Equipment For Explosive Atmospheres
Equipment For Explosive Atmospheres
Equipment For Explosive Atmospheres
International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varemb, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Telephone: +41 22 919 02 11 Telefax: +41 22 919 03 00 E-mail: [email protected] Web:
Drafting in General ........................................................................................................... 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 IEC Template .......................................................................................................... 4 Foreword ................................................................................................................. 5 Indexing .................................................................................................................. 5 Hyperlinks ............................................................................................................... 5 Scope of standards ................................................................................................. 5 Normative references of standards .......................................................................... 7 Terms and Definitions of standards ......................................................................... 7 1.7.1 IEC Directives ............................................................................................. 7 1.7.2 Opening paragraph ...................................................................................... 8 1.7.3 Definitions ................................................................................................... 8 1.7.4 Changes to definitions ................................................................................. 8 1.7.5 Introduction of a new definition .................................................................... 8 1.7.6 Reference to the IEV ................................................................................... 8 1.7.7 Sub-part definitions ..................................................................................... 8 1.7.8 Common definitions ..................................................................................... 9 1.7.9 Standard Clauses ........................................................................................ 9 1.7.10 Common Phrases ........................................................................................ 9 1.7.11 Capitalization .............................................................................................. 9 Marking ............................................................................................................................ 9 2.1 WG22 assistance for MTs........................................................................................ 9 2.2 New WARNING and CAUTION markings ............................................................... 10 2.3 Location of marking requirements .......................................................................... 10 2.4 X marking ........................................................................................................... 10 Instructions..................................................................................................................... 10 Convenors ...................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 Document Control Practices for Working Group Project Team and Maintenance Team Convenors .............................................................................. 11 4.1.1 Drafting ..................................................................................................... 11 4.1.2 Comment Resolution ................................................................................. 12 MT Meetings and Agendas .................................................................................... 13 4.2.1 Role of the convenor ................................................................................. 13 4.2.2 Role of the experts .................................................................................... 13 4.2.3 MT Meetings .............................................................................................. 14 4.2.4 MT Meeting Agendas ................................................................................. 14 4.2.5 MT Organization ........................................................................................ 14 4.2.6 MT Participation ........................................................................................ 14 4.2.7 MT internal documents .............................................................................. 15 4.2.8 Minutes ..................................................................................................... 15 Collaboration Tools Suite ...................................................................................... 15 TC 31 Horizontal Working Groups [TC 31 HWG] .................................................... 16 4.4.1 Liaisons ..................................................................................................... 16 4.4.2 Assigning work for TC 31 HWG experts ..................................................... 16 4.4.3 New Work Allocation.................................................................................. 16 4.4.4 Review of Documents ................................................................................ 16
3 4
4.3 4.4
Guidance for Chairman, Secretaries and Convenors....................................................... 16 5.1 TC 31 GWP Document .......................................................................................... 16 5.2 IEC TC/SC Officers eTraining ................................................................................ 16 5.3 IEC List of Country Codes ................................................................................... 17 5.4 Use of editing marks .............................................................................................. 17 5.5 CDV publication without FDIS................................................................................ 17 5.6 IEC supporting information .................................................................................... 17 Committee General ........................................................................................................ 18
Annex A SAMPLE Draft Agenda (EDIT TO SUIT) .................................................................. 19 Annex B Standard Text Non-Participating Experts ............................................................. 20 Annex C Constitution of the TC 31 Chairman's Advisory Group (March 2008) ....................... 21 C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9 Annex D E.1 E.2 E.3 Preamble ............................................................................................................... 21 Name .................................................................................................................... 21 Function ................................................................................................................ 21 Purpose ................................................................................................................ 21 Exclusion .............................................................................................................. 21 Membership .......................................................................................................... 21 Meetings ............................................................................................................... 22 Accountability ........................................................................................................ 22 Report of Activities ................................................................................................ 22 Titles for the IEC 60079 series ............................................................................... 23 Objective ............................................................................................................... 31 Background ........................................................................................................... 31 Outcomes from the Approval Process .................................................................... 31 E.3.1 Title ........................................................................................................... 31 E.3.2 Scope ........................................................................................................ 31 E.3.3 Future Changes to Title or Scope .............................................................. 32 E.3.4 Establishment of the SC 31M ..................................................................... 32 E.3.5 Secretariat ................................................................................................. 32 E.3.6 Chairman ................................................................................................... 32 E.3.7 Reporting on SC 31M ................................................................................ 32 Working procedures .............................................................................................. 32
This TC 31 Good Working Practice details agreed committee working practices for the organisation, communication and the drafting of standards in TC 31 and its subcommittees. It is intended to promote a common approach: To the drafting of standards, To the working practices, organisation and communication of Chairman, Secretaries and Convenors of Maintenance Teams (MT), Project Teams (PT) and Working Groups (WG)
Members of TC 31 and its subcommittees should inform the TC 31 Secretary about any ideas they have regarding items that should be included in the good working practice document. In the following text, the acronym MT is intended to cover also the cases of WGs and PTs. Also the term Standard used in this document designates also other deliverables such as Technical Reports (TR), Technical Specifications (TS) and PAS (Publicly Available Specification). The significant changes with respect to the previous version are listed below: Reference to use of the IEC standard template Revision to the scope statement for parts of IEC 60079-0 with recommendation on how to avoid using a dated reference to that Standard. Included is a recommendation on how a table on applicability of specific clauses can be used if required. Recommendations on how to refer to special conditions of use to avoid using a dated reference to IEC 60079-0 Information about how to deal with new or changed definitions. Procedures related to the use of the TC 31 Editing Committee and BSI editors. Information on the Collaboration Tools Suite. Information on TC 31 Horizontal Working Groups. Reference to the new eTraining on-line system. Inclusion of the constitution of the Chairmans Advisory Group (CAG)
Drafting in General
Download the latest IEC Standard Template to your computer from the IEC web site: Remember to apply this latest IEC standard template initially and each time you open a document for the first time, for example, when a document is sent to you as Convenor after
revision by the Secretary or a person nominated by you. In Word, under Tools, then Templates and Add-ins, the box for "Automatically update document styles" should NOT be checked, as this is to be avoided. When this box is checked, the Word programme tries to update all the styles every time you open the file, which may be a cause of problem when the document is long, and full of tracked changes. 1.2 Foreword
A list of the significant changes shall be included in the foreword to standards. These should be written in a meaningful form that makes the change evident. In particular, changes to testing that may involve new test equipment should be clearly shown. The changes should be collected throughout the drafting process and by careful comparison of the changes at CDV/FDIS stage with the published edition. 1.3 Indexing
This defaults on the template to two levels. Formatting of the document and heading of clauses should be done in a way that then provides meaningful information in the index (i.e. all critical tests and no blank headings). In exceptional cases it may be possible to index to more levels. 1.4 Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks are used in documents for cross-referencing to other clauses and sub-clauses. This ensures the reference clause numbers are automatically updated if the original clause number changes. It also makes navigating the documents easier. IEC CO shall be asked to keep hyperlinks when documents are published in pdf to improve useability. 1.5 Scope of standards
The Scope should contain the following statement: This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0, except as indicated in Table 1. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this standard shall take precedence. The text in italics and Table 1 are only included when a detailed list of exclusions is required, such as is provided in Examples 1 and 2 below. This table shall consider both the latest published edition of IEC 60079-0 and the preceding edition. For each clause or subclause the application should be identified as applies, excluded, "excluded except when" or modified. If clause does not exist in the latest published or preceding edition of IEC 60079-0, the clause should be shown as NR. Where the Table in incorporated in to the scope of a standard, this table shall include all of the clause or sub-clause numbers taken from the General Requirements standard as applicable. In Example 1, all of the requirements for Clause 15, Connection facilities for earthing or bonding conductors are addressed in the same manner, and that table entry would be only the main clause number as shown and no further breakdown of the clause is necessary. Example 1 Table 1 Applicability of specific clauses of IEC 60079-0
Clause of IEC 60079-0 Ed 5.0 (2007) (informative) Ed 6.0 (2011) (informative) Clause / Sub-Clause Title (normative) IEC 60079-0 application to IEC 60079-15 Protected sparking nC Non sparking nA Restricted breathing nR
IEC 60079-0 application to IEC 60079-15 Protected sparking nC Non sparking nA Applies Restricted breathing nR Applies
Clause / Sub-Clause Title (normative) Connection facilities for earthing and bonding conductors
Applies This requirement of IEC 60079-0 is applied without change. Excluded This requirement of IEC 60079-0 does not apply. Excluded except when Modified This requirement of IEC 60079-0 is modified as detailed in this standard. NOTE The applicable requirements of IEC 60079-0 are identified by the Clause title which is normative. This document was written against the specific requirements of IEC 60079-0 Ed 6.0. The clause numbers for the 6 t h and previous edition are shown for information only. This is to enable the General Requirements IEC 60079-0 Ed 5.0 to be used where necessary with this part of IEC 60079. Where there were no requirements for the 5 th edition but there are for the 6 th edition ( indicated by NR against the 5 th edition only), or where is a conflict between requirements, the 6th edition requirements should be considered.
In Example 2, The individual sub-clauses are not addressed in the same manner. Therefore, the main clause number should not be included, but the individual sub-clause numbers should be. The breakdown of sub-clauses should be taken as far as necessary to identify the specific requirements. Example 2 Table 1 Applicability of specific clauses of IEC 60079-0
Clause of IEC 60079-0 Ed 5.0 (2007) (informative) 5.3.1 Ed 6.0 (2011) (informative) 5.3.1 Clause / Sub-Clause Title (normative) Determination of maximum surface temperature Group I electrical equipment Group II electrical equipment
IEC 60079-0 application to IEC 60079-15 Protected sparking nC Applies Excluded Applies Applies Excluded Applies Non sparking nA Restricted breathing nR Applies Excluded Applies
Annex C (informative)
Annex C (informative)
Applies This requirement of IEC 60079-0 is applied without change. Excluded This requirement of IEC 60079-0 does not apply. Excluded except when Modified This requirement of IEC 60079-0 is modified as detailed in this standard.
IEC 60079-0 application to IEC 60079-15 Protected sparking nC Non sparking nA Restricted breathing nR
NOTE The applicable requirements of IEC 60079-0 are identified by the Clause title which is normative. This document was written against the specific requirements of IEC 60079-0 Ed 6.0. The clause numbers for the 6 t h and previous edition are shown for information only. This is to enable the General Requirements IEC 60079-0 Ed 5.0 to be used where necessary with this part of IEC 60079. Where there were no requirements for the 5 th edition but there are for the 6 th edition ( indicated by NR against the 5 th edition only), or where is a conflict between requirements, the 6th edition requirements should be considered.
Insert the standardized version of the normative standard reference clause from the IEC Template by clicking on the "Insert menu, selecting the menu choice AutoText, and then choosing the introduction to this clause from the list. References to other standards should wherever possible, be of a general nature, so that reference to the standard can be an undated reference. For example, the cement shall be subjected to the thermal endurance to heat and thermal endurance to cold tests of IEC 600790. If a specific clause number needs to be identified, the normative reference to the standard needs to be a dated reference, since the reader may have to reference an earlier version of the standard than the current issue to get the information on which the reference was based. For standards other than the type of protection sub-parts of IEC 60079-0, where including a specific clause reference to IEC 60079-0 in the standard is necessary to clarify issues for the reader, it should be included. When referring to IEC 60079-0 for the marking associated with Specific Conditions of Use (Commonly called <X Conditions>), the sub-parts have traditionally used the text: shall be marked with the symbol "X" in accordance with 29.2 i) of IEC 60079-0 and the specific conditions for use shall detail the Because this text includes a reference to a specific sub-clause, the IEC Directives require that the reference to IEC 60079-0 become a dated reference in Clause 2. This creates application problems as the various sub-parts may refer to a prior edition of IEC 60079-0 without a true technical need to do so. To allow the latest edition of IEC 60079-0 to be used with the sub-part, the following text is preferred for those requirements where such a reference is necessary: the certificate number shall include the "X" suffix in accordance with the marking requirements of IEC 60079-0 and the Specific Conditions of Use listed on the certificate shall detail the For the type of protection sub-parts listed in 60079-0, references to specific requirements of IEC 60079-0 should not be used, as these standards are always to be applied in conjunction with 60079-0, and only the requirements that supplement or modify those given in IEC 600790, should be included. 1.7 1.7.1 Terms and Definitions of standards IEC Directives
In all cases when dealing with terms and definitions Annex D of the IEC Directives, Part 2, MUST be consulted.
The opening paragraph should be: "For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60079-0 and the following apply." (Note: This could include references to other standards if required). 1.7.3 Definitions
No variation in definitions from 60079-0 is permitted. In exceptional cases, a definition may be changed to meet a particular need but in that case a different term must be used to that of original definition. The use of notes to clarify a definition for a particular standard, rather than changing a definition should be encouraged. 1.7.4 Changes to definitions
Any change to an existing definition should be resisted and ONLY be proposed on the basis of being an essential change for technical correction. The responsibility for any change to a definition resides with the MT in control of the standard that has developed the first requirement for the definition. The MT is to develop the proposed change and make a submission to TC 31 WG22 to verify the impact for the IEV. Before agreement can be reached on introducing a change to a definition an impact study must be carried out by the proposers together with WG22 to determine what effect the change will have within every standard it is used and whether or not the change must be introduced coincidental or on a publication of the next edition of each standard. 1.7.5 Introduction of a new definition
When a MT perceives a need to introduce a new definition, the current editions of TC 31 standards and the IEV should be consulted to determine if a suitable definition already exists. If a suitable definition exists, it should be used. Any new definition must be communicated to WG22 for inclusion in the next edition of the IEV. 1.7.6 Reference to the IEV
A clause needs to go into all standards with respect to definitions referring to the IEV as well as IEC 60079-0. As 60079-0 is the definitive document and should be the most up to date for the definitions, the reference to the IEV should be the following note.
NOTE Additional definitions applicable to explosive atmospheres can be found in Chapter 426 of the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) IEC 60050 (426).
Sub-part definitions
Whether or not definitions are included in the sub-parts of IEC 60079 is determined by the following: Only definitions not used in 60079-0 (and also those definitions not included in a base standard, if the standard being drafted is a sub-part of a base standard, and the base standard is a sub-part of 60079-0). If an unaltered 60079-0 term is used in the sub-part, then the definition should not be included in the sub-part definitions list. Definitions used in 60079-0 shall not be altered unless absolutely necessary. If a 60079-0 term is fundamentally altered, then the altered definition should be included, and given a different name. Definitions that differ only editorially from those in 60079-0 should not be included.
If a 60079-0 term is amended only by a NOTE, then the 60079-0 definition is referenced and a NOTE added below.
Wherever possible, definitions appearing in different sub-parts should be harmonized with the definition that appears in 60079-0, and not included in the sub-part definitions list. 1.7.8 Common definitions
Definitions that appear in two or more TC 31 documents should be sent to TC 31 WG22 for inclusion in the next edition of 60079-0 and 60050(426). 1.7.9 Standard Clauses
To ensure consistency of approach, MTs are not to change standard clauses specified in this document. This is to minimise experts being distracted from dealing with technical issues in meetings and to avoid lack of consistency in standards. If an MT thinks it has found an issue with a standard clause, this should be communicated to the TC 31 Secretary for consideration. 1.7.10 Common Phrases
For consistency, all parts of the TC 31 series of standards should use the phrases explosive atmosphere(s), explosive gas atmosphere(s), or explosive dust atmosphere(s), as applicable and no other variations. There are two types of group within the TC 31 standards, the equipment group for the atmosphere and the material group for the insulating material. The use of the general term group should be avoided as it can introduce confusion. The following terms are used in many TC 31 standards: "Type of Protection" and "Level of Protection". "Type of Protection" is used to define the concept, eg Type of Protection Intrinsic Safety "i", The Level of Protection is used when a Type of Protection is further subdivided eg "ia", "ib", "ic". Types of Protection and Levels of Protection are enclosed in double quotes as shown above. 1.7.11 Capitalization
The terms Group and Zone are always capitalized if the term is referring to a specific Group or Zone, e.g. Group IIC or Zone 2. The term is not capitalized if it is referring to the more general designation, e.g. for the specific zone of use. The terms "Ex Equipment", "Ex Component", "Blanking Element", "Cable Gland", "Specific Conditions of Use" and "Schedule of Limitations" should be used with capitals as shown.
WG22 assistance for MTs
TC 31 WG22 is available to assist the other Maintenance Teams (MTs) in achieving TC 31s desired consistency in marking throughout the series of TC 31 documents. Under this procedure, Maintenance Teams should forward plan marking clauses in their documents to WG22 for review and comment. WG22 will review these by correspondence in a timely manner and expects to be able to respond in four weeks or less. If no comments are made by WG22 within the established time frame, the affected MT can proceed with the proposed marking.
For new WARNING and CAUTION markings, MTs should consider the use of those already in 60079-0 and in the cases where new text is required, should follow the format established in 60079-0. Any new WARNING & CAUTION markings shall be developed as follows: Always include a signal word such as WARNING followed by an en dash and then the specific warning text. The en dash can be inserted from the symbol library in Microsoft using the insert toolbar. Prohibitions on specific actions should be started with DO NOT. Information relating to actions that are unlikely to result in an explosion or a personnel risk should use the signal word CAUTION and not WARNING. Location of marking requirements
ALL marking requirements in a product standard are to be located in the Marking clause and not scattered throughout the document. It is recommended that a table format, like Table 10 in 60079-0 Edition 4 (see part of this table below), be used for the collection of warning markings and references to them included in the text. References to the table must also be included in the text that calls out the marking requirement. Table 10 Text of warning markings
X marking
The specification for use of the X marking should be carefully considered such that it does not dilute the value of the X marking as a means of imparting critical information necessary for installation or maintenance. The description of the "X" marking in the standard needs to include what the "specific condition of use" is that needs to be provided for safe installation and maintenance. Many of the sub-parts currently do not specify exactly what "specific condition of use" needs to be conveyed to the user through the X marking. (See also 1.6)
The instructions for "Installation and Maintenance" and the instructions for "Use" were considered to present separate and unique situations as follows. 60079-0 follows this logic and the various sub-parts should align with this: Installation and Maintenance Instructions: Installation and Maintenance instructions specific to the explosion protection may be shown as a Certificate X Condition, BUT in all cases shall appear in the instructions. As an alternative to the X Condition, the instructions or a specific reference to them may be located on the label AND in all cases shall appear in the instructions Use instructions specific to the explosion protection such as WARNING - Do not open in explosive atmosphere shall be marked on the product AND shall appear in the instructions.
Use Instructions:
Document Control Practices for Working Group Project Team and Maintenance Team Convenors
This clause is intended to give direction to IEC TC 31 and its subcommittees, Working Group (WG), Project Team (PT) and Maintenance Team (MT) Convenors on how to effectively control and handle changes to documents during initial development and the maintenance cycle process on IEC TC 31 technical standards. 4.1.1 Drafting Drafting General Requirements
The initial electronic text to be used in a revision or amendment shall be the IEC published text of the existing publication, not the FDIS text from the previous edition. This is the actual text to be altered, which will avoid unnecessary editing. This text is to be obtained from the Secretary. Have a copy or access to the ISO/IEC Directives handy for reference: Only the Convenor, or a person nominated by him and/or the Secretary shall revise this text electronically to avoid corruption of the template and to maintain control of the changes and avoid copyright issues. The document modification process has been found to be most effective when during comment resolution both the revised document and Observations of the MT column in the compilation of comments are developed simultaneously and on-screen during the Maintenance Team meeting. CD Preparation
The MT shall prepare the CD based on inputs from comments on a DC, if circulated, and the inputs of its experts. The draft CD shall be submitted to the Secretary who will arrange for a critical review by the BSI editors. Eight weeks should be allowed for this process. This process can occur in parallel with the official IEC comment process on the CD, but there can be a value in completing the critical review prior to issuing the CD, as it should reduce the number of editorial comments resulting from the IEC comment process. The Convenor shall review each individual change and accept or reject changes as necessary, but need not provide a justification for the action. For contentious issues, the Convenor may wish to involve the MT in the resolution. There is no requirement for a French translation at this time. CDV Preparation
After addressing the NC comments on the CD, the Convenor should send the document to TC/SC Secretary who will arrange for review by the TC/SC Editing Committee who will have a maximum of two weeks for their review. The Convenor should consider these comments prior to preparing the final text that will be sent to the Secretary for French translation and circulation as a CDV. The constitution of the editing committee is decided by the Technical Committee or Subcommittee and confirmed during a plenary meeting. As a minimum the membership includes the Chairman (of the TC or SC), the Secretary (of the TC or SC), and the Project Leader for the document in question.
It helps the progress of the document if a compare document which shows the tracked changes is also sent showing the changes to the CDV, from the previous edition, as it helps to correct the French translation. FDIS preparation
When addressing the NC comments on the CDV to prepare the FDIS, the Convenor shall use the IEC Central Office short edit version of the CDV if available, from the Secretary. The short edit version has been reviewed by the editors at the IEC Central Office. Proposed changes and questions are inserted into the document in tracking mode by the editors. The Convenor or the MT shall review each individual change and accept or reject changes as necessary. There needs to be a critical final look at this stage for mistakes. After addressing the NC comments on the CDV, the Convenor shall send the document to the Secretary who will arrange for review by the TC/SC Editing Committee who will have a maximum of two weeks for their review. The comments of the Editing Committee are forwarded to the Convenor for action. The Convenor reviews and acts on the comments as necessary and forwards the revised document to the Secretary for final processing. It helps the progress of the document if a compare document which shows the tracked changes is also sent to the Secretary showing the changes to the FDIS, from the CDV, as it helps to correct the French translation. 4.1.2 Comment Resolution
Comments received from National Committees and groups within TC 31 such as SCs/MTs/PTs/WGs/JWGs/HWGs on CD and CDV documents are sent to the MT Convenor by the Secretary of TC 31 or of the applicable Sub-Committee . The comments are sorted according to Clause number by the Secretary of TC 31 or the applicable Sub-Committee and sent to the MT for their review and action. The first column of the comment form should be split into two columns with the first new column being a comment number and the second column identifying the National Committee. This numbering of comments has been found to aid the MT in their processing of comments. TC/SC 31 Convenors are delegated by the Secretary to be responsible for ensuring the completion of the Observations of the Secretariat column of the compilation of comments (CC and RVC Annex) prior to returning them to the Secretary for review and publication. However, such comments must have been reviewed and discussed by the MT, either in faceto-face meetings or by correspondence, and represent the consensus position of the MT. For consistency, the dispositions of comments shall be as follows (acronyms shall not be used): a) Accepted. The comment was acceptable as presented. b) Not Accepted This disposition indicates that the comment will not be incorporated into the document. All rejections shall have the justification for rejection, whether technical or editorial and documented as part of this disposition. c) Accepted in Part This disposition indicates that some parts of the comment will be accepted and incorporated into the document. An explanation of how the accepted part is to be incorporated into the document shall be given. The parts that have not been accepted shall have the justification for doing so, whether technical or editorial, documented as part of this disposition. d) Accepted in Principle
This disposition indicates that the principle of the comment was accepted, but was incorporated into the document in a different manner than that suggested by the commenter. Explanation of how this is to be incorporated into the document shall be included along with the justification for the decision. e) Held for Next Edition This disposition is to be used for major technical comments received for the CDV that has had a positive vote but have merit for consideration, but must be held until the next maintenance cycle of the document if the vote was in acceptance of the CDV. f) Noted This is used where there is no action required on the comment. In cases c), d) and e), the justification provided should clearly convey the specific reasons why the comment was not acceptable. This will allow the commenter the opportunity to provide additional information and justification at the next stage of review for those cases where, perhaps because of language barriers or interpretation difficulties, the commenter believes that the Maintenance Team did not fully understand the proposal. To avoid repeating an action in subsequent or related comments, a reference to a comment number may be used, eg Accepted in part. See comment 12 The Convenor shall then send the completed CC or /RVC Annex document to the Secretary who will send it to the IEC CO for distribution to the National Committees. Resolution of FDIS comments are the responsibility of the Convenor and Secretary and since changes can be minor editorial only at the FDIS stage, the entire MT is generally not involved in reviewing and resolving them. This is also the case if at CDV stage, with no negative votes, the Chairman, Secretary and Convenor agree to publish without a FDIS stage, 4.2 4.2.1 MT Meetings and Agendas Role of the convenor
Once set up, the MT is under the responsibility of the convenor who is expected to: - manage the development of the project; - organize and chair the working group meetings; - report to the TC/SC secretary and chairman on the progress/delays; - report to the TC/SC secretary and chairman on any significant problem affecting the project; - follow through the project until circulation of the FDIS. 4.2.2 Role of the experts
Individually appointed experts are brought together to deal with the specific task allocated to the MT. The initial responsibility for the work within any MT dealing with the specific subject matter of the TC 31 HWG is with the experts of the TC 31 HWG involved with that MT . The function of those experts will involve reporting activities to the TC 31 HWG on a regular basis and should identify any clauses/comments/actions that require further TC 31 HWG consideration. The experts act in a personal capacity and not as the official representative of the organization by which they were appointed. However, it is recommended that they keep close contact with their organization (National Committee or other International Organization in liaison) in order to inform them about the progress of the work.
The Convenor should consult the Meeting Schedule that can be accessed from the TC 31 Dashboard or the IECEx web site before calling a meeting. This is to ensure that it does not take place at the same time as another meeting that would conflict with the experts being able to attend. It is also to optimize the travelling time and costs of the experts, for example by calling meetings in conjunction with other meetings at the same location and time frame that the experts will be attending. The meeting schedule location in the IECEx web site is: or Length of Meetings
When deciding how many days may be necessary for resolution of comments, experience has shown that 70 comments is the average that can be covered in one day. Where there are a very large number of comments to be discussed, it may not be practical to schedule a meeting with the time to consider each comment in detail. In such a case to improve efficiency, the TC/SC secretary or MT Convenor may include suggestions for the editorial comments in the Comment Form for confirmation by the meeting. Note that only editorial comments should be addressed in this manner. Technical comments should be carefully considered with the MT 4.2.4 MT Meeting Agendas
When calling a meeting the Convenor shall ensure that he is using the up to date list of experts by consulting the IEC Experts Management System on: To help the issue of meeting agendas on an IEC headed document, Annex A gives an example of a MT/PT/WG Draft Agenda which can be copied and modified to suit the particular meeting. Its also possible to download the meeting template from the IEC website. 4.2.5 MT Organization
Convenors and MTs can devise a way of managing its appointed experts. If, for example, a MT is becoming too large, it can be internally organized to be more manageable. The MT could, for example, have small specialist Task Groups (TG) of experts having a particular knowledge that could tackle those issues delegated to the TG and report back to the MT via a single expert input, thus saving time and making decisions easier to reach. For large MTs a deputy/assistant to the convenor should be appointed. 4.2.6 MT Participation
If it becomes necessary to manage the membership of MTs, Clause 8.2 of the convenors kit Guidance for Project Leaders and for Convenors of Working Groups, Maintenance Teams and Project Teams provides some guidelines. In addition to the recommendation, where MTs are large enough, it may be decided, taken in conjunction with the TC/SC Secretary and the relevant National Committee, to remove any non participating experts from the WG/MT. Convenors should review the participation of the MT experts at regular intervals and in particular at the end of each maintenance cycle. The Convenor should correspond to identified non participating expert members initially by email using the Standard text (see Annex B) and if the result indicates that the members response is unsatisfactory then this
should be communicated to the Secretary for action. In addition a Secretarys note will be added to any document that refers to expert participation. An example is as follows: Secretarys Note: National Committees are asked to review the participation of their experts on MT60079-XX. TC 31 periodically review experts for active participation and attendance. National Committees will be asked to remove or replace non active experts. Observers wishing to attend a meeting must have prior approval from the Convenor. In some cases the number of observers may be restricted due to meeting room constraints. The convenor decides the level of participation of observers at the meeting. 4.2.7 MT internal documents
To keep track of internal documents and to ensure the latest version is used, the files are to be identified and listed in a document continuously updated by the convenor. The files are to be named as shown in the following example: 31-60079-15-Ed4-CD-draft01-2007-09-25. The first four criteria of this format are used by the IEC Editor when preparing the short edited version for preparation of the FDIS. Using this will keep the naming convention constant and logical throughout the drafting process.
Minutes shall be made at each meeting and sent to MT members and the TC/SC officers within one month. 4.3 Collaboration Tools Suite
The Collaboration Tools Suite provides a good way to share information among members of MTs. Your current username and password are required to access this service and if you do not have a login, you should contact your National Committee to obtain one. It is possible that some company servers with make access to these tools difficult. To access use:
1 This cartoon is included with the kind agreement of the artist, Scott Adams, who apparently
It is recommended that the TC 31 HWG gives consideration as to the nature of the work being undertaken by the relevant MT. It is recommended that at least one expert from the TC 31 HWG is an expert within that MT. Where TC 31 HWGs or other PT/MT/WGs provide technical details for inclusion in standards not under their control, it is essential that they are consulted when any changes in these technical details are considered. No formal co-operation or liaison with the sub committees of TC 31 is envisaged. However, the sub-committees may need to be advised of the co-operation and representation of the TC 31 HWG with the MTs under their control. Liaisons with groups outside TC 31 must be referred to TC 31 or the relevant subcommittee for approval and possible subsequent action. 4.4.2 Assigning work for TC 31 HWG experts
The assignment of work of the TC 31 HWG experts to other MTs should be considered on the basis of: 4.4.3 a willing volunteer with expertise in that particular area each member to be involved in at least one other relevant MT New Work Allocation
The CAG will refer any accepted new work proposal containing aspects related to the work of the TC 31 HWG for a recommendation. The TC 31 HWG is to review the proposal and forward a recommendation to the CAG on the best way to proceed. Where the new proposal recommends the assignment of the work to a MT, then the TC 31 HWG should create a co-operation with that MT. This should be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine if additional resources are to be temporarily assigned during the development phase. 4.4.4 Review of Documents
A TC 31 HWG should consider all TC 31 draft documents containing requirements affecting its scope of work and where necessary prepare comments for submission to the secretary. These comments are to be included with and have equal standing to National Committee comments.
The Secretary of TC 31 or the relevant sub-committee is to send a copy of this GWP document to the Convenor at the start of each project and/or maintenance cycle. This TC 31 reference document is available for viewing and downloading on the IEC TC 31 Dashboard, General Information 5.2 IEC TC/SC Officers eTraining
This training is designed for IEC TC/SCs chairmen, secretaries and convenors. It gives the opportunity to new comers to familiarise themselves with their main tasks and relevant
procedures in conducting their IEC related activity. For experienced chairmen, secretaries and convenors, it is an easy way to refresh and update their knowledge. The training is modular giving flexibility for the structure, content and duration. When taken in IEC premises it gives the possibility to meet with the majority of IEC CO individuals involved in the specific tasks of TC/SCs officers. To access use: 5.3 IEC List of Country Codes
All CDs that are revisions of documents should be circulated as complete texts including editing marks and not just as a list of major technical changes to be made to the existing text. This is for ease of understanding of what has been changed, added or removed thus saving time as in the past experts did not realize critical text had been deleted. Please do not select use balloons in the track changes setup. This will allow the text to be displayed in legislative format, i.e. with strikethroughs and underlines. It is useful to circulate CDV texts including editing marks within the MT, prior to submission to the TC 31 Secretary, to allow a final review prior to circulation to NCs. IEC will not allow a CDV to include editing marks. A clean copy of the CDV text is required to be submitted for circulation. However, it is recommended that a separate INF document including the editing marks be circulated along with the CDV. 5.5 CDV publication without FDIS
If at CDV stage there are no negative votes it is the responsibility of the Chairman and Secretary to decide if publication without an FDIS is appropriate. They will take into account advice from the Convenor before deciding to publish with or without an FDIS stage. The Chairman and Secretary only intend to publish without an FDIS stage if CDV comments are minor editorial only. 5.6 IEC supporting information
Guidance by Role is a useful place to start. Information on the roles and responsibilities of Chairmen, secretaries, convenors, project leaders and experts can be found at: IEC technical support information including forms and templates can be found and downloaded from the IEC website: The IEC website has a good working practice forum. It was agreed that all useful IEC material such as this should be referenced in this Good Working Practice document, where applicable links could also be included.
Committee General
Members of TC 31 Maintenance Teams should feed back any ideas they have to the TC 31 Secretary for consideration to be included in the good working practice document. The inclusion in the document may initially be in draft form for later discussion by TC 31. In some instances the inclusion or idea might only be a topic for discussion.
MT60079-29: Gas detectors Draft agenda for the meeting to be held in Frankfurt Germany, from 12 th to 14 th October 2008 Item 1 2 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 7 8 9 10 Description Opening of the meeting Approval of the agenda Note the minutes/notes of the meeting held in Information from the Convenor 60079-29-1 Review and complete 31/567/CC Redraft document implementing the above and input from MT experts 60079-29-2 Review and complete 31/568/CC Redraft document implementing the above and input from MT experts Recommend the next stage in the progress of the documents Any other business Date and place of the next meeting Close of the meeting Documents
The establishment of the Chairman's Advisory Group (CAG) in TC 31 was approved by National Committees (NCs) during the meetings of TC 31 held in New Delhi, Houston and South Korea as reported in documents 31/262/RM, 31/279/RM and 31/380/RM. The constitution of the CAG is in accordance with the provisions of the sixth edition of ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, subclause 1.13.
The CAG of TC 31 is an advisory group to the Chairman of TC 31 and functions as the steering group for TC 31.
The purpose of the CAG is to assure: - Timely and efficient completion of TC 31 and its subcommittees programme of work; - Productive performance of the Working Groups (WG), Maintenance Teams (MT), and Projects Teams (PT).
The CAG does not prepare any technical documents relating the TC 31 projects.
The members of the TC 31 CAG are: TC Chairman; SC Chairmen; TC Secretary and Assistant Secretary; SC Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries; Convenors of WG/MT/PTs of TC 31 and its subcommittees; and IEC Central Office Technical Officer for TC 31. The Chairman and secretary of CENELEC TC 31 and CEN TC 305 are invited to attend meetings of the CAG as observers to serve as a liaison with those committees. The Secretary of the IEC Ex Scheme is invited to attend meetings of the CAG as an observer and serves as liaison with IEC Ex Scheme. Other persons may be invited as Guests to attend specific meetings of the CAG as appropriate.
Meetings of the CAG are held between TC 31 Plenary meetings, subject to the decision of the Chairman of TC 31.
The CAG conducts its tasks in a transparent manner and is fully accountable at all times to the TC 31 member NCs at the TC 31 meetings or by correspondence.
Report of Activities
The outcomes of CAG meetings are in the form of a full report. The report is circulated to TC 31 P- and O members NCs as INF documents and is reported at the next TC 31 meeting. In appropriate cases, CAG recommendations may be discussed by TC 31 P-members and, when necessary, the appropriate recommendations may be approved by P-members to become decisions of TC 31, or may be cancelled by TC 31 P-members. Any TC 31 P-member may, if so desired, request the CAG to consider a proposal or any other matter related to TC 31 activities. Relevant recommendations should then be circulated to TC 31 P- and O members.
At the TC31 Plenary Meetings in 2005 and 2006 it was agreed that: For future editions of the 60079 series Explosive atmospheres the titles will be drafted by the Editing Committee. The generic title for the 60079 series needed changing for future editions as it no longer reflected the content of the present series or current developments with the combining gas and dust. The change in generic title of the 60079 series does not affect or alter the title and scope of TC31 and its subcommittees.
Annex D TC 31 publications 2011-02-16 New publication number Current or new title 60079 Explosive atmospheres Old number Former titles 60079 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres --61241 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust --61179 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases Part 0: General requirements
60079-0 Ed 5 60079-1 ED 6
Part 0: Equipment - general requirements (includes existing 61241-0) Part 1: Equipment enclosures d protection by flameproof
Part 1: Flameproof enclosures "d" Part 1-1: Flameproof enclosures "d" - Method of test for ascertainment of maximum experimental safe gap Part 2: Pressurized enclosures "p
60079-2 Ed 5
(including Gas & Dust or Parts 2-1 & 2-2) 60079-3 60079-4 Ed 2.1 Part3: Spark test for intrinsically-safe circuits Part 4: Method of test for ignition temperature
60079-4A Ed 2 60079-5 Ed 3 60079-6 Ed 3 60079-7 Ed 4 Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling q Part 6: Equipment protection by oil-immersion o Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety e 60079-5 Ed 2 60079-6 Ed 2 60079-7 Ed 3 60079-8 60079-9 60079-10Ed 1 60079-10-2 Ed 1 60079-11 Ed 5 Part 10-1: Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres Part 10-2: Classification of areas - Combustible dust atmospheres Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety i (will eventually incorporate 61241-11) 60079-12 TR Ed 4 60079-13 Ed 1 Part 13: Equipment protection by pressurised room "p" (includes existing 16) 60079-13 TR Ed 1 60079-10 Ed 4 61241-10 Ed 1 60079-11 Ed 4
Part 4A: Method of test for ignition temperature- First supplement. *Note.-This supplement applies also to the second edition of 1975 Part 5: Powder filling "q" Part 6: Oil-immersion 'o' Part 7: Increased safety "e" Classification of maximum surface temperature Marking Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas Part 10: Classification of areas where combustible dusts are or may be present Part 11: Intrinsic safety "i" Part 12: Classification of mixtures of gases or vapours with air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents Part 13: Construction and use of rooms or buildings protected by pressurization
60079-14 Ed 4
Part 14: Electrical installations design, selection and erection (to eventually include 61241-14)
60079-14 Ed 3
60079-15 Ed 4
Part 15: Type of protection "n" Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyser(s) houses Part 17: Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines)
60079-17 Ed 4
Part 17: Electrical installations inspection and maintenance (includes draft 61241-17)
60079-18 Ed 3
60079-18 Ed 2
60079-19 Ed 3
Part 19: Repair and overhaul for apparatus used in explosive atmospheres (other than mines or explosives) Part 20: Data for flammable gases and vapours, relating to the use of electrical apparatus Probably were the numbers allocated to the trace heating and caplights documents originally as above as above as above Part 25: Intrinsically safe systems
60079-25 Ed 2
Part 26: Equipment with Equipment Protection Level (EPL) Ga Part 27: (FISCO) Fieldbus intrinsically safe concept
Part 26: Construction, test and marking of Group II zone O electrical apparatus Part 27: Fieldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO) and fieldbus non-incendive concept (FNICO) none
Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using optical radiation. Part 29-1: Gas detectors Performance requirements of detectors for flammable gases (includes 61779-1,2,3,4 and 5) 61779-2 Ed 1 61779-3 Ed 1 61779-4 Ed 1 61779-5 Ed 1 61779-6 Ed 1 61779-1 Ed 1
Part 29-2: Gas detectors Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for flammable gases and oxygen Part 29-3: Gas detectors Guidance on functional safety of fixed gas detection systems. Part 29-4: Gas detectors Performance requirements of open path detectors for flammable gases
Part 2: Performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 5 % methane in air Part 3: Performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100 % methane in air Part 4: Performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating up to 100% lower explosive limit Part 5: Performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100 % gas Part 6: Guide for the selection, installation, use and maintenance of apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases
60079-29-3 60079-29-4 Ed 1
Part 29-5: Gas detectors Open path installations practice. 61241-0 Ed 1 61241-1-1 Ed 2 61241-1-2 Ed 2 61241-3 61241-4 Ed 1 61241-11 Ed 1 61241-14 Ed 1 61241-17 Ed 1 61241-18 Ed 1 62086-1 Ed 1 62086-2 Ed 1 61241-1 Ed 1 Part 0: General requirements Part 1-1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures and surface temperature limitation - Specification for apparatus Part 1-2: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures and surface temperature limitation - Selection, installation and maintenance Part 3: Classification of areas where combustible dust are or may be present Part 4: Type of protection "pD" Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 11: Protection by intrinsic safety 'iD' Part 14: Selection and installation Part 17: Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines) Part 18: Protection by encapsulation 'mD' Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Electrical resistance trace heating - Part 1: General and testing requirements Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Electrical resistance trace heating - Part 2 Application guide for design, installation and maintenance Part 1: Protection by enclosures "tD"
Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating General and testing requirements Part 30-2: Electrical resistance trace heating Application guide for design, installation and maintenance Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure t
TS 60079-32 60079-35-1
Part 32: Electrostatics Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - General requirements - Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion Part 35-2: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - Performance and other safety-related matters 62013-1 Ed 1 Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp Part 1: General requirements - Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp Part 2: Performance and other safety-related matters -
62013-2 Ed 1
Old number
Existing Titles
Old number
Existing Titles
80079-20 -1
Part 20-1: Material characteristics for gas and vapour classification - Test methods and data (includes existing 1-1, 4, 4A , 12 & 20)
60079-20-1 Ed 1
Part 20-1: Material characteristics for gas and vapour classification - Test methods and data
80079-20 -2
Part 20-2: Material characteristics - Combustible dusts test methods (includes existing 61241-20-1, 2 and 3)
Part 34: application of quality systems for equipment manufacture Part 36: Non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres Basic method and requirements Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres - Non-electrical type of protection constructional safety "c", control of ignition source "b", liquid immersion "k" Part 38: Equipment and components in explosive atmospheres in underground mines
The objective of this Annex is to provide a background to the establishment of SC 31M and to specify its ongoing working procedures.
This document reflects the outcome of discussions between ISO/TMB and IEC/SMB on the potential conflict with IEC TC 31 due to the proposal to set up a new ISO TC on explosive atmospheres. It was jointly agreed by ISO/TMB and IEC/SMB to the establishment of IEC Subcommittee SC 31M within IEC TC 31 instead of establishing a separate committee in ISO. It was agreed that IEC SC 31M would produce IEC/ISO double logo standards as either double prefix ISO/IEC, or single prefix ISO and IEC standards. The formal establishment of IEC SC 31M occurred in 2007. The proposals were approved (SMB decision 129/27) at SMB meeting 129. Then ISO/TMB concurred with these proposals based on document TMB 34/2007 and resolution 61/2007. More detail is provided below. It was agreed that the TC 31 CAG would have a formal role in the allocation of work to SC 31M, including consideration of work within TC 31 or other subcommittees that might better be managed in SC 31M. The call for experts for SC 31M, 31M/1/AC, was circulated on 29 June 2007. The first meeting of SC 31M took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 7 November 2007.
The title of IEC SC 31M was agreed to be: Non-electrical equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres E.3.2 Scope
The scope of SC 31M is: To prepare and maintain international standards relating to non-electrical equipment and protective systems for use where there is a hazard due to the possible presence of explosive atmospheres of gases, vapours, mists or combustible dusts. Notes: Note: For the purposes of this sub-committee non-electrical equipment is defined as "equipment which can achieve its intended function mechanically". For the purposes of this sub-committee, 'Protective system' is defined as devices other than components of the equipment which are intended to halt
incipient explosions immediately and/or to limit the effective range of an explosion. E.3.3 Future Changes to Title or Scope
Any future changes of title and/or scope of SC 31M should follow the normal procedures with a final ratification by the IEC/SMB and ISO/TMB for the sake of transparency. E.3.4 Establishment of the SC 31M
SC 31M was established through direct approval by IEC/SMB and ISO/TMB not via normal process specified in the IEC Directives. E.3.5 Secretariat
The Secretariat of IEC SC 31M was established through direct approval by IEC/SMB and ISO/TMB, allocating the IEC SC 31M Secretariat to ISO Germany/ DIN/. E.3.6 Chairman
The Chairman of IEC SC 31M, Dr Heino Bothe, was approved by IEC/SMB and ISO/TMB for an initial term of 6 years. For any extensions of term of office or change of Chairman, the procedures given in the ISO/IEC Directives Supplement shall be followed. E.3.7 Reporting on SC 31M
There should be periodic reporting to IEC/SMB and ISO/TMB on the functioning of SC 31M.
Working procedures
The proposed working procedures are given in the table below. The following scenario is based on the assumptions that IECSC 31M deliverables will be: o IEC/ISO double logo with ISO prefix o IEC/ISO double logo with ISO/IEC(preferred) or IEC prefix P-members and experts will be recorded in the IEC data base and IEC Expert Management System (EMS) respectively and should represent both IEC and ISO interests in their country.
Activity Deliverables IEC/ ISO double logo with ISO/IEC prefix Submission of NPs IEC/ ISO double logo with ISO prefix
Parameters NPs for SC 31M will be defined by TC 31 CAG (including SC 31M participation) NPs within the scope and clearly defined parameters of SC 31M should be submitted to this SC according to the ISO/IEC Directives Part 1, clause 2.3.2.
Voting on NPs
NPs will be circulated and voted on in SC 31M. This circulation occurs only within IEC. Voting using the IEC electronic voting system. Acceptance criteria according to the existing ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 (simple majority of P-members voting and the correct number of experts)
Deliverables IEC/ ISO double logo with ISO/IEC prefix IEC/ ISO double logo with ISO prefix ISO 8XX79
Project numbering
Using the IEC system and recorded in the IEC project data base.
Parallel circulation within both IEC and ISO organizations. As there are no P-members within ISO, the second voting criterion will be the only one applicable to these documents within ISO, that is to say < 25% negative votes of all ISO members casting a vote
Note At this stage all of the IEC and ISO member bodies have the right to vote and comment on CDVs and FDISs
Editing - basic
To ensure a uniform format and treatment of the subject matter, then all editing activities would be carried out within the IEC.
IEC ISO Publications transferred for other areas of TC 31 to SC 31M are expect to the be published as ISO/IEC 8XX79 series of publications ISO follows the systematic review process. That means that all published standards will be reviewed by ISO members 3 years after first publication and then the result of the review will be given in the form of a recommendation to the decision will be taken by the lead organisation (IEC in our case). "Review" means that the NC are asked whether they vote for confirmation, revision or withdrawal of the standard in question.