IMG - 0743 EE PreBoard Exam 191
IMG - 0743 EE PreBoard Exam 191
IMG - 0743 EE PreBoard Exam 191
R I :( i I S'1'l
'l uesday, Aprit 9.1 99? 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 P'm.
experience a force of 2- x l0
'''N' How far apart are the electrons?
-40. Two electrons in a vacuum
A. 0.48 x lo-?m B. 9.60 * to:', C. 2.84;ld:ih D. 5.05 x l0'r2m
42. Dctermiqe tlre power angle in the series circuit which consist$ of R = 25 ohms, L - 0.2 H across a Power suPPlY of 200
uolt: l0 l'lz?
B. 52,4 deg C. 46.4 deg so.+ a"s
A. 36.a deg @
power is needcd to
- 43. A load of10,000 KVA, 80o/o lag is connected to a 13,200 volt line. I{ow much capacitive reactive
correct the power factor to 0.97 lagging?
A. S,156kVAR n.-i,tigwnR C.2,547 kVAR D. 4,753 kVAR
47. llverters are electrical devices usually consisting of cwitches transformer, inductors and capacitor. What are they used for?
4 To change DC voltage to anothei DC voltage B. To change AC sinusoidal wave to AC pulsed wave
O fo conr"rt DC voltage ro AC voltage D. To change AC voltage to DC voltage
4E- A resistor assembly for a wound rotor motor consists of 20 etements of cost iron grid elements. The rating of each is,0'10
ohm. When joinedin series and tested across 220 volis, thc measured current was 100 A. How much powcr was lost in the
A. l.gkw B. l.E kw z.o tw '@ D. 2.r kw
49. A conductor 50 mnr long moves at a velocity of 2.5 moters pcr second across a magnetic field of 0.90 Wmz. What is the
voltage generated?
A. 0,t25 V B. 0.0648 V So.t res , D. 0.072 V
- 50. A circuit consists of three resistor rated 3,4, and 5 ohms and connected in parallel. If this circuit is connected to a battery
which has an internal resistance of 0.2 ohm. What would be the current passing tfuough the ohm resistor?
A. 2.04 A B. 4.8 A c. 2.4 A D.3.0 A