2023 Barriermaintenance

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Cost-effective maintenance of safety and security barriers in the chemical

process industries via genetic algorithm

Article  in  Process Safety and Environmental Protection · February 2023

DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2022.12.008


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4 authors:

Shuaiqi Yuan Genserik Reniers

Delft University of Technology Delft University of Technology


Ming Yang Yiping Bai

Delft University of Technology China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing


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Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

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Cost-effective maintenance of safety and security barriers in the chemical

process industries via genetic algorithm
Shuaiqi Yuan a, *, Genserik Reniers a, b, c, **, Ming Yang a, d, e, Yiping Bai a, f
Safety and Security Science Section, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft, Delft, the Netherlands
Faculty of Applied Economics, Antwerp Research Group on Safety and Security (ARGoSS), Universiteit Antwerpen, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
CEDON, KULeuven, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Centre of Hydrogen Energy, Institute of Future Energy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
National Centre of Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics Australia Maritime College, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
School of Emergency Management & Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China


Keywords: Chemical plants face safety hazards and security threats that may induce catastrophic scenarios. Safety and
Barrier maintenance security barriers are employed widely to protect chemical plants from accidental and intentional undesired
Cost-effectiveness analysis events and mitigate consequences. Managing safety and security barriers effectively and economically is a
Integration of safety and security
research topic with practical significance. The analysis of undesired event scenarios, including both accidental
Barrier modeling
and intentional adverse scenarios, and assessing associated safety and security barriers are critical regarding cost-
Genetic algorithm
Chemical industry efficient barrier maintenance. This study proposes a novel approach for optimizing safety and security barrier
maintenance strategy considering economic constraints. This approach consists of three steps: scenario building
and barrier identification, barrier modeling, and determining optimal barrier maintenance intervals. In the
proposed approach, accident scenarios in terms of safety and physical security are constructed using the
extended bow-tie diagrams. After associated safety and security barriers are identified, a system simulation
model is developed to conduct barrier modeling based on MATLAB/Simulink simulations, in which the barrier
maintenance, the impacts of human and organizational barriers, and the correlations between barriers caused by
shared components are considered. Finally, a combination of cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and genetic al­
gorithm (GA) is employed to support the decision-making on barrier maintenance optimization. An illustrative
case is employed in this study to validate the feasibility of the proposed approach.

1. Introduction approach (Song et al., 2019a, 2019b). An approach based on dynamic

graphs was proposed to integrate safety and security resources to reduce
Safety and security barriers are implemented in various forms (e.g., the risk of intentional domino effects (Chen et al., 2019). Iaiani et al.
technical and non-technical) to protect chemical plants from undesired (2022) investigated the identification of reference scenarios associated
events in terms of prevention and mitigation of potentially catastrophic with security attacks on the process industries using reference Bow-Ties.
consequences (Zeng et al., 2020; Yuan et al., 2022c). Remarkably, Additionally, an integrated safety and security analysis for
because events caused by intentional and malevolent acts may induce cyber-physical systems (CPS) has also been studied, considering harmful
catastrophic accidents, integrating safety and security barriers during physical scenarios induced by cyber-attacks (Yang et al., 2021; Guzman
the risk management process is strongly recommended (Yuan et al., et al., 2021). The motivations for integrated management of safety and
2022b). The integration of safety and security and the safety and secu­ security (IMSS) and the current state of IMSS in Seveso plants were
rity risk co-analysis of chemical plants have already been investigated in investigated by (Ylönen et al., 2022). The results show that despite the
previous studies. For example, integrated safety and security risk as­ ongoing development in IMSS at chemical plants and chemical indus­
sessments were recommended considering the interaction among safety trial sites, IMSS is still in its infancy. Risk sources, including both safety
and security-related causal factors through a dynamic risk assessment hazards and malicious acts that could lead to undesired harm scenarios,

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author at: Safety and Security Science Section, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft, Delft, the Netherlands.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Yuan), [email protected] (G. Reniers).

Received 3 September 2022; Received in revised form 26 November 2022; Accepted 4 December 2022
Available online 9 December 2022
0957-5820/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

should be investigated in the identification of the hazardous scenarios automatic emergency shutdown system (ESD) and a manual shutdown
and also in the barrier management process. However, integrated may use the same physical shutdown valve. Thus, the failure probabil­
management of safety and security barriers is still challenging, partic­ ities of ESD and manual shutdown are correlated and influenced by the
ularly in the use of quantitative risk assessment to support barrier performance of the shared shutdown valve. Therefore, it’s necessary to
management. consider the correlations between barriers caused by the shared com­
Quantitative barrier assessment and further barrier management are ponents/elements to facilitate more rational decision-making.
lacking regarding security risk analysis. By contrast, applying the barrier Meanwhile, the economic issues of barrier maintenance play an
concept in the safety science domain has a more extended history. The indispensable role in the decision-making process for safety and security
approaches and strategies for safety barriers assessment and manage­ management since companies usually face budget limitations. The
ment were already investigated by researchers from different in­ trade-off between accident risk levels and barrier maintenance costs is
stitutions (Johansen and Rausand, 2015; Landucci et al., 2015; Schmitz vital concerning cost-efficient barrier maintenance (Zhen et al., 2021).
et al., 2020; Hosseinnia Davatgar et al., 2021; Yuan et al., 2022a; Wu To tackle the problems in the trade-off between accident risks and
et al., 2022). Typically, the bow-tie diagram was widely used and rec­ barrier investment, the integration of QRA and cost-effectiveness anal­
ommended in the performance assessment and management of safety ysis (CEA) helps to support the decision-making on safety and security
barriers due to its advantages in being capable of quantitative analysis barrier management (Chen and Reniers, 2021). However, for a complex
and relatively straightforward. QRA (quantitative risk assessment) is system with many safety and security barriers, it is difficult to determine
highly suggested to support safety barrier management by researchers a specific optimal strategy with the consideration of the maintenance
(Pitblado et al., 2016; Bucelli et al., 2017; Yuan et al., 2022c). The interval of each barrier because the solution space is much large. Tar­
ARAMIS (Accidental Risk Assessment Methodology for Industries) geting this challenge, the implementation of evolutionary algorithms
project integrated add-on safety barriers into a QRA framework to (such as genetic algorithms) instead of exhaustive searching has the
facilitate safety barrier management with respect to major accident potential to determine the optimal strategy under a large solution space.
scenarios (Andersen et al., 2004; De Dianous and Fievez, 2006). The Based on the above discussions, we identified several gaps in terms of
I-RISK project took into account the performance of hardware and cost-effective safety and security barrier maintenance as follows.
humans to conduct risk assessments of LOC (loss of containment) by
evaluating the technical model, the management model, and their i) An integrated quantitative risk analysis model with the consid­
interface (Papazoglou et al., 2003). CCPS (USA) and Energy Institute eration of both safety and security risk sources and the correla­
(UK) developed guidance on how bow-tie diagrams can be employed for tion/dependency between barriers is needed.
risk management through the compelling depiction of safety barriers ii) The integration of QRA and barrier maintenance optimization
(CCPS/EI, 2018). Additionally, an extension of bow-tie diagrams to the should be achieved.
security risk analysis or safety and security (in one go) risk analysis was iii) New approaches should be developed to obtain the optimal bar­
also investigated in previous studies (Abdo et al., 2018; Bernsmed et al., rier maintenance strategy with the consideration of the mainte­
2017; Ji et al., 2021), which demonstrates bow-tie diagrams have the nance interval of each barrier (with a large solution space) from a
potential to facilitate integrated safety and security risk management cost-effective perspective.
and barrier management.
Regarding barrier maintenance and management, barrier aging, Targeting the challenges in integrated safety and security risk
degradation, and the influence of human and organizational factors assessment and cost-effective barrier maintenance, this study extends
should be considered (Fiorentini and Marmo, 2018; CCPS/EI, 2018). bow-tie diagrams for safety and security analysis of chemical process
Generally, there are sorts of approaches widely-used for chemical pro­ control systems. A novel approach is proposed to conduct risk assess­
cess facility maintenance, for instance, reliability centered maintenance ments of accident scenarios considering both safety and security barriers
(RCM) (Eisinger and Rakowsky, 2001), condition-based maintenance and their correlations and further support cost-effective decision-mak­
(CBM) (Wang et al., 2022), preventive maintenance (PM) (Basri et al., ing on barrier maintenance. The remainder of this paper is organized as
2017), risk based inspection (RBI) (Tan et al., 2011), or a combination of follows. Firstly, the methodologies developed for cost-effective barrier
them. The objective of facility maintenance is to maximize the avail­ maintenance are described in Section 2. Then, a system simulation tool
ability and efficiency of the facility and guarantee a safe and correct is proposed for barrier modeling and facilitating barrier optimization in
operation and minimize costs. Because the common goal of safety bar­ Section 3. Section 4 demonstrates the application of the proposed
riers and security barriers is to control risk, risk-based approaches are approach by using an illustrative case study. The discussion on the
suitable for supporting safety and security barrier maintenance consid­ novelty of the proposed approach and the recommendations for future
ering risk sources, including both safety hazards and malicious acts. By work are given in Section 5. Finally, conclusions are presented in Section
implementing the integration of barrier maintenance and QRA, the 6.
effectiveness of barrier maintenance is reflected by risk reduction in
terms of specific accident scenarios. Then, barrier maintenance can be 2. Methodology
planned based on quantitative barrier importance to risk control in a
manner similar to risk based inspection (RBI) (Pitblado et al., 2016). This section describes the overall framework of the methodology
Previous studies investigated the interaction among safety and first, followed by detailed descriptions of each step of the methodology.
security-related causal factors in risk assessment (Song et al., 2019a,
2019b). Because barriers are important elements that influence risk 2.1. Overall framework
propagation in risk assessment, the interactions and correlations be­
tween barriers cannot be ignored. Barriers usually have synergistic ef­ To address the current gaps in cost-effective safety and security
fects on the risk reduction of undesired accident scenarios, for instance, barrier maintenance, several main principles are proposed as follows. i)
safety barriers work on controlling safety risks, while security barriers Both safety and security risk sources should be identified and depicted in
prevent malicious acts and further reduce malicious acts-induced safety the scenario building phase, meanwhile, the interventions of safety and
risks as well. Therefore, the development of an integrated risk analysis security barriers should also be investigated with the consideration of
model considering the interventions of both safety barriers and security their correlations/dependencies. ii) The effectiveness of allocating bar­
barriers is necessary. Additionally, if two barriers have a shared com­ riers and also implementing barrier maintenance strategies should be
ponent/element, their failure probabilities are correlated and further measured by their corresponding risk-reduction performance in terms of
their effects on risk reduction become correlated. For instance, an specific accident scenarios. Thus, an integrated QRA model for safety

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

and security risk analysis is necessary. iii) The maintenance interval/ (PFD) is widely used to describe the unavailability of barriers that can be
strategy of each barrier should be optimized based on the risk-reduction calculated based on the failure rates of the barrier components. This
performance of such barriers from a systemic and cost-effective section elaborates on how to determine PFDs of barriers and assess the
perspective. It means that the barrier maintenance strategy should be performance of barriers through a dynamic barrier modeling approach.
optimized based on the synergistic effects of barriers on system risk
reduction, rather than evaluating and optimizing each barrier according 2.3.1. PFD calculation considering barrier maintenance
to its own probability of failure and consequence of failure. For a barrier constituted by multiple components, fault tree analysis
Based on the above principles, a novel approach with three steps is used to calculate the PFD of this barrier and then the calculated PFD is
(scenario building & barrier identification, barrier modeling, and opti­ used for probabilistic risk assessment. The unavailability/failure prob­
mization of barrier maintenance strategy) is proposed, as shown in ability of a technical barrier was considered following the exponential
Fig. 1. The first step aims to build accident scenarios in terms of both distribution and can be expressed as a function of time in previous
safety and security and identify the scenario-associated barriers, for studies (IEC, 2016; Redutskiy, 2017; Schmitz et al., 2021; Wu et al.,
example, by using bow-tie diagrams. Then, the performance assessment 2022). This assumption is used to describe the unavailability of technical
of barriers should be conducted in step 2 by a barrier modeling with the barriers/barrier components in this study. For simplification purposes,
consideration of technical barrier maintenance, human and organiza­ PFD can be calculated according to formula (3), in which a constant
tional barriers, and the correlation/dependency between barriers. The failure rate is assumed to calculate the cumulative failure probability of
performance of barriers in terms of risk-reduction of specific accident the barrier.
scenarios is reflected by comparing the risk assessment results. Finally,
PFDwithoutBM (t) = 1 − e− λt
with the combination of CEA and optimization algorithms (such as ge­
netic algorithms), step 3 aims to support decision-making on barrier where λ is the barrier failure rate and t denotes time. Some failure
maintenance strategy concerning the trade-off between accident risks rate databases for safety barriers or the technical components of safety
and barrier maintenance costs. A detailed illustration of the three steps is barriers are available and can be retrieved from (OREDA, 2002; Ottermo
presented in the following sub-sections. et al., 2021). In this study, it is assumed that the performance of a barrier
can restore to its original state after the barrier maintenance, which can
2.2. Scenario building & barrier identification (step 1) be called complete functional maintenance/test (Ottermo et al., 2021).
We assume that the barrier failure rate will not change after complete
Bow-tie identification techniques are widely used for HAZard IDen­ functional maintenance, but it may not be equal to the original value in
tification (HAZID) and safety risk management (de Ruijter and Gul­ practice. We assume that the performance of a barrier follows a linear
denmund, 2016), for instance, the MIMAH (methodology for identifying distribution during the maintenance period. If barrier maintenance with
major accident hazards) (Andersen et al., 2004) and DyPAS (Dynamic a time interval of T is conducted, the PFD of this barrier/barrier
Procedure for Atypical Scenarios Identification) (Paltrinieri et al., 2013). component can be calculated according to formula (4), which is a pe­
Bow-tie techniques also have the potential to identify and visualize ac­ riodic piecewise function composed of exponential distributions and
cident scenarios in terms of safety, physical security, and cyber security linear distributions. The starting times of barrier maintenance are the
(Abdo et al., 2018; Ji et al., 2021). In this study, bow-tie diagrams are piecewise points.
employed to identify and visualize accident scenarios in terms of both

{ }
1 − e/− λ∗(t%(T+h)) , n(T + h) ≤ t < (n + 1)T + nh
PFDwithBM (t) = λT (4)
1 − e− − (1 − e− λT ) h ∗ (t%(T + h) − T), (n + 1)T + nh ≤ t < (n + 1)(T + h)

safety hazards and security threats. Safety and security barriers can be
identified and located on the bow-tie diagrams with the help of existing
documents or databases related to the investigated process control sys­ where h is the required maintenance time. t%(T +h) means the
tems. For example, a database of checklists is available to support the remainder when dividing t by T + h. n is an integer from 0 to positive
barrier identification of CPSs (Guzman et al., 2021). For a series of infinity. A comparison between the time-dependent PFD of a barrier
barriers following an AND logic gate, formula (1) is used to calculate the using different maintenance intervals is shown in Fig. 2.
output probability. For a series of barriers following an OR logic gate,
formula (2) can be applied. 2.3.2. Human and organizational barriers
The need to involve human error probability (HEP) in the quantifi­
POUT = PIN ∗ (PFD1 ∗ PFD2 ⋯PFDn ) (1)
cation of PFDs of the safety instruments executed by humans was sug­
gested (Hauge et al., 2010). For the barrier systems involving human
POUT = PIN ∗ (1 − (1 − PFD1 ) ∗ (1 − PFD2 )⋯(1 − PFDn )) (2)
actions, the PFD of the whole barrier can be calculated by using the PFD
where POUT is the output probability and PIN is the input probability of each barrier component/element according to the logical architecture
of the branch. PFD1 to PFDn indicate the PFDs of barriers, and n is the comprised of technical components and human actions. HEP can be
number of barriers. For a barrier with two outlet branches, one branch estimated by Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) (Kirwan, 2017; Dimaio
presents the failing of the barrier with a probability(PFD). Another et al., 2021). Alternatively, there are some suggested rough PFD values
presents the barrier succeeding with a probability that is 1-PFD. for human actions and human barriers. For instance, the ARAMIS project
provided the reference PFD values derived in an equivalent level of
confidence (LC) for different types of human barriers, as shown in
2.3. Barrier modeling (step 2) Table 1. Additionally, the quantification of the influence of the safety
management system on QRA results through the audit of the safety
The performance of implementing a barrier can be reflected by the management system quality/efficiency was suggested by both the
risk reduction of specific accident scenarios under the protection of this ARAMIS project (Andersen et al., 2004) and the I-RISK project (Bellamy
barrier (Schmitz et al., 2021). The probability of failure on demand

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

Fig. 1. The framework of the proposed approach.

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

2.3.3. Correlations between barriers

Based on the risk-based barrier maintenance/management concept,
the performance of a barrier is measured by its effectiveness in risk
reduction with respect to specific accident scenarios. For the barriers
designed for reducing the risks of the same accident scenarios, their
importance/criticality to risk reduction is correlated. In that case, the
importance/criticality of one barrier in risk reduction is influenced by
the reliability/availability of the other barriers because they have syn­
ergistic effects on risk reduction. Because both safety hazards and se­
curity threats can induce undesired accident scenarios, the assessment of
safety and security barriers in a unified framework with the consider­
ation of their synergistic effects on risk reduction is necessary. There­
fore, an extended bow-tie model is used to identify accident scenarios in
terms of both safety hazards and security threats (Section 2.2), and
further, a dynamic barrier modeling approach is introduced to conduct a
probabilistic risk assessment with the consideration of the synergistic
effects of safety and security barriers on accident scenario risks.
Fig. 2. The probability of failure on demand (PFD) of a barrier by using Additionally, CCPS (USA) and the Energy Institute (UK) emphasized
different maintenance intervals. that active barriers should contain elements of ‘detect-decide-act’ and
perform the complete intended function on its own when demanded
(CCPS/EI, 2018). In real cases, it is possible that different barriers/­
Table 1 barrier systems have some commonly used components responsible for
Reference PFDs for human barriers, adapted from (Andersen et al., 2004). completing specific tasks. For instance, an automatic emergency shut­
Human barrier/human action PFD (from literature and Level of down system (ESD) and a manual shutdown (MS) may use the same
types industry) confidence detector for monitoring the abnormal parameters/events and perform
Prevention 10− 2
LC 2 the shutdown by using the same valve, as shown in Fig. 3. If we use
Normal operation 10− 2
LC 2 independent PFDs for those barriers without consideration of their
Intervention 10− LC 1 common components, the risk assessment results become wrong, and
further, the reasonable/optimal barrier allocation and barrier mainte­
et al., 1999). The I-RISK project proposed a management model incor­ nance strategy could not be obtained. For two safety barriers with a
porating the organizational and management aspects that may affect the shared component and located on the same branch, a conditional
probability P2 instead of PFD should be used for the second barrier. The

performance of people, and indirectly of the hardware (Papazoglou
et al., 2003). ARAMIS project suggested evaluating the influence of conditional probability can be calculated as follows (Duijm, 2009):
safety management efficiency on safety barrier reliability by conducting P1 − PC
site-specific questionnaires (Andersen et al., 2004). P1,R = (5)
1 − PC

Fig. 3. A comparison between the components of an automatic emergency shutdown system (ESD) and manual shutdown (MS).

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

P2 = P(B2 fails|B1 has failed) Table 3
Rough class of consequence of typical “fully developed” dangerous phenomena,
[ ] [ ] adapted from (Andersen et al., 2004).
= P2,R + P(C fails|B1 has failed) 1 − P2,R = P2,R + (PC /P1 ) 1 − P2,R (6)
Dangerous phenomena Consequence class
where P1 indicates the PFD of the barrier 1, which contains a com­
Pool fire C2
mon component C with a PFD PC . P1,R is the PFD of the remaining
Tank fire C1
components of the barrier 1 in series with component C. It should be Jet fire C2
notice that the above formulas can be adapted to calculate the condi­ VCE C3 or C4 (according to the released quantity)
tional probabilities of multiple barriers with shared components as well, Flash fire C3
but those barriers have to situate on the same branch of the bow-tie Toxic cloud C3 or C4 (according to the risk phrases – C4 for very
toxic substances)
(Duijm, 2009). Fire C2
Missiles ejection C3
2.3.4. Probabilistic risk assessment Overpressure generation C3
After the PFDs of barriers are determined, it is possible to conduct a Fireball C4
Environmental damage To judge on site
probabilistic risk assessment of the undesired accident scenarios based
Dust explosion C2 or C3 (according to the substance and the quantity)
on the bow-tie diagram obtained from step 1. As a combination of fault Boilover and resulting C3
tree analysis and event tree analysis, bow-tie diagrams can perform poolfire
probability calculations. By assigning the PFD values to the corre­
sponding barriers and following the calculation rules of the bow-tie, a
probability assessment can be conducted directly. Alternatively, bow-tie 2.4. Barrier maintenance optimization (step 3)
diagrams can be transformed into Bayesian network models for proba­
bility assessments (Khakzad et al., 2013). To make decisions on the implementation of protection systems or
Consequence assessment is an important part of risk assessment. maintaining existing protection systems, which consist of a set of safety
There are many methods and tools available for quantitative and qual­ barriers and/or security barriers, an economic analysis is recommend­
itative consequence assessment of major accident scenarios in the able since the budget of a company for safety and security purposes is
chemical process industries. For instance, some software (PHAST, always limited (Chen and Reniers, 2021). This section illustrates the
ALOHA, Ansys Fluent, FLACS, etc.) based on empirical models or CFD combination of cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and genetic algorithm
models can be used for physical effects modeling (Lewis, 2005). The (GA) for barrier maintenance optimization.
combination of CFD simulations and the probabilistic linear response
model can be used for quantitative consequence assessment in terms of 2.4.1. Cost-effectiveness analysis using constraints
toxic leakage, fire, and explosion (Xie et al., 2022; Freeman, 1990). The trade-off between safety and economy is a practical problem
Other methods for quantitative consequence assessment were also sug­ faced by chemical companies. For instance, the integration of safety-
gested (Chen et al., 2021a; Van Den Bosh et al., 1989). Alternatively, related aspects and economic aspects was highly emphasized in risk-
qualitative consequence assessment is also applied widely in the based inspection (RBI) approaches (Jovanovic, 2003). There are also a
chemical process industries. For instance, a class of consequences was couple of methods that are useful to address the trade-off between safety
proposed by the ARAMIS project, and the application of this class to and economy (Reniers and Van Erp, 2016; Chen et al., 2021b). One of
typical dangerous phenomena was also presented, as shown in Table 2 them is cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), which has the advantages in
and Table 3. conducting comparative studies and no need to monetize accident costs.
The effectiveness of a strategy in CEA can be any safety indicator based
on the preferences of decision-makers. In order to facilitate the inte­
gration of QRA and (CEA), the effectiveness of implementing a barrier
maintenance strategy is measured by risk-associated indicators (e.g. risk
reduction of specific accident scenarios after implementing this strat­
Table 2
egy). In this way, a comparison of the QRA results under implementing
Class of consequences, adapted from (Andersen et al., 2004).
different strategies can be conducted to rank the effectiveness of those
Consequences Class
Domino effect Effect on human Effect on environment Ranking Two typical practices for conducting CEA with constraints are i) a
targets minimum acceptable level of effectiveness (Effmin) and ii) a maximum
To take into No injury or slight No action is necessary; C1 acceptable use of safety budget (Bumax). The first constraint applies to
account injury with no just watching situations where a company has to reduce the risks of major accident
domino stoppage of work
scenarios below a certain level, corresponding to making the effective­
effects, the Injury leading to Severe effects on the C2
class of a hospitalization environment, requiring ness of safety investment above a certain level (minimum effectiveness).
consequence > 24 h local means of The second constraint applies to a company that only has a limited
attributed to intervention budget (maximum budget) that can be used for safety investment. Those
the Irreversible injuries Effects on environment C3 two constraints usually need to be matched with different objective
studied or death inside the site, outside the site,
dangerous Reversible injuries requiring national
functions. The optimization problems for imposing the two kinds of
phenomenon outside the site means constraints w.r.t two alternative objective functions are as follows
will be Irreversible injuries Irreversible effects C4 (Reniers and Van Erp, 2016):
increased to or death outside the on the environment ⎧ ⎫
the class site outside the site, ⎨ Min(Ci ) ⎬
of the requiring national Eff i ≥ Eff min (7)
secondary means ⎩ ⎭
i ∈ {1, 2, 3, …, N}
that the or:
first can bring
by domino

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

⎧ ⎫
⎨ Max(Eff i ) ⎬
Ci ≤ Bumax (8)
⎩ ⎭
i ∈ {1, 2, 3, …, N}

where i means a strategy i from N possible strategies for the imple­

mentation and/or maintenance of safety and security barriers. Ci is the
cost of the implementation of strategy i. Eff i is the effectiveness (safety
and/or security outcome) of the implementation of strategy i. The
effectiveness (safety and/or security outcome) can be an indicator
associated with safety and/or security according to the preferences of
decision-makers (Chen et al., 2021b). In this study, the effectiveness of
implementing a barrier maintenance strategy is measured by the cor­
responding risk reduction in terms of specific accident scenarios. It
means that maximizing the effectiveness of barrier maintenance equals
minimizing the risks of accident scenarios by using barrier maintenance.

2.4.2. Optimization algorithm

In terms of barrier maintenance optimization, a series of candidate
strategies should be formulated at first. If only a limited number of
candidate strategies can be formulated, the best strategy can be obtained
through an exhaustive search. Otherwise, evolutionary algorithms (for
instance genetic algorithms) help to solve the optimization problem
with a large solution space. Because there are usually thousands or even
millions of strategies in terms of barrier maintenance concerning the
variations in maintenance interval of each barrier, the application of
evolutionary algorithms becomes necessary. For instance, the mainte­
nance interval of a barrier can vary from the shortest time step (1 h in
this study) to the maximum maintenance interval defined by users ac­
cording to company regulations or referencing to related standards. In
that case, it becomes unreasonable to assess all the maintenance stra­
tegies by an exhaustive method. By contrast, evolutionary algorithms
have the potential to solve this optimization problem by determining the
optimal barrier maintenance strategy under economic constraints or
technical constraints. Genetic algorithms (GA) have proven to be able to
solve multivariable, nonlinear, and combinatorial optimization prob­
lems where the solution space can be huge and too vast to search
exhaustively in a reasonable amount of time (Caputo et al., 2011). Fig. 4. Genetic algorithm developed for safety and security barrier mainte­
nance optimization.
Generally, GAs have five steps: i) initial population, ii) fitness function,
iii) selection, iv) crossover, and v) mutation. After population initiali­
zation, the genetic algorithm selects individuals from the current pop­
ulation to be parents and uses them to produce the children for the next
generation at each step. There are mainly three kinds of rules for
creating the next generation from the current population. They are i)
selection rules generally randomly select the individuals as parents that
contribute to the next population generation; ii) crossover rules combine
two parents to form children for the next generation; and iii) mutation
rules apply random changes to individual parents to form children. A
detailed illustration of GA can be found in Goldberg (1989) and Caputo
et al. (2011).
In terms of the safety optimization problem, the GA minimizes the
objective function with respect to all the constraints and determines the
optimal strategy within the entire space of possible solutions. The pro­
cedures of employing GA for solving the above-mentioned two kinds of
CEA optimization problems (formula 7 and formula 8) are shown in
Fig. 4. This study uses a genetic algorithm toolbox based on MATLAB to
solve barrier maintenance optimization problems.

3. A system simulation tool for barrier modeling

To facilitate the implementation of the proposed approach in prac­

tice, a system simulation approach based on the MATLAB Simulink
platform (Chaturvedi, 2017) is developed to conduct dynamic barrier Fig. 5. Flowchart of mapping algorithm from bow-tie to Simulink-based bar­
modeling. The Simulink-based dynamic barrier modeling can be rier modeling.
developed based on the obtained bow-tie diagram from step 1 (pre­
sented in Section 2.2). Then, the dynamic barrier modeling is employed
to conduct the probabilistic risk assessment with the consideration of

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

Fig. 6. Barrier modeling based on Simulink simulation.

time-varied PFDs of barriers. The inputs for the dynamic barrier to calculate the time-dependent PFDs of such barriers. Instead of
modeling are failure data of the barrier components and occurrence transporting physical parameters between sub-systems, the arrows in
probabilities of the initiating events. The output of the simulation is a the barrier model mainly transport probabilities, thus achieving a
risk matrix with respect to major accident scenarios/dangerous phe­ quantitative probability assessment. The basic rules for the probability
nomena (VCE, flashfire, toxic cloud, etc.). A mapping algorithm for calculation are adapted from the fault tree (Haasl et al., 1981) and event
converting a bow-tie diagram into a Simulink-based barrier model is tree (Andrews and Dunnett, 2000), including the logical operators: AND
given in Fig. 5. By following this mapping algorithm, the obtained ac­ gate and OR gate. PFDs of barriers can be calculated or determined
cident scenarios presented by a bow-tie diagram can be transformed into according to the methods illustrated in Section 2.3.1 to Section 2.3.3.
a system simulation model, as shown in Fig. 6. All events, barriers, and The fault tree analysis of barriers can also be performed based on the
consequences in the bow-tie diagram become sub-systems in the barrier Simulink simulation platform. The fault tree analysis can be incorpo­
modeling approach. “Event” sub-systems contain the frequencies or rated into the “barrier” sub-system, which integrates fault tree analysis
probabilities of such events happening. “Consequence” sub-systems and dynamic bow-tie modeling together to achieve a unified simulation.
contain information associated with both the frequencies/probabilities For instance, for a barrier with the elements/functionalities of ‘detect-­
and the severities of such consequences. In this study, the consequence decide-act’, the different functionalities are achieved by using different
assessment method proposed by the ARAMIS project is used and incor­ components. The PFD of this barrier can be calculated by using a fault
porated into the “consequence” sub-systems. “Barrier” sub-systems aim trees analysis, which is performed inside the “barrier” sub-system, as

Fig. 7. Fault tree of a barrier system performed inside the “barrier” sub-system.

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

shown in Fig. 7. If different barriers use some shared components, extra 4. Case study
arrows should be used to link such barriers and transport necessary
parameters (PFDs in this study) of the shared components to ensure the In this section, an illustrative case is conducted to validate the
correlation among barriers is considered in the barrier PFD calculation feasibility of the proposed approach. This case study is elaborated in
(as mentioned in Section 2.3.3). It is also possible that a barrier can be three parts: scenario building, barrier modeling, and barrier mainte­
placed on multiple branches on the right-hand side of a bow-tie because nance optimization. In this case, for illustrative purposes, only one ac­
this barrier can be used in different scenarios (for example, Barrier 7a cident scenario of a reactor wall rupture leading to leakage, is
and Barrier 7b in Fig. 6 demonstrate the same barrier, and are located on demonstrated.
different branches). In that case, extra arrows should link those barriers
that indicate the same barrier and transport time-dependent PFD values 4.1. Scenario building
to ensure consistent PFDs are used. We marked the extra arrows in Fig. 6.
Our previous study defined management delivery systems (MDS) as a A typical chemical reactor with its SCADA (supervisory control and
set of organizational and management factors that can prevent or miti­ data acquisition) system is investigated in this case study. The basic
gate undesired events indirectly and mainly play a role by enhancing/ process control system of this reactor is adapted from Abdo et al. (2018),
maintaining the performances of the scenario-specific barriers or while an ESD system is considered as a system independent of the basic
increasing the accident response capabilities of the overall system (Yuan process control system, as shown in Fig. 8. This reactor is used to run a
et al., 2022c). By using the concept of MDS, the barrier-associated chemical reaction in order to produce product C from two reactants A
organizational and management factors can be involved in the barrier and B. We assumed that this reactor is used to produce a flammable
modeling. In this study, a sub-system named “management delivery liquid with toxicity, for instance, propylene oxide. The ESD system
system” is used in the barrier modeling to tackle several tasks: i) collect controls the block/shutdown valves (XV33012 and XV33013) in case of
risk assessment results, including both the probabilities/frequencies and over-pressure based on the monitored pressure inside the reactor. The
severities of the consequences, ii) determine time intervals for barrier basic process control system includes a feeding system and a cooling
maintenance and give instructions to barrier sub-systems, iii) evaluate system, which are controlled by PLC1 and PLC2, respectively. The
organizational and management factors associated with barriers and temperature of the reaction is regulated with industrial water, and the
determine PFDs for human barriers or human components of barriers. As temperatures of the water inside the cooling jacket and at the inlet are
shown in Fig. 6, the arrows with orange color are used to transport measured by the sensor TI and T2, respectively. The data collected by
parameters from MDS to barriers. Additionally, due to the flexibility and these two sensors is sent to PLC2, which regulates the water flow rate by
compatibility of the MATLAB/Simulink simulations, various optimiza­ controlling pumps (P1 and P2, P2 is a standby pump) and valves
tion algorithms (exhaustive search algorithms, evolutionary algorithms, (CV33063 and XYSV33027). The physical components (valves, pumps,
etc.) can be integrated with the Simulink-based barrier modeling for etc.) of the basic process control system are controlled by PLCs and su­
cost-effective barrier maintenance optimization. For instance, a genetic pervised by a SCADA system. Site managers can access the information
algorithm toolbox is available for solving the optimization problem with collected by the SCADA system and control the reaction process
a large solution space (Mathworks, 2022). remotely inside the control center.
According to the structure of this process control system, the

Fig. 8. The investigated chemical reactor with its SCADA system, adapted from (Abdo et al., 2018).

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

Fig. 9. Fault tree of the chemical reactor with propylene oxide leakage as the top event.

Fig. 10. Event tree of the chemical reactor with propylene oxide leakage as the initiating event, adapted from (Andersen et al., 2004).

propylene oxide leakage scenarios in terms of safety failures and mali­ 2021). The explanations of the barriers in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 are given in
cious acts can be built by using a bow-tie diagram, which consists of a Table 4.
fault tree and an event tree, as shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 respectively.
Associated safety and security barriers were identified and allocated on
4.2. Barrier modeling configurations and results
the bow-tie diagram according to the database/checklists from
(Andersen et al., 2004), (Argenti et al., 2017), and (Guzman et al.,
This study aims to provide a system simulation approach for

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

Table 4 calculating feeding system failure frequency and cooling system failure
Explanations of barriers in the bow-tie diagram (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9). frequency are not presented in the barrier model. The frequencies of
Marks Barriers Marks Barriers feeding system failure and cooling system failure should still be calcu­
lated according to the fault tree by using the frequencies of their asso­
B1 Entrance control system B2 Training and authorization
(unsupervised automatic before work ciated basic events. Using this barrier modeling, a dynamic probability/
credentials check) frequency assessment can be performed. With the combination of the
B3 Inspection of supervisory B4 Inspection of feeding system consequences class proposed by the ARAMIS project and the calculated
computers yearly-average frequency of each consequence in the barrier modeling,
B5 Inspection of cooling system B6 Entrance control
(unsupervised automatic
the frequency and severity of each consequence can be presented in a
biometrics check) risk matrix, as shown in Fig. 12. A list of the consequences in the risk
B7 Guard response B8 Fire protection system matrix is shown in Table 7.
B9 Emergency shutdown system B10 Manual shutdown (MD) As shown in Fig. 12, the major consequences of the accidental sce­
narios are the dots with numbers 1, 5, and 10, corresponding to “fully
B11 Burst disk B12 Foam injection
developed VCE”, “VCE with limited source term”, and “VCE with limited
source term and effects”. Since those consequences are in the red region,
which means they correspond to unacceptable risks, barrier mainte­
Table 5
nance improvement should be conducted to ensure that the probabilities
Frequencies of basic events in the barrier modeling.
of all consequences become situated in the yellow region (acceptable
Events Frequencies (y− 1) Events Frequencies (y− 1) with mitigation) or green region (acceptable). The next section elabo­
Malicious 3.3E− 02 ( Physical attack 3.3E− 02 ( rates on how to achieve this optimization by employing the proposed
insiders Landucci et al., Landucci et al., GA-based method.
2017) 2017)
Power supply 1.00E-01 ( Human error in 1.00E-02 (
fails Çetinkaya, 2001) giving commands Andersen et al.,
4.3. Barrier maintenance optimization
Supervisory 5.00E-04 ( PLC1 breakdown 4.38E-02 (Hauge
computer fails Çetinkaya, 2001) and Onshus, 2010) A genetic algorithm (GA) is employed in this study to solve the trade-
Sensor failure F1 3.50E-01 (Debray Sensor failure F2 3.50E− 01 ( off problem between the cost of barrier maintenance and the potential
et al., 2004) Debray et al., risks associated with flammable liquid leakage of chemical reactors. The
Valve 4.00E-02 (Taylor, Valve breakdown 4.00E-02 (Taylor,
cost analysis of barrier maintenance and the GA-based optimization of
breakdown 2010) AV33053 2010) barrier maintenance intervals are presented in the below sub-sections.
PLC2 4.38E-02 (Hauge Pump breakdown 3.125E-02 ( 4.3.1. Cost analysis of barrier maintenance
breakdown and Onshus, 2010) P1 OREDA, 2002)
In order to optimize the existing barrier maintenance strategy, a cost
Pump 3.125E-02 ( Valve breakdown 4.00E-02 (Taylor,
breakdown P2 OREDA, 2002) XYSV33027 2010) analysis of a series of candidate strategies should be conducted. Then, it
Valve 4.00E-02 (Taylor, Sensor failure T1 2.13E-02 (Hauge is possible to determine the most cost-effective strategy through cost-
breakdown 2010) and Onshus, 2010) effectiveness analysis (CEA). Usually, cost analysis for a protection
CV33063 measure (safety or security barrier) should include the direct economic
Sensor failure 2.13E-02 (Hauge External fire 5.52E-02 (Debray
T2 and Onshus, 2010) et al., 2004)
costs of applying the measure and indirect costs associated with its use
(Chen et al., 2021b). Reniers and Van Erp (2016) illustrated eight cost
categories of protection measures for safety barriers, and the mainte­
conducting risk assessments of chemical process control systems based nance cost includes the costs for material, maintenance team, produc­
on the MATLAB/Simulink platform. Frequencies of the basic events in tion loss, and start-up. Due to the difficulties in obtaining all the costs for
Fig. 8 are retrieved from other studies or datasets and are given in barrier maintenance, we assumed that the one-time costs for material
Table 5. The frequency of adversary attacks is adapted from (Landucci consumption and maintenance team of the technical barrier mainte­
et al., 2017), in which the annual attack probability for chemical facil­ nance are 10~50 % of the purchase price of the products (for small
ities in Italy was investigated. Configurations of the associated safety technical components, the cost of maintenance team may take the main
and security barriers and barrier components, including their failure part). In some situations, the maintenance of safety barriers (mainly
rates/PFDs, maintenance time, and initial maintenance intervals, are preventive barriers) has to break off the production process (Wu et al.,
given in Table 6. For simplification purposes, the maintenance times of 2022). In that case, a downtime cost should be considered. We assumed
all technical barrier components are set as 8 h. In practice, the barrier that the downtime cost per hour is 10 thousand € and the downtime cost
maintenance time can be configured according to the practical experi­ only applied to the ESD system in this case study. We list the mainte­
ence of workers. The initial maintenance interval for a technical barrier nance costs (exclude downtime costs) for all the technical barrier com­
component is set as 500 h. Constant PFDs are used to describe the per­ ponents in Table 6. In practice, those costs should be configured
formance of security barriers and human barriers/human actions in this according to the real expenses of the companies.
case study due to the lack of historical data and the difficulties in
formulating the time-varied PFDs for such barriers. Failure probabilities 4.3.2. GA-based barrier maintenance strategy optimization
of the security barriers are mainly retrieved from (Argenti et al., 2017). According to the obtained risk matrix, the risks of “fully developed
As a result, the maintenance of all technical safety barriers or technical VCE”, “VCE with limited source term”, and “VCE with limited source
components of safety barriers is considered in the barrier modeling. term and effects” are not acceptable. Therefore, the optimization
With more data and studies on the evaluation of the time-dependent objective is to minimize barrier maintenance costs with the constraints
performance/PFDs of security barriers becoming available, the inte­ that ensure all consequences are at least in the yellow region in the risk
grated optimization of safety and security barrier maintenance can also matrix. The objective function to be minimized is:
be achieved by employing the proposed methodology.

The developed barrier model with respect to hazardous scenarios C= Ui ∗ Ni (9)
caused by safety failures and malicious acts/physical attacks is shown in i=1

Fig. 11. In order to simplify the barrier modeling, the basic events for
where C is the annual total cost of barrier maintenance that can be

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

Table 6
Configurations of safety and security barriers.
Number Barriers Barrier components Failure rates (/h) PFDs Maintenance Initial One-time maintenance
time (h) maintenance cost (exclude downtime
intervals (h) cost) (€)

1 Entrance control system / / 1.0E-02 ( / / /

(unsupervised automatic Argenti et al.,
credentials check) 2017)
2 Training and authorization / / 1.0E-02 ( / / /
before work Andersen et al.,
3 Inspection of supervisory / / 1.0E-01 ( / / /
computers Andersen et al.,
4 Inspection of feeding system / / 1.0E-01 ( / / /
Andersen et al.,
5 Inspection of cooling system / / 1.0E-01 ( / / /
Andersen et al.,
6 Entrance control / / 1.0E-02 ( / / /
(unsupervised automatic Argenti et al.,
biometrics check) 2017)
7 Guard response Alarm assessment / 3.0E-02 ( / / /
through CCTV system Argenti et al.,
Communication to / 5.0E-02 (
response force Argenti et al.,
Guard force response / 1.62E-02 (Song
et al., 2019b)
8 Fire protection system Smoke/combustion 4.12E-06 ( / 8 500 150 €
detector OREDA, 2002)
Programmable logic 1.0E-06 (Hauge / 8 500 300 €
solver and Onshus,
Fire pump 7.2E-5 ( / 8 500 300 €
Gravestock, 2008)
Deluge Valve 5.8E-06 ( / 8 500 200 €
Gravestock, 2008)
9 Emergency shutdown system Pressure sensor * 1.5E-07 (Hauge / 8 500 150 €
(ESD) and Onshus,
Programmable safety 1.0E-06 (Hauge / 8 500 300 €
system and Onshus,
Shutdown valve 3.5E-06 (Hauge / 8 500 200 €
XV33012* and Onshus,
Shutdown valve 3.5E-06 (Hauge / 8 500 200 €
XV33013* and Onshus,
10 Manual shutdown (MD) Pressure sensor* 1.5E-07 (Hauge / 8 500 150 €
and Onshus,
Human action / 1.0E-02 ( / / /
Andersen et al.,
ESD Push Button 1.2E-06 (Hauge / 8 500 100 €
and Onshus,
Shutdown valve 3.5E-06 (Hauge / 8 500 200 €
XV33012* and Onshus,
Shutdown valve 3.5E-06 (Hauge / 8 500 200 €
XV33013* and Onshus,
11 Burst disk / 2.3E-05 (Lees, / 8 500 200 €
12 Foam injection Human response/ / 1.0E-01 ( / / /
intervention Andersen et al.,
Injection pump 2.31E-06 ( / 8 500 300 €
OREDA, 2002)
Injection valve 1.862E-05 ( / 8 500 200 €
OREDA, 2002)
A barrier component with * means it is a shared component.

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

Fig. 11. Barrier modeling with respect to flammable liquid leakage scenarios caused by chemical reactor shell rupture.

Fig. 12. Risk matrix of accidental scenarios (consequence class is configured according to Table 2; Note: numbers represent the consequence numbers, the corre­
sponding consequence names can be found in Table 7).

calculated by summing the maintenance cost for each barrier. n is the 1 h ~ 500 h. An integer constraint was applied to barrier maintenance
number of barriers that need to be maintained. Ui is the unit price for intervals, which means that the barrier maintenance intervals have to be
maintenance of barrier i and Ni is the number of maintenance of barrier i integers. A genetic algorithm toolbox based on MATLAB R2022a was
in one year. The nonlinear inequality constraint is: used to solve this optimization problem. This toolbox is capable to solve
smooth and non-smooth optimization problems with different types of
⎧ Pj ≤ TS j ⎫
⎨ ⎬ constraints, including integer constraints. It searches the optimal strat­
(10) egy randomly by mutation and crossover among a large number of
⎩ ⎭
j ∈ {1, 2, 3, …, N} population members. More instructions on how to use this toolbox can
be found in (Mathworks, 2022). The calculation results of the genetic
where Pj is the probability of consequence j. TSj is the threshold for algorithm are shown in Fig. 13. It can be observed that the individual
consequence j. N is the number of consequences in the risk matrix. The penalty values (annual costs of barrier maintenance of individual stra­
thresholds were set according to the boundaries of the yellow region in tegies) are distributed approximately randomly within a relatively small
the risk matrix. Bounds of the barrier maintenance intervals were set as region after a few generations of genetic evolution. The best penalty

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

Table 7 barrier maintenance optimization is a nonlinear optimization problem

Table of consequences in the risk matrix. involving multivariable that is unrealistic and unreasonable to search all
Number Consequence Class Number Consequence Class strategies exhaustively. By implementing GA, the barrier maintenance
optimization problems under economic constraints and technical con­
1 Fully developed C4 2 Fully developed C3
VCE flashfire straints can be solved within affordable computation times. Addition­
3 Fully developed C3 4 Fully developed C2 ally, the proposed approach has broad applicability due to the flexibility
toxic cloud jetfire of GA. Users can easily add constraints or change the optimization
5 VCE with limited C4 6 Flashfire with C3 objective by modifying the constraint functions or objective functions.
source term limited source term
7 Toxic cloud with C3 8 Toxic cloud with C2
Compared with directly reducing the maintenance intervals of all bar­
limited source limited source term riers to achieve acceptable risk levels, implementing the proposed
term and effects approach can achieve the same goal at a lower cost. Such as, in the case
9 Flashfire with C2 10 VCE with limited C3 study provided in Section 4, by reducing the maintenance interval of all
limited source source term and
barriers to 45 h, the risks of possible consequences are all at acceptable
term and effects effects
11 Poolfire with C2 / / / levels, and the annual cost of barrier maintenance is 13.63 M€
limited source (including downtime cost). By contrast, the yearly cost of barrier
term maintenance is 1.48 M€ (including downtime cost), considering
ensuring the risks of all possible consequences are at acceptable levels by
using the proposed GA-based barrier maintenance optimization. It
value (minimal annual cost of barrier maintenance) is 1,479,150 € after
means that a large amount of the barrier maintenance cost can be saved
more than 250 generations of genetic evolution, which indicates the
by using the proposed approach.
annual total cost of barrier maintenance is 1,479,150 € by using the
optimal strategy obtained by the genetic algorithm. Meanwhile, the
mean penalty value at the end is 6,572,570 €, which is the average cost 5.2. Advantages of the proposed approach and recommendations for
of all individual barrier maintenance strategies. The corresponding future work
optimal strategy for barrier maintenance is presented in Table 8, in
which the optimal maintenance interval for each barrier/barrier The proposed approach combines QRA and CEA for barrier mainte­
component is provided. nance optimization with the consideration of risk sources including both
safety hazards and malicious acts. Dynamic barrier modeling is con­
5. Discussion ducted based on the MATLAB/Simulink platform to perform probabi­
listic risk assessment, and GA is employed to determine the optimal
5.1. Benefits of GA-based barrier maintenance optimization maintenance interval for each barrier. Compared to previous mainte­
nance optimization approaches (such as RCM and RBI), the proposed
In this study, a case study was used to validate the feasibility of approach has the advantage of integrating safety and security scenarios
combining GA and CEA for tackling barrier maintenance optimization together for risk analysis and further optimizing the barrier maintenance
with respect to both safety failures and security attacks. In practice, strategy based on the synergistic effects of barriers on system risk
reduction, rather than evaluating each barrier according to its own

Fig. 13. Calculation results of the genetic algorithm.

Table 8
Optimal strategy for barrier maintenance.
Barriers Technical components Maintenance intervals Barriers Technical components Maintenance intervals
(h) (h)

Fire protection system Smoke/combustion 137 Emergency shutdown system Pressure sensor 489
detector (ESD)
Programmable logic solver 411 Logic solver
Fire pump 33 Shutdown valve
Deluge Valve 135 Shutdown valve
Manual shutdown ESD Push Button 479 Foam injection Injection pump 485
(MD) Injection valve 485
Burst disk / 489 / / /

S. Yuan et al. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170 (2023) 356–371

probability of failure and consequence of failure. Another advantage of describing barrier degradation into the proposed approach helps
the proposed approach is that the implementation of GA addresses the to improve the accuracy of the results.
large solution optimization problems well, the optimal barrier mainte­ iii) Finally, due to the lack of data related to security barriers, eval­
nance strategy considering the specific maintenance interval of each uating such barriers is challenging, and thus, the maintenance of
barrier can be obtained by using this approach. Simulink as one toolbox such barriers is not considered in this study. With more data
of MATLAB is widely used in process control and dynamics modeling. related to the performance of security barriers available, the
The proposed approach provides a way to use a toolbox that is familiar quantitative assessment and maintenance/allocation optimiza­
to academics and professionals in chemical process industries for safety tion of security barriers will also be possible by employing the
barrier modeling and then optimizing the barrier maintenance from a proposed approach.
cost-effective perspective. That is another contribution of this study.
Although an illustrative case study was employed to validate the 6. Conclusions
feasibility of the proposed approach, several improvements with respect
to applying this approach in practice should be addressed in future This study investigates possible optimal barrier maintenance in­
works. They are listed hereafter. tervals concerning both safety hazards and security threats in chemical
plants from the cost-effectiveness perspective. The results show that the
i) In the proposed approach, barrier maintenance strategy is opti­ combination of bow-tie diagram and Simulink-based simulation for
mized based on the probabilistic risk assessment results, which barrier modeling is effective for risk assessment of accident scenarios
also means uncertainty is inevitable involved in the approach. considering the synergistic effects of barriers on risk reduction. Based on
Uncertainties in a risk assessment usually subject to the occur­ barrier modeling results, cost-effectiveness analysis and a genetic algo­
rences of the undesired event and its consequences, the assump­ rithm can be combined to determine the optimal barrier maintenance
tions made based on background knowledge may hide or strategy under economic constraints. Using the proposed approach for
camouflage the uncertainties. Selvik and Aven (2011) empha­ maintenance interval optimization of safety and security barriers makes
sized the importance of the identification and assessment of the it possible to obtain acceptable risk levels with much less cost for barrier
uncertainty factors associated with the assumptions made in the maintenance. The proposed barrier modeling approach is also with the
reliability centered maintenance (RCM). Similarly, we identify potential to be implemented for quantitative and semi-quantitative risk
the uncertainty factors in the proposed approach hereafter, a assessment of various accident scenarios in terms of safety and security
uncertainty analysis may be performed in future studies or when due to its flexibility and scalability and further facilitates barrier
apply the proposed approach in practice. The identified uncer­ management.
tainty factors include:
▪ Failure data derived from readability databases were Declaration of Competing Interest
used for technical barrier components. The representa­
tiveness of the failure data brings uncertainties to the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
barrier maintenance optimization results. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
▪ Cumulative probabilities based on constant failure rates the work reported in this paper.
were used for PFD calculation of barriers. Although
random failures dominate the failure distribution of
many equipment units, the uncertainty caused by this
simplification may be unacceptable in some practical
This work is supported by the China Scholarship Council (Grant No:
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