A Study On The Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Honey From Different Valleys of Gilgit-Baltistan
A Study On The Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Honey From Different Valleys of Gilgit-Baltistan
A Study On The Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Honey From Different Valleys of Gilgit-Baltistan
This study was carried out to investigate the physiochemical properties of local honey collected from
different flora of Gilgit-Baltistan namely: Herbal, Acacia and Berry, promoted by some local honeybee
keepers who are supposed to be famous for quality honey produce. The physicochemical parameters
like moisture content, pH, titratable acidity, total sugars, reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar were
analyzed. Research findings pointed out that the physicochemical property in local honey of Gilgit was
in accordance with the codex standard and it meets the significant quality criteria of a high-quality
honey. Besides, the sensorial excellence of local honey like color, texture and flavor were also
significantly superior to any other honey produced in any other corner of Pakistan. It is pertinent to
declare that necessary precautions must be taken to ensure standardized beekeeping techniques,
manufacturing and storing processes to improve honey quality.
Both the Holy Qur'an and Hadith refer to honey as a on the vegetation sources from which it derives, though
healer of disease. And thy Lord taught the bee to build its external factors like climate, harvesting conditions and
cells in hills, on trees and in (men's) habitations. There storage can also influence it (Crane, 1980). Careless
issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colors, handling of honey can reduce its quality. Honey is a
wherein is healing for mankind. Verily in this is a sign for complex natural product produced by honeybees from
those who give thought' (Translation of Quran 16:68-69). the nectar of blossoms or from exudates of trees and
Besides, the prophet (PBUH) said: Honey is a remedy for plants, usually with the participation of plant-sucking
every illness and the Qur'an is a remedy for all illness of insects. These different botanical origins give rise to
the mind, therefore I recommend to you remedies, the nectar or honeydew honeys respectively. Honey has
Qur'an and the honey (Bukhari). been used since ancient times mainly as a sweetening
Honey was used from ancient time both as a natural agent, but it has also been employed in a therapeutic
sweetener and a healing agent (National Honey Board, capacity. The high sweetening power of honey is due to
2002). The composition and flavor of honey varies, the presence of the monosaccharides’ fructose and
depending mainly on the source of the nectar(s) from glucose as main components (60 to 85%); however, the
which it originates and to a lesser extent on certain
external factors - climatic conditions and beekeeping
practices in removing and extracting honey (White,
1975a). Chemical composition of honey mainly depends *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected].
Shahnawaz et al. 050
components involved in its therapeutic properties have AOAC (2000). In this regard, the sample materials were
not yet been determined. Thus honey is a very complex taken in a flat-bottom dish (pre-weighed) and kept
product; its composition is closely associated with its overnight in an oven at 100–110°C and weighed. The
botanical origin, with phenolic compounds, minerals, loss in weight was regarded as a measure of moisture
proteins, free amino acids, enzymes and vitamins as content which was calculated by the following formula:
minor components (Ortiz et al 1989).
There are three families of social bees which produce Weight of fresh sample – Weight of dry sample
Moisture (%) = × 100
honey; these are: the Bombidae, Meliponidae and Apidae Weight of fresh sample
(Smith et al., 2009). The Bombidae are found mainly in
temperate climates. Their nests are very small, often in Determination of ash content
the ground and they have no commercial importance
except as pollinators of certain plants. The family Apidae, For determination of ash content, the method of AOAC
to which the honeybee belongs, is indigenous only to (2000) was followed. According to the method, 10 g of
Europe, Africa and Asia (FAO, 1986; Crane, 1990). About each sample was weighed in a silica crucible. The
9 species of honeybees have been recognized in the crucible was heated in a muffle furnace for about 3 to 5 h
world (Roubik, 1989). These are Apis andreniformis, Apis at 500°C. It was cooled in desiccators and weighed. To
cerana, Apis cerana indica, Apis dorsata, Apis dorsata ensure completion of ashing, it was reheated again in the
binghami, Apis florea, Apis laboriosa, Apis mellifera and furnace for half an hour more, cooled and weighed. This
Apis vechti. Among these, the following are the major was repeated consequently till the weight became
honeybee species and are of world economic constant (ash became white or grayish white). Weight of
importance: Apis cerana/indica, Apis dorsata, Apis florea ash gave the ash content and was calculated by the
and Apis mellifera. The bees reared in Gilgit are mostly following formula:
belonging to the specie Apidae and sub specie Apis
mellifer. The quality and verity of honey is mostly Weight of sample after ashing
dependent on the different types of plant nectars and Ash (%) = × 100
Weight of fresh sample taken
flowers available in the area where the bee colonies are
lifted. In Gilgit-Baltistan, there is mostly three seasons:
Determination of titratable acidity
acacia flowering season (February to March) Russian
olive (Berry) flowering season (April to June), and Herbal
Titratable acidity as tartaric acid was determined
season (July to September). Thus, the honey is divided
according to the method of AOAC (2000). Each sample
into three varieties on the basis of seasonal differences
of the honey was treated with 0.1N NaOH solution using
like Acacia, Berry and Herbal.
volume of alkalikit, where
used was 3 calculated
noted and to 5 drops of following
by using the phenolphthalein
The precise composition of honey varies according to
indicator were used. The volume of alkali used was noted
the plant species on which the bee forages but the main
and calculated by using the following formula:
constituents remain the same in all honeys. Keeping in
mind the compositional differences in honey due to flora 1 × Eq. Wt. of acid × Normality of NaOH × titer
and climatic change in the in-depth valleys of Gilgit- Titratable acidity (%) =
10 × Wt. of sample (g)
Baltistan, this study was conducted with the objectives to
classify the best local variety, to find out the sensorial
4. Determination
Determination of of
totaltotal soluble
soluble solids solids
excellence and to determine the physicochemical
The total soluble solids (TSS) were determined as per the
MATERIALS AND METHODS method described by Mazumdar and Majumder (2003)
using Digital-Bench-Refrectometer. Before use, the
This study was carried out in the Department of instrument was cleaned and adjusted to zero at 20°C
Agriculture and Food Technology, Karakorum using distilled water. An appropriate quantity of sample of
International University, Gilgit. It aims to analyze the each variety of honey was placed on the prism-plate of
physicochemical properties of honey verities produced in the Refrectometer with the help of a glass rod and folding
various parts of District Gilgit. Honey samples were back the cover. For each sample, the instrument was
collected from local producers famous for pure honey calibrated using distilled water. The reading that
production. The collected samples were safely appeared on the screen was directly recorded as total
transported from different remote valleys to the soluble solids (Brix).
laboratories of the Department of Agriculture and Food
Technology, Karakorum International University, Gilgit for Determination of pH
Determination of moisture content For determination of pH in the honey, the method of
AOAC (2000) was adopted and digital pH meter was
The moisture content was determined according to used. The pH meter was calibrated with buffers at pH 4
Int. J. Agric. Sci. Res. 051
and 10. Sample solution was taken in the beaker and sugar content and reducing sugar content on subtraction
inserted. When the first reading was completed, the (total sugar-reducing sugar).
electrode was washed with distilled water and dried-up
with tissue paper. Similarly, as a continue series, all other Statistical analysis
samples were determined accordingly.
The results were analyzed using SPSS statistical
Determination of sugars program version fourteen. Comparisons between means
were made using the least significant difference (LSD) at
Determination of sugars (total sugar, reducing sugar and 0.05 probabilities (SPSS). For statistical data, standard
non-reducing sugar) was carried out through Lane and descriptive statistics were performed for each of the
Eynon method as described by James (1995). quantitative parameters.
Total sugars and reducing sugars RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
For this solution, 5 g of sample was taken into a beaker
and 100 ml of warm water was added to it. The solution Tables 1 and 2 show the chemical analysis of local honey
was stirred until all the soluble matters were dissolved of District Gilgit, and the sensory evaluation of local
and filtered through Whatman filter paper into a 250 honey of District Gilgit, respectively.
volumetric flask. 100 ml of the solution was pipetted and Moisture content is one of the most important
prepared into a conical flask, after which 10 ml of diluted compositions to be considered as a quality parameter of
hydrogen chloride (HCl) was added and boiled for 5 min. honey. The maximum moisture content was found to be
On cooling, the solution was neutralized to 18.6% in Acacia samples, whereas 18.2% moisture
phenolphthalein with 10% NaOH and kept in a 250 content was observed in Herbal variety. These results are
volumetric flask. This solution was used for titration in agreement with the findings of Cantarelli et al. (2008)
against Fehling’s solution and the reading was calculated who reported that the moisture content in honey was
follows: recorded in the range of 14 to 18%; however it depends
n and reading calculated as follow.
upon the season and geographic condition. Furthermore,
Factor (4.95) × dilution (250) × 2.5
Factor (4.95) × dilution (250) × 2.5 these results are also in agreement with those of Nuru
Total sugar(%)
Total = =
sugar (%) Titre × wt of sample × 10
Titre × wt of sample × 10 (1999) and Downey et al. (2005) who reported that the
range of moisture content of pure honey is 16.10 to
Factor (4.95) × dilution (250) 23.36%. Fredes and Montenegro (2006) reported that
Reducing sugar (%) = honey containing lower moisture content will have a
Titre × wt of sample × 10
longer shelf life. The maximum ash content (0.082%) was
n-reducingNon-reducing as the difference between the total sugar content found in Berry followed by Acacia (0.054%), whereas
sugar was estimated
Herbal variety was 0.074%. These findings are in
It was estimated as the difference between the total agreement with those of Ihtisham-ul-haq (1997) who
Shahnawaz et al. 052
analyzed different verities of honey for determination of 75% TSS respectively. White (1975a) also agreed with
ash content and draw a range of 0.008 to 0.49% ash in these findings and report that honeys contain 73 to 79%
honey samples. These results are further in agreement TSS (brix). Organoleptical evaluations indicate that
with those of White (1975a) who worked on different Acacia variety of honey obtained more scores than the
varieties of honey and obtained ash content in the range other two, that is, Berry and Herbal. Besides, the
of 0.020 to 1.028%. The variation may be due to many sensorial analysis indicates that honey produced from
factors such as soil conditions, atmospheric conditions GilgitBaltistan have a superior quality in terms of color,
and physiology of each plant. flavor, mouth feel and overall acceptability. However, its
Results indicate maximum acidity of 0.49% in Herbal hardness is little more which may be due to the cold
variety followed by Acacia and Berry varieties in environment of the region.
decreasing order with 0.42 and 0.32% respectively. The
total acidity of all the samples analyzed was found within Conclusion
the corresponding limits of 0.04 to 0.55% as described by
Codex Almentariou Commission (2001). Besides, White Although the honeybee samples collected from retailers
et al. (1962) reported free acidity of 0.022%, whereas of different valleys of Gilgit-Baltistan were found to have
total acidity was determined as 0.29% in 490 samples of good quality physicochemical characteristics, the
honey. Ihtisham-ul-haq (1997) reported similar results in beekeepers should be educated for further improvement.
comparison to those of this study. Furthermore, the However, further studies are needed in order to
maximum pH value of 3.4 was found in Acacia variety determine its hardness whether this hardness is
whereas 3.5 and 3.2 was determined in Berry and Herbal associated with natural sugars or some other
varieties respectively. These observations are in environmental reasons.
accordance with those made by Codex Almentariou
Commission (2001) where acceptable ranges of pH of REFERENCES
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reducing sugar was determined as 75% in Acacia, 69% in Codex Alimentarius Commission (2001). Recommended
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The findings of this study are further authenticated by environment for food and agriculture in Africa, p. 88.
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(TSS) was found as 77% for Berry variety, whereas the properties of honey’s from Dhofer (Oman). Proc.
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