Geniosil Stpe 10
Geniosil Stpe 10
Geniosil Stpe 10
Technical data sheet for GENIOSIL® STP-E 10 / Version: 1.5 / Date of last alteration: 31.07.2015 1/2
can also be accelerated with titanium compounds, as
well as inorganic (phosphoric) or organic (tartaric) Storage beyond the date specified on the label does
acids. not necessarily mean that the product is no longer
usable. In this case however, the properties required
Primarily, we recommend using an amine catalyst, and for the intended use must be checked for quality
adjusting the skin-formation time by varying the assurance reasons.
amount of aminosilane used. GENIOSIL® GF 9 and
GENIOSIL® GF 95 have proven particularly Packaging
advantageous here. In particular, GENIOSIL® GF 95
can attain improved water resistance, which is further Information on available container sizes is obtainable
increased by the addition of epoxy silanes. from WACKER subsidiaries.
Surface Treatment
Always apply the formulation to clean and dry
surfaces. Safety notes
Product data
Typical general characteristics Inspection Method Value
Polymer Polypropylene glycol
Reactive terminal groups Dimethoxy(methyl)silylmeth
Flash point ISO 2719 98 °C
Ignition temperature (liquids) DIN 51794 390 °C
Density at 20 °C DIN 51757 1,0069 g/cm³
Viscosity, dynamic at 25 °C DIN 51562 approx. 10000 mPa.s
Methoxy group content approx. 0,40 - 0,50 mmol/g
These figures are only intended as a guide and should not be used in preparing specifications.
The data presented in this medium are in accordance with the present state of our knowledge but The management system For technical, quality, or
do not absolve the user from carefully checking all supplies immediately on receipt. We reserve the has been certified product safety questions,
right to alter product constants within the scope of technical progress or new developments. The according to please contact:
recommendations made in this medium should be checked by preliminary trials because of DIN EN ISO 9001 and
conditions during processing over which we have no control, especially where other companies’ DIN EN ISO 14001 Wacker Chemie AG
raw materials are also being used. The information provided by us does not absolve the user from Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4
the obligation of investigating the possibility of infringement of third parties’ rights and, if necessary, WACKER® is a trademark 81737 München, Germany
clarifying the position. Recommendations for use do not constitute a warranty, either express or of [email protected]
implied, of the fitness or suitability of the product for a particular purpose. Wacker Chemie AG.
trademark of
Wacker Chemie AG.
Technical data sheet for GENIOSIL® STP-E 10 / Version: 1.5 / Date of last alteration: 31.07.2015 2/2