Ophthal Vol2 D&R Agam
Ophthal Vol2 D&R Agam
Ophthal Vol2 D&R Agam
Agam is a group of budding medicos, who are currently doing their under graduation in
various Medical Colleges across Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. The group was initiated on 18th
November 2017, in the vision of uniting medicos for various social and professional causes.
We feel delighted to present you Agam Ophthalmology notes prepared by Agam Divide and
Rule 2020 Team to guide our fellow medicos to prepare for university examinations.
This is a reference work of 2017 batch medical students from various colleges. The team
took effort to refer many books and make them into simple notes. We are not the authors of the
following work. The images used in the documents are not copyrighted by us and is obtained from
various sources.
Dear readers, we request you to use this material as a reference note, or revision note, or
recall notes. Please do not learn the topics for the 1st time from this material, as this contain just the
required points, for revision.
On behalf of the team, Agam would like to thank all the doctors who taught us Ophthalmology.
Agam would like to whole heartedly appreciate and thank everyone who contributed towards the
making of this material. A special thanks to Barath Raj R, who took the responsibility of leading the
team. The following are the name list of the team who worked together, to bring out the material in
good form.
Kareeshmaa H C Gowsigan
M.Jayashree Abidivya
Mruddula V Nahveena
Praveena Saahini
Indhumathi Arun vidhyasagar
Yogesh Shobana
Kavya kala Manasa
Ramya Anupama Bhaskaran
Aparna D.Vijay
Adithya S.Aakash
Yogesh K.Karthik Raja
Syed Sneha
Ragha Dharshini Kamakshi
Bhavik Shah Maya sundar
Pranesh Arun
Shane Bhavik shah
Juwain Annapoorna
Aravind Krishna
Sneha jenifer
Volume 2
Diseases of Vitreous
Diseases of Retina
Neuro Ophthalmology
Ocular motility and Strabismus
Diseases of Eyelids
Diseases of Lacrimal Apparatus
Diseases of Orbit
Ocular Injury
• Anatomy of Vitreous
• Vitreous Haemorrhage
• Vitreous Detachment
• Vitreous Opacities
• Vitreous Surgeries
Vitreous humour:
➢ Inert, transparent, jelly like structure that fills the posterior four fifth(80%) of the cavity of eye ball
➢ 4ml in volume and 4g in weight
➢ It is a fluid-like substance composed of more than 99% water.
➢ The remaining part is formed of collagen and hyaluronic acid (rigidity and viscosity).
➢ Bounded :
• anteriorly: by the lens, iris and ciliary body
• Posteriorly: by the retina and optic disc.
Vitreous body:
➢ Somewhat spherical posteriorly
➢ Cup shaped depression (patellar fossa) anteriorly
➢ The outer portion of the vitreous body is called the cortex (denser), and its surface is called the hyaloid
➢ Cloquet’s canal runs antero-posteriorly in the center of the vitreous (site of the embryonic hyaloid artery)
➢ The strongest attachment of the vitreous is to the retina and pars plana in the area of the vitreous base.
➢ Vitreous body (secondary vitreous) is secreted by neuroectoderm of optic cup
➢ Secondary vitreous is mesenchymal in origin
➢ Tertiary vitreous is developed from neuroectoderm in the ciliary region
Liquefaction (synchysis).
On slit lamp biomicroscopy, synchysis is characterized by absence of normal fine fibrillar structure and visible pockets
of liquefaction associated with appearance of coarse aggregate material which moves freely in free vitreous
Vitreous Hemorrhage
1. Proliferative retinopathies, as diabetic retinopathy.
2. Retinal breaks.
4. Trauma.
6. Intraocular tumors.
❖ posterior
❖ basal
❖ anterior
❖ sudden onset of photopsiae(due to vitreoretinal adhesions and are provoked by ocular movement)
❖ floaters.
❖ ring-like opacity, Weiss ring or Fuchs ring(detached attachment of the vitreous to the edges of the optic
nerve head).
Complications of PVD:
❖ Retinal breaks
❖ Vitreous hemorrhage
❖ Retinal hemorrhage
❖ Cystoid maculopathy
❖ Retinal detachment
Management OF PVD:
❖ Uncomplicated PVD – no treatment
❖ Retinal tear complicating PVD – Photocoagulation
❖ Vitreous hemorrhage complicating PVD – conservative treatment, treatment of cause and Vitrectomy
❖ Retinal detachment complicating PVD – urgent treatment
➢ Vitreous is a transparent structure, any relatively non transparent structure present in it will form an opacity
and cause floaters
➢ Vitreous opacities cast a shadow on the retina and appear as black spots moving in and out of the visual
field, especially when reading.
➢ They are commonly mistaken for small flying insects, and are termed muscae volitantes or floaters.
➢ Most floaters are merely compressed cells or strands of the vitreous gel which have clumped together so
that they are less transparent than the rest of the vitreous.
1. Developmental opacities which are located in the canal of Cloquet and are remnants of the hyaloid system
2. Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous (PHPV)
3. Inflammatory Vitreous opacities:
▪ Anterior uveitis
▪ Posterior uveitis
▪ Pars plantis
▪ Pan uveitis
▪ endophthalmitis
4. Degenerative changes:
❖ Asteroid hyalosis:
• Characterized by the unilateral appearance of spherical or disc-shaped white bodies in the vitreous cavity.
• These are calcium-containing lipid complexes attached to the collagen fibrils and suspended throughout
the vitreous.
• They may be commonly seen in diabetes.
• It is unilateral in the majority of cases and affects both sexes, is asymptomatic but may make examination of
the fundus difficult with the ophthalmoscope.
• Treatment is rarely required unless vision is affected, in which situation a vitrectomy may be considered.
❖ Amyloid degeneration:
• Amorphous amyloid material is deposited in vitreousas a part of generalized amyloidosis
• The clinical features consist of diplopia, diminution of vision, external ophthalmoplegia, vitreous opacities,
retinal haemorrhages and exudates.
• Both eyes are involved and the vitreous becomes opaque.
• The earliest lesion originates in the wall of a retinal vessel which has a cloudy margin and this slowly
invades the vitreous body from behind forwards.
• Diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy of the conjunctiva, rectum, skin or sternal marrow.
• The vitreous opacities themselves are linear with footplate attachments to the retina and posterior surface
of the lens and this is a helpful diagnostic feature.
• Vitreous amyloidosis may be treated surgically by pars plana but the prognosis must always be guarded.
5. Red cell opacities
6. Tumor cell opacities
An abnormality leading to opacification of the vitreous body or the development of vitreoretinal scar tissue may
require vitreous surgery.
• vitreous haemorrhage
• complications from diabetic retinopathy such as tractional retinal detachment
• complicated retinal detachment
• preretinal membrane fibrosis
• injury with or without an intraocular foreign body, macular hole, endophthalmitis and complications of
prior intraocular surgery.
➢ A vitrectomy is performed through a surgical microscope allowing coaxial illumination and fine movements by
X–Y coupling.
➢ Special planoconcave lenses are placed on the cornea to provide a clear image of the posterior third of the
➢ Microscope attachments allow re-inversion of the image seen.
➢ All these provide the surgeon with a magnified, binocular view of the retina and vitreous.
➢ Three sclerotomies of 20, 23 or 25 gauge size are made at the pars plana, 3–3.5 mm away from the limbus.
➢ In one an infusion line is inserted for balanced salt solution.
➢ In the second, a fibreoptic light source provides endoillumination and through the third, a vitrectomy
instrument for suction and cutting of the vitreous (Figs 21.4 and 21.5) is passed into the vitreous cavity.
➢ Any abnormalities in the vitreous can be cleared bimanually under direct vision using the vitrectomy
instrument and the endoilluminator as support when needed.
➢ It is necessary to completely clear all the central vitreous and also the region of the vitreous base to prevent
later fibrovascular proliferation.
➢ Once the visibility of the retina is restored, the cause for the vitreous disturbance is treated.
➢ Endophotocoagulation with a fibre optic probe delivering diode laser may be required to seal a retinal break
or treat areas of retinal neovascularization.
➢ Endodiathermy can be utilized to coagulate bleeding vessels.
➢ Vitrectomy is seldom carried out as an isolated procedure, but is often associated with surgery for
vitreoretinal proliferation, complicated retinal detachments or foreign bodies in the eye.
➢ In the presence of vitreoretinal proliferation it is important to relieve all traction on the retina.
➢ Vitreous bands can be cut using the vitrectomy instrument or special miniature vitreoretinal scissors.
➢ Epiretinal membranes are removed by gentle peeling with a vitreoretinal pick and forceps, or by cutting them
with vitreoretinal scissors, to allow the retina to fall back into place.
➢ Small foreign bodies are dissected of their fibrous capsule with a vitreoretinal pick or forceps and then
removed by intravitreal foreign body forceps.
➢ An intravitreal magnet is occasionally employed.
➢ Maintenance of chorioretinal apposition to allow chorioretinal adhesions to occur and to prevent recurrence
of fibrovascular proliferation in the vitreous necessitates an internal tamponade with gases or liquids.
➢ Visual prognosis after vitreous surgery is often guarded and depends upon the basic disease process and the
degree of damage to the retinal receptors.
➢ Meticulous surgery has greatly increased the chances of anatomical success.
➢ Open sky vitrectomy leads to instability of the entire vitreous and anterior segment while making the patient
aphakic. It is indicated only when the cornea is not transparent.
• Anatomy of Retina
• Hypertensive retinopathy
• Retinal Artery Occlusion
• Retinal Venous Occlusion
• Retinopathy of Blood disorders
• Retinopathy of prematurity
• Retinal dystrophy and degeneration
• Macular degeneration
• Macular disorders
• Retinal Detachment
Retina is innermost layer of the eyeball Highly developed tissue of the eye ball
It consists of two regions posterior pole and peripheral retina by the retinal equator
RETINAL EQUATOR which lie in line with the exit of four vena verticosa
Posterior pole consists of two regions MACULALEUTEA and OPTIC DISC
All the layers of retina terminate at optic disc except the nerve fibres which passes through lamina cribrosa
Due to the absence of photoreceptor cells it produces absolute scotoma in the visual field called 2frica22ival2 blind spot
Macula lutea is the yellow spot
It has lowest threshold for light and high visual activity It has highest number of cones
Pheriperal retina is the area bounded posteriorly by the retinal equator anteriorly by the ora serrata. Ora serrata is the peripheral margin where
retina ends
outer four layer is supplied by choroidal vascular system supplied by anterior and posterior cilliay arteries
Inner six layer is supplied by central retinal artery branch of opthalamic artery
Central retinal vein which drains directly into the cavernous sinus
Young patients
3.Arteriolar sclerosis
4.Malignant hypertension
Retina – oedema , marked disc oedema, multiple cotton patches hard exudates
Prognosis -grave
Pregnancy induced
Retinal changes :
Spasm of vessels causes hypoxia characterized by ‘cotton wool spots’ and ‘superfcial hemorrhages’
Nonspecific retinitis:
Characterized by
Multiple superficial hemorrhages in posterior part of fundus. With white spot at the centre
Specific retinitis:
Acute retinal necrosis (ARN) – herpes simplex ll in patients under the age of 15 years and herpes
simplex l in older individuals . ( More chances in AIDS patients).
Inflammation of the retinal vessels’ wall - Primary (Eales’ disease) or Secondary to uveitis.
Classical triad – Young males ( more common in India), spontaneous vitreous hemmorhage
,recurrences are common.
Clinical features:
Clinical course :
1.Stage of active inflammation – peripheral veins are congested ,perivascular exudates and
sheathing present along the surface,sheets of hemorrhages near veins
2.Stage of vascular occlusion- obliterated vessels and areas ofcapillary non- perfusion in the
periphery is seen on fundus flourescin angiography.
3.Stage of retinal neovascularisation- Abnormal fragile vessels at the junction of perfused and non-
perfused retina.(Bleeding from these vessels causes hemorrhage)
Treatment :
1.Oral, corticosteroids + Antitubercular therapy
ETIOLOGY : Common in old age males >40 years and patients with HT,DM and cardiovascular
- Most common site – Narrowest site of CRA where it pierces the dural sheath of optic
nerve,posterior to lamina cribrosa.
# Platelet fibrin emboli – full white and arises from atheroma in carotid artery)
3.RETINAL ARTERITIS ( Giant cell arteritis) and periarteritis (associated with polyarteritis nodosa,SLE,
Wegener’s granulomatosis , scleroderma)
CLINICAL FEATURES: Clinically RAO presents as Central retinal artery occlusion(CRAO -60%) OR
Branch artery occlusion(BRAO-35%) OR Cilioretinal artery occlusion(5%)
3.Visual acuity reduced ( except with those having patent cilioretinal artery supplying
macula )
- Milky white retina due to ischemic retinal edema ( except with those with
patent cilioretinal artery)
- Cherry Red Spot – seen in the centre of macula due to vascular choroid shining
through the thin retina in the foveal region,in contrast to the surrounding pale retina.
1.C RAO 2.Trauma(Blunt) 3.Neimann- Pick disease 4.GM1 gangliosides 5.Tach-Sach’s disease
6.Sandhoff’s disease 7.Metachromatic leukodystrophy, Multiple sulfatase deficiency 8.Gaucher’s
disease( only type2).
- Atrophic changes in the form of attenuated thread like arteries and consecutive
optic atrophy in chronic cases.
BRAO – Sudden and profound painless sectoral visual field loss(goes unnoticed when central
vision is spared)
2.Lowering of IOP :
- Ocular massage (to improve perfusion and dislodging the embolus or thrombus)
• Older age
• Hypertension
• Diabetes mellitus
• Hyperviscosity – polycythemia,Hyperlipidemia,leukemia, multiple
• Periphlebitis retinae – associated with sarcoidosis,syphilis,SLE.
• Raised. Intra ocular pressure
Venous occlusion due to systemic or local factors causes stasis of bloodflow (nonischemic type)
Hypoxia of the involved retina Damage of capillary endothelial cell and leakage from neovascularized
vessel. (Ischemic type)
Occlusion usually occurs posterior to lamina cribrosa due to sharing of common adventitia by retinal
artery and vein.
Clinical features :
Cotton wool spots and tortuosity of vessels Extensive cotton wool spots and tortuosity of vessels
Loss of vision due to macular edema. Lossbof vision due to macular ischemia.
Treatment – Treatment –
Laser photocoagulation notdone. Intravitreal PRP/ scatter photocoagulation done only on
triamcinolone 2 injections (1mg). 11frica1111iv of NVI/NVD.
0.7 mg dexamethasone intravitreal implant. Prophylactic PRP not done.
Intravitreal anti VGEF drugs –
Clinical features:
Neovascularization occurs.
It may benefit from laser photocoagulation contrary to nonischemic type of venous occlusion.
Nasal cycle and nasal resistance. Mechanism of sinonasal allergy and mucociliary clearance
Nasal mucosa undergoes rhythmic cyclical congestion and decongestion- controls the airflow
through nasal chambers.
When one nasal chamber is working, the total nasal respiration equal to that of both nasal chambers
is carried out by it.
Congestion and decongestion of the nasal venous cavernous tissue is under the control of the ANS
Physiological factors:
• Age
• Sleep
• Posture
• Exercise
Pathological factors:
2.Allergic rhinitis
NC and drugs:
2. The administration of nasal topical vasoconstrictor on the congested side is able to cause a
prompt cycle reversal.
3.While it has been demonstrated that decongestants have little action on the patent side, they
cause a significant increase in airflow on the naturally congested side with the least sympathetic
nervous activity.
Inferior and middle turbinates contain erectile tissues, the anterior end of it has a major influence on
the nasal resistance and functions as the internal nasal valve.
• Age
• Nasal cycle
• Exercise
• Respiration
• Nasal reflexes
• Skin and temperature
• Emotional and psychological response
Nasal mucosa-rich in – goblet cells, secretory glands ( both serous and mucous)
Their secretion forms a continuous sheet called mucous blanket ( spread over the normal mucosa)
Superficial mucus layer+ deep serous layer, floating on top of the cilia which are constantly beating
to carry it like a “conveyer belt” into the nasopharynx.
Inspired bacteria, viruses and dust particles →entrapped on the viscous mucous blanket→ carried to
nasopharynx→ swallowed.
Two strokes:
Slow “recovery stroke”- cilia bend and travel slowly in the reverse direction in the thin serous layer,
thus moving the cilia in one direction.
Factors affecting the movements of cilia:
Drugs (adrenaline)
Infections and noxious fumes like sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide.
Disorders of cilia:
Cilia are defective and cannot beat effectively→stagnation of mucus in the nose, sinuses and
bronchi→chronic rhinosinusitis and bronchiectasis.
Genetic predisposition
Inhaled allergens→ produce specific IgE antibody→ antibody becomes fixed to the blood basophils
or tissue mast cells by its Fc end.
Subsequent exposure→ antigen combines with IgE antibody in the Fab end→ degranulation of mast
cells→ release of several chemical mediators.
They cause vasodilation, mucosal edema, infiltration with eosinophils, excessive secretion from nasal
glands or smooth muscle contraction.
“Priming effect”- mucosa earlier sensitized to an allergen will react to smaller doses of subsequent
specific allergen.
Acute or early phase- occurs 5-30 min after exposure to specific allergen.
Late or delayed phase: Occurs 2-8 hours after exposure to allergen without additional exposure.
It is due to the infiltration of inflammatory cells- eosinophils, neutrophils, basophil, monocytes and
CD4+ T cells at the site of antigen deposition.
• Recurrent sinusitis
• Formation of nasal polyp (2% of cases)
• Serous otitis media
• Orthodontic problems
• Bronchial asthma
Avoidance of allergen
When deoxygenated it becomes insoluble and distorts the normally discoid RBCs into characteristic
sickle shape. It obstructs the capillaries supplying retina and causes infraction especially in the
periphery of retina.
The Damaged RBC gets slowed down in the movement across the miocrovessels
High expression of adhesins by sickle cells causes increased stickiness to the endothelium
Aggregation of sickle cells in the vessel leading to blockage of vessel
Thus there occurs a lysis of RBC which causes release of free Hb.
Causes inactivation of NO
Microvascular Stasis
Clinical Manifestation:
• Retinopathy
• Angioid Streaks
• Glaucoma
• Pappilary edema
• Cataract
• Circumscribed dilation and constriction of conjunctival cappilaries.
Proliferative changes:
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
SEA-FANS Configuration
Stage 4:
Neovascular tufts continues to proliferate and bleed into the vitreous.
Stage 5:
Asymptomatic lesions:
Venous tortuosity
Salmon patches
Macular depression
Symptomatic lesions:
Vitrearetinal surgery.
Anaemic Retinopathy:
Retinal changes are liable to occur when Hb levels falls by 50% and consequently present when it is
below 35% (5gm%)
Retinal Hypoxia
Vascular dilation
Retinal Edema and Hemorrhage
Characteristic Features:
Retinal Hemorrhage – Superficial flame shaped and preretinal (Suhyloid) may be seen in the
posterior half of the fundus.
Roth Spot: Hemorrage with white Centre and platelet fibrin emboli.
Cotton wool spots: Seen in the patient with co-existing thrombocytopenia + Aplastic anemia.
Hard exudate – Seen due to resolved retinal edema when these are severe and located at the
macula – “Macular Star” is seen.
Optic nerve Changes – Edema or in later stages of optic neuropathy, Optic disc pallor is seen.
Retinal Changes
seen in special
situations like
Retinal artery
Disc Pallor Choroidal infract
atropy and
Disc Edema
Anterior ischemic
optic neuropathy
Retinal Changes seen
in special situations
Thalasemia Malaria
Retinal Pigment
Roth Spots Anemia
Epithelial Changes
leukemia infilterates
Increased ICP
in Retina
Choroidal infilteration
with 20 degree Retinal changes - Disc
serous retinal Edema
Vascular sheathing
At Macula – Hemorrhages, Edema ana Hard Exudates – patient can complain of loss of vision.
Optical Coherence tomography (OCT) is used to demonstrate vascular occlusion and macular edema.
Blood Investigations :
PBS examination
➢ Primary Factors:
➢ Low gestation age, especially less than 32 weeks
➢ Low birth weight (less than 1500g, especially less than1250g)
➢ Supplemental O2 therapy
➢ Other risk factors:
➢ Vitamin E deficiency
➢ Respiratory distress syndrome
➢ Asphyxia
➢ Shock
➢ Acidosis
Retinal vessels
8thMonth Reach
Premature birth
VEGF Downregulated
Staging of ROP:
Stage 1
Demarcation line formation at the edge of vessels dividing the vascular from avascular retina
Stage 2
Line structure of stage 1 acquire a volume to form a ridge with height & width
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
(b)Zones of ROP:
Extent of involvement
1)PLUS DISEASE- Dilatation and tortuosity of posterior pole vessels in at least 2 quadrants at the
posterior pole with any stage of ROP
2)PRE PLUS DISEASE- Normal < Venous dilation< <Defined plus disease.
Posterior ZONE 2
4)Threshold disease
Stage 3 + ROP
Pre-threshold disease
Type 2 or low risk pre-threshold disease (which requires weekly follow up)
Differential diagnosis:
Premature new borns should not be placed in incubator with an O2 concentration of more than 30%.
All premature babies < 34 weeks of gestational age & those weighing 1750g or less must be
Indirect ophthalmoscopy:
Infants born between 28-34 weeks of gestation / 1175gm: at 3-4 weeks of age
Laser treatment:
Photocoagulation using diode laser lesions with laser indirect ophthalmoscope
carried out in patients with high risk pre threshold, threshold & aggressive posterior ROP
Treatment- Surgery
Surgical Management of Stage 4 ROP
Stage 4a Stage 4b
No RD No RD with RD
Buckling sparing
Leukemic Retinopathy
Ocular involvement – more common with acute leukemia
Acute Chronic
• Myeloid • Myeloid
• Lymphoid • Lymphoid
Clinical Manifestation
Primary Secondary
(Direct Infiltration of neoplastic Cells) (Indirect involvement from non-viable or dysplastic cells or
Manifestation Include
Retinal involvement
Non Retinal involvement
Complete blood count with platelets/differential (Significantly high or low WBC should be
Peripheral Blood Smear > 20% blast cells (Acute Leukemia).
Type 1: - Unilateral disease characterized by parafoveal dilation of capillaries. Microaneurysms,
leakages and lipid deposition.
Type 2: - (Most Common form)
Bilateral juxtafoveal telangiectasia
Minimal exudates
Type 3: - (Extremely Rare)
Occlusive telangiectasia
Abnormalities in parafoveal muller cells
Muller cells – Important for the health of retinal capillary endothelium and surrounding retina.
Muller cell dysfunction – endothelial degeneration – Retinal capillary proliferation and telangiectasia
Clinical Presentation
Parafoveal graying of retina
Superficial crystalline deposits
Subfoveal cystoid cavities
Parafoveal cystoid cavities
Right angle vessels
Reduced visual acuity
Hyperplasia of retinal pigment epithelium
Fluorescein angiography
Highlights parafoveal telangiectasia vessels
Demonstrate early hyperfluorescence with leakage
Optical coherence Tomography
Subfoveal cystoid space (without cystoid macular edema)
Advanced stages:
Photoreceptor dysfunction and outer retinal atrophy
Fundus autofluorescence
Pathognemonic of Type-II
Loss of Physiologic hypoauto fluorescence i.e., increased autofluorescence in the fovea.
Differential Diagnosis
Chemotherapeutic drug like (bevacizumab, ranibizumab)
Oral carbonic anhydrase inhibition
Focal grid laser, photodynamic therapy, intravitreal triamcinolone
Parafoveal telangiectasia.
If only the capillaries of fovea are involved, then it’s called Parafoveal telangiectasia.
Characterized by:
Microaneurysmal saccular dilation
Capillary non-perfusion of parafoveal capillaries
Parafoveal telangiectasia can be considered as having 2 basic forms:
Coat’s disease – A developmental or congenital vascular anomaly which may be the largest part of a
Presumably an acquired form found in middle aged or older patients.
Also known as exudative retinopathy of coats
Severe form of retinal telangiectasia (Idiopathic congenital retinal vascular malformation)
Characteristic Features:
Affects one of the eyes of boys in the 1 st decade of life
Early Stages – Large areas of intra and sub retinal yellowish exudates and hemorrhages associated
small aneurysms near the posterior pole and around the disc.
It might present with VISUAL LOSS, STRABISMUS or LEUCOCORIA (whitish pupillary reflex)
and thus it should be differentiated from retinoblastoma tones.
Produce exudative retinal detachment and a retrolental mass
Late stages – Complicated cataract, uveitis and secondary glaucoma and end in phthisis bulbi
(shrunken, nonfunctional eye)
Stage 1
Retinal telangiectasia only (dilation of capillaries in the retina)
Stage 2
Telangiectasia and exudation (escape of fluids and material from blood vessels into surrounding
Extrafoveal exudation
Foveal exudation (exudation of fovea)
Stage 3 – Exudative Retinal Detachment
Subtotal Foveal and Subtotal Extrafoveal (partial detachment)
Total retinal detachment.
Stage 4
Total retinal detachment and glaucoma
Stage 5 – Advanced end stage disease
Blind, non-painful eye with total retinal detachment with cataract and phthisis bulbi
Fundus Fluorescein Angiography – Highlights abnormal vessels, leakage and areas of capillary
drop out.
Laser photocoagulation- Uses laser to shrink or destroy blood vessels
Cryotherapy – A procedure that uses extreme cold to destroy abnormal blood vessels
Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (Anti-VEGF) injection
In more advanced stages,
Retinal detachment –Vitrectomy
Scleral buckling to correct the detached retina and external drainage of fluids.
Cornea: Edema & striae
Anterior chamber: Reveal faint aqueous flare, with few cells (ischaemic pseudoritis)
Pupil: mid dilated and poorly reacting
rubosis iridis (66%cases), atrophic patches
Iris neovascularization (90% of cases)
(Poor prognosis)
POSTERIOR SEGMENT: (fundus examination)
Venous dilation with or without tortuosity, peripheral retinal hemorrhages and micro aneurysms.
Easily induced retinal artery pulsations with gentle digital pressure
Retinal neovascularization (in 37% of cases)
Macular edema
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in association with OIS- Due to inadequate perfusion pressure
within the deep capillaries of the optic nerve head.
Cataract – advanced cases.
Neovascular glaucoma – (as a sequelae to anterior segment neovascularization)
Non- ischaemic Central retinal vein Occlusion (CRVO)
Diabetic retinopathy
Hypertensive retinopathy
Aortic arch disease
Doppler ultrasound
Magnetic resonance angiography
Fluorescein fundus angiography
Delayed and patchy choroidal filling
Increased retinal arteriovenous circulation times
Leakage from retinal (new) vessels
Macular edema.
Treatment of neovascular glaucoma
Pan-retinal photo-coagulation
Glaucoma drainage device (i.e) artificial filteration shunt may control IOP.
Treatment of proliferative retinopathy by pan-retinal photocoagulation.
Treatment of pseudoiritis:
Topical steroid eye drops.
Treatment of carotid stenosis:
Anti-platelet therapy, oral anti- coagulants
Surgical – carotid endarterectomy
It extends from optic disc to ora serrata with surface area of 266 sq.metre.
Gross division:
1. Posterior pole - optic disc -beginning of optic nerve- devoid of rods and cones
(physiological blind spot)
- Macula lutea (yellow spot)- it has highest visual acuity. Fovea centralis is
central depressed part of macula with highest visual acuity as it contains only cones.
Separated by retinal equator (imaginary line in line with exit of four vena
Layers of Retina:
Inner six layers are supplied by the central retinal artery, branch of ophthalmic artery
Hereditary dystrophies commonly affect the outer retina (RPE and photoreceptor)
They involve the entire retina (periphery more than the macula)
Congenital monochromatism
Macular dystrophies:
Stargardt’s disease
Vitelliform dystrophy
The degeneration primarily affects rods and cones, rods first and cones later.
Night blindness
Dark adaptation: Light threshold of peripheral retina is increased
Tubular vision: Loss of peripheral vision with preservation of central vision.
Loss of central vision after many years.
Fundus change
Retinal pigmentary change : Small, jet-black spots resembling bone corpuscles with spidery outline
(the pigment of RPE migrates into retinal layer-epithelium becomes decolorized –choroidal vessels
are seen ,fundus appears tessellated)
Retinal arterioles become thread like
Thinning and atrophy of RPE at peripheral retina.
Optic disc: Has a pale, wax like yellowish appearance – ‘consecutive optic atrophy’
Progressive posterior cortical cataract is formed.
Electrophysiological changes
Occular: Myopia
Primary open angle glaucoma
Posterior subcapsular cataract
Laurence-Moon-Biedl-Bartum syndrome – retinitis pigmentosa , obesity, hypogonadism, mental
defect, polydactyl
Usher’s syndrome – retinitis pigmentosa, cardiac conduction defects and abetalipoproteinemia .
Refsum’s syndrome – retinitis pigmentosa , cerebellar ataxia and peripheral neuropathy
These acquired disorders of retina characterized by degenerative changes
Vitreoretinal degeneration
Macular degeneration
1. Lattice degeneration:
Retinal thinning
Abnormal pigmentation
Variant of lattice-white lines replaced by snow flake areas-retina-white frost like appearance.
Acquired(senile) retinoschisis:
Common in hypermetropes
Occurs bilaterally
Small, irregular pigmentation seen in equatorial region associated with vitreous detachment or
retinal tear.
Choroid depigmented
Retina thin
Prone to tears
Wagner’s syndrome
Choroid -atrophied
Cataract-late complication
Stickler syndrome:
Progressive myopia
Ectopia lentis
Orofacial abnormalities – flattened nasal bridge , maxillary hypoplasia, cleft palate , high arched
ERG is subnormal
Risk factors: hereditary factors , age , nutrition , sunlight , hyperopia , blue eyes, nuclear cataract
Two types:
Dry or atrophic
Wet or exudative
Dry or atrophic:
RPE atrophy
Typical lesion: drusen with RPE detachment , hemorrhagic pigment epithelium detachment ,
disciform subretinal scarring .
1.Typical signs
1.Atrophic ARMD
Vitamin C , A and E supplements , zinc oxide , cupric oxide and other antioxidants
Smoking cessation
Amsler grid
Correction of refraction
2.Exudative ARMD
Photodynamic therapy
Transpupillary thermotherapy
Surgical treatment
Chorioretinal atrophic patches at macula with heaping up of pigment around them.
Stage 4:Full thickness hole with Srf cuff and complete PVD.
Treatment: Stage 2 -4 : pars plana vitrectomy with posterior hyaloid removal ,ILM peeling and gas or
silicon tamponade with strict post-operative face down position for 7-14 days.
Macula is an oval shaped pigmented area near the centre of retina of human eye. (5.5mm in
It is subdivided into umbo, foveola, foveal avascular zone, fovea, parafovea, and perifovea areas.
Macular disorders are classified into
Congenital anomalies
Hereditary dystrophies
Acquired maculopathies
The basic defect is mediated via the Muller cells, leading to splitting of the retinal nerve fibre layer
from the rest of the sensory retina. [Muller cells are located in the inner nuclear layer of retina and
maintains structural and functional stability of retinal cells.]
The most common appearance is foveal schisis, appearing as spoke-like striae radiating from the
Peripheral retinoschisis in 50% cases
Gene therapy
On fundus examination, fundus may be normal or in some cases, bilateral Bull’s eye pattern of
macular depigmentation maybe seen.
Bull’s eye pattern- zone of hypo fluorescence over a central non fluorescent part.
Fundus auto fluorescence – intense hyper auto fluorescence of the yellowish lesions and hypo auto
fluorescence in the atrophied areas.
Stargardt disease (juvenile macular dystrophy) and fundus flavimaculatus (FFM) are regarded as
variants of the same disease, and together constitute the most common macular dystrophy.
Stargardt disease is a recessive, progressive tapetoretinal dystrophy of the central retina and
develops between the ages of 8 and 14 years.
Gradual impairment of central vision.
On fundus examination, Stargardt’s disease show beaten bronze or snail slime reflex in macular area
and fundus flavimaculatus shows yellowish white retinal flecks of variable size and shape distributed
over whole of posterior pole
ERG is usually normal for Stargardt’s disease but there will be changes in full field ERG for fundus
(also known as photo retinitis, eclipse retinopathy, blue light retinal injury)
Religious sun gazing, solar eclipse observing, telescopic solar viewing, sun bathing and sun watching
in psychiatric disorders.
Lightening retinopathy
Photochemical reaction following exposure of retina to shorter wavelength in the visible spectrum.
Decreased vision
Small yellow spot with grey margin may be noted in the foveolar and para foveolar region
Typical lesion: central burnt-out hole in the pigment epithelium surrounded by aggregation of
mottled pigment
Through ophthalmoscope: bean-or kidney shaped pigmented spot with yellowish white centre in the
foveal region, macular holes in worse cases.
Central serous choroidopathy is a focal disease of the retinal pigment epithelium and
Risk factors:
Type A personality
Steroid intake
Emotional stress
Cushing’s disease
Sympathetic drive,
Leakage of fluid
Development of localised
serous detachment of
neurosensory retina
Subretinal deposits
Clinical Course
Acute classic CSCR (central serous chorioretinopathy): short clinical course with spontaneous
resolution within 3-6 months
Bullous CSCR: rare, large and more numerous areas of serous detachments
in-point defect in Bruch’s membrane results in a smokestack or inkblot appearance in the late
FFA: Ink blot pattern: small hyperfluorescent spot which gradually increases in size
FFA: Smoke stack pattern: small hyperfluorescent spot which ascends vertically like a smoke-stack
and gradually spreads laterally to take a mushroom or umbrella configuration
Anti- VEGF
Accumulation of fluid in the outer plexiform and inner nuclear layers of the retina with the
formation of tiny cyst-like cavities.
Vitreomacular traction
Systemic disease
Breakdown of inner
blood retinal barrier
Leakage of fluid
Accumulation in
outer plexiform and
inner nuclear layer
of retina and
formation of cyst-
like changes
Loss of the foveal depression, thickening of the retina and multiple cystoid areas in the sensory
Risk Factors:-
Heredity –
Cataract surgeries
Blue iris
Female gender
Conventional classification
Clinical classification
Conventional classification:
90% of cases
# Small or medium sized Drunsens(They are well defined, yellowish white, slightly elevated spots)
#Focal pigmentation
2.Exudative ARMD
10% of cases
Choroidal neovascularization
Haemorrhagic PES
Clinical classification:
It’s of 2 types-
Smoking cessation
Intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy – First choice treatment. Improves vision in 30%-40% of cases
Transpupillary thermotherapy(TTT)
Surgical treatment
Macular Hole
Clinical Features:--
1.Decreased vision
3.Central scotoma
2.Watze Allen test – shows a line appearing broken which indicates macular hole
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Complete PVD
OCT confirms large thick holes with PVD from disc and macula
Differential Diagnosis of fundus appearance:-
Solar retinopathy
Intraretinal cyst
Stage 1 : Treatment not recommended. Close follow up and observation only required
Complications of surgery:-
Retinal detachment (RD) refers to separation of neurosensory retina from the retinal pigment
epithelium (RPE).
Myopia-40% cases
6. Trauma
8.Retinoschisis. This is a condition where there is splitting of the neurosensory retina and
vitreous degeneration. It is of two types: -
Photopsia (flashes of light) due to vitreoretinal traction
Localized relative loss in the field of vision of detachment retina, which is described by the patient as
a black curtain or veil in front of the eye.
Hypotony: The liquefied vitreous in the subretinal space is absorbed through the RPE leading to
Shafer’s sign: Pigments in anterior vitreous (tobacco dusting) is a feature of fresh RD.
Detached retina gives grey reflex, is raised, thrown into folds which oscillate with the movements of
the eye.
Retinal breaks holes (round, horse-shoe-shape or slit like) look reddish and are most frequently
Round in the periphery (commonest in the upper temporal quadrant).
Thinning of detached retina, secondary intraretinal cysts, subretinal demarcation lines are signs of
old RD
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy
Complicated cataract
Phthisis bulbi
It is done in Symptomatic break (associated with photopsia and floaters), Horse shoe tear, Superior,
especially superotemporal tears, Aphakia, One eyed patient
Scleral buckling: In this procedure, the sclera is indented by attaching an explant known as a buckle.
This pushes the RPE inwards towards the neurosensory retina. Subretinal fluid is drained and the
break is closed by laser or cryotherapy
Pneumatic retinopexy: In this procedure, the neurosensory retina is pushed towards the RPE by
injecting an expansile gas in the vitreous cavity. The break is then sealed with laser. Th commonly
used are Sulphur Hexafluoride and Perfluoropropane (C3F8)
Fibrovascular membranes in the vitreous due to long standing vitreous hemorrhage exert traction on
the retina. This pulls the retina forward leading to retinal detachment.
Eales’ disease
Detached retina is concave in configuration with highest elevation at the site of the tractional band.
No breaks are seen
Minimal mobility
Exudative fluid, mainly from choroid, collects in the sub retinal space leading to retinal detachment.
Toxemia pregnancy
Malignant hypertension
Coat’s disease,
Systemic steroid
1. Classification:
A. Primary tumours
1. Neuroblastic tumours. : These arise from sensory retina (retinoblastoma and astrocytoma) and
3. Phakomatoses:
B. Secondary tumours
2. Metastatic carcinomas from the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, lungs, and pancreas.
3. Metastatic sarcomas.
Mostly multifocal
Pseudo rosettes
Fleurttees formation
Defective vision
Ophthalmoscopic features like endophytic and exophytjc retinoblastoma
Enlarged eyeball
Conjunctiva is congested
IOP raised
Rapid fungation
Marked proptosis
Lymphatic spread
Direct extension
D/D of leukocoria
Congenital cataract
Coats disease
Endophytic retinoblastoma
Exophytic retinoblastoma
EXAMINATION UNDER ANAESTHESIA:Fundus examination,measurement of IOP,corneal diameter
Laser photocoagulation
Transpupillary thermotherapy
Capillary haemangioma
Cavernous haemangioma
Racemose haemangioma
Laser photocoagulation
Vitreoretinal surgery
CNS haemangioma
Renal carcinoma
Vasoproliferative tumour
Cryotherapy or brachytherapy
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma can manifest with conjunctival involvement, orbital involvement, Mikulicz
syndrome and uveal infiltration.
CNS B-cell lymphoma may be associated with intermediate uveitis and sub-RPE infiltrates.
Intravitreal methotrexate
Systemic chemotherapy
Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE) used to encompass three entities
with distinct features and implications:
1. Angiomatosis retinae (Von Hippel Lindau’s syndrome). This is a rare condition affecting males
more often than females, in the third and fourth decade of life. Angiomatosis involves retina, brain,
spinal cord, kidneys and adrenals. Clinical course of angiomatosis retinae comprises vascular
dilatation, tortuosity and formation of aneurysms which vary from small and 72frica7272 to balloon-
like angiomas
Enucleation refers to excision of the eyeball. It can be performed under local anaesthesia in
adults and under general anaesthesia in children. Indications
2. Relative indications are painful blind eye, nonresponsive to conservative measure mutilating
ocular injuries
3. Indication for eye donation from cadaver is presently the most common indication
The visual pathway starts from retina and ends in visual cortex
optic optic optic visual
retina optic tracts geniculate
nerves chiasma radiations cortex
lesions of visual
optic nerve lesions chiasmal lesions
• Intrinsic
→ Glioma and multiple sclerosis
• Extrinsic
→ Pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngiomas and meningioma
• Other causes
→ Metabolic, toxic, traumatic and inflammatory conditions
Chiasmal syndrome
lesions of lateral
lesions of optic lesions of optic lesions of visual
tract radiations cortex
→ Characteristic features
▪ Incongruous homonymous hemianopia
▪ Wernicke’s reaction
▪ Descending type of partial optic atrophy
▪ Ipsilateral third nerve palsy and ipsilateral hemiplegia
Lesions of lateral geniculate nucleus
→ Characteristic features
▪ Homonymous hemianopia
▪ Descending type of partial optic atrophy
→ Characteristic features
• Amaurotic light reflex – absence of direct light reflex on affected side and consensual
reflex on the normal side
• Efferent pathway defect – absence of both direct and consensual light reflex on the
affected side only
• Wernicke’s hemianopic pupil – lesion in optic tract. ipsilateral direct and
contralateral consensual reflex is absent
• Marcus Gunn pupil – due to relative afferent pathway defect.
• Argyll Robertson pupil – both pupils are small and irregular. light reflex absent. near
reflex present.
• Adies tonic pupil – light reflex absent. near reflex is slow and tonic
Difference between the size of two pupils is known as anisocoria
• physiological
o minimal
• pathological
o due to abnormal miosis and mydriasis of one pupil
• pupil size
• pupillary light reflex
• pharmacological tests
diseases of
optic nerve
An inflammation of the optic nerve is known as optic neuritis.
• Idiopathic
• Hereditary optic neuritis
• Demyelinating disorders
• Parainfectious optic neuritis
• Infectious optic neuritis
• Autoimmune disorders
• Toxic optic neuritis
Clinical profile:
Anatomical types
papillitis neuroretinitis
▪ Typical neuritis – optic neuritis associated with demyelinating disorders as in multiple
▪ Atypical neuritis – optic neuritis associated with causes other than demyelinating
Clinical features
Symptoms Signs
• Vision loss – monocular, sudden, • ↓ visual acuity
progressive and profound loss • ↓ colour vision
• ↓ dark adaptation • Marcus Gunn pupil
• Visual obscuration in bright light • Central or centrocaecal scotoma
• Impaired colour vision • ↓ contrast sensitivity
• Uhthoff’s symptom
• Pulfrich’s phenomenon
Differential diagnosis
▪ Papillitis
▪ Acute retrobulbar neuritis
▪ Multifocal VEP
▪ MRI scan of brain and orbit
▪ Treat the underlying cause
▪ Corticosteroid therapy
o Oral prednisolone therapy
o Methylprednisolone i.v.
▪ Interferon therapy
▪ It is characterised by sequential subacute
optic neuropathy in males aged 11 – 30
▪ Point mutation in mitochondrial DNA – MT-
▪ Transmitted by carrier females.
Clinical features
▪ Early cases – asymptomatic
▪ ↓ bilateral visual acuity
▪ Centrocaecal scotoma among others
▪ Oct optic disc – peripapillary retinal thinning
▪ Fluorescein angiography
▪ Genetic testing
▪ No known effective treatment
▪ Avoid smoking and alcohol
▪ Avoid dietary deficiency – vitamin B12
▪ Low vision aids
recessive dominant
Excessive tobacco smoking
↓ ↓ cyanide detoxification due to
↑ cyanide in blood ← alcoholic’s dietary deficiency of
↓ sulfur rich proteins
Degeneration of ganglion cells
particularly of the macular region
Degeneration of Toxic
Papillo- macular bundle → Amblyopia
in the nerve
Clinical features Treatment Prognosis
Clinical features
General symptoms Ocular features
Headache Complete blindness
Nausea Mild disc edema
Vomiting Markedly narrowed blood vessels
Dizziness Bilateral primary optic atrophy
▪ Gastric lavage
▪ Administration of alkali
▪ Ethyl alcohol
▪ Eliminative treatment
Prognosis is poor
▪ It refers to ischemic damage to the optic nerve head from occlusion of the short
posterior ciliary arteries.
▪ Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AAION)
▪ Non arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAAION)
Etiology ▪ Inflammatory and thrombic ▪ Unknown
occlusion of short posterior
ciliary arteries caused giant
cell arteritis
Clinical ▪ Headache ▪ Headache
features ▪ Tenderness ▪ Scalp tenderness
▪ Jaw claudication ▪ Jaw claudication
▪ Transient ischemic attacks ▪ Amaurosis fugax
▪ Central retinal artery ▪ Visual loss
occlusion ▪ Optic disc edema
▪ Diplopia
Investigations ▪ Fundus fluorescein ▪ ESR
angiography ▪ C reactive proteins
▪ Visual fields ▪ FFA
▪ ESR & c – reactive protein
▪ Temporal artery biopsy
Treatment ▪ Corticosteroid therapy ▪ Addressing systemic
risk factors
▪ Aspirin
▪ direct
▪ indirect
Direct Indirect
Less common More common
Due to Direct anatomical disruption of optic Due to Shearing or avulsion of nutrient
nerve in cranio-orbital trauma vessels or by pressure transmitted along
bone to the optic canal
Characteristic features
▪ loss of vision
▪ pupil dilation
▪ loss of ipsilateral direct reflex and contralateral consensual light reflex
▪ Marcus Gunn pupil
▪ diminished light brightness sensitivity
▪ diminished contrast sensitivity
▪ central or centrocaecal scotoma
▪ CT
▪ methylprednisolone i.v. in high doses
▪ surgical decompression of optic canal
▪ Congenital conditions
▪ Intracranial space occupying lesions
▪ Intracranial infections and hemorrhages
▪ Obstruction of CSF absorption
▪ Tumours of spinal cord
▪ Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
▪ Systemic conditions
▪ Diffuse cerebral edema
Unilateral papilloedema is seen in Foster Kennedy Syndrome and Pseudo Foster Kennedy
Hayreh’s theory is the most accepted theory
Clinical features
General features
▪ Headache
▪ Nausea
▪ Projectile vomiting
▪ Diplopia
Ocular features
Early Established Chronic Atrophic
Symptoms Absent Transient visual - -
Visual Normal Normal ↓ Severely impaired
Ophthalmic ▪ Obscuration of ▪ Disc edema ▪ Dome of ▪ Greyish white
features disc margins ▪ Obliterated champagne discoloration
▪ Blurring of physiological cork and pallor of
peripapillary cup of optic appearance disc
nerve fiber disc ▪ Central cup ▪ ↓ prominence
layer ▪ Multiple obliterated of the disc
▪ Absence of cotton wool ▪ Presence of ▪ Narrowed
spontaneous spots and corpora retinal
venous superficial amylacea arterioles
pulsation in the hemorrhages ▪ Congested
disc ▪ Tortuous and veins
▪ Mild hyperemia engorged ▪ White
of disc veins sheathing
▪ Splinter ▪ Paton’s lines around blood
hemorrhages vessels
Pupillary Normal Normal Normal Impaired light
reactions reflex
Visual Normal Enlargement of Blind spot Concentric
fields blind spot enlarge and contraction of
visual field peripheral field
Prognosis is bad
▪ It refers to the degeneration of optic nerve which occurs as an end result of any
pathologic process that damages axons in the anterior visual system
pathological features
Following 3 situations can occur
▪ Degeneration of nerve fibres associated with excessive gliosis
▪ Degeneration and gliosis may be orderly
▪ Degeneration of nerve fibres with negligible gliosis
Type Etiology
Primary ▪ Multiple sclerosis
▪ Idiopathic retrobulbar neuritis
▪ Leber’s optic atrophy
▪ Intracranial tumours
▪ Trauma or avulsion
▪ Toxic amblyopia
▪ Tabes dorsalis
Consecutive Secondary to
o Diffuse chorioretinitis
o Retinitis pigmentosa
o Pathological myopia
o Occlusion of central retinal artery
Post neuritic ▪ As a sequela to long standing papilloedema or papillitis
Glaucomatous ▪ Long standing raised ICT
Vascular ▪ Giant cell arteritis
▪ Severe hemorrhage
▪ Severe anemia
▪ Quinine poisoning
Clinical features
▪ Loss of vision
▪ Semi-dilated pupil
▪ Sluggish or absent direct light reflex
▪ Presence of Marcus Gunn pupil
Differential diagnosis
APPEARANCE Chalky white Dirty grey white Waxy pallor
MARGINS Well defined Ill defined Well defined
LAMINA CRIBROSA Well seen Obscured Well seen
VESSELS Normal Peripapillary Allenuation
SURROUNDING Healthy Hyaline bodies / Pathology seen
RETINA drusen
▪ Treat the underlying cause
▪ Once there is complete atrophy, vision cannot be recovered
• Normal color vision- trichromate (see 3 primary colors i.e. Red, blue and green)
• Absence of one or more primary colors is defective or absent
color blindness achromatopsia
▪ Total color blindness
▪ Day blindness (6/60 visual acuity)
▪ Nystagmus
▪ Fundus is usually normal
Amaurosis fugax:
Sudden temporary painless monocular loss of vision due to transient failure of retinal
▪ Carotid transient ischemic attacks
▪ Embolization of retinal circulation
▪ Papilloedema
▪ Giant cell arteritis
▪ Raynaud’s disease
▪ Migraine
▪ Hypertensive
▪ Venous stasis retinopathy
Clinical characteristics:
▪ Typical present as curtain that descends from above or ascends from below to
occupy upper or lower half of visual fields
▪ Lasts for 2 to 5 mins
▪ Resolves in reverse pattern of progression
▪ Shortly after the attack, fundus may normal or show signs of retinal ischemia as
edema, hemorrhage or emboli
Uraemic amaurosis:
▪ Sudden, bilateral complete loss of sight due to toxic materials upon cells of visual
centre in patients with acute nephritis, eclampsia of pregnancy, renal failure.
▪ Presentation: loss with dilated pupil responses to light, fundus normal except
hypertensive retinopathy
▪ Vision returns in 12 to 48 hrs
▪ Partial loss of sight in one or both eyes in absence of ophthalmoscopic or other
marked signs
▪ May be congenital or acquired (functional or organic)
▪ Functional amblyopia: from psychical suppression of retinal image, it may be
anisometric/strabismic/stimulus deprivation
▪ Bilateral occipital lobe lesion
▪ Bilateral occipital infarction by vascular causes
▪ Head injury involving bilateral occipital lobes
▪ Tumors among others
Clinical features:
▪ Bilateral loss of vision
▪ Normal pupillary light reflexes
▪ Visual imagination
▪ Anton syndrome: denial of blindness by the patient who obviously cannot see
▪ Riddoch phenomenon: able to perceive kinetic but not static targets.
▪ Person poses to be blind but he is not
▪ He does to gain advantage. He does not show any objective sign. Usually one eye is
said to be blind
Differential diagnosis: to rule out condition with normal anterior segment and fundus.
▪ Amblyopia
▪ Cortical blindness
▪ Retro bulbar neuritis
▪ Cone rod dystrophy
▪ Chiasmal tumors
Tests for malingering:
▪ Convex lens test:
Place low convex/concave lens (0.25) before blind eye and high power(10d) in
front of normal eye if the patient reads distant words, malingering is proved
Hysterical blindness
o It is a form of psychoneurosis, commonly seen in attention seeking females
Characteristic features
o Sudden bilateral loss of vision
o Lacrimation
o Blepharospasm
o Visual fields are concentrically contracted
o Treatment
o Psychological support and reassurance
o Placebo tablets
Visual agnosia
▪ Definition
It refers to a rare disorder in which ability to recognise the objects by sight is
impaired while the ability to recognise by touch, smell or sound is intact
▪ Types
Prosopagnosia – can’t identify familiar faces
Object agnosia – can’t identify familiar objects
▪ Associated features
Bilateral homonymous hemianopia
Visual hallucinations
▪ Definition
▪ Types
o Elementary – colours, flashes, etc
o Complex – includes objects, peoples or animals
▪ Causes
o Occipital and temporal lobe lesions
o Drug induced
o Charles bonnet syndrome
o migraine
o Psychiatric disorders
Alexia and agraphia
▪ Alexia – inability to read
▪ Agraphia – inability to write
▪ Alexa associated with agraphia – lesions of angulate gyrus of the dominant
▪ Alexa without agraphia – lesions that destroy the visual pathway in left occipital
lobe and associated fibres from right occipital lobe
Visual illusions
▪ E.g.: palinopsia, optic anaesthesia, etc can also occur.
▪ It mostly occurs in lesions in occipital, occipitoparietal or occipitotemporal regions
Intracranial infections
o Meningitis
o Encephalitis
o Brain abscess
o Neurosyphilis
Intracranial aneurysms
▪ they produce complications by following mechanisms
o Pressure effects
o Aneurysm of circle of Willis
o Posterior communicating artery aneurysm
o Vertebrobasilar artery aneurysms
o Production of arteriolar venous fistula
o Subarachnoid hemorrhage
o Intracranial hemorrhage
Demyelinating diseases
Ocular manifestations
▪ Multiple sclerosis – unilateral optic neuritis, internuclear ophthalmoplegia and
vestibular or cerebellar nystagmus
▪ Devic’s disease – bilateral optic neuritis
▪ Schilders disease – optic neuritis, cortical blindness, ophthalmoplegia and nystagmus
Definition :
i.e in normal individual the image is formed on fovea of both eyes, but the individual
perceives a single image.
Development of BSV:
• It is a conditioned reflex
• acquired after 6 months
• normal retinal correspondence is prerequisite for BSV
Important milestones:
Grades of BSV:
• when normal eye is( fixating eye) is covered the squinting eye is fixed (suppression
4. synoptophore test
Partial reversible loss of vision in one or both eyes, for which no cause can be found by
physical exam. i.e Absence of any organic disease to ocular media, retina, visual pathway
• If the child cannot use one or both eyes for any reason the vision is not
. due to uniocular suppression with unilateral constant squint who fixate with normal eye
. one eye is totally excluded from seeing early in life in congenital or traumatic 3frica33,
complete ptosis, Dense central corneal opacity
. occurs in the eye having higher degree of refractive error than the other
. 1-2D hypermetropic anisometropia cause amblyopia but 3D myopic anisometropia does not
1. Visual acuity:
- decreases
visual acuity is
- amblyopia is improved
7. Crowding phenomenon :
visually acuity is less when tested with multiple letter charts- snellen’s charts.
8. Fixation pattern :
central/ eccentric
Degree of amblyopia in eccentric fixation is proportional to the distance of the eccentric point
from the fovea
9. Colour vision :
usually normal but affected in deep amblyopia
. occlusion of normal eye forcing the use of amblyopia eye is the main treatment
. Simplified schedule for occlusion therapy upto 2 years ->2:1 (2 days normal eye 1 day
amblyopic eye)
4th year->4:1
Duration of occlusion should be until the visual acuity develops fully, or there is no further
improvement of vision after 3 months of occlusion.
11. Penalization
Perceptual learning
In squint , there occurs an active cortical adjustment in the directional values of the two retinae.
Hence, fovea of normal eye& extra foveal point on the retina of the squinting eye acquire a common
visual direction.
4. Synoptophore test
refers to formation of images on the dissimilar points of the two retinae. There are 2
1. Uncrossed
2. Crossed
Uncrossed:- (harmonious)
an object appears double from the affected eye even when the normal eye is closed
5. Keratoconus -> diplopia due to changed refractive power of cornea in different parts
Treatment of diplopia;
• Definition
• Heterophoria
• Concomitant strabismus
• A misalignment of the visual axes of the two eyes is called squint or strabismus
• The visual axis passes from the fovea, through the nodal point of the eye, to the
point of fixation.
Pseudo strabismus:
• The visual axis passes from the fovea, through the nodal point of the eye, to the point of
• Angle kappa is the angle, usually about 5°, subtended by the visual and anatomical axes.
• The angle is positive(normal) when the fovea is temporal to the centre of the posterior
pole resulting in a nasal displacement of the corneal reflex, and negative when the converse
• Heterophoria implies a tendency of the eyes to deviate when fusion [correct blending of
images of both eyes] is blocked (latent squint).
• Orthophoria implies perfect ocular alignment in the absence of any stimulus for fusion;
this is uncommon.
Types of heterophoria:
ESOPHORIA (latent convergent EXOPHORIA (latent divergent HYPER CYCLOPHORIA
squint) squint) PHORIA (Latent torsional deviation)
Tendency of eye ball to deviate Tendency of eye ball to deviate Tendency of eye ball Tendency of eye ball to rotate
inward outward to deviate upward around anteroposterior axis
Types: Types: Types:
• Convergence excess • Convergence weakness • Incyclophoria: When 12’o
type (esophoria more type (exophoria more clock meridian of cornea
for near fixation than for near fixation) rotates nasally
distant) • Divergence excess type • Excyclophoria: When 12’o
• Divergence weakness (more for distant clock meridian of cornea
type (more for distant fixation) rotates temporally)
fixation) • Nonspecific type
• Nonspecific type
1.Anatomical factors:
• Orbital symmetry
• Abnormal interpupillary distance (wide: exophoria, small: exophoria)
• Faulty insertion of extraocular muscles
• A mild degree of extraocular muscle weakness
• Abnormal innervation
• Anatomical variation in the position of the macula
2.Physiological factors:
• Compensated heterophoria: Compensation of heterophoria depends upon the reserve
neuro-muscular power to overcome the muscular imbalance and individual’s desire for
maintenance of binocular vision
• Decompensated heterophoria: they are grouped as:
Symptoms of muscular fatigue Symptoms of failure to Symptoms of defective
maintain binocular singular postural sensations
• Headache and eye • Blurring • Problems in
ache • Intermittent diplopia judging distances
• Difficulty in changing • Intermittent squint and positions of
the focus moving objects
• Photophobia
• Cover one eye with an 9frica9 and the other is made to fix on an object
• Deviation of eye undercover is observed
3.Measurement of heterophoria:
• It is a type of manifest squint in which the amount of deviation in the squinting eye remains
constant (unaltered) in all the directions of gaze; and there is no associated limitation of
ocular movements.
The obstacles in the development of binocular vision and coordination of ocular movements are:
• Ocular deviation
• Ocular movements are not limited
• Refractive error (may or may not be present)
• Suppression and amblyopia (decreased eyesight due to abnormal visual development)
• A-V patterns in horizontal strabismus
Clinico-etiological types:
1. Infantile esotropia
2. Accommodative esotropia (refractive, non-refractive and mixed)
3. Acquired non accommodative esotropia
4. Sensory esotropia
5. Consecutive esotropia
1. Infantile esotropia:
2. Accommodative esotropia
It includes:
4. Sensory esotropia
• Sensory or secondary esotropia is caused by a unilateral reduction in visual
acuity that interferes with or abolishes fusion; causes can include cataract,
optic atrophy or hypoplasia, macular scarring or retinoblastoma.
5. Consecutive esotropia
• Consecutive esotropia follows surgical overcorrection of an exodeviation
• Congenital exotropia
• Primary exotropia (intermittent and constant)
• Sensory exotropia
• Consecutive exotropia
1. Congenital exotropia
• Presentation is often at birth.
• Signs – Normal refraction
-Large and constant angle.
• Neurological anomalies are frequently present, in contrast
with infantile esotropia.
• Treatment is mainly surgical and consists of lateral rectus
recession and medial rectus resection.
2. Primary exotropia
• Intermittent exotropia: most common type. Age of onset 2-5 years
Deviation is present at times and remains latent at others
• If untreated, intermittent exotropia may decompensate into constant exotropia
3. Sensory exotropia
• Secondary (sensory) exotropia is the result of monocular or binocular visual
impairment by acquired lesions, such as cataract or other media opacity.
4. Consecutive exotropia
• Consecutive exotropia develops spontaneously in an amblyopic eye, or more
frequently following surgical correction of an esodeviation.
• History:
• Examination:
• Inspection
• Ocular movements
• Pupillary reactions
• Media and fundus examination
• Testing of vision and refractive error
• Cover tests
▪ Direct cover test: the patient is asked to fixate on a point light.
Then, the normal looking eye is covered while observing the
movement of the uncovered eye. In the presence of squint the
uncovered eye will move in opposite direction to take fixation,
while in apparent squint there will be no movement.
▪ Cover- uncover test (mentioned in examination for heterophoria)
▪ Alternate cover test: It reveals whether the squint is unilateral or
alternate and also differentiates concomitant squint from
paralytic squint (where secondary deviation is greater than
• Estimation of angle of deviation can be done by
▪ Hirschberg corneal reflex test:
the patient is asked to fixate at point light held at a
distance of 33 cm and the deviation of the corneal light
reflex from the centre of pupil is noted in the squinting
eye. Roughly, the angle of squint is 15o and 45o when the
corneal light reflex falls on the border of pupil and limbus,
▪ The prism and cover test (refer examination of
▪ Modified Krimsky corneal reflex test:
o After- image test: In this test the right fovea is stimulated with a
vertical and left with a horizontal bright light and the patient is
asked to draw the position of after-images. Results are:
Normal retinal correspondence Draws cross
Esotropic patient with abnormal retinal Draws vertical image to the left
correspondence: of horizontal
Exotropic patient with abnormal retinal Draws vertical image to the right
correspondence: of horizontal
Concomitant Strabismus
It is a type of heterotropia (manifest squint) in which the amount of deviation varies in different
directions of gaze. It includes following conditions:
1. Paralytic squint.
2. ‘A’ and ‘V’ pattern heterotropias.
3. Restrictive squint.
Paralytic strabismus
It refers to ocular deviation resulting from complete or incomplete paralysis of one or more
extraocular muscles.
1. Neurogenic lesions.
2. Myogenic lesions.
3. Neuromuscular junction lesions.
Neurogenic lesions
1. Neurogenic lesions may occur at the level of nerve nucleus, nerve root, or any part of the in its
2. Nuclear ophthalmoplegia refers to paralysis of extraocular muscles due to lesions of 3rd cranial
nerve. They are more often bilateral.
Causes of neurogenic lesions:
16. Congenital.
Hypoplasia or absence of nucleus is a known cause of third and sixth cranial nerve palsies. Birth
injuries may mimic congenital lesions.
17. Inflammatory lesions.
These may be in the form of encephalitis, meningitis, neurosyphilis or peripheral neuritis
(commonly viral). Nerve trunks may also be involved in the infectious lesions of cavernous sinus and
18. Neoplastic lesions.
These include brain tumours involving nuclei, nerve roots or intracranial part of the nerves; and
intraorbital tumours involving peripheral parts of the nerves.
4. Vascular lesions.
(a) These are known in patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. These
may be in the form of haemorrhages, thrombosis, embolism, aneurysms or vascular occlusions.
Cerebrovascular accidents are more common in elderly people.
(b) Ophthalmoplegic migraine or episodic ophthalmoplegia is a well-known vascular condition
characterized by recurrent attacks of headache associated with paralysis of 3rd (most common), 4th or
6th cranial nerve.
I The condition is often unilateral, persists for days or weeks and even tends to become
permanent, in some cases.
5. Traumatic lesions.
These include head injury and direct or indirect trauma to the nerve trunks. Head injury is common
cause of 6th nerve palsy.
Eye injury
Clinical features
26. Diplopia.
It is the main symptom of paralytic squint. It is more marked in the field of action of paralyzed
muscle. It may be crossed (in divergent squint) or uncrossed (in convergent squint). It may be
horizontal, vertical or oblique depending on the muscle paralyzed.
Diplopia occurs due to formation of image on dissimilar points of the two retinae. The false image
(seen by the squinting eye)
is less distinct than the true image (seen by the other eye).
27. Confusion.
It occurs due to formation of image of two different objects on the corresponding points of two
28. Nausea and vertigo.
These result from diplopia and confusion and may cause vomiting also.
29. Ocular deviation is typically a sudden onset.
30. Primary deviation.
It is deviation of the affected eye and is away from the action of paralysed muscle, e.g., if lateral
rectus is paralysed the eye is converged. Angle of deviation varies in different directions of
gaze (incomitant).
2. Secondary deviation.
(1) It is deviation of the normal eye seen under cover, when the patient is made to fix with the
squinting eye. It is greater than the primary deviation.
(2) This is due to the fact that the strong impulse of innervation required to enable the eye with
paralysed muscle to fix is also transmitted to the yoke muscle of the sound eye resulting in a greater
amount of deviation. This is based on Hering’s law
of equal innervation of yoke muscles.
31. Restriction of ocular movement
It occurs in the direction of the action of paralysed muscles.
4. Compensatory head posture.
(1) It is adopted to avoid diplopia and confusion. Head is turned towards the direction of action
of the paralysed muscle, e.g., if the
right lateral rectus is paralysed, patient will keep the head turned towards right.
(2) Ocular torticollis refers to tilting of head and chin depression occurring to compensate for the
vertical diplopia. It needs to be
differentiated from the true torticollis occurring due to undue contracture of sternocleidomastoid
32. False projection or orientation.
It is due to increased innervational impulse conveyed to the paralysed muscle. It can be
demonstrated by asking the patient
to close the sound eye and then to fix an object placed on the side of paralysed muscle.Patient will
locate it further away in the same direction.
‘A’ Esotropia
In the absence of vertical muscle anomaly, resection of the lateral recti with displacement of the
insertions downwards should be effective in patients with a greater deviation for distance than for
In those with ‘A’ esotropia associated with convergence excess, recession of the medial recti with
shifting of the insertions upwards is effective. Large degrees of esotropia in small children, with gross
overaction of the superior obliques, may respond to bilateral weakening of the muscle.
‘A’ esotropia
‘A’ Exotropia
Smaller degrees may be helped by resection of the medial recti with elevation of the insertions
but the results are disappointing. Large degrees in small children with overaction of the superior
obliques respond to bilateral weakening of this muscle.
‘A’ exotropia
1. Primary superior oblique overaction is usually associated with exodeviation in the primary
position of gaze.
2. Inferior oblique underaction/palsy with subsequent superior
oblique overaction.
43. Inferior rectus underaction.
Patients with oblique dysfunction are treated by superior oblique posterior tenotomy. Treatment
of cases without oblique muscle
dysfunction is as follows:
1. ‘A’ pattern esotropia is treated by bilateral medial rectus recessions and upward transposition
of the tendons.
2. ‘A’ pattern exotropia is treated by bilateral lateral rectus recessions and downward
transposition of the tendons.
‘V’ Esotropia
In the absence of vertical muscle anomaly, recession of the medial recti with displacement of the
insertions downwards is effective. If overaction of the inferior obliques is present, this responds to
bilateral anteroposition of this muscle with recession of the medial rectus muscles. If the overaction
is gross, the anteroposition should be combined with recession of the inferior oblique.
V pattern Esotropia
‘V’ Exotropia
In the absence of marked vertical muscle anomaly, recessions of the lateral recti with
displacement of the insertions upwards is effective.
If overaction of the inferior obliques is present, bilateral anteroposition of the muscle is effective,
with or without recession of the muscle, depending on the degree of overaction. Recession of the
lateral recti may be performed at the same time.
V pattern Exotropia
2. Superior oblique underaction with subsequent inferior oblique overaction, seen in infantile
esotropia as well as other childhood esotropias. The eyes are often straight in upgaze with a marked
esodeviation in downgaze.
2.‘V’ pattern exotropia can be treated by bilateral lateral rectus recessions and upward
transposition of the tendons.
Strabismus Surgery
The most common aims of surgery on the extraocular muscles are to correct misalignment to
improve appearance.
Surgical techniques
1. Muscle weakening procedures include recession, marginal myotomy and myectomy.
2. Muscle strengthening procedures are resection, tucking and advancement.
3. Procedures that change direction of muscle action.These include:
(a) Vertical transposition of horizontal recti to correct ‘A’ and ‘V’ patterns,
(b) Posterior fixation suture (Faden operation) to correct dissociated vertical deviation, and
ITransplantation of muscles .
Weakening procedures
Recession slackens a muscle by moving it away from its insertion.It can be performed on any muscle
except the superior oblique.
Steps of recession :
1. Muscle is exposed by reflecting a flap of overlying conjunctiva and Tenon’s capsule.
2. Two vicryl sutures are passed through the outer quarters of the muscle tendon near the insertion.
3. The muscle tendon is disinserted from the sclera with the help of tenotomy scissors.
4. The amount of recession is measured with the callipers and marked on the sclera.
5. The muscle tendon is sutured with the sclera at the marked site posterior to original insertion.
6. Conjunctival flap is sutured back.
Technique of recession
1. Disinsertion (or myectomy) involves detaching a muscle from its insertion without reattachment.
2. It is most commonly used to weaken an overacting inferior oblique muscle, when the technique
is the same as for a recession except that the muscle is not sutured.
3.Very occasionally, disinsertion is performed on a severely contracted rectus muscle.
Strengthening procedures
Resection shortens a muscle to enhance its effective pull. It is suitable only for a rectus muscle and
involves the
following steps:
. 1. Muscle is exposed as for recession and the amount to be resected is measured with callipers
and marked.
2. Two absorbable sutures are passed through the outer quarters of the muscles at the marked
3. The muscle tendon is disinserted from the sclera and the portion of the muscle anterior to
sutures is excised.
4. The muscle stump is sutured with the sclera at the original insertion site.
5. Conjunctival flap is sutured back.
Technique of resection
Transposition refers to the relocation of one or more extraocular muscles to substitute for the
action of an absent or severely
deficient muscle. The most common indication is severe lateral rectus weakness due to acquired
sixth cranial nerve palsy other applications include CCDD (e.g. Duane syndrome), alphabet patterns
and monocular elevation deficit.
Transposition of the superior and inferior rectus muscles in lateral rectus palsy
Adjustable sutures
The results of strabismus surgery can be improved by the use of adjustable suture techniques on
the rectus muscles. These are particularly indicated when a precise outcome is essential and when
the results with more conventional procedures are likely to be
unpredictable; for example, acquired vertical deviations associated with thyroid myopathy or
following a blow-out fracture of the
floor of the orbit.
Other indications include sixth nerve palsy, adult exotropia and re-operations in which scarring of
surrounding tissues may make the final outcome unpredictable. The main contraindication is
inability to tolerate postoperative suture
adjustment (e.g. young children).
Postoperative adjustment
This is performed under topical anaesthesia, usually a few hours after surgery when the patient is
fully awake.
1.The accuracy of alignment is assessed.
2. If ocular alignment is satisfactory the muscle suture is tied off and its long ends cut short.
3.If more recession is required, the bow is pulled anteriorly along the muscle suture, thereby
providing additional slack to the recessed muscle and enabling it to move posteriorly
45. If less recession is required, the muscle suture is pulled anteriorly and the knot tightened against
the muscle stump
46. Once alignment is satisfactory, the main knot is secured, the sliding loop removed and the
conjunctiva closed.
• Definition –
o It is the term applied to the rapid oscillatory movements of the eyes, independent of
normal eye movements.
o Oscillations are involuntary
o Lateral (Usually)/ Vertical/ Rotatory/ Mixed
o Almost always bilateral
• Classification
Based on Aetiology
Physiological Pathological
1. End gaze Congenital Acquired
2. Optokinetic a)Infantile manifest a)Secondary to visual loss
3. Vestibulo-ocular reflexes b)Infantile latent b)Toxic and Metabolic
c) Infantile manifest- c)Neurological disorders
d)Nystagmus blockage
Physiological Nystagmus –
• Optokinetic Nystagmus –
o Jerky nystagmus
o Induced by moving repetitive visual patterns across the visual field.
o Slow phase – direction of moving pattern
Fast phase – opposite direction
o Rail road nystagmus
o Clinical Application – Testing visual acuity in infants or young children and for
detecting malingering.
• End-Gaze Nystagmus –
o Fine jerk horizontal nystagmus
o Seen in extreme gaze positions
• Vestibulo-ocular Nystagmus –
o Jerk Nystagmus
o Involves semicircular canals
o Can be produced physiologically by- rotation in specially designed chair or syringing
the ears
o Conjugate movement to opposite side induced by syringing one ear with cold water
o COWS {Cold – OPPOSITE; Warm – SAME} – one ear
o CUWD {Cold – UP; Warm – DOWN} – both ears
o Vestibular nystagmus + Interstitial keratitis = Cogan Syndrome
Pathological Nystagmus –
2) Acquired Nystagmus
✓ Late onset or acquired nystagmus
✓ Usually characterized by Oscillopsia and other neurological abnormalities
✓ [Oscillopsia – is the perception of the environment appearing to oscillate horizontally,
vertically or torsionally]
• Vestibular Nystagmus
I. Up beat Nystagmus
o Fast phase in upward direction
o Cause: Phenytoin sodium intoxication/ vermis of cerebellum – lesions
❖ Brun’s Nystagmus
o Low frequency, large amplitude nystagmus when the patient looks towards the
side of the lesion – GAZE EVOKED
o High frequency, small amplitude nystagmus when the patient looks towards
the side opposite to the lesion – VESTIBULAR IMBALANCE
o Cause: Tumors in cerebro-pontine angle
• Differential diagnosis –
o Ocular bobbing –
✓ Neoplasms involving pontine brainstem – poor prognosis
✓ Loss of caloric response
o Flutter-like oscillations
✓ Interruptions of cerebellar connections into the brainstem
✓ Overshooting/ Undershooting the target
o Opsoclonus
✓ Wild, chaotic movements
✓ Frequent myoclonic movement of face, arms and legs
✓ Follows an episode benign encephalitis
✓ Good prognosis
• Treatment –
o Proper history must be taken and the exact cause must be identified before
prescribing suitable treatment
o Optical aids such as spectacles, prisms and contact lenses
o Medications for specific conditions
o Biofeedback – Training mechanisms to reduce nystagmus
Applied anatomy
Edema of eyelids
Inflammatory edema
Solid edema
Passive edema
Eyelash disorders
Pre malignant
o Mobile tissue curtains placed in front of eyeballs
o Protect eyes from injuries and excessive light
o Spread tear film over cornea and conjunctiva
o Drainage of tears by lacrimal pump system
Divided by horizontal sulcus
• Orbital part
• Tarsal part
• The region where the two eyelids meet – medial and lateral angles
Palpebral aperture:
• Elliptical space between the upper and lower lid (10-11mm vertically in the centre;
28-30mm horizontally)
Lid margin:
• 2mm broad – divided by punctum – medial lacrimal portion (rounded and devoid of
lashes) and lateral ciliary portion (rounded anterior border sharp posterior border
and an intermarginal strip between the two borders)
⑦ layers
2) Subcutaneous areolar
tissue – loose connective tissue
containing no fat; readily distended
by edema or blood
o Arteries – Marginal arterial arcades; another- Superior arterial arcade in the
upper eyelid alone
o Veins – Two plexuses – Post-tarsal -> Ophthalmic veins; Pre-tarsal ->
Subcutaneous veins
o Lymphatics – Pre-tarsal and Post-tarsal - Lateral half -> Preauricular lymph
nodes; Medial half -> Submandibular lymph nodes
o Motor nerve – facial nerve (orbicularis muscle); Oculomotor (LPS Muscle);
Sympathetic fibres (Muller’s muscle)
o Sensory nerve – Branches of trigeminal – lacrimal, supraorbital, supratrochlear
for upper eyelid; Infraorbital and Infratrochlear branch for lower eye lid.
• Congenital weakness of Levator palpebral superiors
• Abnormal drooping of eyelids
• Full thickness triangular gap in tissue of lids
• Usually occurs near nasal side & involves upper lid
• Semicircular fold of skin covers medial canthus
• Extra row of cilia occupies the position of meibomian glands which open into their
follicles as ordinary sebaceous gland
• Lids fail to develop and skin passes continuously from the eyebrow
1. Eyelids are small
2. Associated with microphthalmos or Anophthalmus
• May be very small or absent as like ablepharon
• Horizontal fold of tissue rises above lower eyelid margin.
• Usually disappears with growth of face
• Unilateral or bilateral horizontal widening of palpebral fissure
• Associated with lateral canthal malposition & lateral ectropion.
• also known as ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum (AFA)
• single or multiple strands of connective tissue join the upper and lower lid margins
except in medial and lateral canthi
Inflammation of lid Inflammation of eyeball Inflammation of orbit
• Dermatitis • Acute iridocyclitis • Orbital cellulitis
• Stye • Endophthalmitis • Orbital abscess
• Insect bites • Panophthalmitis • Pseudotumor
• Cellulitis
• Lid abscess
Inflammation of lacrimal
• Acute dacryoadenitis
Clinical types:
• Bacterial blepharitis
• Seborrheic / squamous blepharitis
• Mixed staphylococcal with seborrheic blepharitis
• Posterior blepharitis/ meibomitis
• Parasitic blepharitis
Bacterial blepharitis
• also known as Chronic anterior / staphylococcal / ulcerative blepharitis
• Chronic infection of anterior part of lid margin
• Occurs usually in childhood and continues throughout life
• Mostly coagulase +ve staphylococci
• Rarely streptococci, Moraxella, etc.
Clinical features:
Symptoms: Signs:
• Chronic irritation • Yellow crust at root cilia
• Itching • Small ulcers that bleed on crust removal
• Mild lacrimation • Red, thick margins with dilated blood vessels
• gluing of cilia • associated with Mild papillary conjunctivitis and
• Mild photophobia conjunctival hyperthermia
Complications & sequelae:
• Lash abnormalities
• Madarosis
• Trichiasis
• Poliosis
o Tylosis
o Eversion of punctum
o Eczema of skin and ectropion
o Recurrent styles
• Marginal keratitis
• Tear film instability
• Secondary inflammatory changes & mechanical changes in conjunctiva or cornea
• Lid hygiene – warm compresses, crust removal, avoid rubbing of eyes
• Antibiotics – ointment or drops – erythromycin or doxycycline in unresponsive
• Topical steroids - Fluorometholone
• Ocular lubricants – artificial tear drops
• Associated with seborrhea of scalp
• Zeis gland secretes excessive neutral lipid which are split by cornybacterium acne
into free fatty acid
Clinical features
Symptoms: Signs:
• Whitish scales in lid margin • Accumulation of white dandruff like
• Mild discomfort scales
• Irritation • Lash fall out easily
• Occasional Watering • Lid margin is thickened
• H/O falling eyelashes • Signs of bacterial blepharitis
• Similar to bacterial blepharitis
• Balanced diet
• Associated seborrhea should be treated
• Lukewarm solution of 3% sodium bicarbonate used to remove scales
• Antibiotics – similar to bacterial blepharitis
Chronic meibomitis:
• Chronic dysfunction of meibomitis gland. those especially with seborrhea dermatitis
• Bacterial lipase plays main role
Clinical features:
• Chronic irritation
• Itching
• Burning
• Grittiness
• Mild lacrimation
• White frothy secretion – meibomian seborrhea
• Thick secretion released from openings of meibomian gland – toothpaste appearance
• Vertical yellowish streaks through conjunctiva
• Hyperemia and telangiectasia
• Oily & foamy tear film
Acute meibomitis:
• Due to staphylococcal infection
• Painful swelling around the gland
• Pressure on it releases serosanguinous discharge
Treatment of meibomitis:
• Lid hygiene – warm compresses
• Topical antibiotics
• Systemic tetracyclines – doxycycline drug of choice. erythromycin can be used if
doxycycline is contradicted
• Ocular lubricants – artificial tear drops
• Topical steroids – fluorometholone
Clinical features:
Ingestion of lash with lice causes chronic blepharitis or chronic follicular conjunctivitis
Chronic irritation, itching, burning and mild lacrimation
• Lid margins are red and inflamed
• Life anchoring lashes may be seen on slit lamp examination
• Conjunctival congestion and follicles are seen.
• Nits (eggs) are seen as opalescent pearls
• Mechanical removal of lices and nits
• Application of antibiotic ointment and yellow mercuric oxide 1%
• Delousing of the patient, family members and accessories.
Acute suppurative infection of lash follicle and its associated Zeis or moll gland
Predisposing factor
• Age – more common in children and young adults
• Habitual rubbing of eyes
• Metabolic factors – excessive intake of carbohydrates and alcohol
Clinical features
• Acute pain with a swelling
• mild watering
• photophobia
• Stage of cellulitis – localized, red, firm, tender swelling associated with marked
• Stage of abscess formation – visible pus point on lid margin in relation to affected
• Hot compress 2-3 times a day
• Evacuation of pus
• Surgical incision
• Antibiotic eyedrops
• Systemic anti-inflammatory analgesics and systemic antibiotics
• also known as Tarsal or meibomian cyst.
• Chronic non- suppurative lipogranulous inflammation of meibomian glands
Predisposing factors – similar to hordeolum externum
Clinical features
Symptoms: Signs: Clinical course and complications:
➢ Painless swelling • Nodule is slightly • Complete spontaneous resolution
in eyelid noted • Slightly increase in size
➢ Mild heaviness • Projection of main bulk • Fungating mass of granulation
of the lid of the swelling tissue may be formed
➢ Blurred vision • Marginal chalazion • Secondary infection may occur
➢ Watering of eyes present as reddish grey • calcification
(epiphora) nodule. • Malignant change into meibomian
➢ Conservative treatment – hot fomentation, topical antibiotic eye drops and oral anti-
inflammatory drugs
➢ Intralesional infection of long acting steroids - triamcinolone
➢ Incision and curettage
Surface anesthesia given. incision is made, contents are curetted out. Carbolic acid
cautery with methylated spirits for neutralization. Patching of eye is done and post-
operative treatment to decrease the discomfort.
➢ Diathermy
➢ Oral tetracyclines – as prophylaxis in recurrent chalazia
Suppurative infection of meibomian gland associated with blockage of duct.
Predisposing factors:
Similar to external HORDEOLUM
Causative organism:
• Occur as primary staphylococcal infection.
• Secondary infection in chalazion
Clinical features:
• Acute pain
• Swelling
• Watering
• Photophobia
• Localized, firm, red, tenderness and oedema of eyelids.
• Internum and externum can be differentiated by the point of maximum tenderness
and swelling away from Lid margin and pus usually points on the tarsal conjunctiva
and not on root of cilia
• Similar to externum.
• Pus formation alone can be drained by vertical incision from tarsal conjunctiva
• Viral infections affecting children
• Usually caused by large pox virus.
Clinical features:
Typical lesion is
▪ Multiple
▪ Pale
▪ Waxy
▪ Umbilicated swelling around the skin of lid margin.
▪ Chronic follicular conjunctivitis
▪ Superficial keratitis
Skin lesion can be incised and interior cauterized with tincture of iodine or pure carbolic
• It refers to inward misdirection of cilia with normal position of the lid margin (which rub
against the eyeball)
The inward turning of lashes along lid margin (sun in entropion) is called pseudo trichiasis
• Cicatrizing trachoma
• Ulcerative blepharitis
• Healed membranous conjunctivitis
• Hordeolum externum
• Mechanical injuries
• Burns
• Operative scar on the lid margin
Clinical features:
Symptoms: Signs:
• Foreign body sensation • Misdirected cilia one or more touching the cornea
• Photophobia • Reflex blepharospasm and photophobia occur
• Irritation when cornea is abraded
• Pain • Conjunctiva may be congested
• Lacrimation • Signs of causative disease: trachoma, blepharitis
may be present
• Recurrent corneal abrasions
• Superficial corneal opacities
• Corneal vascularization
• Non healing corneal ulcer
• Mechanical removal with forceps
• It is temporary measures as recurrence occurs within 3-4 weeks
• Method of destroying the lash follicle by electric current
→ Infiltration anesthesia is given to the lid
→ A current of 2ma is passed for 10 secs through a fine needle inserted into the
lash root
→ The loosened cilia with destroyed follicles are then removed with epilation
• It is also an effective method
• after infiltration anaesthesia, cryoprobe (-200 C) is applied for 20 to 25 seconds to
external lid margin by double freeze thaw technique
• disadvantage – depigmentation of skin
Surgical correction:
When many cilia are misdirected operative treatment similar to cicatricial entropion should
be employed.
Congenital distichiasis:
• Rare anomaly in which an extra row of cilia occupies the position of meibomian
glands which open into their follicles as ordinary sebaceous glands.
• These cilia are usually directed backwards and if rubs the cornea, it should be
electroepilated or cryoepilated.
Acquired distichiasis:
• Metaplastic lashes
• Occurs due to metaplasia and differentiation
• The meibomian glands are transformed into hair follicles
• The most important cause is late stage of cicatrizing conjunctivitis associated with
chemical injury, stevens Johnson syndrome, ocular cicatricial pemphigoid.
• Partial or complete loss of eyelashes
Local causes: Systemic causes:
1. Chronic blepharitis 1. Alopecia
2. Cicatrizing conjunctivitis 2. Psoriasis
3. Complication of cryotherapy 3. Hypothyroidism
4. Radiotherapy or surgery 4. Leprosy
→ excessive growth of eyelashes
→ causes: congenital, familial, topical prostaglandin analogues, phenytoin, malnutrition,
hypothyroidism, porphyria, AIDS
→ greying of eyelashes and eyebrows
Ocular Systemic
→ Inward rolling and rotation of the lid margin toward globe.
Etiological types:
congenital entropion
▪ rare condition – since birth
▪ more common – upper eyelid
▪ lower eyelid congenital entropion
→ caused by improper development of the lower lid retractors.
▪ upper eyelid congenital entropion
→ usually secondary to mechanical effects of microphthalmos.
Cicatricial entropion
• common
• involves upper eyelid
• caused by cicatricial contraction of palpebral conjunctiva with or without associated
distortion of tarsal plate.
• common causes are:
1. trachoma
2. membranous conjunctivitis
3. chemical burns
4. pemphigus
5. stevens-Johnson syndrome
Senile entropion
• Affects only the lower lid in elder people.
Etiological factors:
• horizontal laxity – due to weakening of orbicularis muscle
• vertical lid instability – due to weakening of dehiscence of capsulopalpebral fascia
• overriding of pretarsal orbicularis
• laxity of orbital septum
Mechanical entropion
• occurs due to lack of support provided by globe to the lids.
• occurs in patients with:
1. phthisis bulbi
2. enophthalmos
3. after enucleation / evisceration operation
Clinical features:
Symptoms: occurs due to rubbing of cilia over cornea and conjunctiva similar to trichiasis
• Foreign body sensation
• Irritation
• Lacrimation
• Photophobia
Inturning of lid margins are found
▪ Depending upon degree of inturning it can be divided into three grades.
• Grade i entropion – posterior lid in rolled
• Grade ii entropion – inturning upto inter marginal strip
• Grade iii entropion – whole lid inturned
Signs of complication:
• recurrent corneal abrasions
• superficial corneal opacities
• corneal vascularization
• corneal ulceration
Congenital entropion.
• resolve with time without need of any intervention
• or may require excision of a strip of skin and muscle with plastic reconstruction of lid
Cicatricial entropion:
• alteration of direction of lashes or
• transplanting lashes or
• straightening the distorted tarsus
1. anterior lamellar resection
2. tarsal wedge resection
3. transposition of tarsoconjunctival wedge
4. posterior lamellar graft
Anterior lamellar resection:
• simplest operation
• to correct mild degree of entropion
• procedure: an elliptical strip of skin and orbicularis muscle is resected 3mm
away from the lid margin.
Tarsal wedge resection:
• It corrects moderate degree of entropion associated with strophic tarsus.
o In addition to elliptical resection of skin and muscle, a wedge of tarsal
plate is also removed
Senile entropion:
1. Transverse everting suture
2. Weis operation
3. Plication of lower lid retraction
4. Quickest procedure
Transverse everting suture:
• Temporary cure (upto 18 months)
• Indicated in very old patients
• Transverse suture – applied through full thickness of lids
• To prevent over riding of preseptal muscles
• Everting sutures tighten the lower lid retractors, similar to transverse
sutures except these passes at lower part of inferior fornix and emerge out
from skin near lash line.
Weis operation:
▪ Transverse lid split and everting sutures
▪ Indicated for long term cure in patients with little horizontal laxity.
• Incision (involving skin orbicularis & tarsal plate along whole length of
• Mattress sutures are then passed through the lower cut end of the tarsus
to emerge on skin 1mm below lid margin and are firmly tied
• The entropion is corrected by prevention of overriding of preseptal
muscle by horizontal scar tissue barrier
• Transferring of pull of eyelid retractors to upper border of tarsus by
everting sutures
Etiology types
Congenital ectropion:
• Very rare, may be seen in down’s syndrome & blepharophimosis syndrome.
• It may occur in both upper and lower lids and is due to congenital shortage of skin
Involutional entropion:
• Involves lower lids
• Commonest
• Occurs due to age related changes
1. Horizontal laxity of eyelid
2. Medial canthal tendon laxity
3. Lateral canthal tendon laxity
4. Disinsertion of lower lid retractors.
Cicatricial ectropion:
• It occurs due to scarring of skin scarring of skin and can involves both the lids
• Common causes of skin scarring
1. Thermal burns
2. Chemical burns
3. Lacerating injuries
4. Skin ulcers
Paralytic ectropion
• Due to paralysis of seventh nerve
• Occurs in lower lids
• Common causes of facial nerve palsy are
1. Bell’s palsy
2. Head injury
3. Infection
4. Infections of the middle ear
5. Operation of the middle ear
6. Operations on parotid gland
Mechanical ectropion
• Occurs in condition where either lower lid is pulled down (as in tumors)
• Pushed out and down (as in proptosis and marked chemosis of conjunctiva)
Clinical features:
• epiphora – main symptom
• Irritation
• Discomfort
• Mild photophobia
• Lid margin is out rolled
→ Grade I – only punctum is everted
→ Grade II – lid margin is everted and palpebral conjunctiva is visible
→ Grade III – the fornix is also visible
• Signs of etiological condition
Skin scars in cicatricial ectropion
Seventh nerve palsy in paralytic ectropion
• Involvement ectropion
1. Horizontal lid laxity – by positive snap test
2. Medial canthal tendon laxity – severe – inferior punctum moves till pupil
3. Lateral canthal tendon laxity – rounded appearance of lateral canthus 72mm.
• Dryness and thickening of conjunctiva and corneal ulceration
• Eczema and dermatitis of lower lid
Congenital ectropion:
• Mild – no treatment
• Moderate & severe – cicatricial ectropion with horizontal lid tightening full thickness
skin graft to vertically lengthen anterior lamella.
Involutional ectropion:
• Medial conjunctivoplasty:
o Used in mild case involving punctum area.
o Consists of excising spindle shaped piece of conjunctiva and subconjunctiva
tissue from below the punctal area.
• Horizontal lid shortening:
o Performed by full thickness pentagonal excision in patients with moderate
degree of ectropion.
• Byron smith’s modified kuhnt-szymanowski operation.
o Severe degree of ectropion, More marked in lateral lid
o base up pentagonal full excision of lateral third of eyelid + combined triangular
excision of skin from area just Lateral canthus to elevate the lid.
• Lateral tarsal strip technique.
For generalized ectropion with horizontal lid laxity
Paralytic ectropion:
Resolves spontaneously within 6 months when its due to bell’s palsy.
Temporary measures: Permanent measures
1. Topical lubricants 1. Horizontal lid tightening
2. Taping temporal side of eyelid 2. Palpebral sling operation
3. Suture tarsorrhaphy
Cicatricial ectropion:
Depending on degree
➢ V-y operation – mild ectropion
V shaped incision is given skin is sutured in Y shaped pattern.
➢ Z-Plasty (Elschnig’s operation) - mild to moderate ectropion
➢ Excision od scar tissue and full thickness skin grafting – in severe ectropion
Mechanical ectropion:
It is corrected by treating underlying mechanical force causing ectropion.
• Adhesion between palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva thus resulting in adhesion of
globe to eyelid
Etiology – results from healing of the kissing raw surfaces upon palpebral and bulbar
▪ Common causes
• Thermal heat
• Chemical injury
• Membranous conjunctivitis
• Injuries and conjunctival ulceration
• Ocular pemphigus
• Stevens Johnson syndrome
Types: -
• Anterior symblepharon- Adhesion only in anterior part
• Posterior symblepharon- Adhesion present upto the fornices
• Total symblepharon- Adhesion involving whole of the eyelid. Completely adherent
• Prophylaxis to prevent adhesion during the stage of raw surfaces - Glass rod is kept in
the fornix to prevent adhesion. Done several times a day. Therapeutic soft contact
• Curative – symblepharectomy –
• mobilizing the surrounding conjunctiva
• Conjunctival/buccal mucosa graft
• Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT).
• Adhesion between margins of upper and lower eyelid.
• Congenital
• Acquired – chemical burns, thermal burns, ulcers, trauma.
• Decreased extent of palpebral fissure
• Eyelid appears contracted at outer canthus
- Inability to close eyelids voluntarily
Etiology – Orbicularis oculi paralysis, Symblepharon, Severe ectropion, Proptosis, Coma.
- Physiological lagophthalmos – some people sleep with their eye open – nocturnal
C/F: - Incomplete closure of palpebral aperture leads to
1. Corneal and conjunctival xerosis
2. Exposure keratitis
Indications Indications
• Recovering VII cranial nerve palsy • VII nerve palsy (non-recovering)
• to assist healing of indolent corneal ulcer • Neuroparalytic keratitis with
severe corneal sensation loss.
• to assist healing of skin grafts in correct position.
Steps ▪ Performed at the lateral canthus
▪ Incision of about 5mm marked on corresponding to create permanent adhesions.
parts of upper and lower lid margins which are ▪ The eyelids are overlapped after
3mm from midline on either side. excising a triangular flap of skin
▪ 2mm deep incision is made on the marked grey and orbicularis from lower lid
line. and corresponding triangular
▪ marginal epithelium is excised. tarsoconjunctival flap from
▪ care is taken not to damage the ciliary line upper lid
anteriorly and sharp lid border posteriorly.
▪ the raw surfaces are Sutured with double armed
6-0 silk sutures passed through rubber bolster.
• Involuntary, sustained, forceful closure of eyelid.
1. Essential or spontaneous blepharospasm – Rare idiopathic, age 45-60
2. Reflex blepharospasm - Reflex sensory stimulation through branches of V
cranial nerve due to conditions such as
▪ Phlyctenular keratitis
▪ Interstitial keratitis
▪ Corneal foreign body
▪ Corneal ulcer and iridocyclitis
▪ Hysterical patients
▪ Dazzling light causing excessive stimulation of retina
C/F – Persistent epiphora, edema of eyelid, spastic entropion (elderly) and ectropion
(children and young adults), Blepharophimosis.
1. Essential blepharospasm – Botox (subcutaneously – relieves spasm), Facial denervation
in severe cases
2. Reflex blepharospasm – Treat causative disease and associated complications.
normal: the upper eyelid covers 1/6th of the cornea (about 2mm)
lid retraction: when the lid margin is either at or above the level of superior limbus
• Congenital: Down’s syndrome, Duane’s retraction syndrome
• Thyroid eye disease
• Mechanical causes: Surgical overcorrection of ptosis, Scarring of upper eyelid skin
• Neurogenic causes: Facial palsy, third nerve misdirection, Marcus Gunn-jaw winking
• Systemic causes: Uraemia
▪ Normally upper lid covers 2mm of cornea, when its more than 2mm it is referred to
as ptosis
Clinic-etiological types
▪ Congenital
▪ Acquired
Congenital ptosis
Acquired ptosis
Clinical evaluation
1. History
2. Examination
a. Exclude pseudoptosis
b. observe following points
i. Unilateral or bilateral ptosis
ii. Function of orbicularis oculi muscle
iii. Eyelid crease +/-
iv. Jaw- winking phenomenon +/-
v. Any associated weakness of extraocular muscle
vi. Bell’s phenomenon
c. Measurement of degree of ptosis
i. Mild – 2mm
ii. Moderate – 3mm
iii. Severe – 4mm
d. Margin reflex distance
e. Assessment of levator function
i. Normal – 15mm
ii. Good >= 8mm
iii. Fair – 5 – 7 mm
iv. Poor < = 4mm
f. Special investigations
i. Tensilon test
ii. Phenylephrine test
iii. Neurological investigations
g. Photographic record
Moderate ptosis
i. Good function = 16 – 17 mm
ii. Fair function = 18 – 22 mm
iii. Poor function = 23 – 24 mm
Severe ptosis = 23 – 24 mm
b. Techniques
i. Conjunctival approach
ii. Skin approach
tumors of eyelid
• Most common tumour
• Occurs in surface epithelium
• In 2 forms
- Squamous papilloma
- Basal cell papilloma
• Common tumour
• In 3 forms.
- Capillary haemangioma
- Naevus flammeus
- Cavernous haemangioma
-Intralesional steroid
-High dose oral steroid
-oral prednisolone
- Given for large tumours
• Non pigmented protrusions.
• TREATMENT - Complete Excision and biopsy.
Naevi are cutaneous lesions that arise from the arrested epidermal melanocytes.
Junctional Intradermal Compound
▪ Rare tumour of the lid arises from the melanocytes in the skin.
▪ Clinical features: Present in 3 forms
o Lentigo maligna type:
▪ Flat, pigmented, well defined lesion, later on becomes elevated and
invades the dermis
o Superficial spreading type:
▪ mildly elevated, Pigmented lesion with irregular margins.
o Nodular type:
▪ rapidly growing lesion which ulcerates and bleeds frequently.
Lacrimal gland
Blood supply
• Lacrimal artery branch of ophthalmic artery
Nerve supply
• Sensory – lacrimal nerve, branch of ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve
• Sympathetic – carotid plexus of cervical sympathetic chain
• Secretomotor fibres:
greater pterygo
salivary zygomatic lacrimal lacrimal
petrosal palatine
nucleus in nerve nerve gland
nerve ganglion
Lacrimal passages:
Lacrimal puncta: each punctum is situated in lacrimal papilla, tears drain in puncta
Lacrimal canaliculi: there are two canaliculi – superior and inferior, they together form a
common canaliculus which drain in lacrimal sac. Reflux of tears is prevented by valve of
Lacrimal sac: the lacrimal which lies in lacrimal fossa has 3 parts – fundus, body and neck.
The neck is continuous with nasolacrimal duct
Nasolacrimal duct: located in bony canal formed by maxilla and the inferior turbinate. It
drains into the inferior meatus in nose. In the lower end of the duct, there is a valve – valve
of Hasner. This valve prevents reflux from nose
Dry eye is a multifactorial disease of ocular surface characterised by loss of
homeostasis pf the tear film and accompanied by ocular symptoms in which tear film
instability and hyperosmolarity, ocular surface inflammation and damage and
neurosensory abnormalities play etiological roles
Etiological classification:
lacrimal deficiency
sjogren' syndrome
aqueous deficiency dry lacrimal gland
eye obstruction
non - sjogren's
dry eye
keratoconjunctivitis sicca
hypersecretory state
disease related to
meibomian gland
disorders of lid aperture
dry eye
disorders related to
ocular surface
Clinical features
• Irritation
• Foreign body sensation
• Feeling of dryness
• Itching
• Non-specific ocular discomfort
• Chronically sore eyes
Schirmer I test
→ It measures total tear secretions
>15 mm Normal
5 – 10 mm Mild keratoconjunctivitis sicca
<5 mm Severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca
A Severe
B Moderate
C Mild or early cases
LEVEL - 1 - mild dry eye
LEVEL - 2 - moderate dry eye
LEVEL - 3 - severe dry eye
LEVEL - 4 - very severe dry eye
watering eye
hyperlacrimation epiphora
physiological mechanical
cause obstruction
eversion of lower
Clinical evaluation
→ Regurgitation test
▪ A pressure with index finger is applied over the lacrimal sac.
▪ Reflex mucopurulent discharge indicates NLD blockage with chronic
→ Dacryocystography
▪ In patients with mechanical obstruction.
▪ To perform it a radiopaque material such as lipiodol, pantopaque, dianosil
or condray-280 is pushed in the sac with the help of a lacrimal cannula and
X-rays are taken after 5 minutes and 30 minutes to visualize the entire
→ Radionucleate dacryocystography
▪ A non-invasive technique to assess the functional efficiency of lacrimal
drainage apparatus.
Congenital dacryocystitis
Also known as Dacryocystitis neonatorum or infantile dacryocystitis.
• Definition:
It is the chronic inflammation of the lacrimal sac occurring in newborn infants
• Etiology:
Follows stasis of secretions in the lacrimal sac due to Congenital blockage in
the nasolacrimal duct (NLD)
Causes of stasis:
➢ Membranous occlusion at lower end, near the valve of Hasner –
commonest cause
➢ Presence of epithelial debris and membranous occlusion at its upper end
near lacrimal sac, complete non-canalisation and rarely bony occlusion.
➢ Bacteria commonly associated- Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and
Pneumococcus species.
• Clinical features:
➢ Epiphora after 7 days
➢ mucopurulent discharge from eyes.
➢ Regurgitation test +ve.
➢ Swelling on the sac area.
• Differential diagnosis
➢ Ophthalmia neonatorum
➢ Congenital glaucoma.
• Complications:
➢ Recurrent conjunctivitis
➢ Acute or chronic dacryocystitis
➢ Lacrimal abscess and fistulae formation
• Treatment:
➢ Massage over the lacrimal sac area (4 times a day) and topical antibiotics
for 6 to 9 months.
➢ Lacrimal syringing (irrigation) with normal saline and antibiotic solution.
(Started at the age of 3 months-once a week or once in 2 weeks)
➢ If not cured after 6 months – Probing of NLD with Bowman’s probe. (careful
probing should be done so that canaliculi are not damaged) In case of
failure, repeated after 3-4 weeks.
➢ Balloon catheter dilatation-Done when repeated probing is failed and
where obstruction is due to scarring or constriction.
➢ Intubation with silicone tube in NLD for six months if 4.and 5. Are a failure.
➢ If all the above are a failure, Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) can be done
after 4 yrs.
Adult dacryocystitis:
i. Chronic dacryocystitis
• More common
• Etiology:
• Complications:
➢ Chronic intractable conjunctivitis
➢ Acute or chronic dacryocystitis
➢ Entropion of lower lid
➢ Maceration
➢ Eczema of lower lid skin
➢ Corneal ulceration
➢ Endophthalmitis when intraocular surgery is done in the presence of
• Treatment:
➢ Conservative treatment – probing and lacrimal syringing
➢ Balloon catheter dilatation
➢ Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
➢ Dacryocystectomy (DCT)
➢ Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy (CDCR)
• Etiology:
➢ Acute exacerbation of chronic dacryocystitis.
➢ Acute peridacryocystitis
➢ Causative organisms- S. hemolyticus, Pneumococcus, Staph sp.
• Complications:
➢ Acute conjunctivitis
➢ Corneal abrasion
➢ Lid abscess
➢ Osteomyelitis of lacrimal bone
➢ Orbital cellulitis
➢ Cavernous sinus thrombosis
➢ Generalised septicaemia
3 types:
• Conventional external approach, DCR and
• Endonasal (surgical or laser) DCR
• Endocanalicular laser DCR.
In simple words: post flap of sac and post flap of nasal mucosa are sutured together and
anterior flap of sac and mucosa are sutured together, so that tears from the eye drains
directly into the nasal mucosa
• Inadequate size and position of • Cutaneous scarring
ostium • Haemorrhage
• Unrecognized common canalicular • Cellulitis
obstruction • CSF rhinorrhoea
• Scarring
• Sump syndrome
Endoscopic DCR
2. Identification of sac area A 20-gauge light pipe is inserted via the upper canaliculi
into the sac. With the help of endoscope, the sac area which is trans illuminated by
the light pipe is identified and a further injection of lignocaine with adrenaline is
made below the nasal mucosa in this area.
3. Creation of opening in the nasal mucosa, bones forming the lacrimal fossa and
posteromedial wall of sac can be accomplished by two techniques:
i. By cutting the tissues with appropriate instruments or
ii. By ablating with Holmium YAG laser (endoscopic
laser-assisted DCR).
Note. The size of opening is about 12 mm × 10 mm
4. Stenting of rhinostomy opening. The outflow system is then stinted using fine
silicone tubes passed via the superior and inferior canaliculi into the rhinostomy
and secured with a process of knotting. Nasal packing and dressing is done.
Advantages Disadvantages
No external scar Cutaneous scar
Relatively blood less surgery More blood loss
Less chance of injury to ethmoidal vessels Greater chance of damaging the
and cribriform plate surrounding structures
Less time consuming (15-30 mins) Time consuming (45-60 mins)
Time consuming (45-60 mins) Significant postoperative morbidity
Advantages Disadvantages
Less success rate (70-90%) More success rate (95%)
Requires more skilled ophthalmologists Easily performed
Expensive equipment Cheap
Requires reasonable access to middle Does not require familiarity with
meatus and familiarity with endoscopic endoscopic anatomy
In Dacryocystectomy, the 1st four steps are similar to external DCR, after that we have
→ Removal of lacrimal sac
→ Curettage of bony NLD
→ Closure
Inflammation of lacrimal gland
ETIOLOGY Primary infection or secondary → As sequel to acute form
to some local or systemic causes → In association with chronic
inflammation of conjunctiva
→ Due to systemic diseases
CLINICAL Painful swelling Painless swelling
FEATURES Red and swollen lid Proptosis, Diplopia
Proptosis A firm lobulated mobile mass is
Fistula as a complication present
TREATMENT Systemic antibiotics Treat the cause
Anti-inflammatory drugs
→ Cystic swelling
→ Caused due to blockage of lacrimal glands causing retention of lacrimal secretion
• Anatomy of Orbit
• Development anomalies of orbit
• Orbital mucormycosis
• Orbital infections
• Orbital cellulitis
• Cavernous sinus thrombosis
• Non infective orbital inflammation
• Orbital tumours
Anatomy of Orbit
Each orbit is a bony cavity containing an eye ball and extraocular appendages and muscles.
Bony orbit
• Quadrilateral pyramid shape
• Roof frontal and sphenoid
• Medial maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoid and sphenoid
• Lateral zygomatic, greater wing of sphenoid
• Base/inferior “roof of maxillary sinus” i.e Maxilla, Zygomatic, Palatine
Strongest wall lateral
Easily fractured floor and medial
Fracture of floor of orbit leads to maxillary sinusitis
Extraocular appendages
1. Eyelids
2. Conjunctiva
3. Lacrimal apparatus
4. Orbital fat
The orbit and its contents may be affected by a number of developmental abnormalities involving the
bones of the skull or face.
They are commonly hereditary (auto somal dominant)
Clinical features:
1. Pain
2. Proptosis
3. Necrotic areas with black eschar
1. Meningitis
2. Brain abscess
3. Death
1. Clinical
2. Biopsy ( finding nonseptate broad branching
hyphae) Treatment:
1. Correction of underlying disease (eg: diabetic ketoacidosis)
2. Surgical excision
3. IV Amphotericin B
4. Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen
5. Exenteration
Orbital infection
• Tberculosis
• Syphilis
• Actenomyosis
• Mycotic infections eg. Mucormycosis
• Parasitic infections
• Preseptal cellultis
Preseptal (or post septal) cellulitis refers to infection of the subcutaneous tissues anterior to
the orbital disease but is included here under because the facial veins are valves and
preseptal cellulitis .
• Causative organism : one usually staphylococcus aureus (or) streptococcus pyogenes and
occasionally haemophilly synthesis .
1. Enogenous infection may result following skin laceration insert and eyelid penetration .
2. Endotropin from local infections such as from an weak bordelum (or) areolar dacrocytosis .
3. Endogenous infection may occur by haematogenous spread drown remote infection or the
middle our (or) upper respiratory tract .
Preseptal cellulitis presits as inflammatory ostoma of the eyelids and periorbital star with no
movement of the orbit .
Severe cases need hospitalization for infrastructure ceffticome 1-2 g/day in distilled doses .
2.systemic analgesic and anti-inflammatory dress help in radius pain and swelling .
4.surgical operation and debidecent is requires on the preforms or thickest mass (or) citra the
foreign bodies is suspected .
• Exogenous – trachoma
• Contiguous – from adjacent structre
• Endogenous – blood spread
• Lid edema
• Chemosis of conjunctiva
• Axial proptosis
• Restriction of ocular movement
• Fundus : congestion of veins and disc edema
Occular complications :
Orbital abscess :
• Bacterial culture
• Complete haemmogram
• Xray pns
• Orbital ultrasonography
• CT scan and MRI scan
d.surgical intervension:
CAVERNOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS , refers to infected blood clot . it is described along with
infection of the orbit on it alos manifest an acute inflammatory type of proptosis.
Cavernous sinus is formed between the meningeal layer and industrial layer of duramater
The contents of cavernous sinus includes the 3rd cranial nerve , 4th cranial nerve ,
ophthalmus divisions and maxillary division of trigeminal nerve and 8th cranial nerve and
internal carotid artery
Septic thrombosis of the cavernous sinus is a disasterous regular , resulting from spread of
sepsis travelling along its tributaries from the infected sinuses , teeth , ears , nose and skin to
the face .
Very rarely cavernous sinus thrombosis may also occur after trauma .
Communications of cavernous sinuses and sources of infection anterior :
Anteriorly cavernous sinus is bounded by supraorbital fissure … so the superior and the
inferior ophthalmic veins drain into the sinuses and orbits
There fore , infection to cavernous sinuses may spread from infected facial wounds ,
erysipelas , squeezing of stye , furancles orbital cellulitis and sinusitis
The posterior border of cavernous sinus includes the petrays part of the temporal bone . the
superior and inferior petrosal sinuses leave to join the lateral sinus . labyrinth veins opening
into the inferior petrosal sinuses bring infection from the mastoid air sinuses
The cavernous sinus communicates with the veins of cerebrum and may be infected from
meningitis and cerebral abscesses
The two cavernous sinuses are connected to each other by transverse sinuses which
transfers infection from one side to the other .
• Diabetes
• Cancer
• Trauma
6.damage to 3rd 4th 6th cranial nerve . the 3rd cranial nerve is involved in medial movement of the eye
ball and 6th cranial nerve involved in lateral movement of the eye ball and 4th cranial nerve supplying
the superior oblique muscle resulting in unable to move the eye ball inderiorly.
1. CT scan head and orbit may show involvement of cavernous sinuses and proptosis.
2. Mangentic resonance venography (angiography) in the investigation of choice which shows
an absence of flow void in thrombosed sinuses
3. Blood culture is recommended for sepsis.
At any stage hyperpyrexia and signs of meningitis , pulmonary infarction may precude death
1. Antibiotics are the sheet anchor of treatment massive doses of modern potent broad
spectrum antibiotics should be injected intravenously
2. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs control pain and fever
3. Anticoagulants role is controversial .
➢ IOID – Can occur throughout the orbit from lacrimal gland to orbital apex.
➢ Common Features:
➢ Diagnosis:
o USG and CT – diffuse infiltrative lesion with irregular ill-defined margins and
variable density
(CT image of IOID)
o MRI:
(T2 MRI)
➢ Treatment:
o Systemic Steroids (only after diagnostic biopsy)
o Radiotherapy
o Cytotoxic drugs
o TNF inhibitors.
➢ Involves – superior orbital fissure &/or orbital apex &/or cavernous sinus
➢ Clinical features:
o Manifestation – Painful ophthalmoplegia.
o Presentation
▪ Superior orbital fissure syndrome.
▪ Orbital apex syndrome.
● ptergium
● Chorodial hemangiomas
● Orbital pseudotumors
● Thyroid associates orbitopathy.
1)Developmental tumours
Deep dermoid-present in adolescence with proptosis or a mass lesions having indistinct posterior
Epidermoid: composed of epidermis without any epidermal appendages in the wall of the cyst.
Does not require any surgical intervention unless they enlarge significantly.
Treatment- exoneration is usually performed for solid tumours to effect a permanent cure.
2)Vascular tumours:
These can be
● Haemangiomas
● Lymphangiomas
Capillary haemangiomas- seen at birth or during the first month.
Indication for treatment are:optic nerve compression exposure keratitis ocular dysfunction or
cosmetic blemish.
Modes of therapy:
Often enlarge because of spontaneous bleed within the vascular spaces leading to formation of
chocolate cysts which may regress spontaneously.
● Embryonal sarcoma
● Alveolar sarcoma
● Pleomorphic sarcoma.
Clinical feature: present with rapidly progressive proptosis of sudden onset in a child of 7-8 yrs
Confirmed by biopsy.
● Surgical excision
● Chemotherapy regime
● Radiation therapy
● Exenteration.
● Surgical excision
● Radiotherapy
Two types
● Primary
● Secondary
Primary :also known as optic nerve sheath meningiomas.
Atypical lymphoid hyperplasia (ALH) is an intermediate between BRLH and malignant lymphoma.
1. Carcinoma from lungs ( most common in male ) breast ( more common in female)prostate
thyroid and rectum.
2. Malignant melanoma from skin.
• Mechanical injuries
• Intra ocular foreign
• Sympathetic
• Extra global injuries
• Optic nerve injuries
• Orbit injuries
• Direct blow to the eyeball example - fist , tennis or other ball , blunt instrument like stick or big stone.
• Accidental blunt trauma to eyeball example – roadside accident , automobile accident , injury by agricultural and
industrial instruments etc,.
Globe rupture
Type of globe rupture
1. DIRECT RUPTURE – may occur , though rarely , at the site of injury
2. INDIRECT RUPTURE - is more common
- occurs because of the compression force
- result in momentary increase in IOP
- result in an inside-out injury at the weakest part of eye wall
Clinical feature
Rupture of the globe may be associated with
• Prolapse of uveal tissue, vitreous loss, introcular hemorrhage & dislocation of the lens.
• IOP may be raised initially , but ultimately it is decreased.
• Accompanying signs include irregular pupil, hyphema, commotio retinae, choroidal rupture & retinal tears.
• Repair of tear in the eye wall should be done meticulously under general anesthesia to save the eyeball whenever
• Postoperative treatment should include antibiotics, steroids and atropine.
• Enucleation may be required in a badly damaged eye where salvation is not possible.
Global laceration
Full thickness wound of eye wall caused by sharp object.
It include
• Penetrating injury
• Perforating injury
• Intraocular foreign bodies
Modes of injury
a) Trauma by sharp and pointed instrument like needle,knives,nails,arrow,screw-driver,pens,pencil,compass,glass pieces etc,.
b) Trauma by foreign bodies travelling at very high speed such as bullet injury and iron foreign bodies in lathe worker
Mechanism of damage
a) Mechanical effect of the trauma or physical changes.
b) Introduction of infection
c) Post traumatic iridocyclitis
Intraocular foreign bodies Penetrating injuries with foreign bodies are not infrequent. Seriousness of such injuries is
compounded by the retention of intraocular foreign bodies (IOFB).
• Common foreign bodies responsible for such injuries include: chips of iron and steel (90%), particles of glass, stone,
lead pellets, copper percussion caps, aluminium, plastic and wood.
For ex :
While chopping a stone with an iron chisel, it is commonly a chip of the chisel and not of the stone which enters the eye.
Mechanical effects :
Common sites for retention of an intraocular foreign body
1. anterior chamber
2. iris
3. lens
4. vitreous
5. retina
6. choroid
7. sclera
8. orbital cavity
Mechanical effects depend upon the size, velocity and type of the foreign body.
Foreign bodies greater than 2 mm in size cause extensive damage.
The lesions caused also depend upon the route of entry and the site up to which a foreign body has travelled.
Mechanism of chalcosis:
- Copper ions from the alloy are dissociated electrolytically and deposited under the membranous
structures of the eye.
- Unlike iron ions these do not enter into a chemical combination with the proteins of the cells and thus
produce no degenerative changes.
The signs which may give some indication about IOFB are,
- subconjunctival hemorrhage, corneal scar, holes in the iris, and opaque track through the lens. With
clear media, sometimes IOFB may be seen on ophthalmoscopy in the vitreous or on the retina. IOFB
lodged in the angle of anterior chamber may be by gonioscopy.
3) Plain X-rays orbit - Anteroposterior and lateral views are still being recommended for the location of IOFB, as
most foreign bodies are radio opaque. However, many workers feel there is no use of plain film radiology (PFR), as
CT images are required for suspected IOFB, even if PFR is negative.
4) Localization of IOFB - Once IOFB is suspected clinically and later confirmed, on fundus examination and/or X-rays,
its exact localization is mandatory to plan the proper removal.
Foreign body in the vitreous and the retina is removed by the posterior route as follows:
i. Magnetic removal- This technique is used to remove a magnetic foreign body that can be well localized and removed
safely with a powerful magnet without causing much damage to the intraocular structures.
ii. An intravitreal foreign body is preferably removed through a pars plana sclerotomy (5 mm from the limbus).
iii. A preplaced suture is passed and lips of the wound are retracted. A nick is given in the underlying pars plana part of the
ciliary body. And the foreign body is removed with the help of a powerful hand-held electromagnet. Preplaced suture is
tied to close the scleral wound. Conjunctiva is stitched with one or two interrupted sutures.
iv. For an intraretinal foreign body, the site of incision should be as close to the foreign body as possible. A trapdoor scleral
flap is created, the choroidal bed is treated with diathermy, choroid is incised and foreign body is removed with either
forceps or external magnet. Ii. Forceps removal with pars plana vitrectomy
v. This technique is used to remove all non-magnetic foreign bodies and those magnetic foreign bodies that cannot be
safely removed with a magnet. In this technique, the foreign body is removed with vitreous forceps after performing
three-pore pars plana vitrectomy under direct visualization using an operating microscope
Sympathetic Ophthalmitis
- Sympathetic ophthalmitis is a serious bilateral granulomatous panuveitis which follows a penetrating ocular trauma.
The injured eye is called exciting eye and the fellow eye which also develops uveitis is called sympathizing eye. Very
rarely, sympathetic ophthalmitis can also occur following an intraocular surgery
- incidence Incidence of sympathetic ophthalmitis has markedly decreased in the recent years due to meticulous repair
of the injured eye utilizing microsurgical techniques and use of the potent steroids.
- Etiology of sympathetic ophthalmitis is still not known exactly
- However, the facts related with its occurrence are as follows:
Predisposing factors
a. It almost always follows a penetrating injury.
b. Wounds in the ciliary region (the so-called dangerous zone) are more prone to it.
c. Wounds with incarceration of the iris, ciliary body or lens capsule are more vulnerable.
d. It is more common in children than in adults.
e. It does not occur when actual suppuration develops in the injured eye.
Most accepted one is allergic theory, which postulates that the uveal pigment acts as an allergen and excites plastic uveitis
in the sound eye. Pathology It is characteristic of granulomatous uveitis, i.e., there is:
- Nodular aggregation of lymphocytes, plasma cells, epitheloid cells and giant cells scattered throughout the uveal
- Dalen-Fuchs’ nodules are formed due to proliferation of the pigment epithelium (of the iris, ciliary body and
choroid) associated with invasion by the lymphocytes and epitheloid cells.
- Sympathetic perivasculitis. Retina shows perivascular cellular infiltration.
Clinical features
Exciting (injured) eye.
- It shows clinical features of persistent low grade plastic uveitis, which include ciliary congestion, lacrimation and
tenderness. Keratic precipitates may be present at the back of cornea (dangerous sign).
- Sympathizing (sound) eye. It is usually involved after 4–8 weeks of injury in the other eye. Earliest reported case is
after 9 days of injury.
- Most of the cases occur within the first year. However, delayed and very late cases are also reported.
- Sympathetic ophthalmitis, almost always, manifests as acute plastic iridocyclitis. Rarely it may manifest as
neuroretinitis or choroiditis. Clinical feature of the iridocyclitis in sympathizing eye can be divided into two stages:
Prodromal stage
- Sensitivity to light (photophobia) and transient indistinctness of near objects (due to weakening of
accommodation) are the earliest symptoms.
- Signs
• In this stage, the first sign may be presence of retrolental flare and cells or the presence of a few keratic
precipitates (KPs) on back of cornea.
• Other signs includes mild ciliary congestion, slight tenderness of the globe, fine vitreous haze and disc
oedema which is seen occasionally.
Fully-developed stage
- It is clinically by typical signs and symptoms consistent with acute plastic iridocyclitis
a. Prophylaxis
i. Early excision of the injured eye. It is the best prophylaxis when there is no chance of saving useful vision.
ii. When there is hope of saving useful vision, following steps should be taken:
- A meticulous repair of the wound using microsurgical technique should be carried out, taking great care that uveal
tissue is not incarcerated in the wound
- Immediate expectant treatment with topical as well as systemic steroids and antibiotics along with topical atropine
should be started.
- When the uveitis is not controlled after 2 weeks of expectant treatment, i.e., lacrimation, photophobia and ciliary
congestion persist and if KPs appear, this injured eye should be excised immediately
II. Conservative treatment of sympathetic ophthalmitis on the lines of iridocyclitis should be started immediately, as follows:
1. Corticosteroids should be administered by all routes, i.e., systemic, periocular injections and frequent instillation of
topical drops.
2. Immunosuppressant drugs should be started in severe cases, without delay.
3. Atropine should be instilled three times a day in all cases.
Note : The treatment should be continued for a long time.
• If sympathetic ophthalmitis is diagnosed early (during prodromal stage) and immediate treatment with
steroids is started, a useful vision may be obtained. However, in advanced cases, prognosis is very poor,
even after the best treatment.
Extraocular lesions caused by blunt trauma are as follows:
• Chemosis and lacerating wounds of conjunctiva (tears) are also not uncommon.
- Ecchymosis of eyelids is of frequent occurrence. Because of loose subcutaneous tissue, blood collects easily into the
lids and produces ‘black-eye.’
- Ecchymosis of the eyelids may characteristically appear as bilateral ring hematomas (panda eye) in patients with basal
skull fracture.
- Laceration and avulsion of the lids.
- Traumatic ptosis may follow damage to the levator muscle.
Orbital injury
• There may occur fractures of the orbital walls; commonest being the ‘blow-out fracture’ of the orbital floor
• Orbital hemorrhage may produce sudden proptosis.
• Orbital emphysema may occur following ethmoidal sinus rupture