1. Nonpoint source pollution from sources like oil, waste and fertilizer can damage aquatic habitats and life. Runoff carries these pollutants into waterways. Proper disposal and reducing sediment runoff can help solve this.
2. Oil spills from ships significantly impact wildlife through destroying insulating abilities and poisoning ingestion. Larger animals can die from hypothermia or immune/reproductive issues.
3. Intentional discharge of toxic waste from manufacturing enters the food chain and can accumulate in larger predator species, posing health risks to humans. Agricultural runoff also raises ocean temperatures threatening marine life.
1. Nonpoint source pollution from sources like oil, waste and fertilizer can damage aquatic habitats and life. Runoff carries these pollutants into waterways. Proper disposal and reducing sediment runoff can help solve this.
2. Oil spills from ships significantly impact wildlife through destroying insulating abilities and poisoning ingestion. Larger animals can die from hypothermia or immune/reproductive issues.
3. Intentional discharge of toxic waste from manufacturing enters the food chain and can accumulate in larger predator species, posing health risks to humans. Agricultural runoff also raises ocean temperatures threatening marine life.
1. Nonpoint source pollution from sources like oil, waste and fertilizer can damage aquatic habitats and life. Runoff carries these pollutants into waterways. Proper disposal and reducing sediment runoff can help solve this.
2. Oil spills from ships significantly impact wildlife through destroying insulating abilities and poisoning ingestion. Larger animals can die from hypothermia or immune/reproductive issues.
3. Intentional discharge of toxic waste from manufacturing enters the food chain and can accumulate in larger predator species, posing health risks to humans. Agricultural runoff also raises ocean temperatures threatening marine life.
1. Nonpoint source pollution from sources like oil, waste and fertilizer can damage aquatic habitats and life. Runoff carries these pollutants into waterways. Proper disposal and reducing sediment runoff can help solve this.
2. Oil spills from ships significantly impact wildlife through destroying insulating abilities and poisoning ingestion. Larger animals can die from hypothermia or immune/reproductive issues.
3. Intentional discharge of toxic waste from manufacturing enters the food chain and can accumulate in larger predator species, posing health risks to humans. Agricultural runoff also raises ocean temperatures threatening marine life.
Cause Effect Solution 1.Nonpoint Nonpoint Nonpoint Dispose of source source source Oil and pollution pollution pollution Household comes from can damage Chemicals oil, pet aquatic Properly waste, habitat, pesticide, harm herbicide, aquatic Maintain fertilizer, life, and Septic Tanks road salt, reduce the bacteria, capacity of Reduce sediment, water Sediment and any resources Run-off from other to be used Fields contaminant for that ends drinking up on the water and Give Water ground recreation. More Places naturally to Go Nonpoint or from source human pollution activity. can make The result river and of this is ocean water runoff, unsafe for which humans and occurs when wildlife. rain or In some snow moves areas, this pollutants pollution from the is so bad ground into that it the ocean. For instance, after a heavy causes rainstorm, beaches to water flows be closed off roads after into the rainstorms. ocean, taking oil left on streets from cars with it. 2.Oil Ships are If an oil If an oil spills major spill spill contributor happens in happens in s to ocean an area an area with pollution, with wildlife the especially wildlife damage can when crude the damage be oil spills can be significant. occur. significant Oil destroys Crude oil . Oil the lasts for destroys insulating years in the ability of the ocean insulating fur on and is ability of mammals and difficult fur on impacts the to clean mammals and water up. impacts the repelling water qualities of repelling a bird’s qualities feathers, of a bird’s without the feathers, insulation without the or water insulation repelling or water qualities repelling mammals and qualities birds can mammals and die from birds can hypothermia. die from Dolphins and hypothermia whales can . Dolphins inhale oil, and whales which has an can inhale impact on oil, which their immune has an system and impact on can impact their reproduction immune . While fish system and and can impact shellfish reproductio aren’t n. While immediately fish and impacted, shellfish because oil aren’t floats on immediately water, as impacted, the oil because oil mixes and floats on sinks, fish water, as can the oil experience mixes and impacted sinks, fish growth, can enlarged experience livers, fin impacted erosion and growth, a reduction enlarged in livers, fin reproductive erosion and capabilities a reduction . In fish in and reproductiv shellfish, e the impact capabilitie s. In fish and shellfish, can also be the impact lethal, when can also be it is not lethal, lethal, they when it is are often no not lethal, longer safe they are for human often no consumption. longer safe for human consumption . 3.Intention Direct Toxic Toxic waste, al discharge waste, including discharge includes including mercury, effluent mercury, released by from sewage released by manufacturin and manufacturi g plants industrial ng plants enters the plants, and enters the sea and the trash sea and the food chain, intentional food chain, making its ly making its way up to discarded way up to larger into the larger species sea. Often, species consumed by the consumed by humans. discharge humans. Agricultural from Agricultura toxins can manufacturi l toxins be direct ng plants can be biological includes direct hazards and toxic biological raise ocean waste, hazards and temperatures which raise ocean , which can enters the temperature be deadly food chain s, which for some at the lowest level. It subsequentl y transfers throughout the ecosystem, becoming more concentrate d as it ascends the chain. Large predatory marine species can be like tuna, deadly for animals and marlin, some plants. dolphins animals and and sharks plants. often contain high levels of mercury and other dangerous toxins. These often make them unfit for human consumption , particularl y for pregnant women. 4.Ocean The high Deep-sea Natural mining cost, ocean resources difficulty mining such as and risks causes gold, associated pollution copper, with and manganese conducting disruption and zinc lie mining at the deep in the operations lowest ocean and at depths levels of state- of the ocean. sponsored Drilling companies around a for are now mile substances surveying beneath the such as and staking surface of cobalt, claim to the ocean zinc, these have been silver, resources, barriers to gold and which fall pursuing copper beyond deep-sea creates national mining. But harmful jurisdiction the sulfide s. There combination deposits are, of deep in the however, technologic ocean. substantial al advances gaps in in mining existing equipment internationa and the l law skyrocketin regarding g value of damage for precious environmenta metals used l harm in consumer caused by electronics exploration have and mining created an activities. intensifyin As a result, g CIGI experts have taken competition on a to mine the leadership seas, or role along what with other National partners to Geographic write called the internationa new l law where “underwater there is gold none. rush.” A legal working group composed of experts in various areas of internationa l law was convened by CIGI, directed by Senior Fellow A. Neil Craik, in collaboratio n with the Internationa l Seabed Authority and the Commonwealth Secretariat, to address the issue of liability for environmenta l and other harm that could arise from deep seabed mining. The Liability Issues for Deep Seabed Mining project held several workshops in 2017 and 2018. Its Synthesis Report on Liability Issues was published in July 2018, with a series of papers to follow.