Hdecay:: A Program For Higgs Boson Decays in The Standard Model and Its Supersymmetric Extension
Hdecay:: A Program For Higgs Boson Decays in The Standard Model and Its Supersymmetric Extension
Hdecay:: A Program For Higgs Boson Decays in The Standard Model and Its Supersymmetric Extension
a Program for Higgs Boson Decays in the Standard Model and its Supersymmetric Extension
A. Djouadi1 , J. Kalinowski2 and M. Spira3
Laboratoire de Physique Mathmatique et Thorique, UPRESA 5032, e e Universit de Montpellier II, F34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France. e
Deutsches ElektronenSynchrotron, DESY, D22603 Hamburg, Germany, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University, PL00681 Warsaw, Poland.
We describe the Fortran code HDECAY , which calculates the decay widths and the branching ratios of the Standard Model Higgs boson, and of the neutral and charged Higgs particles of the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model. The program is self-contained (with all subroutines included), easy to run, fast and calculates the decay widths and branching ratios according to the current theoretical knowledge.
The program may be obtained from http://wwwcn.cern.ch/mspira/ or http://www.lpm.univmontp2.fr/ djouadi/program.html, or via E-mail from: djouadi@lpm.univ-montp2.fr, kalino@desy.de, spira@cern.ch.
The experimental observation of scalar Higgs particles is crucial for our present understanding of the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking. Thus the search for Higgs bosons is one of the main entries in the LEP2 agenda, and will be one of the major goals of future colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider LHC and the future Linear e+ e Collider LC. Once the Higgs boson is found, it will be of utmost importance to perform a detailed investigation of its fundamental properties, a crucial requirement to establish the Higgs mechanism as the basic way to generate the masses of the known particles. To this end, a very precise prediction of the production cross sections and of the branching ratios for the main decay channels is mandatory. In the Standard Model (SM), one doublet of scalar elds is needed for the electroweak symmetry breaking, leading to the existence of one neutral scalar particle H 0 [1]. Once MH 0 is xed, the prole of the Higgs boson is uniquely determined at tree level: the couplings to fermions and gauge bosons are set by their masses and all production cross sections, decay widths and branching ratios can be calculated unambiguously [2]. Unfortunately, MH 0 is a free parameter. From the direct search at LEP1 and LEP2 we know that it should be larger than about 71 GeV [3]. Triviality restricts the Higgs particle to be lighter than about 1 TeV; theoretical arguments based on Grand Unication at a scale < 1016 GeV suggest however, that the preferred mass region will be 100 GeV < MH 0 200 GeV; for a recent summary, see Ref. [4]. In supersymmetric (SUSY) theories, the Higgs sector is extended to contain at least two isodoublets of scalar elds. In the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) this leads to the existence of ve physical Higgs particles: two CP-even Higgs bosons h and H, one CP-odd or pseudoscalar Higgs boson A, and two charged Higgs particles H [1]. Besides the four masses, two additional parameters are needed: the ratio of the two vacuum expectation values, tg, and a mixing angle in the CP-even sector. However, only two of these parameters are independent: choosing the pseudoscalar mass MA and tg as inputs, the structure of the MSSM Higgs sector is entirely determined at lowest order. However, large SUSY radiative corrections [5] aect the Higgs masses and couplings, introducing new [soft SUSY-breaking] parameters in the Higgs sector. If in addition relatively light genuine supersymmetric particles are allowed, the whole set of SUSY parameters will be needed to describe the MSSM Higgs boson properties unambiguously. In this report we describe the program HDECAY1 , which calculates the decay widths and branching ratios of Higgs bosons in the SM and the MSSM. It includes: All decay channels that are kinematically allowed and which have branching ratios larger than 104 , y compris the loop mediated, the most important three body decay modes, and in the MSSM the cascade and the supersymmetric decay channels.
A complete overview over all theoretical details can be found in Ref. [6].
All relevant higher-order QCD corrections to the decays into quark pairs and to the quark loop mediated decays into gluons are incorporated in the most complete form [7]. The largest part of the corrections to the heavy quark pair decay modes are mapped into running masses which have to be evaluated at the scale of the Higgs mass. The small leading electroweak corrections are also included. They become sizeable only in the large Higgs mass regime due to the enhanced self-interactions of the Higgs bosons. Double o-shell decays of the CP-even Higgs bosons into massive gauge bosons which then decay into four massless fermions [8]. These decays are important for masses close to MW or MZ . For larger masses, it is a sucient approximation to switch o these decays [which are CPU time consuming] and to allow for one on-shell gauge boson only. All important below-threshold [three-body] decays: with o-shell heavy top quarks H 0 , H, A tt t and H + t b + ; with one o-shell gauge boson bW b bW H W H , H Z A, A Z h and H W A, W h; as well as the decays of H with one o-shell Higgs boson H hh , AA . These three body decays can be rather important, especially in the MSSM [9] (see also [10]). In the MSSM, the complete radiative corrections in the eective potential approach with full mixing in the stop and sbottom sectors; it uses the renormalization group improved values of the Higgs masses and couplings, and the relevant leading nextto-leading-order corrections are also implemented [11]. In the MSSM, all the decays into SUSY particles when they are kinematically allowed. The decays into charginos and neutralinos are included in the most general case, and the decays to sleptons and squark pairs with sfermion mixing in the third generation sector [12]. In the MSSM, all SUSY particles are included in the loop mediated and gg decay channels: charged Higgs bosons, chargino, slepton and squark [including mixing] loops in h, H decays, chargino loops in A and squark loops in h, H gg. In the gluonic decay modes the large QCD corrections for quark [13, 14] and squark loops [15] are also included. The basic input parameters, fermion and gauge boson masses and their total widths, coupling constants and in the MSSM, soft SUSY-breaking parameters can be chosen from an input le. In this le several ags allow to switch on/o or change some options [e.g. choose a particular Higgs boson, include/exclude the multi-body or SUSY decays, or include/exclude specic higher-order QCD corrections]. The results for the many decay branching ratios and the total decay widths are written into several output les with headers indicating the processes and giving the input parameters. The program is written in FORTRAN and has been tested on several machines: VAX stations under the operating system VMS and work stations running under UNIX. All the 3
necessary subroutines [e.g. for integration] are included. The program is lengthy [more than 5000 FORTRAN lines] but rather fast, especially if some options [as decays into double o-shell gauge bosons] are switched o. The rest of this report is organized as follows. In the next section we discuss the physical decay processes included in the program. We describe the parameters of the input le in Section 3. In Section 4, we present examples of output les. Some comments and conclusions are given in Section 5.
Decay Modes
Standard Model
a) Decays to quarks and leptons The Higgs boson partial width for decays to massless quarks, directly coupled to the 3 SM Higgs particle, is calculated including the O(s ) QCD radiative corrections [16, 17] in the MS renormalization scheme. Large logarithms are resummed by using the running quark mass mQ (MH ) and the strong coupling constant s (MH ) both dened at the scale of the Higgs boson mass. The quark masses can be neglected in the phase space and in the matrix element except for decays in the threshold region, where the next-to-leading-order QCD corrections are given in terms of the quark pole mass MQ [16]. The relation between the perturbative pole quark mass (MQ ) and the running MS mass (mQ ) at the scale of the pole mass can be expressed as [18] mQ (MQ ) = MQ 4 s (MQ ) s (MQ ) 1+ + KQ 3
where the numerical values of the NNLO coecients are given by Kt 10.9, Kb 12.4 and Kc 13.4. Since the relation between the pole mass Mc of the charm quark and the MS mass mc (Mc ) evaluated at the pole mass is badly convergent [18], the running quark masses mQ (MQ ) are adopted as starting points, because these are directly determined from QCD spectral sum rules [19] for the b and c quarks. The ag NNLO(I) determines whether (I=1) the input running mass is related to the pole mass according to the eq. (1) or (I=0) using the simplied version with the KQ term neglected [in this case we denote pt2 the pole mass by MQ ]. The input pole mass values and corresponding running masses are presented in Table 1. The evolution from MQ upwards to a renormalization scale is given by mQ () = mQ (MQ ) c [s ()/] c [s (MQ )/] (2)
Q c b t
pt2 MQ
Table 1: Quark mass values for the MS mass and the two dierent denitions of the pole masses. The strong coupling has been chosen as s (MZ ) = 0.118 and the bottom and charm mass values are taken from Ref. [19].
for Ms < < Mc for Mc < < Mb for Mb < < Mt for Mt <
For the charm quark mass the evolution is determined by eq. (2) up to the scale = Mb , while for scales above the bottom mass the evolution must be restarted at MQ = Mb . The values of the running b, c masses at the scale = 100 GeV, characteristic for the pt2 Higgs mass, are typically 35% (60%) smaller than the bottom (charm) pole masses Mb pt2 (Mc ). The program HDECAY includes the full massive NLO corrections close to the thresh3 olds as well as the massless O(s ) corrections far above the thresholds. The transition between both regions is provided by a linear interpolation as shown in Fig. 1. Thus the result is optimized for the description of the mass eects in the threshold region and for the renormalization group improved large Higgs mass regime. The electroweak corrections to heavy quark and lepton decays in the intermediate Higgs mass range are small [21] and could thus be neglected, but the bulk of the eect [22] is included in the program. For large Higgs masses the electroweak corrections due to the enhanced self-coupling of the Higgs bosons are included, which however turn out to be small [23]. In the case of tt decays of the Standard Higgs boson, the O(s ) QCD corrections are included according to [16]. Below-threshold (three-body) decays H tt t into bW o-shell top quarks may be sizeable [9] and thus are implemented. 5
30 MH [GeV]
Figure 1: Interpolation between the full massive NLO expression (dashed line) for the b b decay width of the Standard Higgs boson and the renormalization group improved NNNLO result (dotted line). The interpolated curve is presented by the full line.
b) Decays to gluons The decay of the Higgs boson to gluons is mediated by heavy quark loops in the Standard Model; the partial decay width in lowest order is given in [24]. QCD radiative corrections [13, 14] are built up by the exchange of virtual gluons, gluon radiation from the internal quark loop and the splitting of a gluon into unresolved two gluons or a quarkantiquark pair. The radiative corrections are very large, nearly doubling the partial width. Since b quarks, and eventually c quarks, can in principle be tagged experimentally, it is physically meaningful to include gluon splitting g bb (cc) in H gg gbb (cc) decays to the inclusive decay probabilities (H b + . . .) etc. [7]. Separating this b contribution generates large logarithms, which can be eectively absorbed by dening the number of active avors in the gluonic decay mode in the input le of HDECAY by specifying the NF-GG parameter. The contributions of the subtracted avors will automatically be added to the corresponding heavy quark decay modes. c) Decays to and Z The decay of the Higgs boson to two photons and to a photon and a Z boson, mediated by W and heavy fermion loops, are implemented according to [25]. QCD radiative corrections are rather small [13, 26] and thus neglected in the program. 6
d) Decays to W W/ZZ bosons Above the W W and ZZ decay thresholds the partial decay widths into pairs of onshell massive gauge bosons are given in [27]. Electroweak corrections are small in the intermediate mass range [28] and thus neglected in the program HDECAY. Higher order > corrections due to the self-couplings of the Higgs particles are sizeable [29] for MH 400 GeV and are taken into account. Below the W W/ZZ threshold, the decay modes into o-shell gauge bosons are important. With the input parameter ON-SH-WZ=1 the program includes decays with one on-shell and one o-shell gauge boson [30], while for ON-SH-WZ=0 decays with both o-shell are also calculated [8]. The branching ratios for the latter reach the percent level for Higgs masses above about 100 (110) GeV for both W (Z) boson pairs o-shell. For higher masses, it is sucient to allow for one o-shell gauge boson only, especially because the two virtual gauge boson option is CPU time consuming.
The MSSM Higgs sector is implemented in HDECAY including the complete radiative corrections due to top/bottom quark and squark loops within the eective potential approach. Next-to-leading order QCD corrections and the full mixing in the stop and sbottom sectors are incorporated. The Higgs boson mass spectrum, the mixing angles and Higgs boson couplings are calculated using the approximate formulae of M. Carena, M. Quiros and C.E.M. Wagner [11]. The basic parameters describing the eective Higgs potential at higher orders are specied in the input le. The formulae for the decay widths at tree-level have been derived in Ref. [31]. a) Decays to quarks and leptons The calculation of the partial decay widths of scalar neutral Higgs bosons h and H to fermions in the MSSM is performed using the same approximations and options as in the Standard Model case with properly modied Higgs boson couplings. For massless quarks the QCD corrections for scalar, pseudoscalar and charged Higgs boson decays are implemented analogously to the SM case [16, 17], i.e. the Yukawa and QCD couplings are evaluated at the scale of the Higgs boson mass. In the threshold regions mass eects play a signicant role, in particular for the pseudoscalar Higgs boson, which has an S-wave behavior as compared with the P wave 2 suppression 3 for CP-even Higgs bosons [ = (1 4m2 /M )1/2 is the velocity of the f decay fermions]. The QCD corrections to the partial decay width of the CP-odd Higgs boson A into heavy quark pairs are taken from Ref. [16], and for the charged Higgs particles from Ref. [32]. The transition from the threshold region, involving mass eects, to the renormalization group improved large Higgs mass regime is provided by a smooth linear interpolation analogous to the SM case.
Below the tt threshold, decays of the neutral Higgs bosons into o-shell top quarks are sizeable, thus modifying the prole of the Higgs particles signicantly. O-shell pseudoscalar branching ratios reach a level of a few percent for masses above about 300 GeV for small tg values. Similarly, below the t threshold, o-shell decays H + t b + b b bW are important, reaching the percent level for charged Higgs boson masses above about 100 GeV for small tg values. These decays are incorporated according to the expressions from Ref. [9]. b) Decays to gluons Since the b quark couplings to the Higgs bosons may be strongly enhanced and the t quark couplings suppressed in the MSSM, b loops can contribute signicantly to the 2 2 Higgs-gg couplings so that the approximation MQ MH cannot be applied any more for M < 150 GeV, where this decay mode is important. Nevertheless, it turns out a posteriori that this is an excellent approximation for the QCD corrections in the range, where these decay modes are relevant. The LO width for h, H gg is generated by quark and squark loops with the latter contributing signicantly for Higgs masses below about 400 GeV [15]. The partial decay widths are calculated according to Ref. [13, 14]. The bottom and charm nal states from gluon splitting can be added to the corresponding b b and c decay modes, as in the SM case, by dening NF-GG=3 in the input le. c c) Decays into and Z The decays of the neutral Higgs bosons to two photons and a photon plus a Z boson are mediated by W and heavy fermion loops, as in the Standard Model, and in addition by charged Higgs, sfermion and chargino loops; the partial decay widths are calculated according to Ref. [13]. QCD corrections to the quark and squark loop contributions are small [13, 26] and thus neglected in the program. d) Decays to W W/ZZ gauge bosons The partial widths of the CP-even neutral MSSM Higgs bosons into W and Z boson pairs are obtained from the SM Higgs decay widths by rescaling with the corresponding MSSM couplings. They are strongly suppressed [due to kinematics in the case of h and reduced couplings for the heavy H], thus not playing a dominant role as in the SM case. e) Decays to Higgs boson pairs The heavy CP-even Higgs particle can decay into a pair of light scalars as well to a pair of pseudoscalar Higgs bosons, H hh and H AA. While the former is the dominant decay mode of H in the mass range 2Mh < MH < 2mt for small values of tg, the latter mode occurs only in a marginal area of the MSSM parameter space. For large values of tg, these decays occur only if MA Mh < MH /2, corresponding to the lower end of the heavy Higgs mass range, and have branching ratios of 50% each. Since the Hb Yukawa b coupling is strongly enhanced for large tg, below threshold decays H hh , AA with A, h b are included [9]. The lightest CP-even Higgs particle h can also decay into b 8
pseudoscalar Higgs pairs for values tg 1 and Mh < 50 GeV; however this area of the parameter space is already ruled out by present data [3]. f) Decays to W/Z and Higgs bosons The Higgs bosons can also decay into a gauge boson and a lighter Higgs boson. The branching ratios for the two body decays A hZ and H + W + h may be sizeable in specic regions of the MSSM parameter space [small values of tg and below the tt/tb thresholds for neutral/charged Higgs bosons]. The expressions of the decay widths are given in e.g. Ref. [9]. Below-threshold decays into a Higgs particle and an o-shell gauge boson turned out to be rather important for the heavy Higgs bosons of the MSSM. O-shell A hZ decays are important for the pseudoscalar Higgs boson for masses above about 130 GeV for small tg. The decay modes H hW , AW reach branching ratios of several tens of percent and lead to a signicant reduction of the dominant branching ratio into nal states to a level of 60% to 70% for small tg. In addition, three-body H AZ and H H + W , which are kinematically forbidden at the two-body level, can be sizeable for small MA values. The partial decay widths for these three-body decays are calculated according to the formulae given in Ref. [9]. g) Decays to charginos and neutralinos The lightest charginos and neutralinos are expected to have masses of the order of the Z boson mass. The heavy CP-even, CP-odd and charged Higgs bosons of the MSSM can therefore decay into these states [31]. Present experimental bounds on the SUSY particle masses, do not allow decays for SUSY decay modes of the lightest CP-even Higgs boson h, except maybe for the decays into a pair of the lightest neutralinos. These decays, the partial widths of which can be found in Ref. [12], are included in the program. The masses of charginos and neutralinos as well as their couplings to the Higgs bosons depend on three extra parameters [in addition to those describing the Higgs sector at the tree-level]: the Higgs-Higgsino mass parameter [which also enters the radiative corrections in the Higgs sector], the Bino and Wino mass parameters M1 and M2 . Assuming a common gaugino mass at the unication scale, the parameter M1 is related to M2 by the 5 GUT relation M1 = 3 M2 tan2 W . The chargino and neutralino mass matrices are diagonalized using the analytical expressions given in Ref. [33]. The masses and the couplings to the Higgs bosons are calculated in the subroutine GAUGINO. h) Decays to sleptons and squarks The MSSM Higgs bosons can also decay into the SUSY partners of leptons and quarks if the latter are light enough. In particular, if kinematically allowed, decays into third generation sfermions can be dominant due to enhanced couplings [34]. For instance, the 2 couplings of the CP-even Higgs bosons to stop pairs are proportional to m2 /MZ and can t 9
lead to very large decay widths. The sfermions masses and couplings to Higgs bosons will depend on three extra parameters [in addition to tg and MA ] for each generation: the left- and right-handed soft SUSY-breaking mass parameters MfL and MfR , the Higgs mass parameter and the trilinear coupling Af . The trilinear couplings are important only in the case of the third generation sfermions, and only At , Ab and A need to be introduced. The latter couplings [at least At and Ab ] also contribute to the radiative corrections to the Higgs sector. For the SUSY breaking scalar masses, we assumed degeneracy in the rst and second generation and treated the third generation separately2 . While the masses of the left- and right-handed 1st/2nd generation sfermions correspond to the physical sfermion masses, in the third generation mixing between these elds needs to be included to obtain the physical eigenstates [35]. The masses of the sfermions, as well as their couplings to Higgs bosons, including the mixing in the generation are calculated in the subroutine SFERMION. The decay widths are calculated in the main subroutine using the formulae given in Ref. [12]. The QCD corrections to squark decays [in particular stop and sbottom decays] have been calculated in Ref. [37] but are not yet implemented in the program.
The HDECAY program is self-contained with all necessary subroutines included. In addition to the source code of the program HDECAY, an input le, dened as unit 98, is needed from which the program reads the input parameters. The name of this input le can be specied in the rst OPEN statement of HDECAY. It should be noted that the input numbers must not start before the equality signs in each corresponding line. The input le contains the following parameters [all non-integer parameters are in double precision and the mass parameters as well as the decay widths and the trilinear couplings are in GeV]: HIGGS: integer, chooses the Higgs boson to be considered 0: Standard Model Higgs boson H 0 1: light CP-even MSSM Higgs boson h 2: heavy CP-even MSSM Higgs boson H 3: pseudoscalar Higgs boson A 4: charged MSSM Higgs bosons H 5: all MSSM Higgs bosons TGBET: ratio of the vacuum expectation values in the MSSM, tg, the second basic > input of the model; the program is suitable only for values tg 1.
We could have taken the same inputs for the three generations. However, to allow for a comparison with ISAJET [36], we have used dierent inputs for the SUSY breaking scalar mass of the 1st/2nd and the 3rd generation.
MABEG: start value of the Higgs mass in GeV MAEND: end value of the Higgs mass in GeV NMA: integer, number of iterations for the input Higgs mass In the SM, MA MH 0 while in the MSSM case MA is the pseudoscalar Higgs mass MA , which will be the basic input parameter for the MSSM Higgs sector. ALS(MZ): strong coupling constant at the scale MZ : S (MZ ) MSBAR(1): MS mass of the strange quark at the scale Q = 1 GeV MC: charm quark pole mass MB: bottom quark pole mass MT: top quark pole mass MTAU: lepton mass MMUON: muon mass 1/ALPH: inverse QED coupling constant: 1 (0) GF: Fermi decay constant GAMW: total decay width of the W boson GAMZ: total decay width of the Z boson MZ: Z boson mass MW: W boson mass VUS: CKM parameter Vus VCB: CKM parameter Vcb VUB/VCB: ratio of the CKM parameters Vub /Vcb . MU: SUSY breaking Higgs mass parameter M2: SUSY breaking gaugino mass parameter M2 MSL1: SUSY breaking mass parameter for 1st/2nd generation left-handed sleptons, ML l MER1: SUSY breaking mass parameter for 1st/2nd generation right-handed charged sleptons, MeR MSQ1: SUSY breaking mass parameter for 1st/2nd generation left-handed up and down type squarks, MqL 11
MUR1: SUSY breaking mass parameter for 1st/2nd generation right-handed up-type squarks, MuR MDR1: SUSY breaking mass parameter for 1st/2nd generation right-handed down-type squarks, MdR MSL: SUSY breaking mass parameter for 3rd generation left-handed sleptons, MLL MER: SUSY breaking mass parameter for 3rd generation right-handed sleptons, MR MSQ: SUSY breaking mass parameter for 3rd generation left-handed up- and down-type squarks, MQL MUR: SUSY breaking mass parameter for right-handed stops, MtR MDR: SUSY breaking mass parameter for right-handed sbottoms, MR b AL: SUSY breaking trilinear coupling for sleptons, A AU: SUSY breaking trilinear coupling for stops, At AD: SUSY breaking trilinear coupling for sbottoms, Ab NNLO (M): integer, =0: use O(s ) formula for the quark pole masses MS masses 2 =1: use O(s ) formula for the quark pole masses MS masses ON-SHELL: integer =0: include three-body decays with o-shell tops, Higgs and gauge bosons =1: exclude three-body decays with o-shell tops, Higgs and gauge bosons ON-SH-WZ: integer =0: include double o-shell decays to gauge bosons W W , Z Z =1: include only single o-shell gauge bosons W W, Z Z IPOLE: integer =0: calculate MS masses of the MSSM Higgs particles =1: calculate pole masses of the MSSM Higgs particles OFF-SUSY: integer =0: include decays into and loops of supersymmetric particles =1: exclude decays into and loops of supersymmetric particles INDIDEC: integer =0: write out only the sums of chargino, neutralino and sfermion decays =1: write out all individual chargino, neutralino and sfermion decays NF-GG: integer number of light avors included in the decays gg gq q (NF-GG=3,4 or 5). 12
The current values of the SM parameters [fermion masses, gauge boson masses and total widths, coupling constants, CKM angles] are given in Tab. 2, where an example of the input le is displayed. The entire Higgs sector of the MSSM is xed once the parameters tg, MA , , M2 , the masses MLL , MER , MUL , MUR , MDR and the trilinear couplings A , At and Ab are specied. Some examples for these values are shown in Tab. 2.
The output is written to several les. Only the output les of the chosen HIGGS boson(s) are printed, and they contain all decay branching ratios and the total decay width, except for the decays to SUSY particles [if OFF-SUSY=0] where only the sums of the branching ratios into charginos, neutralinos, sleptons and squarks are printed, if the ag INDIDEC=0; only for INDIDEC=1 all individual branching ratios are printed in additional output les. For convenience, an output le br.input is printed in which the input parameters are given. Below we will describe the output les in the SM and the MSSM [also with the option for SUSY decays switched on] and list all the decay channels which we have considered for the various Higgs bosons.
For the SM Higgs boson, in addition to the le br.input for the input parameters, two output les are printed in which the total decay width and the following 11 branching ratios are given [notice that we have put the decays into fermions and gauge bosons into two dierent les] br.sm1 : br.sm2 : b) s c MH 0 , BR(b , BR( + ) , BR(+ ) , BR(s) , BR(c) , BR(tt) MH 0 , BR(gg) , BR() , BR(Z) , BR(W W ) , BR(ZZ) , tot H0
For the example of input le shown in Tab. 2, one obtains the two outputs given in Tab. 3. The various branching ratios and the total decay width are shown in Fig. 2.
As discussed earlier, the two basic inputs of the program for the MSSM Higgs sector are tg and MA . Once these parameters are xed, all the other Higgs masses and couplings are determined at tree-level. However, subleading eects due to squark mixing [mainly the parameters At,b and ] will alter these values. For the lightest MSSM Higgs boson h, the decays are the same as in the SM if the SUSY decays are switched o. The two output les contain the following branching ratios br.l1 : br.l2 : Mh , BR(b , BR( + ) , BR(+ ) , BR(s) , BR(c) , BR(tt) b) s c Mh , BR(gg) , BR() , BR(Z) , BR(W W ) , BR(ZZ) , tot h 13
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
0 1.5D0 100.D0 500.D0 5 0.118D0 0.190D0 1.42D0 4.62D0 175.D0 1.7771D0 0.105658389D0 137.0359895D0 1.16639D-5 2.080D0 2.490D0 91.187D0 80.33D0 0.2205D0 0.04D0 0.08D0 300.D0 200.D0 500.D0 500.D0 500.D0 500.D0 500.D0 500.D0 500.D0 500.D0 500.D0 500.D0 1500.D0 1500.D0 1500.D0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 Table 2: Example of the input le. 14
10 2
(H) [GeV]
200 MH [GeV]
_ bb BR(H)
_ cc gg
Z 10
200 MH [GeV]
Figure 2: Total decay width (H) in GeV and the main branching ratios BR(H) of the Standard Model Higgs decay channels, using the inputs of Tab. 2.
MHSM BB TAU TAU MU MU SS CC TT ___________________________________________________________________________ 100.000 200.000 300.000 400.000 500.000 0.8119 0.2596E-02 0.6082E-03 0.2283E-03 0.1183E-03 0.7926E-01 0.2884E-03 0.7274E-04 0.2869E-04 0.1542E-04 0.2752E-03 0.1000E-05 0.2521E-06 0.9940E-07 0.5342E-07 0.6048E-03 0.1928E-05 0.4513E-06 0.1694E-06 0.8772E-07 0.3698E-01 0. 0.1177E-03 0. 0.2754E-04 0.5293E-04 0.1033E-04 0.1376 0.5347E-05 0.1936
MHSM GG GAM GAM Z GAM WW ZZ WIDTH ___________________________________________________________________________ 100.000 200.000 300.000 400.000 500.000 0.5807E-01 0.8219E-03 0.5674E-03 0.7532E-03 0.5476E-03 0.1532E-02 0.5241E-04 0.1289E-04 0.3192E-05 0.4897E-06 0.4654E-04 0.1753E-03 0.5670E-04 0.1935E-04 0.7666E-05 0.1025E-01 0.7350 0.6913 0.5872 0.5450 0.1046E-02 0.2598E-02 0.2609 1.428 0.3073 8.510 0.2741 28.89 0.2607 67.53
Table 3: The two output les in the SM with the inputs of Tab. 2. For the heavy CP-even MSSM Higgs boson H, there are more possibilities for the decays due to the larger mass: in addition to the same decay modes as h, cascade decays into two light Higgs bosons or a mixed pair of Higgs and gauge bosons occur. The branching ratios of 15 decay modes are written to the following output les br.h1 : br.h2 : br.h3 : MH , BR(b , BR( + ) , BR(+ ) , BR(s) , BR(c) , BR(tt) b) s c MH , BR(gg) , BR() , BR(Z) , BR(W W ) , BR(ZZ) MH , BR(hh) , BR(AA) , BR(AZ) , BR(W H ) , tot H
For the CP-odd MSSM Higgs boson A, there are less possibilities than for the H boson: due to CP-invariance, the pseudoscalar A does not couple to gauge and Higgs boson pairs. The 10 decay channels are printed in the output les as follows br.a1 : br.a2 : MA , BR(b , BR( + ) , BR(+ ) , BR(s) , BR(c) , BR(tt) b) s c MA , BR(gg) , BR() , BR(Z) , BR(hZ) , tot A
For the charged MSSM Higgs bosons H , there are 8 decay channels which can exceed the 104 level; these are written in the two output les br.c1 : br.c2 : b) s s b) MH + , BR(c , BR( + ) , BR(+ ) , BR(u) , BR(c) , BR(t + + tot MH + , BR(hW ) , BR(AW ) , H + 16
MHL BB TAU TAU MU MU SS CC TT __________________________________________________________________________ 70.7080 0.9058 0.8281E-01 0.2938E-03 0.6587E-03 0.5552E-02 0. 85.8094 0.8728 0.8282E-01 0.2935E-03 0.6372E-03 0.2018E-01 0. 89.2134 0.8531 0.8150E-01 0.2888E-03 0.6242E-03 0.2827E-01 0. 90.4005 0.8438 0.8079E-01 0.2863E-03 0.6180E-03 0.3196E-01 0. 90.9499 0.8390 0.8041E-01 0.2849E MHL GG GAM GAM Z GAM WW ZZ WIDTH ___________________________________________________________________________ 70.7080 0.4520E-02 0.2694E-03 0. 0.7392E-04 0.2137E-04 0.4399E-02 85.8094 0.2164E-01 0.7488E-03 0. 0.7356E-03 0.1789E-03 0.3241E-02 89.2134 0.3353E-01 0.9854E-03 0. 0.1421E-02 0.3015E-03 0.2778E-02 90.4005 0.3927E-01 0.1090E-02 0. 0.1833E-02 0.3638E-03 0.2607E-02 90.9499 0.4226E-01 0.1143E-02 0. 0.2072E-02 0.3972E-03 0.2528E-02
Table 4a: The output les br.l1 and br.l2 for the light CP-even h decays without SUSY particles using the inputs in Tab. 2 but with HIGGS=5.
MHH BB TAU TAU MU MU SS CC TT __________________________________________________________________________ 145.680 0.3669 0.3930E-01 0.1390E-03 0.2575E-03 0.2475E-01 0. 221.034 0.5570E-01 0.6430E-02 0.2274E-04 0.3953E-04 0.9850E-03 0. 313.454 0.7133E-01 0.8781E-02 0.3105E-04 0.5072E-04 0.8778E-03 0.7003E-02 409.924 0.5451E-02 0.7035E-03 0.2487E-05 0.3878E-05 0.5864E-04 0.9421 507.876 0.2584E-02 0.3460E-03 0.1223E-05 0.1839E-05 0.2610E-04 0.9784 MHH GG GAM GAM Z GAM WW ZZ __________________________________________________________________________ 145.680 0.1001 0.3088E-03 0.9334E-03 0.2607 0.3433E-01 221.034 0.1002E-01 0.1167E-04 0.5215E-04 0.3527 0.1420 313.454 0.2296E-01 0.5107E-04 0.2259E-04 0.2488 0.1116 409.924 0.4751E-02 0.1359E-04 0.3069E-05 0.1211E-01 0.5670E-02 507.876 0.2782E-02 0.8875E-05 0.1970E-05 0.3967E-02 0.1900E-02 MHH hh AA Z A W+- H-+ WIDTH ___________________________________________________________________________ 145.680 0.1508 0.7363E-06 0.2011E-01 0.1428E-02 0.5795E-02 221.034 0.4320 0.2673E-10 0.3105E-04 0.4103E-06 0.1237 313.454 0.5285 0.2548E-12 0.2991E-05 0.1732E-07 0.1496 409.924 0.2910E-01 0.6195E-15 0.3915E-07 0.1561E-09 2.564 507.876 0.9974E-02 0.2049E-16 0.4845E-08 0.1594E-10 6.600
Table 4b: The output les br.h1, br.h2 and br.h3 for the heavy CP-even H decays without SUSY particles using the inputs in Tab. 2 but with HIGGS=5. 17
MHA BB TAU TAU MU MU SS CC TT __________________________________________________________________________ 100.000 0.8790 0.8610E-01 0.3046E-03 0.6401E-03 0.7925E-02 0. 200.000 0.4748 0.5313E-01 0.1879E-03 0.3449E-03 0.4270E-02 0. 300.000 0.2582 0.3118E-01 0.1102E-03 0.1874E-03 0.2321E-02 0.1953E-01 400.000 0.2185E-02 0.2777E-03 0.9816E-06 0.1585E-05 0.1964E-04 0.9892 500.000 0.1714E-02 0.2263E-03 0.8001E-06 0.1244E-05 0.1541E-04 0.9926 MHA GG GAM GAM Z GAM Z HL WIDTH __________________________________________________________________________ 100.000 0.2539E-01 0.5914E-04 0.8400E-07 0.5965E-03 0.5413E-02 200.000 0.7001E-01 0.1944E-03 0.2781E-04 0.3970 0.1755E-01 300.000 0.1403 0.4287E-03 0.9264E-04 0.5476 0.4487E-01 400.000 0.4515E-02 0.1468E-04 0.3641E-05 0.3820E-02 6.718 500.000 0.3162E-02 0.1090E-04 0.2810E-05 0.2275E-02 10.30
Table 4c: The output les br.a1 and br.a2 for the CP-odd A decays without SUSY particles using the inputs in Tab. 2 but with HIGGS=5.
MHC BC TAU NU MU NU SU CS TB __________________________________________________________________________ 126.847 0.9519E-02 0.6288 0.2224E-02 0.2059E-03 0.5637E-01 0.5893E-01 214.686 0.2091E-04 0.1521E-02 0.5378E-05 0.4520E-06 0.1237E-03 0.9654 309.984 0.4888E-05 0.3800E-03 0.1343E-05 0.1057E-06 0.2892E-04 0.9914 407.542 0.3382E-05 0.2755E-03 0.9740E-06 0.7309E-07 0.2001E-04 0.9955 506.054 0.2899E-05 0.2448E-03 0.8654E-06 0.6265E-07 0.1715E-04 0.9971 MHC hW hA WIDTH __________________________________________________________________________ 126.847 0.2142 0.2965E-01 0.9404E-03 214.686 0.3296E-01 0.2509E-05 0.6581 309.984 0.8185E-02 0.6596E-07 3.804 407.542 0.4160E-02 0.9100E-08 6.898 506.054 0.2599E-02 0.2187E-08 9.640
Table 4d: The output les br.c1 and br.c2 for the charged H + decays without SUSY particles using the inputs in Tab. 2 but with HIGGS=5.
1 BR(h) tg = 1.5 10
_ bb
_ bb BR(A) tg = 1.5
gg 10
_ cc gg WW
_ cc
10 60 70 80 Mh [GeV] 90 100
Fig. 3a
1 BR(H) tg=1.5
1 hh hh
tt BR(H) tg=1.5 WW
10 _ bb gg gg _ cc
ZA AA 1000 10
Fig. 3b Figure 3: Branching ratios of the MSSM Higgs bosons h, A(a), H(b), H (c) and their total decay widths ()(c), using the inputs of Tab. 2. 19
BR(H ) tg = 1.5 Wh
() [GeV] 10 tg = 1.5
cs 10 10
cb 10
Fig. 3c Figure 3: Continued. Examples of the output les for the four MSSM Higgs bosons excluding the SUSY decays are shown in Tab. 4ad. The numbers are obtained by using the input le of Tab. 2, with HIGGS=5. The branching ratios for the main decay channels [those listed in the output les] of h, H, A and H + as function of corresponding masses are shown in Fig. 3ac. The total decay widths () of the four MSSM Higgs bosons are shown in Fig. 3c.
If the SUSY particles charginos, neutralinos, sleptons and squarks are relatively light, a plethora of new decay channels is available especially for the heavy CP-even, CP-odd and charged Higgs bosons. For the light CP-even Higgs boson h, due to the present experimental bounds on the SUSY particle masses [38], the only decays which could be allowed are decays into the lightest neutralinos, and possibly decays into the lightest charginos, sleptons and stop squarks if Mh is close to its maximum allowed value [for large tg and At values] and the sparticles masses are close to their experimental bounds. The pseudoscalar Higgs boson decays into all kinds of charginos and neutralinos, but due to CP-invariance it does not decay into the rst and second generation squarks since we neglect their mixing. Therefore we have included only the decays into top and bottom b b squarks and sleptons A t1 t2 , 12 and 1 2 . The heavy CP-even Higgs boson decays 20
into all possible chargino, neutralino, slepton and squark states. Also, the charged Higgs boson will decay into chargino-neutralino pairs, slepton and squark pairs; however, the decays into sfermions will be important only for the third generation. Because the number of possibilities for decays into SUSY particles is huge we include in the output only the sum of decays into all charginos, neutralinos, sleptons and squarks br.Xs : M , BR(+ ) , j j BR(0 0 ) , j j BR(i j ) , ll BR(i qj ) q
with X = l,h,a and c for = h, H, A and H respectively [for sleptons and squarks of the two rst generations the combinations i = j do not contribute]. However, the main program calls all individual decays, except for the two rst generations of squarks and sleptons for which the decays have been summed. For the ag INDIDEC=1 all the branching ratios of the individual channels are written to the output les br.Xsi with i = 1, . . . , 5. Examples of output les for the heavy CP-even, CP-odd and charged Higgs boson decays into SUSY particles is shown in Tab. 5ac [no SUSY decay channel is allowed for the lightest CP-even Higgs boson]. The numbers are obtained by using the input le of Tab. 2, with HIGGS=5 and OFF-SUSY=0. For convenience, the input SUSY parameters and the resulting masses for the various SUSY particles are also printed. One has to check, that with the choice of input parameters the current experimental lower bounds on the SUSY particle masses are satised [we do not include any experimental constraint since these bounds will probably vary in the near future]. Note nally, the numbers included in the standard decay les for the gg, and Z decay channels will now include (OFF-SUSY=0) the contribution of the SUSY loops. Furthermore, the total width which is quoted at the end includes of course the partial decay widths into SUSY particles.
We have described the Fortran code HDECAY which calculates the total widths and the branching fractions of the decays of the Higgs bosons in the Standard Model as well as in its minimal supersymmetric extension. In the SM, all decay modes are included; the QCD corrections to the hadronic decays as well as the possibility of virtual intermediate states have been incorporated according to the present state of the art. In the MSSM, the complete radiative corrections in the Higgs sector have been implemented in the eective potential approach. The QCD corrections to the hadronic decays, the main three-body decay channels as well as the decays into charginos, neutralinos, squarks and sleptons and the SUSY contributions to the standard decay modes have been implemented. The program, although lengthy, is fast, and has been tested on several machines; it can be easily used. The basic SM and MSSM input parameters can be chosen from an input le which contains several ags to switch on/o some options as e.g. multi-body decays, 21
TB= 1.50000 M2= 200.000 MU= 300.000 MSQ= 500.000 C1=157.197 C2= 343.795 N1= 85.367 N2=162.619 N3= 300.696 N4= 348.902 MST1= 244.202 MST2= 703.413 MSUL= 498.877 MSUR= 499.522 MSB1= 497.816 MSB2= 503.780 MSDL= 501.358 MSDR= 500.239 TAU1= 498.934 TAU2= 502.663 EL= 500.882 ER= 500.716 NL= 498.398 MHH CHARGINOS NEUTRALS SLEPTONS SQUARKS ____________________________________________________________________ 145.680 0. 0. 0. 0. 221.034 0. 0.2379E-02 0. 0. 313.454 0. 0.3335E-01 0. 0. 409.924 0.6221E-02 0.6506E-01 0. 0. 507.876 0.2204E-01 0.3325E-01 0. 0.7003
Table 5a: The output le br.hs for the heavy CP-even H decays into SUSY particles with the inputs in Tab. 2 with HIGGS=5, OFF-SUSY=0.
TB= 1.50000 M2= 200.000 MU= 300.000 MSQ= 500.000 C1=157.197 C2= 343.795 N1= 85.367 N2=162.619 N3= 300.696 N4= 348.902 MST1= 244.202 MST2= 703.413 MSUL= 498.877 MSUR= 499.522 MSB1= 497.816 MSB2= 503.780 MSDL= 501.358 MSDR= 500.239 TAU1= 498.934 TAU2= 502.663 EL= 500.882 ER= 500.716 NL= 498.398 MHA CHARGINOS NEUTRALS SLEPTONS SQUARKS _______________________________________________________________________________ 100.000 0. 0. 0. 0. 200.000 0. 0.5923 0. 0. 300.000 0. 0.8161 0. 0. 400.000 0.9247E-01 0.6735E-01 0. 0. 500.000 0.9382E-01 0.7468E-01 0. 0.
Table 5b: The output le br.as for the heavy CP-odd A decays into SUSY particles with the inputs in Tab. 2 with HIGGS=5, OFF-SUSY=0.
TB= 1.50000 M2= 200.000 MU= 300.000 MSQ= 500.000 C1=157.197 C2= 343.795 N1= 85.367 N2=162.619 N3= 300.696 N4= 348.902 MST1= 244.202 MST2= 703.413 MSUL= 498.877 MSUR= 499.522 MSB1= 497.816 MSB2= 503.780 MSDL= 501.358 MSDR= 500.239 TAU1= 498.934 TAU2= 502.663 EL= 500.882 ER= 500.716 NL= 498.398 MHC CHARG/NEU SLEPTONS SQUARKS _______________________________________________________________________________ 126.847 0. 0. 0. 214.686 0. 0. 0. 309.984 0.2895E-01 0. 0. 407.542 0.3083E-01 0. 0. 506.054 0.8753E-01 0. 0.
Table 5c: The output le br.cs for the heavy charged H + decays into SUSY particles with the inputs in Tab. 2 with HIGGS=5, OFF-SUSY=0. 22
SUSY particle decays or higher-order radiative corrections. Examples for the output les for the decay branching ratios with some options have been given. While for the case of the SM the program is rather complete, in the case of the MSSM the present version of the program can be extended/improved in several aspects: In the present version, the total widths and branching ratios are calculated as a function of the Higgs boson mass with other parameters kept xed. In the MSSM, it would be useful to vary other parameters such as , M2 , etc.. The QCD corrections to the decays of the heavy MSSM Higgs bosons into squark pairs have been calculated recently and found to be rather large [37]. These corrections are not yet implemented in the program. There are some three-body decays for heavy Higgs bosons which can reach the per cent level and which are not yet included. Examples of such decays are H 0 W W Z, ttZ and t in the SM [39] and H, A ttZ and t in the MSSM. bW bW We have restricted ourselves to the scenario where the lightest neutralino is the lightest SUSY particle. Models where the LSP is the gravitino have been discussed and in this case the Higgs decays into gravitinos can be very important [40] and should be included. These extensions and improvements will be made in the next version of the program.
Acknowledgments We would like to thank G. Polesello and E. Richter-Was for testing the program on several machines and many useful discussions and comments. Thanks also go to Peter Zerwas for suggesting to write this program. The work of JK has been partially supported by the Committee for Scientic Research (Poland) under grant No. 2 P03B 180 09.
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