Manuscript Research 1
Manuscript Research 1
Manuscript Research 1
A Research Proposal
Presented to
In Partial Fulfillment
framework, statement of the problem, significance of the study, scope and the
health impacts and disruptions to businesses around the globe during 2020. On
March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global
Countries around the world adopted different approaches to slowing the spread of
restrictions. The impact of such restrictions caused the distortions in the system of
supply and demand for goods and slowed many countries economies. COVID–19
regional and global levels. Micro, Small, Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) are
among the most affected. As countries begin the process of returning to normal life
Despite instituting policies and regulations to promote economic growth, there is a
major issue that has developed as a result of the pandemic crisis, which has affected
enterprises are facing different issues with a certain degree of losses. Particularly,
evident that COVID-19 outbreaks have significantly impacted micro, small and
the majority of all businesses in the country. Based on Congressional Policy and
Budget Research Department, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are
considered the backbone of many economies in the world including the Philippines.
Over 99 percent of firms registered in the Philippines are micro, small, and medium
Trade and Industry (DTI, 2019). Being a major contributor to economic activity,
accounted for 25 percent of the country’s total exports revenue in 2019 (PSA cited in
DTI, 2019). Collectively, MSMEs are those with employee size of less than 200 and
with asset size of below P100 million. These businesses were greatly affected by the
cope with the pandemic's dilemma, which has forced most establishments to close
impact on the country’s economy. The government’s nationwide lockdowns have had
Consequently, the Municipality of San Francisco has not been spared from
the COVID-19 impact. Many owners of SMES’s have been affected a lot because of
the imposed restrictions of the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF). Big or small
businesses have to be closed down for the mean time and travel restrictions has
Luckily, as the restrictions became less strict the municipality of San Francisco,
Agusan del Sur has prioritized the gradual development of MSMEs particularly on
micro and small-scale firms for economic growth, job creation, and the development
of an industrial sector as their means of coping over the effects of the pandemic.
study the effects of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions to the MSMEs in San Francisco,
Agusan del Sur. The researchers wanted to reach out to the MSMEs to help
understand and assess the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on
Theoretical Framework
This study will examine the effects of COVID-19 on the micro, small, medium
Keynesian Theory
1930s. According to Keynesian theory, then, government spending can take the
place of missing private spending during a crisis. According to (de Rugy and Jones,
2021) study, if the government increases its own spending, it creates new
employment (mostly for workers who would otherwise be unemployed). These newly
employed workers consume more goods and services, and, in turn, the businesses
that produce those goods and services increase their demand for inputs such as
capital goods and labor. In effect, government spending creates a virtuous cycle. In
lined with the COVID-19 pandemic, it revealed the limits of Keynesian stimulus
increasing aggregate demand. But amid the pandemic and its accompanying
lockdowns, the COVID-19 recession was driven by supply constraints on growth, not
sectors of the economy was illegal, and many businesses, even if they were allowed
to operate, faced restrictions on the number of customers or employees that could
shock. Therefore, during the pandemic, it would have been difficult, if not impossible,
Conceptual Framework
Industry Profile
Type of Business
Years of
Moderating Variable
This study aimed to describe and identify the effects of COVID-19 restrictions on
2. What is the level of restrictions imposed by the local authorities of MLGU San
3. What is the level of the financial performance of MSMEs during the height of
restrictions and the level of financial performance of MSMEs during the height
of COVID-19 pandemic?
5. Does the industry profile affect the relationship between the level of COVID-
The study will contribute to set appropriate strategies and policies related to
empower MSMEs in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur during the COVID-19 pandemic.
MSMEs. This study will provide MSMEs owners about the effects of pandemic
Local Government of San Francisco. This study will help them on having a good
This will help them on deciding to issue a local provisions or city ordinance and
conducting new researches or in testing the validity of other related findings. This
study will also serve as their cross-reference that will give them a background or an
Due to the limited time financial, and study scope constraints, the research study had
selected MSMEs located in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur as the target population.
Definition of Terms
The following terms were defined according to how they are being used in the
Cash flow Shortage. A cash flow shortage happens when more money is flowing out
of a business than is flowing into the business. That means, during a cash flow
shortage, you might not have enough money to cover payroll or other operating
CoV-2 virus. Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to
moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment. However, some will
Key Stakeholders. A key stakeholder is among the most important stakeholders for
success, as they are most affected by its business. Likewise, a business's success
Lockdowns. A period of time in which people are not allowed to leave their homes or
firms which employ less than a given number of employees. This number varies
across countries. The most frequent upper limit designating an MSMEs is 200
Normal business operations. It refers to activities that businesses engage in on a
daily basis to increase the value of the enterprise and earn a profit. The activities can
conceptual literature and research literature which are presented in the following
MSMEs have grown in number and become the most dynamic category in the
market economy as it has developed. They are vital in the generation of profit, the
and social stability. MSMEs are the backbone of many economies worldwide that
provide income and employment generation to a large number of people around the
globe but remain vulnerable to external shocks, such as financial crises, disasters,
and forced changes in the business environment. At present, MSME’s and self-
employed individuals have developed into the main channels for absorbing
characteristics of such enterprises: they are independent entities, and not part of a
larger corporation; are typically founded and managed by the owners, who also bear
most (or all) of the risk involved in the venture; they have a comparatively small
number of employees (if any); usually only produce or sell a limited range of goods
and services; have limited market shares and a small customer base; and have
production standstill, poor growth in domestic demand, financial limits, and
According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) there were a total of total
952,969 (99.51%) are MSMEs and 4,651 (0.49%) are large enterprises. Micro
The spread of COVID-19 has a great impact on Philippine economy and has
(Shinozaki, S. and L. N. Rao., 2021) in their paper entitled COVID-19 Impact on Micro,
Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises under the Lockdown: Evidence from a Rapid
Survey in the Philippines. The Philippines may suffer economic losses between
P276.3 billion and P2.5 trillion due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The most affected
business sectors will be manufacturing, with losses between P82.1 billion and
P855.2 billion, wholesale and retail trade, with losses between P93.2 billion and
billion and P124.3 billion. Abrigo, et. Al (2020) also estimated that, if the ECQ
continued to May 2020, it would potentially cost the Philippine economy at least
In the Philippines, MSMEs drive the national economy. They accounted for
99.5% of all enterprises and employed 63.2% of the labor force as of the end of 2018
(ADB 2020b). Their ability to access finance faces constraints even during non-crisis
periods. The share of MSME loans in the total outstanding bank loans was 6.1% in
2019. Bank loans to MSMEs accounted for only 3.2% of the GDP during the same
period. This suggests that a very small number of MSMEs have access to bank
credit. A prolonged pandemic will make it more difficult for MSMEs to raise funds
from formal financial institutions and to survive the cris2is and its aftermath, which
could contribute to more potential losses to the Philippine economy and risk the
Research Methodology
This chapter presents the research methodologies used in the study. This
covers the research design, locale of the study, respondents of the study, research
Research Design
classifying, and tabulating data about existing conditions, practices, beliefs, cause
and effect relationships and then making appropriate interpretation about such data.
It is the nature of this study to assess the condition of things in their current
state. In the same way, it delves into the relationship among variables that are
Locale of the Study
The study will be conducted at San Francisco, Agusan del Sur. This place is
selected because it is one of the places wherein you cannot deny the effects of the
Francisco was recognized anew as the most competitive municipality in the Caraga
Region for the past four (4) runs of the Cities & Municipalities Competitiveness Index
Ranking since 2013. On top of this, LGU-San Francisco is also ranked 5th among
Efficiency. In terms of over-all ranking among the same income class of LGUs all
over the country it is at number 29 or at the top 6%. The researchers wanted to know
how did they cope-up considering the fact that San Francisco was one of the top-
Respondents of the Study
The participants of this study are the owners of micro, small, and
medium businesses in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur. Preferably, who are
registered to the Department of Trade and Industry, and are greatly affected and
successfully bounced back from the effects of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and
Research Instrument
The researchers will gather the data through survey questionnaire. Since the
Cronbach's α
scale 0.85
The reliability of the questionnaire will be tested using the reliability analysis of
Jamovi. All the items in the questionnaire got a Cronbach Alpha of more than .70.
Results revealed that overall, it satisfied the criterion for reliability which is equal to
The researchers will make an intent letter to the Municipality of San Francisco
Office asking permission for their contact number. Researchers will then contact
them and be asked if they are available to answer the survey questionnaires. They
will also be informed beforehand that we protect each and everyone’s privacy and
any personal information that are irrelevant to the study will not be asked and we can
Statistical Treatment
Frequency Distribution
%= × 100
Where: % = percent
F= frequency
N= number of cases
Where: X= mean
N= number of cases
B= constant
Shafi, M., Liu, J., & Ren, W. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on micro, small,
Department of Trade and Industry (2019). 2019 MSME Statistics Retrieved from:
Veronique. R., & Jones. G. (2021, June 2). Keynesian Stimulus: A Virtuous
Shinozaki, S. (2021, April 23). COVID-19 Impact on Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized
Amadeo, K. (2021, December 30). How Keynesian Economics Works. The Balance.
Abrigo, Michael R. M., Jhanna Uy, Nel Jason Haw, Valerie Gilbert T. Ulep, and Kris
Requirements, and Macro-economic Impacts of the Coronavirus Disease