Redfern q3 Opt
Redfern q3 Opt
Redfern q3 Opt
Nick Redfern
Time series clustering provides a simple solution to the problem of searching a database
containing time series data – such as the Cinemetrics database – for those series that
display similar behaviour. In undertaking such a search we move away from the conception
of statistical analysis of film style used to date and into data mining. Cluster analysis is used
to segment large databases into homogenous groups and to visualize the structure of large
databases in order to aid analysts in identifying meaningful groups and subgroups based on
the similarities between data objects (Jain, Murty, & Flynn 1999).1
In this paper I describe a simple method for applying time series clustering to the shot
length data of motion pictures based on the standardized shot density for a normalized
point process. In the next section I provide a brief overview of cluster analysis. Shot length
data must be prepared prior to cluster analysis and in the third section I describe a simple
method of normalizing and standardizing shot length data based on the kernel density of
the point process of cuts in a motion picture. Finally, I demonstrate the application of time
series clustering to the analysis of shot length data.
Cluster analysis
Cluster analysis is the process of sorting a set of unlabeled data sets into groups so that the
within-group similarity is minimized and the between-group dissimilarity is maximized.
The groups are not predefined and their meaning must be interpreted once constructed.
where the rows are the data objects to which we wish to apply cluster analysis and the p
columns are the variables. The entry , in X is the value of the jth variable for the ith data
object. In this paper the data objects are time series of shot length data and so each row is
an individual film; while the variables are the values taken by the time series of a film at a
given point (after pre-processing the data – see below).
The first stage in cluster analysis is determining the similarity between data objects. A
commonly used measure is the Euclidean distance:
Data pre-processing
Analysis of multiple time series of shot length data is challenging because (1) the running
time of motion pictures varies so that the time series are of different lengths; (2) the
number of cuts in a motion picture varies so that a different number of events is recorded
for each time series; and (3) there is no uniform editing pattern so events are recorded at
Time series clustering and film style
irregular intervals. To make our analyses simpler we need a way to represent these time
series that solves these problems.
As I have argued elsewhere (Redfern 2013), fitting a kernel density to the normalized
point process is a simple way of analysing the time series of a motion picture. A point
process is a set of points in time, which for a motion picture is simply the set of times at
which the cuts occur. The time at which the jth cut occurs is equal to the sum of the duration
of the prior shots, and to construct a point process of cuts in a motion picture we add the
duration of each shot to cumulative sum of the preceding shots. To normalize this vector to
a unit length we divide each value by the total running time of the film. Table 1
demonstrates this process using data for Halloween (1978): the raw shot length data is in
the second column, the third column is the cumulative running time (i.e. point process), and
the fourth column is the cumulative duration divided by the total running time of the film
Shot Number Shot length (s) Point process (s)
point process
1 8.3 8.3 0.0015
2 8.3 16.6 0.0031
3 258.9 275.5 0.0510
... ... ... ...
604 5.3 5386.5 0.9979
605 2.9 5389.4 0.9984
606 8.5 5397.9 1.0000
1 −
where ℎ is the bandwidth of the kernel function (K). Because the kernel density can be
calculated at any point on the -axis rather than just those locations where cuts occur we
can produce a density trace with a specified number of data points. By setting the number
of points at which we calculate the density the same for each film we produce a set of time
series where each series has the same number of events (thus making the number of
variables in the input matrix the same for each series). Furthermore, the points at which the
density is calculated will be evenly spaced. Using this method we can therefore solve all of
the above problems: by converting the raw data to density we can take two time series of
different lengths with different numbers of irregularly occurring events and replace them
with two new time series that cover the same time interval with equal numbers of evenly
spaced data points.
Before we apply time series clustering we need to standardize the density of each film in
order to remove baseline differences and differences of scale. One of the most overlooked
aspects of shot length data is the variation of shot lengths in a motion picture. For example,
Time series clustering and film style
Figure 1 presents the time series for two versions of Halloween – John Carpenter’s original
by using a bandwidth of 0.0125 and = 500. The high density sections occur when shots
1978 version and Rob Zombie’s 2007 remake. The densities for these films were calculated
are close together and indicate rapid editing, while low density sections result when shots
are distant from one another and shows those sections when the cutting rate is slow.
Particularly noteworthy in Figure 1 is the series of peaks in the latter fifth of each film
where the density is greatest. In both versions this is associated with the final girl sequence,
and the multiple peaks in these series all represent violent confrontations between Michael
and Laurie. These films therefore present the same sequence in the same way. There are
strong similarities between these time series, but there are also key differences. The density
of the most rapidly edited section of the 2007 version of Halloween is lower than the
corresponding section in the original version. This is a product of the difference in the
variation in shot lengths of these films: for the original version Qn = 3.3s and for the remake
Qn = 1.8s, while the ranges for the two versions are 258.6s and 34.5s, respectively. The
of interest and tells us
difference in the variation of shot lengths in these films is obviously of
much about changes in Hollywood film style over the past four decades. However, if we
were to calculate the Euclidean distance between these two time series we would find they
do not cluster together because they have different scales and what we understand as ‘high
density’ in the remake of Halloween is not the same as high density in the original version of
the film, even though they may be associated with the same narrative event and occur at
roughly the same point in time. It is therefore necessary to standardize the shot densities
before applying the cluster analysis.
Figure 1 Shot densities for John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978, black) and Rob Zombie’s
2007 remake (red)
Standardizing the shot density of each film to the interval [0, 1] is a simple solution to
this problem. To do this we apply the following transformation to each value in the shot
density (y) we produced by the method described above:
Time series clustering and film style
& − &1
0)&* =
&123 − &1
Figure 2 Standardized shot densities of John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978, black) and Rob
Zombie’s 2007 remake (red)
point process and fitting and standardizing the kernel density, we now have a matrix with
If we think back to the matrix X described above this means that, after normalizing the
films all of which have p variables, where every value in the matrix is the jth value of the
standardized density for the ith film. After pre-processing the data to produce this matrix
we are ready to perform the cluster analysis.
Time series clustering and film style
Figure 3 Cluster analysis of twenty films released between 1940 and 2000
Time series clustering and film style
From this dendrogram we see that there is no overall pattern in terms of year or release
or genre. Films from the 1940s do not group together; nor do comedies, drama, or
adventure films. Within this sample, the film with an editing structure most similar to
Foreign Correspondent is The Empire Strikes Back. The standardized densities in Figure 4
show that both these films have high density sections and lower shot density. Charlie’s
Angels and Spartacus both have similar features to the films in Figure 4, though as the
dendrogram illustrates the distance between these films increases. These four films can be
said to represent a single cluster based on these features. Figure 3 indicates five clusters
among the films in the sample and provides a jumping off point for exploring the formal
similarities and differences between these films.
Figure 4 Standardized shot densities of Foreign Correspondent (1940, black) and The
Empire Strikes Back (1980, red)
From Figure 3 we see that the standardized shot densities of Foreign Correspondent and
The Empire Strikes Back are distant from Pinocchio and Dinosaur. The standardized
densities for the latter films in Figure 5 are clearly different from those in Figure 4, with
higher shot density across the running time of each film.
film. These are the only two animated
films in the dendrogram in Figure 3 and so we cannot say that this type of editing pattern is
typical of animated films in general, but it is an avenue worth exploring.
Time series clustering and film style
Figure 5 Standardized shot densities of Pinocchio (1940, black) and Dinosaur (1980, red)
There are some important caveats to bear in mind when applying cluster analysis to
shot length data in the manner described above. First, you can only apply cluster analysis to
the data you include in the original input matrix; and, second, just because cluster analysis
indicates two data objects are similar as measured by the Euclidean distance between two
vectors does not mean they are stylistically similar. Of the twenty films in the sample used
here, Foreign Correspondent is most similar to The Empire Strikes Back; but this is not the
same as saying the editing of these two films is the same. They are just the most similar
objects among the samples to which we applied cluster analysis; and, while they do appear
to have similar features at similar points, it is up to the researcher to take this information
and go back to the films to discover which narrative events are associated with those
features. Cluster analysis does not interpret data, and though we may talk of ‘meaningful
clusters’ it is up to the analyst – and not the algorithm – to determine the meaning of any
particular grouping.
In this paper I demonstrated a simple approach to data mining shot length data for a set of
films using cluster analysis. The value of cluster analysis is that it allows us to search
through large amounts of data and alert us to the possibilities of relationships
relationships between the
data objects we wish to analyse. Cluster analysis is subjective, but given the size and
complexity of data sets that record the style of motion pictures it is a useful tool that can
make life much simpler for the researcher.
Cutting JE, De Long JE, and Nothelfer CE 2010 Attention and the evolution of Hollywood
film. Psychological Science 21: 432-439.
Jain AK, Murty M, and Flynn PJ 1999 Data clustering: a review, ACM Computing Surveys 31
(3): 264-323.
Time series clustering and film style
Liao TW 2005 Clustering of time series data: a survey, Pattern Recognition 38 (11): 1857-
Redfern N 2013 An introduction to using graphical displays for analysing the editing of
motion pictures,, accessed 18 April