Compliance and Regulation Management Review Memo
Compliance and Regulation Management Review Memo
Compliance and Regulation Management Review Memo
As a private, higher education institution, University A is subject to various laws and regulations. Compliance with
these regulations requires a sound compliance and regulatory management function. The risk management office
currently monitors and tracks applicable regulatory requirements, as well as the university’s compliance with these
requirements, via the online database Compliance Portal. The portal was implemented in 20XY to replace the
Lotus Notes Compliance Database. Compliance Portal allows departments to track compliance with certain
policies and regulations, as well as departmental milestones and important compliance deadlines. Regulatory
“owners” from each department work with the risk management office and general counsel to track compliance
with identified regulations. Regulations that affect the higher education industry include the following:
• Title IX/Clery Act – Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education
program or activity. Additionally, private and public universities participating in federal student aid programs are
expected to comply with the Clery Act, requiring the disclosure of campus safety information and expected
requirements for handling incidents of sexual violence and emergency situations.
• Student Right to Know Act – Institutions that participate in any student financial assistance program under
Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended) are required to disclose information about
graduation rates to current and prospective students.
• NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Regulations – The university or boosters of university
athletics violate NCAA regulations, which results in sanctions against athletic programs, loss of athletic
scholarships, forfeiture of athletic program victories and/or adverse public perception of the university’s athletic
• Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act – Requires co-educational institutions of post-secondary education that
participate in a Title IV federal student financial assistance program and have an intercollegiate athletic
program, to prepare an annual report to the department of education on athletic participation, staffing, and
revenues and expenses, by men's and women's teams.
• Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) – The HEOA requires that institutions offering distance education
or correspondence courses/programs have processes in place to ensure that the student registering for a
course is the same student who participates in the course or receives course credit.
• Student Loan Default Prevention Initiative Act – Initiated in 1990, this act enforces institutions with high
default rates on student loans to be ineligible to participate in certain student loan programs.
• Title IV – Non-compliance with Title IV regulations puts the organization at risk of not being able to receive
financial aid funding at levels sufficient to operate the university.
• Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – All student education records are considered
confidential and ordinarily may not be released without written consent of the student. This is a federal law
(Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974).
Non-compliance with regulations governing University A’s programs and operations puts it at risk of losing
licenses to operate and/or financial aid funding, as well as puts the university at risk of fines, penalties, sanctions
and reputational damage. As a continuation and refresh of the 20YY Compliance and Regulation Management
Review, internal audit (IA) will review the maturity of the university’s overall compliance program, including how
new requirements are identified, assessed and rolled out; roles and responsibilities; training and awareness; use
of the Compliance Database; and monitoring ongoing compliance and compliance posture.
Export control and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) are additional regulatory requirements that affect
higher education but will not be included at a detailed level in this project, as those regulations are on the internal
audit plan for review as a separate project during the year.
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The scope of our engagement will include the review of policies, procedures and internal controls currently in
place within the university’s compliance regulation management function around the university’s regulatory and
compliance management process and use of the Compliance Portal.
At the conclusion of the review, we will provide management with a report that summarizes project objectives,
scope and approach, procedures performed, process background, observations, and recommendations.
University A’s internal audit team will include the following specialists throughout the execution of this project:
• Internal Audit and Quality Assurance – Person D, Associate Director
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• Internal Audit (IT) and Data Analysis – Person C, Managing Director
We will consider the likelihood of fraud risk, as well as identify any potential improvements to prevent and/or
detect fraud as it relates to the specific processes included within this review. Should any potential indicators of
fraud be discovered, the project sponsor will be notified immediately to discuss next steps.
All work performed by internal audit seniors and consultants will be reviewed by internal audit management before
being turned over to University A. Internal audit management will capture review comments either in an electronic
file or directly on hardcopy. All final reviewed deliverables will be updated and maintained on-site in hard copy
form and electronically on either internal audit’s client/project SharePoint site or in University A’s audit portal.
In addition, it will be the responsibility of internal audit management and the internal audit team to determine when
to involve the managing director. At a minimum, a member of the project management team (listed above under
Specialist Coordination) will participate in internal audit-facilitated update meetings and presentations to discuss
any identified exceptions or observations as well as project status, progress and other administrative matters.
The internal audit and quality assurance lead will not sign off on each individual test performed but will review, at
minimum, the consolidated listing of observations and exceptions.
The fieldwork is planned to be performed primarily by a consultant and senior consultant with review and
oversight to be provided by the manager, person E and associate director, person D.
It is estimated that the compliance and regulation management review will be completed in approximately XX
hours with an anticipated staffing mix per the breakdown below. Should the scope of our project change, we will
modify our estimates accordingly and notify university management immediately.
Level Hours
Managing Director X
Associate Director X
Manager X
Senior Consultant X
Total X
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Level Hours
Associate Director X
Manager X
Senior Consultant X
Total X
Level Hours
Managing Director X
Associate Director X
Manager X
Senior Consultant X
Total X
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The key internal audit team contact information is as follows:
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