� editorial
Vocabulary Reading
a Operating
• Operating systems
• Graphical User Interface
• An accidental revolutionary
iJ Networking
• Networks
• Phrasal verbs
• The basics of computer networking
o The Internet
• TCP/IP address
• The World Wide Web
•Web 3.0
E Office software
• Word processors
• Spreadsheets and data bases
• Open-source software
m Programming
• Programming languages •Java
a Security
• Computer security • Avoiding risks
• Multimedia
• Waiters or machines?
• Revision of the present • Characteristics of a • Buying and selling a • A far and against
tense computer computer essay
Vocabulary list pp. 98-102 Transcripts pp. 103-107 Grammar pp. 108-123 Irregular verbs p. 124 Acronyms p. 125
Speaking: Troubleshooting problems
Listening: Calling IT support Writing: Giving advice
@ Read the text again and label the elements of the network using the words in bold.
Wireless devices
( 1
(9 How much do you know about networks? Choose the correct options.
1. What does a network allow computers to share? S. What does the term cat-5 refer to?
a) Electricity a) A device that allows computers to connect wirelessly
b) Resources b) A system that blocks wireless signals
c) IP addresses c) A type of cable that is used in Ethernet connections in
2. What do LAN and WAN stand for? local networks
a) Logical Assisted Network and Wireless Assisted 6. What is an intranet?
Network a) A prívate network that can only be accessed within a
b) Local Area Network and Wide Area Network company oran organization
c) Long Area Network and World Area Network b) A misspelling of "Internet"
3. What is the name given to any system or device e) A network for home use where computers and
connected to a network? peripherals are connected
a) Computer 7. What is a hotspot?
b) Node a) A site that offers Internet access overa wireless LAN
c) Wire b) A piece of hardware used to connect a computer and
4. What is data collision? a server
a) Two devices on a network transmitting data at the c) A system that prevents unauthorized access to a
same time computer when it is connected to a network
b) One device on a network receiving data 8. What is a network packet?
c) Several devices on a network having problems when a) A single digit of binary notation
receiving data b) A block of data transmitted overa network
e) A copy of a set of files made for storage as a security
a) To your wireless access point you have to follow the instructions provided
with the device.
b} An IP identifies a particular computer on the Internet.
c) lf you have connection problems callan IT professional.
d} In a basic network two computers are connected by cable to allow file _
e) lf your broadband connection fails, off your router for at least 30 seconds.
f) A router has severa! Ethernet ports, so you can connect several PCs to it via Ethernet
Phrasal verbs
@ Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions to form phrasal verbs. Then match each phrasal
verb to its definition.
a) Many people set a home network because they want to share folders, files, and an Internet
connection across all computers at their homes.
b) To make a router work you have to plug the router's electrical power source and then turn
it by pushing the power button.
c) To log to a router for the first time you will need the default administrator password.
1) To enteran identification number or password from a remote terminal to obtain access to a system
2) To connect a device by an electrical cord toan electricity supply
3) To arrange things properly for use
4) To start the operation of a device
1 In the world of computers, networking is the practice of connecting two or more computing devices together so that
they can communicate with each other and share data.
Area Networks
There are different types of networks accordingto the geographic a rea they span:
• Local area networks (LANs} extend overa small a rea such asan office building, a school ora residential home. As they
5 operate in small places, LANs use cables to connect computers.
•AMAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is designed to extend overa large a rea. Several LANs are connected to forma
larger network so that resources can be shared.
• Wide a rea networks (WANs} are not limited to a single location. They can extend overa large geographic a rea and are
connected via telephone lines, fibre-optic cables, or satellite links. The Internet could be described as the largest WAN
10 intheworld.
• WLANs (Wireless LANs} use high frequency radio waves for communication instead of cables. At the centre of the
WLAN there is a wireless switch or router used for sending and receiving data to the computers.
• PANs (Personal Area Network) are networks organized by the individual user for its personal use. Bluetooth is a
wireless networking technology designed for very short-range connections like connecting a computer to peripheral
15 devices.
Network Architecture
The two main forms of network design are called client/server and peer-to-peer. On a client-server network each
node is either a client ora server. Servers are powerful computers that manage disk drives, peripherals and the traffic
around the network. Clients are devices that run programs and access the data stored on the server. On the contrary,
on a peer-to-peer network ali devices are connected together and actas both suppliers and consumers of resources
20 without needing a server.
Network Topology ,
Network topology refers to the layout of a network and how the different components are connected and
communicate with each other. Sorne common types of network topologies include bus, ring, star and tree.
• In a bus network a central cable called the 'bus' is used to connect ali of the devices together. Each node has a short
cable linking it to the 'bus' which allows each of them to receive the information transmitted across it. This type of
25 network is cheap and easyto install as it consists of just one long cable, but it can be quite slow beca use ali ofthe nodes
share the same cable. The more workstations on the bus, the slower it goes and increased data traffic also leads to
data collisions. In addition, the network will stop working if the main cable fails.
• In the so-called ring networks each node is connected to two other nodes. Data flows in one direction passing through
each machine until the destination device receives it. This type of network can transfer data quickly, even if there are
30 many devices connected beca use there cannot be any data collisions. However, if there is a break in the cable or anv
device is faulty, the whole network will fail.
• Star networks are the most common. Each device on the network has its own cable that connects to a switch or hub. A
hub is slower as it sends every packet of data to every device, whereas a switch only sends a packet of data to the
destination device. Star networks are very reliable systems beca use if a component fails, all the others still work. Thev
35 are very fast dueto the fact that each computer has its own cable but they are quite expensive to install since thev
reguire a lot of cable and extra hardware.
Reading comprehension
-:g) Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Copy the sentences
that justify your answers.
a) A LAN is a large network covering cities, countries and continents.
� Answer these questions according to the information in the text. Use your own words.
§) Find the underlined words in the text and match @ Write down the name of each network according
them with their synonyms in the box. There are to lts typology. Workstation
Q Prlnter
Z) Tell your partner which type of network is suitable in each situation: LAN, MAN, WAN or PAN. Explain why.
A) An organization wants to communicate with different branches located in the city.
b) A user wants to interconnect a tablet PC, a laptop and a printer without having to plug anything in.
e) An IT worker has to arrange a computer lab in a school.
Modal verbs I
- Must and have to are both used to express obligation.
• Must shows us that the obligation comes from the speaker. lt isn't a law ora rule.
I must cal/ my boss tonight.
• Have to shows us that the obligation comes from somebody else. lt's a law ora rule.
A/ex isn't coming to class today because he has to work.
No obligation
- We use don't have to to show that there is no obligation. You can do something if you want to but it's not
You don't hove to wear a tie in our o/fice. (You can wear a tie if you want to but it's not compulsory.)
@ Complete the following sentences. Use must, mustn't, have to and don't have to.
a) 1 (take) this book back to the library or 1'11 get a fine.
b) She (pass) an entrance examination if she wants to study there.
c) You (touch) the electric plugs -you might get a shock.
d) We can share a taxi if you want to. You (walk) home.
e) You (come) and see us sorne time.
f) Sue (study) very hard. She's very smart.
g) 1 (pickup) my sister from the airport tomorrow.
h) 1 (hurry up) if I don't want to miss the plane.
1) You (smoke) at the petral station.
@ Rewrite the following sentences using must, mustn't, have to and don't have to. The first example is giVI
a) lt is forbidden to insult people on a forum. You mustn't insu/t people on a forum.
b) There's no need to cook tonight. Mum has already made dinner.
e) You aren't allowed to cheat in a test.
d) lt is not necessary for you to come to the meeting.
e) 1 am obliged to work extra hours today.
f) lf you want to buy on ebay, it is necessary to create an account.
Modal verbs II
@ Write sentences with should, shouldn't and ought to. More than one answer may be possible.
a) Make a copy of ali the important files before formatting your hard drive.
b) Pull out a removable device without turning it off. lt can damage your externa! drive.
e) Sean all email attachments for viruses before opening them.
d) Turn off the file sharing facility if you are working on a public network.
e) lnstall and update a good antivirus program to protect your computer.
(J) Rewrite the following sentences using may, may not, should and shouldn't.
a) Maybe it will rain today. - lt may rain today.
b) lt's possible that I get a promotion at work.
e) 1 advise you to format your PC.
d) Perhaps it is an infected file.
e) lt isn't a good idea to open unknown attachments in emails.
f) 1 don't think I will get the new iPad.
:V Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the modals from the box below. There are two of them that you
don't need to use.
shouldn't / don't have to/ ought / must / might / may not
Social networking sites are a wonderful invention, however you (a) to use them carefully. In order
to protect your privacy, you (b) keep your profile closed and allow only your friends to view it.
Remember that many companies view current or future employees' social networking pages, so you
(e) say anything or post pictures that could cause you embarrassment. One of the biggest fears is
hacking. Hackers (d) steal all your personal information if you don't use a strong password.
Calling IT support
Talk about these questions with your partners.
ri1 (D The word router can be pronounced in two different ways: /'ru:ta(r)/ and /'rautar/. Which
one is the American? Which one is the British? Practise the pronunciation with your partner.
ri1 @ Listen to conversation two again and fill in the gaps to complete the summary of the conversation.
a) The client's network connection out every few minutes.
b) He has tried the router off and on but it still doesn't work.
c) The connection fails when he's not working on the computer and the _
comes on.
d) The client needs to change the on his router.
e) He has a Linksys router.
f) The usual IP address for Lynksys routers is-----------· He has to type it into
the of his Internet browser.
g) The IT worker decides to send a because the man doesn't know how to
follow the steps.
@ The word switch can have many different meanings. Read these extracts from the conversations
and give a synonym for the word switch in each sentence.
a) 1 have also switched it (the router) off and on severa! times.
b) You must have an on/off switch somewhere on your keyboard.
e) Try switching to a different channel.
Try + gerund means to experiment with We use won't to explain that a machine
different methods to see if something works. refuses to work.
• Have you tried turning the router off and on • My laptop won't connect to my home wireless
•again? network.
Troubleshooting problems
3) When you call technical support, you need to answer a lot of questions about your computer problem.
Match these common questions (1-6) to the correct answers (a-f).
-- �
l. What's the exacterror message on your screen? a) Yes, the computer shuts off more frequently.
2. Whatexact/yis yourcomputerdoing? b) lt says "Notfound. The requested URL was not found
on this server."
3. When did the problem start?
c) The first time was two days ago when I downloaded
a program from the net.
4. Did anythingelse happen atthe sametimethe
problem started?
d) 1 havetried resetting my modem but it hasn'tworked.
5. What have you already done to troubleshoot e) The computer started smoking and there was abad
the problem? smell.
� The class is divided into two groups: members of technical support and customers. Role-play the situations
on pages 96 and 97.
Ask them about their problems, tell them Look at your cards on page 96 and
how to salve them, and give them sorne complete the table.
Giving advice
(D Read the following comment in a forum. What health problems does the writer mention?
Helio everyone !
My name is Angela. l'm only 20 years old and I have constant back and neck pain that spreads to
my arm. Atthe end of the day I have bad headaches and my eyes are often sore and dry.
My parents say it is beca use I spend too much time on the computer but I disagree. l'm a student
and I have a busy social life, but I just use itas often as other teenagers. In the mornings I work on
my laptop in class and in the afternoons I use the PC at home to do uni assignments, check my
email, update my social networks and play from time to time.
Do you think these symptoms are related to computer use? What can Ido to prevent them? Any
helpwill bewelcome!
Angel a
@ This picture shows how to set upa computer workstation to make computer use more comfortable and
efficient. Match the sentences with the correct parts of the diagram.
. . . ..
e) Arms and elbows relaxed clase to body
• f) Back straight
@ Write a reply to Angela's message giving advice about how to prevent health problems associated wi
computer use.
Grammar: Revision of the future tense Speaking: Making an oral presentation
oca b u I a ry.. TCP/IP address. The World Wide Web Writing: Predicting the future
Listening: Blogs
eading: Web 3.0
• What does TCP-IP stand for?
TCP-IP address • What is an IP address?
• What is an intranet?
Do we use IP addresses? lt is difficult far a comrnon user to understand ali the numbers in an IP address. lf
you need to find something in a specific website, you do not have to enter its IP address. lnstead, you enter
its domain name.
� Match the words in bold from the previous text with the following definitions or examples.
b) A system of interconnected computers or other devices
d) A prívate network
e) The set of rules that computers fallow
f) Protocol far computers
-•-...� - ·=·
------- ------=--
111!' ----
']) Read the definition of gateway and complete it with the missing words.
The World Wide Web
(9 Work in pairs. Do you know the meaning of these words? Explain them in your own words.
orl Email
Browser Router Newsgroup
DNS Search engine
d) A service that enables you to easily find websites and information you are looking for (e.g. Google
and Bing).
e) A hardware device that routes data from a LAN to another network con nection.
f) A program u sed to access the World Wide Web. Internet Exploreris one ofthem.
h) Doma in Name System. With it, users do not have to remember the specific numbers of an I P address.
i) Hypertext Markup Language: The language that web pages are written in.
• Describe the router that you have at home and its location.
© Read the following text.
10 But what is exactly Web 3.0? First of all, the name is itself a marketing strategy. lt is popular, attractive and
catchy. lt is said that the Web 3.0 will be an artificially intelligent web. Computers will be similar to huma ns
and information will be stored and categorised in such a way that a computer will be a ble to understand it
as well as a human. For example, Web 3.0 will allow you to find movies and food easier and faster instead
of visiting many webs. Just typing a complex sentence, the computer will help you find what you're looking
15 for. lt will become your personal assistant and the more you show your preferences, the faster the
computer will learn about tastes. Finally, one of the most outstanding changes will be the use of webs
based on virtual worlds. For instance, if a user wants to buy something online, he/she will be a ble to visit
the different stores of the mall and see the products on the shelves. The possibility of walking around
places and visiting virtual settings will be, however, much more complex in terms of programming and
20 graphics.
The emergence of Web 3.0 has to do with the increasing popularity of mobile devices and the use of the
Internet for entertainment in mobile phones.
@ After reading the text, define Web 3.0 in your own words. What is it? Explain the concept orally to
your partners.
Reading comprehension
@ Say if these sentences are true or false. Explain the false ones.
a) Web 3.0 results from the improvement and development of Web 2.0.
e) lt will not be necessary to visit several websites to find out what you want.
f) Mobile phones have contributed greatly to the creation of this new web.
@ Look for words in the text that have the same @ Give synonyms for these expressions.
a) important a) To be acquainted with
b) captivating b) To allow somebody to do something
e) kept e) Become
d) noticeable d) For instance
e) shops e) In terms of
f) shopping centre
(J) Work in pairs. Imagine two more situations in which Web 3.0 could be useful for the user.
Revision of the future tense
'3) Read the table and complete the rules. Write present continuous, wi/1, present simple orbe going to.
The future tense
@ Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the appropriate future tense in each case.
a) The train from Madrid (arrive) at 10 a.m.
b) - 1 cannot take you to the airport, l'm afraid.
- Ok, don't worry. 1 (call) a taxi.
e) My parents (buy) a new car because the black one is broken.
d) Tomorrow at 4 we (present) our new project at the Conference Centre.
e) Don't worry. 1 (help) you with your homework.
f) 1 think 1 (buy) a new pair of boots. lt's so cold!
g) When I retire, 1 (travel) around the world.
h) Look at those clouds! lt (rain)!
i) She (go) to the exhibition tomorrow.
j) The second term (finish) in March.
@ Write five questions to ask to your partner about his/her future plans.
l. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
@ Talk about your future plans with your partners. Ask and
answer questions and try to keep a conversation.
@ Choose the best option.
a) -l'm hungry -Oh,/ will / am going to make a sandwich for you !
g) When wi/1 you meet / are you meeting the teacher? Tomorrow at 10 am.
@ Read the examples below and match them with the correspondent meaning.
1. Express how certain we are that something will happen in the future.
2. Express that something is ready to happen in the near future.
(j) Write sentences about you in affirmative or negative using the expressions in exercise 6.
a) Do my homework for tomorrow
b) Clean my room
c) Finish my studies
d) Look at my phone
Student B
You are going shopping this afternoon. You are throwing a party on Saturday.
Student B Student B
Ask questions to your partner about his/her Ask questions to your partner about his/her
plan using where, when, who, why, what and how. plan using where, when, who, why, what and how.
(D You will hear a woman talking about her own blog. Listen to the interview and answer the
following questions.
a) What is the blog about?
e) What can you find in the blog apart from recipes? Mention three things.
@ Read the transcript on page 104 and find @ In pairs, you are going to create your own
synonyms for these words. blog. Think about the following aspects
a) Advertisements and then present the project to the class.
b) Registered, joined • What will the blog be about?
e) Old • Whowill bethetargetaudience?
d) Pictures • What information will you offer?
e) Original, attractive • Howwill the design be?
• Howwillyoupromotetheblog?
Making an oral presentation
eosv ...,..,
category• I AIIC�lagonu ,,·
Home LGarden
Mo1or5 111HPIJMHH+
Oeali 3' s
• Sections of the page
• Description of the layout
Myfud 1 Featured 1::: ·nn, =.I 1:1•·1:3
• Attractive elements
I Q Recentsearches c1u,
· Great deals
011 big brands
@ When presenting a topic in front of an audience, you must consider these points.
• Prepare an outline with the main ideas you wantto talk about.
• Separate the ideas into sections or parts.
• Practise your speech severa! times until you feel comfortable with it.
• Be clear, concise and do not read the script.
• lnteract with the audience and use body language.
• Speak calmly and ata moderate pace.
• lf you use visuals, usethem justas a support.
• Relax and keep calm.
• Content BODY
• Coherence and Cohesion Thís leads to the next poínt Moreover / In addítíon
• Grammar Let's move on to ... As I saíd earlier
• Vocabulary Let's take a /ook at ... We thínk / We consíder
• Pronunciation Regardíng ... / Wíth regard to ... Thís is about. ..
• Fluency
In conc/usíon / To sum up / To fínísh
Predicting the future
3) work in pairs. Talk about how life will be in the future regarding these tapies. Then, share your ideas
with the class.
� In 1964, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov predicted how life would be by 2014. Read his predictions
and say if he was right.
a) "Kitchen devices will be designed to prepare automeals, heating water and converting it to coffee."
b) "Ready-made food will be stored in people's freezers."
e) "Appliances of 2014 will not have electric cords."
d) "Cars will be designed with robot-brains."
e) "Transportation will have little contact with the surface."
f) "Satellites will make it possible far you to direct any spot on Earth."
g) "Communications will become sight-sound and you will see as well as hear the person you phone."
h) "There will be 30 televisions."
i) "Robots will not be very common."
j) "Human beings will suffer badly from the disease of boredom."
']) Look at the verbs in bold in exercise 2. They are written in future
passive voice.
• Refer to differenttopics (languages, media, houses, health, relationships, computers, food ... )
• Use wil/, the passive voice and otherfuture expressions to referto the future.
Speaking: Dealing with complaints
Writing: A survey
(D Look at the toolbar. Which function does each button have? • Which one do you like the best? Why?
Highlight Justify 1
Bold Align
@ Read the following sentences. Which functions in the previous toolbar do they refer to? Write the
names and then find the secret word.
2) Reverses the last action or deletes the last entry you typed.
3) Places the selected text in a line to the right, to the left orto the middle.
4) Marks text in a different colour so that it stands out from the surrounding text.
5) lncreases or decreases the distance of the paragraph from either the left or the right margin.
6) Applies certain style that makes the letters slope to the right to emphasize a particular word or
indicate a foreign term.
7) Aligns the selected paragraphs to both the left and right margins.
9 complete these instructions with the correct verbs from the box.
First, (a) the part of the text that you want to copy. You can either
(b) the mouse overa specific portian of text or (c) Ctrl and
(d) E to select ali of the text on the document. Then, (e) on
the Cut icon on the toolbar. The selected part will disappear and go on toan invisible clipboard. Finaliy,
(f) the cursor where you want to paste the text. To insert the content of the
clipboard, click on the Paste icon on the toolbar. Other options are to use the shortcuts Ctrl+X to cut
and Ctrl+V to paste or (g) the selected text and (h) the
Cut icon and the Paste icon from the menu.
� Find in the previous exercise the correct words to complete these definitions:
Í) Look at the worksheet and decide whether these sentences are true or false.
IIYU.·-:11Jt ••1:::1'1 ...�, :. 1 i., •• , ..... ,
a) The value of cell 85 is the result of adding the value
3 salary 1100 Petral 100 in cells 83 and 84.
4 salary 1200 Public transport
5 total 2300 Car insurance
b) Row 20 shows the money that a family has spent
6 Repairs during the month of January.
7 HOME EXPENSES totol 100
8 Rent/Mortgage 700
e) Cell 822 is the result of a formula that subtracts the
9 Electricity 85 ENTERTAINMENT contents of cell 821 from cell 820.
10 Water 53 Hobbies 250
11 Internet 40 Holidays d) Column A and column D are wider than the other
12 Telephones 20 total 250 columns.
13 total 898
14 MEDICAL e) lf you type a value in celi E6, the value in cell E3 will
15 DAILY LIVING Prescriptions be recalculated.
16 Food 500 Glasses & contacts 90
17 Clothing 100 Dental
18 total 600 total 90
20 -TO-T-AL-IN_C_O-ME 23_0_
(D Read the following text. What do these numbers refer to?
42 40���������������
1 Software is one of the most useful tools of the Digital Age. Unfortunately, since
purchasing a license of a software program is quite expensive and it is very easy to
make a copy of a program in seconds, software piracy is a widespread problem.
According to BSA (The Software Alliance), 42% of ali PC software packages \
5 installed in the world in the year 2012 were pirated, which meant a loss of more
than 40 billion dollars worldwide. lt is undeniable that piracy is harmful for software
manufacturers. However, they are not the only victims. By using unlicensed or
counterfeit software, consumers face considerable risks as these products may contain viruses or other
malicious code that can damage computers or even lead to identitytheft.
10 lt is very important to understand that software is protected by intellectual
property law, which varies by country. Ali legal software comes with a license so it is
illegal to copy a program purchased legitimately and use it on more computers than
the license authorises. You are also violating the terms of license if you break the
protection of software or encryption to obtain a serial number or password, also
15 known as "cracking", or if you reproduce and distribute counterfeit software. In any
of these cases your country can impose you a fine or a penalty for copyright
For those individuals or companies that want to save money there is an alternative to piracy
called open-so urce software. For instance, OpenOffice is one of the most popular free office suites, GIMP
20 is the free alternative for photo editing, and VLC is a well-known free audio and music pi ayer.
Open-source software is completely free to use and distribute so if you download one of these
programs without paying anything or you decide to create a copy, you are not breakingthe law. And what's
more, this software provides you with a wide range of advantages over licensed software.
Open-source software does not depend on its original creators, which makes it more secure. lts
25 codes are available for anybody and they are developed by volunteers. lf any bugs are found in a version,
users do not have to wait for the next version of the program beca use any interested programmer can fix
the problem. In addition, this kind of software uses open standards, which means that
there aren't any problems of incompatible formats.
On the other hand, we may encounter sorne problems. Not ali applications run
30 both on open source and proprietary software. There are many parallel developments on
open source software, which creates confusion. Many projects die beca use programmers
quit or lose interest and move on to another project as they are not hired by any particular
Reading comprehension
@ Read the text again and answer the following questions. Use your own words.
a) What are the two main reasons of software piracy?
Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F) according to the information in the text.
Justify your answers.
d) lf you don't want to buy a licensed program, the only solution is to pírate it.
l. Open-source software can be 2. Any volunteer ... 3. When you crack software, you ...
modified by anyone beca use ... a) is a ble to find a problem a) gain illegal access to protected
a) it uses compatible formats b) is authorised to salve a bug software
b) the source code is included e) can be hired by a company b) distribute copied software
c) it doesn't depend on its creators to work on a project c)install the same license on
more than one computer
� Find words in the text that mean: @ Match the words in column A and B to form
a) Helpful (line 1)
b) Popular (line 20) a) Hire the law
b) Break a problem
c) Mistakes in a computer program (line 25) c) Fix a license
d)Save a programmer
d) Repair(line 26) e) Purchase money
Surf the Internet and find out more free and open software to replace expensive software packages.
Then share the ideas in class.
Other verbs
�@ Make questions using these prompts. Then ask and answer them with your partner.
a) How fast / your internet connection?
b) How much / pay for internet access last month?
c) How long/ live in this town?
d) How often / format your PC?
3) Read the tables.
Subject questions Object questions
When who or what is the subject of the When who or what is the object of the
question, we use the affirmative form of question, we use the interrogative form
the verb and we don't need the auxiliary. oftheverb.
• Who invited you to the party? • Who did you invite to the party?
• What happened after the party? • What did you do after the party?
§.} Decide if who or what is the subject or the object in each question. Then correct the mistakes.
lndirect questions
lndirect questions are more formal and polite than direct questions. We use them when
talking to a person we don't know very well or in professional situations.
• lf the direct question has a question word (wh-), we change the interrogative form to the
affirmative form and we put the subject before the verb.
Direct: What time is it?
lndirect: Could you tell me what time it is?
• lf the direct question is a yes/no question, the indirect question will have if.
Direct: Does Tom like Chinese food?
lndirect: Do you know if Tom likes Chine se food?
11 (D You are going to listen to a talk. Listen to the first part and decide if the following sentences
are true or false. Then correct the false ones. ·
b) Dana and Andrés decided to set upa business because they didn't have a job.
e) Before starting the business they had planned to look for a job abroad.
@ Read the transcript on page 105 and put the following events in order.
a) They had the idea of setting upa business.
b) Andrés finished his degree in Graphic Design.
e) They decided to sell their products in shops.
d) Dana worked as a journalist.
e) They launched the website of the company.
f) They started having profits.
@ Work with a partner. Write down the questions that you would ask Dana at the end of the talk.
oealing with complaints
3) Look at the sentences below. Who do you think says each sentence -the salesperson (S) or the
customer (C)? Then put them in order.
� Read the expressions in the table. Label each category with the titles in the box.
.i. 1
111 3 11
The instructions are missing. l'd like a refund.
This product is faulty. l'd like to have my money back.
l'm afraid it isn't working. l'd like to exchange / return the item.
lt doesn't seem to work. Can I speak to the manager, please?
2 11 1 4
We can give you a credit note. I understand you are upset.
We can send it off to be repaired. l'm sorry about that.
We'II repair it free of charge. l'm afraid we can't exchange goods
Would you like an exchange? without the receipt.
Would you like a refund? l'm afraid it's not our policy to give
J) Work in pairs. Take turns and role play the following situations.
STUDENT A: You work in an electrical goods STUDENT A: You work in an electrical goods
store. You think the customer has damaged the store. You can only offer an exchange if the
product. You can't give a refund unless you are customer has the receipt.
sure it was damaged when the customer
STUDENT B: You bought a printer yesterday and
bought it.
when you got home you realised that it didn't
STUDENT B: You bought a mobile phone a
work. You want to exchange the item but you
week ago but it stopped working when you
don't have the receipt. You are very angry
accidentally dropped it in water. However, you
because you are a regular customer and you
are going to say that it was faulty and you think the shop assistant is not treating you well.
would like your money back.
A survey
(D Read this survey on mobile phones. Answer the questions with your own information and then
compare your answers to your partner's.
3 How much is your mobile phone bill every month? a)<15€ b) 15-30€ c)>30€
4 lf you could use your mobile for only one of the following activities, which activity would you choose?
a) Downloading apps b) Chatting with friends d) Taking pictures e) Listening to the radio
5 Have you ever used your smartphone in class to chat with your friends? a) Yes b) No e) N/A
@ Look at the pie charts and read about the results. How do you say the expressions in bold in your
ii\'ifiiH*i Nearly all students have had their current mobile phones far more than a
month and less than ayear.
The majority of students use Android; one out of 4 has an iOS smartphone and
only 5% own a blackberry. No one uses a different operating system.
Half of the students paya bill of less than 15€ a month; 40% of them pay
between 15 and 30€ and only 10% pay more than 30€.
Most students would choose chatting with their friends if they had to use their
mobile phones far only one activity.
A good part of students say that they have used their phones in class to chat
but only one third of them admit that they check their phones compulsively.
@ Think of an interesting topic and write five questions and possible answers. Then do the survey to
your partners and write a summary of the results.
Grammar: Giving instructions Speaking: Creating an online tutorial
Listening: Web programmers Writing: A set of instructions
j) complete the definition of programming language with the words in the box.
software code Java language tasks rules programmers
g} There are two common types of programming languages: compiled and interpreted. Match them
with the following definitions.
@ Match the following programming languages with their correspondent definitions.
PHP Java Objective-C HTML C/C++ XML JavaScript
@ Write a definition for the following words. Use the Internet if necessary.
a)Toprogram: ---==
(J) Work in pairs. Talk with your partner about these questions:
training course?
(D Read the following text.
1 Java is one of the most popular programming languages. lt was developed by Sun Microsystems. Sin ce 1995,
Java has been a language developed specially to run on the Web but it has also made devices smarter, more
functional and more entertaining. lt does not only work on the Internet but also behind applications and
devices that users find in their day-to-day lives. Most computer users and even non computer-literate
5 people know or have heard of Java and its specifications. However, curiously enough, what has caused more
interest among the population is the history of Java's name. Why did they decide to call itJava? Java seemed
to be such a weird name for a programming language that people started to wonder why the engineers had
chosen it for a language that would revolutionize the computerworld. Whythey did so is still something of a
10 Java was created by a group of Sun engineers led by James Golding and it was first named Oak after an oak
tree that stood outside Golding's office. However, this name was soon discarded as it already belonged toan
existing trademark. The way to find the perfect name for the new language had just started. The engineers
working on the project did not want a name that contained the word "web" or "net" because it implied a
direct association with the web and the Internet. Moreover, people were used to seeing those words in
15 computer devices and programs and that is why they intended to escape from routine and from the
expected. Kim Poi ese -manager of the product- says that they were lookingfor something that reflected the
essence oftechnology; something lively, dynamic, easy, unique and revolutionary.
AII the engineers involved in the project agree that the name Java originated in a meeting where about a
dozen people got together to brainstorm. Everyone yelled out original, non-sense and out-of-the-blue
20 na mes which were written on a board. Na mes like DNA, Pepper, Neon or Silk carne up. lt is said that they had
been in the meeting for so many hours that one of the engineers, while he was drinking a cup of Peet's Java
coffee, picked Java as an example to add to that long list of proposals. Chris Warth is believed to have
suggested the name but there are still doubts about who really did. From that list of na mes, they chose their
three favourites: Java, Silk and DNA. They even asked opinion to their colleagues,
25 family members and friends and the result of this non-official survey was that Java got
more positive reactions.
There has always been a concern about the origins of Java. People have always been
interested in solving the mystery. lf you do a quick search of this tapie, you may find
that Java was the name of the cafetería the engineers used to go to while working on
30 the project, that Java was ch osen beca use they loved the island of Java, that they chose
the coffee name for marketing rea so ns ... The truth is that the decision was not made by
justa hero or for just one reason; it was the result of a group of individua Is trying to
achieve their goals anda cup of coffee placed in the perfect room at the perfecttime.
Reading comprehension
® Read the text again and answer the following questions.
a) Why were people so interested in the origins of Java's name?
d) How did Chris Warth come up with the idea of Java in the meeting?
e) What may you find if you research the origins of Java's name?
@ Say if the following sentences are true or false. Explain the false ones.
a) Java has contributed to the web as well as to the improvement of applications and devices.
b) Oak was suggested as a name after the oak that was in Golding's office.
c) The word "web" was a must far a name that implied the essence of technology.
d) In the brainstorm meeting the attendants were euphoric and enthusiastic when giving ideas.
f) The name Java was ch osen by family members, colleagues and friends out of three final na mes.
g) The truth is that Java refers to the cafetería the engineers used to go to.
h) The origin of the name comes from the willingness of a group of people and a pure coincidence.
@ Match the following words/expressions from the text with their correspondent synonyms or definition
@ Find the verbs in bold in the text and classify them. Can you find more examples?
a) Conditional
b) Present Perfect
e) Past Perfect
d) Passive
e) Past Continuous
Giving instructions
D There are many ways to give instructions in English. Read the following examples:
• Cfick on the right button . • Start the search by typing a word in the search box.
• search the information using this search • Print the document by pressing the green button.
Sequence words Complex instructions
• First, select the information you want. • After having clicked on "send", you won 't be a ble to
• Then, press Ctri+C to cut it. make any changes .
• Final/y, press Ctr/+V to paste it in the new • Once the document has been sent, you won't be ab/e
document. to make any changes.
To + infinitive
g} Your mother has a new mobile phone and she does not know how to take photos and send them to
you. Write instructions for her using the previous forms:
Complete the following instructions for scanning a document:
a) First (switch on) the scanner by _
(press) the orange button.
b)To (scan)thedocumentin blackandwhite,
_______ (press) the "copy" button.
e) Start the sean process by {press) the "sean"
d) Having (scan) the first side of the paper,
______ (turn) the page.
e)Oncethedocument (scan), _
(switch off) the scanner.
f) Finally, (save)the newdocument in yourfolderor
pen drive.
@ Work in pairs. Give instructions to your partner orally for the following actions. Use the expressions ·
in exercise 1.
Student A Student B
- Share a document with your partner using - Send a photograph to your friends via
Dropbox or Google Orive Whatsapp
- Make ten photocopies of a document - Download and install an antivirus
- Play your favourite videogame - Play your favourite mobile game
- Make a Spanish omelette - Prepare a nice cup of coffee
- Use the washing machine - Use the microwave
d) Once the selection of photos has been made, 4. help your partner with it.
@ Work in pairs. Student A is going to ask for suggestions to use the following devices. Student B is going
to give specific instructions.
How doyou ••• ? What is the best way to ... ? What do you suggest?
What is the first step? What do you do next? Can you explain to me how•.. ?
Web programmers
(D Meredith and Derek work for a software development company. They are going to start a new
project. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions:
@ Listen again and write the name of the person that corresponds to the following statements
(Meredith, Derek, Mr Taylor, Sarah, Michael).
@ Read the transcript on page 105 and look at the expressions in blue.
What do they mean?
; ID -
j., --
(D Answer these questions and share your ideas with the class:
a) What is a tutorial?
b) Have you ever searched a tutorial online? Was it useful? Why/Why not?
c) What are the websites that people usually visit to find good tutorials?
e) What are the most common topics that tutorials are made about?
@ Work in groups. Search an online tutorial in English and show it in class. Analyse the following
• lnstructions
• Clarity and brevity
• lmage and sound
• English language
• Usefulness
oo ' , :
@ Work in pairs or groups. You are going to create a video-tutorial. Follow these instructions:
A set of instructions
':D Read the following set of instructions for setting upa TV remote control:
This user manual will show you how to program and operate your new FAIOS remate
1. Turn on the TVand the FAIOS remate control. Make sure you can see live television.
2. Locate the 3-digit code foryourTV brand in the list that appears on the screen.
3. Once you have located the brand code, press and hold the <OK> button.The red led
on the remate will blink twice and then stay on.
4. Press<OK>to savethis TV brand code programming.
S. Turn the TVoff by usingthe red button.
6. Turn the TVon totestthatthe remate control is programmed foryourTV.
7. Press and release <VOL+> <VOL-> and <CH+> <CH-> to make sure that these keys
® Read the text again and look at the words in @ Write a set of instructions for setting and
bold. What do they mean? programming two of the following devices.
t 8008
@) Look for sets of instructions you may have at
home. Check that they are in English and take
them to class. Analyse them in groups.
.-:11 •
Speaking: A discussion
Listening: Cybercrimes Writing: An email of apology
Computer security
b) Security / Safety refers to the protection of your life in order not to be harmed.
@ Answer these questions in pairs. Then share your answers with the rest of the class.
• Why is security so important on the Internet?
• How do you protect your computer from externa! attacks?
@ Read the following definitions and write the concept they refer to:
worm - hacker - spyware - trojan - cracker - malware - virus - adware
@ What is a cybercrime? Read the following text and learn about the most common ones:
Cybercrimes are a common threat for our computers. There are many of them but one could argue that
the most widespread is piracy. Piracy is the illegal copying and distribution of copyrighted software,
music or games. lt is difficult to eradicate piracy because it has become one of the most common
methods of downloading illegal material among common users. Plagiarism is another cybercrime that
consists in pretending that someone's work is yours. One of the most dangerous cybercrimes today is
phishing (password harvesting fishing). lt is the attempt to get passwords for bank accounts or credit
card numbers by using emails that look like they are from real organizations. People believe these
messages and send private and personal information. IP spoofing is the creation of TCP/IP packets to
make a computer look like another one in order to obtain unauthorized access. Finally, needless is to
saythat cyberstalking is the most worrying for parents and teenagers. lt implies online harassment and
abuse. This usually happens in chats or newsgroups and it is dangerous for young computer users that
might be easily influenced.
(J) Read the text again and answer these questions orally with your partner:
• In your opinion, what is the most serious and dangerous cybercrime?
• Tell your partner about your personal experience with cybercrimes. Have
you ever committed any ofthem? Have you ever been a victim of any of
them? Give examples.
• What measures can be taken to stop cybercrimes?
@ Make groups of three. You are going to discuss a topic in class. Prepare your ideas to share
with your partners.
(D Read the following text.
1 Security is one crucial aspect when sending information online. Consider ordinary and common
situations such as buying a flight ticket or buying a book online. These online purchases imply the
introduction of your most personal information such as name, address, ID number and what is
even more dangerous, your credit card number. This confidential information passes from
5 computer to computer on its way to the final destination, that is, the bookstore or the airline
company. lf one ofthe intermediary computers is infiltrated by hackers, your information can be
stolen and copied.
What should ordinary users do to avoid these risks? Malware can damage your computer.
Viruses, trojans, worms or spyware can enter your PC and destroy important information. lt is
10 recommended not to download unknown programs from the Internet which may end up being a
risk foryour PC and notto open email attachments unless you knowthe sender and the content of
the message. Moreover, it is advisable to update your anti-virus software as often as possible
since newviruses are created all the time.
lt is also necessary to set security alerts to protect your browser. Far instance, there are browsers
15 that display a lock and allow the user to delete, disable cookies or prevent them from being
created. Acookie is a small amount of data generated by a website and saved byyourweb browser.
Therefore, disallowing cookies provides a higher level of privacy.
SSL certificates are also a way to identify secure websites. These certificates are files installed on a
website. They verify the authenticity of a company so online shoppers can trust the web and know
20 that it is secure and reliable. lt is advisable that users make sure that banking services, above ali,
use these digital certificates.
Email privacy should also be taken into account. Your email can be read by thousands of people
who may have access to it illegally. To protect a message, it should be encoded with encryption.
Encryption changes data into a secret codeso it can only be decoded and read by someone who
25 has the correct decoding key. lt is one of the most used medium of data transfer. To guarantee
network security, firewalls are also used to limit the data that can pass through them and protect a
server from damage by unauthorized users. lt is also known that using passwords is a must if you
want to protect your computer. AII systems must be accessed by a password which should not be
shared with others and should be changed often.
Reading comprehension
@ Read the text above and classify the words in bold into risks and security methods. You can add
more examples. Then, say if you use any of these security methods to protect your computer.
� Answer the following questions according to the information in the text.
d) Why do online shoppers make sure that sorne websites use SSL certificates?
b) Users can open email attachments provided that they know their sender.
d) SSL certificates are used by banking services to prove they exist and they are real.
@ Look for words in the text that have these @ Find words in the text that have opposite
meanings. meanings.
a) Acquisitions a) lrrelevant
b) Prevent b) Safe
c) lnstall, apply c) Allowing
d) Consequently d) Lower
e) To ensure e) Mistrust
f) Unreliable
• /f you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. We use the zero conditional to refer to facts
lf + present simple, present simple and things that always happen.
First Conditional
• /f they gg_ to China, we wi/1 visit them. We use the first conditional to refer to
lf + present simple, will + infinitive things that might happen in the future.
Second Conditional
• /f I won the lottery, I wou/d buy a car. We use the second conditional to refer to
lf + past simple, would + infinitive things that are unlikely to happen.
Third conditional
• lf I had studied more, I would have passed the exam. We use the third conditional to refer to
lf + past perfect, would have + past participle things that did not happen.
@ Zero conditional: Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. There may be more than one correct
a) lf you to Prague, eat the traditional gou/ash.
b) When I use the phone, don't noise, please.
c) lf it don't ride the bike.
d) Unless you money, don't come to my shop.
e) lf my mother paella, my sister comes home.
@ Zero conditional: // / When / Unless can be used in the zero conditional. Complete the following
sentences with the correct word.
@ First conditional: Complete the following sentences with the first conditional.
a) lf 1 (study) today, 1 (go) to the party tonight.
b) We (not celebrate) the festival if the weather (not improve).
c) She (be) sick if she (eat) ali that cake.
d) He (not get) a job if he (not send) curriculums.
e) lf you (not hurry), we (be) late.
@ Second conditional: Write second conditional sentences with these unlikely situations.
a) to be fluent in English
b) to be younger
e) to do more exercise
d) to have more free time
e) to meet a famous person
(J) Suggest third conditional sentences for the following things that did not happen.
a) 1 didn't save money so I couldn't buy flowers for my girlfriend.
b) Teresa didn't practise a lot so she failed the driving test.
e) The students didn't agree with the education policies so they went on strike.
d) Michael cheated on Claire and she broke up with him.
e) 1 lost your phone number so I couldn't phone you.
b) lf my teacher sets homework for tomorrow,
e) lf I won the lottery, ---------------------------
d) lf you mix water and oil, --------------------------
e) lf it is cloudy, -----------------------------
f) lf I had followed my parents' advice, ---------------------
g) lf I had more free time,--------------------------
h) lf my father/mother gets angry, -----------------------
i) lf I had chosen a different vocational training course, ---------------
j) lf I could travel anywhere, -------------------------
Student 1 might say "lf I went to the party, 1 would drink champagne."
Student 2 continues "lf I drank champagne, 1 would get drunk."
Student 3: "lf I got drunk, 1 would talk to that girl/boy."
(D Listen to four people talking about cybercrimes. Match the speakers to the crime they are
talking about and the correct statement:
Speaker 1
a) What did speaker 1 have to write about? How many words did she have to write?
Speaker 2
e) What was the forum about?
Speaker 3
e) What confidential information did the speaker's mother send to the bank?
f) Why did his mother trust the email from the bank?
Speaker 4
g) Why is she so worried about this crime?
h) What is the main excuse far downloading books instead of buying them?
A discussion
lntroduction Clarification
Agree / Disagree J_ .l
• I agree/don't agree with you.
• / agree up to a point.
• / don 't agree at ali.
• I totally/strongly agree with you.
• Exactly ! / That's true.
• Yes, you're right.
• Perhaps, but...
• I can understand, however. ..
Group 3: You are the owners of Group 4: You are produeers and
shops and libraries where publishers that make the
albums, books and films are launeh of books, films and
sol d. albums possible.
Each group has to write down ideas aceording to their roles. Then start the diseussion with all the
groups and do not forget to use the expressions in the table above.
I am writing to complain about the computer that I bought last week. lts reference number is
The technician that sold me the laptop said that it hadan antivirus installed so that I did not have to
worry about protecting my PC from malware. He also installed sorne programs in the new PC that I
often use at work.
Two days ago, my boss called a meeting to inform us about a virus that had appeared in sorne
computers of the office. He was very angry beca use one of the most important points of our policy
is to protect our computers from viruses. To my surprise, 1 found out later that the virus had come
from my new PC and that I did not have any antivirus installed.
I am disappointed with your service and I am therefore looking for compensation for the
Yours faithfully,
Christina Carter
An email of apology
@ Answer the following questions about the Thank the person for bringing the matter to
previous email: your attention
• Thank you for bringing this matter to our
a) What did Christina complain about?
b) What is the purpose of her email?
• We feel sorry about...
• We are very/extremely sorry to hear that...
e) What is the meaning of the expressions
• I do apologize for the inconvenience.
in bold? • Please accept our apo/ogies.
• We apologise for...
d) lf you were the manager at IT4U, which Provide an explanation
compensation would you offer her? • What seems to hove happened...
• I am afraid there has been a misunderstanding.
e) What would you say if you had to reply Take action
to this email? • Be assured that we wi/1...
• We wi/1 do everything we can.
• I will look into it right away.
@ Write an email/letter of apology to Christina Offer a compensation
Carter. Explain what action you are going to • Please find enclosed a voucher.
take in response to her complaint. • Your satisfaction is our priority.
• We wi/1 offer you ...
Speaking: Creating an application
Writing: Tweeting
Types of applications
(D Look at the smartphone and answer the following questions with your partner.
• lsthereanyappthatyou neveruse?
@ There are three different types of applications. Match them with the correspondent descriptions:
Native apps Mobile Web apps Hybrid apps
a) They are composed of elements of the other two different types. They live in an app store and run
on the device but they are written with web technologies.
b) They are not real applications. They are in fact websites but look and feel like applications. Internet
access is required because they are run by a browser.
c) They are housed on the device and they are accessed through icons on the device home screen.
They are used without internet connection and they are installed through an app store (for example,
Google Play or Apple's App Store).
@ Classify the following apps into native, mobile web or hybrid applications.
Then think of more examples.
@ These words are related to multimedia. Match them with their definitions.
interactivity simulation fair use video/audio clip media
animation videogame digitise presentation tutorial
@ Talk with your partner about the presence and importance of multimedia in your life in the following
contexts/situations/aspects. Then, share the ideas with the rest of the class:
(D Read the following text.
The tablet-ordering system enables customers to arder on the device instead of waiting or
queuing. These tablets display an e-menu which makes the customer's choice easier and faster
10 dueto the visual content of the mea Is offered. This also guarantees less errors from the waiters
and less confusion in the kitchen since everything is written clearly now. Considering that this new
system is tech, futuristic and therefare attractive, the chances are it will be working in 80% of
restaurants in ten years' time.
Needless is to say that ordering food is not the only function of these devices. Customers can also
15 pay the bill and entertain themselves while waiting far the faod. Watching a video, listening to
music or checking the last updates of a social network might be a good way to avoid a boring wait
orto make one's meal more pleasant. Families can even play games like Trivia on the tablets while
they are sitting. As McDonald's owner operator in Kilkenny argued last month, "The design of the
restaurant is facused on family and on creating a new experience far customers."
20 A last but not least argument in favour of this new service is the income that businesses are
generating with this idea. More and more, parents feel enthusiastic about the idea of sharing food
and technology with their kids so this implies a higher number of clients a day. Customers are also
able to pay and get out faster, which means quick turnaround of tables. lt is also believed that
people who use tablets tend to arder more extras such as dessert or coffee. AII this makes a profit.
25 Nevertheless, the debate is alive. One could argue that this system is not the ideal one in a faod
and beverage environment because of the heat and bacteria of electronic gadgets. Besides,
buying so many tablets and paying far their maintenance also requires higher investment than
using paper menus. Ordinary peo ple also argue that eating out is a leisure activity and we must be
a ble to farget about technologies far a while. We are actually ti red of using our computer or phone
30 so many times a day. But the most important downside by far is the virtualization of such a social
activity and the consequent loss of personal contact.
Reading comprehension
@ Answer the following questions according to the information in the text. Use your own words.
a) Why do tablets contribute toan easier and faster ordering service?
c) Do owners make more money with this new service? Provide examples.
d) How does the writer compare tablets with paper menus at the end of the text?
Paragraph 2 Paragraph 5
Lining up Drink, refreshment
Probabilities Recreation, free time
Paragraph 3
Gratifying, nice
The passive
Present simple
Past simple
Present perfect
e) The artist had displayed all the photographs of London in the museum.
@ Write sentences in passive voice with the following elements. Use the correct verbal tenses.
@ Complete this text with the passive or active form of the verbs in brackets:
Shamela (a) (have) a great idea three years ago. She (b) (want) to
make money to pay far her studies. She (e) (create) a website called The design of the web (d) (be) very easy and she
(e) (not have) anytechnical problems.
The website (f) (be) now one of the most famous webs among university students.
Thousands of essays (g) (upload) every minute by university students from all around
the world about a wide range of university tapies. The projects (h) (then download) by
other students who need them far their assignments.
Agreat amountof Shamela'sfreetime (i) ------ (devote) tothe web and sometimesShamela
(j) (feel) ti red. She (k) (plan) to create the app for the phone but more
technical knowledge (1) (need) and she will have to work with an expert.
Google Glasses
@ Listen to four people who tried Google Glasses for a week. Match the speakers (1-4) with
the information below:
e) Mention three things Google Glasses are useful for when travelling.
@ Read the transcript on page 106 and make a list (i' Search more information about Google
of the things the speakers did with Google Glasses. Glasses and share the ideas with your
Creating an application
@ Use the Internet to find out about the best applications of the year. Write the names of the apps
and a brief description of them. Then, share the ideas with your partners.
@ You are going to create a new application for smartphones. Work in groups and design the app
taking into account the following aspects:
@ Present your app to the rest of the class as the Descriptive language
best app of the year.
• Prepare your presentation. • The name of the app is ...
• Organise your ideas: introduction, body and
• lt markets/offers/provides/produces ...
• We offer the possibility to ...
• Make it visual and attractive. Use a presentation
• There are ... sections
• We have created ... because .
• Pay attention to fluency, accuracy, content and
• The positive aspects of... are .
"I cannotwatch a film on TVtogetherwith mywife. She is tweeting simultaneously and she spends
more time with her eyes on her computer than on TV. Until I insisted she stopped, she used to take
her computer to bed and surf the net while I was trying to get asleep. 1 thought I was the exception
to this virtualization of family life but I have gradually changed. Now I access my computer to check
my tweets. 1 suffer from "tweet incontinence". The web has made the world more interesting. Too
interesting. Real life and real people are monotonous and problematic in comparison. However,
they have a unique advantage: they are real!"
Adapted from an article byTim Lott. The Guardian,January 19, 2013
@ Answer these questions and comment the answers @ Explain the meaning of the following words
with your partner in Twitter and find them in exercise 4.
Verónica Real
@PauGasol Looking forward to it! Go, Spain, go!
Pau Gasol
Just 100 days left for the Basketball World Cup in
our country, are you going to miss it? #Spain2014 l've already registered to be a volunteer! @PauGasol
5056 8520
Daniel Peterson
@PauGasol Where can I get the tickets for the games?
Valencia Basket
We'II be there watching our idols! @PauGasol
@ Your teacher is going to write a tweet in English in his/her account with a hashtag of his/her choice.
Vou must reply to it in English. You can also retweet it or mark itas favourite. Then you will read your
tweets in class and will analyse the content and the language.
Grammar: Reported speech Speaking: A video CV
Listening: Description of a company Writing: A CV
(D Read the descriptions of the following jobs and match them with the job titles.
@ Look at exercise 1 again. Do you know the meaning of the expressions in bold? Use them to write
a description of your dream job. Use the dictionary for specific vocabulary.
JOB: ����������������������
TYPE OF COMPANY: �����������������
I ir
@ A Telecommunications Engineer can work in three different a reas. Match them with their descriptions.
Telematics - Electronics - Communication
a) b) c)
They work with information They work with electronic This area is very similar to
and how it is coded to be processors in consumer the field of lnformation
sent. They also work with electronic goods such as Technology. They work with
digital processing of signa Is. toys, mobile devices or cars. networks, hardware,
They work with anything software, the Internet, etc.
that needs electronic
systems and processors.
@ Talk with your partner and then share the ideas with the class.
@ A Telecommunications Engineer may work in different fields. Complete the descriptions with the
missing words.
(J) lnterview a person who works in IT or Telecoms. You can work in groups.
• Find someone who works in the field of IT or Telecoms.
• Prepare a list of questions about his/her tasks, responsibilities and role.
• lnterview him/her and translate his/her answers into English.
• You can also record the interview.
(D Read the following texts.
5 The work requires knowledge of Oracle DB, SQL, MySQL, JavaScript and Microsoft Data base
Engine. A Bachelor's degree and 3-5 years experience is also desirable. As we are active in
Europe, fluency in French and German is also a requirement.
lf you are interested and meet ali the requirements, send your CV to Josh Bale, Human
Resources Manager, Technical Services. Falkirk Street 29, London TW56721.
1 The UCL is holding the 30th international IT TELECOM ENGINEER required in Dubai. 1
conference next year in London with more STC Company. Full-time job. Monthly salary:
than 2,000 visitors from Russia and China. 4,000- 6,000 AED with variable bonus.
The event management team is looking for
Russian and Chinese TRANSLATORS and We are looking for a Telecom Engineer with a
degree in Electronics and Communication. 5
The candidate should have at least 2 years of
experience in Networking, Telecom and
CCTV Systems. Fluency in Arabic is also
- Proficiency (C2) in English, Russian and
necessaryforthe position.
Chinese (Official certificate required)
10 - Good understanding of Computer
The candidate should be residing in Dubai for 10
Science terms
a long-term project.
- Good physical appearance
Send your CV to Khalid Bin Mubarak,
Contact: [email protected]
Emirates Road 311, Bur Dubai (UAE).
® Read the three advertisements and comment the following ideas with your partner:
• Which job would you apply for? Why?
• Which job would you never apply for? Why not?
• What are the requirements for each job? Mention them.
• Do you find any requirement too difficult to meet?
• How can applicants contact the employers?
• Which advert do you like the most in terms of content and clarity?
Reading comprehension
@ Match the words with their correspondent definitions. Then find them in the text.
hold - troubleshoot - Bachelor - optimise - meet requirements
@ Read the job offers again and answer the following questions:
a) In which position does the applicant need to be focused on problem solving? Why?
b) Mastering languages is a must if you want to apply for any of these jobs.
e) lf you want to apply for the jobs you have to send your CV by post.
d) The looks are relevant when applying for one the jobs.
Work with your partner and look for real job offers
Online. Analyse them regarding:
Reported speech
Robert said, "I have class in the mornings." Robert said (that) he had class in the mornings.
Rache! said, "I am doing an MBA course." Rachel said she was doing an MBA course.
Tom said, "I have studied French far five years." Tom said he had studied French far five years.
Ted said, "I applied far that job last year." Ted said he had applied far that job the year befare.
Laura said, "I had already finished homework." Laura said she had already finished homework.
Kate said, "I will study a degree in Economics." Kate said she would study a degree in Economics.
b} "My boss doesn't allow me to use the phone at work," the employee said.
e) "She hasn't updated this computer far two years," the technician said.
Ask and tell
• "Go to bed!" he said.
He asked me to go to bed.
• "Don't clase the window!" he said.
He told me not to clase the window.
b) Anne said, "Please buy a present far daddy's birthday this afternoon."
c) Megan said, "Read this book beca use it's very interesting."
e) The IT worker said, "Don't install two different antivirus programs on the same computer."
Reported questions
Wh- questions
• Paul asked, "Why do you study telecoms?"
• Paul asked why I studied Telecoms.
Yes/no questions
• Paul asked, "Do you like chocolate?"
• Paul asked if/whether I liked chocolate.
@ Make reported questions. Use "She asked me" at the beginning of each answer.
Description of a company
@ Say if the following sentences are true or false and explain the false ones.
a) The TV program is always about technologies.
1 ;;u��:!1e�='
• iJppllc.iollQn ;.�;!�ni
• ;=:] f!�;�a�;Pc��;�::�: WHI
@ Read the transcript on page 107. What is the meaning of the expressions and words in blue?
(D Read the following CV.
Susan Hawthorne
28 Clearblue Rd E24587
London, UK
Date of birth: 30/12/85
Phone number: 678-567-8901
Email: [email protected]
2013- Online diploma in web-based technology for business
2012- Master's degree in lnformation Technology. University College of London, London (UK)
2010- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Nottingham University, Nottingham (UK)
2005 - Vocational Training course in IT. Hackney Community College, London (UK)
2013-2014 Part-time IT teacher. Brightech School. Brighton, United Kingdom.
- Taught Computer Science at different levels.
- Prepared students to take official exams to get into university.
- Assessed students' abilities to program and design websites.
@ Read the CV and answer the following questions @ Write your own CV.
with your partner.
• Compare it with a Spanish CV. What are the • Present it in a clear and organised way.
main differences and similarities? • Do not make it too long. One page would
• Look at the words/expressions in bol d. What be perfect.
dotheymean? • Use formal and not complicated language.
• Have you heard of the Europass CV? Lookfor • Spell-check your CV.
examples and analyse them in class. • Be truthful.
A video CV
G) Comment on the following questions with your partner and then share your ideas with the
@ Work in small groups. Search examples of video CVs on the Internet that you consider
interesting and attractive. Share them with the class and analyse the following aspects:
A video CV, video résumé or visumé is a short video created by a person who wants to apply for a
job. lt describes the applicant's skills and qualifications in a more visual and attractive way than
the traditional CV. lt does not replace the paper one since not ali the employers like the idea.
However, it works as a complement of the traditional curriculum which might bolster the
applicant's search for employment.
• Do not read your CV in front of the camera.
• Dress professionally.
• Do not speak too fast.
• Make sure there isn't any background noise.
• Find a neutral background.
• Keep it short (1-3 minutes).
• Focus on your qualifications and professional achievements.
• Do not talk too much aboutyour personal life.
• Explain why you are a good candidate forthe position.
• Thankthe employerfor consideringyour CV.
• Practise before recordingyourself.
Grammar: Revision of verbal tenses Speaking: A job interview
Listening: A job interview Writing: A cover letter
Working conditions
(D Complete the following sentences with the correspondent verbs in the correct form.
work overtime - apply far - fire - earn - leave - hire - be unemployed
@ Think of examples for the following types of jobs and explain the difference between them.
Personal qualities
@ Look at the following personal qualities and abilities. What do they mean?
• Talk with your partner and decide which skills best define
you. Can you think of others?
- Accountant - IT worker
- Administrative assistant - Tourist guide
- Nurse - Customer representative
G) Read the following text.
To start with, writing your Currículum Vitae entails more than translating it into a fareign language.
Those looking far a job abroad have to take national differences into account. Far instan ce, sorne
countries put more emphasis on the work experience whereas others look far detailed accounts of
your qualifications and education background. Cover letters are also a key factor in the European
15 application process. lt is said that in France, a handwritten letter causes a better impact than a
typed letter butthis would be unconceivable in other European countries where their preferences
a re more facused on the length of the texts.
The aim of preparing a CV anda cover letter right is to persuade the employer to invite you far a job
interview and job interviews may also vary depending on the country where you are. lf a job-
20 hunter is about to be interviewed far a job in Spain, he would never mentían the salary at the
beginning of the conversation. He would discuss payment either later, in a second conversation or
even after having been hired. However, in other European countries, candidates would not
consider this rude and would tackle the subject first in the interview. The same happens with the
types of questions employers may ask. Whereas sorne of them facus on the qualifications, others
25 are more interested in the personal qualities, prívate life and expectations of the candidate.
Looks are also important when getting a job. Far ltalian employers, how you look reflects how you
work. Detailed care of your looks leads to a first positive impression. Candidates in England also
take care of their appearance being the suit the first choice far an interview. In Spain, far instan ce,
a more casual but always smart look might be acceptable.
30 Finding a job in Europe is now trendy. Hundreds of young peo ple are now looking far good jobs
abroad with the excuse of learning a new language, living a new experience and getting better
paid. Unfartunately, most of them end up working in places where they would never work in their
home countries and under conditions they would never accept there. Getting a job does not only
depend on your personal qualities and determination but also on the previous search of the
35 country, its possibilities, opportunities, differences and similarities and on a good personal
preparation for the application process.
Reading comprehension
@ Answer the following questions according to the information in the text. Use your own words.
a) Why is working abroad an attractive option far people?
d) Regarding physical appearance, what is the difference between Spain and England?
e) Do people usually find the ideal job abroad? Why? Why not?
@ Read the text again and say if the following statements are true or false:
a) When looking far a job, there are differences between European countries which go beyond
b) On a CV, education, qualifications and work experience are equally valued.
e) lt is not advisable to use the computer when writing a letter of application in France.
d) Looks are important in ali European countries when looking far a job.
Tense revision
(D Complete the sentences with present simple. present continuous or present perfect.
a) A: Why (you/apply)forthisjob? B: Beca use I wanttogain moreworkexperience.
b) 1 (send) a lot of CVs so far but 1 (not receive) anycalls yet.
e) A: Why are you still here? lt's so late! B: 1 (finish) a reportfortomorrow morning.
d) A: (you/like) working shifts? B: Of course not. lt's very tiring.
e) Mary (not think) her boss is satisfied with her job.
@ Complete the sentences with past simple. past continuous or past perfect.
@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use be qoinq to or wi/1.
b) "Why did you leave your last job?" the interviewer asked.
c) "I have worked as a shop assistant for thirty years," she said.
e) "We will call you for a second interview," she told me.
@ Complete the email below with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. There may be more than one
correct answer.
Hi Susana,
How are you? As you know, 1 (a} (write) to you from Scotland where I
(b) (do) my FCT training period. 1 (e) (be)
here for eight weeks now and I am very happy beca use (d) (learn) a lot of
things about hotel management. 1 (e) (also/do} an intensive course of
English. 1 have over twenty hours a week so I think 1 (f) (definitely/end
up) speaking really good English.
My roommates, Fiona and Gregory, are really friendly. They (g) (know)
Spain quite well as they (h) (live) there for two years sorne time ago. In
fact, they (i) (meet) each other when they (j) _
(study) in Barcelona. Fortunately they only speak to me in English. They say they (k) _
(speak) Spanish quite well, but they think they (1) (already/forget) most
of it. At first 1 (m} (not understand) them very well because of their
Scottish accent but now 1 (n) (get used) to it.
I am also very happy with my work colleagues because we get on really well. We
(o) (usually/go out) together at weekends. This weekend we
(p) (travel) to the north of Scotland. 1 am really excited. 1
(q) (write) to you again to tell you ali about it.
I think you (r) (phone} me yesterday but 1 (s) _
(just/go) out. You can phone me again tomorrow, but please (t) (not call)
between 6 and 7 pm beca use we usually have dinner at that time. Well, that's ali for now.
Lots of love,
(j) Use the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same.
A job interview
(D Have you ever been to a job interview? What are the most common questions that interviewers
ask to candidates? Talk about this with your partner and make a list of possible questions.
@ Do you know the meaning of these words and expressions? Share the ideas with the class.
Replace a person Career goals Strength
Weakness Willingness Requirement
@ Turn to page 85 and read Susan's CV. She applied for a job and you are going to listen to her job
interview. Listen carefully and answer the following questions:
© Listen again and say if the following statements are true or false. Justify the false answers.
a) Susan was responsible far the marketing section of lkea's website.
b) Susan worked far lkea beca use the previous webmaster was fired.
e) The salary is not the most important thing far Susan.
d) Susan expects a salary which is reasonable far her position.
e) Susan's short-term goal is to have a good position in this reputed company.
f) Susan is hired at the end of the interview.
A job interview
@ Read the job interview on page 107. Make a list with the questions that the interviewer asks
and add other questions you consider important.
� @ Work in pairs. You are going to role play different job interviews. For situations 1 and 2 Student A
will be the interviewer. For situations 3 and 4 Student A will be the candidate. Add more information.
Journalist Bankclerk
A cover letter
G) Read the letter and put the expressions in the correct places.
hearing from you relevant work experience concerning
currently to apply far I believe
I am 39 years old, Spanish, with a degree in English studies from the University of Madrid and a
Masters in lnternational Studies from the University of Los Angeles. 1 am _
finishing my PhD and working on mythesis, which deals with multiculturalism and linguistics.
I also have . 1 have been a language assistant far 7 years in the lnternational
Department of Valencia University, Spain. 1 was responsible far interviewing foreign students,
offering advice about studies or career paths and document processing. 1 also worked far APCT
Translations in 2005 translating legal documents from Spanish into English. My professional
experience also includes organising and planning training courses far foreign students as well as
cultural trips around the country. my language ability, 1 have a proficient level
of English and French and I am currently following an intensive course of German.
Page 31, exercise 2
Calling IT support
Problem: Your Wi-fi connection drops Problem: Your computer is on but the Problem: Your computer is slower
unexpectedlyfor no obvious reason. screen is blank. than normal.
Duration: Since you installed the Duration: Half an hour Duration: A couple of days. Since you
router two months ago. downloaded and installed a new
Previous solutions: You have checked program.
Previous solutions: You have tried that you have power and you have
turningthe routeron and off. tried turningthe compute ron and off. Previous solutions: You have deleted
a lot of files and you have uninstalled
the program that you downloaded.
Problem: A lot of noise is coming Problem: When your laptop gets hot Problem: The wireless network that
from your computer. itturns off unexpectedly. you are usually connected to has
disappeared from the connection list.
Duration: A few days Duration: A few hours
Duration: An hour
Previous solutions: You have cleaned Previous solutions: You have cleaned
the back of the computer case. thefans. Previous solutions: You've tested the
wireless connection with two other
laptops and it works. You've tested to
connect via cable and it works.
Page 31, exercise 2
Calling IT support
Technical support
Diagnosis: lnsufficient Wi-fi network Diagnosis: Blank monitor Diagnosis: Virus or spy-ware
range and power
Cause: The video cable has become Cause: You have downloaded an
Cause: Salid objects -walls, metal loase. infected file.
furniture and electrical appliances-
can interfere with the signa!. Wi-Fi Solution: Push the cable back in and Solution: Sean your computer for
links become unstable with distance. tighten the screws that hold it in viruses and spy-ware. Delete the file.
Solution: Move the computer closer Extra advice: Don't download free
to the router. Extra advice: Don't place the programs from untrusted sites.
computer case too close to a wall.
Extra advice: Buy an additional
antenna or use a signa! repeater.
Diagnosis: Dust in the fans Diagnosis: Overheating Diagnosis: Faulty configuration of the
Cause: The inside ofthe case is dirty. Cause: There may be a problem with
the fans orthe battery. Cause: Unknown
Solution: Switch off the PC, remove
the case lid, blow into the fan and the Solution: Turn it off and bring it to the Solution: Uninstall the wireless driver
power supply and restartthe PC. shop. The technician will check it. and the router driver and then reinstall
Extra advice: Clean the inside of your Extra advice: Don't place it on lap,
computer regularly. bed, couch or other fabric surfaces. Extra advice: None
Use a laptop cooler.
Barcode reader Modem
Camera Printer
Desktop computer Projector
Externa! hard-drive Smartphone
Fax Speaker
Headset Supercomputer
Laptop Tablet PC
Mouse Touchpad
Keyboard USB flash drive
Mainframe Webcam
Monitor Workstation
Application 1/0
Command Kernel
Core Layer
CPU Operating system
Execute RAM
GUI Software
Interface WIMP
Blog IP address
Blogger Newsgroup
Bridge Post
Browser Protocol
Data Search engine
Domain name TCP/IP
Domain Name System URL
Gateway Update
HTML World Wide Web
Bold lndent
Bullets ltalic
Cell Justify
Chart Layout
Click Macro
Clipart Open-source
Copy Paste
Cursor Press
Cut Print
Data base Redo
Delete Right-click
Drag Row
Field Spellcheck
File Spreadsheet
Font Table
Footer Template
Format Toolbar
Graph Undo
Highlight Value
Hold Word processor
lcon Worksheet
Command Multiplatform
Compiled Para meter
Debug Program
Execute Protocol
Function Script
HTML Source code
IDE Variable
lnterpreted XML
Machine code
Adware Phising
Antivirus software Piracy
Cracker Prevent
Cookies Protect
Cybercrime Reliable
Cyberstalking Risky
Damage Safe
Dangerous Safety
Decode Secure
Disable Security
Encryption Spyware
Highlight SSL certificate
Hacker Trojan
IP Spoofing Trust
Malware Unreliable
Mistrust Update
Padlock Username
Password Virus
Plagiarism Worm
Analogue I nteractivity
Animation lnstall
Device Media
Digital Mobile web application _
Digitize Motion
Display Native application
Gadget Run
House Screen
Hybrid application Simulation
Applicant Develop
Apply for Developer
Bachelor's degree Diploma
Certificate Electronics
Communications Hardware engineer
Computer security specialist ICT
CV / Résumé IT support officer
Database administrator IT teacher
Job advert Qualifications
Job application Salary
Job offer Satellite
Knowledge of Skills
Master's degree Software engineer
Maintain Task
Network administrator Telematics
Project manager Telecoms
Proficient in Ti meta ble
References Vacancy
Requirement Vocational Training course _
Responsibilities Webmaster
Responsible for Wiring
Role Work experience
Accuracy Hard-working
Ambition lmagination
Background lmpatient
Candidate Leadership
Career lnsecure
Casual job Job-hunt
Charisma Job interview
Communication skills Knowledgeable
Confident Lazy
Cover letter Logical reason
Creative Look forward to
Creativity Maternity leave
Dedicated Meticulous
Degree Multitasking
Determined Organised
Dismiss Part-time job
Easy-going Permanent job
Efficiency Position
Employ Punctual
Employee Part-time job
Employer Permanent job
Employment Punctual
Enclose Quit
Expectation Relaxed
Fast learner Reliable
Full-time job Resignation
Give somebody the sack Responsible
Goals Retire
Good with figures Self-employed
Shift work Trainee
Shy Training
Sick leave Unpaid leave
Sociability Va caney
Strength Wage
Team player Weakness
Team work Work extra hours
Temporary job Work overtime
Tenacity Yours faithfully
To be out of work Yours sincerely
Unit 1. Characteristics of a computer
lan: Then you'II need more than a traditional computer to get the best
Matt: Hi Steven!
results. 1 recommend one of these Dell Precision workstations which
Steven: Hey, Matt! What's up? Wow, you've got an lpad!
you can customise. The T360 model is really good to start with. lt
Matt: Well, not exactly. lt's a tablet. 1 was tired of carrying my heavy
includes an lntel® Xeon® Processor Quad Core 3.7 GHz Turbo, which is
laptop everywhere. 1 needed something lighter.
really high performance and 8 GB of memory with eight DIMM slots
Steven: Brilliant! And what does it have?
for easy upgrades. Your job requires big storage and this one has a
Matt: Well, it runs on the latest version of Android, it has a 1.0 GHz Dual
hard drive of 500 GB. lt's good but maybe not enough, so you can
Processor and an interna! memory of 16 GB.
choose 1 TB instead.
Steven: Will 16 GB be enough for you?
Nick: Yes, 1 prefer 1 TB.
Matt: 1 think so. But it comes with a MicroSD slot so I can expand the
lan: lt comes with a professional-grade AMD FirePro'" graphics card,
memory up to 32 GB if I need it. lt also has Bluetooth and WiFi, and it's
which is one of the best options for your demanding graphics
compatible with most video and audio formats.
software. And then Windows 8 pre-installed, McAfee 30-day trial and
Steven: Wow! Let me see. lt's very light and the screen is huge.
three-year basic warranty ...
Matt: Yes, 10 inches.
Nick: How much is it?
Steven: l'd like to have one too. How much is it?
lan: Well, 3.7 GHz Turbo processor, 8 GB of RAM, 500 GB plus the extra
Matt: lt was 325€ but I gota 10% discount with the student card. 1 paid
500 GB hard drive ... That's 1150€.
about 295.
Nick: 1 see ... 1150€. Can you offer any discounts?
Steven: Almost 300€? l'm afraid I can't afford that.
lan: l'm sorry but we already have the best prices on the market.
Nick: OK, 1'11 take it.
Helen: Wh ... What's that, James?
James: Oh, it's my new smartwatch. Do you like it?
Helen: Smart ... what? Unit 2. lnstalling an OS
James: Smartwatch. lt's kind of a watch with a computer.
Brenda: Hi ! How was your summer? You are tanned !
Helen: Are you kidding me? And what does that thing do?
Andy: Yeah ... We spent a fortnight in Ibiza. We really loved the place!
James: Well, 1 told you. lt's like a computer so I can check my emails,
Brenda: That's great! Anyway, 1 wanted to talk to you about the
read Twitter updates, listen to music, download apps ... Lots of things.
Operating Systems that we have to install in the classrooms.
Helen: And what do you want it for if you have a smartphone that does
exactly the same? Andy: Yes, we need to install them as soon as possible because classes
James: You know ... 1 always like to have the latest technology. are aboutto start.
Helen: That's ridiculous! lt must be really expensive and you're wasting Brenda: Which ones should we install?
James: Not really, it is just 280€. That's cheap considering that it has a Brenda: Both?
processor of 800 MHz, an internal memory of 4 GB, 128 MB of RAM, Andy: Yes. To make them work, you must install Windows first and then
Helen: Oh, please, 1 don't understand a word about gigabytes or Brenda: Windows first?
processors. 1 only know that it is expensive and you don't have a job. Andy: Yes, because Linux has a very good booting up program called
James: Don't worry ... GRUB that allows the running ofWindows as well.
Brenda: 1 see. And how do I install the systems? There are 20 computers
3. in each class ... Should Ido it one by one?
lan: Good morning. How can I help you? Andy: 1 think it would be betterto clone them and that way, we install the
Nick: Good morning. l'm looking for a computer. l'm an architecture OS in all the computers at the same time. There is an excellent program
student and l'm starting my final project now. 1 would like the computer that makes that possible.
to last for the next four or five years at least. Bren da: Which program?
lan: 1 guess you run specialized and demanding applications, right? Andy: lt's called Clonezilla.
Nick: Yes, 1 do a lot of CAD work, 3D modelling and rendering, image Brenda: Ok! Thank you for all the information. 1 couldn't attend the last
editing, graphic design and sorne video editing. meeting at the department because I was sick. Are you coming with me
to class Al?
Unit 3. Calling IT support Unit 4. A blog creator
Conversation 1 lnterviewer: Hi! We are back again here at LIVING WITH YOU, the radio
Technical support: Technical support, Hilary speaking, how may I help station for people with good ideas. Before the commercials I told you we
you? were going to interview a person who hada good idea and she is ... LÓraine
Client: Good morning. l'm having problems with my laptop. Holmes. Welcome, Loraine!
Technical support: What's wrong with it? Loraine: Thank you, Sasha. Thank you for inviting meto yourdaily program.
Client: For sorne reason it won't connectto my home wireless network. lnterviewer: Loraine, you are here beca use you created your own blog two
Technical support: How long have you had this problem? years ago.
Client: lt started yesterday. lt was working fine about two days ago. Loraine: Yes, 1 did. And that changed my life.
Technical support: Have you checked the router is on? lnterviewer: Tell us aboutthe blog. What is it about?
Client: Yes, 1 have. 1 have also switched it off and on several times. Loraine: l've always been a good cook.1 love cooking and I u sed to cook a lot
Technical support: Is the wireless switch on your laptop turned on? for my husband. When he died two years ago I didn'twant to stop cooking so
Client: Mmmm, 1 don't know. Where is it? I started to cook for myself and try new and different things. Then, 1 decided
Technical support: You must have an on/off switch somewhere on your to starta blog aboutfood with ali my recipes.
keyboard. lt usually has an antenna with signal waves. Try pressing it. lnterviewer: 1 see ... So you cook and you publish your recipes for your
Client: 1 don'tthink it has it. followers.
Technical support: Then try pressing the Fn key plus one of the function Loraine: Yes, 1 publish my recipes and they read them, comment and ask me
keys (Fl, F2, F3 ... ). lt should work, but let me know if it doesn't. questions aboutthem.
Client: 1 will, thankyou. lnterviewer: There are hundreds of websites and blogs about food. What
makes your blog differentand special?
Conversation 2 Loraine: My recipes are real, for real people. They are always home-made
Technical support: Technical support, Amanda speaking, how can I help and very healthy. People are tired of reading ideal and perfect recipes and
Client: Good morning. l'm having problems with my networkconnection. lnterviewer: Sorne of you may be thinking that blogging is an easy task but it
Technical support: What seems to be the problem, sir? mustn't be fora 58 year-old woman. How did you createthe blog?
Client: Everyfew minutes my internet drops out and it's really annoying. Loraine: When my husband died, 1 enrolled in an IT course for elderly people
Technical support: Have you tried turning the router off and on again? at the University. There I learnt how to use social networks, create blogs and
Client: Yes, of course. l've also scanned the PCforviruses but it's clean. edit photographs. The course and the help of my daughter made the
Technical support: When does this usually happen? creation of my blog possible. lt was difficult at first.
Client: lt often happens while l'm away from the computer and the lnterviewer: What was the most difficult part of creatingthe blog?
screen saver comes on. Loraine: The design. Choosing colours, shapes, icons, photographs ... That
Technical support: 1 see ... 1 think the problem may be in your router. lt is was difficultfor me.
by defaultsetto a channel. Tryswitchingto a different channel. lnterviewer: Apart from recipes, are there other things readers can find?
Client: Aha. And how can I dothat? Loraine: Yes, there are links to externa! cooking webs. 1 also upload tutorials
Technical support: Which model do you have, sir? and there is a forum where myfollowerscan share ideas.
Client: l'm usingthe Linksys WRT54G. lnterviewer: How often do you update the blog?
Technical support: OK. First you need to access your router's settings and Loraine: Once a week. l usuallydo iton Sundays.
then type the IP address of your router into a browser, which is probably lnterviewer: Why did this blog change your life? ifyou are u singa Linksys router. toralne: Because I was feeling lonely after my husband's death so I
Client: l'm sorry but I don't understand what I have to do. discovered a way to combine my passion and computers. A lot of people
Technical support: Let's see ... Open your internet browser and type that follow me and that makes me happy.
address into the search bar. Then try "adrnin" as both the username and lnterviewer: Which recommendations would you givetofuture bloggers?
password. Go to the wireless settings and start experimenting with the Loraine: First, you have to have a good idea. Second, to think of a catchv
different channels. name forthe blog and finallyto devote time everyweekto keep it updated.
Client: l'm sorry but I don't know howto dothat. lnterviewer: Thank you very much Loraine. l'm sure after listening to vou
Technical support:Then itwould be betterto senda technician. sorne peo ple will consider startingtheir own blog.
Client: Yes, please. Loraine: Thank you, Sasha. lt was a pleasure to be here with you today.
Remember to visit and you'II learn a lot about
Unit S. A talk Unit 6. Web programmers
Good morning, everyone. Thank you far coming to my presentation. Derek: Good Morning, Meredith ! How was your weekend?
My name is Dana Moar and l'm the co-faunder of Little Cute Things. Meredith: Hi Derek! lt was pretty good ! How about yours?
Today l'rn going to talk to you about my company. First, 1'11 give you Derek: Not bad ... Anyway, we have a lot of work to do. 1 talked to Mr Taylor on
sorne basic infarmation about Little Cute Things and how it was Friday and he explained to mewhattype ofwebsite he needs.
faunded. Then 1'11 talk about our online store and the strengths of Meredith: Finally! And what does he want?
the company. And finally 1'11 tell you our future plan. Of course 1'11 be Derek: He wants a website to make reservations in his new restaurant. You know
pleased to answer any questions at the end of my talk. that he has set up another new business, don'tyou?
Meredith: Yes! This man is a great entrepreneur! AII right then ... So let's start
Let's start with sorne basic facts about Little Cute things. My co- working. What programming languages should we usefarthis website?
faunder Andrés Martínez and I started talking in late 2011 about Derek: 1 think HTMLandJavaScriptwould be perfect. Doyou agreewith that?
how we could start upa business. The recession was hitting hard in Meredith: HTML and JavaScript will be perfect. 1 think that we could use PHP as
Spain and we were unemployed. We were about to emigrate to my well. That way, the website would be more dynamic.
hometown to seek a job when we had an idea. We thought: "Why Derek: Right. lt is going to be a huge restaurant in the city centre so the more
don't we try something new? Something that combines our two dynamic the web is the better far him and his employees. We also need a
passions?" 1 had worked as a journalistfartwo years, but I was really data base to store data. What about MySQL?
good at hand-crafting and he had just finished his degree in Graphic Meredith: MySQL is a good option.
Design. We were in Valencia in February 2012 when we decided we Derek: How many peo ple do we need to carry out the project? The two of us will
were serious about itand started working on it. We launched the site be programming but what about the design?
half ayear later. Meredith: Sarah the designer is on sick leave. We will have tofind a new designer
at least farthis website.
We are a small business and we work from home, we don't have a Derek: 1'11 find someone.
physical shop. We sell customized hand-made products: gifts far Meredith: lt is important that the designer has a good command of Photoshop
new-borns, badges, memory boxes, cards ... These kinds of cute and Dreamweaver so make sure that the new designer is competent enough,
things. 1 make the products and Andrés is responsible far designing please.
and maintaining the website. As you can imagine, it was really tough Derek: Why do you say that? 1 always work with competent peo ple!
at the beginning. We had to get a lot of permits, we didn't know Meredith: Well. .. Do you remember the translator you hired far the software we
anything aboutthe world of business and no one knew about us. We designed far that Spanish school?
didn't sell anything during the first two months! However, we are Derek: Well, yes ... That won't happen again, Meredith. Don'tworry!
proud to say that the store has been profitable during the last two Meredith: And we will also need a systems administrator. Can you check
years. Michael's availabilityfarthe fallowing weeks?
Derek: Michael finished a project last week so he will be free to help us with this
Let me now show you a few figures. As you can see in the graph, two new one. Besides, he worked on a similar website far the restaurant of a five-star
years ago we hadan annual turnover of about 15,000€ but last year hotel so his experience will benefit us.
it reached 30,000€. We have doubled sales. What is the key of our Meredith: Howlongwill ittaketofinish the web?
success? Well, 1 think we are ambitious and puta lot of effort. We are Derek: Let me see ... Mmm ... Two weeks approximately.
always tryingto find a new wayto attract new customers: we display Meredith: Two weeks far the final version? We could prepare a prototype
our products in street markets, we keep a blog and we are on every version far next week and ask Mr Taylor to come in and see it with us.
social network. You can fallow us on Facebook, Twitter, lnstagram Derek: Yes, that would be great so he can tell us ifthat is what he wants or not and
and Pinterest. we can modify it accordingto his specifications. l will let him know aboutthat.
Meredith: OK. Thank you, Derek. Make the necessary phone cal Is and let'sget on
Finally, 1'11 tell you about our new project. We are going to sell our withit!
Unit 7. Cybercrimes Unit 8. Google Glasses
Speakerl Speakerl
lt is true that I searched information online for my final paper but I didn't Well, 1 was not expecting anything new ... Fer me they were just glasses with a
know that was a crime in that English University. 1 had been asked to write a tiny computer incorporated so I didn't have high expectations about them,
paper about 19th century American writers and I did not have a lot oftime However, when I first tried them I wondered how they had been able to
to write 3,000words aboutthat. l decided to look for information in the Net create such a tiny computer with so many features inserted: Bluetooth, Wi-
and I found a paper written by a student in Australia about Edgar Allan Poe Fi, GPS, speakers, microphone, camera, touchpad anda tiny screen the size
and Melville. 1 thought it was very interesting and weli-structured and I of myfinger. Was it possibleto carry so manythings in lessthan SOgrams?
took sorne ideas from it. However, 1 could not imagine that my teacher
would find out that I had taken these words from that paper in Australia! 1 Speaker2
failed the subject and I had to retake that module six months later. Of What I liked most was the voice input. 1 felt as if I was living in the far future.
course, 1 haven't copied a word which is not mine never again! When you give a command, the glasses connect you directly to the search
engine. 1 remember I was in New York at that time and I said "OK, Glass, how
Speaker2 long is the Brooklyn Bridge?" and I was given the information immediately.
I shouldn't have started participating in that chat room but ... what did I Also, if you want to take a photo or record a video, you just have to say ...
know? lloved comics, specialiy the Manga enes and in this chat there were "Take a photo" and you havethe phototaken in less than a second. This input
hundreds of teenagers like me who loved this type of comics. 1 started voice option is very good for extreme athletes if they want to record
chatting with spyagent98 (that was his nickname) as soon as I registe red in unforgettable experiences without carrying a camera ali the time or even far
the chat room. lt seemed that we shared a lot of things: interests, hobbies, ordinary people recording real-life tutorials.
age ... However, two months later, 1 was busy preparing myfinal exams and I
couldn't log in as often as usual. Spyagent started to send me weird Speaker3
messages. He wrote things like "You left me." "You are nota true manga I love hiking. 1 usualiy hike on Saturday mornings with my brother-in-law. So
lover. Where are you?" 1 started to get nervous and I did not reply to any of when I was told that I could try the Google Glasses for a week, 1 decided to
these messages. That is when he started to publish sorne photographs of wearthem on ene of our hikes. lt ended up being a very useful gadget for us.
me in the common chat room. The problem got worse when he started lt helped us navigate and we even tried new routes without the fear of
insulting me.! got realiy scared and I didn't knowwhatto do ... getting lost. We also had immediate access to the weather conditions,
threats or information about the places we visited. You may be thinkingthat
Speaker3 they might have been uncomfortable to wear when walking but nooo! They
Last month my mother told me that she had received an email from her were quite light and I felt as if I was wearing other glasses or sunglasses. The
bank asking for sorne confidential information. 1 said, "What confidential voice recognition was also a positivething.
information?" She said that she'd been asked for her credit card number
and bank account. "And did you replyto the email?" 1 shouted. My mother Speaker4
said, "Of course I did, it was an email from my bank. There was the lego on I find Google Glasses perfect for traveliing. 1 used them when I went to
the top of the page and it was a message sent by the director. l've known Barcelona for a weekend and they helped me a lot! They converted the
him for ages !" currency rate, provided me with information about the attractions of the
place, translated sorne expressions I didn't understand, showed my boarding
Speaker4 pass two hours before my flight, reminded me of my appointments for that
I write for a living and I am realiy worried about this crime. People who weekend, my reservations in the hotel and importan! birthdays those days. lt
obtain iliicit books on the Internet try to justify their actions in many was like carrying an agenda ali thetime with you. l tend to be absent-minded
different ways. The main excuse is price. lf books were cheaper, we would and I get distracted easily so they were perfectfor me. But other peo ple rnav
buy them ali. Meanwhile we download them iliegaliy for free. But is that feel under pressure and control and they may have a completely different
true? Who believes that if theywere cheaper they would buy the real enes? opinion aboutthem.
How cheap would a book have to be? You can find books now for Sor 6€!
Don't fali for these excuses ... Peo ple who do this are stealing something of
value without paying for it and this becomes a real problem for us. Our
principal source of income comes from the sale of a book. We are talking
here about inteliectual property and readers will never payfor it.
Unit 9. Companies Unit 10. A job interview
TV presenter: Good morning everyone, we are today in the "SO'" lnternational Trade lnterviewer: Good morning, Miss Hawthorne. Have a seat, please.
Fair", which is held this year in Valencia, and we are going to interview Vincent
Candidate: Good morning, sir. Thankyou.
Brixton, one of the 35 employees of ISAG RI Spain, a French multinational company.
Good morning, Vincent. 1: We are interested in your application farthe position of webmaster
in our company.
Vincent: Good morning. lt's a pleasure far me to be interviewed far a program which
helps peo ple find jobs in such a difficult moment farthe employment. C:Thankyou. l am very excited aboutthis position.
Presenter: First of ali, tell us about your company. What service does it provide?
1: First of ali, tell me aboutyourself.
Vincent: Well, our company mixes agriculture and computer science. We develop
computer programs to be used in agricultura! sectors: farms, wine cellars, C: My name is Susan and I am from London. 1 have studied Computer
Science and I also have a Master's Degree in lnfarmation Technology.
cultivations, cooperative businesses or greenhouses. Farmers have always worked I have worked in IKEA as a web master far three years and I have also
manually: keeping track of their animals, feedingthem, measuring agricultura! a reas been an ITteacher far one year.
and fields, and dealing with inventories and accountancy, etc. Now, we offer them
1: Tell me aboutyour job as a webmaster.
the possibility to do ali those things with a computer. With our programs, they have
ali the infarmation computerized. C: 1 worked as a webmaster in IKEA and I was the responsible far the
design and updating of the page. 1 also contributed to online
Presenter: That's very interesting! marketing tasks since I am well acquainted with e-commerce
Vincent: lt is. Technology has re placed humans in daily situations: shopping, reading, strategies.
Presenter: You must have a lot of clients, then. C: 1 am very reliable and self-motivated.
Vincent: Fortunately, yes, we do. Our products are becoming more and more
1: May I askyou whatyourgreatestweakness is?
Presenter: Vincent, tell us aboutthe organization ofyourcompany. C: 1 tend to work overtime and work sometimes becomes more
Vincent: ISAGRI is a French company. There are 800 employees who work in Paris. important than my personal life. l am also a little bit impatient.
They create the programs. 1 work here in Valencia, one of their subsidiary 1: Why are you interested in workingfarus?
companies. We are more than 30 workers. Our role is to translate these programs
C: Well, it is a great privilege far anyone to work with a well-known
into Spanish and sell them in Spain, offering technical support and training. We also
and successful company like yours. Moreover, 1 think my skills and
visitfarms and companiesto explain how our gadgets work. willingness can contribute tothe growth of the company.
Presenter: Do you ali dothe sametasks?
1: Whatare yoursalary requirements?
Vincent: No, there are different departments: Accounting, Human Resources, the
Marketing department, the Management department, the Product department, C: Well, salary is nota first priority far me. This is a great opportunity
to continue my career and improve my knowledge. 1 expect a salary
Technical Support, and of course our French boss, who is in contactwith France.
accordingto my responsibilities and yourcompany's norms.
Presenter: You said that you have offices in many countries ...
1: What are your careergoals?
Vincent: Yes! We are in France, Spain, Canada, Germany, ltaly, Morocco, Romanía,
The Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and Portugal. C: In short term, my goal is to work in a reputed company like yours.
Presenter: What are the requirements to applyfor a job in your company? My long-term goal is to grow in that company and have a good
position in it.
Vincent: They always look far applicants with a degree in Agricultura! Engineering or
Computer Science. Knowledge of English and French is also a requirement because 1: Doyou have any questions to ask me?
Grammar reference
Present tense
Present simple - verb to be
• You/We/They are sad today. • You/We/They aren't sad today. • Are you/we/they sad today?
• She/He/lt is excited today. • She/He/lt isn't excited today. • Is she/he/it excited today?
Present simple
• She/He/lt runs 4 km every day. • She/He/lt doesn't run 4 km • Does she/he/it run 4 km
every day. every day?
We use the present simple to talk about facts To make the third person singular:
and routines. - most verbs add -s
• She lives in Seattle.
- verbs ending in -s, -sh, -ch or -x add -es
• What does he study?
pass-passes, finish-finishes, watch-watches, fix-fixes
• He works in Brazil.
- verbs ending in consonant +y, drop the -y and add -ies
• She doesn't work at weekends.
- exceptions
do-does, go-goes, have-has
Present continuous
• 1 am studying English now. • l'm not studying English now. • Am I studying English now?
We use the present continuous to talk about what you're doing at the moment orto describe a
temporary situation.
• What are you doing? l'm watching a film.
• What are you teaching this year? l'm teaching French.
There are sorne verbs which are not usually used in the continuous: seem, be, have, know, understand,
believe, like, love, bate, want, see, toste, feel.
- lf the verb has one syllable and ends with a consonant-vowel-consonant combination, do u ble the last
consonant and add -ing to the verb: run-running, put-putting, swim-swimming
- lf the verb ends in an -e, drop the -e and add -ing to the verb: make-making, write-writing, have-having
Present perfect
We use for to refer to a general period of time and since to a specific pciint in time.
• l've lived in Portugal for three years.
• l've lived in Portugal since 2011.
We use a/ready in affirmative sentences and yet in negative and interrogative sentences.
• They have already won three championships whereas the other team has not won any championship yet.
• Have you finished the report yet?
We use have been to talk about completed visits and have gane to say that the person hasn't returned yet.
• l've been to Madrid twice.
• My mother has gone to the market but she'II be back in a minute.
Past tense
Past simple - verb to be
Past simple
Regular verbs
• 1/You/He/She/lt/We/They • 1/You/He/She/lt/We/They didn't • Did 1/you/he/she/it/we/they
listened to the radio last night. listen to the radio last night. listen to the radio last night?
Irregular verbs
• 1/You/He/She/lt/We/They • 1/You/He/She/lt/We/They • Did 1/you/he/she/it/we/they
sang the anthem. didn't sing the anthem. sing the anthem?
We use the past simple to talk about events that happened in the past.
• 1 won the lottery in 2011.
• My parents bought our house when I was a baby.
• You didn't water the plants as you had promised.
• Did you lose the wallet?
- lf the verb has one syllable and ends with a consonant-vowel-consonant combination, double the last
consonant and add -ed to the verb: stop-stopped
- lf the verb ends in an -e, drop the -e and add -ed to the verb: change-changed
- lf the verb ends in consonant + -y, drop the -y and add -ied to the verb: try-tried
Past continuous
Past perfect
We use the past perfect when we are talking about the past and want to talk about an earlier past time.
Modal verbs
Have to - Don't have to
• He/She/lt has to show the ID • He/She/lt doesn't have to • Does he/she/it have to
first. show the ID first. show the ID first?
Must - Mustn't
To express deduction.
• She must be her sister. She looks similar to her!
We use mustn't:
To say that something is not allowed.
• You mustn't enter the room while they are doing an exam.
Should - shouldn't / Ought to - oughtn't to
Future tense
Will - won't
Be going to
• 1 am going to design the • l'm not going to design the • Am I going to design the
company's website. company's website. company's website?
• He/She/lt is going to work • He/She/lt isn't going to buy • Is he/she/it going to buy a
abroad. a new car. new car?
Present continuous
• 1 am starting a new project • 1 am not starting a new project • Am I starting a new project
next week. next week. next week?
• You/We/They are meeting the • You/We/They aren't meeting • Are you/we/they meeting
doctor at 10. the doctor at 10. the doctor at 10?
We use the present continuous to talk about fixed plans and arrangements in the future. There is often
a definite time or place.
Present simple
• The English class starts at • The English class doesn't start • Does the English class start at
9 o'clock. at 9 o'clock. 9 o'clock?
• The trains leave in the • The trains don't leave in the • Do the trains leave in the
afternoon. afternoon. afternoon?
Question A uxt.1•1ary S u b'ject ver b
Present do you/we/they
does he/she/it
tense What
am 1
are you/we/they sleeping?
is he/she/it
Who have you/we/they
has he/she/it
Modal can/could
verbs should
close the door?
Question Verb to be Subject
Verb What am
Who are you/we/they
to be Where thirsty?
is he/she/it
When here?
Whose so nervous?
Why was you/we/they
How were 1/he/she/it
• When is dinner?
• Are you a student of this school?
• Whose is this book?
• What was the problem?
• Where were you last night?
• Was she ready far the competition?
The basic rule for asking questions in English is to follow the same word order: question word
(if necessary) + auxiliary + verb:
lf who or what is the subject of the question, we don't use the auxiliary.
Zero conditional
We use the zero conditional to talk about scientific facts and things that are always true.
First conditional
We use the first conditional to talk about possible or likely events in the future.
Second conditional
We use the second conditional to talk about things which are impossible or unlikely to happen in the
present/future and their consequences.
We can use were instead of was. This is very common when we give advice.
• lf I were you, 1 would go to the doctor.
Third conditional
We use the third conditional to talk about a condition in the past that did not happen.
• lf I had seen Mary, 1 would have told her. (1 didn't see Mary.)
• lf I had won the lottery, 1 would have travelled around the world. (1 didn't win the lottery.)
Sometimes we use should have, might have or could have instead of should have.
• lf you had bought a lottery ticket, you might have won.
• lf you had gone to the doctor, you should have told him about your problem.
• lf you had visited Paris, you could have gone to the Eiffel Tower.
The passive
We use the passive when we focus on the action itself rather than who or what does the action.
• Microprocessors are made of silicon.
To form the passive we use the correct tense of the verb be + the past participle of the main verb.
• The new version of the program will be launched next week.
Active Passive
• You can access the Internet from this device. • The Internet can be accessed from this device.
The passive with two objects
The passive can also be used in sentences that have two objects -a direct object and an indirect object.
In this case the corresponding passive sentences can be written in two different ways.
Active Passive
• The customer has sent usan email of complaint. • An email of complaint has been sent to us.
Common verbs that are followed by two objects include give, send, show, lend, pay, promise, tell and o/fer.
Impersonal passive
We use the passive with reporting verbs such as say, think, believe, claim, consider, expect, know, prove,
suppose, to talk about what is generally thought or said.
Active Passive
• People think that he has stolen the money. • He is thought to have stolen the money.
• Everybody says that the company is profitable. • The company is said to be profitable.
Reported speech
We use say and tell to report what other people said in the past.
We indicate who receives the information by using a person object (me, us, etc.) after tell.
• She told me she would help me.
Because of the change in time there may be a change of tense or modal auxiliary. Different pronouns
and adverbs are also used to suit the context.
• "I drove the costumers to the airport," Nick said. • Nick said that he had driven the customers
to the aiport.
• "I didn't get the promotion yesterday," Nick said. • Tim said that he hadn't got the promotion
the day befare.
• "We will give you an answer tomorrow," she said. • She said that they would give mean answer
the fallowing week.
This -+ That Today -+ That day -+ he/she we -+ they
These -+ Those Vesterday -+ The day befare me -+ him/her us -+ them
Here -+ There Last night -+ The night befare my -+ his/her our -+ their
Now -+ Then Tomorrow -+ The fallowing day mine-+ his/her ours -+ theirs
Ago -+ Befare Next week-+ The fallowing week
Reported commands
We can use other verbs such as arder, remind, warn instead of ask or tell, depending on the meaning.
• "Don't touch the electric wires. lt's dangerous!" he said.
He warned me not to touch the electric wires.
Reported questions
We can use other verbs such as want to know or wonder instead of ask.
• "Will I become the CEO of this company in the future?" he said.
He wondered if he would become the CEO of that company in the future.
Irregular verbs
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Thejhighlightedlverbs are those you may use in the field of computers and telecon:imunications.
124 J
ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Une
Bcc Blind carbon copy
BIOS Basic lnput/Output System
Ce Carbon copy
CD Compact Disc
CPU Central Processing Unit
DNS Domain Name System
DVD Digital Video Disc
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GB Gigabyte (1,024 megabytes)
Ghz Giga hertz
GPS Global Positioning System
GUI Graphical User Interface
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
ICT lnformation and Communications Technology
IDE lntegrated Development Environment
IP Internet Protocol
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT lnformation Technology
LAN Local Area Network
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MB Megabyte (1,024 kilobytes)
Mhz Mega hertz
os Operating System
PAN Personal Area Network
PC Personal Computer
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
TB Terabyte (1,024 gigabytes)
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
VolP Voice over Internet Protocol
WAN Wide Area Network
WAP Wireless Access Point / Wireless Application Protocol
Wi-fi Wireless Fidelity
WIMP Windows, icons, menus, pointer
www World Wide Web
The authors would like to thank everyone who has helped Phone With Colorful Application lcons, by KROMKRATHOG;
in the creation ofthis book: p. 70 Mobile Phone, Music Symbols And Clapperboard With
José Vicente Gargallo (Computing Engineer), Xavier Amorós Reels Of Fil, by cooldesign; p. 74 Global Education, by
(Telecommunications Engineer), Vicente Puchol ddpavumba; Osear - Golden Trophy, by Danilo Rizzuti; p. 75
(Agricultura! Engineer and employee at lsagri), Daniel de las lnnovation Glasses, by Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot; p. 78
Heras (Graphic Designer), Ted Mcaleer (Voiceover actor), Resting Handsome Boss, by imagerymajestic; p. 81 Business
Andy Boyns (Voiceover actor) and Jenn Henry (Voiceover Man Holding Board On The Background, Job Opportunity, by
actress) basketman; Find Job On Internet, by Master isolated images;
p. 83 Casual Young Couple Facing Each Other, by
We would like to thank the following websites for the stockimages; p. 84 Tractor Ploughing Field, by dan; p. 85
permission to reproduce photographs: lmage Of Newly Launched Tablet Pe, by stockimages;
Businessman Using A Smartphone, by stockimages; finding [http ://www. freed igitalphotos. net]: Leader Concept, by 89studio; p. 86 Closeup Shot Of
p. 7 Back Of Black Barcode Scannerün White Background, by Businesswoman, by stockimages; p. 87 Hire Fire Buttons
Keerati; Key Board, by digitalart; Computer Mouse, by Show Hiring Or Firing, by Stuart Miles; p. 88 Career Advice
artur84; Usb Flash Drive, by creativedoxfoto; Printer And Shows Education Talent And Skills, by Stuart Miles; p. 89
Little Girl, by Naypong; Business Lady Writing On Notebook, England France Germany lreland Post Stock lmage, by Stuart
by adamr; p. 8 Computer Circuit Board Stock Photo, by Miles; p. 90 Businessman Hand Drawing Travel The World
wandee007; p. 11 Technician Repairing Computer Monument Concept, by Suwit Ritjaroon; p. 91 Multi Ethnic
Hardware, by Naypong; p.12 Smiling Friends UsingTablet Pe, Team During Meeting, by Ambro; p. 93 Job lnterview, by
by stockimages; Office Colleagues Reviewing Business File, Ambr; p. 95 Application For Employment Form, by
by stockimages; p. 22 Magnifying Glass, by Salvatore Vuono; phasinphoto.
p. 30 IT Support, by cooldesign; p. 31 Worried Businessman
On Phone, by David Castillo Dominici; Is Their Anything Else I lconArchive [ p. 17 Linux
Can Do For You?, by stockimages; First Aid Pe, by lcon, by Tatice, p. 43 Action cut lcon, by Everaldo /
ddpavumba; p. 34 Mouse And World, by suphakit73; Yellowicon; p. 44 Office word odt lcon, by Arrioch; Apps gimp
Internet Address, by Vlado; p. 35 Businessman With lcon, by Saki; Software vlc lcon, by Gianni Polito; p. 59 Social
Futuristic Interface, by hyena reality; p. 36 Digital World On inside youtube lcon, by lconTexto; p. 75 Google Glass lcon,
The Hand Stock Photo, by watcharakun; p. 37 Planning, by by Aha-Soft (; p. 77 Social inside
graur razvan ionut; p. 39 Blog Post, by renjith Krishnan; Aged twitter lcon, by lconTexto.
Woman With Touch Pad Device, by stockimages; p. 40
Woman Present Projector Stock lmage, by chanpipat; p. 41
ISAGRI []: p. 84 ISAGRI logo, lsamargen
Ran The Blue Robot Holding A Briefcase. 3d Robot Character,
by Boians Cho Joo Young; p. 47 lllustration Of A Question
Mark, by Vlado; p. 48 Stocks On Tablet With Coffee, by
ddpavumba; p. 49 Shopping Bag, by phanlop88; p. 50 Wikipedia [ p.17 Linus Torvalds
Business Pie Chart On Mobile Phone, by cooldesign; p. 51 (cropped), derivative work bythumperward.
Programming Languages On Keys, by Stuart Miles; p. 54
Bromo Volea no At Sunrise, East Java, Indonesia by lkunl; p.
55 Hand Holding Smartphone Mobile, by Ambro; p. 56 GPS No unauthorized photocopying
Device, by graur razvan ionut; p. 57 Business People
Discussing, by David Castillo Dominici; p. 58 Video No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
Presentation, by renjith Krishnan; Pretty Business Lady With retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
Clapperboard, by stockimages; p. 59 Direct Top Of Remote mea ns.
Control On White Background, by Keerati; Electric
Appliances, by bplanet; p. 60 Secure Email Stock lmage, by You must not circulate this book in any other binding or
Salvatore Vuono; Computer Security Protected Meter Stock cover.
lmage, by Stuart Miles; p. 61 Padlock lcon On Computer
Monitor, by Stuart Miles; Social Network Background With
Media lcons, by photoraidz; p. 63 Shopping Online, by
Feelart; p. 66 Hacker, by chanpipat; p. 67 Social Networking,
by renjith Krishnan; p. 69 Smart Phone, by scottchan; Mobile
ISBN: 978-84-15161-88-2 ISBN: 978-84-942595-8-6