Change Management Procedure
Change Management Procedure
Change Management Procedure
1.2 This procedure applies to all projects. The Project Manager (PM) is primarily responsible for implementing
this procedure, unless noted otherwise.
1.3 In managing change, we should be maximizing benefit, such as growing the project or influencing the factors
that result in positive change. The changes may affect the project scope, budget, schedule, resources,
reporting, technical requirements or other elements of the project. A change in one area may affect many
areas of the project. For example:
A change to the scope is likely to affect time and cost.
A change to a design parameter, such as flood level, may not affect time and cost, but it is likely to
affect other design elements such as earthworks and structures.
A change to the project team may require training or assigning more experienced staff — at AECOM’s
3.0 References
3.1 Project Plan Procedure
4.0 Procedure
Changes may occur at any time during a project and be either external (client, stakeholder, regulatory) or internal
(assignments, resources).
Project Managers (PMs) shall consider the following approach when managing change in a project:
Determine the nature of the change that will or has occurred;
Obtain appropriate approvals associated with the change;
Record and reflect the change in relevant project documentation, and at least in the Project Plan and Schedule;
Ensure all stakeholders (e.g., client, subconsultant, AECOM team) are notified of the change; and
Manage and document the change and effect on the project (i.e., costs, risk, resources, quality, etc.).
4.2.1 When a project change is identified, the change shall be recorded in an email, letter, risk register,
project plan, accounting system and/or equivalent format, and placed in the project file (electronic
or hard copy). Attachment 1 provides an example letter authorizing change.
4.2.2 The change that affects the fee, scope or schedule of delivering the services shall be agreed upon
in writing by the client.
4.2.3 Executed contract changes shall be processed in accordance with the Geography/ Business Line
project accounting system requirements.
4.3 Implementation
4.3.1 Implementation of project changes shall not proceed without authorization of the change by the
Project Manager, or other stakeholders, as agreed with the Project Director, and/or the client, if
the change affects the delivery of the project to the client.
4.3.2 If the Project Manager changes at any time during the life of the project, then a Project Handover
process shall be implemented and recorded. (Attachment 2 is an example form.) In the absence of
the outgoing Project Manager, the incumbent Project Director shall complete the handover with the
new Project Manager.
4.4 Communication
4.4.1 When the change has been authorized by the client, it shall be communicated to the project team,
subconsultants and other stakeholders, as appropriate for the nature of the change. For example, a
task appointment or minutes of a meeting may be used for this purpose.
4.5.1 Work resulting from changes shall be subject to verification, in accordance with the procedures laid
out in the Project Plan and the Checking and Verification Procedure. The Project Manager is
responsible for determining the extent and level of any further verification; and, if appropriate, the
change and type of verification should result in an amendment to the Project Plan.
5.0 Records
5.1 Letter Authorizing Change
6.0 Attachments
6.1 Attachment 1 - Example Letter Authorizing Change
Pursuant to the Consultant Agreement reference , Clause , the following change to the Scope of
Work for the above project is advised:
Reason for Change:
Description of Change:
Time: The time for the completion of the works is unaltered, increased, decreased by
Example Instruction:
1. This form is mandatory for all projects.
2. Complete the form in the presence of “Incoming” and “Outgoing” PD or PM.
3. Handover cannot occur if “No” is answered to any “Mandatory Requirements” items and evidence is not on file.
4. Acquire signed approval for change of PM from PD or Group Leader, and change of PD from “Outgoing” and
“Incoming” PDs.
5. Send completed form to IT, Finance and Quality teams.
Project Details
Handover Role Project Manager Project Director
Project Name
Project No. Date
Project Administration Officer
Existing PM Existing PD
Low (L) Medium (M) (High) H
13. Is communication and reporting process with the client healthy? If any issues are identified
from Mandatory Requirements, list on Risk Register for immediate attention.
14. What is going well with the project?