Advance Java MCQ

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State the difference between CheckBox and RadioButton

2. Write the use of setEnabled() method.

3. Draw the life cycle of an Applet.

4. State the difference between List and Choice control

5. Write the use of getSelectedItem() and getSelectedIndex() for List.

6. Give name of default Layout for Different container

7. List the names of BorderLayout regions.

8. Write the default horizontal and vertical gap in FlowLayout

9. Write the use of Insets in border layout.

10. State difference between GridLayout and GridBagLayout.

11. Explain constructor of GridbagLayout.

12. State difference between GridLayout and GridBagLayout.

13. Explain constructor of GridbagLayout.

14. State the difference between AWT and Swing

15. State the features of Swing

16. Name the method to obtain ContentPane in swing.

17. State the use of JTree in Swing.

18. State the use of getPathForLocation() method.

19. List different packages used to implement JTree programs.

20. Name the superclass of JTable component.

21. How rows are inserted in table.

22. How to add JTable to JPanel ?

23. Name different Orientation of Progress Bar.

24. Explain the Purpose of setValue().

25. What is the use of minimum and maximum value of progressbar.

26. Name any four Event Listener interfaces.

27. State the situation when all three events of KeyListener interface are generated?

28.List various methods of ActionListener interface.

29. List various methods of MouseListener and MouseMotionListener

30. Do all components generate the MouseEvent

31. Write the steps to obtain the coordinates of MouseClick

32. Write the steps to register for MosueEvents

33Write the advantages of using JPasswordField over JTextField

34. Which component can be used to accept the multiline input from user

35Write the use of Adapter class

36. Write the differences between Adapter class and Listener Interface

37. Write the use of anonymous inner class.

38. Write any four differences between IPV4 and IPV6

39 Write the use of getByName() and getAllByName() method.

40. Write the steps to assign IP address to your machine

41Write the use of openConnection() method of URLConnection class.

42. Write the name of exception that can be thrown by URL class

43. Name the package in which URL class is defined.

44Write the default port of used by various services such as FTP, SMTP, HTTP.

45. Write the constructor to allow the server for waiting queue

46. Write the function of Connect(), Bind()

47. Write the difference between SeverSocket and DatagramPacket

48 Why UDP is unreliable protocol.

49. Write the steps to assign IP address to your machine

50. List the advantages of JDBC over ODBC?

51. Write the Use of Class.forName()?

53. Write the steps to establish DSN oriented connection and DSNLess connection.

54. Explain Advantages of Prepared Statement Interface.

55. Explain the methods of ResultSet Interface

56 Explain Types of ResultSet

57 Explain disadvantages of Prepared Statements

58 Write ACID properties of Transaction.

59. Write the use of DDL DML and DCL

60 Write the use of Delete Cascade.

61Write the use of Update Cascade.

62. List the types and uses of Servlet

63. List the advantages of Servlet over CGI?

64. Draw the servlet life cycle?

65. What is servlet container?

66. List the types of servlet and default port for there services.

67. List the difference between doGet() and doPost() method of servlet.

68. Explain ServletConfig and ServletContext.

69 Explain ServletInputStream Class and ServletOutputStream Class with methods.

70. Explain Session ID.

71. Explain Methods of HttpSession ?

72. Explain the session management in detail .?

73. Explain Session hijacking and session poisoning in Java Servlet.

74. Write the methods of Cookie.

75 Write the advantages of Cookie over URL rewriting.

76 Write steps to disable Cookie.

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