Ancient Hebrews Origins and Map Work
Ancient Hebrews Origins and Map Work
Ancient Hebrews Origins and Map Work
What is this a symbol of?
The Hebrews
• The Hebrews were the ancestors of the Jews,
and most of what we know, including the laws
and requirements of their religion, Judaism,
comes from their later writings.
We live in France
It began here in Israel
Ancient Israel
• Israel is located on the
• It was a cross roads
between trade routes
with Egypt and the
Middle East
• Referred to as Caanan
and also “The land of
milk and honey” The
Promised Land
• Patri in Greek means father
• arch as a suffix means ruler
Ishmael Isaac
12 Tribes of Israel
What is in a name?
• Hebrew means “From the other
side of the river”- name given to
Abraham and his followers
• Israelites: Abraham’s
grandson Jacob renamed Israel
which means “he who has
wrestled with God”. His
descendants were called
• Jews: named after Jacob’s son
Judah, ancient father of tribe of
King David’s dynasty
Historical Overview
• Ancient Israel is the birthplace
of the 3 great monotheistic
religions of the world: Judaism,
Christianity and Islam
• Ancient Israel dates back
approximately 4000 years to the
books of the Old Testament
• Great patriarchs of Judaism:
Abraham, Jacob, Moses,
• Hebrews, Israelites, Jews,
Semites: have all undergone
persecution throughout history;
from Babylonian Captivity,
Exodus, Diaspora, Spanish
Inquisition, Holocaust
• “Mono”Greek meaning one
• “Theos” God
• “ism” Greek meaning belief
• The belief that there is only one God.
• The Hebrew sacred texts teach
• Judaism is the oldest monotheistic
Abraham’s Journey
The Beginnings
• The Hebrew people trace their roots back to a man called
Abraham who lived in Mesopotamia, Ur around BCE.