Annual Report 2021 GNHS
Annual Report 2021 GNHS
Annual Report 2021 GNHS
I. Introduction
It is a national effort to make quality education accessible for all. The Governance of Basic
Education Act of 2001 also known as R.A. 9155 which aims to strengthen School-Based
Management (SBM) by empowering school teams and personnel, expanding community
participation and involvement, and making the delivery of education services to the learners
more responsive, efficient and effective through an enhanced school planning and
communicating process.
Following the School Improvement Plan (SIP), the collaboration was established in order to
come up with functional and realistic plan. Learners, teachers, parents, community and the local
government unit representatives engaged in dialogue/interview, decision-making and innovations
around the goals and objectives of the learning community of the school. Another, in achieving
the Priority Improvement Area (PIA) identified, the school planning team (SPT) recognized the
need for change in attitudes, values and practices that school learning environment must
continuously improve better. Through LCPIR the school is guided what learning modalities to be
implemented and it was Modular(printed). The implementation shall be on School Year 2020-
2021, successful planning and implementation are factors essential to effective governance.
Finally, with successful planning and implementation, our school shall become more
effective in achieving the key result areas and in implementing education reforms, particularly
the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
For School Year 2020-2021, the School has in its fold, one (1) School Principal 1, two (2)
Teacher III, eleven (11) Teacher I and one(1) Learning Support Aide.
MT Suppor TOTA
Name of School SPI MT I TIII TII TI
II t Aide L
NATIONAL 1 0 0 2 0 11 1 15
TOTAL 1 0 0 2 0 11 1 15
Guinicolalay National High School has reached greater heights and has made innumerable
accomplishments. These achievements have been made possible through the full support and
concerted efforts of all the teachers and the non-teaching personnel and their harmonious
working relationship with other government agencies, LGU’s, NGO’s, the community and other
stakeholders which spelled the significant impact for the Department of Education and had
affected on the lives not only on the learners but also on the community despite pandemic.
This section presents briefly the needs, and available resources to provide quality educational
services and to overcome the constraints besetting the school heads, teachers and learners and to
sustain the school programs /thrusts/development activities.
The succeeding tables present the list of teachers and inventories of classrooms,
desks/armchairs, and textbooks, needs and the sector performance outcomes.
B. Teachers Inventory
Subject School Support
School G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 Aide Total
Teachers Head
National 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 15
High School
Total 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 15
As gleaned from the table above, there are 9 teachers advisers, 4 Subject Teachers and 1
support aide who are actually holding classes.
C. Classroom Inventory and Needs
No. of No. of
Number Classroom Classroom No. of
Year and No. of
of needs needs Classroom
Section Classroom
Classes major minor needed
repair repair
Grade 7 2 2 1 1 1
Grade 8 2 2 2 0 2
Grade 9 2 2 1 1 1
Grade 10 1 1 0 1 1
Grade 11 1 1 0 0 0
Grade 12 1 1 0 1 1
TOTAL 9 9 0 4
D. Desks/ Armchairs Inventory and Needs
Enrolment Desk Armchair Table Arm
and Section Desks Stool Table
Grade 7 55 55 0 2 0 0 0 0
Grade 8 58 58 0 2 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 66 66 0 2 0 0 0 0
Grade 10 59 59 0 1 0 0 0 0
Grade 11 39 0 39 1 0 0 0 0
Grade 12 49 0 49 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 60 8
E1. Sector Performance Outcome
The task of basic education is to help realize the fullest potentials of every learners
entrusted to the teachers, to develop knowledge, skills desirable behavior/values to survive
and improve quality of their lives. The schools are therefore tasked to bring about
responsible and productive citizens who shall become enlightened leaders of the
ENROLMENT – Past 3 Years-tabular with Narrative
Grade 7 26 34 60 30 32 62 30 25 55
Grade 8 29 28 57 28 40 68 27 31 58
Grade 9 13 22 35 30 33 63 25 41 66
Grade 10 24 20 44 16 24 44 27 32 59
Grade 11 18 22 40 30 20 50 16 23 39
Grade 12 16 9 25 17 19 36 29 20 49
TOTAL 126 135 261 151 168 319 154 172 326
E2. Improving Quality Relevance to Basic Education
Strategies behind the success to improve quality and relevance to basic education were the
effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the thrusts, programs and projects of the
The conduct of various in-service trainings (webinar,vinset type) in the school, district, division
or even national level to both teachers and administrators were appropriately effective.
The School Designate coordinator of Gender and Development, together with the
teaching force, conducted a financial annual plan intended for GAD programs and
activities. In this School Year 2020-2021, GAD financial plan was not included in
Brigada Eskwela
The School ICT Coordinators has always given an attention by the District ICT
Coordinator, ensuring the complete and accurate online submission of LIS (Learning
Information System), EBEIS (Enhanced basic Education Information System), NSBI
(National School Building Inventory), UACF (EHRIS) and other related ICT tasks.
Constant communication of the District and School ICT Coordinator have been
implemented using Social Media ( Messenger) to give updates of the each other and
solve problems occur in every school provided by a technical assistance of the
District ICT Coordinator.
The school ICT coordinator of this school ensure the assistance of all teachers
especially technical assistance such as LIS – EBEIS concern and other online
platform reports.
Luckily, due to the effort to the previous administration, last September 2020, the
school received 21 (complete sets) of computer units for DICT, with the total cost of
P 300,000.00+. These units will serve not only for the learners but also to the people
of the Barangay.
The reading program of the school, “CNR” is one of the key factors in improving the
quality and relevance to basic education. Despite pandemic, reading activity were
done through home activity (f2f) with the help of the parents as well the teachers.
The strengthening of the reading of the students are done through different activities
like home reading, PHIL IRI, peer tutoring, brigada pagbasa and Home Visitation.
Practical work and cooperative learning were the strategies used in the school during
the school year.
Other school initiatives and activities were undertaken such as, the Brigada sa
Pagbasa Month was emphasized and given importance to reinforce the students level
of reading as well as check the level of reading of every students.
ELLN/LAC Session
The LAC session were conducted every last Friday of the month in the school. This
is to teach and guide teachers’ new techniques on how to teach students in the K-12
curriculum and also be oriented in the new trends which are applicable in the
distance learning modalities.
The SDRRM assess, monitor the safety health standards and protocols inside the
school especially during the release and retrieval of modules and other related
activities. Quarterly reports submitted to district DRRM coordinator
The school registered one(1) patrol for boys scouts and another one(1) patrol for
girls scouts from Junior High School and Senior High School . No activities
conducted in both scouting and sports.
Guidance Program
Guidance program is very important for the learners and the teachers. In the absence
of a guidance counselor, teachers do their function. They record the negative and
remarkable achievements of learners in their anecdotal record. They also monitor the
academic performance of children. They do home visits to inform the parents about
their children’s progress in school and other concerns. The school has maintained its
enrolment due to constant home visits parents.
computation of BMI.. Monitoring the health condition is an indispensable task to
improve the academic and extra-curricular performance of learners.
Canteen Management
Gulayan sa Paaralan
Gulayan sa paaralan were done by teacher with the objectives 1) Promote Gulayan sa
paaralan and encourage the community to do so. 2) to provide vegetable for teachers
use. The Gulayan sa Paaralan started early September 2020 and sustained up to the
end of School year due to availability of water supply on the whole year round.
Teaching and Non-teaching Development
V. Recommendation
School must have strong connectivity in internet to have better learning resources and
Teachers’ positive response on DepEd programs will be sustained.
Each program be given enough budget for better implementation.
VI. Pictorials
Physical improvement
Provision of office supplies & equipment Provision of materials for repair & maintenance
a. School Profile
SY 2018-2019 SY 2019-2020 SY 2020-2021
Figure 1. Enrolment by Gender for S.Y. 2018-2019, S.Y. 2019-2020, and S.Y. 2020-2021.
This figure shows that the latest male enrolment increases by 25 from 126 in SY 2018-
2019 to 151 in SY 2019-2020 and increases as well by 3 to 154 in SY 2020-2021; and the female
enrolment in SY 2018-2019 from 135 increases by 33 in SY 2019- 2020 to 168 and also increases
by 4 to 172 in SY 2020-2021.
S.Y.2018-2019 S.Y.2019-2020 S.Y.2020-2021
The figure shows that in SY 2017-2018: 2 Male Severely Wasted Learners, 3 Female
Severely Wasted, 15 Male Wasted and 10 Female Wasted for 224 total enrolment; SY 2018-
2019: 1 Male Severely Wasted, 1 Female Severely Wasted, 10 Male Wasted and 9 Female
Severely Wasted for 261 total enrolment; and SY 2019-2020: 5 Male Severely Wasted, 4 Female
Severely Wasted, 27 Male Wasted and 15 Female Wasted for 319 total enrolment.
Number of Teachers attended Training, SY
Number of teachers in
The graph above reveals the number of teachers who have attended the specified
trainings. All fourteen (14) teachers have attended all ICT and LAC sessions especially that of
NSET in the school level.
V. Funding sources
Figure 4. Sources of School Funds, SY 2020-2021 in pie graph shows the amount of
funds that has been received by the school from the resources. The amount of Six Hundred Forty
Five Thousand Pesos (P 645,000.00) is from the school MOOE, Five Hundred Three thousand
Pesos (503,000) is from Junior High School MOOE and One Hundred Forty Two Thousand
from Senior High School MOOE.
Title of Award Award Giving Body Level Category of Awardee
Basketball Playing
Qualci 6 Qualci Students (Players) and Coach
Billiard Playing
Qualci 6 Qualci Students (Players) And Coach
Basketball Playing
Office of the Governor Provincial Students (Players)
Table 3. The table above explicitly shows the awards and recognitions that have been
received for school year 2019-2020 for Billiard and Basketball playing, starting from Qualci
level up to Provincial Level.
b. Performance Indicators
VII. Drop-out Rates for the Past Three Consecutive School Year
Drop-Out Rates
SY 2020-2021,
0 1.88%
4 6
SY 2019-2020;
0 0
1 1
SY 2018-2019;
SY 2018-2019 SY 2019-2020 SY 2020-2021 0.38%
The presentation above reveals that the school has increasing trend of Drop-Out rate. An
increase of 1.57% from 0.38% in SY 2018-2019, it also increase from 1.57% of SY 2019-2020
to 1.88% in SY 2020-2021. Drop-out Rate for the three (3) consecutive school years has an
average of 1.28%.
VIII. Percentage of Learners who completed the School Year (Promotion Rate)
100.00% 100.00%
MPS 2020-2021
English Mathematics Science Filipino Aral. Pan TLE MAPEH ESP
MPS 2020-2021
Figure 7 The Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of Guinicolalay NHS in SY 2020-2021. The
graph above reveals the school MPS per subject area for the school year 2020-2021. All the eight
(8) subjects have the MPS above the Planning Standard of 75%.
X. Literacy level
Frustration Reader Instructional Reader Independent Reader
5 5
26 35 44
25 19
5 2 10
are protective of all children and demonstrate behaviors consistent to the
organization’s vision, mission and goals.
7. Methods and resources are learner and community-friendly, enjoyable, 1
safe, inclusive, and accessible and aimed at developing self-directed learners.
Leaners are equipped with essential, knowledge, skills and values to assume
responsibility and accountability for their own learning.
7 0 0
1 0 0 1
Curriculum and Instruction - 30% 0.30
C. Accountability and Continuous Improvement – 25%
1. Roles and responsibilities of accountable person/s and collective body/ies 1
are clearly defined and agreed upon by community stakeholders.
2. Achievement of goals is recognized based on a collaboratively developed 1
performance accountability system; gaps are addressed through appropriate
3. The accountability system is owned by the community and is continuously 1
enhanced to ensure that management structures and mechanisms are
responsive to the emerging learning needs and demands of the community.
4. Accountability assessment criteria and tools, feedback mechanisms, and 1
information collection and validation techniques and processes are inclusive
and collaboratively developed and agreed upon.
5. Participatory assessment of performance is done regularly with the 1
community. Assessment results and lessons learned served as basis for
feedback, technical assistance, recognition and plan adjustment.
5 0 0
1 0 0 1
Accountability and Continuous Improvement – 25% 0.25
D. Management of Resources – 15%
1. Regular resource inventory is collaboratively undertaken by learning 1
managers, learning facilitators, and community stakeholders as basis for
resource allocation and mobilization.
2. A regular dialogue for planning and resource programming, that is 1
accessible and inclusive, continuously engage stakeholders and support
implementation of community education plans.
3. In place is a community-developed resource management system that 1
drive appropriate behaviors of the stakeholders to ensure judicious,
appropriate, and effective use of resources.
4. Regular monitoring, evaluation, and reporting processes of resource 1
management are collaboratively developed and implemented by the learning
managers, facilitators, and community stakeholders.
5 0 0
1 0 0 1
Management of Resources – 15% 0.15
Grand Total (A,B,C,D) 1.06
A. Performance Improvement 60% 1.520
B. SBM Assessment Score 40% 0.424
Descriptive Rating Maturing
II Maturing
Action Items/Goals Points
1. Encourage children’s participation in school and community 5
2. Enhance children’s health and well-being 7
3. Guarantee safe and protective spaces for children 16
4. Encourage enrolment and completion 2
5. Ensure children’s high academic achievement and success 6
6. Raise teacher’s morale and motivation 8
7. Mobilize community support for education 7
Score 51
Progress toward specific targets Points
1. All school-age children in your community are served by the school 2
2. All children in your school who enrolled in Kinder six year ago finish 2
Grade 6/enrolled in Grade 7 three years ago finish Grade 10/enrolled in
Grade 11 finish Grade 12
3. All your Grade 6 pupils/Grade 10/Grade 12 students pass the division, 2
regional, or national tests or assessments.
4. All your pupils are well nourished. 2
5. All your pupils are healthy. 2
6. All your pupils have good dental health. 2
Score 12
Action Items/Goals 51
Progress toward Targets 12
Total Score 63
7 7
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Figure 9. Child –Friendly School Survey shows the number of mechanisms the school met in
every goal.
As shown in the graph, the school gets only 5 points in goal #1; 7 points in goal #2; 16 points
in goal #3; 2 points in goal #4; 6 points in goal #5; 8 points in goal #6 and 7 points in goal #7
with the total score of 51 points while in the progress towards targets, it has a total of 12 points.
The school gets overall points of 63 which means a very outstanding Child Friendly School.
Stakehol der s' Attendanc e
15. Stakeholder’s Contribution
Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Figure 15 Learner – Toilet Ratio shows the following: Grade 7 has 2:55; Grade 8 has
2:58; Grade 9 has 2:66; Grade 10 has 1:59; Grade 11 has 1:39 and Grade 12 has 1:49. All grade
levels have sufficient toilet..
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Learner Seat
Table 3 shows the projects that has been implemented by the school. The data reveal that there
are proposed projects with incomplete accomplishment which means that this will be
implemented in the following year. This is attributed to the appropriation from the school funds.
19. Other stakeholders’ Accomplishments.
Program/Project Status/
Duration Target
Title Accomplishments
End Start Indicate progress of the
program/project, and its effect/
impact on the children's access
to and quality of Education
Maintenance of
School Head ,
safe and secure 30% accomplishments/ Safe and
Teachers, PTA,
electrical On secure electrical connections to all
connection going 2020 3 years students.
Sustainability of 100% accomplished, Provide
School Head ,
Gulayan sa On access of fresh vegetables to
Teachers & PTA
Paaralan project. going 2020 1 year teachers.
School Head ,
Titling of School
Teachers, PTA,
10% accomplishment/ Provide
On security on putting up educational
going 2020 3 years infrastructures for all the students
School Head , Repainting of 2020
Teachers, HPTA Grade 9 Vanda 2020 1 100% accomplishment, Provide for
and Grade 10 month proofing against erosion.
Table 4 shows the projects implemented by the school and its stakeholders. It shows that there
are projects got 100% accomplishment like Sustainability of Gulayan sa Paaralan project and
Repainting of Grade 9 Vanda and Grade 10 Orchids. This is attributed to the strong partnership
of school and its stakeholders and proper disbursements of school funds. However, there are still
projects that are on-going accomplishments. This is also attributed to the priority in the
appropriation of school funds. Over all, it is shown that the projects implemented by the school
and its stakeholders are focus on the total security and development of the school.
Prepared by:
School Head-Present
Noted by: