANUAL REC mode :
*Select Ihe REC MODE to record a dIgItal input so~irce
, B rnCJ8 0” oPr’CAL
0 Start playback, then start recording.
l Recordll,g may ,not be ~noimal for some video software 131s IS due
to the copy guard condltlov - 40
Input Selector
23 EN
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Listening to radio broadcasts
The recewe~~can stove up to 40 stations in the memory and recall them (For the U.K. on/v/
by one-touch operation.
Radto stations can be clawfled Into RDS iRadIo Data System) statlons
Using RDS &adia Data System)
and other statIons. To listen to or store RDS statlons In the preset RDS IS a system that transmits useful Informalton (111 the fotm of dIgItal
memory see “Using RDS (Radio Data System)” (For the U K. only) data) for FM broadcasts along with the broadcast signal Tuners and
receivers desIgned for RDS receptlol? cal? extract tile Inforn?atlon froln
Tuning (non-RDS) radio stations the broadcast signal fat use with various functions, SLICI?as automaw
drsplay of the statIon name
l Normally, set to “AUTO” (auto tunlng) If the radio waves are weak
and there IS a lot of Interference, swtch to manual tunng (With 1 I -
manual tuning, stereo broadcasts WIII be received in monaural 1
a Tune to the station you want to store.
“TUNED” IS drsplayed when a station is received q Press the MEMORY key while receiving the station.
Auto tuning : The next statlon IS tuned alitomatlcaily Blinks for 5 seconcls
Manual tuning : Turn the knob or use the Joystick (r/VI to
select the desired statlon
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Listening to radio broadcasts
l Repeat steps 0, 0, a, and q to store as many stations as Pushing the Joystick to P.CALL I+ does the following:
l If you store a statjon at a previously used preset, the old statlon wll
be replaced by the new one
Holding the Joystick on WI or 144 direction, lets you skip
through the presets, receiving each preset station at 0.5 second
Receiving preset stations intervals.
q Press the TUNER key to select tuner as the source. RDS DISP
q Enter the number of the preset station you want to receive ,TUNER
(up to “40”).
Press the numeric keys in the following order:
For “15”, press ml I IF Pressing the RDS DISP key changes the contents of the
For “20”. press (+10(, (ml, 1x1 display.
l If you make a tnlstake entering a two digIt number, press the +I0 Each press switches the display mode as follows :
key lepeatedly to return to the orIginal display and start again
_..~~ ~-~ -7 I PS (Program Service name) display
2’ RT iRadIo Text) display
c 2 Frequency display
0 RT (Radio Text) display :
Text data accompanying the RDS broadcast scrolls across the display.
“NO RT” IS dlsplayed If the current RDS statjon does not provide RT
(P.CALL I.. hbl)
0 Frequency display :
Displays the frequency of the current station
(For the U.K. only) q Press the PTY key to activate the PTY search mode.
Presetting RDS stations (RDS AUTO MEMORY) Light up
TUNER MULTI CONTROL When an RDS broadcast IS recerved, the program type IS shown on
the drsplay If no PTY data IS available, or If the statroll IS not an RDS
station, “NONE” IS drsplayed
(For the U.K. onlvl
king by Piogram Type (PTY search)
This function lets you set the tuner to automatically search for stations
whrch are currently broadcastrng the type of program (genre) you want
to listen to. Program type name display
l Execute the RDS auto memory procedure
l Set the broadcast band to FM
*Tune to an RDS station
26 EN
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Ambience effects
This receiver is equipped with listening modes that allow
Dolby Digital EX
you to enjoy an enhanced sonic ambience with a variety of
Iolby DIgItal EX is an extension of Dolby Drgrtal technology, Dolby
video sources. Iigrtal EXcreatess~xfuIl-bandw~dthoutputchannelsfrom6.1-channel
In order to obtain the optimum effect from the surround sources This IS done using a matrrx decoder that derives three
modes, make sure to input the proper speaker settings surround channels from the two In the original recordrng.
beforehand. -s This ISachieved by usrng three different surround signals, surround left,
surround right, and surround back, each dnvrng Its own array of
speakers Think of It as adding a center channel for the rear speakers,
which give more diffuse and natural surround effect, even If you
Surround modes wanted the abllrty to completely encircle the audtence wrth sound,
,osrtronrng sound effects exactly where they wolud be heard 10real Ilfe.
Ior best results, Dolby Digrtal EXshould be used wrth movresoundtracks
Dolby Digital -ecorded wrth Dolby Drgrtal Surround EXwhrch contain a digital flagthat
ihirll automatrcally activate this feature. However, for titles released
The Dolby Drgrtal surroutrd format lets you en,oy up to 5 1 cl~a~?~?els
onor to late 2001, this feature has to be activated manually
of drgrtal surround sound from Dolby Drgrtal program so~irces (such as
LaserdIsc or DVD software markedOO= DIOIT1L ) Cornpared wrth prevl- Note
ous Dolby sunound, Dolby DIgItal provrdes even better sound qilalrty, 4lthough a full set of speakers (front left, rrght, and center, surround
greater spatial accuracy, and Improved dynamrc range left and right. surround back and a subwoofer) IS required for true 6.1
channel Dolby DigItal Surround EX sound, this recerver lets you enjoy
Note Dolby Drgrtal (and Dolby Surround) program sources, even If you
Although a full set of speakers (front left, right, at?d center, surround connect only the front speakers.
left and rrqht, and a subwoofer) IS reqlrrred for true 5 1 channel Dolby
DIgItal su round sound, ~IIIS receiver lets you enjoy Dolby Drgrtal (and
Center speaker
Dolby Sunotind) progran~ sources, even rf you connect or?ly tile fiatit
Multi channel surround sound (SRS Circle Surround ll) DSP mode
SRS Circle Surround UrM improves on Its predecessor CS-5 lTM The DSP mode lets you add tlhe atmosphere of a I’ve co~lcert or lhall
resulting in the CS-6 lTM system enabling you to llsten to reallstlc, to almost any type of progran? source These modes ale paitlcuiarly
multi-channel, surround sound playback from a stereo source or effective when Llsed with stereo program sources, like CD, televlslon,
conventlonal surround-encoded video source You already enjoy and FM radio You might enjoy trying the ARENA, JAZZ CLUB,
listening to Dolby DIgItal sound/DTS multWchannel sound with your THEATER, STADIUM or DISCO mode the ne\t time yoc~ watch a
multi-speakers. Now you can listen toaudio CDs, MDs, Broadcastand concert 01 sporting event’
Home Theater using your multl-speakers You will dlscover a new
type of sound through SRS Circle Surround II
The CS system dramatically reduces storage space requirements for
multl-channel content. It creates a llstenlng environment that places
the listener “inside” mux performances, and dramatIcally improves
both hi-f1 audio and conventional surround-encoded video material
The CS decoder also includes the SRS technologies FocusTM and
TruBassTM Focus electronlcally raises the sound stage from the
speaker locatlon to an optlmal positIon TruBass creates deep, rich
bass In small speaker systems wlthout the need for a subwoofer Front speakers (L. R)
What’s DSP?
DSP stalnds fat DIgItal SIgnal Processor
The way a sound IS heard II? an actual environment deperrds 011a
variety of differentfactors One of the most lmportal?t IS reverberation
(the act of decaying elements of sound echoing Elivarious places)
IK ‘Front speakers (L. R) \ The DSP modes produce the feeling of presence by us~llg the DSP to
create ~everbeiat~on, wlthoutspolllng thesoundqualltyoftheorlglnal
The DTS multi-channel audio format IS awlable on CD, LD and DVD
DVD &channel mode softwal e DTS ISa strictly dIgItal format and cai?not be decoded InsIde
most CD, LD 01 DVD players For this reason, If yoil attempt to llsten
Using a DVD player or the IIke equipped with SIX(5 1) output channels to DTS encoded software through the analog oiltput of YOUIInew CD.
and the receiver, you can enjoy multi-channel encoded DVD source LD 01 DVD player, you ~111experience dIgItal noise In tmost cases Ths
material In all Its splendor Since the source signals are digital and noise can be quite loud If the analog output IS connected directly to a
each channel IS Input Independently, the resulting sound quality, high power amplkatlon system Proper meawres for playing tile
sense of spaciousness, and dynamic range are superb dIgItal output as described helow should be taken io avold this
sltuatlon To enjoy DTS Digital Surround playback, an external 5 1
channel DTS DIgItal Surround decoder system or an ampllfler with a
Center speaker bulk-In DTS DIgItal Surround decoder must be connected to the dIgital
output (S/P DIF, AESIEBU or TosLInk) of a CD, LD or DVD player
All models are Incorporated wth the DTS decode!
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Ambience effects
Surround play
The DTS compatrble models can reproduce a CD, DVD, or LD carryrng the When you select DOLBY DIGITAL
DTS mark “DOLBY DIGITAL” wrll be drsplayed
DOLBY DIGITAL can be used when playrng DVD or LD software bearrng
the 001 mark and DOLBY DIGITAL format drgrtal broadcasts fete ).
DOl”B;‘%b LOGIC can be used when playing vrdeo, DVD. or LD
software bearing the ~UIOOLBY-~OUNDI mark.
SRS Crrcle Surround II enables you to listen to multr channel sound from
the stereo source. When the DTS signal is input :
(The DTS rndrcator lights up.1
1 DTS : DTS surround
c 2 STEREO : Normal stereo playback
l Dolby DIgItal or DTS signal havrng more channels than the maxi-
Preparations ,,
mum numoer OTplayback channels avarlable using the receiver’s
l Turn ON related components current settings IS input, downmrxrng IS performed to match the
l Complete “Preparrng for surround sound” (speaker settings) -Lpi number of avariable channels.
l Use the Input Selector keys to select the component you wish to play
back wrth surround sound
Use the INPUT MODE key to select the Input mode (analog 01 digital)
q DSP mode (Digital Signal Processor).
for the source you wash to play back - Pi DSP can produce these effects wrthout spoilrng the sound qualrty of
l Norse WIII be produced when a DTS source IS played by selectrng the the orrgrnal mux or video source.
analog rnput
0 Pressing the DSP or DSP MODE key will display the current
q Start playing the video software. DSP MODE status.
a Use the LISTEN MODE knob or LISTEN MODE n/O keys to e Each press of the key will switch to the next status as shown
select the listening mode.
1 ARENA : DSP surround ARENA mode.
The Irstening mode settrngs are stored separately for each Input if 2 JAZZ CLUB : DSP surround JAZZ CLUB mode.
the Input mode IS set to full auto (“AUTO DETECT” Irghts), the 3 THEATER : DSP surround THEATER mode.
recerver selects the optrmal lrstenrng mode automatrcally based on
4 STADIUM : DSP surround STADIUM mode.
the type of input slgnal and the speaker settrngs 1 5 DISCO : DSP surround DISCO mode.
Each turn of the LISTEN MODE knob or press of the LISTEN
MODE n/v keys switches the setting as listed below. l The DSP mode selectron ISdrsplayed forapproxrmately 3 seconds.
l For fine adjustmentof the DSPeffects, pleaserefer to “Adjusting
the sound” -pg
The listening mode settings are different depending on the type
of input signal.
a Adjust the volume.
When the DOLBY DIGITAL signal is input:
(The DOL.BY DIGITAL or PRO LOGIC, Indicator Irgl?ts up )
1 DOLBY DIGITAL DOLBY DIGITAL surround l Depending on the type of the signal or speaker setting, some listenrng
2 DOLBY D EX DOLBY DIGITAL EX surround modes cannot be selected
l Wherl playback IS started, the sound may be cut or Interrupted before
(The PRO LOGIC rndrcator lrghts up ) the input source IS confirmed as Dolby Drgrtal
l To enjoy Dolby DIgItal surround (as well as all the other lrstenrng modes)
from a single component, be sure to use a Dolby Digital compatible
(The PRO LOGIC rndrcator lights up i
soLlrce component
(The PRO LOGIC rndrcatot lights up 1
6 STEREO Normal stereo playback
DVDIGCH Joystick
0 Press the SOUND key and then use to the A/V keys or Joystick
(4/w) until the desired item appears in the display.
Preparations Each time you press the A/V keys or Joystick (4/b), the menu
l Connect your DVD player to the DVD/GCH lacks of the receiver. changes as follows:
*Turn on all other components that WIII be used Note that some items are not displayed in certain modes.
l Complete “Preparing for surround sound” -ZE
I CNTR (Center speaker level adjustment)”
2 SR iRIght surround speaker level adjustment)”
a Press “DVf7/6Cff” as the input source.
3 SB (Surround back speaker level adlustment)’
l If speaker system 6 ISon when “DVD/GCH” ISselected as the input 4 SL (Left surround speaker level adlustmenti’
source, it switches off and speaker system A turns on automatl- 5 SUBW (Subwoofer level adjustment)”
tally. 6 INPUT (Input level adjustment analog Inode only) - Zi
7 MIDNIGHT (MidnIght mode ON/OFF Dolby DIgItal mode oniyy
H Select “6Cff INPUT” by pressing the INPUT MODE key. 8 PANORAMA (Panorama mode ON/OFF)**
9 DIMENSION (Dlmenslon adlustment)“”
B Start playback of the DVD software. lo CENTER WIDTH (Center width adjustment)” +
II CENTER FOCUS (Center focus ad!ilstment)**’
q Adjust the volume. 12 CSII DLY (Rear speaker delay adjustment)** *
13 CSU GAIN (Input gain adjustment)*‘x
l It IS not possible to adjust the volume level or sound quality (SET [ 14 TruBass (Trubass adjustment)**”
UP, SOUND) of the channels separately when the receiver is in the
DVD/GCH mode. Adjust the volume with the controls of the DVD The adjustment ISonlytemporaryfor thecurrent Illput selectlon
player The value will return automatlcally to the orIgInal setup value
For the powered subwoofer, you can adjust the volume of the when the power IS turned on/off or whel? the Input selection IS
subwoofer using the subwoofer’s own volume control changed
-+ Pro Logic II MUSIC mode only
+** CS II mode only
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Ambience effects
Midnight mode (Dolby Digital mode only) Center Width mode (Pro Logic ll Music mode only)
When watchrng movies at night , you mrght not be able to rarse the Center wrdth adjustment allows you to enjoy an enchanced sound when
volume as loud as normal Mtdnlght mode compresses the dynamic llstenlng to music through center Image from only center speaker, or left
range of previously specified parts of the Dolby Drgrtal sound track (like and right speakers or yarrous combrnations adjustments.
scenes wrth sudden Increases rn volume) to mrnrmrze the drfference rn
volume between the specrfred and non-specified parts Thxs makes It 0 Press the SOUND key, then press the A/V keys or Joystick f4/,)
easy to hear all of the sound track, even when lrstening at low volumes until “CENTER WIDTH” appears on the display.
l The CENTER WIDTH rndicatron scrolls across the display.
0 Press the SOUND key, then press the A/V keys or Joystick (4,)
l When the center speaker IS swrtched OFF, this mode wrll not be
until “MIDNIGHT” appears on the display.
l Thrs can be selected only If CDIDVD, DVD/GCH or VIDEO 2 IS selected
as the source and the ksten mode IS set to “DOLBY DIGITAL.” 0 Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A/V) to adjust the
left-center-right output.
0 Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A/V) to select the
ON or OFF setting. Center image will be heard from center speaker only.
lThe adtustment Item IS drsplayed for approxrmately 8 seconds Center image wrll be heard from left and right speakers only.
*Some Dolby DigItal software may not be compatible with the -
Mrdr?rght mode $z;io’ PIOLODC
0 flsg I... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Panorama mode (Pro Logic II Music mode only) l When rn other posrtron, center image from center speaker, left and
When Irstenrng to rmusrc, you wrll be able to enjoy the “wraparound” right speakers can be heard srmultaneously wrth varrous
sound effect when you adjust the panorama mode combrnations
0 Press the SOUND key, then press the A/V keys or Joystick (4/b)
until “PANORAMA” appears oh the display. Circle Surround II mode
Q Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A/T) to select When you select the crrcle surround ll mode, you WI/I be able to enjoy the
PANORAMA ON or OFF. mult surround sound from the stereo source.
c 2 PANORAMA OFF: PANORAMA mode IS OFF selection.
0 Press the SOUND key, then press the A/V keys or Joystick (4/b)
until “DIMENSION” appears on the display.
0 Press the SOUND key, then press the 4~ keys or Joystick 14)) Each time you press the DIMMER key, the display’s brightness
until “CSg GAIN” appears on the display. changes among the three available settings.
Select the brightness level you find most pleasing.
e Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (r/r) to adjust the
input gain. I Bright
l The adjustment range IS from 0 to 18. 2 Medium
c 3 Dark
96kHz LPCMplayback
The receiver IS compatible wth the 96kHz LPCM playback To play a
96kHr DVD, set the lIsten mode to “STEREO”
T&ass adjustment mode (CS ll mode only)
l In FULL AUTO Input mode, the listen mode WIII automatically be
T&ass adlustment prowdes deep, rich bass sound to small speakers STEREO
without the need of a subwoofer. l When In DIGITAL MANUAL input mode (lrsten mode is not STEREO),
“FS 96kHz” WIII appear in the display and no sound can be heard from
0 Pressthe SOUND key, then press the 4~ keys or Joystick (*/,I the speakers
until “TruBass” appears. Press the LISTEN MODE or STEREO key (the listen mode changes to
the STEREO mode) to output sound from the speakers
0 Use the MULTI CONTROL knob or Joystick (A/V) to select the
mcpTruBass OFF
~3 TruBass SW
8 TruBass LR
c $ TruBass SW + LR
l Afterselectlng”F, j or i ,TruBassspeakers~zeandleveladjustment
selectlon WII be awlable
3 TruBass LARGE
3 TruBass MID
c 3 TruBass SMALL
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Basic remote control operations for other components
The remote control supplied with this receiver is also capable 0 The OTHERS key enables you to operate another DVD, CD,
of controlling components from a variety of manufacturers CBL, DSSISAT, CBLISAT, VCR or TV component.
once you register the appropriate setup codes into the
For OTHERS key;
remote control unit.
Hold down the OTHERS key and press the numeric keys to
1 Low battery warning 1 enter the setup code.
Replace all two batteries with knewones when you notice a shorterirng
of the drstance from whrch the remote control will operate After l Example After you have regrstered the KENWOOD DVD player,
changrng the batteries, please re-enter the setup codes press “804” to regrster another DVD player which ISmanufactured
by Panasonic
l If you push an Invalid key, the remote control wrll exrt the setup
~~~~~cedes for other components
aPress any of the REMOTE MODE key and then press the
SOURCE 0 key to check that the component you want to
SOURCE 0 control turns on.
If the component does not react, and there is more than one
,Numeric keys setup code, enter another setup code and try again.
0 After registering the setup code, press and hold the SOURCE
0 key and then press the REMOTE MORE (DVD) key.
I / I , I
Although each setup code IS desrgned to work wrth a number of
drfferent models, certarn codes may not work wrth some models
iAlso, certain codes may only operate some of the functrons avarIable
BRegistering components for REMOTE MODE [(OVO, CBL, on a given model /
DSS/SAT, VCR, TV, OTHERS - RC-R0725/R0727) or (DVD, CD,
CBUSAT, VCR, TV, OTHERS - RC-R0726)] keys.
Hold down the SOURCE 0 key and press the numeric keys to
enter the setup code.
Be sure to point the remote control at the remote sensor on the
recelverwhenyou want to operate KENWOOD components connected
by system control cords. OtherwIse, point the remote control at the
component you want to operate
34 EN
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Basic remote control overations for other comvonents
GE 516
HITACHI 517, 518
JVC 519
LOEWE 503, 504
MAGNAVOX 501, 515
MITSUBISHI 520, 521, 522, 523
NORDMENDE 506, 507, 508
SABA 510
SAMSUNG 525, 526
SHARP 527, 528
SONY 423,424, 425, 426, 427 SONY 529, 530, 531 -
TELEFUNKEN 407,409, 410 TELEFUNKEN 511, 512
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Basic remote control oaerations for other comaonents
37 EN
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Basic remote control operations for other components
These keys can be used to perform the basic operations of KENWOOO and other manufacturers components which the setup code for each
component had been entered beforehand. - ?I - 36;
Numer,c keys
(Channel+ i -)
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Basic remote control operations for other components
DSS/SAT (or CBL/SAT) receiver operation keys Cable tuner operation keys
(Source power)
CH+/- CH+/-
(Channel + i -) (Channel + I -)
+ (Skip up)
,$*‘ ?“.sy”pf”ft$ *:
-“.” .^^^^^~“” ~.xI1llxl-,--- _^_^“~ ”
No sound from the speakers. l The speaker cords are dlsconnected l Connect them properly refemng to “Connect-
ing the speakers” -1%
l VOLUME IS set to the rnxn~mum posltlon l Adjust the volume to a proper level
l MUTE is ON l Turn OFF the MUTE - K
*The SPEAKERS switches are set to OFF l Set the SPEAKERS switches to ON - 21
The standby indicator blinks and sound is l Speaker cords are short-cIrcuited l Turn the power off, ellmlnate the short-cIrcuIt-
not output. lng, then turn on the power agaIn
Sound is not output from one of the speakers. l The speaker cord IS disconnected l Connect It properly refelnng to “Cot7l7ectlng
the speakers” - J<
Sound is not output from the surround l The surround speaker cords and/or the center l Connect It properly refemng to “Cotlnecting
speakers and I or the center speaker, or their speaker cord IS dlsconnected the speakers” - 1%
sound is very small. l A surround mode has not been engaged l Select a surround mode
l The surround and/or center volume controls *Adjust the speaker levels Losingtile test tone
are set to the minimum level - 1%
A humming noise is generated when the l The audio cord from the record player IS not l Insert the audio cord plugs securely into the
PHONO input selector is selected. connected to the PHONO lacks PHONO lacks
l The record player IS not grounded l Connect the grounding wire to the GND term-
nal on the rear panel
When playing a Dolby Digital source signal l There are many possible causes for this prob- l Set the input mode to digital imat?ual before
using a DVD player, the sound is cut off soon lem, depending on the type of DVD player starting playback of the Dolby DIgItal source
after it starts. used -1-C
No sound is produced during playback from l The input mode IS set to digital manual l Press the INPUT MODE key to select to full
a DVD player. auto mode - -9%
A video source cannot be recorded l The software IS copy-guarded l Copy-guarded video software canno: be le-
normally. corded
Interference. l Noise due to lgnltlon noise from an automo- l Install the outdoor antenna away from the
bile. road
l Noise due to interference from an electric l Turn off the power to the appliance
l Noise due to a nearby TV set l Install the receiver farther away frown the TV
A station which was preset cannot be re- l The preset station belongs to a frequency that l Preset a station with a receivable frequency
ceived by pressing the corresponding nu- cannot be received
meric key. l The preset memory was cleared because the l Preset the statlon agaln
power cord had been unplugged for a long
period of time
Certain inputs cannot be selected using the l No setup codes regrstered for the respective l Register a setupcodeat the respective Input(s).
remote control. Input(s) -g-m
Remote control operation is not possible. l The remote control IS set to a drfferent opera- l Press the source select keys or SOURCE 6
tron mode. keys to select the appropriate operatron mode.
l Batteries are exhausted l Replace wrth new batteries.
*The remote control unrt IS too far away from *Operate the remote control unit within the
the marn system, controllrng angle IStoo large, controllable range
or there 1s an obstacle between the receiver
and the remote
l The audio cords and system control cords are l Connect properly refernng to “Setting up the
not connected properly system”.
l Nosoftwarersloadedinthesourcecomponent. l Place software rn the source component you
want to play.
*An attempt IS made to play a tape which IS l Wart untrl recording has completed.
being recorded In the cassette deck.
*The remote control has not been set to the l Press the source select keys or SOURCE 6
operatron mode for the component you wash key to activate the operation mode for the
to control component you want to control before
operatron -@
42 EN
Downloaded from manuals search engine
for the U.K. only
AUDIO section (KRF-1160600) VIDEO section
Rated power output during STEREO operation VIDEO inputs / outputs
DINIIEC (63 Hz - 12.5 kHz, 0.09 % T.H.D. at 6 1 VIDEO (composite) ._.................,,,........................... 1 Vp-p / 75 R
............................................................................... 1oow+1oow S VIDEO inputs /outputs
Effective power output during SURROUND operation S VIDEO (luminance signal) ...__..,,....._..................., 1 Vp-p / 75 R
FRONT I63 Hz . 12.5 kHz, 0.09 % T.H.D. at 6 11 one channel S VIDEO lchrominance signal) ... .... ..... .... 0.286 Vp-p / 75 Q
driven) ................................................................... 100 W + 100 W
CENTER (63 Hz - 12.5 kHz, 0.09 46 T.H.D. at 6 11one channel
driven) ..................................................................................... 100 W
SURROUND (63 Hz - 12.5 kHz, 0.7 % T.H.D. at 6 (1 one channel FM tuner section
driven) ............................................................................ 100 W + 100 W Tuning frequency range .,,.__.................,,.........,,. 87.5 MHz - 108 MHz
Total harmonic distortion ...................... .0.009 % II kHz, 50 W, 6 Q) Usable sensitivity
Frequency response MONO .. ...... 1.3 pV (75 <I)/ 13.2 dBf (40 kHz dev, S/N 26 dB)
Line (CD/DVD, TAPE, VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, DVD/GCH) STEREO ... 45 pV (75 Q)/ 42.1 dBf (40 + 6 kHz dev, S/N 46 dB)
................................................. 10 Hz . 100 kHz, +0 dB - -3.0 dB Total harmonic distortion
PHONO ‘RIAA’ response .............. 40 Hz - 20 kHz, +I.5 dB - -3.0 dB MONO (I kHz, 40 kHz dev) ... ..... .... .... 0.2% 165.2 dBf input)
Maximum input level STEREO (1 kHz, 40 + 6 kHz dev) .... ..... .. 0.8% 165.2 dBf input)
PHONO (MM). .................................. .45 mV, 1 % T.H.D. at 1 kHz Signal to noise ratio (DIN weighted at 1 kHzl
Signal to noise ratio fIHF’66) MONO .... ................ .. ................. ................. 65 dB (65.2 dBf input)
PHONO (MM) ........................................................................ 75 dB STEREO _.......,._...........................,,,,........... 60 dB (65.2 dBf input)
Line (CD/DVD, TAPE, VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, DVD/GCHl Stereo separation (1 kHz) .............. ................ ... .......................... 36 dB
............................................................................................... 95 dB Selectivity (+300 kHz) .................. ....................... ...... ... .. ............. 64 dB
Loudness control Frequency response (30 Hz - 15kHz) +0.5 dB, -3.0 dB
VOLUME at -30 dB level ...................................... +6 dB 1100 Hz)
Input sensitivity / impedance
PHONO (MM) ........................................................ 6.0 mV / 47 kl2
Line (CD/DVD, TAPE, VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, DVD/GCHI MW tuner section
.............................................................................. 500 mV / 47 kl2
Tuning frequency range ,...,.._.......,,__....,........,.... 531 kHz - 1,602 kHz
Output level I impedance
TAPE REC ............................................................... Usable sensitivity (30% mod, S/N 20 dB) .... ... 16 pV / (600 pV/ml
500 mV I 1 k<L
PRE OUT (SURROUND BACK CHANNEL) .............. 2.5 V / 1 kc1 Signal to noise ratio (400 Hz, 30% mod)
PRE OUT (SUBWOOFER) ......................................... 50 dB (60 dBp VEMF input)
2.5 V / 1 kc1
Tone control
BASS.. .............................................................. +I0 dB fat 100 Hz)
TREBLE ............................................................ +I0 dB (at 10 kHz) GENERAL
Power consumption ._.........__........,........................................... 330 W
AC outlet
DIGITAL AUDIO section SWITCHED . ........................................ ............. (total 90 W max.)
Sampling frequency ...................... 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz Dimensions .. ... ................ ... ....................... .. .... W : 440 mm (17-6/16”)
Input level I impedance 1 wave length H : 159mmf6-l/4”)
Optical ........................... (-15 dBm - -24 dBmJ, 660 nm -30 nm D : 392 mm /15-7/16”)
Coaxial.. ............................................................... .0.5 Vp-p / 75 L1 Weight (Net) ..,,,,.____..................................................... 9.8 kg (21.6 lb)
1 KENWOOD follows a policy of contrwous advancements I” development For this reason speclflcatlons may be changed wlthout notice.
2 The full pelfotmance ~maynot be exhibited in an extremely cold locatlon (under a water-freezing temperature)
43 EN
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For your records
KENWOOD Record the sew3 number, found on the back of the unit, in the spaces
designated on the warranty card, and IITthe space provided below Refer
to the model and serial numbers whenever yokecall upon?your dealer for
InformatIon or service on this product
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P-20EN(for VR-606O/KRF-
P- 18EN(for VR-605O/KRF-
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Please read all of the safety and operatrng rnstructrons before 6. Temperature - The appliance may not function properly If
operatrng this applrance. Adhere to all warnings on the appltance used at extremely low, or freezing temperatures The ideal
and in the instructron manual. Follow all the safety and operatrng ambrent temperature IS above c5”C (41 “F)
Instructions. These safety and operatrng rnstructrons should be
retained for future reference. 7. Heat - The appliance should be situated away from heat
sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other
1. Power sources - The applrance should be connected to a appliances (rncludrng amplifiers) that produce heat Do not
power supply only of the type described In the instruction place a flaming oblect. such as a candle or lantern, on or near
manual or as marked on the applrance. If you are not sure of the appliance.
the type of power supply to your home, consult your applrance
dealer or local power company. For appliances Intended to 8. Electric shock - Care should be taken so that objects do not
operate from battery power, or other sources, refer to the fall and lrqurd IS not spilled into the enclosure through openings.
instruction manual. If a metal objects, such as a hair pin or a needle, comes Into
contact wrth the rnsrde of thus appliance, a dangerous electric
2. Power-cord protection - Power-supply cords should be shock may result For families with children, never permit
routed so that they are not lrkely to be walked on or prnched by children toputanythrng,especrallymetal, rnsrdethrsappliance.
Items placed upon or against them, pay particular attention to
cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the pornt where
they exit from the appliance.
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13.Lightning - For added protectron for thus applrance during a 18.Power lines - An outsrde antenna system should not be
lightning storm, or when It IS left unattended and unused for located In the vrcrnrty of overhead power lines or other electric
long periods of trme. unplug It from the wall outlet and light or power crrcurts, or where It can fall Into such power lines
disconnect the antenna or cable system. Thus WIII prevent or crrcurts. When Installing an outside antenna system, extreme
damage to the applrance due to lrghtnrng and power-lrne care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines
surges. or circuits as contact with them mrght be fatal
14.Abnormal smell - If an abnormal smell or smoke IS lS.AC outlets - Do not connect other audro equrpment
detected, Immediately turn the power OFF and unplug wrth a power consumptron larger than that specified to
the appliance from the wall outlet. Contact your dealer or the AC outlet on the rear panel Never connect other
nearest servrce center. electrrcal appliances, such as an Iron or toaster, to it to
prevent fire or electrrc shock.
16,Servicing - The user should not attempt to servrce the 23. Safety check - Upon completron of any service or reparrs to
appliance beyond that described In the rnstructron this appliance, ask the service technrcran to perform safety
manual. All other servicing should be referred to qualrfred checks to determrne that the appliance IS In proper operating
service personnel. condrtron.
1 Iten? 3 IS not required except for grounded or polarrzed equrpment
2 Item 17 and 18 are not required except for unrts provrded with antenna
3 Item 17 compiles wrth UL in the U S A
Downloaded from manuals search engine 858-0964-13 03
Z=‘~ Note: We suggest you attach your bill of sale to this card
as proof of warranty coverage.
Model Number
. Serial Number
Inquiring about warranty service and information
Obtaining warranty service
u 993
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846 - 0330 - 03 01 (K, Y) IMC/
KENWOOD Audio products are designed and manufactured with advanced technology and craftsman-
ship. This product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship as listed. This
limited warranty remains in effect for the period indicated from the date of the original consumer
2 years parts and labor