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Demon Weapons, Kuudere, and Espers! - September 2021 AID!

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The 'Esper' Lineage

About this Pack: The esper lineage is a race expansion that characters might
Anime Into D&D are homebrew packs released by Blaine gain through remarkable events. A character might request
Simple every month on Patreon! this lineage during character creation, their transformation
You're free to share this pack privately with friends and having occurred before play begins. Or, events might unfold
family, but please refrain from uploading the materials during adventures that lead their character to gaining this
publicly online. lineage. Work with the player to establish if they're amenable
to such a development and how such stories unfold.
Balance Patches and Hotfixes
This pack will stay updated for 3 months after its initial Character 'Archetypes'
release! Patrons can join our public discord server and check These are not races, classes, backgrounds, or feats. An
out the #anime-pack-updates channel for frequent balance archetype is a special set of skills and optional traits that can
changes and format edits. Feel free to download the newest be added to an existing character at any point in the game.
updated packs as soon as you see an announcement there! Once an archetype is added to a character, it cannot be
Also, if you're a patron and haven't received your special removed. Only one Archetype can be possessed by a
Patreon tag on discord, please make a request in the character.
#claim-your-tags channel.
Thanks everyone, and look forward to the next pack
coming real soon!
The Co-Captain Crew!
[REDACTED] Dwarf of Steel KillMeINC sol_twitch
Aaron Saddler EaranMaleasi Lord_Momonga Ste
Aiko EllieC15 Lotus Moonveil TayabaEllywick
Alex Jordan Felix Argyle Matt Thompson The1woomy
Andrew Bracht Gabriel L MikaMika TheodoreBane
Apple Jackson9388 Gerish51 MrZobar TheRandomGamer
Aramis Riley Hassan AL-Jefairi Nerano Thestralpony
Barnzinator Husreford Nicolas Smith VaderTheImpaler
bubeloveone IanYonders Noraneko Sparks Valravn
Chromatic Eevee Icedemon565 Orange Bandit Victor Church
Chunk Chungus Jacob Gamer PapiTharpY worstofnoobs
Cooper Henderson JakeTheSnake PhoenixSenpai Wulfcub
Cybergoth79 Jarrod Turner Pockieh Zero the Cipher
D&D_NERD42 Jeremy Sorejian Rhokai ZKemi
dragoncamper Jordan koontz Scaratyl Obsidian Zomboneum
Dranzer Kent Kilgore Shadow1317
Homebrew Testers for This Pack! (Discord)
Aido#6942 Chirthorpe#6471 Shinrai#9615 Afrowalrus#5558
Faolin#2093 Sin#1806 Taiyaki_Timewarp#2901
Rel#5185 AJ El Texicano#4433 truehazard#7345
marshalice#1312 Kunhah#0041 tw300#1267
Barbarian Subclass
If you're raging while all 3 are true, whenever you are within
Demon Weapon 15 feet of each other, you gain an additional attack whenever
Your bloodline was tainted by a foul experiment which you take the Attack action on your turn. You can change the
involved the fusion between a human soul and a weapon, creature used by this feature after every long rest.
allowing your body to change form almost instantly and Aggressive Parry
appear as nearly any weapon imaginable. Your power is Starting at 6th level, while raging, you can occasionally block
amplified by eating the souls of monsters, and the intense dangerous effects before they make contact.
training you partake in with your weapon meister. If a creature within attack range of your weapon form is hit
Weapon Transformation by an attack, you can use your reaction to add one of your
Starting at 3rd level, whenever you rage you can cause part of weapon form's damage dice to their AC. If you activate this
yourself to transform into a single weapon of your choice feature using a ranged weapon, the damage die used by this
until your rage ends. Ranged weapons don't possess the feature is reduced by one category.
'ammo' or 'loading' properties and fire infinite ammunition Faithful Maneuvers
which vanishes after dealing damage. At 10th level, you've mastered your fighting technique,
You can attack with your weapon form as if you were allowing your entire body to flow like an elegent weapon.
wielding it, using the appropriate weapon statblock. Weapon You possess an additional reaction on each of your turns
attacks made with your weapon form are magical for the which can only be used to make opportunity attacks and
purposes of overcoming resistance. activate your Aggressive Parry feature.
Your weapon form also gains a +1 bonus to its attack and
damage rolls at 6th level, increasing to a +2 at 14th level. Witch's Soul
Soul Resonance At 14th level you become capable of eating the soul of a
Starting at 3rd level, you can grow a close bond with a powerful monster to gain a devastating new ability. The DM
creature that correlates into immense strength in combat. To determines what monsters are qualified to possess this soul,
use this feature, choose a creature that you can see. The and once consumed, grants the following feature:
following must all be true between both you and that If you score a critical hit against a creature with your
creature: weapon form, the target must succeed on a DC 10 +
(your Strength or Dexterity) Constitution saving throw
Trustful. We both trust each other with our lives. or be vulnerable to the attack's damage.
Friendly. We get along with and appreciate each other. If you created your Demon Weapon barbarian at or above
Reliable. We've both shown to be reliable with many level 14, ask your DM if it would make sense for your
aspects of our company. character to have already eaten this soul.
Character Archetype


alm and focused, Kuudere show next to no
outside emotion. The lack of feeling often comes
off as cold and stoic, but deep inside they truly
care about their 'friends', even if others may not
see it as such. A Kuudere's quick remarks can
make them seem smart and calculating, always
quick to verbally jab anyone around them.
Ability Scores
Intelligence: +1 (Cannot exceed 20)
Any 1 ability modifier with a score of 11 or higher: -1
(Ability) Level Head:
You can stay calm and focused in nearly any situation. You
have advantage on saving throws against spells and effects
that would charm or frighten you.
(Forced Ability) Hollow:
Your apathetic attitude makes dealing with social situations
difficult. Any Charisma or Wisdom (Animal Handling) check
you make towards another creature is reduced by 1d4.
Optional Personality Traits:
I'd rather most people just leave me alone.

I rarely speak unless it's absolutely necessary.

I'm a completely different person deep inside. Nobody's ever

seen that side of me, though.

Optional Flaws:
I can't leave an encounter until I've had the final remark.

Nobody cares about me, so why should I care about them?

I feel the need to mock and belittle other people for having
expressive emotions.


spers are humanoid creatures who have
had their metaphorical third eye opened as
a result of intense emotions festering
within their mind. These creatures can now
access a latent psychic power to influence
the world around them.
Racial Expansion
If you gain this lineage, you can keep all of the elements of
your previous race.
Forceful Grasp
Whenever a spell you cast details the maximum weight of an
object it can influence, you can triple the weight capacity of
that spell.
Psy Magic
You can cast the mage armor and catapult spells with this
trait. At level 3 you can also cast the levitate spell.
Once you cast any of these spells with this trait, you can't
cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You
can also cast these spells using spell slots if you have any.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability
for these spells (choose the ability when you gain this
Esper Origins
Many espers found their psychic connections through various
emotional pathways. Roll on or choose an option from the
Esper Origins table to determine how your character gained
their lineage.
d6 Origin
1 A life or death event caused your powers to awaken,
giving you the strength needed to overcome it.
2 Hours of painful suffering allowed your sealed powers
to crack through.
3 Intense jealousy over another's success festered into
your new powers.
4 The news of a life-changing event occurring recently
changed you forever.
5 You couldn't stand back and watch others suffer
anymore. You've had enough.
6 The evil deed you committed released a wave of
regret, sadness, and psychic energy into your mind.

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