D20 Modern - Sniper Rifles in D20 Modern
D20 Modern - Sniper Rifles in D20 Modern
D20 Modern - Sniper Rifles in D20 Modern
Sniper Rifles
Sniper Rifles
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Open Game Content from Mercenaries Armoury - Sniper Rifles copyright 2003, Lunar Eclipse Games
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What follows is a selection of some of the world’s current sniper rifles in use by various military and law
enforcement agencies. As some of these weapons are only in use with their nations military getting complete
data turned out to be near impossible, so please forgive what seems like some thin on the ground coverage
- its all that’s available.
The following is the information that may be provided with each weapon:
Telescopic Scopes
The d20 Modern rules states ‘A standard scope increases the range increment for a ranged weapon by one
half (multiply by 1.5). However, to use a scope a character must spend an attack action acquiring his or
her target. If the character changes targets or otherwise lose sight of the target, he or she must reacquire
the target to gain the benefit of the scope.’
Although this gives a beniefit to using a scope it doesn’t give a sense of real use or the wide variety of
scopes that are available. Scopes vary in quality and cost. The following table provides equipment bonuses
on attack rolls based on their quality.
Scope Equipment Bonus Purchase DC
x3 +2 14
x6 +3 15
x8 +4 16
x10 +5 17
x12 +6 18
A multi-range scope takes the equipment bonus of its maximum magnification, and the purchase DC is
increased by 1.
The use of a scope requires concentration to aim, and also restricts the view of the user. Taking this into
account the following rules apply:
• When using a scope, Spot checks are made with a -10 penalty when attempting to detect opponents
within 30 feet.
• When using a scope, a hero gains the benefits of Dead Aim and Far Shot.
Dragunov SVD (USSR/Russia)
The SVD is a lightweight and reasonably accurate rifle capable of semi-automatic fire. It is extremely
reliable in all conditions and designed for heavy battle conditions. This is where the SVD is interesting;
it was designed not as a true sniper rifle but to extend the range of Russian infantry squads. The original
rifle came with a wooden stock, but the latest is fitted with a rugged polymer stock. There is an airborne
version that is fitted with a folding stock and a shortened barrel. The most distinguishing feature of the
SVD are the open buttstock, which has a cheek pad for ease in sighting, and telescopic sight mounter
over the receiver.
Dragunov SVD 7.62mmR 2d8 20 Ballistic 100 S 10 box Large 10 lb. 20 Lic (+1)
d20 Modern Rules: Due to the high quality of manufacture, the SVD is considered a mastercraft +1
weapon. When using the scope, a +2 equipment bonus to attack roles is provided.
Stoner SR-25 (USA)
Built in 1992, this rifle exhibits characteristics of the AR-10 and M16, and is actually constructed using 60%
M16 parts. Unlike them, however, it is a designed from the bottom up sniper rifle. It is semi-automatic, and
very accurate, but requires a lot of field maintenance. The SR-25 has been adopted by the U.S. Navy SEALs
and some Israeli Defence Force (IDF) Special Forces Units. It has a two-stage trigger, and is fitted with a
Harris bipod, and can be fitted with a light-weight military suppressor. The Navy SEALs use a Leupold VX3
3.5-10x40 M3 Tactical scope, with a 3/4 Mil-Dot reticle. The IDF issue it with either a Leopold X10 day
optic or a Litton Aquila X6 Night Vision Device (NVD).
Stoner SR-25 7.62mm 2d10 20 Ballistic 90 S 20 box Large 11 lb. 22 Res (+2)
d20 Modern Rules: Due to the high quality of manufacture, the SR-25 is considered a mastercraft +1