APA Rules-Booklet-English

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General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Lagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Racking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Breaking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
After The Break. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Shooting The Wrong Balls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Combination Shots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Pocketed Balls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Balls On The Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Accidentally Moved Balls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Close Hits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
One Foot On The Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Marking The Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Stalemates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Frozen Balls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Fouls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
How To Win A Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

© Copyright 2020, American Poolplayers Association, Inc.

It is impossible to cover every situation with rules.
Common sense must prevail. Play within the Spirit of
the Rules, as well as the written rule. Teams that try to
gain an advantage by creating their own interpretation
of rules are subject to sportsmanship violations. Win at
the table and not from the chair.

8-Ball is played with a cue ball and a rack of 15 object

balls. The primary purpose of this game is for one
player to pocket the solid balls numbered from 1 to 7
or the striped balls numbered from 9 to 15, and then
pocket the 8-ball before their opponent. Each player’s
category of balls is determined when the first player
legally pockets a ball. For example, if the first ball
pocketed in the game is the 3-ball, then that player
must pocket the rest of the balls numbered 1 to 7 while
the opposing player attempts to pocket all the balls
numbered 9 to 15. The turn passes from one player to
the next whenever the shooter fails to pocket a ball of
their category or fouls. A player legally pocketing a ball
of their category must continue to shoot.

The player who pockets their entire category of balls

first, and then legally pockets the 8-ball, is the winner
of the game. In League play, the 8-ball must be
pocketed in a marked pocket.

NOTE: In Masters Divisions, players have the option

of calling, rather than marking, the 8-ball pocket.
9-Ball is played with a cue ball and nine object balls
numbered 1 through 9. It is a rotation game, meaning
the balls are shot in numerical order. The shooter
must strike the cue ball into the lowest numbered ball
on the table first. The game is over when the 9-ball
is legally pocketed. A player retains their turn at the
table as long as they strike the lowest numbered ball
first, and legally pocket a ball. The shooter need not
pocket the lowest numbered ball to continue shooting.
For example, the shooter may strike the 1-ball into
the 4-ball (a combination shot) thus pocketing the
4-ball and continue their turn at the table. On their
next shot, the 1-ball must again be struck first. If the
shooter shoots the lowest numbered ball into the 9-ball
and pockets the 9-ball, the game is over. In League
play, balls 1 through 8 are worth one point each when
pocketed and the 9-ball is worth two points.

NOTE: In Masters Divisions, 9-Ball is not played by

ball count/points. Each individual game is won when
the shooter legally pockets the 9-ball.

Players lag at approximately the same time to see who
wins the first break. The ball that stops closest to the
head rail wins. It is permissible to strike the head
rail. If the lagged balls make contact with each other,
both players fail to strike the foot rail during the lag,
or a ball stops in the jaw of a pocket, re-lag. Failure
to strike the foot rail, or striking a side rail, or any

pocket, results in loss of lag. Players are discouraged
from using the cue ball during the lag. Insisting upon
lagging with the cue ball is considered a sportsmanship
violation and should be reported to Local League
Management. The winner of the lag breaks in the first
game; from that point on, the winner of each rack
breaks in the next game. Please note the following:
• In Masters Divisions, the winner of the lag will
have choice of format or the break. Once the
format has been chosen, the entire set of that
format must be completed before moving to the
other format.
• In Doubles Divisions, the lag does not count as
part of the player rotation.

All balls should be frozen (touching) as tightly as
possible. Balls are racked by the non-breaking player,
with the head (front) ball on the foot spot. The
breaking player may request and receive a rerack. The
loser of the lag, and/or the loser of any subsequent
game, racks for the opponent. In each format, the ball
placement in the rack is as follows:
• 8-Ball - All 15 balls are racked in a triangle,
with the 8-ball in the center. The remaining balls
can be placed in any order.
• 9-Ball - The balls numbered 1 through 9 are
racked in a diamond shape. The 1-ball is placed
at the front of the diamond, the 9-ball in the

center. The remaining object balls can be placed
in any order. When using coin-operated tables,
teams have the option to substitute any unused
balls (10-ball to 15-ball) for pocketed balls
following a short game; this will save both teams
money during League night. The breaker can ask
for the lowest available nine balls to be used in
each game.
Example: If the 3-ball and 9-ball are made on
the break (because a 9-on-the-Snap is a win,
unless you scratch), you can use the 10-ball and
11-ball in the next rack. The object ball sequence
in the next game would be 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
10 and 11. The 11-ball, in effect, is the “9-ball”
(last ball) in this game. Do not use the 10-ball
to replace the 3-ball, as this can be confusing.
Shoot the balls in numerical order.

The rack must be struck before a foul can occur.

A player must break from behind the head string for

the break to be considered legal; in addition, at least
four object balls must be driven to the rails or a ball
must be pocketed. The cue ball may not be shot into a
rail before hitting the rack.

NOTE: A player who is physically unable to break

due to a medical condition may pass the break to
the opponent, but only with prior approval from
Local League Management. Such occurrences
should be marked as a Defensive Shot and an inning
where appropriate. Players are not allowed to have a
teammate break for them.

The cue ball’s point of contact with the table is used to

determine if it is behind the head string, also referred
to as being in. To make this determination simply
compare the head string, an imaginary line connecting
the two diamonds that are second from the head rail,
to the cue ball’s point of contact. A ball that is dead-
center on the head string is considered out, or not
behind the head string.

The cue ball must make contact with the rack as

follows to be considered legal:
• 8-Ball - The head ball or the second row of balls
must be struck first. Failure to strike the head
ball or second row of balls does not result in
a foul.
• 9-Ball - The 1-ball must be struck first. Failure
to strike the 1-ball first does not result in a foul.

If the rack is struck, but the break does not qualify as

legal, the balls are reracked by the non-breaking player
and rebroken by the same breaking player.

If the rack is struck, but the break does not qualify as

legal and results in a scratch, the balls are reracked
and broken by the opposite player.

Breaking safe or soft is not allowed. Make a note on

the scoresheet if you observe a player breaking safe or

soft. Local League Management may issue penalties to
teams and players who are not breaking hard. Breaking
just hard enough to comply with this rule is not a
guarantee against penalties. Break as hard as you can
while maintaining control.


Various circumstances can occur upon completion of
the break. They are:
• A foul on a legal break will result in ball-in-hand
for the opponent.
• No balls are pocketed; it is the opponent’s turn.
• An object ball is pocketed; it is still the breaker’s

a. If a scratch occurs on the break, the opponent
receives ball-in-hand, which must be executed
from behind the head string, shooting at a ball
that is outside the head string. If an object ball is
dead-center on the head string, or out, then it is
playable. If it is in, the ball is not playable. If the
two players cannot agree on whether an object
ball is in or out, then a third party should be
consulted. If a third party is consulted, the third
party’s call is final. If no agreed upon third party
is available, then a coin flip will decide the issue.
To intentionally shoot at a ball that is in is a
sportsmanship violation to be reported to Local
League Management.
NOTE: The cue ball must be in as noted above
before play can begin. This is not a foul; no
penalty may be assessed. It is up to the opponent
to check to be sure the cue ball is in before it
is shot. If the cue ball is out, the shooter must
readjust the cue ball to a position behind the
head string.
b. If the 8-ball is pocketed on the break, it is a win
unless the player fouls the cue ball, in which case
it is a loss.
c. If one or more object balls from one category
are pocketed on the break, that becomes the
shooter’s category of balls.
d. If balls from each category are pocketed on the
break (for example, two solids and one stripe), it
is still an open table.
The breaker has the option to shoot any ball
except the 8-ball (which would be a foul); any ball
pocketed without fouling counts. If the shooter
makes one ball of each category on their second
shot, the table remains open; a miss or foul on
the second shot results in an open table for the
opponent. If the opponent then pockets a ball and
fouls, it is still an open table.
NOTE: During an open table, a player can
shoot a combination involving stripes and solids;
the legally pocketed ball will determine their
category of balls for the remainder of the game.
The 8-ball may not be used as the first ball in a
combination shot, as it is never neutral.
a. A foul on a legal break will result in ball-in-
hand for the opponent anywhere on the table.
Pocketed balls, if any, stay down (are not
spotted), except the 9-ball. Pocketed balls are
marked as dead balls on the scoresheet.
b. If the 9-ball is pocketed on the break, this is a
win unless the player scratches, in which case the
9-ball (any other available high numbered ball is
adequate) is spotted and the turn passes to the
opponent. If the foot spot is occupied by another
ball, the 9-ball is placed directly behind that ball
and as close to the foot spot as possible.
c. If one or more balls are pocketed on the break, it
is still the breaker’s turn.
NOTE: Push-outs are fairly standard in pro events
and in the U.S. Amateur Championship; however,
they are not allowed in APA handicapped competition.
Masters Divisions are non-handicapped and follow
U.S. Amateur Championship rules; therefore, the
push-out is allowed, and any balls pocketed on a push-
out will be spotted.


Occasionally, a player will foul by mistakenly shooting
the wrong category of balls (in 8-Ball) or the wrong
numbered ball (in 9-Ball). The shooter may avoid a
foul by asking the opponent which ball or category of
balls they should be shooting. If asked, the opponent
must answer honestly. If the shooter hits the wrong
ball, a foul occurs as soon as the wrong ball is struck,
regardless of whether the ball is pocketed or not.

NOTE: If a foul is not called before the shooter takes

a subsequent shot, and makes legal contact with a
ball of their actual category (in 8-Ball) or the lowest
numbered object ball on the table (in 9-Ball), it is too
late to call the foul. In addition, the following rules
will then apply depending on the format:
• 8-Ball - Once a player makes legal contact with
the 8-ball, the player assumes control of that
category of wrongly pocketed balls and can
win the game by legally pocketing the 8-ball.
In addition, if the sitting player does not call
a foul before the opponent’s turn ends, and
subsequently contacts the wrong ball during
their turn, both players will assume the new
category of balls for the remainder of the game.
• 9-Ball - Any balls pocketed prior to the foul
being called will be marked as dead balls, except
the 9-ball, which will be spotted.

Combination shots are legal, but striking the correct
ball first is required.
• 8-Ball - The 8-ball may not be contacted first.
If a player does not pocket one of their balls, but
pockets an opponent’s ball, they lose their turn.
No pocketed ball is spotted.
• 9-Ball - The lowest numbered ball on the table
must be struck first. A player is credited with all
balls they legally pocket after striking the lowest
numbered ball on the table.

Balls must remain in a pocket to be legal. If any ball,
including the cue ball, goes in a pocket, but bounces
back onto the playing surface, it is not considered
pocketed and must be played from where it lies. The
shooter does not need to designate their intended ball
or pocket during the shot, except when they are legally
shooting the 8-ball.

NOTE 1: Once a ball has stopped all motion, it

cannot move again without outside forces affecting it.
Therefore, if a ball which has been hanging in a pocket
for more than a few seconds suddenly drops, it is to be
placed back on the table where it was originally sitting.

NOTE 2: If two balls become jammed in a pocket

and are leaning off the edge of the slate to some
degree, they are deemed pocketed. Drop them in the
pocket and resume playing unless doing so ends the


Object balls that get knocked off the playing surface
will be spotted on the foot spot. If the foot spot is
taken, the ball will be placed directly behind the foot

spot, as close to the foot spot as possible. If two or
more balls are knocked on the floor, they are placed in
numerical order with the lowest numbered ball closest
to the foot spot. Spotted balls are placed frozen to
one another.
• 8-Ball - It might occur that a player legally
pockets a ball while simultaneously knocking
some other ball(s) on the floor. In this situation,
it is still their turn and the ball(s) is/are not
spotted until their turn ends. If the ball on
the floor is one of the shooter’s balls, then it
is spotted when the shooter has pocketed all
of their other balls. If it is the 8-ball that is
knocked on the floor, the shooter loses the game.
• 9-Ball - Balls that get knocked off the playing
surface will be immediately spotted on the foot
spot. The 9-ball is spotted:
a. Anytime it is knocked off the table other
than when it is pocketed.
b. Anytime it is pocketed and the shooter
scratches or otherwise fouls.


Accidentally moved balls must be replaced, unless any
of the accidentally moved balls make contact with the
cue ball. If accidentally moved balls make contact
with the cue ball, it is a ball-in-hand foul, and no balls
get replaced.
• If the accidental movement occurs between
shots, the ball must be replaced by the opponent
before the shot is taken.
• If the accidental movement occurs during a shot,
all balls accidentally moved must be replaced by
the opponent after the shot is over and all balls
have stopped rolling.

NOTE: An object ball that is in motion and makes

accidental contact with a bridge, cue stick, etc. is not

If, during the course of the shot, another ball stops in

the position previously occupied by the accidentally
moved ball, the opponent must place the accidentally
moved ball, in a fair manner, as close as possible to its
original position.


Potential bad hit situations are usually fairly obvious.
Disputes over these situations can almost always be
avoided by having a third party, agreed upon by both
shooters, watch the shot. The sitting team should
protect itself by stopping the game prior to the shot.
The shooter is required to stop if their opponent wants
the shot watched. Once an agreed upon third party
is asked to watch the shot, the third party’s call will
stand and cannot be disputed.

In general, the shooter has the advantage in close

hit situations. If the outside party cannot determine
which ball was struck first, such as a simultaneous
hit, the call goes to the shooter. Teams involved
in repeatedly calling bad hits without third party

verification may be subject to a sportsmanship
violation and may have points deducted at the
discretion of Local League Management.

NOTE: If a third party is not asked to watch the hit,

and the hit is disputed, the call will tend to favor the


When a bridge is available, at least one foot must be
on the floor while shooting. Failure to keep at least
one foot on the floor is not a foul, but may result in a
sportsmanship violation. Local League Management
cannot guarantee the presence of a bridge, and some
Host Locations do not have them. A team that carries
their own bridge may only use it if they are willing to
share it with the opposing team since refusing to do so
would provide an unfair advantage. If a bridge is not
available, House Rules prevail.
• Wheelchair players - Players shooting from
a wheelchair must remain seated in their
wheelchair while shooting. If a player decides to
exit the wheelchair to perform a shot, they must
fully exit the chair. Players may not execute shots
while “half-in, half-out” of a wheelchair.

NOTE: Players who have a legitimate need to use

a stool, due to their height, are allowed to use one,
provided they are able to move the stool by themselves
and keep both feet on the stool. Additionally, when
racking they may stand on a stool or have a teammate
assist them.
No one is allowed to mark the cloth in any way,
including, but not limited to, using chalk to draw a
line or wetting a finger to dampen the cloth. Teams
may be subject to sportsmanship violations for marking
the cloth. It is permissible to set a piece of chalk on the
hard surface of the rail.

In the unlikely event that a game should become
stalemated, meaning that neither player can, or wants
to, make use of ball-in-hand, the balls are reracked
and the player that had the break at the start of the
stalemated game breaks again. A game shall be
considered a stalemate when both players or teams
agree. There is no minimum number of turns that
must occur before a game is stalemated.

To score a stalemated game in:

• 8-Ball - Put an “X” across the entire game
box. The innings and Defensive Shots for the
stalemated game do not count.
• 9-Ball - The game ends but the points earned
stand. The innings and Defensive Shots remain
and all balls left on the table are marked as
dead balls.

A frozen ball is a ball that is touching either another
ball or a rail. In order for the frozen ball rule to be in
effect, the ball must be declared “frozen” and verified as
such by the shooter and their opponent. If the players
in the match cannot agree, an agreed upon third party
may be asked to determine if a ball is frozen.

Object ball frozen to a rail - To make a legal shot,

after contacting a ball that is frozen to a rail, the
shooter must either:
• Drive the cue ball to any rail after the cue ball
touches the frozen ball.
• Drive the frozen ball to another rail or into
a pocket.
• Drive the frozen ball away from the rail and into
another ball which, in turn, causes the frozen
ball to hit any rail or go into a pocket, or causes
the other ball to hit any rail or go into a pocket.

To make a legal shot, after simultaneous contact

between a frozen ball and the rail it is frozen to, the
shooter must either:
• Drive the cue ball to another rail.
• Drive the frozen ball to another rail or into
a pocket.
• Drive the cue ball off the rail and into another
ball which, in turn, causes the cue ball to hit any
rail, or causes the other ball to hit any rail or go
into a pocket.
• Drive the frozen ball off the rail and into
another ball which, in turn, causes the frozen
ball to hit any rail, or causes the other ball to hit
any rail or go into a pocket.

Cue ball frozen to your own object ball - If the cue

ball causes the object ball to move (by exerting force
into the frozen ball, not by breaking contact with the
frozen ball), it is considered to be contacted during
the shot.
• 8-Ball - If you are shooting away from the object
ball the cue ball is frozen to, in order to make a
legal shot, you must contact another object ball,
and then drive a ball to a rail or into a pocket.
If the cue ball is frozen to the last ball of your
category, the cue ball must separate from the
object ball, then come back and make contact
with the ball it was originally frozen to and drive
a ball to a rail or into a pocket.
• 9-Ball - If you are shooting away from the object
ball you are frozen to, in order to make a legal
shot you must contact the lowest numbered ball
and drive a ball to a rail or pocket a ball. If the
cue ball is frozen to the next ball in the rotation,
the cue ball must separate from the object ball,
then come back and make contact with the ball
it was frozen to, and after contact, drive a ball to
a rail or into a pocket.

Cue ball frozen to your opponent’s ball - You must

shoot away from the opponent’s ball. If the cue ball

causes the opponent’s ball to move, which does not
include breaking contact with the frozen ball, it will
result in a foul.

If any of the following fouls are committed, the
penalty is ball-in-hand for the opposing player. Make
certain you have ball-in-hand before you touch the cue
ball by confirming it with your opponent. Ball-in-hand
is the advantage given to a player when their opponent
scratches or otherwise fouls, whereupon the player may
place the cue ball anywhere on the playing surface.

EXCEPTION: In 8-Ball, a scratch on the break

requires the ball-in-hand to be executed from behind
the head string and contact made with a ball outside
the head string.

Even after having addressed the cue ball a player

may, if not satisfied with the placement, make further
adjustments with their hand, cue stick or any other
reasonable piece of equipment.

Only the player or the Team Captain may officially call

a foul, although anyone may suggest to the player or
the Team Captain that a foul should be called.

NOTE: A foul that is not called when it occurs cannot

be called once the next shot has been taken.

These are the only fouls resulting in ball-in-hand. All
other violations are sportsmanship violations. The ball-
in-hand fouls are:
a. If the cue ball goes in a pocket, on the floor, or
otherwise ends up off the playing surface.
b. Failure to hit the correct ball first.
c. Failure to hit a rail or pocket a ball after contact.
A rail must be struck by either the cue ball or any
other ball after the cue ball contacts the object
ball. If the ball bounces back onto the playing
surface, it is considered to have struck a rail.
d. If, after making contact with a ball that is frozen
to a rail, the shooter fails to:
• Drive the cue ball to any rail after the cue ball
touches the frozen ball.
• Drive the frozen ball to another rail or into
a pocket.
• Drive the frozen ball away from the rail and
into another ball which, in turn, causes the
frozen ball to hit any rail or go into a pocket,
or causes the other ball to hit any rail or go
into a pocket.
If, after making simultaneous contact between a
frozen ball and the rail it is frozen to, the shooter
fails to:
• Drive the cue ball to another rail.
• Drive the frozen ball to another rail or into
a pocket.

• Drive the cue ball off the rail and into another
ball which, in turn, causes the cue ball to hit
any rail, or causes the other ball to hit any rail
or go into a pocket.
• Drive the frozen ball off the rail and into
another ball which, in turn, causes the frozen
ball to hit any rail, or causes the other ball to
hit any rail or go into a pocket.
e. Intentionally jumping a cue ball over another ball
by scooping it into the air.
f. Receiving advice regarding game strategy from a
fellow player, other than your designated coach,
during a time-out.
g. Touching or causing the cue ball to move, outside
of a ball-in-hand situation.
h. Altering the course of a moving cue ball,
including a double-hit.
i. Anytime the cue ball makes contact with an
accidentally moved ball.
j. The cue ball does not touch any object ball during
the course of a shot.
k. Touching another ball on the table, while placing
or adjusting the position of the cue ball, during a
DOUBLES ONLY - Shooting Out Of Rotation.
Once a team has shot out of rotation, the foul has
occurred. If the sitting team does not call the foul
before the next shot is taken, they do not receive
ball-in-hand and the team that shot out of rotation
will assume the new rotation for the remainder of
the match.
• 8-Ball - If the 8-ball is pocketed during the shot,
it is loss of game, if called.
• 9-Ball - If the 9-ball is pocketed during the shot,
the 9-ball is spotted and the opponents receive


a. You pocket all the balls of your category and
legally pocket the 8-ball in a properly marked
b. Your opponent pockets the 8-ball out-of-turn or
knocks it on the floor.
c. Your opponent pockets the 8-ball in the wrong
d. Your opponent fails to properly mark the pocket
where the 8-ball is pocketed, and you call loss
of game.
e. Your opponent fouls the cue ball and pockets
the 8-ball.
f. Your opponent alters the course of the 8-ball or
the cue ball in an attempt to prevent a loss.
g. Your opponent scratches or knocks the cue ball
off the table when playing the 8-ball.

NOTE 1: If your opponent is shooting at the 8-ball
and misses it altogether, commonly referred to as a
table scratch, they have fouled and you receive ball-in-
hand. You do not win because of this foul.

NOTE 2: You may not play the 8-ball at the same time
you play the last ball of your category. The 8-ball must
be pocketed through a separate shot. If you pocket the
8-ball at the same time you pocket the last ball of your
category, you lose the game.

Marking the pocket

a. A coaster or some other reasonable marker must
be placed next to the shooter’s intended pocket.
b. Marking the pocket with chalk is not
c. Both players may use the same marker.
d. Only one marker should remain on the table at
a time.
e. If the marker is already at the intended pocket
from a previous attempt or game, it is not
necessary to touch it, pick it up or reposition it.
NOTE: Making contact with a marker is not a foul. If
a pocket marker is placed on the rail and accidentally
interferes with the shot (either in a positive or negative
way), the shot stands.

You legally pocket the 9-ball.

22 Revised 1/20

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