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№ 8974

Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard

Maps for Potential Use in Storm Surge Evacuation
and Development Planning

Maria Cristina Uson, Sheila Schneider, Wilfredo Tuazon and

Jehan Fe Panti

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October 3, 2022
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard
Maps for Potential Use in Storm Surge
Evacuation and Development Planning

Maria Cristina C. Uson1,∗ , Sheila S. Schneider2 Wilfredo H. Tuazon1 , and

Jehan Fe S. Panti1
Research and Development and Training Division, Philippine Atmospheric,
Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, Quezon City 1100,

[email protected],
Hydrometeorology Division, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration, Quezon City 1100, Philippines

Abstract. The eastern seaboard of the Philippines is highly exposed to

tropical cyclones. The hazards associated with typhoons consist of strong
winds, storm surges and heavy rains-causing floods and/or landslides. In
order to assess the disaster vulnerability of local communities to storm
surge hazard, a case study was carried out on the generation of storm
surge hazard maps for selected Typhoon Pablo (2012)–affected areas in
Regions 10 and 11 in the eastern coastal plain of Mindanao. The method-
ology employed in this project involved: storm surge model simulation
of Typhoon Pablo (international name: Bopha), field works, analysis
and mapping. The work was carried out using the LiDAR-derived Dig-
ital Elevation Model (DEM) to identify inundation depths and extents
then utilizing ArcGIS software for the analysis. The numerical simula-
tions used to produce the storm surge hazard maps include the Japan
Meteorological Agency (JMA) Storm Surge Model, Delft3D, XBeach and
the SWAN Model for the offshore wave heights. Results from the models
were then ground validated and pertinent data related to Typhoon Pablo
were also gathered. Interviews with residents with personal accounts of
the storm surge event and measurements of high water marks were con-
ducted to determine the correctness of the initial storm surge hazard
maps. Topographic survey using Real Time Kinematic Global Naviga-
tional Satellite System (RTK-GNSS) was also collected in the munici-
palities of Boston, Cateel, and Baganga in Davao Oriental to capture
relevant natural and anthropogenic topographic features such as beach
face, dunes and seawalls. The storm surge hazard maps produced in this
project show the inundation depths and extents on a local/barangay level
to raise the awareness and understanding of the general public on the
storm hazard threat. It can also be an effective tool for local authorities
for development planning and regulatory processes.

Keywords: Typhoon Bopha, Storm Surge Hazard Map, LiDAR, Field

Validation, Development Planning
2 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

1 Introduction

Davao Oriental, the easternmost province of the great island of Mindanao in the
Philippines, experienced only nine (9) tropical cyclone passages in sixty-five (65)
years (i.e., 1948 to 2013) (Figure 1). It is for this reason that locals from the
municipalities of Baganga, Cateel and Boston, all from Davao Oriental province
did not believe that a strong typhoon will strike them on that fateful day of
December 4, 2012. Typhoon Pablo (international name: Bopha) in 2012 made
its first landfall over at Baganga, Davao Oriental.

Fig. 1. Historical tropical cyclone tracks and intensities which crossed Davao Region
from 1948–2013. Source: PAGASA-CADS.

One of the devastating impacts of the passage of a strong tropical cyclone

on a coastline is due to the occurrence of storm surge. This phenomenon is
characterized by an increase in the mean seawater level above normal, primarily
due to the strong winds of the typhoon and ordinarily associated with tidal
action. The morphology, topography and bathymetry of the seashore may also
contribute to storm surge height characteristics.
Satellite observations from 1993 to 2015 show that the Tropical Western
Pacific region, east of the Philippines, experienced sea level rise at a rate of 5–7
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 3

Table 1. List of tropical cyclones (TC) that crossed Davao Region from 1948–2013
(TD: Tropical Depression, TS: Tropical Storm, TY: Typhoon). Source: PAGASA-

Year Month Type TC Name Date of Entry to PAR Date of Exit from PAR
1948 December TD TD4820 12/24/1948 12/25/1948
1955 January TS Violet 01/02/1955 01/06/1955
1970 October TY Titang 10/18/1970 10/22/1970
1993 April TD Bining 04/12/1993 04/13/1993
1993 April TD Daling 05/01/1993 05/04/1993
2011 December TS Sedong 12/15/2011 12/18/2011
2012 December TY Pablo 12/01/2012 12/09/2012
2013 February TD Crising 02/18/2013 02/21/2013
2013 November TD Zoraida 11/11/2013 11/12/2013

mm/year, which is more than twice the global average[1]. These indicate that
there is a higher risk of sea level rise to coastal areas in the east of the islands of
Samar and Mindanao and the south coasts of Zamboanga and Negros Islands.
The effects of climate change and the changing nature of cyclones, coupled
with projected sea level rise may lead to an increased vulnerability to storm
surge inundation in the province of Davao Oriental. With this, the generation of
storm surge hazard maps for the municipalities of Boston, Cateel and Baganga in
the province of Davao Oriental which were heavily affected by Typhoon Pablo
is undertaken by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration (PAGASA).
The aim of this study is to assess the vulnerability of the municipalities of
Baganga, Cateel and Boston, Davao Oriental to storm surge hazard. Specifically,
it intends to:

– Assess the possible occurrence of storm surge during strong tropical cyclones
such as Typhoon Pablo;
– Develop storm surge inundation maps due to Typhoon Pablo;
– Develop storm surge hazard maps arising from stronger tropical cyclones
such as Super Typhoon Yolanda (worst-case scenario);
– Develop storm surge hazard map resulting from a worst-case scenario and a
0.7–meter sea level rise.

In doing this assessment, local governments will be informed of the greatest

risks they face in relation to storm surges and the specific areas of vulnerability
in the locality. Further, this can feed into the various local action and land-use
plans developed by local governments and help focus attention and resources on
disaster resilience efforts.
4 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

1.1 Study Area

The study area covers three municipalities of the province of Davao Oriental
situated in the southeastern section of Mindanao namely: the municipalities of
Boston, Cateel and Baganga (see Figure 2).
The municipality of Boston is situated in the northernmost part of the
province and lies on the eastern part of Mindanao Island. It is characterized
by rugged mountain terrain. Its great part is covered by forest while the eastern
part along the coastal line is mostly plain and fertile land.
Cateel, Davao Oriental is bounded by the Pacific Ocean in the east, Munic-
ipality of Compostela, Davao del Norte in the west and by the municipalities
of Boston and Baganga in the north and south, respectively. The northern and
western parts of the municipality consist of hilly to mountainous forest land. The
westernmost part, on the other hand, is alienable and disposable. The southern
and middle parts are mostly plain with slight rolling and hilly areas.
Baganga is the largest municipality in the Province of Davao Oriental. It
is bounded on the east by Pacific Ocean, on the north by the municipality
of Cateel, on the west by the municipalities of New Bataan and Compostela–
province of Compostela Valley, and on the south by the municipality of Caraga.
The eastern part of the municipality has an uneven distribution of lowlands,
upland, and swamps while the western part is generally hilly and mountainous.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: The typhoon that was
studied, the sources of input data and the sea level change scenarios are described
in Section 2. The adjustments to the DEM3 data, model configurations and
experimental design are described in Section 3. Experiment results and the effect
of DEM adjustments to the hazard maps produced are discussed in Section 4,
while conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

2 Description of Dataset

Input datasets utilized in the study such as TC case information, bathymetry

and sea level rise are described in the following section.

2.1 Tropical Cyclone Data

Typhoon Pablo with international name Bopha (Figure 3), is the seventh tropical
cyclone to affect Davao region from 1948 to 2013. Its maximum sustained winds
as observed was 297 kilometers per hour (kph).
As early as November 29, 2012, Thursday, PAGASA projected that the sys-
tem would head towards Mindanao or Visayas on December 2 or 3. The NDR-
RMC4 alerted the public of the incoming storm, which could further intensify
and bring more rains.
Digital Elevation Model
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 5

Fig. 2. Map of the Study Sites: Boston, Cateel and Baganga, Davao Oriental in refer-
ence to the Philippines.

On November 30, Friday, Typhoon Pablo continued to move west-northwest

at 19 kph. The JTWC5 warned residents of the Philippines of heavy rains and
strong winds while PAGASA continued to monitor the storm.
Joint Typhoon Warning Center
6 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

Fig. 3. Track of Typhoon Pablo from December 2 to 9, 2012. Inset is an enhanced

MTSAT satellite image on December 4, 2012 at 4:30 AM, few minutes before landfall.

On December 1, Saturday, PAGASA warned the public that Typhoon Pablo

could become a Super Typhoon and that it could be stronger and more destruc-
tive than Typhoon Sendong in 2011. It was forecast to make landfall either in
northeastern Mindanao of Northern Samar in the evening of December 4 or early
morning of December 5.
On December 2, Typhoon Pablo entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility
(PAR) with typhoon category. Initially, it moved at 22 kph and increased to 26
kph in the evening.
On December 3, Monday, PAGASA, on its 11AM Weather Bulletin, placed
various places in Visayas and Mindanao under Public Storm Warning Signal
Number 3. Furthermore, PAGASA forecasted Typhoon Pablo to make landfall
between Davao Oriental and Surigao del Sur between 4:00 to 6:00 the next
morning, December 4, Tuesday.
On December 4, at around 4:45 AM, the eye of Typhoon Pablo made landfall
over Baganga, Davao Oriental. This landfall shattered the residents’ belief that
Davao Oriental was a typhoon-free province.
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 7

2.2 Typhoon Pablo Return Period

An Automatic Weather Station (AWS) at Baganga municipal grounds, approx-
imately 3 kilometres away from the coast, recorded the highest wind speed of
82.5 mps (297 kph) between 5:00 AM and 6:15 AM on December 4, 2012 (see
Figure 4).

Fig. 4. Observed wind speed and mean sea level pressure from an automatic weather
station in Banganga, Davao Oriental. Source: PAGASA.

Based on the study conducted by the severe wind component of the same
project6 , the maximum wind speed of Typhoon Pablo simulated using the Trop-
ical Cyclone Risk Model (TCRM) was 77.7 mps or 280 kph with a 100–year
Return Period[2].

2.3 Digital Elevation Model

Digital Elevation Map used in the study was the LiDAR data acquired through
the program Disaster Risk and Exposure Assessment for Mitigation (DREAM)
(Figure 5). LiDAR data are obtained from aircraft-mounted laser sensors which
emit pulses of light energy at the ground and measure the distance based on the
time required for the pulses to reflect back to the sensor.

2.4 Bathymetry Data

Two types of bathymetry data were used in the study. First is the GEBCO-08 30
arcsecond data (900 x 900 m). This bathymetry data serves as input to the Japan
”Tropical Cyclone Severe Wind Hazard Mapping for Compostela Valley and Davao
Oriental Provinces”
8 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

Fig. 5. LiDAR DEM over the study area used for storm surge inundation mapping.
Source: DREAM Program.

Meteorological Agency (JMA) Storm Surge Model. The second one is the local
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 9

bathymetry data over the study area acquired by the NAMRIA7 Hydrography
and Oceanography Branch which serves as input to the Delft3D model.

2.5 Tide Data

Tidal survey was conducted simultaneously with the local bathymetry data
collection to collect local tide levels. A portable tide gauge was installed in
Barangay Santa Filomena, Cateel, located between the municipalities of Boston
and Baganga, Davao Oriental. Duration of the survey was from 15 May to 18
June 2016.

2.6 Sea Level Rise

Time series of the projected sea level change under RCP4.58 and RCP8.59 in
Davao (Figure 6) shows that there is still a probability of about 30% that sea
level will rise beyond the range presented, and the largest uncertainty lies in the
future behavior of the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets[3].

3 Methods
Adjustments to the DEM data, model configurations, experimental design and
experiment results are discussed in the following section.

3.1 DEM Adjustment to Mean Sea Level

Digital elevation models are important to accurately map and assess the impacts
of coastal inundations. The LiDAR data from the DREAM program provides the
latest high resolution elevation information for the study area. The LiDAR sys-
tem produces a series of point measurements with associated heights above the
WGS84 ellipsoid10 as the reference datum. For many coastal applications, includ-
ing flood-risk mapping, lidar elevations are transformed from ellipsoid heights
to orthometric heights. Orthometric heights are based on the geoid, an equipo-
tential surface defined by the earth’s gravity field, approximately equal to the
mean sea level (MSL). To obtain orthometric heights, an adjustment must be
made for the local vertical separation between the ellipsoid and the geoid[4].
The DEM used in the study had to be adjusted to have MSL as its reference
datum. Field operations were conducted to determine the geoid height which
is then used to transfer topographic data based on the ellipsoid to MSL. The
equation used to calculate the geoid height between the local MSL and the
WGS-84 ellipsoidal height is described in Figure 7.
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
Medium to low stabilization scenario
High end scenario where greenhouse gases concentrations continue to rise through-
out the 21st century
A smooth mathematical surface representing the earth
10 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

Fig. 6. Time series of the mean sea level change for Davao. The solid line represents
the central estimate; shaded area represents the uncertainty of the likely range.

First, differential levelling was conducted to derive the MSL elevation from
a known tidal benchmark. This was done using five identified benchmarks in
the area (Figure 8) following the standard operating procedures on differential
levelling. To reduce possible errors induced by Earth’s curvature, the backsight
and foresight distances for each level line were made to be most congruent. For
some areas with inclined terrains, sharp-curved roads and somewhat crowded,
it is inevitable to have unequal distances of the backsight and foresight. Never-
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 11

Fig. 7. Relationship between ellipsoidal height, geoid (MSL) and the undulation value
(geoid height).

theless, the rodman and the observer tried to adjust the distances as the survey
continued to compensate for the differences.

Fig. 8. Location of benchmarks used in the levelling. Yellow points are the benchmarks
in reference to the location of the tide gauge (red point).
12 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

Next, topographic survey was conducted to obtain the coastal profiles in

the study area. Previously identified benchmarks were employed to survey the
coastal profiles using the Real-Time Kinematic functionality of the equipment11
used. A base station is set up directly over a known benchmark and correction
data is broadcast through radio to the rover. Survey measurements were collected
to capture relevant natural and anthropogenic topographic features such as the
beach face, dunes, and sea walls, especially areas that are at risk to storm surge.
Finally, hydrographic survey was conducted to get a seamless topographic–
bathymetric dataset that will be used for the high-resolution modelling of storm
surge. With the assistance from the Hydrography Branch of NAMRIA, a high-
resolution single-beam bathymetric survey was conducted along the coast of the
study area. The survey yielded approximately 682 kilometers of total survey
In addition, tide level information was collected by installing a portable tide
gauge in the study area12 . Tidal measurements were logged every hour and
downloaded at the end of the observation period. To assess the accuracy of the
data collected, it was compared with the observations from the nearest primary
tide station located at Surigao Port, Surigao del Norte.

3.2 Model Configurations

In this study, the JMA Storm Surge Model is used to simulate the increase in
sea surface elevation due to wind and pressure set-up. However, initial results of
the simulations reveal minimal storm surge heights contradictory to eyewitness
accounts of 3- to 4-meter-high storm surges. This led to the use of other storm
surge models that could reproduce the event as closely as possible. Models such
as Delft3D and XBeach were used to simulate storm tide and wave-induced
set-up, respectively, while the SWAN model was used to compute maximum
offshore wave height. A combination of the outputs of these different models
were employed to address the limitations of the other models and produce a
more accurate representation of the storm surge heights.

JMA Storm Surge Model

Since 2011, JMA has operated storm surge model to support its provision of real-
time storm surge prediction information to ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee
Members. Outline of the specifications of the storm surge model is shown in
Table 2.
Equations of the model are based on linearized two-dimensional shallow wa-
ter formulae without advection terms. It includes wind setup due to strong winds
Equipment used is the Real-Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System
(RTK-GNSS). It consists of a base receiver and a rover receiver that communicates
with GPS satellites and with each other. The RTK functionality increases accuracy in
measurement of surveyed positions.
Tide gauge was located in Barangay Santa Filomena, Cateel.
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 13

Table 2. JMA Storm Surge Model specifications for the regional storm surge watch
scheme over Asia.

Parameter Description
Model 2-dimensional linear type
Grid Lat-Lon
Region 0-42◦ N, 95-160◦ E
Resolution 2’ x 2’, 1951 x 1381 (∼3.7 km)
Time step 8 seconds
Forecast time 72 hours
Cycle 4 per day (every 6 hours)
Initial times (UTC) 00, 06, 12, 18
No-typhoon situations: 1 (model GPV)
Typhoon situations: 6 (model GPV + bogus)
GSM (0.25◦ x 0.2◦ )
Model GPV forcing
GEPS (0.5625◦ x 0.5625◦ )
Pressure: Fujita formula
Typhoon forcing (bogus) Inflow angle: 30◦
Velocity for asymmetry

and inverse barometer effect associated with pressure drops, but does not incor-
porate schemes of wave setup, coastal inundation and sea level changes associated
with other factors such as sea water temperature.
The necessary inputs for the JMA model are as follows: TC center location (in
longitude and latitude), minimum pressure at the TC center, maximum sustained
wind speed and radius of the 1000 hPa isobar.
To assess the occurrence of storm surge during the passage of Typhoon Pablo
over Davao Oriental, the observed parameters for surface winds, atmospheric
pressure and location of TC center were used. Parameters were obtained from
PAGASA best track data archive. Figure 9 shows the simulation results of JMA
Storm Surge Model for Typhoon Pablo.
For the worst-case scenario study, Super Typhoon Yolanda’s (2013) minimum
pressure was used as input in place of Typhoon Pablo’s while other parameters
were retained.

Delft3D Model
A separate model suite was used to have a more detailed perspective on the
storm surge in the study area. The set consists of the following models: Delft3D
14 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

Fig. 9. JMA Storm Surge Model simulation results for Typhoon Pablo. Observed pa-
rameters were used as input.

to simulate storm surge due to pressure and wind disturbances; XBeach model to
simulate wave set-up and run-up; and SWAN model to simulate offshore waves13 .
Delft3D is a model capable of 3D computations for coastal, river and estuar-
ine areas. It can carry out simulations of flows, sediment transports, waves, water
quality, morphological development, and ecology. One of its modules, Delft3D-
FLOW, calculates non-steady flow and transport that result from tidal and
meteorological forcing on a rectilinear or curvilinear, boundary fitted grid. It
solves the unsteady shallow water equations in two (depth-averaged) or in three
dimensions derived from the three-dimensional Navier Stokes equations for in-
compressible free surface flow on a Cartesian rectangular, orthogonal curvilinear
or spherical grid.
Along with the flow computation performed by the Delft3D-Flow module, it
is possible to combine the effect of waves using the wave module SWAN model.
The wave characteristics are computed and interrelated with the flow module
to account at each timestep for the interaction between the depth, the flow
velocities, the water level, and the waves without including the bed update. The
Simulations using the Delft3D model suite were performed with the assistance of
Mr. Maarten Van Ormondt, the principal developer of the Delft Dashboard.
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 15

SWAN model solves the conservation of the action density, instead of the energy
density, as the action density is conserved under the presence of currents, while
the energy density is not.

XBeach Model
XBeach model[5] is an open-source numerical model originally developed to sim-
ulate hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes and impacts on sandy coasts
with a domain size of kilometers and on the time scale of storms. The model
includes the hydrodynamic processes of short wave transformation (refraction,
shoaling and breaking), long wave (infragravity wave) transformation (genera-
tion, propagation and dissipation), wave-induced setup and unsteady currents,
as well as overwash and inundation. The morphodynamic processes include bed
load and suspended sediment transport, dune face avalanching, bed update and

3.3 Storm surge inundation mapping

To assess areas at risk of storm surge inundation, ground-validated results of the

storm surge models and field surveys were used to develop storm surge hazard
maps. Bathtub method was used to evaluate how far inland the seawater will
flow as well as its height above ground. The method consists of comparing water
levels with terrain elevations wherein areas with terrain elevation lower than or
equal to the computed water level is considered as being flood prone.

3.4 Storm surge model and map validation

Model simulation results were validated by comparing it with visual observations

or tide gauge recordings. For visual observations, field surveys were conducted
(2014) in the target areas to look for evidence of high-water marks. People who
personally witnessed the occurrence of storm surge in the area recounted their
experiences before, during and after the passage of Typhoon Pablo. Information
about the storm surge occurrence, flood heights, nature of the wind (direction
and strength) as well as time of landfall were collected and referenced geospa-
tially. Flood heights were measured against the sea level while total elevation
and zip elevation altitude instruments were used to measure inundation depths
and extents, respectively.
Initially-produced storm surge hazard maps were validated through peer re-
view by local authorities and residents in the target areas (2016). Ground vali-
dation was conducted both in coastal areas and inland areas to verify inundation
depths and extent. Hard copies of the storm surge hazard maps were presented
to the residents to confirm the presence of water marks or if it matched actual
flood heights.
16 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

4 Results and Discussion

This section discusses the results of the field surveys conducted and the storm
surge model simulations.

4.1 Field surveys

From the geodetic levelling survey conducted, coordinates and elevation of newly
established and recovered tidal benchmarks in Santa Filomena, Cateel, Davao
Oriental is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Coordinates and elevation above mean sea level (AMSL) of newly established
and recovered tidal benchmarks in Santa Filomena, Cateel, Davao Oriental.

Name Longitude Latitude Elevation (meters)

TGBMX 2016 NAMRIA 126◦ 26’9.6” 7◦ 48’36.5” 2.91617
TGBMCTL1 126◦ 26’10.87” 7◦ 48’34.27” 4.22494
TGBMCTL2 126◦ 26’20.4” 7◦ 48’31.72” 4.86533
BM1 1971 126◦ 26’13.2” 7◦ 48’36.5” 4.02179
DVE44 2007 NAMRIA 126◦ 26’16.8” 7◦ 48’33.01” 5.11057

The established coordinates for “TGBMX 2016 NAMRIA” is used to de-

termine the undulation value. Through the levelling survey, it was found that
the MSL height at this location is 2.91617 meters (from Table 3). In addition,
the elevation for this location as derived from the LiDAR DEM was found to
be 0.0350 meters. Using these values, the undulation value or geoid height was
computed to be 2.8817 meters 2.9 meters. This undulation value is then applied
to the ellipsoidal height (WGS84) to transform all elevation to the local MSL of
the study area.
To confirm if the vertical adjustment of 2.9 meters to the LiDAR DEM
was appropriate, the orthometric heights derived from the topographic survey
were compared with LiDAR-derived DEM ground surface orthometric heights.
Selected GPS points were overlaid to the DEM surface through GIS software
and the orthometric height differences between the GPS and LiDAR DEM were
calculated (see Table 4). The mean difference was 0.07 meters, confirming that
the adjustment of 2.9 meters was appropriate. The LiDAR-derived DEM ground
surface orthometric heights and GPS measurements were highly correlated, with
a coefficient of determination R2 = 0.93 (see Figure 10).
The hydrographic survey conducted resulted to about 620 kilometers of main
sounding lines and 62 kilometers of cross line surveys using 100-meter spacing
between sounding lines (Figure 11). To create the seamless topographic and
bathymetric terrain data model, results of the hydrographic and topographic
survey are combined, and an example for select areas is shown in Figure 12 with
the respective profiles presented in Figure 13.
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 17

Table 4. GPS-derived orthometric heights compared with LiDAR-derived DEM

ground surface orthometric heights

Station Name GPS (m) LiDAR DEM (m) Difference (m)

DVE-3153 4.56 5.59 -1.02
DVE-44 6.04 5.68 0.36
TGBM-CTL1 5.22 5.19 0.03
TGBM-CTL2 2016 5.87 6.33 -0.46
TGBMX-2016 3.92 2.94 0.98
DVE-3126 3.50 4.35 -0.85
KINABLANGANPT1 2.61 2.90 -0.30
SAN VICTOR TP 5.57 2.90 2.67
DVE-3159 18.48 18.56 -0.07
KM POST 1562 7.52 6.40 1.11
LAMBAJON TP 5.23 5.56 -0.33
SAN ANTONIOPT1 4.77 6.00 -1.23

Mean 0.07
Standard Deviation 1.09

Fig. 10. Scatterplot of GPS and LiDAR-derived DEM ground surface orthometric
18 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

Fig. 11. Result of the hydrographic survey using the single beam echo sounder. Colors
represent bathymetric information in meters.

Observations from the portable tide station installed were downloaded and
processed by the Physical Oceanography Division of NAMRIA. The tide correc-
tions were referred to MSL and were applied through HYPACK’s Manual Tides
program. Hourly records of tides showed daily variations in heights ranging from
100 cm to at most 300 cm.
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 19

Fig. 12. Seamless Digital Terrain Model in the vicinity of Mainit, Santa Filomena and
Poblacion, Cateel, Davao Oriental. The black lines represent the cross-section areas.

4.2 Experiment results

From the JMA Storm Surge model outputs, maximum storm surge heights for
the study area reached around 0.5 to 0.9 meters. Time series plots for each of
the target areas reveal the following maximum heights: 0.9 meters in Boston,
0.9 meters in Cateel and 0.8 meters in Baganga.
With the deep bathymetry offshore of the study areas and the coasts pre-
dominantly sheltered by fringing reefs, traditional numerical storm surge model
alone cannot reproduce the destructive waves that caused the damages during
Typhoon Pablo. To address this limitation, Delft 3D model suite were used to
account for the wave set-up and run-ups.
From the simulations, water level of approximately 0.15 meters and 0.45
meters can be accounted due to wind stress and inverse barometer, respectively
(Figure 14). Delft 3D XBeach model results for wave set-ups show higher water
levels along the coast up to 2 meters above mean tide level while results for
wave run-up show water levels of up to 3.5 meters above mean tide level (Figure
20 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

Fig. 13. Topographic and bathymetric profiles for cross-section areas in Figure 12. (a)
and (b) are located in Mainit and Santa Filomena while (c) and (d) are in Poblacion.

15). While from SWAN model results, maximum wave heights were found to be
approximately 14 meters at the 50-meter bathymetry contour (Figure 16).
All of the above-mentioned results were considered and consolidated as input
for the storm surge inundation maps produced in the succeeding section.

4.3 Storm Surge Inundation Mapping

Results of the storm surge inundation mapping are presented to the residents of
the study areas as a collection of maps. Three sets of hazard maps are developed
based on these scenarios:

– Typhoon Pablo Surge Inundation Maps (baseline event)

– Storm Surge Hazard Maps (considering Typhoon Yolanda-intensity as worst-
case scenario)
– Storm Surge Hazard Maps (considering worst-case scenario or Typhoon
Yolanda-intensity with additional 0.7 meters due to Sea Level Rise)

The inundation maps show the inundation extents and depths above ground
from the storm surge and wave simulations and mapped using the bathtub
method. Each map is presented at the local or barangay level at a scale of
1:5,000 for the smaller barangays or 1:12,000 for the bigger barangays and has
been designed to be printed onto an A3 paper size.
An example of the map sheet is shown in Figure 17. The map part shows the
inundation depth and extent of storm surge flood within the barangay. The index
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 21

Fig. 14. Simulated tide and surge heights at different times using Delft 3D Flow mod-

map is the map of the municipality which the barangay belongs to, with the red
box indicating the location of the barangay with reference to the municipality.
The legend shows the storm surge flood inundation classes divided into four
levels: yellow representing less than 1-meter flood, orange representing flood
height of more than 1 meter to 2 meters, red depicting more than 2 to 3 meters
of flood height, while violet depicts extreme flooding of more than 3 meters.
Hazard maps produced for each scenario are presented in Figure 18 using
Cawayanan, Boston as example. Figure 18a shows an example of the surge in-
undation map using the baseline event of Typhoon Pablo. Storm surge elevation
of almost 4 meters relative to MSL was measured in this area from the surveys
conducted. Figure 18b shows an example of the hazard map using the worst-case
scenario Typhoon Yolanda-intensity. This increase in intensity has significantly
increased the extent and depths of inundation. Figure 18c shows an example of
the hazard map using the worst-case scenario with the addition of 0.7-meters
attributed to sea level rise. The incorporation of sea level rise results in the most
significant increase in inundation extent and depths. In most inundated areas,
the difference is greater than 1 to 2 meters.
To consolidate the results of this study, a magazine-type resource material
entitled Storm Surge Hazard Guide was produced containing the various
hazard maps as well as information about Typhoon Pablo. Figure 19 shows the
actual materials produced for and distributed to each of the municipalities in
22 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

Fig. 15. Simulated surge and wave heights at different times using Delft 3D XBeach

the target area. Within the material, readers could get information about storm
surges, its mechanisms, the warning information that they would receive relevant
to it as well as a guide on how to use the maps. It also presents the inundation
maps for the each of the respective Barangays within the Municipality. These
materials could help guide the local governments in improving their evacuation
plans and developing relevant land-use regulations. It could also aid in raising
residents’ awareness and understanding of storm surge hazards and its implica-
tions on their lives and livelihoods.
When local governments become informed and aware of their vulnerabilities,
they become equipped to act appropriately, plan accordingly and boost their
resiliency. Understanding where the areas of greatest risks are, local govern-
ments can subsequently focus their efforts and limited resources towards urgent
mitigation plans and activities towards building more resilient communities.
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 23

Fig. 16. Simulated offshore wave heights at different times using SWAN model.

Fig. 17. Sample Storm Surge Hazard Map.

5 Conclusion
This study assessed the storm surge inundation risk of coastal barangays in three
municipalities of Davao Oriental namely Boston, Cateel and Baganga. Initially,
24 Maria Cristina Uson et al.

Fig. 18. Sample of hazard maps produced for Barangay Cawayanan, Boston, Davao
Oriental for each scenario: a) Typhoon Pable Surge Inundation Map, b) Storm surge
hazard map using worst-case scenario, and c) Storm surge hazard map using worst-case
scenario with sea level rise.

Fig. 19. Storm Surge Hazard Guide for Baganga, Cateel and Boston, Davao Oriental.

DEMs were validated through the conduct of field surveys such as differential
levelling and topographic survey using the RTK-GNSS.
Development of Local Level Storm Surge Hazard Maps 25

Model simulation for storm surge used the JMA Storm Surge model but re-
sults showed very limited surge in contrast to the residents’ descriptions during
the high-water mapping survey. With deep bathymetry offshore and coast pre-
dominantly sheltered by fringing reefs, traditional numerical storm surge model
alone could not reproduce the destructive waves that caused the damages dur-
ing Typhoon Pablo. To address this limitation, Delft 3D model suite were used
to account for the wave set-up and run-ups. For each of the inundation maps
produced, a combination of the outputs from the JMA Storm Surge model,
Delft3D and XBeach models were used to accurately represent the storm surge
inundation that occurred during Typhoon Pablo.
For the inundation mapping, a common methodology called bathtub method
was used. It is a relatively straightforward technique, but the resulting inunda-
tion surface can sometimes be inaccurate. Results of the inundation mapping
are presented as a magazine-type material which contains the collection of inun-
dation and hazard maps for three scenarios: Typhoon Pablo as baseline event;
Worst-case scenario using Typhoon Yolanda-intensity; and Worst-case scenario
with additional sea level rise.
From the combined effects of climate change and changing nature of cyclones,
coupled with projected rise in sea levels, we have seen an increased vulnerability
to storm surge inundation in the study area. This research builds on the past
works on storm surges in the area but also adds value to the existing storm
surge knowledge in the Philippines. With previous hazard mapping initiatives
in the study area, traditional methods were employed to generate hazard maps
based only on storm surge heights derived from models. Through this research, a
comprehensive methodology to storm surge hazard mapping is presented which
accounts not only the storm surge heights produced by models but also incorpo-
rates natural and anthropogenic topographic and bathymetric features. It also
produced easy-to-understand guidelines for storm surge designed to be used by
local communities. It gives local governments confidence to utilize the hazard
maps as there is an increased appreciation and awareness of the storm surge
hazards in their areas. Disaster managers can further establish relevant mitiga-
tion and resilience efforts following the increased awareness and understanding of
the vulnerability to storm surges. Likewise, researchers can employ the method-
ology used in this work to other areas to increase the state of knowledge on
storm surge hazards in the Philippines.

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