symptoms Feverishness, fatigue, torpor, lack of Serous Rhinorrhea, nasal Simptoms become milder.
appetite, head-ache, muscle pain. obstruction, anosmia, closed Mucous secretion. Nasal
In children high fever, dryness of rhinolalia, tearing, malaise Obstruction gradually subsides
nose, throat.
diagnosis Anterior rhinoscopy (AR) – pale, dry AR – intensely congested mucosa, Recovery of smell. Bactarial
mucosa. oedema, profuse secretion . Infection produces muco-
becomes mucous within days. purulent rhinorrhea.
**general syndromes:
Secretory syndrome Sensitive Sensory syndrome Vascular syndrome epistaxis
sympto secretion is usually seromucous Pain projected Ethiology: idiopathic Diagnosis: .clinical .Blood
ms and low quantity to sinus area. juvenile (vascular fragility - Pressure values.
constitutional Coagulogramm. Internal
disease exam. Xray / CT
types 1Pathological:rhinorrhea. 1.Hyposmia \Anosmia – 1.Hyperemia of mucosa – treatment: *Scopus: Stop
2CSF – rhinolicvorrhea. 1.Hyperestesia nasal or neurologic. inflammation . 2.Anemia bleeding. Shock treatment.
3.Serous – acute / allergic. – 2. Hyperosmia – rarely sign of mucosa – local Treatment of cause
4.Mucous – chronic rhinitis inflammation. of disease (medulo – vasoconstriction * General measures: 1.
5.Mucopurulent – acute/chronic 2.Hypoestesia suprarenal tumors). 3.Epistaxis – hemorrhage Calm the patient; patient
sinusitis. – atrophic 3.Parosmia –modified or of NF sited and slightly leaning
6. Sangvinolent – trauma, rhinitis inexistent smells (pregnancy, -can be local (FB, trauma.. forward. 2. Not Swallow
tumors. epilepsy, histeria) etc) or general (blood blood 3.BP measures and
7. Crusty – atrophic rinitis / 4. Caccosmia –fetid – disease) MEDS … 4. vasocons. Is ok,
ozena subjective or objective. can do surgery
*Anatomicaly: Anterior – most frequent from vascular area of Kisselbach. Posterior – a.sfenopalatine or a.post
ethmoid. Difuse – hemorrhage from numerous small vessels
RHINITIS:chronic specific:
Treatment: Eliminating allergen. specific Hiposensibilisation with small Ag dosis, s.c. nonspecific Hiposensibilsation with la Histamine.
Antihistamine medication, Cortisone general/local, cromoglica (Montelukast), Nasal Vasoconstrictoary sprays.
Criocautery / Laser CO2
**sinusitis: Gerneal etiology: Very frequent (5% of European population). cause Inflammation of sinus
mucosa . Mostly non-specific. Specific through extension from NF. Polisinusitis / Pansinusitis
etiology: - Most frequent with Rhinitis. Obstruction of sinus ostium via oedema prevents correct ventilation,
retention of fluid, infection. Can ne with Allergic can be with Accompanies tumors.
major signs: Pain in the head and face area, accentuated by sneezing, bending over, movement. Facial Pressure,
Hipoosmia / Anosmia. Rhinorrhea. Nasal Obstruction, Fever (only for acute),
General diagnosis: virus or by bacteria
4. superosteal – orbial abcess* Clinical, CT Collection between bone and periosteum Surgical driange
of orbita, usually medial and superior
5. nerve affliction: JACCOUD syndrome (nv. II, Petrosfenoid fossa syndrome (nv. III, IV,
Nv. I + III by compression, toxic or III, IV, V, VI) –in posterior Va, VI) – in ethmoid mucocel, ethmoid
infectious nevritis petrosfenoidal sinusitis sinusitis, posterior sinusitis
obstruction, muco-
purulent rhinorrhea, rare,
sense of smell disorder
1.osteroma Xray:radio-opque Headache, pressure, ocular deviation, intra-cranial comlication Surgical
2. papilloma biopsy Rare in nose and sinuses, nasal obstruction, epistaxis -“”-
3. bleeding polyp Local angiofibroma in vascularized areas
4. hemangioma and Congenital, 60%in -“”- + crico
lymphangioma girls sticks, rad
III. INFRASTRUCTURE Evolves into the mouth. Teeth pushed from alveolae and tumor
buds appear. Deformed palatine arch. Treatment: Surgical. Radiotherapy or chemotherapy . Healing ratio at 5
Peripheral vestibular syndrome Central vestibular syndrome
Inner ear or vestibular nerve pathology Brainstem or central nervous system pathology.
Vertigo – ample, rotational, appears as acute, repetitive crisis with Vertigo – less ample, often permanent. Absent or diminished
neurovegetative symptoms (nausea, vomiting). No vertigo between the neurovegetative symptoms.
Nystagmus – horizontal or torsional, unidirectional, fatigable if the patient Nystagmus – purely vertical or torsional, uni or bidirectional,
gazes in the direction of the nystagmus. Often associated with tinnitus or permanent (not fatigable). No tinnitus or hypoacusis. To the same
hypoacusis. To opposite side of head rotation direction as head rotation
Segment or body deviations – harmonic – deviations and falls always to the Segment or body deviations– disharmonic – deviations and falls to the same
opposite side of the nystagmus – closing eyes accentuates balance disorders. – side of the nystagmus– closing eyes does not accentuate balance disorders.
often associated with sensori-neural hypoacusis. – often associated with neuro-logical signs.
Peripheral vertigo In a vestibular syndrome, one vestibule generates more impulses than the other.
-The nystagmus (rapid eye movement) is oriented towards the vestibule that generates more impulses.
-Segment and body deviations will be towards the vestibule that generates fewer impulses.
Each semicircular canal will generate nystagmus in its own plane:
OSC :Horizontal canal – horizontal nystagmus. ASC: Anterior canal – vertical nystagmus.
PSC : Posterior SEMILUNAR canal – torsional (diagonal) nystagmus
Mechanism Outside innflammation-> ET (eustechian tube ) 1.Epithelial ectodermic embrionary inclusions in the ME Evolution: Life long, periodic
& and obstruction->negative pressure->tympanic (primary cholest.)-> 2.Penetration of EAC epidermis in calm and acutization through
retration and secretions from epithelium ME through TM perforation to upper part of ME by rinitis, pharyngitis, water in
- spontaneous healing in 10-21 days. pressure decrease EAC
2. Adenoiditis => chronic serous otitis media =>
retraction of TM through low pressure -> increase of
size by accumulating epithelium from EAC =>
Infection=> erosion of bone => complications
Simptoms: Otalgia, hypoaucusis, autopjonia, vertigo, Progressing, congenital, Epitimpanitis, purulent otorrhea, Hypoacusis accentuated by
rhinorrhea. Mostly children. Causes: rinitis, marginal perforation with puss, Whitish lamellas, redish- age. Otorrhea. Central TM
adenoiditis, pharyngitis violet polyps perforation
Diagnosis Otoscopy, liquid leverls raise , intese pain Audiometry (Transmission hypoacusis ). Rx\ CTscan – Rx or CT scan: disappearance
erosion of bony walls of ME and reduced pneumatization of cell pneumatization
of mastoid cells. “ring and seal”. Antimicrobial
susceptibility testing (AST)
Positive Otoscopy Transmission Hypoacusis in Weber and Vicinity (near by area) complications, evolution: Audiometry: Transmission
diagnosis: Rinne test. Audiogramm. Tympanometry intoxication with bacterial toxins hypoacusis turns to SNH.
types Can get infected or chronic. Type A: normal Alternating periods of acute & chronic. Low tendency of
pressure on 0. Type B: tympanic membrane cant spontaneous healing
move. Type C: negative pressure , graphic pic
shifter left.
Treatment: Vasoconstrictors (Olynth, Rinogut, Vybrocil), Exclusively surgical: mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty. Hearing aids, mucolytitics,
Sputum fluidifiant, NSAIDS, Valsalva Maneuver, Daily suction, AB, daily suction, resection of
Toynbee Maneuver, Politzer Maneuver, polyps(surgery)
Otovent balloon Adenoidectomy,, anti allery
and corticoid spray
Meachanism 1. Preperforation phase: Pulsating otalgia,Hypoacusis, „otita sero-mucous, mucotympanum, serotympanum”
and evolution Autophonia, Fever. Lack of appetite, General malaise, Intense Most frequent cause –chronic adenoiditis
congestion of the TM. Puss bulging. Sensitive mastoid process, evolution: Years Involvement of IE and SNH.
Tinnitus and mild vertigo The TM adheres to wall of the ME (fibro-adhesive
2. erforation phase Otalgia diminishes spectacularly, NO Fever, otitis).
Hypoacusis accentuates, Purulent otorrhea, Oedema of the Retraction pouches of the TM => cholesteatoma
TM, covered in pulsating puss, Spontaneous healing after 3 In case of infection => suppurative otitis media
Simptoms Acute inflammation with puss, edema and ulceration, necrosis & Hypoacusis ,autophonia, with serous liquid and air
perforation to TM bubbles
Produced by pyogenic cocci, through the Eustachian tube Tipically TM Retraction horizontal,Yellowish TM, “oil
soaked paper”
Diagnosis Of 1st phase: Audiometry. Rx or CT scan – fogging of mastoid Clinical exam. Audiometry. Tympanogramm
cells. Leucocitosis, After 3-4 days :perforation differential diagnosis:
of 2nd phase: Can get complicated or chronic –violent germs, ME Malformations. Otosclerosis.
perforation (non-efficient drainage), weak patient, Large Otitis or trauma sequelae . Early signs of rhinopharynx
perforations to not close. cancer
treatment AB – Augmentin, Claritromicină, Eritromicină. NSAID. Nasal Evacuation of viscous exudate from UM. Tubal
Vasoconstriction. Mucolitics. Miringotomia . EAC suction. insufflations. Transtimpanal Injections with HHC,
Instilation of AB, antiseptic Fluidifiers. Diablo type transtimpanal drainage
MIDDLE EAR inflammations: otitis media
serous: no infection\ Suppurative: infection\ Acute\Chronic)
6.LATERAL SINUS Usually with acute cholesteatoma. Sepsis, fever, tachichardia, oliguria, Surgery: Opening of the lateral
PHLEBITIS: lucocytosic, anemia, rerto-mandibular pain sinus and suction or removal of the
thrombus. Massive AB
3.FIBROADHESIVE Permanent tubary obstruction, resorbtion of ME air, sclerosis and retraction of mucosa. surgical for early stages. Hearing
OTITIS: Mixed hypoacusis, tinnitus, aid.
More complications of O.Media symptoms TREATMENT
7.CHRONIC MASTOIDITIS: Complication of chronic suppurative otitis media cornice or cholesteatoma with surgery for cholesteatoma
retention of puss collection inside the cells.
8. OSTEOMIELITIS OF Rare but serious. Severe general state, sepsis. Tumefaction of temporal bone scuama : Surgical – removal of focal
TEMPORAL BONE Gets complicated frequently with meningitis infection. Massive AB.
4.RETICULOSIS: Tumors that evolve in the mastoid and exteriorise in the EAC. Mastoiditis symptoms. Especially in childre
granuloma of the ME (histiocytosis X).
5.HANS-SCHULLER- mastoid granuloma, exophtalmia, diabetus mellitus by invasion of orbita and pituitary gland (sella turcica).
ME trauma:
1. Tympanic membrane rupture: Acute and immediate pain. Hypoacusis. Tinnitus, vertigo. Bleading or blood clot
in EAC and perforation. Sterile dressing, no instilations!! Tympanoplasty. AB, NSAI
2. Dislocating or fracture of ossicular chain: Incus luxation nicovalei or fracture of stapes crura. Hypoacusis at the
moment of the accident. Surgical treatament – Tympanoplasty
3. Hemotympanum: Blood collection in the tympanic cavity. AB for protection. Spontaneous resorption
4. Barotrauma: Aviators, divers
5. Otalgia, hypoacusis, vertigo
6. Congestion or rupture of TM with intense, hyperemiated vascular network
7. Rest, sedatives, antivertigo medication
sound trauma: 1 time exposure over 120 dB repeatedly over 90dB. SNH, Tinnitus. Audiogrametry – Hearing aid
typical notch at 4000Hz. Progressive and irretrievable
Fracture of the temporale Otalgia, bleeding from EAC, otolicvorrhea, facial paralisis VII. Transsmision AB, Cortisone, Simptom treatment,
bone Hypoacusis. SNH; vestibular periferal syndrome (destructive). Cranial and cerebral Surgical Treatment
Trauma: Fracture line perpendicular to the temporal bone (through IEC and facial canal)
Longitudinal fracture line through the temporal bone (through ME, mastoid, tegmen
tympani, TM, EAC, mastoid part of the facial canal)
Foreign bodies: Exogenous\Endogenous (cerumen, epidermic). Biologic: inert ,or animated. Artificial Auricular douche, Water stream
(caps). towards the posterior wall of the EAC
-Congenital Malformations:
Agenesis laryngo-tracheo-pulmonary. Atresia with complete imperforation.
Communication between laryngx-trachea-oesophagus. Atresia imperfecta.
Webbed Glottis – diaphragm that unites the VC. Diastema laryngo-tracheo-oesophageal – development defect
of tracheoo-esof. Septum. Absence of epiglottis or shape modifications
Laryngoptosis (fallen larynx). Laringomalacia (floppiness of larynx tissues) – stridor congenital
Thyroid Cartilage opened anteriorly, CV on different levels. Congenital laryngeal Cysts – dyspnoe.
Congenital Hemangioma
*Sd. Cri du chat – deletion of 5p cromosom (5p minus syndrome) – rudimentary larynx, defect of VC adduction during
Acquired Malformations:
Hernia of the MORGAGNI ventricle mucosa via existing paths. Mechanical Trauma with fracture or luxation, surgical
-Internal / external / mixed. or chemical.
-Sometimes filled with air, increases side in cough or VALSALVA Important respiratory and phonatory affliction
-dysphonia + dyspnoe.
-Extirpation - endoscopic or external approach
1.CLOSED: Concussion and fracture by direct hit (falling, striking) – bicycle handle bars, edge of table, hand, hanging
or indirect (falling with flexed head). submucous hematoma, fracture of cartilage, hematoma, subluxation of
*Clinical: Intense pain, sometimes syncopal (vagal death). Painful dysphonia or aphonia. Odinophagia,
dysphagia. Dry cough. Pain upon palpation of a fixed point. Larynx dyspnoe
I. L. – echimosis, obstruent hematoma, immobilizing VC, reduction of lumen
*Treatment: total vocal rest. AB protection. Tracheostomy if necessary. Cortisone, Codein. Surgical
Recalibration on plastic tube (1-3 months) Post-traumatic laryngeal Hematoma
2.OPENED:Accidents, aggression, war. cervico-laryngeal wounds. Straight or ridged edges, shrapnel, crush,
subcutaneous emphysema. Shoc, dyspnoe, hemorrhage . dysphonia, dysphagia, cough with foaming, bloody
*Treatment: Deshocking, breathing check-up (intubation through mouth or nose, through wound, tracheotomy).
AB. Hemostasis. Tetanos shot. Cleaning and suturing
.1.DIPHTERIA Most frequent localization. Fever, headache, palor, asthenia, tachycardia. Serum anti-diphteria + Penicillin.
diphteria patients and healthy Subangulomandibular lymphnodes. congested tonsils, Immediate admission
carriers, via saliva, cough or covered in yellowish or white-grey spots that join =>
sneeze (PFLÜGGE‘S drops). false membranes (difficult to dettachand leave a
Incubation 2 – 11 days bleeding area) Membranes extend to the veil, pillars,
posterior wall, larynx, rhinopharynx, NF
2. SCARLET Cause: Streptococc ß hemolitic headache, vomiting, fever, odinophagia, swollen Mandatory admission. Penicillin
FEVER (see otitis with eritrogenous toxine lymphnodes. Strawberry tongue
3. MEASLES catarrhal pre-eruptive period + ocular inflammation (crying facies). Oral enanthema appears 1 day before the exanthema – KÖPLIK‘s
sign, small white dots on a hyperemic base beside the 2 nd Superior Molar. It is a catarrhal pharyngitis
*Catharal: congestion of mucosa, infiltration of chorion
*Chronic hypertrofic: hyperplasia of epithelium +/- keratinization
SCLEROMA and LEPROSY – propagated from pharynx. Obstructive subglottic lesions. Treated with Riphampicine
PEMFIGUS – bubbles that burst and leave painful lesions, especially on epiglottis
1. Pharyngeal Lupus: No pain. Produces important distruction slowly. nodule-ulceration – skars
2. Milliar Tuberculosis Acute Evolution. In sepsis with bacillus KOCH. Milliar image on pulmonary X-ray.
Odinophagia, fever, diseminated yellow nodules on congestive fond
3. Ulcerative-cazeous Tuberculosis : Infection of pharynx mucosa from the lungs. Extreme pharynx pain. Very difficult
alimentation. Extended Ulcerations on grey fond and pale mucosa
4. Latent Tuberculosis: children. Tonsil Hypertrophy, pale mucosa, cervical lymphnodes. IDR positive
5. Coled Abscess bone Tuberculosis of the vertebra body (morbus POTT). not inflammatory signs
(cold) CT in axial view, with contrast – bulging of posterior
1. Primary: Ulceration of tonsils, hard rims, well delimited . Subangulomandibular LN
2. Secondary: Corresponds to Treponema pallidum sepsis. 30 days from primary lesion
Lymphatic, diffuse hypertrophy, white plaques on congestive fond
3. Tertiary: Goma. Profound organic affliction. Pseudotumoral – ulcerates and leaves a deep crater
Goma of veil => communication between the oral cavity and rhinopharynx
- Important sequelae: abnormal communication, veil suture to the posterior wall, cvasi-total stenosis of pharynx.
3. PHARYNX CANDIDOSIS Candida albicans has low aggressivity . Patients with immune deficiency .
Favored by long term AB. White spots on congestive fond.
Areas of erythema, brown-black tongue. Oral /pharyngeal discomfort
Bad taste in mouth. Nistatin (Stamicin) + Borax Glicerine topic
Ketoconazol (Nizoral), Diflucan p.o.