Lesson Plan Ivb Luni
Lesson Plan Ivb Luni
Lesson Plan Ivb Luni
ORGANISATION OF THE CLASS: The teacher greets the pupils and asks them a
few ordinary questions (Who is on duty today? / What day is today? / How are you
today? / What’s the weather like today?).
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 2 minutes
WARM-UP: Using share screen, the teacher asks the students at the first game to
combine the words in English with their translation in Romanian. The second game
consists in completing some sentences with the right words in the free spaces.
The teacher asks them about their homework and checks their notebook. The pupils
read their homework while the other classmates pay attention in order to correct them.
Aims: -to check students’ homework
-to correct important errors as they occur;
Interaction: T-Ss S-S
Timing: 5 minutes
REVISION : The teacher shares a paper with exercises containing the body parts that
the kids learned. The pupils will be asked to answer the questions and to take part at
the activity with answers.
Aims: -to give correct answers;
-to pay attention at what is happening at the lesson;
The teacher presents a game with the words that children have
learned.They will have to match the name of those words with the correct translation
in Romanian.
Interaction: T-Ss Ss-T
Timing: 9 minutes
ACTIVITY 2: Listening
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 5 minutes
Procedure: The kids will listen to the recording and help Misty find out what she can
ACTIVITY 3: Speaking
Aims: -to use the new vocabulary
Interaction: T-Ss, individual
Timing: 4 minutes
Procedure: The children will form sentences with the new words they just learned
today. We will play a game in which they will have to name a diferite body part and
their favourite color along with it.
Aims: have a better understanding of the mew words
Timing:15 minutes
Procedure: the kids will be asked to come to the whiteboard and select an image with
certain body parts and then to put them on the whiteboard with a magnet in order to
create “ Billy” their new classmate
Then they will be asked to say their favourite activity to do when it is sunny outside