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Realization of OFDM based Free Space Optics

Raminderjit Singh1 Gaurav Soni*1

M-Tech Scholar Associate Professor
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Amritsar College of Engineering & Technology Amritsar College of Engineering & Technology
Amritsar, Punjab, India Amritsar, Punjab, India
[email protected]

Abstract—OFDM(Optical Frequency Division Multiplexing) transmitter and the receiver terminals [4-5]. As the
provides a promising solution for delivering high data rate , large transmission medium for FSO is atmosphere so the
link range for Free space optical link even for worse atmospheric availability of FSO signal or the distance up to which the FSO
condition like fog, haze, rain etc. With the help of OFDM high signal can be sent depends upon the atmospheric condition.
spectral efficiency can be achieved as the data is distributed over
The performance of FSO depends upon several parameters.
large number of orthogonal carrier. This paper investigate the
performance of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing These parameters can be divided into many two categories:
(OFDM) based Free Space optical (FSO) Communication internal parameters and external parameters. Internal
System. By using 4-Level QAM and OFDM Modulation, 20Gbps parameters are concerned with design of an FSO system and
data is transmitted through the FSO system under different include optical power, wavelength, transmission bandwidth,
weather condition. Further improvement in the link rage can be divergence angle and optical loss on the transmitter and
done by use of SOA (semiconductor optical amplifier). In the receiver sensitivity, bit error rate (BER), receive lens diameter,
current work maximum link range achieved is 260km for clear and receive field of view (FOV) on the receiver. In Order to
weather (attenuation 0.11dBm) whereas for heavy reduce the atmospheric effect, theses parameters must be
fog(attenuation 22dBm) the maximum distance achieved is 4 km.
selected properly [6]. Laser power must be accordance with
eye regulation so that it must not harm the human eye.
Keywords—Free space optics, Optical Frequency Division External factor include different atmospheric condition such as
Multiplexing,Turbulence,QAM. rain, dust, snow, fog, haze etc which affect the communication
I. INTRODUCTION distance to a large extent. Multipath fading is also a dominant
factor which affects the FSO signal [7]. As temperature varies,
Recently, researches on FSO are based on Orthogonal the refractive index of atmosphere varies and when this
Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) as it combines the combines with spectral and temporal variation, FSO signal got
advantages of both techniques by mitigating the multipath affected in the same way as fading occur in wireless
propagation effects to improve the transmission data rate. The communication network[8]. Multipath fading can be
performance of such systems depends on type of base band eliminated using OFDM [10] modulation as in OFDM the data
modulation used, number of subcarriers, nature of laser is distributed over a large number of orthogonal carriers which
beam[1-2]. From The last two decades Free Space Optical are partially overlapped, resulting the high spectral
Communication (FSO) has become more and more interesting efficiency[9]. Also FFT/IFFT algorithm can be used in OFDM
as an adjunct or alternative to radio frequency communication. transceivers which are less complex. In this paper a high speed
Free-space optical communication (FSO) is an optical and large bandwidth system has been designed and
communication technology that uses light propagating in free investigated using OFDM and QAM.
space to transmit data for telecommunications or computer
networking. FSO Technology has the combined features of II. FREE SPACE CHANNEL MODEL
wireless and fiber optic. Huge bandwidth, enhanced security,
license free operation, high data rate are some of the Observing power at the receiver and calculating the link
advantages of Free Space Optical Communication System margin, one can determine factors that affect quality of the
over conventional microwave and optical fiber link. Link Margin (LM),[1] usually expressed in decibels, is a
communication[1]. The working principle of FSO is same as ratio of the received power PR and receiver threshold (s), or
that of Optical fiber Communication System. The difference amount of power received above minimum detectable power:
between them is that in Fiber communication fiber cable is PR
used as transmission medium, on the other hand in FSO, LM = 10 Log (1)
atmosphere is used as the transmission medium[2]. FSO S
communication systems use laser diode or LEDs to produce a
signal in near infrared range, i.e., they are operating at780–900 In order for signal to be recovered at the receiver’s side, its
nm and 1500–1600 nm [3]. The main disadvantage is that a power must be higher than receiver sensibility or receiver
clear line of sight (LOS) is always required between threshold. Receiver threshold is usually given by manufacturer

978-1-4673-7910-6/15/$31.00 2015
c IEEE 32
and it ranges from -20 to -40 dBm. Power at the receiver [2] Laser Power 10dBm
,[8] can be expressed as: Wavelength 193.1THz
PR = PT * RX2 *e−α L (2)
Number of subcarrier 1024
(θ L ) Position array 512
where: PR and PT are power at the receiver and transmitter Number of FFT point 2048
respectively, ARX is receiver aperture area, θ divergence angle, Number of prefix point 64
α atmospheric attenuation and L distance between transmitter
Quadrature Modulator Frequency 15Ghz
and receiver. As shown in the equation (2),[8] power at the
receiver is directly proportional to the transmit power and Beam divergence angle 2 mrad
receiver aperture area, but inversely proportional to the link Transmitter Aperture diameter 5cm
range and divergence angle. Exponential part of the equation Receiver aperture Diameter 20cm
is related to atmospheric attenuation and it has the strongest
influence on the link quality. Another factor that adds to
attenuation of the signal is beam divergence. The link margin IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSION
of an FSO link will decrease with increasing rain rate, which
is measured in mm/hr of rain, attenuation due to fog, haze. This system is tested for different weather condition and for
different link range. It has been observed that with the increase
in distance the received power decreases. Two graphs are
III. SYSTEM DESIGN plotted to show this. Fig. 2a. shows the decrease in power for
Optisystem 13 is used to model the OFDM based FSO system clear weather condition and it can be seen from the graph that
and is shown below. received power decrease from 11.265dBm to just -14.659
when the link range is varied from 50km to 250km.. The
typical value of attenuation with corresponding visibilities is
considered as 0.11dBm/km of clear weather, 4dBm/km for
haze, 9dBm/km for thin fog, 13dBm/km for light fog,
16dBm/km for heavy fog and 22dBm/km for thick fog and a
graph is plotted for these by varying link range (Fig. 2b.). A
table 2 shows the effect of meteorological condition and link
range on received power.
Distance In Haze Thin Light Fog Heavy Thick
Km Fog Fog Fog
1 30 30 17.303 16.140 14.673
2 16 14.327 12.938 11.624 7.113
3 14.788 11.994 7.888 2.111 -14.813
4 13.656 8.137 -3.565 -15.291 -39.272
Fig. 1. Purposed OFDM based FSO System

As shown in Fig. 1. 20Gbps data is generated using PRBS It can be observed from the Fig. 2b. and table 2 that the
Generator which is used to generate 16 level QAM signal received power decreases as the weather condition go worse.
using 4 bits per symbol. This signal is fed to OFDM The maximum received power at a distance of 4km for haze is
Modulator which converts the serial data into parallel data. To 13.656dBm, for thin fog is 8.137dBm, for light fog is
modulate this data, QAM Modulator is used. This signal is -3.565dBm, for heavy fog is -15.291dBm and for thick fog it
is just -39.272dBm .
used to modulate CW laser using MZ Modulator. The
modulated signal is send to the receiver through air. Pre and
post amplifier are used to amplify the FSO signal. At the
receiver end APD diode is used to receive the signal after
which it can be converted back to original signal with the help
of OFDM demodulator and QAM demodulator. A
constellation visualizer is used to view the output. A set of
parameters which are used to optimize the link so that signal
can travel up to longer distance are given in the table 1.


Parameter Value
Bit rate 20Gbps

2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT) 33

a.) b.)


Fig. 2) Power V/S Distance Graph a) For Clear Weather Condition b) for
different Weather conditions.
Constellation diagrams are made for different weather
conditions which are shown in Fig. 3. It is observed from the
constellation diagram that the maximum distance which can c.) d.)
be achieved for clear weather condition with the help of SOA
is 260 km whereas for heavy fog the maximum achievable
distance is just 4 km.

Fig. 4 ) RF spectrum at 4 km for a.) clear weather b.) Haze c.) Thin fog d.)
a.) b.) Light fog e.) heavy fog

In this simulation work OFDM-FSO system is designed
which operate at a data rate of 20 Gbps with a link range of
260 km for clear weather condition. This link range under the
effect of various meteorological condition like Heavy Fog,rain
is reduced to 4 km.
c.) d.)

[1] Vishal Sharma, “High speed CO-OFDM-FSO transmission

system” Optik 125 (2014) 1761– 1763.
[2] Sushank Chaudhary, Angela Amphawan, Kashif Nisar ,
“Realization of free space optics with OFDM under atmospheric
turbulence” Optik - Int. J. Light Electron Opt. (2014),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.05.036 .
[3] Anshul Vats, Hemani. “Analysis of free space optical link in
Fig. 3. Constellation Diagram for a.) Clear weather at 260 km b.) Haze at
4km c.) Thin fog at 4km d.) Light fog at 4km e.) heavy fog at 4km turbulent atmosphere” Optik 125 (2014) 2776–2779.
[4] Mazin Ali A. Ali “Analysis of Data Rate for Free Space Optical
Communications System” IJECT Vol. 5, Issue Spl-1, Jan -
Fig. 4. Shows RF spectrum for different weather condition. It
March 2014 ISSN : 2230-7109 .
is reported from the RF spectrum that when attenuation [5] F.D. Kashani, M. Reza Hedayati Rad, E. Kazemian, Sh.
increases, the received power decreases. It can be observed Golmohammady, M. Reza Mahzoun ,” Reliability analysis of
from the RF spectrum that received power for clear weather is an auto-tracked FSO link under adverse weather condition” ,
-20dBm, for haze it is -30dBm , for thin fog it is -30dBm, for Optik 124 (2013) 5462– 5467 .
light for it is -50dBm and the received power for thick fog is [6] Paramdeep Singh, Maninder Lal Singh “Experimental
-70dBm. This RF spectrum is taken at a link range of 4km. determination and comparison of rain attenuation in free space
optic link operating at 532 nm and 655 nm wavelength” Optik -
Int. J. Light Electron Opt. (2014),
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.04.096 .

34 2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT)

[7] Vishal Sharma, Gurimandeep Kaur “High speed, long reach ACKNOWLEDGMENT
OFDM-FSO transmission link incorporating OSSB and OTSB The authors would like to express their thanks to the
schemes” Optik 124 (2013) 6111– 6114 . Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
[8] Bikram Beri , Neel Kamal “WDM based FSO link optimizing
Amritsar College of Engineering & Technology, Amritsar,
for 180 km using Bessel filter” , IJRET: International Journal of
Research in Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2319-1163 |
Punjab (Autonomous college) for their support and
ISSN: 2321-7308. encouragement in developing the system and for carrying out
[9] Nitin Shankar Singh , Gurpartap Singh “ Performance Analysis this research work in the research and development lab which
of OFDM-FSO System using BPSK, QPSK and 8-PSK is being empowered by world class Sophisticated, centre of
Modulation Techniques”, International Journal of Computer excellence hardware like PXIe, VST 5644 R and USRP 2920
Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 66– No.17, March 2013. and software from National instruments.
[10] Manpreet Singh, Karamjit Kaur “Coherent Detection WDM
Optical OFDM System” International Journal of Advanced Gaurav Soni received his B-Tech Degree in
Research in Computer and Communication EngineeringVol.2, Electronics and Communication from Punjab
Issue 12, December 2013. Technical University, Jalandhar in year 2005 and M-
Tech degree in Electronics and Communication from
D.A.V.I.E.T, Jalandhar. He has more than ten years
of teaching and research experience. He has to his
credit 50 research papers in various international
journals and conferences. He studied high-speed
optical transceivers and electrical-optical circuit
board (EOCB) technology for chip-to-chip optical
interconnects. He completed his master thesis in the
latest field of research in Free Space Optical Communication. He designed a
Free Space Optical Communication Link with speed of 2.5Gbps. His research
interests are Wireless communications, next generation optical access
networks, high-speed optical transmission systems, and Optical wireless
communications. He is currently working as Associate Professor in
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amritsar College
of Engineering and Technology, Amritsar

Er. Raminderjeet Singh is pursuing M-tech degree in ECE from Department

of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amritsar College of
Engineering and Technology, Amritsar

2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT) 35

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