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Physical Education Practical File 2022-23
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Physical Education Practical File 2022-23
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Physical Education Practical File 2022-23
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Be ees ond [| foes Paoli ponents _| Ce Paar Hestitt fie Puts, posPiin CAT) th Abdominal ¢ Pon ted | Cosil=-up)______ | wl | wl y sl ae CSo mt: Dosh) ef Kin) __| 4 4, LBPfL \ Renwrle ay Moss Jnvex (RMT) fy a. -numben._calcullated| —| “tor most people |_| Yneatunes thee & |_n. bodyfat one! tb rissa catsyiag | porovides a wrelfoble atin o sooth calegavror thot mb fea Yo. “ welolitn_so_the toy “in Be o_wimple ool het helps to Lune _out- the amount_af excess 2 _asrocfotod Fr Tacher Signature -) © scanned with OKEN Scannerte ae itt “bla fey: 10_Hhip Re [| a comp ees i en te thlets—Bt too | yd Date vnsnessone Page NO. snninsnense = wel Eh canbe cao _bovs men — Ta anon fae Mee toa it | Lele” pice ol wah oe y—aver esate anel_mdeivertinale fee tea ao d_atAleHe foal easused fh __| | Cafertadiin 0 Ee ph Soo) a n ae Vet covelaped ee _ the book = mone ule || On Air mame FY 2 | |BMT folto wefessed /o os body moss fl2qtan.| aera eH te pssson_can_he_calcfated with the — um as guette? 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Cusef= Up | What _¢ “Doer «— The Cul up t rack mensunes_obdomiyal omnuscular.| anh_antndaeof _the__ Flexa3ss_; Inposttant ta hock guppont i Cote we bPlAy |_ 1 E¢ es rep vened @— eh leans Ot eee ol o_poxaltel Label Cfacher apayid, woth, Recordin | Se ita Sona lg | \ Menta eashaes Nigesture 2 J} (© scanned with OKEN Scanner~~ Push Up exercise 2.pot Nowy Date ceases Page NO. veces ae - (_lPuodceduxe — | _sthe subject fiver on a. padded 5 ov n (| ith knees Hexed , usvolly oF 90 dequveah |_| hand Pobt_on Whe sites” Colm ater |_| 4 __fownwasols lesen Yo the o.round, paroled] |_| movement, keeping ye —avms—f poshim_, cum [yp the slecived Senay Pc luch |__| along vA nd tomar the parole! chro). | ALEC NO YS A RTA fs afser the trunk Pro smooth | nt Cat Seas? 6 Incher_abdves ho 1 : oh upper _| back” touch the floo a Oo. - — _ soe aa SH Pash Yar fan Rays, oat Pach Ups Han pile Wh Does 2— Nabil — Couty Keoubsed — AP leon ent ada Gym tal \ Penh easker Sige -) © scanned with OKEN + 1503037856 | Mec (ed Lah te fix Lal © scanne -d with OKEN Scanner[— I] | 4 \ a apt NOx seen ey toes ouch the ‘foo, capes ily faa, | th esa width pparg [Ta 90- degree on me at 7) Pious, Yer setnsins | Date varesscnnen Page No. cnt [Duoceduee 2— 7 4 standasd push up_vTasiis wh Whe and and _| ed and at & coro fete ae Cheep she see ie tae lk ag too, fone ey a (oe Gseh tes on unit) thewe S| | hack 7 posPtion with the avms | extended, gining |_|Tasr atm actin fr ae spegted and: tet combnuar | Le eal ont “Unt they cont do any | es eh _P_ hyd - hove tweached the Aafec cok | on of puth =u Fou G&ufr_ = Push $ up te fp feclnfjua He slh ee —net laying an. t— The_g.taund. ong ie pal ol a a ated p-—recond” te numAbes. of acc viately complete peat = - shat | Penats . ache Snare -) © scanned with OKEN soe) ait and Geach fest Rael O scanned with oKEN scannerv Date vrreemeseenesiee ia Ns ee —_ ) rslte ond ‘Peach Yerf [het PL Does? — 7 \ on_mearuy PHILS nbiePthy | [Can whe DOD se Beak God | —phmnthiag aauredec hit tact cl |_+ becowre— 1Alines fp Yh2eaaren_f Rr ee be _back path tae ang! pen Roa ae with the Lilleutag mensions: 12” x12” (sider) 12” x lo” Chron t- ond back) 12” 2)” CHop) = the. top panel ufth centimeten / | ram TA fr_owweinl thot the vesteal| plone _ogainst eit he subjects feet will be placed) “tt ex. ae oa cuthfoned sortace Pe pcequye —— : | NG) | yhs feat Pavol TAL jah osha Bae, dear agi |__| remot f the fect ave, sot /eve/_ | fy yaks yhe sf!- anol Reach box. 720th ness Should be locked _ancl_pyessed flgt ro the Moose aches Saratane © scanned with OKEN sie 600 Metex Run4 at oF iE oF the analyzes aay help by _holing yhem down. | ee al taal ae = fansanuol sy and we. a long dhe ras abusiy Je nif oF rl Pre Het ie pls cela le a (| Bain naar hn Tec [| out ono_A ed asiitin fh, ctlebo?- one- 200 | _|Yhewe ave n Date vntnnnene Page No. svssnnnsne e pre ee et, the subject reaches woronds whf/e The” ot ‘ance ft necouded. Casune | Scoot the eit & swecon ved Col Saran a Pottfo) ito mm,—as_the. dfx7ance “euckel by ta’ horde |u| foo 2yeven Kin bhatt Does: — CondSvarculan Lines / Casi /ava Sculen, Enduvance.| | “io Hopuntch , lube ms.Rec sane , Baa pass | meotusitng fa, pe200. Qu ¥oo_mis_ LGninbnun I mt) wiv/h_pue tena Hemant : Teacher Sigoatune . Equipment Kegubved_s —— bly on a flak _| ~ (© scanned with OKEN Scanner50 mt. Dash .‘ Jo. mentions Date nesnsenneae Page NO. srewneonneee ppt de. (and finith oO kp © / ~ . 3 ©. hig iv —_ Fane ol | tine. | Sata |_| ine Ppken hu Complerfon Chun on wath) fr | © | | So mt." Dash a) ve oe oa lesation ancl_Jpecd. Coury Kéquied!s —— egies at pal | Cone monk Se eo ot |S | Peart: 6o_snertesar SIP gered |__| athe “pant chant _b non Signa) ve ali be eaten dea | rho Tushar Sigpatare © scanned with OKEN sc ey\ggt INO. ssvssteseeensnee Date veesseseentne Page NO. swssenanane fe -Paacealune : — time ype sons acelin j Tao Doe oe oti, ne fot Lin thamt oF he alee te Line t o + be eee oe ee We a ie hut ple i fn mainly - fe [Ye ns ana de a altar entous eee (Lt fol nag @ seunning hand _« en ‘the Tie ihe sSeaming 2 Jane ‘akon fix, Compl \ sna Cakes Spe (© scanned with OKEN ScannerTig i, a La ob to _unf¥e ’, youn, io, | \So00-yenx~ald Ind im of kno Pear chee Ete |_wmncl_and bseath hve = een eee yoga pases Casanar) ond | m edito tan. ! [Yaga eflectfie Bh snefpht se chin and back pots} hockwowds, Th 'mPoht , ev’n, help pou compere with ‘ those “hea pe Pts ot YAe chycust wi mowe F D vu te achieve b sense_of fance ~1oSth | yourself, Sth Yo hy Ife ae) wits evey ng_auiound | [out Yahes_ you tlds PD AKS Place 7 || Compr ——.-4 ie ett Medion | meas Ppa sale on Se ee re \ fenwhi. Tesshas Sigratats ae © scanned with OKEN Scanner- Date eseecereneeee Page No. ..-scoeceeones a ok vs_to_howmonke ° ; ja anal Spay (| “chive _vertent 2.9.0 %& _asonos as Soul of ao ee tt nag ie mae wt_e but oe p Rou a. Sulvos the gS1E0E 2 | -fitianfal says Oust YS “orb Sia cukhom Asanam "O aBeh pean tate pasos, aa. dolone of ee obtat [| othe pose | |_| nd hn ln. Yoga. aca fe ure TAS | ear ee sey Hench to} |_| Yhe seselt, Y sonar Bilbo a eal fle of expapel Pa. : Yoga me: be Srnished ooh oda Tels aa |__loYhe bsreoth. Whon we ISf¥ ante hamals fase 1090, AST become wos of out sip Bea Thon Shh k puoise hem wh2lesynchian’ PL wth The i : Yoga fr_av wcocetud as_a fy glee 1 Redo shierch a Ute _mosia_th_each osano Yon Dot eove combsih ohfe oo and Yhem fy bea es __leffowt Yo tok LPmP+ expands 0 DPfexent +ypes_of: oe le Sending 090. oe |___|S¥o 15_benol 5h one Aum cioserJox pose Pew ays bensling Using _— Canal _ Layo bend ofA | Born a8) Feet Apart. escher Situs © scanned with OKEN ScannerDate «. Page No, ve = ; : [Banding Yping) okt ___Tivee pose ee eta ( lunoneling Backwany end ____ag.fe' pa (alsattin fog pase 5 [_laao= : ~1859 ed PR Kenn Pase.| Jp ee a f LE YOO. pore Bulle Ay pose Thunder bol pos Cow face pore 5 |__| Lovar ose a yin eee Oe pe . fe_plank_pose. 2 ir if pore ____| Dolphin Plank Uo tse) acing pang Bow Pose pm ; Cobya. vata Sb pa.qan pos : |_wsl busno decom on_back yoga pare _| wee pen 2 Plow» pose —| Birkle Pore ___ty ng = Down basi iy jJ—_| Fitba” Post - In 0. |__| Inynals Rel’® Chov/der. zoho Headstone pore {Ret nnn . Teaches Negrstane ) © scanned with OKEN ScannerPage Ni |—j L great set aay and mnfno, There [ Maneaa® 1 technfo ves _can be “prracHced cfth_eore and [jot any ir a omach, —_| [he og cach ayome can totally | Tix st _ond TD pstove the. 7PYy. ony gual af pxona, evga By 3 oe eve, ¢ Cloaks blocked! Sadi ond ae 5 Yes ae 5 |_Lexpancifha youre ousea. and hefohten B. 7 $p Maal | +|Mabec “ane vey, enengetit more d-posrtive, "§ Sicha wine of ind Pps Bo snay bets J; A _when nee aehenitias | having mental ssixeng ond. Teli happFex So. Sore rae Baol,_ond- Soul, Shean g Digs lly to We nil ag eb Saat oye a_k Yhely applfoatfen. | : om ow! Pet P—o9) prtana yama ae {c-9 Ae P &) Nadi shodhan poraheyang, Menke so ee (© Scanned with OKEN Scanner5 Date sensereeteessens Page No... cscsnee ~ ppt NO a Pledeten 2 [| Tipdezo tion. By Yaar wabPeh ghar you prod founder, _| lies Ve ee ee -Tucep. the adv. 3 20 heh | calm antnsl,galeor secur, lou of prescentin, |__| Ympscavemen? fn com munication, “Mrnen cAvengyA, | Lond srefoxotfan abe. ol) matvnal_wosults of m Bath [| | wequlauly rdayre world where Toros corcher | len Qoandl hen th y eo Yhe mFnd ¢ |_ lea pewcetve , medatzan fs o, lew y. Jy | | ke o cl 18 © eK 7 nal satitfaciisn_tappiness_and_peace of mio. ___| We Should follow Aallewsing uieps th. med Patan eon tienen oho |_ 21 Core your. et - = iam 4 ol tho bwxedth> Spl breathe naturally . | focus yous otemban on tac byeayh ond an how the mover with each Phobien ond exhalation te 7 lonavement of youl, boty o y bdteQVAe Sls’, TAB medion coranlice fot hao Je thyeO_myvias, 40 wfaut, and Then “towy PF fore Jeng Fads. © scanned with OKEN ScannerVa porasanaa — Date... Page No. .. ppt Noni - Aon fifa Dar | |Ruocedure fon aranas, henofhts and Cuntnahy ol [lon } tae Aromas fae each | A_Nifertyle dliseore, _| Tate tev vaniTour_/PHerlyle_datearsr suchas cbarhy, |_ loPohotes, aSsma , mn ond_bacja hi con bk _pbevented es well qr_cusied swith Yb 1e@_Some_of Ye LY oStyle_offseasar ave] —1y0 git_esunas. He debits af varius arenas cwh¥thcan Proleal” Belov Al Aromas fim. preventin and Cuie_of ober Pry? — | in| Yq. forou = ee pose,.ond rakes Hs na me| Prtom the Ja afin uikToh meant oPeneed! ose Thundes |_| of me calleal_flamSitne. pt wre, Ur byecthtng exevehter_/Pke arom yor» ke pola ot Teinet Bil bi _VFlom_aseo_psecfosmmed_5 gin bP ps "8 ond % fs_pesaromad Yadt, Whe_h becomes os Steen logo. Viamond. S ee a muscl Touches Seyoatane Remarks © scanned with OKEN s Ruoceduxe - %./omex. legs bockeward | | 4! Knee down, xthvetchiy so ia Ie fe ng Them degen. Yeu bP4, Yoes Chev cra - _owor you bad. - Your. butvecks que. tgs on pin loeld gata Wg e-anyatall Imgxpt No. Page No. ... | Ptoce yout. honclr_on you's fh near ond we "yous ove) [ial Bt yaae ad ad Joust SE TOR a ae ee oe ¥ [_2.|Dotin_yoor. oblemifin Yo our byreothin ba fly tata aware pel gach oa cla clic at par e | land exhofe, [2 beaut gees to_angen Hao yous |_e:\chary to “aan a A hm aE lo defies Benefits - ThE @ Saillt SA on puactite, f+ eliminaver ft |_2 "Pettey pputeentir_ulcexs_ond_ ae [Ls this asarin_stheengthons the hack anal pols sutfeun i. From_lowex. back pyrablems ond rei wine yl Ths ogana strengthens the pele musc/er-Yoo. Sle beh ut labo polns ond olsa Jed ucar | ingtesal Hina Contsatr ditatiin= |_u1H fs best to avely Tk roma Hf youhave o fee puabldm |__| vr have _undexgane tunoeny. 3 you Anear wecenyy, | |_2. Ps Pregnant ea een thle eh Anees_ sigh ones! when The This, So Yhqt “ah || aba _ putting Pods pea alee OFF voy ot ou Tothig Sam ony ahha la |__| oF/mens on The foo » Hs fir bord Yo avait) “hi pose Sse © scanned with OKEN Scannerj a bs a Astdho Mebyenasn © scanned with OKEN Scannerapt NO. soseernn Date -nsnmnane Page NO. ue (2) frida. afryendizasana = EN aml fr_nomed ae the yop aa enclranpth. The—name_is7gken Ptom the Sanshyi—waorde § » [lub meonrfo/t “raaityna > cobSch meant 1h eth? |_ulfch_stinnals es. APng |" ond oso, whith meont_| | —Lpostume .Vome oYhex homes fey her osone. Prelude | |'Yhe holf loo’ of the fither_pose_ono/ vhe_holt Spinal 7wist DI a. Cooled vpinal twktt ancl hase | whole ot of vawPotfons, Th pose f one_of the 12 _| bosfc_asomas_used Yn Yhe Hatha Yoga psa g.come. |Y_ OU St wah. wuve_| the youse foot aye *oovthor ond youl. spine is absolutely avert. _ __ _| | Now, OU. ! it the heel of the ref foot far next Jo yhe Afp, You could ole Keep the left ley S¥erched out Ff IPR L_elchen, § y; fat ley next fe tho left Ance by | | inking Te aves Yée_, |u| Mods HM youn_wwafst, neck and shovilers Toward the aight] of si avest you stat vba vider. make | vu yoine fr ewoch, SI TAeuee are ma: Lays you-can_place S ys Pnamease ond cecoreare Yhe stretch. “Put Yo clo 4 _ tenes you.con_place the suyhi hana! behShd you, ana] The nd on The _sFoh! knee “abe ike pare fesra Les decane, 0 bovis: foo 60 ar_| you bueqthe ulwly: yer deeply. \ Rema 5 | © scanned with OKEN Scanner= a in ite pre eg on _ | ee foasen the faints ct the hfp andl oto | weloarer_vitfthess. Ths asona, advo Aelas to_ci i |YAtr aroma fr non hovel fox mentum) Peale | Contwatnaertfn = _____ 7 his osona must be avoided eonamry a7 a Imenthuntin ox 2h enlatk 0 doh ae fh _abdonsy, The ne SZavels , who cvlfou Prom Ppephe ulcey, hexnko_| Oh by 07 uokdin chek pentvim hi avo7 rly. wae expert gurdance Adominal, heat | Peo We. esha have_.secen?! undergone. a ee if pt NO nocunnen Date vrnscrnenenes Page No. ... ile aod aa a ii eee 4 Rela ce ae the neck. Relax as you s¥ wr %sy| [a feat the steps "onthe ebes_siley0 YYpen ial [Benes - [sya emne _xelitve wl Vnecr one! back poln. ee) Uht_omno_hejps to uve a. lp (Git nanga hej b-negulate the sechctin cf b5%h| oe and bible Sen pena sal hos, Rees ond _chiinulore Ye __| re_tutfer Big Svan dfaderes. stiapped tn the back Sides helen ht oper y yp the chert ond Pronease vhe ete | The asonehelas yo velive r7yess ond tension tho 5 | | : Kemah © scanned with OKEN Scanneree ae Pasch mot fanasane.— 4g faames. = "Davalin and_Cxe_of Tilehes— ) ‘s Paatkémgitanagana Cah ek iso _clossse Havha Yo ¢_patchiine ta nasa%e| AcovesteS a whole fot of vyptlems ta The bed one fr | 7A pasetfeulen, ful fo fe.borer ond Ahh bloow puance. [ lahfs_osancs_ also gives pe i a aa Geo! wine}. | | ipo Vie Bren patil of the 8 ool/ed_| | |L_ tte €os7., ani! Yne_be id haath IL WARS orona concentrates y 1 bods ld tiheueiie, Ye named ax wach. Ling lth 5 YAS toma} LC Lic caltedthe vJooieal Ynsayd. benol_o the Tatense | | Dosurall ke se gouic Le ty Pee ee Ss, shrelched out fy Bron of you. Sewer Fowards re | Steno a ova yous: _asems clues | Hi Setole_one bench f¥rvard. fee) the fold Brom_youse— |__| hPa idea chin tlc tact yee tL Studies ou? you oums,—ontl det them teach 1A | furelhest they Can, poss bly IL your. toes. But make | sue that “you don’t WTuefth foo “fare 6 Inhabe. Then: »lbfting pout! head. whiyhtlys| elongate. Date oe enesnenee Page No. .. OWE My fe ae ale Qn’ mov, ae tots. yourcdnees 7.1 Ke hr then, place your head— | Ten yout eps, ancl bold tne pare. © \cent © scanned with OKEN ScannerTr | | ot. NO. log 1. ih te , cum _oum ral Tlantt_erona_calms ibe mira ondl_allsa we/Forar Ditte enn Page No... [| antl cf he . | _listvere - | Pa Reena r ee acl inc &_qSano._0gu)a» Impstove en. | Lew! Menenante _and_m h Ih a | combotted wth his orang. |_| iUph | whist can be cumed Pts YAPs ee nxfoly , headaches, ond i ce aie ale “blood _PHESSLHE » fascia. | PaschSnottanasanc. it mld te cuke o‘seqaas , Frak@se apperfle_, and_seduce bss. a _ LIA ocean sso gen pase an fi pct ali we deliv |=. Mp 2 el tana Ff avthma_on_/forshea._| [yeaa pamels HE otane “ony. under the guides Ce |G! Pregnant women" must avoid paraclittng. ak wa fdnd Fav €_ you beve a hock Mnfuny, you must anake | Eo, —ceutflibd yo a int Tnbetedr. __~__"_| ASOD \ cfesanla asker Sigeatute Teacher Sy ) © scanned with OKEN Scanneree re a ee Bh yjang sane © scanned with OKEN Scanner3 Date sesoseue Page No... upon fh pose oF pues aE og a h_pote- of pases «0 Whe fuga, Momathe Ir, A te ect la [— a Hl yen ans on the «ible lend ensue” Yio yous fees Huth cach fhe | 2 Then, move vous hands io Whe front, makfro. rune {4 ane ot the whew lden level, ond lace yout _| l Tabs on’ the Peows fi Lo paca Paper -s_welsht on- 0. Pai pcg e-bay Pond “hada Ae rote ple your. HBRY sringe glyou need “dn ade youkneck backend fron mt [e peatite Yhe ohta with the doled hacd. Bt et Ae eee ee = lthaolline-tas pion Fiom; oun ean ! [ie Basie youn_hios, fohs_ontcl fee? Yo Yhe Poo | \~ftlold “the osama Yes. about (8 ye vio veconds whfle__| |_| buen Frelyour womach p&essed agaist — {the Lleol biAth pilactite yon thal ba able ¥0be6 hs. Up Yoyo Infrudes, -—|the_asona —_|Benefs ~ || 9 makes the buttecks fiir, | 2.1 Td ofves tae lungs. »Shouldens schart and abdomen _| a Rood vinelch. Aira Teacher Sepatuse ™) (© scanned with OKEN Scanner> haksxasana ee © scanned with OKEN ScannerPage No. ... sl obs pent tied (tabs _osanais_known oe open up 7 oun so_optn_up the lungs and Yhe. | heawt. Ge elPeves sciatica ond _asvoma__| cl [Contitafh oftcapfome = —________| eiim exeoeciie whould be_oveided A yay wu Lie, rem | | the A llawslng prtoblems > | tesrn%o. v. Headaches. | 2 Cl Asanas_tax “Rueventien and Cuxe_of' As%ime. |-t1_Chaksavana—_____________-____ = The_Ladhva. Dhonurasana fro hack bend on d abr an asana thot foxms_a_paxt_of the troilg off | | levesetrer _tm_an_ Ashtanga. Yes a sabg PINE. fraQsa called Yhe cha kwarena. “on | whee pate rom _A eflag_called he Upuoangl Facog Tus 1 |__| then ‘the pose ee on vabead te ee 31_an_Ly i giveth res. ak Lea py When done_asa.} | tpavt_of ana of on 4 chee c_pfmnachie_ salt) || Pye Ry called the back bislge@ —~ ________ |_| Proceduxe— cuse_back_on the fear. Yonmna bond H—tu| Lie flo* on | =a es — gurs_tnees_fo thot I soles hoon thd, | Poor and _c/arere to nt hurt ack. Dake ruts a youn feet ase Aypwidth apart, Rersarks © scanned with OKEN ScannerDate seenesesne Page NO. nnn [2 Your homds mort be_placed_bebind yout choukios, = fpectilgg Pe ee eames [wl Once_you fee! comfesiloe le th IAPs son weg hi on yours Winds: Uy a ge ee Talbn , |__| fur enltac bed off hnat. lot youn bead € |__th My. ou biwetie_centuilablh | 2 7M%oke yr vou bieoWe. comfortably. Jake ena Q, stow, deep Benet hs = |b SE Cuter back o's 4S comer on aPn Fn Kone oT fs helptut in sremeving —“obetiy, | | Th prevents VAe_, the £72 _O1 OnMQ. ee eee ose a |__|Contixatndtta tio: - ___| |. you sof¥en fram headache o%_hiyh blond pietar ure |_| you" Should_nort joer Seren taht _avanq—_____| |_2.| “Dont _pexfonm takr asena ty care ’ |. |_| _fmp agement. SSS || Do_ mt ponfenm this_acana PF you have ten dontiit Pathe waists, == |x! TnoPdvals who vufitn, Kram sorfous wpinal colvms_| 7 —{atilmeniscvch_as_cemvical_and_fumbar seondylitis| \hould avoid _Yhir Qran0 . \ tena Teacher Siysature © scanned with OKEN ScannerPatsy yasana.(AE opryaona ss S—~—~—SSC*SY [4 lols ya wos on Freadina tion ee tea ad ce way the cout VB bmi oh eee etre Eaaie rs | ere _fbcusedl_ and _decnt when you} Date. Page No. «. | Yh evlock back, Hindu mytdolen egy viatas Thor off Cost” yRibnu, The apna ll Heame holy of balance? fast ot the_mortcya Lyck thor | palonce betwen he fo ond he seo sxoced use Foyx_pestor thos osama, Pn pachinnsce las GPe_clocum in pd. pHold_ your. zo a with Ye fhgeus_of yours bonds. on |__| wammeviine Sn thi Tai pahifen” ca oe |_1.| 2.[ okra comes the (fects of evar. | La asane—fs helpfil int the toedtment_of Pe else. Le |G helps fnacolfevin tension Sn the neck and shoulder. —s4E- Pnpaoves. ei b— Confsiatnalloation— —_____________ —! + alc _thRs_osana PL you have h oi Lou bleod, pore |_2. lsat al a _ Brom_rpi etic and rbould | —_lolsa wietrrqin_- rom_povtermning Al asana efPhs ee ree, yl poe pla nl “e.Uesechan) © scanned with OKEN Scannersgt NOs ise stata Page No. ssnnsnsne somos Joy ond (une o n=) a EA peer ae | ahi z janes: the movhor. of al _| | f Bt ther. erge, 24 nas , dO breh the QO ay [__lof’ the wlonding poses ane. hil a to. comoly port at’| | reat Pei oe an_Tne lel fant tha patna Brom |__| Yhe hd dsana 5 whe the othe pays semain nevi, |_'Parocedune ~ |__SYondl_up fn_otten!iin_posiin it oo wim vpwaras. |_\Whreich your hands upooydc. Rete your heell, andl come . purcsrr. 2feae | wwe Time baecthe oul wlowly ont come_ro Ye pyeviqur putin, Repeat tm ome efecto ode 1S YSnen IS = Le Ss Br th physical ¢ menial belanne| pO pain and st meducer obestiy = oF ' - Ft cusrercenetPpilin ThA nelhefo Sn treat tng hypentensian. Conticafn eleatiins = @ ES best +o ovo YA _osona 7 yovhave the Lolloising. prroblems. Hegd aches ||" Thaso mnia Hw! to, _bisod_pi Lek fo b | Teacher Systane © scanned with OKEN ScannerWhavasana- -| oe Date venue Page No. sisnnneneue Fv. ) crerembles The parte of onl Bi [ypearelene , “anneal NW hous mening fo seore” | ond sana anea ee eo ae posliiha4 —oneot yo | poe wit could abso be ed! Yo com, eh ie fee pac a ign ae i ate cheat pa nal ze “i posh sabe Vi Mel bea poe 7o.9¢7 — pink th wound _guitkly Th hep anh ing. andl seofutna Ps pa. oceduste~ | (8 down Fry ppine_poshtfin_Lo s whould be vireo 9 keep The ieee aL00y, Lom Ms - leave off rhe 0a \Joase ar well as. ey Aneatie fn md thnk” Ybor », Cilase . awn _whale_| Tet hentia dees of a pated se laxatin 1 in_ youre badly. in DY Ton todt lo Yo 12 min) [Benefits = el Rrnor Whe hody Yoo med sYarive sire. 2. Relates and cadms_the & bed tL uote es_blood Pacosruse and Anstey —4 Improves Con cemtvatfon ond’ 74emetey wh mens ae of eneroy —C atnaltation - — ——$_$_-________—__ Side asona ir absolutely vote ond Can be prcactlee by. anyone and eveyone. Unless your doctor fas $$ Renaikes . Teacher Signature (© Scanned with OKEN ScannerYokstasana Lo Uewcehau © scanned with OKEN Scanneroo Date venssninnnnne Page No. ssssnsunnen Taolvivedl_y fe_on_youx backs you con | puraste e_this axang [ Preven¥in ond Cire of Rack poth._| “a lyakasone. : ( lai8s one osena fr called as Vakwvarong of ths de) | Pose because, Labrie Po puactPch ~_Yats ovena. “Vakwa” means ‘tufsted? In Vone: Tn_ the Yokwasana the up pede peak of the body, r_completety tu and piney ihe |__lonyrcle nds. the_legs and the hock awe __| vhyelched, Yhe_Yokwosqna % a winplMied faym_of Yhe | pidha Matsy endyasane ,an Wana _whFch_& name af tex Patsy endsanotd, ihe Toundor_ot thatha Yo le Jhe_asanqwhrerches The TAFoh ond tones The abdomen. chore who axe uno hie Yo pes pinged gl pipe ay — a. Proceduste - J SFE ey ig ei ol lip ve |2.| Hands _uhov/d bed the “side, palm searting. © — Gasound , Ls 1s Jose! _po'nith Fotuoard __] Lgl” You have “Yo wofst vse dead | fowords backs K—|_ ond tty, Jo look back, —___—_______—,_ } wl WAinde § aetvuning, to The ankotpal_paslih ton, Hoh \ Sem . < Teacher Signature © scanned with OKEN ScannerFadasana ———_ $@ Wd techie) (© scanned with OKEN ScannerWhe _osong ureduces sho Pol in The spe. , [Lal kunda.ts tie tne dreduced back oches. rowers Son Afdneys a other. sYomarh diteoses.| pom a "Finale EE pement- at maior Dfvew. thoulo 7m not pee re 2. ma told gf ; = moe “than 2. dounds. |_2|Jaderana, | |b orana A 0PKe the bore ok the emothor af |_| et. ovonas Z Post: of the Sondho poser cave shifts ue ee ee tbody. obe_an_ fad dyad Bin | Yat rates 6 dex] [| stra : | | Procedure ~ |__|. fond_up in ottntin position _._U eG aa = _| vowords . Avec se YOU TT ieate fs, on co. i ‘the poll yp your | Feschar Sigrature on Remarks © scanned with OKEN Scannera gt.No- sosisdenabiygeivera Date ieessuuiaeen Page No. sarnsnnnee Vout ay - comes 20: Jt ae dipastive psoblems. we fr 9 e Te ad Con ean deaf Bee a, We & best to avo? Tike arana_ PF you dave ye | fe wi? Q . Head aches Sasomnia Bh lonr Afooo a~vencuse.— (© Scanned with OKEN ScannerChabse Stand! Josh< ® = =A ere tfneas-feaf. — duction | dasefiod Ths" test Anown or the_fullearton tn actor [_| test _of sentan_chifeenr. » Th. nol, APRA onal Teast develapedd hes test wpSch fr os urnios c&/Pens. ome This test, fonPar. cyvens come yo aia he waiiincopacFifer_ot thee. oPfFocen f body o At tort Se ie fee pee a ae inp athe doll Pa ely a al [er re |__| gho #0) 2 Silness me 1.1 Cho Pe wlarel feat | “Ym. cuted est wil Chote off and _seoch Yeoh }¥.| Bock ocwatch tert. P| Bie footy t | 6) “SS mn Pnites f, Lhe Stand_vest = Puxpore~ The _-mafn_pusmpose of YAR Yer? Sta af \ Rone . Teaches Signature oonner J) (© scanned with OKEN ScannerNowy y fore Ten “Age e 6o-6Y 65-69 ~ %o-FY WS-79 8o-0Y 85~99 ge 6o~ oY 6s~ 69 -2y Ty=tg , 1~/2 })~-)2 10-15" “Saal | 4-12 | Noms fox “Women men - | veH109e 4M SE MIE 10-18 lo-l$ %~1Y On 15 Yr)! | Avenagel e| 12=18 >"): ; ats | Yivicchest (© scanned with OKEN Scannerapt NO. snemnnenenee Date... fre L— wWhPCh Sr atu a Pred yoke ae tasks: 03 tae mond out of vehR(ec |__| mo Page No, .. (ie) h 2. °, Syed ~ ee °. 4 — Palen Kequlved Achat with avi yo ihe ni - is 2 p paxil air Wem _ansl_avispsaaiy) i g pnt ~—_____| d fant whould ust Bp heat leaf the cho by He oh a keep bis hands on Tho o, ppoiize shoulder | cyossed ot Yro, wsyfiste, The feet shoul be Mo? on the floor. Agck should Us Ri eee opoat wloneln up_amnl_sidifag clown for Po.reconds Pcedowe Alice the Chiaki apoilr 2c00l , or _| Suis win bilfee fie fos. wore yp oie subjects. eof tha sear, wth Yet foe¥rhou/des| US pail Sak ona Ui oes alias teak | ae |__| be cwassed ot vA wiftts and held close Yo Ye chest, —lup-, then campler [=| a Parucanitly “Chun he Zale |__| _chofre ctonds. Te the sul Wreth |__| s/and f30m_ the oP tH, |__| _che |__| fable whows whe, Prom the whith osfan, Yhe wuhfecl-sTonds compleyeh i pli. pc seas dl de asx completed _a full Bip. potion when the tPme & |} —|-ela psc, the SFel stond fr counted Py the yoval.— |__ScasiPng ~ fhe weonve fs Yio Yor? oo. of comalored_ BsNotands se tua the 9 piven ioseconds Zhe velo on ee ee for vPfTeent age gxoups. Teacher Suputane © scanned with OKEN ScannerAge | Yiverage / 60-69 | 16722 | 65-69 | IS -2) ! Yor 7Y | Yeo! 75-79 | 19~)9 go -69 je 5-69 | eR i | 90 oy | lonl¥ ~ Nosims Tor Nomen Ay | a : | yeu 098| Fy2~)9 ¥ i 12-18 {| J2-12 t 1? © scanned with OKEN ScannerCone Page No. Coon Gach ea ee 5 a ne |__|ahe morn_puyps ae ee Se a [| evaluate “fhe _utsreng th if the senfon chtixen*s olove Bh wes Whe wo! Ee iit Ti samen and eip hipaa it Soyo_ccomen_and_ePyht pour wef ht Moerman 2 chp ua i Prrocedue~ . You whi rit dawn wth you bock whojps% and | | youn feet flat on ve Cleat heyan Cudeh Yani Px_oone_tPth a. S~ pound wooly fob? fod. women ore | an_@= pound _aehp hi ie pe ithe cal fr Yo pearfosim as_mnany areperitfins s avon crawl | |__|" as _possPhle fh iro seconds. het sien om |_cy_Choky uit and Reach /art 7 P ro~ Jo arress Yhe /owese, how He xPh9 Py, | | Taahfeh Bs Bim ‘ch_fr Pmpotilant- for good, ee galt pattems gnd_vaw sour _m yasks. gh az_gevting. fn anda Yobar. cat Equipmen orb agar —| pvt en ge one "atl dock, Mrs Chan Sigs © scanned with OKEN ScannerNosrms for on Mons 7 I Nesinas f In Ynches | Age | y)vorage [Noe Go-y | eS= VO 60-6) 65-69 “ee is 65 -6Y Fo-7¥ TSS DS Yor FY 45~79 ~ 40 ~200 | W5- 79 0-AY SSH | ~OY 05-89 “SS 6-5 18 e9 Noss fose Mon Fy Sichas Age Go-€Y - 65-69 To FY | 85-09 [90-9 ve [Nostms 7 fox Women § ise : oo 6s~-69 Fo-7Y FS-79 do- au Os~ a9 90> 9Y © scanned with OKEN Scanner[expt Nose Date wnsonsunnue Page No. vsnnosome a B) _tleels_of the feet whavlo! Youch the_colge of the | | Yoped Wne_ondl_be obout 10 re 12 Ache’ apart. The_| er renee atl tal Pye uench terror wo | ey _ont_hand_en Yop af _the_| [| cing cnns douk, os fan as pass/ble., Aoltiag |__| this ees Seals = { wh 1g-te_negative ore den, Pi olAs7ance lage accoyelng % Inch—on_lem. the Fl _-| are the_madims based on this test for dferen?-“ | | age geoups. | als) Back Senatch Wee oe a | |_| €ouf foment Reow pe Cex Cuter) Proceduie — |__41 J} Sent Pinky the hack of youre_hand! on ouwont Yo ctvelch Lt against youre | Lae eee back, yt fea ea one_end_of a yowel overs your thoulley. Gab. dy M bohiho tow. back with your alien hand. Lg Pon olown_gonth onthe towel waPih_y. ovr. irontarsrn. ' |e Kepeat ot oS Be Scowin 19 — \ tele (© scanned with OKEN ScannerNosimys “fos Men PaSeconds ~ Average J: S-F- SES} 60-42 |) Ti Que 7 6-G2 -|/ Yu boo /O*0 2 C1 sn an av hknondiipltiae (4 7 ms Bax Women fh Seto Avenge of ‘wpand 0 =e | a ROE 64-48 yep yg Fey. $2] O-4--S-7 | 7 9. €- 62) ye 5-7 ; LL Livec © scanned with OKEN Scanner= Date one Ld (25 lt Ep | __ Shir a roliore peed ,.a9 20% ond be ‘lata pans surg seo Bate eeu ro, i fe whic. fue 9 ScA_man j eH. off a, bus Sn Hn, ty answer Hel hon prone s -Epuipinent: K equbedt = chou. Cwemd Berl, apatbualyhh bac, 0. 70 > | | Rroceguve~ 0 eee a- eottp_ond_Go test te PYt up and ga var, | d ed by, REALE and ‘Toner, e_mecSusees. poe,| \y, (iY. omit balance. She tert_| Pnyolves 9 e592 oul oF Cu cho hte, alk Br @ feet: | to_ond a Cone ond wre/unitng- to the | Remarks Chob. fn the hows ale. ~~ i Teaming = ; port off a, ve cond, The Solfaraing. Yahle Shas nowns! of WS vec? bqred_an oPffoxent ape = g.roupe 49) Sa Suter biol Purpo re = 3 7 Vo mea PYnes, Senta |__| cffren. Eval 2 &LS, vo bie 4 endurance whith necessary. fan covering dilant Teaches Siprstne © scanned with OxEN s Wr ees ec NW OW OW WAM CEM— —) yg’ We yds ays _ Ue segs : Sy oy ef aa can | Soyds Bisere Syl _ layels sp 1S yale yds. - 7 ont : ¥ ” — “20 yds ——__} \ Nostmy fore wiles Pp Yosrels | Noms fos Wosven rn Yards pige___ _ hora 99€ | | Nee . f Aves 6o-6Y es Clo Fe 60 “eu | io 65-69 S€0- Feo Ks -69 | Yo-7y | S¥S- 08 Jo-iy | 15-39 | “W¥e~ Mp wy |a-04 YUS~ 605 @o- ey | 5-89 F00~SIp 88-09 - |90-9 oy vo $+ $00 | Go~ oy fs Vwechan) © scanned with OKEN Scannertpt NO. sve Tolfinb ing o 1G. te Date vor Page NO. wees ond_cown Yhe SIribiut, while. pure ctor | as: Pua efdin gee. : | €9 vipment. Keguiued ~ (| plloin_Garouncd Coad ye sis), meocustrg tape, wp |_worth Proceduke = Yhe_ohPect of the York So walk os fax_os rat fan ux mPnuler. You whl) walk oF yout — newmal pace Yoo. choPe o1cone, ond sip axaund| |__| Ane! vou conve Jo wotlk back anclfewh for, se _| Slender. ler Yhe wtf? senor PE eu_ave. hang chest | poka oe heating liihicubly Veamng = lane of. _dfrtances covered _th fx minvier 5 |_weronded fo the nearert merico.— | Joble so auomke cla ie Sonkes, Cibo {nays tort Gol Grammnee ex! Chad: | Aum Chotr. | Rockstar! Chk ww | —_ Nome_| | Stand _| Cut IsS¥and_ bch feat Up |™in__ cunt) Ccount \Peuches_| Cihches)|ond Go| walk |Grches)| Csecond)| Croud, ; | Ral ¥. kt J. Thacher Siymtone © scanned with OKEN ScannerDate vavevonsnnen Page NO. svererarsnn ho Khe {Genoa nfoadl uct uy, o- Kho tro. n_Snclion_pame_whfeh to lou inoted in Pune (Mo honashina). ee - pen | ono he popularity ef Kho- Kho; omen tum wil l4ne development SF d?Hfeuent Akhaxas ond. oyamshalas. A_moslexm_ond_nens Tosrm te Tks ga 8 hac been gfven_by we tem nu yam Lanchasa k | [raniet, Baroda Chyforat) . Achit Pahavast ia || ShankuFk_whPkichon Pon dal. Pndxod uced Py. /n 1920 | ° ©. oh omew virion. TAhr_argonzration by gfe |__|__comy of Yhrs pame. | | the aru boondl nequlailime of /cho- lho sexe fen lo) ol Jn_fhe develop ment and_populausralin \ els on _o._contesence fn fune whith soas_crgonkied by 5 Kk, “ay |__| Bac med ir 1960 and Fn YAs ame yea | he ABest nacfinal_champfenckipsBa_ynen 10 ; |_| osegantred_.ho~ amp. hip Sor women |} 1 Was ort 90 a LT 7942 CAer AP)_o. cemenshraiien of _Aho~ \ [rome pxerented. 2-8 ynfovilinoie hat. the Fittest 9 |_and popu _| Fn Aalan_pamet—re a. Itho~ | feck Se. Pr /26L Sn Arion_game a ‘ hack att Jox_game_Ko= ho har ne? been Teacher Syste ~5) (© scanned with OKEN ScannerExpt NO. wenn Date wrennnnennes Page No. -.cwneareeo Pc ae ie apie |v. The sight to choose chasing on_stefenolian.. Rr decilely eg on Se | act Y1UNNEH. dO viel_nor pies a Sees Tf be & one ere adi fea a ae | fantngs wo 229.and_ eon, Ema hshell af aig mig cic hover whl er nether. Youch nom cuasr the | | sf! centirg | /Pne | @| whe uwde Yor cover moke poms tain a mgtch_| 3.| Active chaser wf/l have yo wun fn the some Brecher, TL he gat fn oppasiie dlSection he wsil_be 9 Fven_| |_0.| The oPttins 5 ~allowed yb.stand up__| || eaftho tHthg Kho .to give_kho,acitye chaser_| |_| sty Youth Ye back wile of uPtiino. chawox. and _| || osm Ane hauler Oe Fear Signatate 0 © scanned with OKEN sc_ -we7 jay eee] | | i || 3 & a 2 Ss SYPAOIS 2N0z aay4 wee woe © scanned with OKEN Scannerppt Now Date... Page No. . " cI Pel Crenoth tb) PFm_x lon |_| Awee zone L Som ¥/6m |_| Contre fone NY a oc | Grass Jane _—hn x stem |_| Distance Foch count Lvbled by We ae 3. Bion ett bbocks ___®(C35 x Zocm each) | Durovitn of each Fonthor 9 mimuter nites vol SS mibuies | Polleus_on 9 ok, make. polars. 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A Teachar Signature on \ Almadla © scanned with OKEN s.4 |_orvaness yo_one cide an Yowandls toe part Ake _| Sttyatfon fr called 2310, pping . 9, In this tech nFo ve 5-0. Chaser pounces on 07 ac7/Fre | o o Sy Yg 1 HUNNEI FO 4 'U, a u, z Cousn 96 and_pachice tose being, om Cxpert oie, SesxminaLleg| \ Q Chase , Ache | chosen, Chases2s Aleck . Tapping, Tappizg . | wef explonariin of same of the teurms Fr L Hie ee— ~ gapte NOs enna Date ccecssoses Page No. . 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