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Writing English utilizing the paraphrasing technique is that there is no plagiarism in it, aka the written work is not
an alternative method of expressing the same topic using the result of copy-pasting the work of others. Plagiarism
the students' words. Apart from making concepts more refers to the stealing of other people's ideas or words and
understandable, paraphrasing can also be utilized to retain using them as our own (Dang et al., 2005; Wong, 2011).
the cohesion and coherence of their writing's flow. One of This is intellectual theft and is a significant academic
the difficulties encountered by students when writing or infraction. The most prevalent kind of plagiarism is "Copy
composing writings in English is plagiarism or the inability and Paste". So, students who are working on scientific
to rewrite the materials in their own words (Fitria, 2021). papers must check their writing. Because as is well known,
As a result, students should be familiar with proper generally every institution has a certain limit for plagiarism.
paraphrasing techniques to prevent these difficulties. Bloch (2012) states that plagiarism has become one of the
Paraphrasing is a technique for conveying an idea or notion most serious problems in society, especially at the
in another language without diluting or exaggerating the institution. There are many reasons why people plagiarism
original material. Paraphrasing is utilized in a variety of including being lazy, not having time, being busy, and even
different genres of writing, from essays, paragraphs, wanting to find it easy without the need to rack our brains
articles, journals, and news, to several other types of and sweat.
literature. In writing, paraphrasing is used in place of
There are many ways to avoid plagiarism. One of them
quoting. Additionally, the objective of paraphrasing is to
is using paraphrasing or paraphrasing techniques.
avoid the danger of plagiarism, particularly in texts that
According to Doe & Tsedryk (2019), paraphrasing ability is
incorporate a large number of reference materials. As a
important in such academic tasks as essay writing, text
result, students can use QuillBot in place of paraphrasing
editing, or summarizing. Mabbett (2016) states that
paraphrasing what somebody else has said is not an
In a writing, a scientific work, citing is very important exercise in expressing our thought. A paraphrase is a
because the thesis is a scientific work and should not be process of taking an idea from another source and
plagiarized. That's why they have to learn the correct way reorganizing it using one's own words and style (Arun et
of citing so that later when quoting from literature review al., 2019). As a result, he/she preserves the core of the
sources or other sources it is correct and not confusing. In source text. However, he/she did not replicate the source
scientific works, quotations have ethics and guidelines in text's vocabulary or style. Without adequate reference,
including other people's ideas, ideas, and/or theories in a paraphrasing is also regarded as a kind of plagiarism. If we
scientific paper that we compose. This needs to be done to borrow someone's concept and express it in our own words
avoid cheating authors in the form of plagiarism that often and manner, we must ensure that we include accurate
occurs. Paraphrasing is an important skill for students to information about the source in our work. Not only does
learn since it allows them to gather information from a this provide appropriate information about the original text,
variety of sources and present it in their own words, rather but it also retains the source text's concept and meaning. A
than relying on multiple and long direct quotes (Brown et person's ability to paraphrase enables him or her to avoid
al., 1993). plagiarism (Madani & Ardianti, 2021).
Students usually write scientific writings as a part of Paraphrasing activities themselves are often carried out
assignments in their studies. The purpose of scientific work by students who are working on their final project or thesis.
is to solve the problem of an existing problem. The Because the thesis is required that every content in it is not
scientific work must contain data, facts, and solutions subject to plagiarism. Paraphrasing online is one way to
regarding the problems raised. So, when making scientific paraphrase for free or paid. There are lots of websites that
papers, students must obey the important parts of the rules provide free paraphrasing services. However, only a few
of writing scientific papers, such as using formal, standard give good results and are easy to read. Most of the other
language, according to theory, and facts in the field. Several websites just paraphrase without paying attention to
types of popular scientific writings include papers, theses, whether the paraphrase results are following the meaning of
reports, and dissertations. They also need to know the the initial sentence or not. There are at least two main
correct citations and systematics. techniques for paraphrasing. First, changing the sentence
structure, start paraphrasing by changing the position of the
In the world of writing, the authenticity of the
words in the sentence. Second, change the words used, use
manuscript is very important. This will affect the originality
synonyms or look for substitute words that have the same
of an article, whether it is our work or plagiarism from
meaning. But, the most important thing to do is to
other people's work. This usually happens because writing
understand the sentence to be paraphrased. The trick is to
cannot be separated from quotations from other people's
read it in its entirety, not in pieces because this will increase
ideas, ideas, and/or theories that have been published in
your understanding of the sentence.
advance to support the opinions we build in our writing.
One of the legal requirements for a scientific resource is
How to cite this article: Fitria, T. N. (2022). Avoiding Plagiarism of Students’ Scientific Writing by Using the QuillBot Paraphraser. Elsya : Journal of English Language
Studies, 4(3).
Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN (Online) 2684-9224, ISSN (Print): 2684-7620
Vol. 4, No. 3, October 2022, pp. 252-262
Nowadays, the ease of access to internet paraphrase research focuses on using an online paraphrasing tool for
tools allows students to submit work that they did not the student as an effort to avoid plagiarism in citing or
directly produce and to rework already available content to writing scientific papers by using QuillBot Rephraser.
avoid plagiarism (Rogerson & McCarthy, 2017) Instead of Therefore, the objective of this research is to simulate the
using an automatic paraphrasing site, we can take use of QuillBot Paraphraser in paraphrasing the students'
advantage of a free plagiarism checker website and then scientific writing avoiding plagiarism.
manually change the sentences indicated by plagiarism.
Many online paraphrasing sites can help us to paraphrase. 2. Literature Review
However, the site is a product of technology. Of course, 2.1 Paraphrasing
human intelligence remains the main. So, we still have to
re-examine the results of the paraphrase. Prentice & Kinden Paraphrasing is a technique used to rewrite a sentence or
(2018) state that the free online automatic paraphrase tools paragraph in its style but does not change the meaning of
mostly depend on synonym replacement without changing the original sentence. It paraphrases word by word with
the general syntax of the text, resulting in unidiomatic apparent synonyms, but some have different meanings
language. (Williams & Davis, 2017). Ceo-DiFrancesco et al. (2019)
state that paraphrasing is stating in our own words the
One of the paraphrasing tools available on the internet meaning of a text or passage.
both in free and paid versions. QuillBot is an AI application
that makes it very easy for many people to paraphrase. A paraphrasing tool is a tool that aims to rewrite a
Paraphrasing is the re-expression of an utterance from one certain article and produce text that does not change from
level or type of language into another speech without the original meaning. This tool is designed to replace
changing the meaning. This is done to avoid plagiarism. specific words, phrases, sentences, and even entire
This is paraphrasing as a tool to avoid plagiarism (Bairagi paragraphs with alternative versions of the content without
& Munot, 2019). It is supported by Lina & Supriyono changing the overall meaning of the text. The purpose of
(2021) that the paraphrasing technique is very important for this tool is to produce an updated version of the previous
students and is needed to reduce the percentage of post and be free from the elements of plagiarism. It is not
plagiarism check results. an easy thing to paraphrase a sentence into a new sentence
that has a similar purpose. Various efforts in changing
Several previous studies have been implemented related vocabulary are needed so that the objectives of the previous
to paraphrasing. First, Sunarko (2012) states that the statement can be achieved and avoid plagiarism. Many
application of the technique of paraphrasing dialogue aspects need to be learned before being proficient in
discourse can improve narrative writing skills in fifth-grade paraphrasing a sentence, ranging from insight into
students of SD Negeri Karangpelem Sragen. Second, language, understanding language, and understanding the
Juniastuti (2014) states that the application of paraphrasing statement itself.
techniques to drama scripts can improve the ability to write
short stories for students of IX D SMP Negeri 5 Amlapura 2.2 QuillBot Paraphraser
which is marked by an increase in the average score of
QuillBot is a paraphrasing and summarizing tool that
students' short stories writing. Third, Usman (2015) states
enables millions of students and professionals to
that the paraphrasing method can increase the second-grade
significantly reduce their writing time by rewriting any
students, ability in paraphrasing poetry to prose at SMP Al-
sentence, paragraph, or article using state-of-the-art
Ittihat Pekanbaru. Fourth, Waningyun et al. (2018) state
artificial intelligence. This tool has advantages such as 1)
that the paraphrasing technique can enhance the skill of
saving time during writing. QuillBot's paraphrase tool
writing a short story, with the improvement percentage of
utilizes cutting-edge artificial intelligence to rewrite a
the writing skill being 70% for the pre-cycle, and 76% for
sentence, paragraph, or article. QuillBot can rapidly
the first cycle, and 80% for the second cycle. Fifth, Murti
enhance our writing by removing superfluous words and
(2021) the use of paraphrasing techniques (nggancarake
assisting users in delivering a coherent message. 2) finding
tembang) can be used to improve student learning outcomes
the appropriate synonym. QuillBot assists users in finding
in expressing tembang poetry).
the correct word every time by including a built-in
The previous studies above are similar with this thesaurus feature that allows for easy substitution of
research, such as in using the technique/method of particular words. 3) increasing meaning and clarity.
paraphrasing manually. The first research focuses on the QuillBot's writing styles enable users to express themselves
paraphrasing dialogue course, the second research focuses freely. Whether they require grammar fixes, brevity, or
on paraphrasing drama script, the third research focuses on inventiveness, you will receive the results they require
paraphrasing poetry, the fourth research focuses on immediately. 4) enhancing vocabulary. QuillBot's Synonym
paraphrasing short stories, and the fifth research focuses on Slider enables users to immediately edit more (or less) of
paraphrasing Javanese songs or tembang. Meanwhile, this their text. 5) embedding in our workflow. QuillBot is fully
integrated with Microsoft® Office, Google Docs, and
How to cite this article: Fitria, T. N. (2022). Avoiding Plagiarism of Students’ Scientific Writing by Using the QuillBot Paraphraser. Elsya : Journal of English Language
Studies, 4(3).
Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN (Online) 2684-9224, ISSN (Print): 2684-7620
Vol. 4, No. 3, October 2022, pp. 252-262
How to cite this article: Fitria, T. N. (2022). Avoiding Plagiarism of Students’ Scientific Writing by Using the QuillBot Paraphraser. Elsya : Journal of English Language
Studies, 4(3).
Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN (Online) 2684-9224, ISSN (Print): 2684-7620
Vol. 4, No. 3, October 2022, pp. 252-262
We can open the browser, then in the search field type words from the collection of sentences until several
https://QuillBot.com/. In the application, several options options are provided and of course, are synonyms with that
will appear, for example, Paraphraser, Grammar Checker, vocabulary. Below is the simulation of using QuillBot
Plagiarism Checker, Co-Writer, Summarizer, and Citation Paraphraser in rephrasing or paraphrasing the texts as seen
Generator. We can choose "Paraphraser". We can choose in the following examples in tables.
Standard, Fluency, Simple, Creative, Expand, and Shorten
Data 1.
modes. Copy or write the sentence or paragraph that we
The sentence “Paraphrasing is a reference by taking the
will paraphrase. Then wait until the sentence paraphrasing
main idea from a source, although different sentence
process is complete, usually, this process takes less than 1
structures are still required to mention the source of
minute. The underlined sentence is a sentence that has been
reference (Wette, 2020). If this sentence is paraphrased, it
paraphrased from the previous sentence, Click the Copy
can be seen below:
icon to start copying the sentence that has been successfully
paraphrased. If we still feel that we are not satisfied with
the results of sentences that have been paraphrased, we can
click on one of the vocabularies
How to cite this article: Fitria, T. N. (2022). Avoiding Plagiarism of Students’ Scientific Writing by Using the QuillBot Paraphraser. Elsya : Journal of English Language
Studies, 4(3).
Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN (Online) 2684-9224, ISSN (Print): 2684-7620
Vol. 4, No. 3, October 2022, pp. 252-262
Expand Even if distinct sentence patterns are necessary to mention the source of reference, paraphrasing is
still considered a kind of reference since it takes the primary concept from a text.
Shorten Paraphrasing is a reference that takes the primary concept from a source and changes the sentence
form to indicate the source.
Based on the 1st sentence above, it shows that an the word “mention” is changed to “specify”, “indicate”
original text is rephrased/paraphrased by QuillBot by using and “say” with similar meanings.
several modes including Standard, Formal, Fluency,
The simple mode makes the writing more readable and
Creative and Creative+, Formal, Shorten, and Expand. The
accessible. Creative mode presents the text in a way most
original text is written, “Paraphrasing is a reference by
people can understand. Creative mode expresses ideas in a
taking the main idea from a source, although different
completely new way that may change the meaning. Expand
sentence structures are still required to mention the source
mode adds more detail and depth to increase sentence
of reference”. It is rephrased into Standard, Fluency, and
length. While in Shorten mode strips away extra words to
Formal mode. These modes have a similarity to
provide a clear message. These modes of Simple, Creative,
paraphrasing techniques. There is changing the word,
Expand, and Shorten paraphrasing use the technique of
phrase, or clause order. The original sentences which
using word synonyms (words or phrases that have the same
consist of dependent clause (Subject + Verb) + independent
meaning) and changing the sentence structure from active
clause (signed by the conjunction “although” + Subject
to passive voice and vice versa.
Verb) changed the order into Independent clause (signed by
the conjunction “although” + Subject Verb) + dependent Data 2.
clause (Subject + Verb). Standard mode reliably rewrites The sentence “Paraphrasing can be interpreted that
text to maintain meaning, fluency mode ensures text is paraphrasing is a form of restating a grammar, sentence, or
readable and free of errors, and formal mode presents the statement by using a simpler diction without changing the
text in a more sophisticated and professional way. Besides, meaning of the language” (Hogan, 2012). If this sentence is
Standard, Formal, Fluency, and Simple Modes also have paraphrased, it can be seen below:
similarities in using synonym words as in the original text,
Based on the 2nd sentence above, shows that an original language”. It is rephrased into Standard, Fluency, and
text is rephrased/paraphrased by QuillBot by using several Formal mode. These modes have similarities to
modes including Standard, Formal, Fluency, Creative and paraphrasing techniques. There is changing the word,
Creative+, Formal, Shorten, and Expand. The original text phrase, or clause order. The original sentences which
is written, “It can be interpreted that paraphrasing is a form consist of dependent clause (Subject + Verb) + independent
of restating a grammar, sentence, or statement by using a clause (signed by the conjunction “that” + Subject Verb) is
simpler diction without changing the meaning of the changed the order into Independent clause (signed by the
How to cite this article: Fitria, T. N. (2022). Avoiding Plagiarism of Students’ Scientific Writing by Using the QuillBot Paraphraser. Elsya : Journal of English Language
Studies, 4(3).
Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN (Online) 2684-9224, ISSN (Print): 2684-7620
Vol. 4, No. 3, October 2022, pp. 252-262
conjunction “that” + Subject Verb) + dependent clause length. While in Shorten mode strips away extra words to
(Subject + Verb). in Standard, Fluency Modes also have provide a clear message.
similarities in using synonym words in the original text, the
Data 3.
word “can be” is changed to be “maybe” as a similar
The sentence “The purpose of paraphrasing is to
meaning, but in Formal mode, the word “can be” is still the
prevent the author from plagiarism. In addition, it makes
same with the original sentence. It remains not rephrased.
ideas easier for readers to understand (Harris, 2017). If this
The simple mode makes the writing more readable and
sentence is paraphrased, it can be seen below:
accessible. Creative mode presents the text in a way most
people can understand. Creative mode expresses ideas in a
completely new way that may change the meaning. Expand
mode adds more detail and depth to increase sentence
Based on the 3rd sentence above, shows that an original be “it also” in Standard and Shorten mode. Creative mode
text is rephrased/paraphrased by QuillBot by using several presents the text in a way most people can understand.
modes including Standard, Formal, Fluency, Creative and Creative mode expresses ideas in a completely new way
Creative+, Formal, Shorten, and Expand. The original text that may change the meaning. Expand mode adds more
is written, “The purpose of paraphrasing is to prevent the detail and depth to increase sentence length. While in
author from plagiarism. In addition, it makes ideas easier Shorten mode strips away extra words to provide a clear
for readers to understand”. Standard, Fluency, and Simple message.
Modes also have similarities in using synonym words such
as in the original text, the word “purpose” is rephrased into Data 4.
“goal” to show a similar meaning. The simple mode makes The sentence “Paraphrasing is an effort to simplify
the writing more readable and accessible. In the next writing to make it simpler and easier for readers to source
example, the word “in addition” is rephrased differently in information in easy language so that it can be understood
Fluency, Formal, Simple, Expand Mode into “furthermore, by many people (Hathaway, 2016). If this sentence is
additionally, as a benefit, this further”, but the word “in paraphrased, it can be seen below:
addition” is rephrased similarly to
How to cite this article: Fitria, T. N. (2022). Avoiding Plagiarism of Students’ Scientific Writing by Using the QuillBot Paraphraser. Elsya : Journal of English Language
Studies, 4(3).
Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN (Online) 2684-9224, ISSN (Print): 2684-7620
Vol. 4, No. 3, October 2022, pp. 252-262
punctuation, and good spelling. So we need to correct the 1. Rephrasing sing equations or synonyms. Synonyms are
grammar, punctuation, and spelling of the paraphrased words that have the same or a similar meaning. For
result ourselves When your draft is finished and we have example, in Indonesian, the terms and can have the
worked out all of the kinks in our material, use our new same meaning yet are two distinct words. It is possible
Grammar Checker to swiftly and effortlessly polish our to modify the meaning of a phrase by changing a few
written work. QuillBot will analyze our work and notify us words. This is the simplest technique of paraphrasing.
of any issues in grammar, spelling, punctuation, word The critical point to remember is to choose the
misuse, and more with a single click, allowing us to simply appropriate synonyms since two words may appear to
understand what's wrong and change it quickly. have similar meanings but are quite different. When
paraphrasing, certain vocabulary must be changed, but
Based on the analysis, there are several advantages of
not all.
QuillBot. Quillbot is automatically removing, adding, and
modifying words to create new paraphrased content. 2. Rephrasing sentences by rearranging the words. When
QuillBot paraphrasing online and creating unique content, rearranging words such that the phrase continues to
of good quality and value. QuillBot generating paraphrases fulfill the applicable criteria, occasional additions or
results in less than a minute. QuillBot has a 'quill' option, deletions of words are necessary. The simplest
which eliminates the need to enter a captcha every time you technique to alter the word order of a complex phrase
have to reorder content. This helps in saving a lot of time is to rearrange the clauses. Additionally, paraphrasing
and repeated efforts. QuillBot uses native AI to drive the can be a mix of rearranging the order of the words in a
paraphrasing process. So we can paraphrase articles at the statement and combining word equations or synonyms.
sentence or paragraph level. However, the weakness of
3. Rephrasing by altering the word's form. The form of
QuillBot is that it only provides paraphrasing services in
the word referred to in this section refers to the word's
English, so for those of us who want to paraphrase in
kind, such as verb, adjective, or adverb. To maintain
Indonesian, users cannot use this online paraphrasing
the sentence's meaning while adhering to grammatical
standards, more words may need to be modified,
There are several ways QuillBot Paraphraser in added, or eliminated.
paraphrasing the texts: First, starting the first sentence is
4. Rephrasing by using active or passive sentences.
different from the original sentence. Important information
Sentences with subjects, verbs, and objects can be
can be listed in very different order. Second, changing the
converted to active or passive sentences or vice versa.
word, phrase, or clause order, Third, selecting words
according to synonyms (words or phrases that have the Both teachers and students can try it themselves to see
same meaning). Fourth, changing the sentence structure. how the paraphrasing results generated by the website. In
We can do it if the original sentence uses active voice, and addition, quillbot.com has also been equipped with an AI
change it to passive. An active sentence is when the program that makes paraphrasing results more readable and
sentence is preceded by the subject (the thing that acts). able to summarize sentences and is able to change the
When the object (a thing that receives the action) is at the structure of deductive sentences to inductive ones and vice
beginning of the sentence, the sentence is written in a versa without changing the meaning of the sentence.
passive voice. Fifth separating the information into separate
sentences. In this case, one long sentence is split into two. It 6. Conclusion
could also be the other way around, i.e. if the original quote QuillBot Paraphraser has two main modes of
consisted of two sentences, we might be able to combine paraphrasing: 1) retaining the meaning of the original
the information into one. sentence while only changing certain words, and 2)
Besides using QuillBot Paraphraser, users (students) changing the word order so the sentences sound more
also can paraphrase manually (Fitria, 2021). We first read a natural. QuillBot is one type of online paraphrasing which
sentence that we want to paraphrase and then write it with a consists of free and paid (premium) versions. However, the
new sentence without changing the meaning. This method accuracy of paraphrasing results may still have
is indeed very good, but manual paraphrasing is not an easy shortcomings and weaknesses, so sometimes it can produce
matter, because sometimes we will find dead ends and a sentences that are meaningless or difficult to understand.
large number of pages is also very draining. Therefore, Therefore, the writing must still be read and understood in-
many people hire paraphrasing services because they don't depth, then rewritten in their own words. Paraphrasing
want to bother. In addition to using paraphrasing services, manually can also be considered and carried out by students
you can also take advantage of online paraphrasing or with the help of human assistance. However, the site is a
applications. According to Fitria (2021), there are various product of technology. Of course, human intelligence
methods for manually paraphrasing, such as: remains the main, so we still have to re-examine the results
of the paraphrase. Using a paraphrasing website also is not
entirely effective because, sometimes there are words that
How to cite this article: Fitria, T. N. (2022). Avoiding Plagiarism of Students’ Scientific Writing by Using the QuillBot Paraphraser. Elsya : Journal of English Language
Studies, 4(3).
Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN (Online) 2684-9224, ISSN (Print): 2684-7620
Vol. 4, No. 3, October 2022, pp. 252-262
are changed and produce meaningless sentences to get the and Humanities, 9(1), 183–196.
best results, paraphrasing it manually is another option for https://doi.org/10.22373/ej.v9i1.10233
paraphrasing. Harris, R. A. (2017). Using Sources Effectively:
Strengthening Your Writing and Avoiding
It is hoped that this example of paraphrasing results, can
Plagiarism. Routledge.
be used as teaching material for teaching students or as a
Hathaway, J. (2016). Strategies for Writing from Sources.
reference for students themselves so that they can use the
Teacher Created Materials.
application to avoid plagiarism. So, later on, students can
Hogan, G. (2012). Building Better Essays. Cengage
try paraphrasing, for example, paraphrasing a theoretical
definition from several books/reading sources. Further
Inayah, N. I. A., & Sulistyaningrum, S. D. (2021).
studies on QuillBot Rephraser are still possible to do next,
Employing Online Paraphrasing Tools to Overcome
considering that an online paraphrasing application
Students’ Difficulties in Paraphrasing. Stairs:
certainly has advantages and disadvantages, both in terms
English Language Education Journal, 2(1), 52–59.
of grammar, accuracy, and readability. The main drawback
Juniastuti, N. P. E. (2014). Penerapan Teknik Parafrasa
of Quillbot is that it does not support Indonesian. Quillbot
Terhadap Naskah Drama Untuk Meningkatkan
only supports English. So, this application is only limited to
Kemampuan Menulis Cerpen Siswa Kelas IX SMPN
text or writing in English. Improvements at least do need to
5 Amlapura. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra
be done.
Indonesia Undiksha, 2(1), Article 1.
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How to cite this article: Fitria, T. N. (2022). Avoiding Plagiarism of Students’ Scientific Writing by Using the QuillBot Paraphraser. Elsya : Journal of English Language
Studies, 4(3).
Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN (Online) 2684-9224, ISSN (Print): 2684-7620
Vol. 4, No. 3, October 2022, pp. 252-262
How to cite this article: Fitria, T. N. (2022). Avoiding Plagiarism of Students’ Scientific Writing by Using the QuillBot Paraphraser. Elsya : Journal of English Language
Studies, 4(3).