Chapter 4 Protein
Chapter 4 Protein
Chapter 4 Protein
Amino Acids
Although more than 300 different amino acids have been described in nature, only 20 are commonly found as
constituents of mammalian proteins. [Note: These are the only amino acids that are coded for by DNA, the
genetic material in the cell (see p. 395).] Each amino acid has a carboxyl group, a primary amino group (except
for proline, which has a secondary amino group), and a distinctive side chain (“R group”) bonded to the α-
carbon atom (Figure 1.1A).
At physiologic pH (approximately 7.4), the carboxyl group is dissociated, forming the negatively charged
carboxylate ion (–COO–), and the amino group is protonated (–NH3+). In proteins, almost all of these carboxyl
and amino groups are combined through peptide linkage and, in general, are not available for chemical reaction
except for hydrogen bond formation (Figure 1.1B). Thus, it is the nature of the side chains that ultimately
dictates the role an amino acid plays in a protein. It is, therefore, useful to classify the amino acids according to
the properties of their side chains, that is, whether they are nonpolar (have an even distribution of electrons) or
polar (have an uneven distribution of electrons, such as acids and bases)
2. Proline: Proline differs from other amino acids in that its side chain and α-amino N form a rigid,
five-membered ring structure (Figure 1.5). Proline, then, has a secondary (rather than a primary) amino
group. It is frequently referred to as an “imino acid.” The unique geometry of proline contributes to the
formation of the fibrous structure of collagen (see p. 45) and often interrupts the α-helices found in globular
proteins (see p. 26).
Importance of Protein
Proteins are the most abundant and functionally diverse molecules in living systems. Virtually every life
process depends on this class of macromolecules. For example, enzymes and polypeptide hormones direct and
regulate metabolism in the body, whereas contractile proteins in muscle permit movement. In bone, the protein
collagen forms a framework for the deposition of calcium phosphate crystals, acting like the steel cables in
reinforced concrete. In the bloodstream, proteins, such as hemoglobin and plasma albumin, shuttle molecules
essential to life, whereas immunoglobulin fight infectious bacteria and viruses. In short, proteins display an
incredible diversity of functions, yet all share the common structural feature of being linear polymers of amino
acids. This chapter describes the properties of amino acids. This explores how these simple building blocks are
joined to form proteins that have unique three-dimensional structures, making them capable of performing
specific biologic functions.
Heme proteins are a group of specialized proteins that contain heme as a tightly bound prosthetic group. (See
p. 54 for a discussion of prosthetic groups.) The role of the heme group is dictated by the environment created
by the three-dimensional structure of the protein. For example, the heme group of a cytochrome functions as an
electron carrier that is alternately oxidized and reduced (see p. 76). In contrast, the heme group of the enzyme
catalase is part of the active site of the enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide (see p. 148).
In hemoglobin and myoglobin, the two most abundant hemeproteins in humans, the heme group serves to
reversibly bind oxygen
A. Structure of heme
Heme is a complex of protoporphyrin IX and ferrous iron (Fe2+) (Figure 3.1). The iron is held in the center of
the heme molecule by bonds to the four nitrogens of the porphyrin ring. The heme Fe2+ can form two
additional bonds, one on each side of the planar porphyrin ring. In myoglobin and hemoglobin, one of these
positions is coordinated to the side chain of a histidine residue of the globin molecule, whereas the other
position is available to bind oxygen (Figure 3.2). (See pp. 278 and 282 for a discussion of the synthesis and
degradation of heme.)
B. Structure and function of myoglobin
Myoglobin, a hemeprotein present in heart and skeletal muscle,functions both as a reservoir for oxygen and as
an oxygen carrier that increases the rate of transport of oxygen within the muscle cell. [Note: Mouse
myoglobin double knockouts (see p. 486) have, surprisingly, an apparently normal phenotype.] Myoglobin
consists of a single polypeptide chain that is structurally similar to the individual polypeptide chains of the
tetrameric hemoglobin molecule. This homology makes myoglobin a useful model for interpreting some of the
more complex properties of hemoglobin.
1. α-Helical content: Myoglobin is a compact molecule, with approximately 80% of its polypeptide chain
folded into eight stretches of α-helix. These α-helical regions, labeled A to H in Figure 3.2A, are terminated
either by the presence of proline, whose five-membered ring cannot be accommodated in an α-helix (see p. 16)
or by
β-bends and loops stabilized by hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds
2. Location of polar and nonpolar amino acid residues: The interior of the myoglobin molecule is
composed almost entirely of nonpolar amino acids. They are packed closely together, forming a structure
stabilized by hydrophobic interactions between these clustered residues (see p. 19). In contrast, polar amino
acids are
located almost exclusively on the surface, where they can form hydrogen bonds, both with each other and with
3. Binding of the heme group: Notable exceptions are two histidine residues (Figure 3.2B). One, the
proximal histidine (F8), binds directly to the iron of heme. The second, or distal histidine (E7), does not
directly interact with the heme group but helps stabilize the binding of oxygen to the ferrous iron.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. A typical collagen molecule is a long, rigid structure
in which three polypeptides (referred to as α chains) are wound around one another in a rope-like triple helix
(Figure 4.1). Although these molecules are found throughout the body, their types and organization are dictated
by the structural
role collagen plays in a particular organ. In some tissues, collagen may be dispersed as a gel that gives support
to the structure, as in the extracellular matrix or the vitreous humor of the eye. In other tissues, collagen may be
bundled in tight, parallel fibers that provide great strength, as in tendons. In the cornea of the eye, collagen is
stacked so as
to transmit light with a minimum of scattering. Collagen of bone occurs as fibers arranged at an angle to each
other so as to resist mechanical shear from any direction.
In contrast to collagen, which forms fibers that are tough and have high tensile strength, elastin is a connective
tissue protein with rubber-like properties. Elastic fibers composed of elastin and glycoprotein microfibrils are
found in the lungs, the walls of large arteries,
and elastic ligaments. They can be stretched to several times their normal length but recoil to their original
shape when the stretching force is relaxed.