Year 4 Cefr SK Week 23
Year 4 Cefr SK Week 23
Year 4 Cefr SK Week 23
Pair / Group Discussion bubble map Language Task
Feedbacks . . . Story telling
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher displays flashcards/ relia of stationary. Elicits the pupils.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Collect some items from pupils (e.g. pens, notebook, etc.). Use the items to ask 1. Teacher gets a few pairs of pupils to
Whose… is this? for pupils to answer It’s mine. present the exchange to the class..
2. Directs ppls to SB page 73, ppls guessing what the children are playing. 2. Class discussion.
3. Play CD 2 Track 26 and have ppls chorally repeat the exchange.
4. Divide ppls into 2 groups: A and B. Each members in the groups takes turn to
exchange their belonging with their friends .
5. Ppls take turns to ask and answer questions in pairs. Then return their
belongings to one another.
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : click and choose reason here>>
Week 23 Class 4 Time
Day Monday Attendance
Date 20/07/2020 Lesson 104 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Knowledge MODULE 7 : HELPING OUT
Language/ Grammar focus Indefinite pronouns: e.g. someone/ everything
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Main Content Standard
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or
Main Learning Standard
two paragraphs
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Com. Content Standard
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
Com. Learning Standard
texts of one or two paragraphs
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
read a text and talk about recycling with guidance.
Success Criteria : Pupils can
read and answer at least 4 out of 6 questions correctly
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources i-Think/ HOTS CCE / EE
Pair / Group Discussion bubble map Language Task
Feedbacks . . Sustainability Observation
Learning Outline
Teacher uses the flashcard for ‘recycle’ to elicit materials that can be
recycled. Ask pupils what they recycle.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher refers SB pg 74 and directs to the vocabulary section. 1. Teacher elicits and discusses
2. Play CD 2 Track 27, pupils point and repeat the words. the answers with the pupils.
3. Show pupils the paragraph headings (Asks questions, e.g. What 2. Class discussion.
is recycling? / What can we recycle? / How can we recycle?)
4. Have pupils read the text about recycling and match the
paragraphs to the headings.
5. Read again and write T for True and F for False in activity 2.
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : click and choose reason here>>
Instruction: Complete the sentences with the correct word based on the text
newspapers magazines
boxes bottles
books business cards Recycle bin Recycle bin Recycle bin for
for glass for paper metal and plastic
Pair / Group Discussion bubble map Language Task
Feedbacks . . Sustainability Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher displays word ‘recycle’ to elicit materials that can be recycled.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher gets pupils play a spelling game to review and 1. Teacher elicits and discusses
consolidate the spelling of the indefinite pronouns with the ppls on how to help
2. Pupils refer Grammar box SB pg 75 and say a sentence using global or local problems with
the compound someone. (eg: Someone in the class is wearing a rubbish and recycling. This may be
pink shoes) Elicit that using someone to refer to a person. in ppls first language, but try to
3. Encourage pupils to make more examples. Then write at least include English where possible.
4 sentences in exercise book. Check and discuss the correct 2. Class discussion.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : click and choose reason here>>
Pair / Group Discussion bubble map Language Task
Feedbacks . . . Role play
Learning Outline
Teacher plays sounds of the five animals that they have learnt from the
Pre-lesson previous Language Arts lesson. Get pupils to name the animals and mimic
the sounds.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Divides pupils to pairs and distributes worksheet. Match and discuss. 1. Pupils predict what might
2. Teacher gets pupils to read Chapters 1 & 2 together. Explore the features in the happen next chapter.
graphic novel.
3. Choose a pupil to be the narrator. The other pupils stand in a big circle and the 2. class discussion.
narrator stands in the centre. As the narrator reads the text, the pupils walk in a
4. When the pupils hear their names (animals) being mentioned in the text, they
howl, hiss, roar or growl three times (giving special sound effect).
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : click and choose reason here>>
Match the animals to their sounds:
1. tigers howl
2. wolves chatter
3, elephants roar
4. monkeys hiss
5. snakes trumpet
6. owls hoot
1. tigers howl
2. wolves chatter
3, elephants roar
4. monkeys hiss
5. snakes trumpet
6. owls hoot
1. tigers howl
2. wolves chatter
3, elephants roar
4. monkeys hiss
5. snakes trumpet
6. owls hoot
The jungle is so peaceful and occasionally you can hear the hooting of the owl,,,
‗hoot,‘ ‗hoot‘ (....), the tiger(....), wolf (...) bear(...), monkey (...) and the snake (...).
The ground is so smooth with fine pebbles. The walk is easy. You can feel the cool
breeze brushing onto your face. Nearby, the water in the river is rushing down the
Soon, the ground is hard. There are roots and stumps all over. You need to be
careful or you may fall and hurt yourself. You can hear the birds (.....) chirping and
whistling happily, the tiger (...), the bear (...) and the monkey (....).
The path into the jungle is without any incident until a sound of the hungry wolf (...)
is heard. All the animals become very quiet, wondering if the monkey (...) dares to
appear into the path of the hungry wolf (...).
Suddenly, the grizzly bear (...) pounds his heavy feet on the ground and the whole
jungle starts to tremble. The sound gets louder and louder. The snake (...) realises
that the bear (...) is coming closer. The snake (...) rushes to hide behind some thick
bushes. From the chatter of the monkeys (...) you can sense the fear that has been
created by the bear.
There! There! The worse is about to happen! The tiger‘s roar (...) is deafening. He
has a disturbed sleep. All the animals (.....) run behind tree trunks and bushes to
Hiss! The snake (...) projects his long head and sensing his environment he too
rushes into a thick bush.
Pair / Group Discussion bubble map Values Task
Feedbacks . . . Observation
Learning Outline
Teacher shows one of the pictures from Part One of the story (and find out what pupils
remember about the story. Pupils predict the ending of the story. ( SB page 66-67)
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Enhance listening activity by
1. Have pupils put in order the pictures from Part 1 of the story and retell the story playing the CD (Track 32) and then get
in pairs. Ask pupils if they remember what happened in the first part of the story. the pupils to answer comprehension
2. Refer SB page 78-79 and read the story together. Pupils listen to CD2 Track 32. questions.
3. Teacher asks some questions to get ppls understanding about the story. 2. Ask pupils to bring empty jars,
4. Discuss the answer by class. boxes, plastic and other containers
from home to the next lesson.
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : click and choose reason here>>
Pre lesson