RPH Finals Reviewer
RPH Finals Reviewer
RPH Finals Reviewer
MUTINY liberal and republican books and
pamphlets reaching the PH
- Presence of the native clergy who
out of animosity against Spanish
Date: September 5, 2012 friars, “ conspired and supported”
may we “not forget those who fell during TRIBUTO, to the colonial
Native clergy attracted supporters by giving Gov. Izquierdo’s cold-blooded policies such
them charismatic assurance that their fight as the abolition of privileges of the workers
would not fail because they had God’s and native army members of the arsenal
support, aside from promises of lofty and the prohibition of the founding of school
rewards such as employment, wealth, and of arts and trades for the Filipinos, which the
ranks in the army. general believed as a cover up for the
organization of a political club.
He insisted that the mutiny is stimulated and
prepared by the native clergy, mestizos and Tavera believed that the Spanish friars and
lawyers as a signal of objection against the Izquierdo used the Cavite Mutiny as a
injustices of the government such as not powerful lever by magnifying it is a full-
blown conspiracy involving the native army, in the abolition of the privileges in
residents of Cavite and Manila and the terms of taxes and force labor.
native clergy to overthrow the Spanish
government in the Philippines.
The welfare of the landless farmers and • Despite the existence of different
farmworkers will receive the highest classes in the social structure,
consideration to promote social justice and practically everyone had access to
to move the nation toward sound rural the fruits of the soil.
development and industrialization, and the
Spanish Period
establishment of owner cultivator ship of
economic-size farms as the basis of • The concept of encomienda (Royal
Philippine agriculture. Land Grants) was introduced.
With due consideration for the rights of • This system grants that
landowners to just compensation and the Encomienderos must defend his
ecological needs of the country, a more encomienda from external attack,
equitable distribution and ownership of land maintain peace and order within,
must be implemented in order to give and support the missionaries.
farmers and farmworkers the chance to • In turn, the encomiendero acquired
improve their quality of life and increase the right to collect tribute from the
their sense of dignity through increased indios (native).
productivity of agricultural lands.
American Period
The agrarian reform program is founded on
Significant legislation enacted during the
the right of farmers and regular
American Period:
farmworkers, who are landless, to own
directly or collectively the lands they till or, • Philippine Bill of 1902 – Set the
in the case of other farm workers, to receive ceilings on the hectarage of private
a just share of the fruits thereof. individuals and corporations may
Agrarian Reform History acquire: 16 has. for private
individuals and 1,024 has. for the poor tenants as well as
corporations. consumers.